Intra-Arterial Papaverine-Induced Seizures: Case Report and Review of the Literature Juan R. Carhuapoma, M.D.,* Adnan I. Qureshi, M.D.,* Rafael J. Tamargo, M.D.,† John M. Mathis, M.D., M.Sc.,‡ and Daniel F. Hanley, M.D.* Divisions of *Neurosciences Critical Care, †Neuroradiology and ‡Department of Neurological Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland Carhuapoma JR, Qureshi AI, Tamargo RJ, Mathis JM, Hanley DF. Intra-arterial papaverine-induced seizures: case report and review of the literature. Surg Neurol 2001;56:159 – 63. KEY WORDS Papaverine, seizures, subarachnoid hemorrhage. BACKGROUND Microcatheter-guided intra-arterial (IA) papaverine infusion in conjunction with balloon angioplasty is an available therapy for patients with symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) that is refractory to hypertensive, hypervolemic therapy. However, side effects and complications have been reported in association with its use. CASE DESCRIPTION We report on a patient who developed symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of a left terminal internal carotid artery (ICA) saccular aneurysm. Seven days after the hemorrhage and 4 days after surgical clipping, the patient developed aphasia and right hemiparesis due to vasospasm, which was refractory to maximal medical treatment with volume and blood pressure elevation. Cerebral angiography identified severe narrowing of distal ICA and proximal middle cerebral artery segments bilaterally. These findings partially resolved after balloon angioplasty. However, after 300 mg of IA papaverine, the patient developed generalized convulsions. This occurred despite therapeutic serum levels of phenytoin. Twenty-four hours later, after brief neurologic improvement, recurrent neurologic deficits prompted repeat papaverine administration. Seizures again occurred after the administration of 240 mg of IA papaverine and prevented administration of the full dose. The patient did not develop further seizures and her neurologic deficits continue to resolve. CONCLUSIONS IA papaverine-induced seizures are infrequently reported. This potential complication should be considered when papaverine administration is entertained in the treatment of anterior circulation refractory symptomatic vasospasm after SAH. © 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. Address reprint requests to: Dr. Juan R. Carhuapoma, Division of Critical Care Neurology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Neurological Institute, 710 West 168th Street, Box 209, New York, NY 10032. Received August 18, 2000; accepted February 27, 2001. © 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 fter nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), angiographically defined cerebral vasospasm occurs in up to 70% of patients [14]. Its clinical correlate, delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) develops in 33 to 37.5% of them [1,11]. Nonpharmacological therapies for DCI include induced hypervolemia and hypertension, which attempt to improve collateral blood flow to brain at risk for ischemia [2,28,29]. Nevertheless, a subgroup of patients will remain refractory to such interventions. Two neurointerventional approaches have become available to prevent permanent cerebral ischemia in this patient cohort: balloon angioplasty and microcatheter-guided intra-arterial (IA) papaverine injection [3,12,22–24,30]. Papaverine hydrochloride, a benzylisquinoline that inhibits cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase [21], has been used as the primary treatment of refractory vasospasm in addition to balloon angioplasty. Although a potent vasodilator, the effects of the drug are shorter lasting compared with mechanical angioplasty [9]. Several side effects associated with rapid administration of papaverine, such as hemiparesis, midriasis, hypotension, elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), and cardiorespiratory depression have been identified since it was first introduced in neurocritical care [17,19]. The development of seizures as a side effect of its IA administration in the treatment of cerebral vasospasm, however, has not been thoroughly studied thus far. We describe a patient treated with IA papaverine for symptomatic vasospasm after SAH who developed recurrent seizures during repeated adminis- A 0090-3019/01/$–see front matter PII S0090-3019(01)00450-5 160 Surg Neurol 2001;55:159 –63 Carhuapoma et al tration of papaverine hydrochloride, and review the pertinent literature. Case Report A 35-year-old woman developed sudden onset of severe headache and altered level of consciousness 2 days before admission. Her medical history was remarkable for remote, mild renal dysfunction (admission creatinine: 0.6 mg/dL), inactive systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and recent (2 months) normal vaginal delivery. Upon admission, only neck rigidity was elicited on examination. Initial head computed tomography (CT) scan was normal. Nevertheless, an elevated number of red blood cells and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) xanthochromia suggested the diagnosis of SAH. Cerebral angiography performed 1 day after admission showed a left internal carotid artery (ICA) termination aneurysm. Seizure and vasospasm prophylaxis was instituted with phenytoin (PHT) and nimodipine, respectively. The patient underwent an uncomplicated left frontal craniotomy for aneurysm clipping. Her immediate postoperative neurologic examination showed normal cognitive and motor functions. Two days later, she developed clonic movements of the right facial muscles, followed by brief postictal lethargy. Total serum PHT level was 19.4 mcg/ dL. Gabapentin was added to her anticonvulsant regimen (900 mg PO tid) and the daily dose of PHT was increased. Four days after surgery and 7 days after the original bleed, the patient experienced abrupt onset of lethargy, severe right hemiparesis and aphasia, with elevated transcranial Doppler velocities in the left anterior circulation. Repeat head CT scan identified a subtle hypodense area in the left frontal white matter. Symptomatic vasospasm was suspected and volume expansion (intravenous fluids, 5.6 – 6.8 liters/day; pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, 18 –22 mmHg), and hypertensive therapy with dobutamine and phenylephrine (mean arterial pressure, 115–120 mmHg) were instituted. Eight hours later, in the absence of observable improvement, cerebral angiography was performed that demonstrated narrowing of the bilateral distal ICA, proximal middle cerebral artery (MCA), and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) A1 segments, compatible with severe vasospasm (Figure 1). After successful bilateral angioplasty of the proximal segments of the MCA and distal ICA (Figure 2), an injection of papaverine was started in the left anterior circulation, but it was interrupted by 90 seconds of generalized tonic-clonic seizure activity after the administration of 300 mg of papaverine over Diagnostic cerebral angiogram demonstrating arterial narrowing in the left distal ICA, proximal MCA, and ACA A1. 1 30 minutes. The seizure was rapidly controlled with 5 mg of intravenous midazolam. The levels of total and free PHT were 18.8 and 6.2 mcg/dL, respectively, and no further adjustments were made. Initial improvement in comprehension and motor function was noted, but because right hemiparesis recurred after 24 hours, cerebral angiography was repeated, revealing persistent bilateral ACA-A1 segment narrowing. No attempt to angioplasty these segments was made. After administration of 240 mg of papaverine in the left anterior circulation, the patient developed a new generalized convulsion, which ceased shortly after the papaverine infusion was discontinued. After the second procedure, the neurologic deficits improved gradually and no further clinical ictal activity was recorded. Discussion We report the occurrence of recurrent seizures in a patient with SAH during repeated IA infusions of papaverine for the treatment of refractory cerebral vasospasm. A similar occurrence has been previously reported in only six other cases of cerebral vasospasm treated with IA papaverine injection [4,10,16,23,26,27]. In our patient, the close temporal Papaverine-Induced Seizures Cerebral angiogram demonstrating successful balloon angioplasty of the left distal ICA and proximal MCA segment. Persistent, mild ACA A1 segment vasospasm is also noted. 2 association between papaverine infusion and onset of seizures on two separate occasions suggests a causal relationship. Use of papaverine hydrochloride in the treatment of vasospasm was first reported in 1992 [6,13]. Since then, it has been used in refractory cases, either alone or in combination with balloon angioplasty, and with different rates of success [9]. Although papaverine is capable of reversing angiographic vasospasm, its effects are shorter lasting than those of proximal, large vessel cerebral angioplasty [9,15,21,26]. Clinically, papaverine is administered via microcatheter in the compromised circulation. When vasospasm affects anterior circulation vessels, the catheter tip is usually positioned distal to the ophthalmic artery, in the supraclinoid ICA, whereby papaverine exerts its effects on both ACA and MCA territories. When the posterior circulation is treated, the catheter tip is placed proximal to the vasospastic segment [12,19]. The dose of papaverine commonly used is 300 mg of the drug diluted in 100 cc of normal saline (0.3% papaverine), and is administered in the affected vascular territory over 30 to 60 minutes. In situations where more than one vascular territory is affected, additional doses of papaverine may be infused, but side Surg Neurol 161 2001;55:159 –63 effects such as hypotension or increased ICP can limit the procedure [5,19]. Some of the side effects reported with use of papaverine in patients with cerebral vasospasm are clearly dose-related. Hypotension has been directly associated with large doses and with too rapid administration of the drug [19]. Because hypotension in the setting of refractory vasospasm can have devastating neurologic consequences, blood pressure should be closely monitored during IA administration of papaverine when vasospasm affects several vascular territories. The rise in ICP during the administration of the drug has been reported previously and it has been linked to the rate and total dose of drug given [5]. Although the mechanism of increased ICP is independent of blood pressure changes in these patients and is likely the result of vasodilatory effects of the drug on cerebral vasculature, a decrease in the mean arterial pressure can clearly complicate papaverine treatment and lead to additional vasodilatation of cerebral blood vessels, increased cerebral blood volume, and subsequent worsening of an already elevated ICP. Finally, Miller et al have described severe thrombocytopenia after the IA administration of papaverine for treatment of cerebral vasospasm [20]. Mathis et al reported their experience with 36 patients treated with papaverine for symptomatic vasospasm and found transient neurologic events complicating therapy in six (16.7%) of them [19]: pupillary dilatation (four patients), transient hemiparesis (one patient), and respiratory arrest (one patient). Because there is a risk of microcrystal formation, some investigators have postulated that precipitation of papaverine can occur and subsequent distal embolization may affect an already challenged vascular territory [18]. However, to the best of our knowledge, this hypothesis has never been validated in vivo. Papaverine hydrochloride has been used in epilepsy research as an anticonvulsant agent because of its inhibitory effects on adenosine uptake. Dragunow et al have shown that adenosine modulates the kindling process in neuronal structures involved in the generation of seizure discharges [7,8]. Furthermore, adenosine may also belong to an inherent control system that prevents seizure spreading. However, in a rodent model of theophyllineinduced seizures, Ramzan reported the only available study that presents papaverine as proconvulsant [25]. Apparently, this effect of papaverine could be mediated by reducing threshold concentrations of theophylline required to generate seizures, and perhaps by acting as proconvulsant in itself if sufficiently high concentrations are reached. 162 Surg Neurol 2001;55:159 –63 1 Carhuapoma et al Review of Papaverine-Associated Seizures in SAH Patients Reported since 1993 AGE/SEX VESSELS TREATED H&H DOSE OF PAPAVERINE ANGIOGRAPHIC RESULTS OUTCOME 42/M 37/M Not reported 40/F 44/F 40/F ICA MCA MCA ACA/MCA ACA/MCA ICA II I Not reported III II III 30 mg 20 mg 200 mg 120 mg 200 mg Not reported Resolved vasospasm No effect Not reported Resolved vasospasm Resolved vasospasm Minimal improvement No neurologic deficit Severely disabled Not reported Mildly disabled Died Minimally improved AUTHOR, YEAR 27 Tsurushima et al , 2000 Terada et al26, 1997 Numaguchi et al23, 1997 Marks et al16, 1993 Clouston et al4, 1995 Firlik et al10, 1999 M, Male; F, Female; H & H, Hunt and Hess score; ICA, Internal carotid artery; MCA, Middle cerebral artery; ACA, Anterior cerebral artery. A review of six other cases of papaverine-induced seizures reported since 1992 seems to suggest that this drug may trigger seizures through a mechanism unrelated to the total administered dose, the initial neurologic status, or the final effect on vessel patency (Table 1). Interestingly, in every case where this complication was reported, the drug was being administered in the anterior circulation (ICA or MCA), as in our patient. Although only six cases have been reported thus far, the analysis of these data portrays direct proconvulsant effect of papaverine during its IA administration in metabolically challenged neuronal tissue as a conceivable pathophysiologic mechanism. This and other hypotheses, however, have never been specifically tested. Underlying conditions such as SLE (although inactive), recent surgical trauma, cerebral ischemia secondary to cerebral vasospasm, an already existing predisposition to seizure activity (as demonstrated by an early postoperative seizure), and perhaps supra-therapeutic levels of PHT could also have contributed to further reduce the seizure threshold in this case. Conclusion The case presented in this report shows a clear-cut instance of seizures reproducibly associated with the IA administration of papaverine. The mechanism leading to this manifestation of altered neuronal function remains unknown. As in this case, concomitant conditions that can further decrease the seizure threshold, if present, have the potential to aggravate this risk when the cerebral anterior circulation is the target of this form of therapy. Dr. Carhuapoma is supported partly by the David A. 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COMMENTARY Although this is not the first case of seizures occurring after intra-arterial administration of papaverine, I find it to be very valuable because the patient was re-challenged with papaverine, eliciting another seizure episode. Re-challenge is the best proof of cause/effect association. This case is a good reminder to clinicians of this possible side effect, especially when considering this line of treatment in a patient in whom a seizure might have devastating consequences. In addition, this case report confirms once more the lack of antipileptogenic effect of phenytoin, as the serum free phenytoin level in this patient was two times the maximum therapeutic level. Carlota Andrews, PharmD, Ph.D. Department of Pharmacy Practice University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois