Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 11/04/14 For personal use only. Non-convulsive status epilepticus 6 Breadmore R, Desmond P, Opeskin K. Intracranial aspergillosis producing cavernous sinus syndrome and rupture of internal carotid artery. Austral Radiol 1994;38:72± 5. 7 Casey AT,Wilkins P, Uttley D. Aspergillosis infection in neurosurgical practice. Br J Neurosurg 1994;8:31± 9. 8 Haran RP, Chandy MJ. Intracranial aspergillus granuloma. Br J Neurosurg 1993;7:383± 8. 9 Klein HJ, Richter HP, Schachenmayr W. Intracerebral aspergillus abscess: case report. Neurosurger y 1983;13:306± 9. 10 Kowall NW, Sobel RA. Case record of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 7 Ð 1988. 27-year old man with acute myelomonocytic leukemia in remission and repeated intracranial haemorrhage. N Engl J Med 1988;318:427± 40. 11 Friedman AH, Bullit E. Fungal infection. In: Wilkins RH, Rengachary SS (eds) Neurosurger y. 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Non-convulsive status epilepticus: a treatable cause of confusion in pituitary apoplexy J. J. CRAIG & J. M. GIBSON Department of Neurology, RoyalVictoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Abstract Confusion occurring in pituitary apoplexy is well described. We describe a case of pituitary apoplexy associated with confusion, occurring as a result of non-convulsive status epilepticus. Electroencephalography should be performed in pituitary apoplexy associated with confusion if this treatable and potentially serious complication is not to be missed. Key words: Confusion, non-convulsive status epilepticus, pituitary apoplexy. Introduction Case report Non-convulsive status epilepticus is a rare cause of a confusional state and is probably unfamiliar to many neurosurgeons. We describe a case of pituitary apoplexy in which this occurred. The confusion cleared with appropriate treatment, prior to surgical removal of the pituitary. A 60-year-old woman, with a 5-year history of chronic frontal headache, presented with increasingly severe generalized headache associated with vomiting for 6 days, and drowsiness for 2 days. On admission she was dehydrated, with a low grade fever (37.9Ê C) and tachycardia (12 min), but was normotensive (120/ Correspondence: Dr J. M. Gibson, Department of Neurology,Ward 21, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, BT12 6BA, UK.Tel: 01232 240503 Ext. 4325. Fax: 01232 235258. E-mail Received for publication 25 June 1998. Accepted 25 October 1998. Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 11/04/14 For personal use only. 142 J. J. Craig & J. M. Gibson 60 mmHg). Glasgow coma scale (GCS) was 7/15 (M=5, V=1, E=1) and marked neck stiffness was present. All re¯ exes were pathologically brisk and the plantar responses were extensor. Otherwise examination was unremarkable. Intermittently, for up to half an hour, the GCS was noted to fall to 4/15. During these episodes continuous repetitive stereotyped `plucking’ movements of the hands, and occasional lip-smacking movements were observed. Laboratory studies showed a mild peripheral leucocytosis and no other abnormalities.The serum sodium was 143 mmol/l on admission to hospital and remained normal throughout. Brain CT was normal apart from slight enlargement of the sella. Lumbar puncture revealed clear cerebrospinal ¯ uid (CSF) at an opening pressure of 70 mm of CSF with 9 3 106/l lymphocytes, 49 3 106/l erythrocytes, a protein concentration of 0.63 g/l, a glucose concentration of 3.6 mmol/l (serum glucose 8.3 mmol/l) and no organisms on direct microscopy or culture. An electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrated continuous high amplitude, repetitive, single sharp waves, consistent with status epilepticus (Fig. 1), which diminished with the administration of intravenous diazemuls. The initial diagnosis was non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), due to presumed infective meningoencephalitis and treatment was commenced with intravenous chlormethiazole and benzylpenicillin, cefotaxime, acyclovir and dexamethasone. She continued to be obtunded, however, EEG remaining unchanged. Intravenous clonazepam was substituted in place of chlormethiazole.Within hours she became fully orientated, but had a right-sided third nerve palsy. Visual acuity and ® elds to confrontation were normal. EEG at this stage did not demonstrate any epileptic activity. MRI showed a large mass arising from the pituitary fossa on T1 weighted images with well de® ned peripheral enhancement (Fig. 2). This extended superiorly to the optic chiasm and inferiorly into the sphenoid sinus. It was composed centrally almost entirely of low signal on T1 weighted images and high signal on T2 weighted images, indicating the presence of ¯ uid within the lesion, in keeping with pituitary apoplexy. The tumour was approached trans-sphenoidally and proved to be a null cell adenoma, which contained areas of necrotic, bloody material. Postoperatively the third nerve palsy resolved. The patient remains on hydrocortisone and thyroxine replacement therapy. No further seizures have occurred. FIG. 1. EEG on admission showing continuous, highamplitude, single sharp waves, maximal anteriorly, consistent with status epilepticus. FIG. 2. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI showing pituitary tumour enhancing peripherally with contrast, with inferior hypodensity suggestive of tumour necrosis. Discussion Pituitary apoplexy occurs in approximately 2% of patients with pituitary tumours,1,2 because of haemorrhagic infarction or necrosis of the tumour. The diagnosis of the condition can be difficult and is often delayed, as in our case, because in addition to its relative rarity, the presenting symptoms and signs can suggest more common conditions and the existence of an adenoma is usually unsuspected at the time of the ictus.3 The features of the syndrome include headache of acute onset, vomiting, meningism, visual impairment, ophthalmoplegia and deterioration in the level of consciousness.2 Alteration in the level of consciousness, attributed to such diverse causes as brain-stem or hypothalamic dysfunction, vasospasm and metabolic derangement is not uncommon.3,4 However, its occurrence because of Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 11/04/14 For personal use only. Petrous Ewing’s sarcoma seizure activity is poorly documented, despite the recognized occurrence of epilepsy secondary to local mass effects from pituitary adenomata.5 The case presented illustrates the usefulness of EEG in de® ning NCSE as the cause of stupor in our patient. Although EEG changes including diffuse slowing have previously been reported in pituitary crises,6,7 EEG is rarely performed in this setting. We therefore predict that if the initial working diagnosis had been pituitary apoplexy, rather than meningo-encephalitis we would not have performed an EEG and NCSE would not have been identi® ed, which might have been to the detriment of the patient. NCSE accounts for up to 20% of all cases of status epilepticus 8 (the remaining 80% having convulsive status epilepticus) and is frequently missed.9 This is because, despite the usual presence of continuous epileptic activity on EEG, NCSE is essentially behavioural in presentation without prominent or any motor manifestations. 1 0 Although considered by some to be a relatively benign condition, 1 1 certain types have been shown to be associated with serious morbidity and mortality.12 Treatment is often effective.1 0 We would suggest that EEG should be performed in pituitary apoplexy associated with confusion to avoid missing this treatable and potentially serious complication. 143 References 1 Bills DC, Meyer FB, Laws ER, et al. A retrospective analysis of pituitary apoplexy. Neurosurgery 1993;33:602± 9. 2 Vidal E, Cevallos R, Vidal J, et al. Twelve cases of pituitary apoplexy. Arch Intern Med 1992;152:1893± 9. 3 Cardoso E, Peterson E. Pituitary apoplexy: a review. Neurosurgery 1984;14:363± 73. 4 Wakai S, Fukushima T, Teramoto A, Sano K. Pituitary apoplexy: Its incidence and clinical signi® cance. J Neurosurg 1981;55:187± 93. 5 Lundberg P, Drettner B, Hemmingsson A, Stenkvist B, Wide L. The invasive pituitary adenoma: a prolactinproducing tumour. Arch Neurol 1977;34:742± 9. 6 Kennedy JM, Thomson AP, Whit® eld IC. Coma and electro-encephalographic changes in hypopituitarism. Lancet 1955;4:907± 8. 7 Hughes RR, Summers YK. Changes in the electroencephalogram associated with hypopituitarism due to post-partum necrosis. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1956; 8:87± 96. 8 Celesia GG. Modern concepts of status epilepticus. JAMA 1976;235:1571± 4. 9 Kaplan PW. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the emergency room. Epilepsia 1996; 37:643± 50. 10 Editorial. Non-convulsive status epilepticus. Lancet 1987;ii:958± 9. 11 Aminoff MJ. Do nonconvulsive seizures damage the brain? Ð No. Arch Neurol 1988; 55:119± 20. 12 Krumholz A, Sung G, Fischer R, Barry E, Bergey G, Grattan L. Complex partial status epilepticus accompanied by serious morbidity and mortality. Neurology 1995;45:1499± 504. Primary petrous bone Ewing’s sarcoma K. DESAI, A. GOEL & T. D. NADKARNI Department of Neurosurgery, King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth G. S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai, India Abstract A case of primary Ewing’s sarcoma involving a large portion of the petrous temporal bone in an eighteen month old child is reported. The lesion was treated by radical surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. An extremely rare age of presentation, an unusual location and an excellent response to treatment are the highlights of this case. Key words: Chemotherapy, Ewing’s sarcoma, petrous bone, skull base surgery. Introduction Primary Ewing’s sarcoma arising from the skull base in general and petrous bone in particular are extremely uncommon.1± 4 On our literature survey we located three cases of primary Ewing’s sarcoma involving the petrous bone arising either primarily within it or by virtue of secondary extension.1,2 An additional case of Ewing’s sarcoma involving the petrous temporal bone is reported and the literature of the subject is reviewed. Correspondence: Dr Atul Goel, Department of Neurosurgery, K. E. M. Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India. Tel: 4129884, Fax: 91± 22± 4143435, E-mail Received for publication 30 September 1998. Accepted 20 November 1998.