ABSTRACT IMPLICIT PROCESSING OF GLOBAL INFORMATION IN BALINT’S SYNDROME Georgina M. Jackson1, Rachel Swainson1, Dominic Mort2, Masud Husain2 and Stephen R. Jackson1 (1Institute of Neuroscience, University of Nottingham; 2Division of Neuroscience and Psychological Medicine, Imperial College, University of London) INTRODUCTION To perceive the world as a unitary whole we need to integrate local features into separate and coherent objects. Previous studies in neurologically intact subjects have shown that information at a global level can interfere with the processing of local features (i.e., a global interference effect). For instance, when asked to identify the smaller letters in so-called ‘Navon’ stimuli, reaction times are slowed if the global letter is different from the smaller letters from which it is composed (Navon, 1981). Balint’s Syndrome is a relatively rare disorder associated with bilateral parieto-occipital damage (Balint, 1909). Patients presenting with this syndrome show a profound deficit in identifying multiple visual objects presented simultaneously and in perceiving complex global scenes, even when they can accurately report local details. We made use of the global interference effect to investigate whether the global deficit seen in Balint’s Syndrome reflects a deficit in global processing or in the awareness of global form. Using event related potentials (ERPs) we demonstrate that the patient processes global information in the absence of explicit awareness. CASE JJ Our patient (JJ) is a 65-year-old right-handed male who has suffered recurrent cerebral haemorrhages over the past 6 years. A recent MRI scan shows asymmetrical bilateral atrophy to areas of the parietal, temporal and occipital cortices with damage to the left parietal cortex extending further into the superior region. JJ exhibits evidence of simultanagnosia on a number of tasks. Firstly, when presented with the Boston Cookie Thief picture he can report only isolated items from the picture. Secondly, when presented with overlapping figures taken from the Birmingham object recognition battery (BORB) JJ only reports one item from each pair. Thirdly, JJ requires 150msec to report the identity and colour of a single coloured letter stimulus but requires 2600 msec to correctly report the identity and colour of a pair of coloured letters. When given unlimited time to report the global letter in a ‘Navon’ figure (e.g., is Cortex, (2004) 40, 179-180 it a ‘u’, an ‘n’, or an ‘o’?), JJ’s performance is at chance. In contrast, he is completely accurate (100% correct) in reporting both the local letters in the ‘Navon’ figure and non-compound letters (whether filled or outline) of the same size as the global ‘Navon’ figure. Importantly, while JJ is unable to accurately report the identity of the global figure, he is significantly slower to correctly identify local letters in a ‘Navon’ figure if the identity of the global letter differs from that of the local letters [Means: Congruent = 733 msec, Incongruent = 757 msec; F (1, 921) = 5.5; p = 0.02]. ERP study Patient JJ performed a focused attention version (i.e., identify the local level only) of the Navon task (Miller and Navon, 2002). He was presented with large (7°) compound stimuli consisting of global ‘u’, ‘n’ (an upside down letter ‘u’), or ‘o’ stimuli made up of smaller letter ‘u’, ‘n’ or ‘o’ stimuli. The local ‘u’ and ‘n’ stimuli could thus be congruent or incongruent with respect to the global figure. Each stimulus was presented for 200 msec. Note, with presentation durations of 200 msec JJ is never able to report the identity of the global figure. Sixty trials of each type were presented. JJ was required to make a left button press to indicate he had seen a letter ‘u’ and a right button press to indicate the presence of an ‘n’. No response was required to the letter ‘o’. JJ was allowed 2000 msec to respond. Response times were determined from the onset of the visual stimulus until the button-press. The first block of 60 trials was used for practice. ERP recording High density event-related electrical potentials (ERPs) were recorded using a 128-channel geodesic sensor net coupled to a high input impedance amplifier. EEG was continuously recorded and digitised at 250 Hz. The continuous EEG was then segmented into one-second epochs time-locked to the onset of each visual stimulus, commencing 100msec prior to stimulus onset. ERPs were transformed using an average reference transform, and low-pass filtered with a cut-off frequency of 45Hz. 180 Georgina M. Jackson and Others Fig. 1 – Visual event-related potentials recorded over occipito-temporal cortex of the left hemisphere of patient JJ when presented with congruent (black) and incongruent (green) Navon figures (see text for details). Data reveal a significant early increase in the positive-going waveform (P160) for incongruent trials that is then followed by a later decrease in the negative-going waveform (N400) for incongruent trials. Significant time samples shaded red (p < 0.05, 2-tailed T-test). B Current source density (CSD) plots showing the topography of current sources and sinks at 400 msec after stimulus onset for congruent and incongruent trials demonstrating an enhanced negativity (N2) centred over frontal (Fz) cortex for incongruent trials. The epoch was baseline corrected using data from the 100msec prior to stimulus onset. ERP RESULTS A number of differences can be observed in the visual evoked potentials between the congruent and incongruent conditions. These are shown in Figure 1. At 160 msec after stimulus onset there is a significant increase in the positive-going waveforms recorded over the occipito-temporal cortex of the left hemisphere (P160) for incongruent trials. Later, at 400 msec after stimulus onset, there is a significant decrease in the negative-going waveform (N400) for incongruent trials. Finally, a priori examination of the frontal N2 recorded over FZ shows an increased N2 magnitude for incongruent trials. These differences between the congruent and incongruent condition demonstrate that JJ is processing to identification global level information that he cannot report. DISCUSSION JJ was unable to report the identity of the global level figure when presented with ‘Navon’ figures. However, his identification of large, non-compound, letters was always excellent, as was his ability to accurately report the local level features. In spite of JJ’s inability to report the global identity, his RT performance and the ERP data indicate that his visual system is extracting global information, and that this information is being processed to identification. Consistent with our finding of a left occipito-temporal locus of ERP differences between congruent and incongruent trials, a recent PET study of normal subjects demonstrated that reporting the local level of ‘Navon’ figures was associated with activation within the inferior occipital cortex of the left hemisphere (Fink et al, 1997). Similarly, Proverbio et al. (1998) in an ERP study of normal subjects, found increased negativity for congruent compared with incongruent trials over occipitotemporal sites, when the task required the reporting of local information. In conclusion, even though JJ is unaware of global information, the pattern of his ERPs is concordant with that previously reported in normal subjects. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a BBSRC grant awarded to GMJ, and a Leverhulme Trust Special Research Fellowship to RS. MH is supported by a grant from The Wellcome Trust. REFERENCES BÁLINT R. Seelenlähmung des ‘schauens’, optische ataxie, räumliche störung der aufmerksamkeit. Monattsschrifte für Psychiatrische Neurologie, 25: 51-81, 1909. FINK GR, HALLIGAN PW, MARSHALL JC, FRITH CD, FRACKOWIAK RSJ and DOLAN RD. Neural mechanisms involved in the processing of global and local aspects of hierarchically organized visual stimuli. Brain, 120: 1779-1791, 1997. MILLER J and NAVON D. Global precedence and response activation: Evidence from LRPs. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A: 289-310, 2002. NAVON D. The forest revisited: More on global precedence. Psychological Research, 43: 1-32, 1981. PROVERBIO AM, MINNITI A and ZANI A. Electrophysiological evidence of a perceptual precedence of global vs. local visual information. Cognitive Brain Research, 6: 321-334, 1998. Dr.Georgina M. Jackson, Division of Psychiatry, Behavioural Sciences, University of Nottingham, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH. E-mail: georgina.jackson@nottingham.ac.uk