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To cite this article: Gianfranco Denes , Matteo Signorini & Chiara Volpato (2005) Post Graphemic Impairments Of Writing: The Case Of Micrographia, Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 11:3, 176-181, DOI: 10.1080/13554790590944636 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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ISSN: 1355-4794 print DOI: 10.1080/13554790590944636 Post graphemic impairments of writing: The case of micrographia Neurocase GIANFRANCO DENES1,2, MATTEO SIGNORINI1,2,3, and CHIARA VOLPATO1,3 1 Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 08:26 26 November 2014 Dept. of Neurology, Venice Hospital, 2Dept. of Science of Language, Ca’ Foscari Venice University, and 3AFaR - Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Venice, Italy Micrographia (MG), an acquired impairment of writing characterized by diminution of letter size, coupled with slowing and loss of accuracy, is most frequently observed in the course of degenerative disease of basal ganglia, such as Parkinson’s Disease. Only a few cases of MG without concomitant extrapyramidal signs have been described, mostly following vascular lesion of the left basal ganglia. In this article we report an isolated pattern of MG following an extensive traumatic cerebral lesion centered in the left basal ganglia. The nature of this impairment is analyzed according to a cognitive model of writing and interpreted as a specific example of peripheral dysgraphia. Introduction Any cognitive model of writing includes central and peripheral processes (Caramazza, 1988; Ellis, 1988a). Central processes involve a number of functionally, if not anatomically, distinct components, whose task is to retrieve stored spellings in the central lexicon, or to convert phonological representations into orthographic representations sublexically. The final product of these processes is then temporarily stored in the graphemic buffer (Caramazza et al., 1987; Schonauer and Denes, 1994), whose task is to maintain the activation level of the identity and order of letter sequences for the time needed for the sequential assignment of formatspecific information. Peripheral processes are involved in the task of translating the distinct specific letter representations into specific letter names or letter shapes, via letter name or letter shape conversion processes (Ellis, 1988b; Rapp and Caramazza, 1997). These processes can dissociate, as shown by the patient reported by Chialant, Domoto-Reilly, Proios and Caramazza (2002), that had intact oral spelling, but severely impaired written spelling. Ellis (1982) proposed that at least two stages below the graphemic level should be identified in the production of handwriting, the allographic and the graphomotor levels. The allographic representation is a quasi-spatial representation of each letter form. B, b, are all allographs of the same grapheme, which can be selectively used by a person handwriting according to the needs and rules. The errors at this stage are characterized either by case substitution Received 28 April 2004, accepted 6 January 2005. Address correspondence to Dr. Gianfranco Denes, Dept. of Neurology, Ospedale Civile di Venezia, Campo SS Giovanni e Paolo 30122, Venezia, Italy. E-mail: (De Bastiani and Barry, 1989) or visually similar letters substitution (Ellis 1988). Selective deficits in writing upper case (Trojano and Chiacchio, 1994) or lower case (Patterson and Wing, 1997) letters and words are often assumed to reflect the existence of independent representations of cursive and print style. Silveri (1996) reported a patient who was much better in writing cursive than uppercase print. The opposite dissociation was reported by Hanley and Peters (1996), whose patient was much more severely impaired at writing in lower case than in upper case letters. The second stage is the retrieval of the graphic motor program (Van Galen, 1980), which will guide the movement of the pen specifying the sequence, direction and relative size of the strokes to be produced. The information about abstract spatio-temporal movement aspects, such as size, sequence, position and direction of strokes necessary to write letters, is included in graphic motor programs: these programs, independent from the muscle group necessary for the movement execution, don’t, however, specify parameters of an absolute stroke size or duration, and are distinct from motor programs involved in other limb movements (Ellis 1982, 1988). Patients, whose impairment is assumed to lie at the level of the graphic motor program, often write shapes that are not real letters. Baxter and Warrington (1986) described a nonapraxic patient with intact oral spelling, who was unable to write even single letters, his errors involving writing incorrect, incomplete letters and forms which looked like fusions of two letters. In contrast their patient could flawlessly copy written texts. The opposite dissociation was present in the patient described by Cipolotti and Denes (1989), who showed a pattern of spared spontaneous and impaired writing on copy, coupled with severe limb and constructional apraxia. The final stage of the motor control system of handwriting consists of the translation of the graphic motor programs into 177 Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 08:26 26 November 2014 Micrographia Following Focal Lesion sequences of graphic motor commands; a deficit of the system ascribed to generate graphic innervatory patterns results in a defective control of force, amplitude and speed of writing. The most frequent example of peripheral dysgraphia is the writing impairment present in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), a degenerative disorder of the brain, characterized by a degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons of the basal ganglia, resulting in akynesia, rigidity and tremor (Mardsen and Obeso, 1994). Writing of PD patients, consequent to an impairment of control and speed, results in a combination of hypometria and bradykinesia, the first impairment giving rise to a reduction of letter size, Micrographia (MG), and the second to an increased length and loss of accuracy. MG includes progressive diminution of letter size as the subject continues to write, in addition to overall smallness. MG must be distinguished from “the fine, dainty style, sometimes observed in the handwriting of the learned” (Pick, 1903). The presence (10–15% of PD patients) and severity of MG is neither related to the occurrence of other extrapiramidal symptoms, such as tremor, rigidity and bradikynesia, nor to the degree of severity of illness. In some cases MG has been described in isolation or not in the context of PD. Since Pick's seminal observation (1903) of isolated MG following a syphilitic infarct of the left thalamus, this symptom has been reported following a lesion different from the condition usually linked to PD. MG has been described following lesions, mostly of vascular origin, of the left basal ganglia including putamen, globus pallidus, thalamus or substantia nigra (Scolding and Lees, 1994; Pullicino et al., 1994; Kim et al.,1998; Derkinderen et al., 2002; Nakamura et al., 2003; Troyer et al., 2004), sometimes as the only clinical manifestation (Martinez-Vila et al., 1988), in other cases with concomitant mild deficits of expressive language and verbal memory (Pullicino et al., 1994), attentional disorders (Troyer et al., 2004) or focal dystonia (Münchau et al., 2000); a pattern of MG and hypophonia has been described in a case of extensive cerebral vein thrombosis (Murray et al., 2000) or associated to the dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome (Noda et al., 1994). Finally, MG has been reported following a parietal lobe lesion in Multiple Sclerosis (Scolding and Lees, 1994). The underlying reasons for a motor disorder such as MG are not clear: from the anatomical point of view, basal ganglia structures exert their influence on motor behavior through connections to frontal premotor areas via a major reentrant basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical motor loop (Alexander et al.,1986). Operating as a functional unit, this neural network plays a critical role in controlling movement force, speed and amplitude. According to the influential force impulse model of handwriting proposed by Wing (1978), changes in letter height can be produced by altering applied force (amplitude or duration) or interpose interval. On this basis, Margolin and Wing (1983), and Demirci et al.(1997) proposed that MG could be caused by the combined effect of reduced kinesthesia and reduced motor output. Finally MG in PD has been interpreted as a manifestation of a generalized hypometria evident in other tasks such as drawing (Longstaff et al., 2003). In the present article, starting from the description of a case of MG following head trauma (pistol shot) in the left basal ganglia, we'll try to clarify the nature of MG. Case report P.P is a 43- year- old right-handed woman, with a university degree in business administration, working as a tax consultant. Previous medical history was unremarkable until the age of 40 when, in the course of a depressive episode, she attempted suicide, shooting her head with a gun. The patient was admitted to a neurosurgical unit and operated on, but the bullet was not removed from her brain. After an initial state of coma, the patient started to improve and was discharged 15 days later in good condition and in antiepileptic prophylaxis (Phenobarbital 100 mg a day) that the patient followed for about one year. She resumed her work four months later, her only complaint being a change of writing, that became micrographic, a mild dystonic position of the fourth and fifth fingers of the right hand and, to a lesser degree, of the right foot. A cerebral MRI (June 2001) showed the following pattern: a bullet is located in the left basal ganglia; given, however, its high density, the bullet provokes many artifacts A large proencephalic cavity is situated close to the bullet, in the region corresponding to the head of caudate and lenticular nucleus. A wide area of cortico-subcortical atrophy involves the right frontal lobe in the region corresponding to the entry hole of the bullet (Figure. 1). The patient was seen in our clinic three years after the trauma, at the age of 43. Neurological examination showed a slight dystonic position of the ring and little fingers of the right hand and of the toe of the right foot, but no other evidence of dystonia. Muscle tone was normal and she could easily perform rapid movements of alternating fingers. Power and reflexes were normal. Plantars were flexor. Arm swing was normal. Cranial nerve examination was normal, with normal facial mimic and no gaze abnormalities. Neuropsychological examination The patient was fully alert, cooperative and her mood was normal. Her score on the WAIS-R Test (Wechsler 1974) was normal (Full-scale IQ 132). Executive Functions: her performance on attention tests was above average: digit span forward 7 (n.v.≥3.75, Orsini et al., 1987), spatial span (Corsi Test) 5 (n.v.3.50, Orsini et al., 1987). Category naming following semantic and phonemic cueing was normal: semantic 30 (n.v.≥25), phonemic 32 (n.v.≥17) (Novelli et al., 1986). In a shortened version of the Tower of London Test (Shallice, 1982) her performance was 4/4 correct. Memory: episodic and semantic memory in every day life were normal as proved by her successful working activity. On the Wechsler Memory Scale (Wechsler, 1945) she obtained a Memory Quotient of 143. 178 Denes, Signorini and Volpato movement variability (Longstaff et al., 2003) in writing tasks, we explored several variables such as spontaneous writing versus writing on copy and the use of different allographs and characters. Writing to dictation. The patient was asked to write to dictation a short text, two lists of 20 high frequency words, and two lists of nonwords of different length (two-four syllables), half in cursive and the other half in capital letters. Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 08:26 26 November 2014 Writing from copy. A similar list was presented to the patient, whose task was to copy it in the same and double dimension. The stimuli to be processed were written in Times New Roman Character, corpus 16 (capital letters) and Lucida Handwriting, corpus 16 (cursive letters). Transcoding. The patient was asked to translate a similar list written in block letters in italics and vice-versa. Drawing from copy. The patient was asked to copy 30 items from Benton’s Visual Retention task (Benton, 1945). Copying of Japanese characters. The patient was asked to copy a list of ten Japanese words, approximately two centimeters in height, under three conditions: same size, double size and half size. Fig. 1. Cerebral MRI showing a bullet located in the left basal ganglia. A large proencephalic cavity is situated close to the bullet, in the region corresponding to the head of caudate and lenticular nucleus. A wide area of cortico-subcortical atrophy involves the right frontal lobe in the region corresponding to the entry hole of the bullet. Follow-up The patient was required to repeat all the tasks on a follow-up evaluation after six months. Results Her performance on an Italian version of Aachener Aphasie Test (Luzzatti et al., 1991) was flawless: spontaneous speech, repetition, naming, oral and written comprehension, reading were normal. Apart form MG (vide infra) her written production was normal, from the orthographic, lexical and syntactic point of view. Oral and written calculation was flawless. The patient was submitted to an Apraxia Battery, tapping Ideatory, Ideomotor and Limb-kinetic Apraxia (Denes et al., 1998), currently in use in our Unit, and her performance was perfect. Experimental section Methods The patient was submitted to a series of graphic tasks, tapping her skills in processing alphabetic and non-alphabetic material, such as drawing and copying meaningful and meaningless pictures. In order to investigate if MG was a consequence of a strategy to maintain accuracy in order to reduce Alphabetic tasks Writing to dictation Writing was fluent, composed of well written letters, the style of writing being the same as before the trauma except for the MG: a definite pattern of MG was evident both on writing in capital letters and in cursive, without any difference in writing sentences or single words. Her MG pattern was compared with a sample of her handwriting before the accident: the size of actual writing was about one-third of the previous writing size, for example, the height of the cursive f was 14 mm. before the trauma and 5 mm in MG writing. In contrast with PD patients the height of the letters was the same throughout the text, without progressive tendency to diminution and with good accuracy (Figure. 2). Transcoding MG was evident in translating block letters into cursive and vice versa. 179 Micrographia Following Focal Lesion Writing on copy MG was evident only on copying cursive, while copying of words in capital letters was normal. In the double dimension copy task the correct dimension was evident only in copying capital letters. Non alphabetic tasks Writing arabic numbers The patient’s production was correct, but micrographic. Drawing on copy The patient copied the drawings flawlessly, following the model size. Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 08:26 26 November 2014 Copying of Japanese characters The patient’s performance was flawless and the dimension of her production strictly followed the model. Follow up At the follow-up control, six months later, the patient reported that she could write in normal dimensions using capital letters, a strategy that she adopted in everyday writing. On testing, MG was evident only in cursive writing. Discussion Fig. 2. (a) Spontaneous writing of P.P. before the trauma; (b) spontaneous writing of P.P. 3 years after the trauma; (c) spontaneous writing of a patient with Parkinson’s Disease and MG; (d) P.P: Writing to dictation in cursive and capital letters; (e) P.P.: writing from copy of non-alphabetical signs. Note the accuracy of P.P.’s MG compared with PD’s MG. In this study we report the case of a highly educated patient who, following an extensive lesion of the left basal ganglia of traumatic origin (gunshot), developed a definite pattern of MG, its only accompanying deficit being a very mild dystonia of right hand and foot; in particular, unlike other cases of MG following focal lesion, there was not hypophonia (Murray et al., 2000; Nakamura et al., 2003), or clumsiness of hand movements. At variance with the MG present in PD, P.P.’s writing was not distorted, and did not show a progressive reduction in writing size as the length of the text to be produced increased, her MG pattern being constant throughout the text. This latter finding excludes that her MG was secondary to an increase of processing load, consequent to the increased coordination and control of fingers, wrist and arm during writing and the processing of future words, or increased extension of the wrist joint, as the execution of the writing progresses to the right across the page (Van Gemmert et al., 2001). Actual production of letters in handwriting is dependent upon a graphic motor plan, which specifies the appropriate sequence of strokes, while graphic innervatory patterns specify their relative size. Only a few cases are reported in the literature where a detailed analysis of isolated MG is provided: Troyer et al. (2004) reported a case of MG, following a left basal ganglia lesion of ischemic origin, context Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 08:26 26 November 2014 180 dependent, thus appearing only on spontaneous writing, but not when copying sentences or drawing: they interpreted this dissociation as an effect of task difficulty (spontaneous writing requires the generation and expression of ideas, while copying has no demands on generation or expressive language). P.P.’s MG was present both in cursive and capital letters (spontaneous writing and dictation), in writing texts and single words and persisted even when she had to copy in large dimensions. Her production was fluent, syntactically and semantically correct, as was her spontaneous language. P.P. was able to retrieve and produce the appropriate sequence of strokes, she respected the difference in size in writing capital letters at the beginning of text and sentences and the cursive writing in the remaining words. This finding clearly shows that the patient has an intact graphemic code, her only writing impairment being an inability to form the appropriate letter size. Similarly to the patient of Troyer et al. (2004), spontaneous drawing, drawing form copy and copying of non-alphabetical graphic signs (Japanese characters), were flawless, without any tendency to size reduction. At the follow-up, MG was present only in cursive writing, while spontaneous writing in capital letters, as well as copying of cursive, was of normal size. This dissociation could be ascribed to the work of different processes used in handwriting: automatic and controlled: writing in cursive, the usual, everyday writing, is a fast, familiar process; in addition, the production of the single letters of a word to be written requires an anticipation process that could vary according to the subsequent letter; on the other hand, writing words in capital letters is a less frequent, slower process and the composition of the letters is not influenced by the presence of preceding or subsequent letters. It is not unreasonable to postulate that cursive writing requires less conscious attention to the mechanic output, while writing in capital letters, copying and drawing require more visual control; this in turn could exert a positive influence in modifying the writing size reduction. While MG present in PD patients is easily interpreted as an epiphenomenon of a diminution of force, with secondary changes in timing and in some subjects to the effect of tremor (Margolin and Wing, 1983), the question of the underlying deficit in pure MG is far from being resolved: most of the published reports are merely descriptive and do not deal with this problem. Two possible answers could be offered, one based on the presence of a subtle motor deficit not evident in other tasks, whose execution does not require such a fine degree of motor control as in writing. Pullicino et al. (1994) and more recently Nakamura et al. (2003) suggest that a disruption of the connections between basal ganglia and frontal lobes could play a major role in the pathogenesis of MG due to the damage of one of the frontal-subcortical motor circuits. The second hypothesis, more attractive from a cognitive point of view, postulates a specific role of the basal ganglia in the process of choosing and realizing the appropriate size of the letters to be written, once the graphomotor plan is realized. Denes, Signorini and Volpato Finally, of particular interest was the normality of P.P.’s cognitive functions: there is considerable evidence that damage to the basal ganglia is frequently associated with both direct effects and indirect effects due to the interruption of the frontal- subcortical circuits and consequent effects on frontal lobe functions. Thus, it could be easily predicted that our patient should have been affected by cognitive deficits similar to those found in frontal lobe-damaged patients such as impairments of executive functions (impaired attention, working memory, planning, etc.). (For a summary see Faglioni, 1999). 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