Neurocase (2001) Vol. 7, pp. 515–521 © Oxford University Press 2001 Gerstmann Syndrome in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Neuropsychological, Neuroimaging and Spectroscopic Findings Rex E. Jung1,2, Ronald A. Yeo2, Wilmer L. Sibbitt Jr3,4, Corey C. Ford1,4, Blaine L. Hart5 and William M. Brooks1,6 1Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Research Center, and Departments of 2Psychology, 3Internal Medicine, 4Neurology, 5Radiology and 6Neurosciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Abstract Gerstmann syndrome (GS) comprises four interlaced neuropsychological symptoms including finger agnosia, right–left confusion, agraphia, and acalculia. While GS is commonly associated with focal lesions to the region of the left angular gyrus, it has also been associated with numerous diffuse etiologies including atrophy, alcoholism, carbon monoxide poisoning, lead intoxication and anaphylactic shock. Thus, a vigorous debate has emerged as to whether GS represents a syndrome arising from general brain decline or a distinct and localizing lesion. We report a right-handed patient who developed neuropsychological dysfunction secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Neuropsychological evaluation found the patient to exhibit symptoms consistent with the GS tetrad, as well as general cognitive decline. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a distinct focal lesion of the left parieto-occipital white matter underlying the angular gyrus as well as diffuse atrophy. 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed substantial metabolic derangement in a voxel placed within the visible lesion, although substantial metabolic derangement was observed in regions remote from the focal pathology. Thus, GS in this first case in SLE would appear to comprise a focal neurological tetrad of disorders within a more general pattern of cognitive decline and metabolic derangement. Introduction Josef Gerstmann’s name is eponymous for a syndrome of four interlaced neuropsychological symptoms comprising: inability to identify one’s own fingers (finger agnosia), right– left disorientation, inability to write (agraphia), and inability to perform mathematical operations (acalculia)(Gerstmann, 1940). This tetrad of the Gerstmann syndrome (GS), which arose from lesions of ‘the angular and second occipital convolution’ of the left hemisphere, highlighted a period of increasing attention to localization of cognitive function within centers of the brain. However, even in his initial reports, Gerstmann acknowledged that other ‘signs’ of cognitive dysfunction were often associated with the ‘pure’ form of the disorder. While the syndrome found wide acceptance within the neurological community of the time, the advent of modern neuroimaging techniques and lesion analysis has challenged the sensitivity and specificity of this syndrome to lesions of the inferior parietal region of the dominant hemisphere. Prior to Gerstmann’s case reports, a French ophthalmologist named Jules Badal (1888) described a visually disoriented patient secondary to eclampsia. This patient was unable to dress or feed herself (dressing apraxia), unable to read or write (alexia, agraphia), walked slowly and cautiously, could not trace the letters of the alphabet (constructional apraxia), was unable to distinguish left from right (right–left disorientation), and could not identify the fingers on her hands by name or number (finger ‘agnosia’). While GS was commonly associated with focal lesions to the left angular gyrus, it has been, even in this earliest case, associated with numerous diffuse etiologies including neurodegenerative disorders, alcoholism, carbon monoxide poisoning, lead intoxication and anaphylactic shock (Critchley, 1966). Thus, a vigorous debate has emerged as to whether GS represents a syndrome arising from general brain decline or a distinct and localizing focal lesion. That GS may occur in a variety of syndromes and in the presence of myriad lesion sites was not lost on Benton (1961), who designed an elegant test of the localizing efficacy of this disorder. Perhaps most striking was the observation that GS often occurred as a syndrome in the presence of Correspondence to: Rex E. Jung, Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Research Center, 1201 Yale NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA. Tel: ⫹1 505 897 2269; e-mail: 516 R. E. Jung et al. numerous other neurological deficits. These deficits include, but are not limited to: aphasia, constructional apraxia, alexia, visuoperceptual defects, and general cognitive decline (Benton, 1961). Neuropathologically, patients with GS had large lesions of the left posterior hemisphere that were of a ‘progressive or recurrent nature’ (Benton, 1977). The most compelling conclusion to these studies was that GS does not occur in isolation from more general linguistic and cognitive decline. While most of the studies that have contributed to the literature on GS are behavioral and radiological in nature, the discussion has not adequately addressed the underlying metabolism and integrity of brain tissue both at the site of lesion and removed from the site of focal injury. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a powerful non-invasive method for studying cerebral metabolism and neuronal integrity in vivo. Proton MRS (1H-MRS) detects signals from metabolites such as N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine (Cre), choline-containing compounds (Cho), and lactate (Lac) (Ross and Michaelis, 1994). Changes in neurometabolites measured by 1H-MRS have been found in a wide range of neurocognitively impaired patients. For example, reduced NAA has been noted in many diseases and is associated with neuronal injury or metabolic depression (Brooks et al., 2000). The Cre peak represents the sum of intracellular creatine and phosphocreatine, both of which have important roles in tissue energetics. The Cho peak reflects the sum of all 1H-MRS visible choline moieties, and is elevated in stroke and multiple sclerosis due to membrane breakdown, inflammation and demyelination (Ross and Michaelis, 1994). It has been demonstrated that neuronal metabolites, including NAA and choline, are strongly correlated with composite measures of neuropsychological performance in a cohort of patients diagnosed with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) (Brooks et al., 1999). Moreover, the sensitivity of metabolites measured by 1H-MRS to behavioral measures was highlighted by recent findings that broad intellectual and neuropsychological functioning was correlated with NAA and choline in normal human brain (Jung et al., 1999a, b). NPSLE is characterized by complex physical and behavioral manifestations encompassing a broad spectrum of neuropsychological symptoms (Sibbitt et al., 1999a). Mild central nervous system (CNS) complaints, life-threatening neurological involvement, stroke, and chronic disability contribute to the diagnostic and treatment complexity of this disease (Carbotte et al., 1995). Neuropsychological function is often abnormal in NPSLE, and can reflect impairment of intellect, attention, memory, language, visuospatial, sensory motor, and problem-solving abilities (Skeel et al., 2000). Although a wide range of neurodiagnostic tools are used to evaluate CNS complaints in NPSLE, no single technique has proved to be a definitive, diagnostic, or reliable measure (Sibbitt et al., 1999b). However, 1H-MRS has contributed significantly to the understanding of neuronal metabolism critical to disease expression, course, and prognosis (Sibbitt et al., 1997). Case report JA was a 35-year-old woman who complained of severe headaches, weakness, difficulty performing simple intellectual tasks, and disability. She had been disabled for 5 years prior to the diagnosis of SLE and brain disease, and was unemployable and living with her mother when the cognitive disorder was recognized. Her medical history included nine first trimester miscarriages, deep venous thrombosis, joint pain, thrombocytopenia, severe depression, and mouth ulcers. The patient had been told in the past that she had ‘lupus’, at which time she was treated with high-dose corticosteroids. The diagnosis of SLE was confirmed using the American Rheumatism Association 1982 and American College of Rheumatology 1997 revised criteria for SLE (Tan et al., 1982; Hochberg, 1997). The presence of NPSLE was confirmed and classified using the 1999 Case Definitions for NPSLE Syndromes (American College of Rheumatology, 1999). Medication at the time of the evaluation included oxycodone/acetaminophen for severe headaches. A physical examination demonstrated extensive livedo reticularis over the extremities, a depressed affect, hyperreflexia, bilaterally upgoing toes (Babinski’s sign), and impaired cognition. Antinuclear antibody was 1:320 speckled and diffuse, anti-dsDNA antibody was negative, anti-Sm antibody was negative, urinalysis was normal, platelet count was 90 ⫻ 103/cm3, C3 13 (normal range 24–44), C4 63 (normal range 74–120), IgG (in standardized international units: MPL/GPL units) (36 GPL) and anti-phospholipid antibodies IgM (39 MPL) were strongly positive. A lumbar puncture was performed, but demonstrated no cells, normal glucose, no oligoclonal bands, negative myelin basic protein, normal IgG index, normal protein, and normal albumin quotient. The patient was positive for anti-phospholipid antibody IgM (MPL), and in the presence of a thrombotic event (stroke), indicated vascular injury secondary to anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome (APAS) in this case SLE–APAS (Golstein et al., 1993; Gorman and Cummings, 1993). However, it should be recognized that the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies is now one of the criteria for the diagnosis of SLE; thus, this syndrome should be construed to be a complication of NPSLE, not primary APAS (Hochberg, 1997; American College of Rheumatology, 1999). As in this case, stroke syndromes affect 10–15% of SLE subjects and remain a devastating complication (West, 1994). Neurological examination found the patient to be alert, oriented, and able to follow simple commands. She had some difficulty with left–right confusion. For example, when asked to touch her left ear with her right thumb she was hesitant and made errors with the choice of arm, digit and ear. She had difficulties with calculations and was unable to perform serial 7s or serial 3s or to make simple change. No abnormalities were noted in an evaluation of the cranial nerves. Extraocular movements were intact. No sensory abnormalities were noted on the face. There was no weakness in the facial muscles and her hearing acuity was normal bilaterally. Her Gerstmann syndrome in SLE 517 palate elevation was midline and there was no dysarthria. Shoulder shrug was normal, as was tongue function. Muscle power was normal in all muscle groups of both the upper and lower extremities. There was normal bulk and tone in the arms and legs. There was a slight decrease in vibration thresholds in the feet and occasional proprioceptive errors were made identifying passive toe movements. Her reflexes were 3⫹ and symmetric in the upper extremities and at the knees. There was ankle clonus on the right and a 3⫹ reflex at the left ankle with bilateral extensor plantar responses. No ataxia was noted on finger-to-nose or heel-to-shin testing and she performed rapid alternating movements normally. Her gait was normally based and stable. However, she demonstrated ataxia on tandem gait and was unable to take more than two steps without stepping to the side. She had a negative Romberg. The patient was fully anticoagulated with warfarin, but refused treatment with prednisone. In spite of adequate anticoagulation (international normalized ratio ⫽ 3.5), the patient continued to have severe headaches and became increasingly disabled. As serum complements remained low, it was felt that the increasing neurological deterioration was due to CNS vasculopathy secondary to SLE disease activity, rather than to further antiphospholipid antibody-mediated cerebrovascular thromboses. The patient was placed on monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide (1.0 g/m2) and within 4 weeks noticed markedly fewer headaches and arthralgias. By 8 weeks of therapy, serum complements had risen, and the patient felt that her neurological functioning had markedly improved. She made plans to move to her own apartment. A physical examination at that time was unchanged, and although the patient’s depression and pain were much less, cognitive abnormalities remained. Neuropsychological examination JA was alert and oriented to person, place and situation. She correctly identified the day and date, but stated that the year was 1996 (actually 1998) and that the time was 2.30 p.m. (actually 1.37 p.m.). JA complained of visual difficulty, but was unable to specify the extent and effect her vision had on her abilities. She wore contact lenses during the evaluation, and quickly attributed her visual difficulties to the lack of a current lens prescription. Informally assessed, she did not exhibit symptoms characteristic of simultaneous agnosia, visual neglect, or Balint–Holmes syndrome. Subjectively, her speech was normally articulated, fluent, and demonstrated correct prosody. She appeared to be somewhat labile, crying one moment when recounting a family story, and laughing minutes later. Depressive affect was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory, and she endorsed very few vegetative or cognitive symptoms (total score ⫽ 6). During the course of the neuropsychological assessment, the patient complained of difficulty discriminating left from right, trouble keeping financial records, and difficulty with vision, particularly reading and writing. Formal screening for GS was added to the neuropsychological assessment, and was found to be defective in all criteria measured (Table 1). The positive GS findings led to speculation that JA had a major lesion within the left parietal region, a hypothesis that was confirmed upon subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination. A broad neuropsychological examination was administered, utilizing standard methods, that included the following tests: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III, Wide Range Achievement Test-III reading and spelling subtests, California Verbal Learning Test, Warrington Recognition Memory Test, Boston Naming Test, Controlled Oral Word Association, Sentence Repetition Test, Stroop Test, Reitan–Klove Sensory Perceptual Examination, Grip Strength, Finger Tapping, Ninehole Peg Test, Right–Left Orientation, Trail Making Test A and B, Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale and Beck Depression Inventory. JA’s scores were compared with normal age-matched controls commonly utilized in both research and clinical settings (Spreen and Strauss, 1998). Normative data on the Halstead–Reitan test and the California Verbal Learning Test were generated via computer scoring. All scores were converted to z-scores (individual score – mean/ standard deviation) for the purpose of comparison within a standard metric. z-scores have a mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 1, with scores falling below –1.3 considered to be within the impaired range of functioning (Lezak, 1995). Pre-morbid intellectual ability was estimated with the Barona et al. (1984) equation, which suggested average pre-morbid cognitive functioning (estimated full-scale IQ ⫽ 100.7). Of note is the substantial decline in current intellectual functioning from estimates of pre-morbid functioning (full-scale IQ ⫽ 65). It should also be noted that, when the effects of working memory are removed from intellectual functioning [as is the case with the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)], JA’s intellectual ability falls within the average range of functioning (VCI ⫽ 91). Finally, very poor performance was evident on most measures of non-verbal reasoning, relying heavily upon accurate visual and spatial integration. Table 2 compares JA’s performance on intellectual measures with that of a recent case of pure GS with a subangular lesion (Mayer et al., 1999). Striking similarities were observed between these individual cases on measures of intellectual functioning, namely poor performance on measures of oral arithmetic, block design, and digit symbol, probably representing the intellectual correlates of GS (Fig. 1). Verbal comprehension was adequate according to responses to complex ideational material (total score ⫽ 11/12). Similarly, sentence repetition was within normal limits (total score ⫽ 15). Performance on measures of right–left discrimination was similar to the GS patient described by Strub and Geschwind (1974), in that right–left orientation was largely intact for her own body and that of the examiner (seven of eight correct), although she was unable to identify correctly the right hand of the examiner. JA, however, did not possess the ability to use orientation systems concurrently. For 518 R. E. Jung et al. Table 1. Gerstmann symptoms for JA Gerstmann domain Test Raw score z-scorea Acalculia Agraphia Finger agnosia WAIS-III arithmetic WRAT-III spelling Reitan–Klove: tactile finger recognition right hand (errors) Reitan–Klove: tactile finger recognition left hand (errors) Benton right–left orientation 6 16 13 15 10 –2.40 –4.50 ⬎–5.00 ⬎–5.00 –4.04 Right–left confusion az-scores have a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WRAT-III, Wide Range Achievement Test. Table 2. Intellectual profile of HP and JA Fig. 1. Scatterplot comparing JA’s intellectual subtest performance with that of a recent case of pure Gerstmann syndrome with a subangular lesion (HP). example, when asked to indicate the correct directional eye, ear, or knee with her right or left hand, she performed at chance levels (three of eight correct). Most striking was her inability to use her right or left hand to indicate the directional side of the examiner’s eye, ear or shoulder (none of four). The Reitan–Klove Sensory Perceptual Examination was notable for the lack of basic tactile, auditory, or visual sensory deficiency (one left-hand suppression error in total), except for the finding of finger agnosia described below. For example, in the tactile examination, each hand is first touched separately in order to determine that the subject is able to respond with accuracy to the hand touched, followed by unilateral stimulation interspersed with bilateral simultaneous stimulation. As a basic attentional component is required to perform these sensory tasks, JA’s performance would tend to indicate a lack of primary attentional or sensory deficit to explain the dysfunction on other measures. Of more general interest was the expected bilateral dysfunction on finger ‘gnosis’, as well as unilateral right ⬎ left impairment on graphesthesia (13 errors for the right hand, one error for the left hand). The former task requires the subject to identify individual fingers on each hand following tactile stimulation, while the latter task requires the patient to report numbers written on the fingertips of each hand, both without the use of visual cues (Reitan and Davison, 1974). JA’s performance on writing tasks is best characterized as ‘apraxic’ agraphia, in which letter formation and poor line drawing is the central element of dysfunction. This pattern was continued on tasks such as the Benton Visual Retention Test, and clock drawing, both of which had to be discontinued WAIS-III HP JA Impaired Verbal IQ Information Comprehension Vocabulary Similarities Digit span Arithmetic 97 14 14 13 12 3 3 79 9 6 8 8 5 3 – – – – – ⫹ ⫹ Performance IQ Picture completion Picture arrangement Block design Digit symbol 79 8 7 5 4 54 2 4 2 1 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. due to poor line formation. Interestingly, while generally able to copy letters to dictation, JA indicated that she could not ‘think how to form a K’ in both single letter and word spelling formats (i.e. ‘make’). The neuropsychological test results are presented in Table 3. MRI and 1H-MRS examination The patient came to our center as part of a research cohort of SLE patients undergoing 1H-MRS and neuropsychological assessment to determine the relationship of metabolic changes to functional impairment. All magnetic resonance acquisitions were carried out on a 1.5 Tesla clinical magnetic resonance scanner using standard software (GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI, USA). Sagittal T1-weighted images, axial T1-weighted three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition sequence (FSPGR) images and axial intermediate and T2-weighted images from the midbrain through the vertex were obtained without contrast. The ventricular system was normal in position and somewhat prominent in size. Diffuse volume loss and multiple focal areas of cortical volume loss and underlying white matter gliosis were present. Volume loss and gliosis were interpreted as probably resulting from multiple areas of infarction. Representative axial T1, T2 and proton density images are presented in Fig. 2. The diffuse atrophy is readily observed, with the most prominent brain tissue loss in the left posterior parietal and occipital regions. Gerstmann syndrome in SLE 519 Fig. 2. Representative axial T1, T2 and proton density images from magnetic resonance imaging showing diffuse atrophy and focal lesion to the left posterior brain region. Table 3. Neuropsychological performance of JA Test JA raw z-scorea Impairedb WRAT-III—reading 39 CVLT—total 42 CVLT—delay 8 Warrington Recognition Memory Test—words 44 Warrington Recognition Memory Test—faces 32 Sentence Repetition Test 15 Boston Naming Test 49 Verbal Fluency Test 16 Finger tapping—dominant 21.7 Finger tapping—non-dominant 30 Grip strength—dominant 22.3 Grip strength—non-dominant 22.7 Stroop Word Reading 30 Stroop Color Naming 14 Stroop Interference 2 Beck Depression Inventory 6 PANAS—positive affect scale 35 PANAS—negative affect scale 12 –1.4 –2.8 –3.0 –1.0 –3.0 –0.6 –2.7 –5.3 –2.9 –1.7 –1.2 –0.8 ⬎–3.0 ⬎–3.0 ⬎–3.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ – ⫹ – ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ – – ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ – – – az-scores have a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. bImpaired performance based upon a z-score less than –1.3. WRAT-III, Wide Range Achievement Test; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; PANAS, Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale. The location and appearance of this lesion suggest the occlusion of a discrete medium-sized muscular cerebral artery, indicating a classic stroke syndrome of NPSLE (American College of Rheumatology, 1999). The stroke episode was distant, as indicated by the involuted appearance of the affected area on MRI. However, this subject had no identifiable clinical stroke episode; rather her disability appeared to evolve slowly over a period of time. This presentation is typical of multi-infarct processes, rather than a catastrophic stroke syndrome, which is usually easily recognizable by the clinician. Indeed, there were other smaller lesions obvious by MRI, indicating a gradual accumulation of individual lesions. Moreover, the patient lost cognitive rather than motor function with this lesion, and although most physicians can recognize gross loss of motor function, many have difficulty recognizing cognitive disorders without a high level of vigilance. Spectroscopic voxel locations were selected from localizing imaging sequences—a T1-weighted FSPGR scan (TE ⫽ 6.9 ms, TR ⫽ 17.7 ms, flip angle ⫽ 25 degrees, 3 mm slices) and a conventional T2-weighted series (TE ⫽ 30/100 ms, TR ⫽ 2800 ms, 4 mm slices). A stimulatedecho acquisition mode (STEAM) pulse sequence, including water suppression, was employed to sample four voxel locations (TE ⫽ 30 ms, TR ⫽ 2000 ms, 128 averages) within bilateral occipitoparietal white matter, and bilateral frontal white matter. The voxels were positioned specifically to maximize white matter and minimize gray matter and ventricular contribution (Fig. 3). Following water filtering, time-domain fitting of Gaussian lineshapes was carried out by VARPRO, and the areas corresponding to NAA and Cho were recorded. The data were quantified by employing the internal water signal as a concentration reference standard and correcting for metabolite and water T1 and T2 effects during echo and recycle times using literature values. Spectroscopic evaluation revealed global metabolic decline within both white and gray matter tissue in this patient. Measures of NAA within left occipitoparietal white matter were reduced substantially (–8.5 standard deviations) from normal control values (12.92 ⫾ 0.60) obtained in a cohort of healthy neurologically normal adults reported previously (Jung et al., 2000). Similarly, Cho was substantially elevated within the same voxel location (–3.6 standard deviations) compared with control values (1.75 ⫾ 0.25) obtained within a similar cohort (Jung et al., 1999b). Of interest, while the left occipitoparietal voxel revealed the greatest degree of metabolic derangement, similar reductions in NAA and 520 R. E. Jung et al. Fig. 3. Spectroscopic regions of interest and metabolic values for N-acetylaspartate (upper value) and choline (lower value) within three voxel locations. elevations in Cho were apparent throughout the brain of this individual (Fig. 3). Discussion This case represents the first description of Gerstmann’s tetrad in a patient diagnosed with SLE. While this patient exhibited numerous areas of neuropsychological dysfunction, it is clear that various cognitive domains were differentially affected by the disease course. For example, while the intellectual profile of JA was quite reduced, and indicative of global cognitive decline, it did correlate highly with the intellectual performance of a case of pure GS reported in the literature (Mayer et al., 1999). Indeed, JA’s verbal intellectual abilities are probably close to pre-morbid levels in the low average range. Other aspects of intellectual ability, including digit–symbol substitution, arithmetic reasoning, and block construction, were all profoundly affected in both JA and HP, demonstrating the possibility, although preliminary, of a common intellectual consequence of GS. While GS has often been described as a focal neurological disorder, analysis of the performance of our patient would suggest the confounding influences of global cerebral pathology. Indeed, JA exhibited the tetrad of GS symptomatology within the context of a general cognitive decline as well as global neuropsychological dysfunction sparing only gross motor and some language processes (e.g. word recognition, sentence repetition). MRI data revealed both focal pathology within the left parieto-occipital hemisphere and general atrophic processes affecting the entire parenchyma. Spectro- scopic data revealed general metabolic derangement throughout the brain with a lack of specificity to the white matter underlying the left angular gyrus. Thus, GS appears to be a watershed disorder that tends to localize well to the dominant parietal lobe and underlying white matter, but that does not reflect a single underlying deficit (i.e. Grundstörung) of other focal neurological disorders, including various syndromes of aphasia, amnesia and alexia. However, GS symptoms in neurological patients are ‘clinically meaningful’ in that they point to a probable lesion within the dominant posterior parietal hemisphere (Benton, 1992). The interest in the cognitive models that underlie GS is well placed, as GS appears to involve some aspects of body schema, visuospatial orientation, and the developmental processes inherent within arithmetic ability that often begins with counting on one’s fingers (Benton and Sivan, 1993). The specificity of this disorder, however, is fading as the sensitivity of various imaging modalities exceeds the sensitivity of GS in diagnosing brain–behavior dysfunction. JA exhibits the ‘classic’ symptoms that comprise the GS syndrome, as well as converging evidence of the characteristic GS lesion. However, it is difficult to determine whether this lesion also plays a role in the broad neuropsychological deficit evident in this patient, or whether other brain events, including global cerebral atrophy and concurrent metabolic derangement, can better account for the general neuropsychological dysfunction evident in JA. Future research will be valuable to disentangle the cognitive underpinnings of GS that play a role in higher-level neuropsychological domains including expressive language (both oral and written), visuospatial orientation, and abstract use of numerical concepts. Acknowledgements This research was supported by The Mental Illness and Neuroscience Discovery (MIND) Institute and grant RO1 NS 35708 from the National Institutes of Health. References American College of Rheumatology. The American College of Rheumatology nomenclature and case definitions for neuropsychiatric lupus syndromes. Arthritis and Rheumatism 1999; 42: 599–608. Badal J. Contribution à l’étude des cécites psychiques: alexia, agraphie, hemianopsie inferieure, trouble de la sens de l’espace. Archives of Ophthalmology, Paris 1888; 8: 97–117. Barona A, Reynolds CR, Chastain R. A demographically based index of premorbid intelligence for the WAIS-R. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1984; 52: 885–7. Benton A. The fiction of the ‘‘Gerstmann Syndrome’’. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1961; 24: 176–81. Benton A. Reflections of the Gerstmann Syndrome. Brain and Language 1977; 4: 45–62. Benton A. Gerstmann’s Syndrome. Archives of Neurology 1992; 49: 445–7. 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Jung, R. A. Yeo, W. L. Sibbitt Jr, C. C. Ford, B. L. Hart and W. M. Brooks Abstract Gerstmann syndrome (GS) comprises four interlaced neuropsychological symptoms including finger agnosia, right–left confusion, agraphia, and acalculia. While GS is commonly associated with focal lesions to the region of the left angular gyrus, it has also been associated with numerous diffuse etiologies including atrophy, alcoholism, carbon monoxide poisoning, lead intoxication and anaphylactic shock. Thus, a vigorous debate has emerged as to whether GS represents a syndrome arising from general brain decline or a distinct and localizing lesion. We report a right-handed patient who developed neuropsychological dysfunction secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Neuropsychological evaluation found the patient to exhibit symptoms consistent with the GS tetrad, as well as general cognitive decline. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a distinct focal lesion of the left parieto-occipital white matter underlying the angular gyrus as well as diffuse atrophy. 1Hmagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed substantial metabolic derangement in a voxel placed within the visible lesion, although substantial metabolic derangement was observed in regions remote from the focal pathology. Thus, GS in this first case in SLE would appear to comprise a focal neurological tetrad of disorders within a more general pattern of cognitive decline and metabolic derangement. Journal Neurocase 2001; 7: 515–21 Neurocase Reference Number: O241 Primary diagnosis of interest Gerstmann syndrome Author’s designation of case JA Key theoretical issue d Gerstmann syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus, comprising a focal neurological tetrad of disorders within a more general pattern of cognitive decline and metabolic derangement Key words: Gerstmann syndrome; systemic lupus erythematosus; spectroscopy; nuclear magnetic resonance; neurochemistry; neuropsychological Scan, EEG and related measures MRI, 1H-MR spectroscopy Standardized assessment Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-3, Wide Range Achievement Test-3, Naming Test, Controlled Oral Word Association, Sentence Recognition Test, Sentence Repetition Test, Stroop Test, Reitan–Klove Sensory Perceptual Examination, grip strength, finger tapping, 9-hole peg test, Benton right–left orientation test, Trail Making test A & B, positive affect negative affect scale, Beck depression inventory Other assessment Neurological, rheumatological Lesion location d Left posterior parietal region Lesion type Infarct Language English