: l1 Short Communication ,, i G-tncOrpOra' P. Pavonel P. G. smilari2 R. Trifiletti3 E. par an^',^-* ' Late Primary Unilateral Thalamic Hemorrhage in Infancy: Report of Two Cases Division of Pediatric Neurology, University of Catania. ltaly Pediatric Clinic. University of Catania, Italy Department of Neurology and Neuroscience. Cornell University, New York, USA IBFSNC. CNR. Catania, Italy Abstract Introduction hemorrhage can occur In seemingly well infants outside the neonatal period. . Key words: Thalamus - Hemorrhage - Infant - Seizures erythrocyte sedimentation rate were normal, suggesting absence of a local or severe generalized infection. Echocardiography. electrocardiography and abdominal ultrasound were all normal. Thalamic hemorrhage is usually observed in premature infants (3,9)or in term newborns (5) after a severe pathological neonatal event (8). Less commonly, thalamic hemorrhage has been reported in full-term infants who were born by norrnal The child was initially critically ill. and developed signs of indelivery (7) and initially appeared well; these infants then de- creased intracranial pressure. Clinical status improved with velop abnormal neurological signs during the first or second ventricular drainage. He was discharged home after three week of life. This condition is usually unilateral (2) and is a l ~ weeks following ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. Phemost always associated with intraventricular hemorrhage (6). nobarbital was started prophylacticaIly and no seizures were initially observed. We now report on two patients who manifested acute neurological symptoms at two months of age and who were found to The patient was then seen at the Division of Pediatric Neurolohave unilateral thalamic hemorrhage with intraventricular in- gy at the University of Catania, Italy, at three months of age. volvement. Both of these children later developed seizures. Physical examination showed a weight and height at the 50th percentile, with head circumference 45.5 cm (75 percentile). The head was asymmetric being flattened along the right occiput. Lateral gaze palsy was present bilaterally and head control Case Reports was poor. Deep tendon reflexes were symmetrically increased in all extremities. Startle reflex in response to either auditory Case I or somatosensory stimuli was markedly increased. Episodes The patient was born at term (38 weeks) to unrelated healthy of opisthotonus were observed during periods of agitation. parents. The mother had two previous miscarriages. Birth Routine electroencephalogram (EEG)was markedly asymmetweight was 3.45 kg. height 50 cm and head circumference ric with spike waves on left side, 'while the right side showed 3 5 cm, all parameters being near the 50th percentile for age. near-normal activity. Ophthalmological examination again The child appeared well until the age of two months. While showed no evidence of retinal hemorrhage or other abnormalbeing breastfed, the child suddenly developed hypertonia fol- ities. Brainstem and visual evoked responses were normal. lowed by right head deviation and right gaze preference, then by stupor which progressed to coma within a few hours' time. At the age of 5 months, a repeat MRI showed signs of previous Non-contrast head (Tscan on admission showed massive left hemorrhage in the left tbalamic region and marked ventriculomegaly (Fig. 1C). At the age of 6.5 months, the patient was notthalamic hemorrhage with intraventricular extension and modest hydrocephalus (Fig.I A). MRI on admission indicated ed to have episodes of flexion and rotation of the head and a thalamic origin of the bleed (Fig.1 B). MRl-angiography failed flexion of arms many times a day followed by cry. EEG showed to disclose an underlying vascular malformation (Fig.1 D) modified hypsarrythmia with right side being slightly more afOphthalmological examination showed no evidence of retinal fected than left, and a diagnosis of infantile spasms was made. hemorrhage. Extensive evaluation of coagulation status, in- Gamma-vinyl gamma-aminobutyric acid (Vigabatrin) was cluding prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, fibri- added and resulted in complete cessation of spasms in a few nogen. protein C, protein S and factor V Leiden, revealed no ab- days. normalities. Blood cultures were sterile. white cell count and When last examined. the patient was 12 months old. Weight and height continued on the 50th percentile, and head circumReceived: January 11.1999: revised, accepted: May 12.1999 ference on the 75th percentile. The child showed progressive acquisition of motor and language milestones, but was still deNeuropediatrics 30 (1999) 264- 267 layed in all fields of development-The clinical course showed 0 Hippohates Verlag Stungart Downloaded by: Universite Laval. Copyrighted material. We report on two infants with primary unilateral thalarnic hemorrhage which occurred a t two months of age. Both infants were normal prior to the onset of hemorrhage. Both children presented with seizures and subsequently developed epilepsy. These cases suggest that primary unilateral thalamic Thalomic Hemorrhage in Infancy Neuropediatrics 30 (1999) Fig. I A-E Case 1. A Non-contrast ference 34 cm. The first two months of life were uneventful. At two months, the patient suddenly developed generalized hypotonia. pallor and tonic clonic seizures upon awakening from sleep. A 0 scan, performed on admission, showed left thalamic hemorrhage (Fig.2 A). Extensive evaluation of coagulation status. including prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, fibrinogen, protein C and protein S, revealed no abnormalities. Blood cultures were sterile, white cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were normal, suggesting absence of a local or severe generalized infection. Echocardiography and electrocardiography were normal. progressive improvement. He was able to sit unsupported and showed good head control. He could grasp the objects and could perfom bimanual transfer. Mild paralytic strabismus was present on right side. He had just begun to say.his first words. Follow-up MRI showed marked resolution of ventricular dilatation and signs of old left thalamic hemorrhage (Fig.1E). Case 2 The child was the second born at term from unrelated parents. Her birth weight was 3.65 kg, height 49 cm and head circum- Initial EEG showed generalized high-voltage slow waves. After a few days, a gradual improvement was noticed, and one month after the patient was discharged on phenobarbital. Unlike. Case 1, progressive hydrocephalus did not develop. Head MRI four months later (patient's age 6 months) displayed significant resolution of the thalamic hemorrhage (Fig. 2 B). The patient remained seizure-freeon phenobarbital until age4 years when, during a febrile episode, she had a long generalized convulsion. When last examined at age 6 years, she was attending regular school. She had no convulsions, no mental retardation or language disturbances. Formal IQtesting was Downloaded by: Universite Laval. Copyrighted material. I3 head CTscan on admission (patient's age 2 months): showing massive hemorrhage on left side. B Brain MRI on admission (patient's age 2 months) showing thalamic origin of hemorrhage. C Brain MRI three months later (patient's age 5 months): signs of previous hemorrhaqe in left thala- Neuropediotrics 30 (1999) G.Incorpora eta/. ported in the context of significant hypoxic-ischemic injury. where it may be unilateral (2) or bilateral (8). Fig.2A-C Case 2. A Non-contrast head CTscan on admission (patient's age 2 months) showing ventricular hemorrhage and left thalamic hemorrhage. B Brain MRI four months later (patient's age 6 months): signs of previous hemorrhage with resolution of thalamic hemorrhage. C MRl angiography performed at age 6 years: no signs of underlying vascular malformation. There have been prior reports of infants as old as 3 months with intraventricular hemorrhage developing spontaneously or in the context of re-existinn brain iniury (5).although it is unclear if there wasAathalamicsource olf hemorrhage in these cases. We view these cases as a late-onset variant of the "new clinical entity" of primary thalamic hemorrhage proposed by Trounce et al. (7), and we suggest that primary thalamic hemorrhage may have a wider age spectrum than previously believed. As Trounce et al. also observed (7) ventriculornegaly is common, but not invariable in this condition. As our Case 1 illustrates, short-term morbidity and mortality may be closely related to increased intracrania1 pressure, and prompt ventricular drainage may result in a reasonably good neurodevelopmental outcome, as others have found (2.7). The long-term outcome of children with primary thalamic hemorrhage is unknown. Both of our patients eventually developed seizures. In our Case 1, infantile spasms were diagnosed at 6.5 months of age. Intraventricular hemorrhage is one of the many forms of brain injury that have been previously reported to be associated with infantile spasms (1). Infantile spasms were easily controlled with Viabatrin, but it is unclear if epileptic encephalopathy plays some role in the moderate developmental delay evident in this patient. In contrast, in our Case 2, signs of increased intracranial pressure did not dominate the early clinical picture and seizures, once controlled, did not recur until age four. This patient now has an EEG with interictal spike and slow-wave abnormalities during slow wave sleep (4):neither pattern has previously reported in patients with primary thalamic hemorrhage. In summary, our cases illustrate that primary unilateral thalami~ hemorrhage can occur in apparently well infants outside the neonatal period, and may be associated with seizures several months to years after the bleed. in the normal range. The awake EEC showed occasional spike wave of 2 - 2.5 Hz: EEC during sleep showed a pattern of continous spike waves during slow sleep. MRI-angiography excluded an underlying vascular malformation (Fig.2C). Discussion Within the pediatric population, thalamic hemorrhage has been most frequently reported in the neonatal period, with most reported cases occurring in infants under two weeks of age (2.7,8).In several cases, thalamic hemorrhage has been re- References Adams C. Hochhauser L. Logan WJ. Primary thalamic and caudate hemorrhage in term neonates presenting with seizures. Pediatr Neurol1988; 4: 175 - 177 De Vries LS, Smet M, Goemans N, Wilms G,Devlieger H, Casaer P. Unilateral thalamic haemorrhage in the pre-term and full-term newborn. Neuropediatrics 1992; 23: 153-156 Donat JF, Okazaki H, Kleinberg F. Reagan TJ. lntraventricular hemorrhages in full-term and premature infants. Mayo Clin Proc1978; 53: 437 -441 Jayakac PB, Seshia SS. Electrical status epilepticus during slowwave sleep: a review. j Clin Neurophysiol1991; 8: 299-311 Downloaded by: Universite Laval. Copyrighted material. There have also been reports of apparently healthy children presenting with thalamic hemorrhage under the age of two weeks (7). The two patients reported here were apparently well until two months of age, and were not ill up until the day of presentation. Extensive evaluation failed to reveal evidence of coagulopathy and/or local or severe generalized infections. MRI-angiography in both patients (Figs. 1D and 2C) failed to provide evidence of an underlying vascular malformation. Thus, we believe that these patients have had spontaneous late-onset primary thalamic hemorrhage. Tholamic Hemorrhage in lnfoncy Neuropediotrics 30 (7999) Mitchell W, OqTuama L Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhages in infants: a widening age spectrum. Pediatrics 1980: 65: 35-39 Roland EH, Flodrnark 0,Hill A. Thalamic hemorrhage with intraventricular hemorrhage in the full-term newborn. Pediatrics 1990: 85: 737 - 742 Trounce JQDodd KL, Fawer CL, Fielder AR. Punt J, Levene MI. Primary thalarnic haemorrhage in the newborn: a new clinical entity. Lancet 1985; 1: 190-192 Voit T,Lemburg P. Neuen E,Lumenta C. Stork W. Damage of thalamus and basal ganglia in asphyxiated full-term neonates. Neuropediatrics 1987; 18: 176- 181 VolpeJJ. Neurology of the newborn. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders. 1995 Dr. Enrico Pamno Downloaded by: Universite Laval. Copyrighted material. Divisione di Neurologia Pediatrica Clinica Pediatrica, Universiti di Catania Viale Andrea Doria 6 1-95125 Catania Italy