456 Warren et al. Expressive language disorder after infarction of left lentiform nucleus JD Warren1 BMedSc MBBS (Hons), HB Smith2 BApplSc (Speech Path)1, LA Denson3 BA (Hons) DipAppPsych MPsych, HM Waddy1 MB FRACP 1 Department of Neurology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia Department of Speech Pathology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia 3 Department of Clinical Neuropsychology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia 2 Summary A 53 year old bilingual woman presented with apraxia of speech and writing in English and German after ischaemic infarction of the left posterior lentiform nucleus. Detailed language assessment revealed impairments of articulation, verbal fluency, auditory repetition, interpretation of complex semantic relationships, formulation of definitions and verbal short-term memory. The case illustrates the role of the basal ganglia in speech planning, word retrieval and verbal short-term memory. © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2000) 7 (5), 456–458 © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd DOI: 10.1054/ jocn.1999.0238, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Keywords: speech apraxia, verbal memory, basal ganglia Received: 7 May 1999 Accepted: 18 June 1999 Correspondence to: Dr JD Warren, Department of Neurology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000. Tel.: +61 8 8222 5500; Fax: +61 8 8223 3870. INTRODUCTION The diversity of brain regions implicated in expressive language disorders, ranging from Broca’s aphasia through speech apraxia to anarthria, was emphasised recently by Donnan et al.1 A putative centre for the articulation of human speech has been identified in the anterior insula of the dominant hemisphere.2,3 A number of reports have described dysphasia, apraxia of speech or dysarthria after lesions involving the basal ganglia.4–9 However, in most cases other deficits (facial palsy, hemiparesis, neglect, Gerstmann’s syndrome, frontal signs) have accompanied the language disorder, and the role played by the basal ganglia in speech articulation and expressive language in general remains to be clarified.9 We report a bilingual patient in whom ischaemic infarction of the left posterior lentiform nucleus presented as an apparently isolated apraxia of speech and writing affecting both languages. towards the end of longer words. She used the right hand normally when manipulating tools and utensils, and had no weakness of hand-grip or sensory symptoms. There was a past history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Medications were perindopril, metformin and gliclazide. On examination, she was alert and fully orientated. Her estimated premorbid IQ (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III) was 103.10 Speech and language functions were assessed using the Robertson Dysarthria Profile, Mount Wilga High Level Language Test, Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination and Western Aphasia Battery. She was able to initiate and sustain phonation normally; however, she had difficulty coordinating pitch and volume changes. Her speech had inappropriate intonations and rhythms in both English and German, which were slow and staccato in quality, and words were not clearly articulated. She had particular difficulty with complex sounds such as approximates, glides and liquids (‘j’, ‘ch’, ‘r’ and ‘l’), English and German sound combinations (such as ‘str’ and ‘spl’) and multisyllabic words (for example, ‘calendar’ and ‘caterpillar’). She made occasional sound omissions (for example, ‘Moday’ for ‘Monday’). Repetition and reading aloud were hesitant and marred by errors similar to those in spontaneous speech. Formation of letters when writing was often awkward, inaccurate or duplicated (Fig. 1, top), punctuation marks were sometimes omitted and three attempts were required to sign her name correctly. She was able to name and categorise common objects normally. Vocabulary, syntax and grammar were preserved when speaking and writing. However, she could generate only 7 spontaneous English words beginning with the letter ‘S’ in a 3-min period (predicted 30–54 words), and tended to reiterate these when asked to perform the same task in German. She had difficulty producing concise definitions for words such as ‘handle’ or ‘lottery’, constructing a sentence using specific content words (for example, ‘crop’, ‘although’, ‘drought’), and listing the components of a complex sequential task (such as making a cup of coffee). She performed one to five stage spoken commands promptly, making a single error on the last item of the five-stage task in the Western Aphasia Battery subtest. On the Similarities subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, in which she was required to describe the common property of a series of paired items (for example, ‘tablechair’; ‘eye-ear’), her performance was moderately impaired (age score 4; predicted 11). She also had difficulty interpreting complex semantic and grammatical relationships (for example, ‘Is your sister your father’s daughter or your daughter’s father?’; ‘Car is to wheels as hand is to …?’), whether spoken or written. On testing immediate recall of verbal stimuli, digit span was mildly impaired (maximum 4 forwards, 2 backwards; age score 5, CASE STUDY A 53 year old right-handed woman of German ancestry presented to hospital because she had been unable to express herself clearly since waking that morning. Although she was able to formulate her thoughts, her speech was halting and effortful, with occasional inappropriate or nonsense words. She experienced similar difficulties in her first language, German, as well as English, which she had spoken fluently since childhood. She also noted difficulty forming letters when writing, tended to add letters inappropriately to the ends of words and legibility deteriorated Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2000) 7(5), 452–464 Fig. 1 Examples of the patient’s hand-writing 24 h (top) 2 months (bottom) after onset of her speech and writing difficulties. In the acute phase, formation of letters (for example, ‘h’ and ‘m’) was laborious and inaccurate, and ‘little’ became ‘littlee’. By 2 months, her writing had regained its former accuracy and fluency. © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd Expressive language disorder after infarction of left lentiform nucleus 457 Fig. 2 T1-weighted axial MRI brain slice 24 h after onset of the deficit, showing ischaemic infarction of the left posterior lentiform nucleus. predicted 10). Free recall and recognition of a learned list of 15 everyday words at 5 and 30 min on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test9 was average for age. There was no evidence of a recency effect. Although the effect of word length was not assessed systematically, in recall of spoken sentences (12 to 30 syllables long) she made errors affecting short (monosyllabic) as well as longer (trisyllabic) words. Visual short-term memory for the Rey-Osterreith Figure9 was above average for age. Recall of factual information and ability to draw inferences from a short spoken or written passage were normal. Tests of arithmetic, frontal executive and motor functions, and visuo-spatial construction were performed normally.9 Oro-facial and limb praxis were assessed using Western Aphasia Battery subtests. She pantomimed hand positions and sequential actions correctly. To verbal command, she was able to whistle, sniff, blow a kiss, wave goodbye and mime the use of everyday tools and utensils, as well as complex actions (such as pretending to drive a car), with complete accuracy. She also manipulated real objects normally. Visual fields were normal, there was no facial weakness and the remainder of the cranial nerves were intact. Limb strength and sensation were normal, tendon reflexes were symmetrical and plantar responses flexor bilaterally. Fine finger movements of the right hand were normal, two point discrimination, graphaesthesia and stereognosis were intact and there was no evidence of sensory inattention. She was in sinus rhythm and blood pressure was 170/90. MRI of the brain (Fig. 2), 24 h after the onset of the speech disturbance, revealed an ischaemic infarct of the left posterior lentiform nucleus. When reviewed 2 months later, her writing had returned to normal (Fig. 1, bottom) and she made only occasional articulatory errors. The spontaneous speech of our patient had many features in common with the cases described by Dronkers,2 including articulatory errors approximating the target word, dysprosody and slowness of speech output. The features were not those of the dysarthria described in lesions of the corticolingual pathways.12 In addition, she presented a unique opportunity to examine the effects of a subcortical lesion of the dominant hemisphere in a bilingual patient. Her speech errors were very similar in different languages, and accompanied by a severe reduction in verbal fluency. Errors were also similar whether signing her name (a familiar motor programme) or writing a spontaneous sentence (a novel task). These observations suggest that a lesion of the left lentiform nucleus may disrupt a final common pathway mediating fine motor control of language output, both spoken and written, and complement recent PET evidence that the left pallidum is involved in speech articulation.3 However, language difficulties in the present case were not restricted to articulation. It is known that speech articulation and retrieval of words from semantic memory share components of similar neural networks in the dominant hemisphere.13 An ‘articulatory loop’ is thought to mediate short-term verbal memory, and may be involved in particular language tasks such as sentence comprehension, new word acquisition and word repetition.14,15 The loop has two anatomically distinct subcomponents:14,15 a phonological store (left supramarginal gyrus and inferior parietal lobe) and a subvocal rehearsal system (Broca’s area, left premotor cortex, insula, supplementary motor area and right cerebellum). Interference with the function of this loop might explain our patient’s difficulties in immediate recall of verbal stimuli, auditory repetition, discrimination of complex semantic relationships, definitions, similarities and construction of sentences using particular content words. Tasks of this type probably require an intact articulatory loop to permit comparison and selection of possible responses prior to generation of the final response. The types of articulatory errors made by our patient, her reduced verbal fluency and digit span and the lack of normal recency and word length effects are similar to the deficits described after lesions of the articulatory loop.15 However, the pattern does not suggest preferential involvement of either subcomponent of the loop. The present case provides circumstantial evidence that a lesion in a basal ganglia structure (the left lentiform nucleus) may disrupt motor planning of speech, word retrieval and verbal short-term memory, perhaps by interfering with the function of the articulatory loop. This accords well with emerging concepts of the broad role of the basal ganglia in cognition,9 and the distributed nature of expressive language processing.1 REFERENCES DISCUSSION Human speech requires complex planning and coordination of lip, tongue, palatal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, respiratory and other accessory muscles. Apraxia of speech has been characterised as a disorder of the programming of speech to preserve the correct sound and sequence of words with appropriate timing.2,3,11 Composite lesion studies in stroke patients2 and functional imaging data3 indicate that the left anterior insula plays a key role in speech articulation. The left posterior pallidum participates in several motor loops within the dominant hemisphere and is activated particularly in word repetition tasks.3 In contrast to earlier studies of speech and oro-facial apraxia in stroke patients,4–9 nonverbal functions of the dominant hemisphere, including motor praxis, were intact in the present case. © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd 1. Donnan GA, Carey LM, Saling MM. More (or less) on Broca. Lancet 1999; 353: 1031–2. 2. Dronkers NF. A new brain region for coordinating speech articulation. Nature 1996; 384: 159–61. 3. Wise RJS, Green J, Büchel C, Scott SK. Brain regions involved in articulation. Lancet 1999; 353: 1057–61. 4. Tognola G, Vignolo LA. Brain lesions associated with oral apraxia in stroke patients: a clinico-neuroradiological investigation with the CT scan. Neuropsychol 1980; 18: 257–72. 5. Alexander MP, LoVerme SR. Aphasia after left hemispheric intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology 1980; 30: 1193–1202. 6. 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Isolated dysarthria due to extracerebellar lacunar stroke: a central monoparesis of the tongue. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 1999; 66: 495–501. 13. Wise R, Chollet F, Hadar U, Friston K, Hoffner E, Frackowiak R. Distribution of cortical neural networks involved in word comprehension and word retrieval. Brain 1991; 114: 1803–17. 14. Paulesu E, Frith CD, Frackowiak RSJ. The neural correlates of the verbal component of working memory. Nature 1993; 362: 342–5. 15. Silveri MC, Di Betta AM, Filippini V, Leggio MG, Molinari M. Verbal shortterm store-rehearsal system and the cerebellum. Evidence from a patient with a right cerebellar lesion. Brain 1998; 121: 2175–87. Asymptomatic schwannoma of the oculomotor nerve: case report CASE REPORT A 66 year old woman with diabetes mellitus was referred to our department due to an intracranial mass which was incidentally found by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Examination The subject was alert, with normal higher cortical function. The visual fields were intact; pupils were equal, with a normal light reflex; and ocular movement were full and smooth, without nystagmus. Sensation over the face was intact, and both corneal reflexes were present. All other cranial nerves were normal and all other neurological functions were intact. T1-weighted MRI revealed an iso-intensity mass in the upper wall of the right cavernous sinus, partially within the cavernous sinus and extending to the interpeduncular cistern (Fig. 1). An injection of contrast media homogeneously enhanced the mass. We predicted that the tumour would be removed successfully without severe functional deficit before growing too large for uneventful surgical treatment. The patient underwent surgical removal of the tumour with a preoperative diagnosis of meningioma or trigeminal schwannoma. Surgery 1 1 Masahito Katoh MD, Takashi Kawamoto MD, Kousuke Ohnishi1 MD, Yutaka Sawamura2 MD, Hiroshi Abe2 MD 1 Department of Neurosurgery, Tomakomai City General Hospital, Tomakomai, Japan 2Department of Neurosurgery, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan Summary Intracranial oculomotor schwannoma without neurofibromatosis is rare and is usually symptomatic. Only one case of asymptomatic oculomotor schwannoma has been previously reported. We present a case of intracranial oculomotor schwannoma which caused no signs or symptoms. Microsurgical resection of this tumour resulted in oculomotor palsy. We reviewed 7 reported cases and the findings indicated that radical removal of the tumour invariably caused or worsened the oculomotor palsy. The reason why the tumour caused no symptoms in this case was unclear. However, improvements in diagnostic methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may increase the detection of such asymptomatic cases. Indications for surgical treatment should be established. © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd Through the right pterional route, the tumour was found in the basal cistern, extending into the superoposterior wall of the cavernous sinus. Dissection of the tumour margin and intraoperative microscopic observation suggested schwannoma. After removal of a small part of the tumour, the oculomotor nerve was identified in the cistern; however, it had been partially injured because it was contiguous with the tumour, with no clear border (Fig. 2). The tumour mass attached to the nerve was left intact. More than 90% of the tumour was removed. Histologically, the tumour was a typical schwannoma without evidence of malignancy (Fig. 3). The postoperative course was A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2000) 7 (5), 458–460 © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd DOI: 10.1054/ jocn.1999.0240, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Keywords: oculomotor nerve, schwannoma Received 7 April 1998 Accepted 8 December 1999 Correspondence to: Masahito Katoh MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Tomakomai City General Hospital, Honkocho-1, Tomakomai, 053–8567, Japan. Tel.: +81–144–33–3131; Fax: +81–144–34–7511; E-mail: masasama@coral.ocn.ne.jp INTRODUCTION Schwannomas of the oculomotor nerve may be associated with neurofibromatosis type 2; however sporadic intracranial oculomotor schwannomas are very rare and are usually symptomatic mass lesions.1–15 We report a patient with intracranial oculomotor schwannoma who exhibited no signs or symptoms. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2000) 7(5), 452–464 Fig. 1 MR images showing a mass in the right suprasellar cistern and homogeneous enhancement after intravenous administration of Gd-DTPA. A: axial view, B: coronal view, C: sagittal view. © 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd