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To cite this article: Joël Macoir & Renée Béland (2004) Knowing Its Gender Without Knowing Its Name: Differential Access to Lexical Information in a Jargonaphasic Patient, Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 10:6, 471-482, DOI: 10.1080/13554790490900770 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// Neurocase, 10(6): 471–482, 2004 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Inc. 1355-4795/04/1006–471$16.00 Neurocase Knowing Its Gender Without Knowing Its Name: Differential Access to Lexical Information in a Jargonaphasic Patient Joël Macoir1 and Renée Béland2 Programme d’orthophonie and Unité de recherche en gériatrie, Laval University, Québec, Canada, 2École d’orthophonie et d’audiologie and Groupe de Recherche en Neuropsychologie Expérimentale et Cognition, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada, Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 1 Abstract According to recent models of word production, when we name a picture, we first retrieve the meaning of the object, and then we independently retrieve the written or sound form of the word corresponding to the picture. In languages like French, in which words have a gender, theoretical models disagree with respect to the moment at which this information is retrieved. The lemma model (Levelt et al., 1999) posits that we access this information before the sound or written form of the word is retrieved. In contrast, the “Independent network” (IN) model (Caramazza, 1997) model posits that we access gender after retrieval of either the sound or written form of the word. This paper reports a single-case study of an aphasic patient, BA, who showed deficits affecting spoken and written production in the presence of largely preserved comprehension abilities. Experimental testing indicated that she presented with a deficit functionally localized in the access to lexical representations. Results in picture naming and in gender identification also revealed that BA identified the gender above chance level, whether she produced a correct response, a phonemic error, or a neologism. In contrast, when she was unable to produce a spoken or written response, she could not identify the gender. This pattern of performance is consistent with the lemma model in which access to lexical syntax is required before access to phonological form can take place. Introduction According to recent models of speech production, words are retrieved and produced through the activation of specialized and inter-connected components. In these models, the production of words is conceived as a staged process, in which the activation flow is initiated in a conceptual-semantic component and ends with the execution of articulation mechanisms. For picture naming, lexical access involves two main steps. In the first step, the non-verbal conceptual representation from the semantic system maps into a lexical-semantic representation, specifying the semantic features of the word to produce. In the second step, the lexeme, that is, the sound (phonological lexeme) or the written form (orthographic lexeme) of the target word, including morphological, metrical and segmental information, is retrieved. According to the “lemma” model, (e.g. Levelt et al., 1999), the information from the lexicalsemantic level first addresses, in a one-to-one relationship, an intermediate lexical level before the activation of the lexeme level. This intermediate level, referred to as the lemma level, contains information specifying the syntactic properties (e.g. grammatical class, gender, and agreement in tense, number, etc.) of the retrieved lexical-semantic representations (see Fig. 1a). Although the question has not been clearly addressed in the theoretical propositions, one can also assume that a unique lemma level is activated, whether the concept is to be spoken or written. Therefore, the output from the lemma level is sent to the phonological or orthographic output lexicon if the activated lexical-semantic representation is to be expressed in the spoken or written modality, respectively (see Fig. 1a). Evidence for the lemma level comes from the analysis of tip-of-the-tongue states (TOT), a common phenomenon in which normal subjects experience difficulty in retrieving a specific word but still have access to some of its syntactic (e.g. Vigliocco et al., 1997, 1999; Ferrand, 2001) or phonological (e.g. Brown, 1991) properties. In aphasia, DPI, the patient recently reported by Bachoud-Lévi and Dupoux (2003) as well as Dante, an Italian patient reported by Badecker et al. (1995), showed largely intact abilities in identifying the grammatical gender of words that they were unable to name or for which they could not provide any phonological or orthographic information. In contrast, the “independent network” (IN) model (Caramazza, 1997) involves no lemma level. In this model, syntactic information is accessed after activating either the phonological or the orthographic lexemes, that is, at the final Correspondence to: J. Macoir, Faculté de médecine, Département de réadaptation, Laval University, Pavillon F-Vandry, Québec (Qué) GIK 7P4, Canada. Tel: 1-1-418-656-2131 (ext. 12190); Fax: +1-418-656-5476; e-mail: DOI: 10.1080/13554790490900770 472 J. Macoir and R. Béland Semantic system Semantic system Lexical semantic representation A. Lexical semantic representation B. Lemma Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Phonolological lexeme Phonolological lexeme Orthographic lexeme Spoken output Written output Orthographic lexeme syntax Spoken output Written output Fig. 1. Schematic depiction of the two accounts of the two-stage model of lexical access. (A) The lemma mediation proposition based on Levelt et al. (1999) (note that routes and components in grey are not implemented in Levelt et al.); (B) The ‘Independent network model’. stage of lexical retrieval (see Fig. 1b). Evidence in support of the IN model arises from studies in which brain-damaged patients showed correct access to lexemes without being able to retrieve the information related to gender (e.g. Miceli and Caramazza, 1988). In a recent study, Caramazza and Miozzo (1997) also showed that normal subjects were able to retrieve the grammatical gender and the initial phoneme of words in TOT states above chance-level accuracy, but that the availability of the two types of information was not correlated. According to the authors, these results demonstrate that the retrieval of phonological information is independent of the prior retrieval of syntactic information. The lemma model and the IN model make different predictions with respect to normal and aphasic speech. In the lemma model, normal speakers and aphasic patients should be able to retrieve syntactic information without accessing information at the lexeme level. In the IN model, if a speaker retrieves syntactic information, he must also access either phonological or orthographic information about the word. We report a single-case study of an aphasic patient, BA, who showed deficits affecting spoken and written production in the presence of largely preserved comprehension abilities. We pursue two objectives in this case study. First, we investigate which of the two lexical access models, the lemma or the IN model, better accounts for the patient’s abilities in picture naming. Second, because the patient presents a clear dissociation in oral and picture naming, we investigate the lexeme retrieval. Using a series of experiments, we attempt to distinguish instances where partial access to the phonological lexemes is possible from those in which this access is completely blocked. Case history BA, an 81-year-old, right-handed woman, is a native speaker of French. She has a grade thirteen education and worked as a teacher. She suffered a cerebrovascular accident in August 1994 resulting in a severe right hemiplegia and language impairments, characterized by a severe spoken and written production deficit while comprehension was largely preserved. The EEG performed during the acute period revealed abnormalities in the left fronto-temporal area. The cerebral perfusion brain scintigraphy performed at the same period showed diminished activity in the left temporoparietal area. No CT scan was done during the acute period. However, a CT scan was performed 15 months after the stroke (November 1995). This CT scan showed a large cortico-subcortical hypodense lesion in the left sylvian area, involving the fronto-temporal lobe (see Figs. 2 and 3). Two months after her stroke, BA was admitted to a rehabilitation program and was referred to the first author (JM). At that time she still showed language disturbances and right hemiplegia. The present investigation took Figs. 2 and 3. Two axial CT scans depicting a large cortico-subcortical infarct in the left sylvian arca involving the fronto-temporal lobe. Gender identification place within a nine-month period during which BA’s performance remained stable. Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Neuropsychological evaluation Neuropsychological testing showed no impairment in tasks exploring orientation to time and space. BA showed good face recognition and presented no clinical signs of visual agnosia (Protocole Montréal-Toulouse d’évaluation des gnosies visuelles, Agniel et al., 1992). She presented with a normal performance (26/30, mean, score available for women between ages 65–74 years is 25.8) on the line orientation judgment test (Benton et al., 1978) as well as on the Bells cancellation test (BA’s score = 34/35) (Gauthier et al., 1989), and there were no signs of unilateral neglect. BA showed normal performance on the constructional apraxia subtest of the PENO neuropsychological evaluation battery (Joanette et al., 1995). Her performance on Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices was within the normal range. The patient’s short term memory was normal in the visuospatial modality (span of 5 on the Corsi block tapping procedure; Milner, 1971) whereas she presented with difficulties in the visuoverbal modality (span of 2). BA presented with mild impairment on long term memory tasks (picture recognition) on the BEM 144 (Signoret, 1991). Language evaluation BA was classified as mixed aphasia on an aphasia battery including the MT-86β (Nespoulous et al., 1992) on the basis of spontaneous speech, confrontation naming, oral reading, repetition, comprehension and written expression. Auditory and visual input With respect to input components, BA’s abilities appeared to be largely preserved. She was flawless in written letters (65/ 65) and CV syllable (82/82) discrimination (same vs. different judgment task) and she only produced one error out of the 42 stimuli (98% correct) for auditory CV and V syllable discrimination. Her performance in lexical decision tasks (word vs. nonword decision task) also pointed to the integrity of the patient’s phonological (58/60, 97% correct) and orthographic (60/60, 100% correct) input lexicons. Semantics and syntactic comprehension Comprehension abilities at the lexical-semantic level also appeared to be largely preserved. Her performance was largely preserved in a word-picture matching task adapted from Caplan and Bub’s (1990) Psycholinguistic Assessment of Language (PAL) in which the patient had to choose one of two pictures as a match to a word. Paired pictures of animals, fruits, vegetables and object stimuli were controlled for lexical frequency, visual similarity, word length and semantic relationship (e.g. orignal ‘moose’-chevreuil ‘deer’). None of the 65 word pairs share phonological similarities. The patient 473 performed flawlessly (65/65, 100% correct) on the written version of the task and she only produced 8 errors out of the 65 stimuli (88% correct) when words were presented auditorily. BA’s good performance in the written word categorization task also indicates the large preservation of the semantic processing of words. She only produced 5 errors out of the 120 stimuli (96% correct) in the following categorization tasks: fruit/vegetable (18/20); land vehicle/water vehicle (17/18); bird/fish (20/20); clothes/body parts (18/20); beverage/food (20/20); town/country (22/22). At the syntactico-semantic level, she performed normally in sentence-picture matching tasks for reversible sentences (16/18) but obtained lower scores for embedded relative clauses and passive forms (8/16). Spontaneous speech Spontaneous speech was marked by the presence of abundant neologisms. BA sometimes resorted efficiently to oral spelling to compensate for word-finding difficulties during conversation (e.g. neologistic jargon: “ché, zé, zomaso, sétromato, bouail, souail, okro de la…” followed by the correct oral spelling FROMAGERIE ‘cheese dairy’). [From now on, capital letters are used for the transcription of the patient’s oral spelling productions.] Repetition, reading aloud and oral spelling to dictation of word and nonword stimuli Method. We used two word stimuli sets in repetition, reading and oral spelling to dictation. The first set consisted in 90 stimuli, equally divided in one, two and three syllables in length. Half the stimuli were high frequency (Baudot, 1992) and half were low frequency. The second set consisted in 70 words with high (40) and low (30) imageability ratings (Content et al., 1990) matched for lexical frequency (30 low frequency and 40 high frequency). Both word stimulus sets were also controlled for orthographic complexity. Words were categorized as regular (74) or irregular (86) following criteria established for writing to dictation by Beauvois and Derouesné (1981). A set composed of 60 nonword stimuli, two and three syllables in length, was used in repetition and reading aloud. Since BA was very reluctant in regard to oral spelling to dictation of nonword stimuli, she was offered a shorter set of 25 stimuli controlled for length. Results. As indicated in Table 1, lexical frequency had no effect in repetition whereas a lexical frequency effect was observed in reading aloud (χ2(1) = 3.69, p = 0.05) and oral spelling to dictation (χ2(1) = 8.92, p = 0.01). With respect to length, a better performance was recorded for longer words in repetition (Kendall’s correlation coefficient = 1.000, p < 0.01) and reading aloud (Kendall’s correlation coefficient = 1.000, p < 0.01) while oral spelling appeared to be independent from this variable, whether it was measured by the number of syllables or by the number of letters (Kendall’s correlation coefficient = 0.60) (see Table 1). There was also no significant difference when the performance on one and two syllable words was compared to the performance on three syllable words. 474 J. Macoir and R. Béland Table 1. Percent correct by length and lexical frequency in repetition, reading aloud and oral spelling to dictation of word stimuli Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Syllable length Low frequency (%) High frequency (%) Total (%) A. Repetition 1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 80 87 100 80 100 100 80 93 100 Total 89 93 B. Reading aloud 1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 27 47 67 67 73 67 Total 47 69 C. Oral spelling to dictation 1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 40 60 27 87 73 60 Total 42 73 47 60 67 63 67 43 Summary Table 2. Percent correct by imageability and lexical frequency in repetition, reading aloud and oral spelling to dictation of word stimuli Imageability respect the syllable length (89%) and structure (74%) of the intended target. Except for two lexicalization errors in reading aloud, all the errors produced on nonword stimuli in both spoken transposition tasks consisted in phonemic errors. Most of the errors produced by BA in oral spelling to dictation (58%) were non phonological plausible errors (NPPE) (i.e. spelling errors including letter substitutions, deletions, transpositions and additions; e.g. élérat for éléphant ‘elephant’). She also produced a smaller proportion (16%) of phonological plausible errors (PPE) (i.e. errors that are explicable in terms of the application of phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules in generating the response; e.g. éléfan for éléphant ‘elephant’), formal paragraphias (18%) and written neologisms (8%). Except for one neologism, all the errors produced on nonword stimuli in oral spelling to dictation consisted in NPPE. Low frequency (%) High frequency (%) Totals (%) A. Repetition Low imageability High imageability 90 90 95 90 93 90 Totals 90 92.5 B. Reading aloud Low imageability High imageability 40 60 40 80 Totals 53 60 C. Oral spelling to dictation Low imageability High imageability 50 80 55 85 Totals 70 70 40 70 53 82.5 Imageability had no effect in repetition whereas the difference between low and high imageability words was significant in reading aloud (χ2(1) = 6.3, p < 0.05) and oral spelling to dictation (χ2(1) = 6.9, p < 0.05) (see Table 2). Orthographic complexity had no effect on BA’s performance in oral spelling to dictation of word stimuli (regular words = 46/ 74, 62% correct; irregular words = 55/86, 64% correct). Finally, as compared to words, there was no difference in BA’s abilities to repeat (χ2(1) = 1.92, p > 0.16), read aloud (χ2(1) = 2.16, p > 0.14) and orally spell (χ2(1) = 0.41, p > 0.52) nonword stimuli. Moreover, BA’s performance in the three tasks was not tied to stimulus length. Error analysis. BA’s errors in repetition of the two word stimulus sets consisted in phonemic (53%) and formal paraphasias (47%) in the same proportion. These errors largely respect the syllable length (100%) and structure (87.5%) of the intended target. Similar error types were also observed on both stimulus sets in reading, with more phonemic (60%) than formal (40%) paraphasias. As for repetition, these errors In summary, BA presented with a spoken naming deficit in spontaneous speech and picture naming tasks, marked by an abundant production of neologisms. She produced phonemic errors in reading aloud, whereas her performance was almost perfect in repetition tasks, except for sentences. Written production was largely impaired and marked by the production of non phonological plausible errors (NPPE). The patient’s comprehension abilities are well preserved at the lexicosemantic level but are impaired at the syntactico-semantic level. The spontaneous use of oral spelling to compensate for word-finding difficulties in conversation was particularly fascinating and warranted a closer investigation. Experiment 1. Picture naming Method BA’s ability to name pictures was assessed through a list of stimuli composed of 373 line drawings of objects pertaining to several living and nonliving semantic categories. The living set comprised 145 drawings of animals, fruits, vegetables and body parts; the nonliving set comprised 228 drawings of vehicles, furniture, tools, kitchen utensils, buildings, clothing, toys, musical instruments and miscellaneous. Stimuli were distributed between low-frequency words (229) and highfrequency words (144) according to Baudot’s frequency tables (Baudot, 1992). The mean frequency for the living and nonliving set was matched. The stimuli were presented in random order. On each trial, BA was presented with a single line drawing of an object and was asked to produce its name orally or by oral spelling. There was no time limit and the patient was presented with approximately 35 items in each session. Results The distribution of BA’s spoken and orally spelled responses in picture naming is presented in Table 3. In 7% (26/373) of the stimuli, BA produced an orally spelled response only, and Gender identification 475 Table 3. Distribution of BA’s spoken and orally spelled responses in picture naming (number and percent correct) Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Response type Spoken Orally spelled Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect Spoken response only Orally spelled response only Spoken response followed by oral spelling 52/145(35%) – 26/202(13%) 93/145(64%) – 176/202(87%) – 12/26(46%) 111/202(55%) – 14/26(54%) 91/202(45%) Total 78/347(22%) 269/347(78%) 123/228(54%) 105/228(46%) 46% (12/26) of these responses were correct. In 39% of the trials (145/373), she produced an oral response only, and was correct in 36% (52/145) of these trials. For the remaining 202 picture stimuli, as reported in Table 3, BA produced first a spoken response followed by an oral spelling response. In the latter case, a new attempt to produce a spoken response was observed 43 times. Her responses were correct in both spoken and oral spelling modalities for 23 picture stimuli (23/202, 11%). For three pictures only (3/202, 1%), her correct spoken production was followed by an incorrect orally spelled response; the opposite pattern of response (i.e. incorrect spoken response followed by a correct orally spelled response) was observed in 88 picture stimuli (88/202, 44%). The overall difference in performance between spoken (22%) and orally spelled (54%) naming was highly significant (χ2(1) = 58.55, p < .001). The difference remained significant when the analysis was restricted to the trials in which both a spoken and an orally spelled response were produced (χ2(1) = 77.93, p < .001). There was no semantic category effect (spoken production: living = 29/127, 23% correct; nonliving = 49/ 220, 22% correct/written output: living = 56/93, 60% correct; nonliving = 67/135, 50% correct) while lexical frequency appeared to influence the patient’s performance in both production modalities (spoken modality: low-frequency words = 41/218, 19% correct; high-frequency words = 37/129, 29% correct) (χ2(1) = 3.99, p < .05)/oral spelling modality: lowfrequency words = 62/134, 46% correct; high-frequency words = 60/94, 64% correct (χ2(1) = 6.16, p < .05). There was no syllable length effect (Kendall’s correlation coefficient: spoken modality: p = 0.1; written modality: p = 0.1) or phoneme/letter length effect (Kendall’s correlation coefficient: spoken modality: p = 0.9; written modality: p = 0.2) on BA’s performance. Error analysis Most of the errors (126/269, 47%) BA produced in spoken output were neologisms for which the intended target was not reliably recoverable (i.e. productions in which more than 50% of the phonemes differed from the target phonemes). The syllable length of the intended target was respected in only 57 of the 126 neologisms (45%), while 59/126 (47%) differed by one syllable and 10/126 (8%) by two syllables [r = .39, p < .0001]. The patient also produced a lower percentage of phonemic errors (26%), semantic paraphasias (10%), Table 4. Distribution of spoken response types and corresponding orally spelled response types in picture naming for the 202 trials in which a spoken response was immediately followed by an orally spelled response Spoken response Orally spelled response Correct NPPE PPE Neologism Semantic Formal error error Correct 23 Neologism 34 Phonemic error 35 Semantic error 7 Formal error 8 Verbal unrelated error 4 2 30 19 3 7 5 1 – – – 1 – – 2 – 1 – 2 – 8 – 3 – 2 – 3 – – 2 – formal paraphasias (9%) and verbal substitutions for which the link with the intended target was not reliable (8%; e.g. barbe “barb” ‘beard’ for drapeau “drapo” ‘flag’). Among the 105 errors produced by the patient in oral spelling modality, 77 (73%) were NPPEs. The remaining 28 errors were distributed as follows: semantic errors (18%), formal errors (5%), neologisms (7%) and PPEs (2%). Different response patterns were observed for the 202 trials in which a spoken response was immediately followed by an orally spelled response. The distribution of these response patterns is presented in Table 4. Summary BA presented with a severe naming impairment, more marked in spoken modality than in written modality. The proportion, as well as the nature of the errors, in orally spelled picture naming was similar to what was observed in the oral spelling to dictation task. These results confirmed the deficit in accessing orthographic lexemes associated with a deficit in the written output (see Fig. 1). As compared to repetition and reading, the patient’s performance in spoken picture naming was much more affected. Moreover, while she only produced phonologically related errors (i.e. phonemic and formal paraphasias) in repetition and reading, spoken picture naming was marked by an abundant production of non phonologically related errors, i.e. neologisms. According to the lemma model, the patient may access the information at the lemma level even when unable to name the picture. The next experiment tests the ability of the patient to retrieve gender information from the picture of an object. 476 J. Macoir and R. Béland Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Experiment 2: Retrieval of gender According to the lemma model presented in the Introduction, the syntactic properties of a word are recovered during lemma retrieval, at the first step of lexical retrieval. For example, the lemma of the word fauteuil ‘armchair’ specifies all its syntactic parameters including word class (noun), number (singular), and gender (masculine). Indeed in French, the grammatical gender is assigned arbitrarily to animate (i.e. all nouns that denote males or females) as well as to inanimate objects and abstract concepts. Nouns are assigned one of two grammatical genders, commonly termed ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’. Different elements, as determiners (e.g. the indefinite articles “un” and “une” are assigned to masculine and to feminine nouns, respectively) and pronouns (e.g. the personal pronouns “il” and “elle” are assigned to masculine and feminine nouns respectively), are applied according to this grammatical gender. The patient’s performance in gender identification may differ according to the presentation of a morphological (un/une) or a syntactic one (il/elle). Indeed, BA could match the noun with un/une on the basis of memorized lexical associations without accessing the gender of the noun at the syntactic level. In contrast, the matching of a noun to il/elle involves obligatorily the access to the gender information at the syntactic level, since in French as in English, il or elle are most of the time not adjacent to the noun to which they refer (the only exception are sentences like: J’aime ce man-teau, il est magnifique ‘I like this coat, it is splendid’). In Experiment 2, we explore the access to the syntactic properties of words from the semantic system by means of a gender-decision task performed on nouns evoked by pictures. the corresponding name. In the “UN/UNE” modality, she was requested to point to one of two cards with the labels “masculine–UN” and “feminine–UNE”. In the “IL/ELLE” modality, she had to point to one of two cards with the labels “masculine–IL” and “feminine–ELLE”. Results BA could not identify the grammatical gender without trying to name the picture first. When she was discouraged from producing any spoken or written response, she explicitly stated her inability to perform the task. Spoken naming was correct for 34 stimuli (34/90, 38% correct) in the “UN/UNE” modality and for 29 stimuli (29/90, 32% correct) in the “IL/ ELLE” modality. For the remaining stimuli, BA was unable to give any spoken response, produced neologisms, phonemic errors, formal paraphasias or semantic paraphasias (in the “IL/ELLE” modality only) (see Table 5a). In the “UN/UNE” modality, she produced a written response for 22 stimuli among the 56 failed in spoken modality and was correct for 10 of them (10/22, 45% correct). The proportion of correct written responses (15/36, 42% correct) was similar in the “IL/ ELLE” modality. The remaining written responses consisted in NPPE and formal paragraphias. BA’s performance in gender identification was much better than her ability to produce a spoken or a written response, whether it was in the “UN/UNE” (72/90, 80% correct) or in the “IL/ELLE” (73/90, 81% correct) modality. As shown in Table 5b , a correct spoken response was followed by a correct gender identification in a large proportion (“UN/UNE” = 32/34, 94% correct; “IL/ELLE” = 28/29, 96.5% correct). When naming was impossible or erroneous, gender identification was Method BA was presented with 90 drawings of objects which were as unequivocal as possible in terms of name agreement. The corresponding names were unambiguous with regard to gender, i.e. all items whose semantic gender was conveyed by two different roots (e.g. coq ‘rooster’–poule ‘hen’) as well as items whose grammatical gender was predictable from natural gender (e.g. curé ‘priest’) were excluded. The stimulus set comprised 43 feminine and 47 masculine nouns matched for lexical frequency (Baudot, 1992), phonological ending regularity (ending usually associated with masculine (32) or feminine (21) nouns; gender non predictable from the noun ending = 37) and orthographic ending regularity (ending usually associated with masculine (42) or feminine (27) nouns; gender non predictable from the noun ending = 21). In the first session, half the stimuli (45) were presented for the “UN/ UNE” decision task, the other half (45) for the “IL/ELLE” decision task. The stimuli that were presented in the “UN/ UNE” modality in the first session were given in the “IL/ ELLE” modality in the second session and vice versa. On each of the trials, the patient was presented with a single picture and was requested to identify the grammatical gender of Table 5. Number and percentage of correct responses in the “UN/UNE” and “IL/ELLE” gender-decision tasks on pictures. (a) Spoken picture naming performance and distribution of errors; (b) gender identification performance for successful and failed items in spoken naming UN/UNE N(%) (a) Spoken naming response Correct Phonemic error Formal paraphasia Semantic paraphasia Neologism No response (b) Gender identification Correct Phonemic error Formal paraphasia Semantic paraphasia Neologism No response IL/ELLE Critical value 34/90(38) 13/90(14) 4/90(4) N(%) Critical value 29/90(32) 19/90(21) 2/90(2) 4/90(4) 22/90(24) 14/90(15.5) 22/90(24) 17/90(19) 32/34(94) 10/13(77) 3/4*(100) 22 9 4 18/22(82) 8/17(47) 15 12 28/29(96.5) 18/19(95) 2/2(100) 3/4*(100) 17/22(77) 5/14(36) 19 13 2 4 15 10 *Gender-decision was performed with 100% (4/4) accuracy on the formal and the semantic paraphasias produced. Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Gender identification correct for 40 stimuli (40/56, 71% correct) in the “UN/UNE” modality, and for 45 stimuli (45/61, 74% correct) in the “IL/ ELLE” modality, a performance much better than chance (critical value = 34, p = 0.5, α = 0.95). When BA was unable to produce any response, her performance in gender-decision did not differ from chance (“UN/UNE” = 8/17, 47% correct; “IL/ELLE” = 5/14, 36% correct; critical value = 12, p = 0.5, α = 0.95). However, her ability to identify the grammatical gender of nouns for which she produced phonemic errors, formal paraphasias, semantic paraphasias or even neologisms remained much better than chance (see Table 5b). BA’s performance was not tied to lexical frequency (“UN/ UNE”: low frequency = 42/54, 78% correct, high frequency = 30/36, 83% correct; “IL/ELLE”: low frequency = 43/54, 80% correct, high frequency = 30/36, 83% correct), gender (“UN/ UNE”: masculine = 35/47, 74% correct, feminine = 37/43, 86% correct, χ2(1) = 1.23, NS; “IL/ELLE”: masculine = 38/ 47, 81% correct, feminine = 35/43, 81% correct), phonological ending regularity (“UN/UNE”: gender not predictable = 33/37, 89% correct; regular ending = 39/53, 74%; χ2(1) = 2.41, NS; “IL/ELLE”: gender not predictable = 32/37, 86% correct; regular ending = 41/53, 77%, χ2(1) = 0.66, NS) or orthographic ending regularity (“UN/UNE”: gender not predictable = 17/21, 81% correct; regular ending = 55/69, 80% correct; “IL/ELLE”: gender not predictable = 16/21, 76% correct; regular ending = 57/69, 83% correct, χ2(1) = 0.53, NS). Summary and comment In summary, the data from Experiment 2 suggest that the retrieval of the grammatical gender: (1) was largely preserved in BA, (2) did not differ according to the gender agreement markers, and (3) did not depend on the correct activation of the corresponding phonological and/or orthographic forms. BA’s ability to correctly identify the grammatical gender of words for which she produced spoken errors was good, even when the production was not target-related. However, the access to gender information appeared to be completely blocked when the patient was unable to give any spoken or written response. BA produces a few semantic errors in the IL/ELLE modality, suggesting a deficit in accessing phonological lexemes. When she produces phonemic errors, formal paraphasias, or paragraphic errors, we assume that access to the lexeme level is at least partial. However, when she produces no response, we cannot assume that she has no access to any information at the lexeme level. The next experiments attempt to probe word retrieval at the lexeme level. 477 Experiment 3a. Cued picture naming Cueing is frequently used to determine the partial knowledge of words that patients may still have for words they cannot produce (e.g. Goodglass et al., 1976) or to improve their performance naming tasks (e.g. Bachy-Langedock and De Partz, 1989; Ward et al., 2000) by providing sufficient additional activation to the phonological output lexicon to allow spoken word production. Method The patient was presented with two lists of stimuli. List I was composed of 55 drawings of objects pertaining to several living and nonliving semantic categories taken from the Batterie d’examen des troubles en dénomination (Bachy-Langedock, 1989). The task was performed in two separate sessions. In the first session, half the stimuli (27) were presented for spoken naming with a phonological cue (first phoneme) and the other half (28) for written (oral spelling) naming with an orthographic cue (First letter) (e.g. picture = cheminée ‘chimney’: phonological cue = “ch”; orthographic cue = C). Stimuli for which the phonological cue was given in the first session were presented in the second session with an orthographic cue and vice versa. List 2 was composed of 51 drawings of objects taken from the same testing battery (Bachy-Langedock, 1989) and corresponding to bisyllabic or trisyllabic words. The procedure was identical to the one used in testing list 1, except for the nature of the cue which corresponded either to the first spoken syllable (e.g. picture = cheminée ‘chimney’: phonological cue = “che”) or the first orthographic syllable (e.g. picture = cheminée ‘chimney’, orthographic cue = CHE. When an orthographic cue was presented, BA was instructed not to read the syllables aloud. Results Table 6 shows the number and percentage of correct responses in the normal condition and two cued conditions of the oral and written picture naming tasks. No significant cueing effect was found, regardless of whether a phonemic or an orthographic cue was used. However, the superiority of written over oral naming abilities was observed in the two cued picture naming tasks. The difference between spoken and written naming was significant, regardless of whether the cueing was performed with the first letter (χ2(1) = 10.68, p < .01) or the first syllable (χ2(1) = 5.07, p < .05). Table 6. Number (%) of correct responses in the three different conditions of picture naming Experiment 3: Lexeme retrieval and word production We selected two tasks: the Cued picture naming task and the Rhyming/orthographic ending word production task. The first task probes the knowledge of the patient for word beginnings, while the second probes her knowledge for word endings. Normal condition 1st phoneme/letter cue 1st spoken/written syllable cue Spoken naming Written naming χ2 78/347 (22%) 15/55 (27%) 13/51 (25%) 123/228 (54%) 33/55 (60%) 25/51 (49%) *** ** * Oral vs. written picture naming; ***p < 0.001; **p < .01; *p < .05. Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 478 J. Macoir and R. Béland Experiment 3b. Rhyming/orthographic ending word production Experiment 4: Lexeme retrieval without word production Method In Experiment 4, BA was administered three different tasks exploring access to lexemes without any involvement of articulation mechanisms. In these tasks, her performance was compared to the results of the three control subjects. A list of 40 concrete word stimuli from the stimulus set used in the picture naming task was presented to the patient. In the spoken modality, she had to produce a spoken word, rhyming with an auditorily presented stimulus (e.g. râteau “rato” ‘rake’→ photo “foto” ‘photo’). In the written modality, BA was asked to spell aloud a word with a similar orthographic ending to a written presented stimulus (e.g. RÂTEAU ‘rake’ → CHAPEAU ‘hat’). In the first session, half the stimuli (20) were presented in written modality and the other half (20) in spoken modality. The stimuli that were presented in written modality in the first session were given in spoken modality in the second session and vice versa. In this task, BA’s performance was compared to the results of three female controls matched for age and educational level (mean age = 76.3 years, mean education = 13 years). Experiment 4a. Length judgment on pictures According to the two-stage model of lexical retrieval, the information related to word length (i.e. metrical information) is available at the lexeme level. In experiment 5a, access to this information from the semantic system was assessed through a task in which the patient had to perform a length judgment on words evoked by pictures. Method BA encountered serious difficulties when the stimulus was presented auditorily and the task was suspended at her request after 24 trials. In this condition, she only produced 8 rhyming words (8/24, 33% correct) which also respected the orthographic ending of the target (e.g. échelle “échel” ‘ladder’ → pelle “pel” ‘shovel’). For the remaining trials, she was unable to produce any response for 13 of the stimuli and produced 2 non-rhyming words and a neologism. Her performance was much better (33/40, 82.5% correct) in the written modality. The seven failed trials consisted in no responses. Most of the correctly orally spelled words (29/33, 88%) also respected the phonological ending of the target (e.g. RIDEAU “rido” ‘curtain’ → CHAPEAU “chapo” ‘hat’) but in 4 of them (4/ 33, 12%) the phonological form of the response differed from the phonological ending of the target (e.g. OREILLER “oreillé” ‘pillow’ → CHER “cher” ‘expensive’). The difference in correct performance for the two conditions was highly significant (χ2(1) = 13.69, p < .001). Controls were flawless in this task in both modalities. BA was presented with 60 pairs of picture stimuli, vertically aligned in the center of individual cards. For each trial, she was asked to perform a length judgment on the spoken corresponding names (selected to be as unequivocal as possible according to name agreement). The patient was instructed to point to the picture for which the corresponding name takes longer to pronounce or to point to both pictures when the corresponding names have the same spoken length. The 60 pairs of stimuli were equally divided in four categories according to letter and syllable length similarity of the corresponding names (there were no final silent ‘e’s in the corresponding names of the picture stimuli): (a) same number of syllables but different number of letters (e.g. fauteuill “foteuil” ‘armchair’ – canot “kano” ‘canoe’; expected response = ‘same’); (b) different number of syllables but same number of letters (e.g. fleur “fler” ‘flower’ – balai “balai” ‘broom’; expected response = ‘different’); (c) same number of syllables and letters (e.g. main “min” ‘hand’ – chat “cha” ‘cat’; expected response = ‘same’); and (d) different number of syllables and letters (e.g. pain “pin” ‘bread’ – domino “domino” ‘domino’; expected response = ‘different’). Stimuli were randomly presented to the patient, who was discouraged from attempting to name the corresponding words. Summary and comments Results These results confirmed the lexical localization of BA’s spoken production deficit as well as the better preservation of lexical access to orthographic than to phonological lexemes. However, it still remains possible that: (1) the actual word production, requiring the activation of the output phonological buffer and articulation mechanisms, played a role in the patient’s performance, and (2) the short term memory deficit could influence her performance in the spoken modality as compared to the written modality, in which the stimulus remained visible during the task. These possible influences were controlled in the next experiment. As shown in Table 7, BA’s performance appeared to be greatly influenced by the orthographic length of the stimuli. Whereas BA’s performance was comparable to the controls for the trials in which the letter and syllable length were the same (categories c and d), large deficits were observed when she had to perform the spoken length judgment on the trials in which the letter and syllable length were different (categories a and b) (see Table 7). The patient resorted to an orthographically-oriented strategy to perform the length judgment on pictures. She was at a control level when spoken and written lexical forms were the Results Gender identification Table 7. Performance of BA (number (%) of correct responses) and controls (mean number (%) of correct responses and range) in the length judgement on picture tasks according to letter and syllable length concordance Stimulus categories Expected response BA Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 (a) Same # of syll./ diff. # of letters (b) Diff. # of syll./ same # of letters (c) Same # of syll./ same # of letters (d) Diff. # of syll./ diff. # of letters Controls Same 7/15(47%) 14/15(93%) (13–15) Different 9/15(60%) 13/15(87%) (12–13) Same 14/15(93%) 14/15(93%) (13–15) Different 13/15(87%) 15/15(100%) same length. For items in which there was a discrepancy between the written and spoken form, BA’s strategy was ineffective and led to substantial difficulties. Experiment 4b. Letter/phoneme identification on pictures In this experiment, access to lexemes from the semantic system was assessed through a task in which the patient had to judge the presence or absence of a particular letter or phoneme in words evoked by pictures. Method BA was presented with 80 drawings of objects pertaining to several living and nonliving semantic categories which were as unequivocal as possible according to name agreement. For each stimulus, she was asked to determine if the name of the pictured object comprised a specific letter or phoneme1 (e.g. “If you had to write/pronounce the name corresponding to this picture, would you use the letter T/would you say the sound /t/?”). The stimuli were equally divided among the following four categories: a) the corresponding name comprises the phoneme but not the letter (e.g. /o/, ‘O’ in chapeau ‘hat’/ chapo/); (b) the corresponding name comprises the letter but not the phoneme (e.g. /m/, ‘M’ in trompette ‘trumpet’/trompette/); (c) the corresponding name comprises both the phoneme and the letter (e.g. /t/, T in bateau ‘boat’/bato/); and (d) the corresponding name comprises neither the phoneme nor the letter (e.g. /i/, I in vache ‘cow’/vache/). Stimuli were randomly presented within each modality. In the first session, half the 479 stimuli (40) in each category were presented in the written modality (question probing the presence or absence of a letter) and the other half (40) in the spoken modality (question probing the presence or absence of a phoneme). Stimuli presented in the written modality in the first session were given in the spoken modality in the second session and vice versa. The patient was discouraged from attempting to name the picture. Results Table 8 shows the number and percentage of correct responses in phoneme judgement and letter judgment. Results indicate that BA was better at judging the presence or absence of a particular letter in the name of a pictured object (74/80, 92.5% correct; mean score for the controls = 78.4/80, 98%; SD = 1.1, range = 77–80) than the presence or absence of a particular phoneme (47/80, 59% correct; mean score for the controls = 76.8/80, 96%; SD = 2.2, range = 75–80) and the difference was highly significant (χ2(1) = 22.92, p < .001). The results in the written modality (letter judgment) were not tied to the degree of transparency in the spelling-to-sound correspondence since BA’s performance was 80% or better in all four categories (see Table 8). Results in the phoneme judgment showed that, except for category c in which the name of the pictured object comprises both the letter and the phoneme, BA’s scores were lower than the control subjects’ scores, especially in category b (see Table 8). Experiment 4c. Pseudohomophone/picture matching This experiment required a comparison between the phonological form activated through the lexical/semantic route and the phonological form activated through the non-lexical reading route. Method BA was given a task drawn from the case studies reported by Bub and Kertesz (1982) and by Caramazza et al. (1983). In this task, from two pictured objects the patient had to choose the one corresponding to a written pseudohomophone, Pseudohomophones are orthographically legal pseudowords that would “sound like” French words when pronounced using Table 8. Performance of BA (number (%) of correct responses) and controls (mean number (%) of correct responses) in the letter/phoneme identification on picture task (+ stands for present, − for absent) Stimulus categories BA Controls Phon. identif. Let. identif. Phon. Identif. Let. identif. (a) Phoneme+/letter− (b) Phoneme−/letter+ (c) Phoneme+/letter+ (d) Phoneme−/letter− 14/20(70%) 4/20(20%) 17/20(85%) 12/20(60%) 19/20(95%) 16/20(80%) 19/20(95%) 20/20(100%) 18.7/20(93.5%) 18.7/20(93.5%) 19.7/20(98.5%) 19.7/20(98.5%) 18.7/20(93.5%) 19.7/20(98.5%) 20/20(100%) 20/20(100%) Total 47/80(59%) 74/80(92.5%) 76.8/80(96%) 78.4/80(98%) Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 480 J. Macoir and R. Béland the application of spelling-to-sound conversion rules (e.g. LAPEINT pronounced “lapin” lapin ‘rabbit’). Pseudowords differed from words by only one grapheme (e.g. EINT in LAPEINT) and this grapheme was always of a lower sublexical frequency than the corresponding grapheme of the target word (e.g. in LAPEINT, EINT is less frequent than IN in LAPIN). BA was presented with 60 stimuli equally divided in three categories. In each category, the pseudohomophone and the name of the target picture differed by two letters while the distance, measured by the number of letters that were changed, between the pseudohomophone and the name corresponding to the foil picture was manipulated. In category a, the pseudohomophone and the name of the foil picture differed by one letter (underlined in the example) (e.g. for the pseudohomophone BAON “ban” (homophone of BANC ‘bench’) the name of the foil picture was PAON “pan” ‘peacock’); in category b, the name of the foil picture differed by two letters from the pseudohomophone (e.g. for the pseudohomophone SOURSID “soursi” (homophone to SOURCIL ‘eyebrow’), the name of the foil picture was SOURIS “souri” ‘mouse’); and finally in category c, the pseudohomophone and the name of the foil picture differed by three letters (e.g. for the pseudohomophone TOUPPIS “toupi” (homophone of TOUPIE ‘spinning top’), the name of the foil picture was TAPIS “tapi” ‘carpet’). The lexical frequency of the target name and the foil name was controlled within each category. According to the phonological form, the target name and the foil name differed by either one (53 trials) or two phonemes (7 trials). Stimuli were randomly presented in two testing sessions. The patient was discouraged from attempting to read the pseudohomophones aloud. Results BA only made 9/20 (45%) correct matches in category a, in which the orthographic form of the pseudohomophone was more similar to the foil name than to the target name. Her performance was very impaired relative to the controls (mean score = 18.3/20, 92%; SD = 1.6; range = 16–20). In category b, her score was 15/20 (75%), which was lower than the mean score of the controls (mean score = 19/20, 95%; SD = 1; range = 18–20). Finally, BA performed flawlessly (20/20, 100% correct) in category c, a performance similar to the controls, who all obtained a perfect score of 20/20, 100% in this category. BA’s performance in this experiment thus appeared to be largely tied to the orthographic form of the stimuli since she tended to perform the matching task by choosing the picture whose orthographic form was closest to the pseudohomophone in both categories a and b. Her score in category b, although slightly higher, was still lower than the mean score of the controls. Summary and comments To summarize, the results from Experiment 4: (1) confirmed that BA presented with a deficit in accessing the lexeme level and that the deficit was more marked in the spoken than in the written modality; (2) showed that this dissociation was not tied to the nature of the input code or to the differential task demands; and (3) confirmed that this dissociation was not tied to post-lexical deficits since it was also observed in tasks requiring no spoken or written word production. Discussion BA’s ability to correctly identify the grammatical gender of words was largely preserved; Moreover, this preservation of access to syntactic information did not seem to depend on the correct activation of their corresponding spoken or orthographic forms. Except in the case where she could not produce any spoken or written response, BA identified the gender of nouns, even when she could not retrieve any phonological information (i.e. neologisms) or when this retrieved information was degraded (i.e. phonemic and formal paraphasias). Her performance in gender decision was very similar after the morphological (un/un) and after the syntactic (il/elle) cue. Given that her performance in gender decision was independent of her performance in spoken naming of the pictures, this indicates that she was not relying on the memorized lexical associations after the un/une cue. Otherwise, she would have shown a better performance in picture naming than in the un/ une gender identification task. Moreover, the difficulty in accessing phonological representations sometimes resulted in the production of semantic paraphasias because of the concurrent activation of a phonologically related item. This pattern of performance provides additional evidence for the independence of access to syntactic and phonological information in the output lexicon. We believe that it also clearly supports the two-stage model of lexical access and could readily be accounted for by resorting to the lemma proposition (Levelt et al., 1999) in which access to lexical syntax is required before access to phonological form can take place. In contrast, the “IN model” (Caramazza, 1997) hardly accounts for this performance since, in this model, gender identification should be dependent on the efficiency of lexeme retrieval. Both models predict a possible dissociation in the access to the orthographic and phonological lexeme. As a matter of fact, data from all the experiments we conducted showed that BA privileged access to the orthographic lexeme. A similar dissociation was previously documented for English (Patterson and Shewell, 1987; Hillis et al., 1999), Italian (Semenza et al., 1992) as well as French patients (Lhermitte and Derouesné, 1974; Michel, 1979). Furthermore, in the present study, we showed that the dissociation held in tasks that do not involve a spoken output, thus confirming that the dissociation is located at the lexeme level. Indeed, if BA was suffering from a disconnection between the phonological lexeme level and the spoken output (see Fig. 1), then she should be unimpaired in tasks which tap the phonological lexeme level only (Experiments 4 a, b, and c). In the lemma model, we suggest that this pattern of performance mainly resulted from an impairment in the activation Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 14:12 11 November 2014 Gender identification flow of lexical retrieval. More specifically, BA presented with a partial disconnection between the lexical semantic level and the phonological output lexicon. This impairment leads to the production of different error types, depending on the input code and the source of lexical activation. Her repetition abilities are largely preserved because they benefit from a direct intra-code mapping between input and output phonological representations and from a partial activation of the whole-word lexical semantic route. However, BA produced neologisms in sentence repetition probably because the acoustic trace decayed more rapidly than in word repetition. The phonological representations also benefit from non-lexical and lexical-semantic activation in reading, but this ability appeared to be more affected because of the ambiguous mapping between orthography and phonology. In BA, the summation of both sources of activation is insufficient to achieve the complete retrieval of the phonological lexemes in the output lexicon, giving rise to phonemic and formal para-lexias. This lexical origin was confirmed by lexical frequency and imageability effects on the patient’s performance in reading. As already suggested by Best (1995) for picture naming, we also suggest that the reverse length effect found in BA’s reading aloud of word stimuli is consistent with a deficit in accessing phonological lexical representations. According to this interpretation, such a deficit is more likely to affect the lexical retrieval of short words as compared to longer words. Short words may have a large number of phonological neighbours in the lexicon whereas long words frequently have none. Therefore, a deficit in retrieving lexical spoken forms is more likely to result in the production of a phonologically related word for short words than for long words. Neologisms were found in spontaneous speech and in picture naming whereas they are completely absent from the sample in word repetition and reading aloud, two tasks in which the patient benefits from an oral or written input to retrieve the phonological lexemes. In spontaneous speech and in picture naming, the patient receives no oral or written input and thus must retrieve the phonological lexeme without linguistic cues. Thus it appears that BA produced neologisms whenever access to the phonological representations was blocked, an interpretation already proposed by Buckingham (1993) and Butterworth (1992). However, the experiment in gender identification revealed that BA’s performance was better when she produced a neologism than when she produced no response. This result calls for a distinction between a blocked access resulting in the production of a neologism and a blocked access resulting in a no response. The interaction we found between gender and phonological activation suggests that neologisms result from a noisy activation coming from the semantic level. This noisy activation, as shown in the error analysis in the picture naming task, contained no information with respect to the nature of the phonemes or to the number of syllables of the target word. Therefore, while this activation is sufficient to activate gender information, it seemed to be insufficient to activate the corresponding phonological lexeme, giving rise to the production of a neologism. In some trials, access to the corre- 481 sponding orthographic lexeme is better preserved and BA produced a written response to compensate for her difficulties in spoken production. In the case of no responses, the activation is too weak to reach the lemma level and, consequently, the phonological or orthographic lexeme levels. Consistent with other cases reported in the literature, the disconnection observed in BA between the lexical semantic level and the phonological output lexicon leads to the production of semantic errors in picture naming (Caramazza and Hillis, 1990; Rapp and Goldrick, 2000; Béland and Mimouni, 2001). However, the proportion of these errors in BA’s performance decreased in the gender identification task in which she both named the picture and identified the gender. A possible explanation for this decrease in the production of semantic errors is that the additional activation of the lemma level required for gender identification has the effect of reducing the noisy activation coming from the semantic level. Further investigation is needed to understand how the activation of lemma level mediates the mapping between the semantic and the phonological representations. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Johanne Bernier and Lise Gagnon for their contribution to BA’s neuropsychological assessment. We thank Dr Lucie Morissette for her help in the interpretation of radiological data. We are also grateful to two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on a previous version of this paper. The first author was supported by a Chercheur-clinicien Boursier award from the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ–003186). 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