Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 193, 73-77 Case Report Thrombotic Stroke in a Child with Diarrhea-Associated Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome with a Good Recovery Touru Nakauwata, Hrrosut Tanaka, TAKASHI TATEYAMA, Tomomi UEDA, Koicut Suzuxi, Surn-tcut Osari,! Mrxio Kasar' and Suinopu Waca Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki 036-8562 and 1 Division of Pediatrics, Hirosaki Municipal Hospital, Hirosaki 036-8182 Naxanata, T., Tanaka, H., Tatevama, T., Uspa, T., Suzuxt, K., Osarr, S., Kasat, M. and Waca, 8. Thrombotic Stroke in a Child with Diarrhea-Associated Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome with a Good Recovery. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 193 (1), 73-77 -—— A boy aged 3.5 years with post-diarrheal hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) was referred to our hospital because of convulsion and stupor. He had been admitted to a regional hospital with a 3-day history of bloody diarrhea, colic abdominal pain and fever. Two days later, he had complained of generalized seizures and oliguria. On admission, he developed anuria, and serum blood nitrogen and creatinine increased to 56mg/100 ml and 2.8 mg/100 ml, respectively. Platelets decreased to 42 000/y1. Under the diagnosis of HUS, a continuous hemodiafiltration treatment had to be instituted. Computed tomogra- phy of his head at hospital day 5 revealed abnormal low density area of infarction with edema in both the basal ganglia involving with the posterior limb of internal capsule. Serum titer of IgM antibody to Escherichia coli 0157 showed positive value. Although his anuria and stupor persisted over 10 days, he recovered without serious complications. These clinical observations may indicate that patients with similar lesions do not necessarily have serious morbidity. central nervous system involvement; continuous hemodiafiltration; favorable outcome; hemolytic-uremic syndrome; stroke © 2001 Tohoku University Medical Press Received November 1, 2000; revision accepted for publication January 29, 2001. Address for reprints: Hiroshi Tanaka, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, 5 Zaifu-cho, Hirosaki 036-8562, Japan. e-mail: hirotana 73 14 T. Nakahata et al. Although the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is the common cause of acute renal failure in young children, the central nervous system (CNS) involvement has been reported to be a major contributor to mortality or chronic morbidity of the HUS (Bale et al. 1980; Upadhyaya et al. 1980; Hamano et al. 1993; Siegler 1994; Gallo and Gianantonio 1995). It is generally assumed that the HUS ence- phalopathy is due to metabolic derangement and action of Shiga-like toxin causing microvas- cular damage (Upadhyaya et al. 1980; Hamano et al. 1993; Siegler 1994). Of the CNS involve- ment, about 3°%% to 5% of children with HUS have identifiable structural brain damage in the form of infarcts (Siegler 1994). Despite the general assertion that severe CNS manifesta- tions such as generalized seizures and prolonged coma/stupor portend a poor prognosis (Bale et al. 1980; Trevathan and Dooling 1987; Siegler 1994; Gallo and Gianantonio 1995), some chil- dren with HUS complicated with identifiable structural brain damage have been reported to have a good recovery (Steele et al. 1983; Stein- berg et al. 1986; Signorini et al. 2000). We observed a boy with HUS complicated with thrombotic stroke, who showed a good recovery despite prolonged stupor. CASE REPORT A Japanese boy aged 3.5 years referred to our hospital because of generalized tonic sei- zares and lethargy. He had had bloody diar- rhea, colic abdominal pain and fever for 3 days, and had been treated with oral fosfomycin (Meiji Co., Tokyo) by a physician. Then he was admitted to a regional hospital. Labora- tory studies revealed the following values: white blood cells (WBC) 27 800/21, hemoglobin 14.7 g/100 ml, platelets 376 000/1, serum urea nitrogen (UN) 14 mg/100 ml, creatinine 0.3 mg/ 100 ml and C-reactive protein (CRP) 5.0 mg/ 100 ml. Stool culture and a latex aggregation test for Shiga-like toxin were negative. Two days later, he developed generalized tonic sei- zures and oliguria. Computed tomography (CT) of the brain at that time was unremarka- ble. Serum UN and creatinine increased to 62 mg/100ml and 2.4mg/100 ml, respectively. Platelets decreased to 73 000/w1. He was trans- ferred to us under the diagnosis of post- diarrheal HUS. On admission, the patient was pale and insensitive to pain. Blood pressure was 120/70 mmHg. He developed anuria. Laboratory studies revealed the following: WBC, 27 500/,1 with neutrophils of 74%; hemoglobin, 7.7 g/100 ml; hematocrit, 23.6%; platelets, 42 000/,1; serum total protein, 4.8 g/100 ml; albumin, 2.1 g/100 ml; UN, 56mg/100 ml; creatinine, 2.8 mg/100 ml; sodium, 120 mEq/liter; potassium, 4.4 mEq/liter; chloride, 97 mEq/liter; calcium, 7.7 mg/100 ml and CRP, 11.8mg/100 ml. Im- munological studies showed the following val- ues: IgG, 1310 mg/100 ml; IgA, 128 mg/100 ml; IgM, 148 mg/100 ml; C3, 80 mg/100 ml (normal range, 79-152 mg/100 ml); C4, 26 mg/100 ml (normal range, 16-38 mg/100 ml) and hemolytic complement activity, 37.8 U/ml (normal range, 23-46 U/ml). Anti-nuclear antibody was absent. Neither acidemia nor hyperammonemia were identified. Peripheral blood smear showed red blood cell (RBC) fragments. Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) increased to 3652 U/liter (normal range, 80-200), and haptoglobin decreased to less than 6 mg/100 ml (normal range, 36-195 mg/100 ml). The serum level of fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) showed a significant increase at 104.9 mg/100 ml (normal range, 0-5.0 mg/100 ml). Although repeated stool cultures were negative, serum IgM antibody to #. cols 0157 (measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at Institute of Infectious Diseases, National Children’s Hospital) showed positive value. The diagnosis was HUS associated with acute renal failure and CNS involvement. Because of technical problems, measurement of serum antibodies to Shiga-like toxin (Verotoxin 1 and Stroke in Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome 15 2) was not done. He was treated with continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) and anticoagulants (nafamostat mesilate and heparin), since CHDF had been reported to be effective in treating and preventing fluid overload in children with multiorgan failure (Lowrie 2000). Blood pres- sure and body weight were well controlled by CHDF treatment. When the level of hemoglo- bin dropped to less than 6.5 g/100 ml, transfu- sion of packed RBC (200 ml) was performed. Se: 1 om $50.03 In: 10 DFOV 22.0ce Seizures recurred and stupor persisted. Electroencephalogram showed diffuse high volt- age slow waves without seizure discharges. Head CT images obtained 4 days after admis- sion disclosed abnormal widespread low density area around both basal ganglia (Fig. 1). There was no evidence of hemorrhage. Since the brain images seemed to be edematous, intra- venous dexamethasone administration (1.6 mg/ 8hours) for 5days was started. Treatment with midazolum and phenobarbital was also DFOV 2 STND/T Fig. 1. Axial CT scan, showing areas of decreased density in both basal ganglia in the region of the putamen. IMAGE 77 SER 1-4 tse2-5 180 oR 1 SAT TR 4000.0 TE 102.0/2 sP SL » Fov 210*240 250 *2560s Tracor 8& Fig. 2. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging on hospital day 33, showing slit-shaped high signal images on the both putamen. 76 T. Nakahata et al. started and he had no further definite convul- sions. After 12 days of these treatment, his urine output was gradually increased and the level of serum UN and creatinine gradually decreased to the normal ranges by hospital day 24. The CHDF treatment was discontinued at hospital day 18. A total of 11 times of packed RBC transfusion was performed. Neither platelets transfusion nor fresh frozen plasma infusion were performed. Platelets count, serum LDH and FDP returned to the normal ranges by hospital day 10,19 and 24, respectively. The duration of stupor was 32 days. Thereafter, steady improvement in neurologic function was Magnetic resonance images (MRI) obtained hospital day 33 disclosed marked reso- lution of the lesion except for a slit area of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images in both putamen (Fig. 2). At present, 5 months after our first observa- tion, he is well except for a residual left hemiparesis, mild dysphemia and mild proteinuria (approximately 60 mg/100 ml). seen. DISCUSSION So far the importance of the CNS involve- ment in HUS patients has been reported (Bale et al. 1980; Upadhyaya et al. 1980; Cimolai et al. 1992; Hamano et al. 1993; Siegler 1994; Gallo and Gianantonio 1995). Although path- ogenesis of the CNS involvement in HUS remained to be elucidated, several factors, such as metabolic derangement, action of Shiga-like toxin or microvascular damage may be respon- sible for the lesion (Upadyaya et al. 1980; Cimolai et al. 1992; Siegler 1994; Gallo and Gianantonio 1995). Recent report (Gallo and Gianantonio 1995) described that extensive microvascular damage and thrombosis may con- tribute to the multiorgan involvement in diarrhea-associated HUS. Further, Fujii et al. (1996) reported that rabbits given intravenous verotoxin 2 showed a variety of brain damage, and that the edematous changes determined by MRI and ultrastractual studies were caused by the toxicity of verotoxin 2 which was conveyed from the endothelial and ependymal cell layers. In our patient, despite persistent anuria, no metabolic derangement or hypertension were seen during the clinical course. Hence, mi- crovascular damage probably caused by Shiga- like toxin from E. coli 0157, and subsequent vascular thrombosis was the most likely cause of the stroke lesion. It has also been reported that the impor- tance of systemic release of proinflammatory cytokines in acute inflammatory processes in HUS patients is emphasized (Karpman et al. 1995; Inward et al. 1997). Karpman et al. (1995) reported that serum interleukin (IL)-6 is higher in children with HUS who developed extrarenal manifestations. Also, Inward et al. (1997) reported that a patient with fatal CNS involvement exhibited high concentration of IL-6 in the plasma. From the current litera- ture, circulating inflammatory cytokines as well as thrombosis caused by microvascular damage may be responsible for the CNS involvement. In our patients, although measurement of serum cytokines was not done, prompt initia- tion of CHDF treatment may have contributed to remove circulating inflammatory cytokines and to prevent fluid overload, and subsequently resulted in a good recovery. Since severe CNS manifestations in HUS patients are assumed to portend a poor progno- sis (Bale et al. 1980; Trevathan and Dooling 1987; Hamano et al. 1993; Siegler 1994; Gallo and Gianantonio 1995), CHDF treatment may be of benefit in a proportion of HUS patients with severe CNS involvement to change the natural course of the disease as in the recent report describing children with multiorgan fail- ure (Lowrie 2000). Several patients with severe CNS involve- ment with a favorable outcome have been repor- ted sporadically to date (Steele et al. 1983; Steinberg et al. 1986; Signorini et al. 2000). Stroke in Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome 17 The treatment of these patients varies, ie., peritoneal dialysis (PD) (Steele et al. 1983), PD with fresh frozen plasma infusion (Steinberg et al. 1986) and hemodialysis with plasma changes (Signorini et al. 2000). Hence, an appropriate therapeutic intervention for HUS patients with severe CNS involvement remains to be elucidat- ed. Further reports to describe similar cases are needed. Long-term prognosis regarding quality of life in children with episodes of HUS has been reported to be deficit in verbal intelligence and in the verbally based skills of reading compre- hension, vocabulary use and in behavior (Schlieper et al. 1992). In our patient, residual left hemiparesis, mild dysphemia and mild proteinuria remained. Careful follow up should be done. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Hirofumi Ohkawa and Dr. Toshihito Tsubo for medical care in the emer- gency room of Critical Care and Emergency Medi- cine, Hirosaki University and Dr. Tae Takeda, Institute of Infectious Diseases, National Children’s Hospital for kindly measurement of IgM antibody to E. coli 0157. References Bale, J.F., Jr., Brasher, C. & Siegler, R.L. (1980) CNS manifestations of the hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Relationship to metabolic altera- tions and prognosis. Am. J. Dis. Child., 134, 869-872. Cimolai, N., Morrison, B.J. & Carter, J.E. 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