Original Paper European Neurology Received: January 20. 1999 Accepted: August 5,1999 Eur Neurol 2000,43:47-49 Acute Brainstem Symptoms Associated with Cervical Syringomyelia Saskia H. Meves Thomas Postert Horst Przuntek Thomas BiJttner Department of Neurology, St. Josef Hospital, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany Key Words Syringomyelia • Brainstem symptoms Pathomechanism Abstract Syringomyelia classically presents with slowly progressing dissociated sensory and upper and lower motor deficits. Atypical and acute manifestations have rarely been described. We report here on 3 patients with syringomyelia, who had acute and atypical brainstem symptoms with regard to the underlying disease. These symptoms occurred after acute elevation of the intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, respectively, and remitted subsequently. Vertebrobasiiar ischemia was initially suspected. Copyright® 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel Introduction Syringomyelia. an abnormal cyst formation of the spinal cord, has hitherto been clinically defined as a chronic progressive neurological disorder with typical motor and sensory dysfunctions. During the last few years, attention has been tbcussed on patients without these former characteristic features of syringomyelia. By means of MRI and KAKGEK Fax+41 61 .106 12.14 E-Mail karger[a>kargLT. ch www. karger.com © 2000 S, Karger AG. Basel 0014-3022/00/04.11-0047S 17,50/0 Accessible online at: wvvw.karger.eom/joumals/ene CT, syringomyelia can be detected in earlier stages of the disease, in patients with only small cyst formations and in patients with mild or atypical symptoms [I]. Recent reports also document acute and atypical presentations of syringomyelia [2-5]. We report on 3 patients with acute brainstem symptoms which were attributable to a syringomyelia. These manifestations were acutely caused or aggravated by the same pathogenetic mechanism and were partially even reproduced by another additional exposure to this specific mechanism. Case Reports Patienl 1 A 73-year-old man came as an emergency patient because of sudden onset of rotatory vertigo, nystagmus with a rotatory component, dysarthria and dysphagia. which lasted 4 h. After an initial rapid remission of these symptoms, he experienced a second episode 24 h later, which also resolved in the same time period. These symptoms occurred initially after a severe cough attack. He had been suffering from cervical syringomyelia for more than 30 years with typical chronic progressive sensory and motor dysfunction. Cervical MRI revealed a syrinx formation beginning at the level of the foramen magnum and reaching downwards to Th2. MRI of the brain revealed multiple small periventricuiar ischemic lesions of the medullary layer without presentation of an acute ischemic lesion, espeeially in the brainstem area, which could be related to the above-described symptoms. Furthermore, no syrinx formation was found in the brainstem. Dr. S.H. Meves Deparlment of Neurology. Si. Josef Hospital Gudrunslrasse 5fi, D-44791 Bochum (Germany) Tel. +49 2.14 5092022. Fax+49 2_14 5092414 E-Mail Saskia,M.Meves^jruhr-uni-hoehum.Je Fig. 1. MRI of the cervical spine of patient 3. Syrinx formation from Cl to C3 (arrow), a Sagittal section (T^^, technique), b Horizontal section (T:- technique). EEG performed on dilTerent occasions was normal. The acoustic evoked potentials could not be interpreted due to the patient's partial deafness. In color-coded ultrasound, a right stenosis of the internal carotid artery- of ?,0% was visualized, which was operated later on. Three months later, he presented himsel!"again as an emergency case after developing similar symptoms on getting out of bed. After another 24-hour initial remission, he developed an acute attack as he go! out of bed. It took him an entire day to recover from this attack. Patieiu 2 A 64-year-old man first came as an emergency patient because of an acute worsening of a known slowly progressing gait disorder, He showed signs of ataxia and horizontal nystagmus which had not been previously described. In the elinieal examination and the electrophysiological studies, a polyneuropathy became apparent. Furthermore, on MRI. a syrinx formation was found in the cervical spinal cord fromCl loC2. Isehemic lesions were not discovered in the cerebrum nor in the brainstem. EEG. extracranial color-coded duplexsonography and transcranial pw ultrasound were alt normal. One year later, he eame again because of an acute exacerbation of liis symptoms after bending down for a bowel movement. Before this episode, he was able to walk using a cane. In this new situation, he needed two helpers to stand up straight. It took him about a week to recover from this episode. Paticm i A 72-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of an acute left nerve IX and XII palsy accompanied by severe pain in the sensory dcrmatomes of C2 and C3. which appeared after sneezing. Besides a disturbed temperature perception in theareaoftheC4dermatomeon the leit. no other neurological deticits were evident. MRI revealed a not previously detected syrinx formation extending from Cl to C3 {fig. 1). MRI of the brain was normal. EEG, extracranial color-coded duplexsonography and acoustic and visual evoked potentials provided normal findings. EMG and ENG showed signs of a diserete polyneuropathy, but the somatosensory evoked potentials failed to demonstrate a central conduction disturbance. The symptoms improved over the next week. During the following year, he was admitted twice to the hospital because of the reoccurrence of the same symptoms after sneezing. 48 Eur Neurol 2000;43:47-49 Discussion The pathogenetic origin and the progressive enlargement of syringomyelias have been discussed controversely in the literature. Gardner [6] assumed that the intracranial arterial pulse wave, transmitted by a gentle waterhammer effect, presses ventricular fluid through the central canal initiating a dissection and cyst formation. Williams [7] proposed that venous pressure changes cause an obstruction of the normal draitiage of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal subarachnoid space leading to an enlargement of a preexisting syrinx. Such pressure changes are encountered during postural changes and Valsalva maneuvers. Hall et al. [8] supported Williams' theory that transmission of thoracic pressures to the subarachnoid space might possibly lead to a compression of the syrinx and by that to an enlargement of the lesion. Oldfield et al. [9] suggested that coughing or sneezing could explain the occasional progression of neurological deficits in syringomyelia. The increase in intrathecal pressure during coughing, sneezing or severe straining might affect the cord surface. In our cases, the development of acute symptoms was preceded by a sudden increase in intrathoracic and intra-abdoininal pressure during sneezing, coughing and straining, respectively. In 1 patient, repetitive sneezing even caused identical paroxysmal symptoms. Exercise and Valsalva maneuvers can also lead to acute presentations in syringomyelia [5]. Formerly, the diagnosis of syringomyelia was primarily based on its typical clinical presentations of varied degrees of slowly progressive motor and sensor\' deficits. The development of new diagnostic procedures such as MRI necessitates a new approach to syringomyeiia. Especially patients with stnall cyst formations and without Meves/Postert/Przuntek/Buttner characteristic signs have been overlooked in previous studies conceming the clinical features of syringomyelia [1]. There have been more reports on acute symptoms, which could even be the t1rst manifestation of syringomyelia, as in one of our cases. Furthermore, a collection of atypical symptoms of syringomyelia has accumulated. Reports exist on acute respirator)' failure [2], bladder disturbances [1,3] and brainstem symptoms [4], such as we encountered in our patients. Typical symptoms, such as dissociated sensory disturbances, can even be found missing in older patients with syringomyelia [10]. Due to the relapsing course ofthe disease and perivcntricular hypodensities on MRl in elderly patients, the misleading diagnosis of eneephalomyclitis disseminata [10] or of recurring cerebrovascular ischemia, as in our patients, can be made. Because of the age of our patients, we initially assumed their having ischemia in the vertebrobasilar region. In the ensuing diagnostic assessment of these patients, no eerebrovascular ischemic event could be related to their symptoms. However, we cannot definitely exclude the existence of microlacunes due to small vessel disease, which could not been demonstrated on MRl. Nevertheless, the cause of their symptoms was seen in the cervical syringomyelia mimicking vertebrobasilar ischemia. Even though MRl faeilitates the diagnosis of syringomyelia, syringobulbia might still be ditTieult to be detected on MRl [4] and could mimick other diseases. Anwer and Fisher [4] presented 3 cases with symptoms ofthe brainstem, whieh they explained by an extension of a eervieal syrinx which would not be revealed by MRl. Zagcr et al. [5] related acute brain symptoms in syringomyelia to an isehemie or mechanical distortion ofthe brainstem by means of an acute expansion of an existing cervieal syrinx. In our 3 patients with cervieal syringomyelia, acute presentations manifested after Valsalva maneuvers and time-limited affection ofthe brainstem due to extension ofthe syrinx was assumed. Low flow ischemic events in relation to Valsalva maneuvers must also be eonsidered as a potential cause of the symptoms, but one would expeet a more general reaction of the brain than those localized symptoms. An Arnold-Chiari malformation, which eould also have produced the acute deficits, was missing in all 3 patients. Symptoms in these patients remained transient as the edema, caused by mechanical compression, receded. A surgical intervention was refrained from because of the only transient worsening of the symptoms and the only slowly progressive courses of the disease. Even though syringomyelia has been known for years for its variability in presentation due to its location and extension, new aspects must be considered regarding its clinical presentations. New diagnostic procedures enable a mueh higher degree of insight. Cases with acute presentations also allow a better view of the pathomeehanic origin of syringomyelias. On the other hand, syringomyelia may be the cause of acute neurological symptoms referring to the brainstem. which could be misdiagnosed as vertebrobasilar stroke. Acute brainstem symptoms should therefore take syringomyelia as a differential diagnosis into account, and MRl should include the upper cervical myelon to exclude a cervical syrinx. References 1 1 ashiro K. Fukazawa T, Moriwaka F. Hamada T. Isu T. Iwasaki Y. Abe H: Syringoniyelic syiidmmc: Clinical features in } \ casesconllrmcd by CT tnyclography or magnetic resonance imaging. J Nfurol 1987:235:26-.10. 2 Alvaav. D. Rnqtionla I. Arias M, Valdcs L, Pereirn I. De la Torre R: Aculc respiratory failure as Ihe first sign of Ai nald-Chiari malformation associated with syringomyelia, E»r Respir J 1995:8:661-663. 3 Amoiridis G. Meves S, Schols L. 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