Acquired Dyslexia in a Turkish-English Speaker Ilhan Raman Middlesex University, United Kingdom Brendan S. Weekes University of Sussex, United Kingdom The Turkish script is characterised by completely transparent bidirectional mappings between orthography and phonology. To date, there has been no reported evidence of acquired dyslexia in Turkish speakers leading to the nai've view that reading and writing problems in Turkish are probably rare. We examined the extent to which phonological impairment and orthographic transparency influence reading disorders in a native Turkish speaker. BRB is a bilingual Turkish-English speaker with deep dysphasia accompanied by acquired dyslexia in both languages. The main findings are an effect of imageability on reading in Turkish coincident with surface dyslexia in English and preserved nonword reading. BRB's acquired dyslexia suggests that damage to phonological representations might have a consequence for learning to read in Turkish. We argue that BRB's acquired dyslexia has a common locus in chronic underactivation of phonological representations in Turkish and English. Despite a common locus, reading problems manifest themselves differently according to properties of the script and the type of task. Key Words: Acquired dyslexia, orthographic transparency, phonological deficit, Turkish-English bilingual and biscriptal reader Annals of Dyslexia, Vol. 55, No.l, 2005 Copyright ©2005 by The International Dyslexia Association® ISSN 0736-9387 79 80 RAMAN AND WEEKES INTRODUCTION Research investigating the effects of orthographic transparency on reading and writing has flourished in recent years. However, the study of individuals with acquired reading and writing impairments has ignored the effects of orthographic transparency. This is regrettable since cognitive neuropsychological studies of patients with acquired dyslexia can reveal much about the functioning of the normal reading system as well as how impairments to the normal system can lead to developmental dyslexia (see Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001 for a discussion). Current theories of reading do not commit to a view about effects of orthographic transparency on reading and writing impairments. However, in our view, case studies of acquired dyslexia can contribute to understanding patterns of developmental dyslexia seen in languages other than English. We know that problems processing the phonological properties of a word are a precursor to dyslexia in several languages (Goswami, 2003; Goswami, Ziegler, Dalton, & Schneider, 2003; Ramus, 2003; Snowling, 2000; Wagner & Torgesen, 1987; Ziegler, Perry, Ma-Wyatt, Ladner, & Shulte-K6rne, 2003). These problems include difficulties on verbal short-term memory tasks including n o n w o r d repetition and rapid naming, as well as meta-linguistic tasks such as phonological awareness and phonological recoding, leading to the phonological deficit hypothesis, which is now supported by numerous studies. A coherent account of dyslexia must explain how these phonological i m p a i r m e n t s lead to reading and writing problems across scripts, although clearly, the unique features of a script must constrain the phenotype of dyslexia that is observed in any given language (Yin & Weekes, 2003). There is an emerging view that phonological problems observed in children with reading and writing problems may be independent of language and hence type of script (Goswami, 2003; Goswami et al., 2003; Ziegler et al., 2003). Type of script can be characterised in terms of the predictability of the mappings between orthography and phonology (O->P). In English, O->P mappings are relatively unpredictable and thus can be called opaque. In other languages such as German, Greek, Italian, and Spanish, O->P mappings are relatively predictable and, therefore, transparent. English orthography is opaque as it is characterised by irregularity and inconsistency, and these variables are highly correlated (see Henderson, 1982 for a review; Venezky, 1970; Wijk, 1966, for an account of spelling-sound rules in English). ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISH SPEAKER 81 Word regularity refers to whether a word conforms to grapheme to phoneme rule knowledge, whereas consistency refers to whether subword units such as the rime can be pronounced in more than one way (e.g.,/ead/). Both regularity and consistency have an effect on reading in English although their relative importance is still being debated (see Cortese & Simpson, 2000). It is not clear how phonological impairments would manifest in a script such as Turkish in which O->P (and P->O) mappings are entirely predictable (Raman, 2003). One hypothesis is that phonological impairments lead to reading and writing problems in any language regardless of the predictability of the script. There is growing evidence to support this from studies of dyslexia in languages ranging from Chinese to Slovakian (see Smythe, Everatt, & Salter, 2004). A different hypothesis is that predictability--or more precisely grain size--of the script is critical to whether or not phonological impairments will manifest as reading and writing impairments (Wydell & Butterworth, 1999). Turkish was omitted from the Smythe et al. review of dyslexia across languages despite reports of dyslexia in transp a r e n t o r t h o g r a p h i e s (Finnish, Italian, P o r t u g u e s e , a n d Spanish). This must not be taken as support for the view that dyslexia is not present in Turkish speakers. Rather, we believe that reading and writing problems can be observed in Turkish if the critical features of the language are considered when tests for dyslexia are administered. M O D E L S OF R E A D I N G Orthographic transparency has a central role in models of oral reading in English (e.g., Coltheart, 1978; Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Coltheart et al., 2001; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996) and also in German (Perry & Ziegler, 2000; Ziegler, Perry, & Coltheart, 2000). The dual-route computational (DRC) model assumes that independent pathways are used to convert print to sound for reading in English (see figure 1). One route is lexical (route A) where stored information about words is retrieved from the mental lexicon. Presentation of a word results in cascaded activation across feature, letter, and word levels, which spread to whole word nodes in the phonological output lexicon, and then to the phonemic buffer and speech. The other route is nonlexical (route D) where phonology is generated using grapheme to phoneme translation rules. This route translates print into a phonological code 82 RAMANAND WEEKES via the assembly of sublexical spelling-sound correspondences. O u t p u t activates the p h o n e m i c buffer and speech. Although lexical and nonlexical routes are assumed to operate simultaneously, they may not necessarily deliver output at the same time. This is because different factors influence their operation. For example, word frequency has an impact on route A but not on route D (e.g., Baluch & Besner, 1991; McCann & Besner, 1987), while n u m b e r of letters has an impact on route D but not on route A (Weekes, 1997). In the extended, three-route model (see Besner, 1999), an additional lexical-semantic route (route B-C) is a d d e d to accommodate the effects of rated w o r d imageability on r e a d i n g in English (e.g., Strain, Patterson, & Seidenberg, 1995). Rated imageability refers to the ease with which a word arouses an image (e.g., apple is a high imageability word and justice is a low imageability word). Imageability is correlated with word class (i.e., nouns are more imageable than verbs). Print o Speech Figure 1: Dual-route model of reading aloud, adapted from Besner (1999). ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISHSPEAKER 83 The DRC model can explain the effects of orthographic transparency (O->P) on reading whereby less predictable words are read more slowly than predictable words (be they irregular or inconsistent). This is because less predictable words generate c o m p e t i n g o u t p u t from the lexical and nonlexical routes whereas predictable words do not. Also, the DRC model can explain different effects of grain size on reading across orthographies (Ziegler, Perry, Jacobs, & Braun, 2001). However, to date, there has been little attempt to apply the DRC model to acquired disorders of reading in languages other than English. The DRC model can explain all of the acquired reading disorders reported in English. Phonological dyslexia is characterized by poor reading of nonwords and spared ability to read w o r d s (e.g., Beauvois & Derouesne, 1979; W a r r i n g t o n & Shallice, 1979). Phonological dyslexia is due to impairment in route D, which fails to generate phonology from novel print (Funnell, 1983) while route A is intact. Deep dyslexia is an acquired reading impairment that involves production of semantic errors and the inability to read nonwords. Patients with deep dyslexia are assumed to have multiple damage including the components of routes A and D, leading to reliance on reading via route B-C (though see Weekes, Coltheart, & Gordon, 1997; Coltheart, 2000 for a different view). In surface dyslexia, reading of irregular words (e.g., yacht) is poor and typically accompanied by regularization errors while reading of nonwords and regular words is preserved (Coltheart, Masterson, Byng, Prior, & Riddoch, 1983; M a r s h a l l & N e w c o m b e , 1973). Surface dyslexia results from reliance on route D because one or more parts of the lexical reading system is damaged. Surface dyslexia could result from damage to route A, including damage to the orthographic input lexicon or the phonological output lexicon or damage to route B-C, including the semantic system itself. A related idea is the summation hypothesis, which assumes that surface dyslexia is the product of output from a partially preserved semantic route and a partially preserved nonlexical route (Hillis & Caramazza, 1991, 1995). Surface dyslexia can result from damage at more than one locus according to figure I including direct access to the phonological output lexicon from orthographic input, the phonological input lexicon or semantics; impaired semantic system damage; and damage to the phonological output lexicon itself. Weekes and Coltheart (1996) reported patient NW who displayed surface dyslexia, which they showed was the result of damage located at or around the orthographic input lexicon. 84 RAMAN AND WEEKES Damage to the orthographic lexicon is seen on tests of homophone definition since precise orthographic knowledge is required to perform this type of task. Several other studies report that damage to the semantic system is associated with surface dyslexia (Breedin, Saffran, & Coslett 1994; Graham, Hodges, & Patterson, 1994; Patterson & Hodges, 1992; Patterson, Graham, & Hodges, 1994; Plaut et al., 1996) although some patients with semantic memory problems do not show surface dyslexia (Lambon-Ralph, Ellis, & Sage, 1998). Damage to the semantic system is revealed by poor performance on matching tasks such as word-picture matching tasks and synonym judgment tasks. Watt, Jokel, and Behrmann (1997) argued that damage to the mappings between semantics and phonological output (route C) leads to surface dyslexia although damage to route C does not n e c e s s a r i l y lead to surface dyslexia (see Weekes & Robinson, 1997). Deep dysphasic patients who show poor word and n o n w o r d repetition performance also display surface dyslexia in reading (Majerus, Lekeu, Van der Linden, & Salmon, 2001; Valdois, Carbonnel, David, Rousset, & Pellat, 1995). Thus damage to the phonological lexicon--as revealed by poor repetition in deep dysphasia--is also associated with surface dyslexia. Surface dyslexia has most often been reported in languages with opaque, nonalphabetic scripts such as Chinese (Law & Or, 2001; Weekes & Chen, 1999), and Japanese (Patterson, Suzuki, Wydell, & Sasanuma, 1995), but has also been reported in languages with transparent scripts including Dutch (Diesfeldt, 1992), Italian (Miceli & Caramazza, 1993), and Spanish (Cuetos & Labos, 2001; Iribarren, Jarema, & Lecours, 1999). There also are reports of parallels between the impaired lexical reading of brain damaged patients and developmental reading and writing disorders in Italian (Angelelli, Judica, Spinelli, Zoccolotti, & Luzzatti, 2004) and Spanish (see Weekes, 2005). Although Italian and Spanish have relatively predictable O->P mappings and are thus transparent, they are not completely transparent. It is, therefore, of interest to examine reading and writing impairments in languages in which phonology is entirely predictable from orthography. C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S OF T U R K I S H Turkish is an extreme case of a transparent orthography as it has completely predictable one-to-one mappings between orthography and phonology. Thus, regularity and consistency are ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISHSPEAKER 85 not relevant to reading in Turkish. Modern Turkish (Tfirkge) belongs to the Turkic languages cluster and is currently the official language of several nations (Turkey, Azarbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and northern Cyprus). The modern Turkish orthography consists of 29 Roman letters (8 vowels and 21 consonants) and was designed to embody sounds in the spoken language in a totally transparent manner. Each letter in the alphabet directly corresponds to a single phoneme and each phoneme is represented by a single letter. Turkish is, therefore, characterised by total bidirectional transparency in reading (feed-forward) and spelling (feedback). In addition, a high number of vowels allows transparency. There are no silent letters in Turkish. Unlike Italian, stress is not required for monosyllabic and bisyllabic words; and unlike Spanish, stress is always assigned on the penultimate syllable of multisyllabic words. Hence, the salient aspect of Turkish is the computation of nonlexical phonology in an entirely reliable and context independent manner. It thus allows derivation of correct pronunciation from print without any lexical information and is learned with a minimal amount of training. A further remarkable linguistic property of Turkish is its morphology. Languages can be classified into one of three types: isolating or noninflective (e.g., Chinese), agglutinating (e.g., Turkish), and inflecting (e.g., English). The hallmark of ag= glutinative languages is multisyllabic words composed of linear sequences of morphemes. For example, from the root KAL (meaning stay), KAL-MI-YOR (meaning he or she is not staying), and KAL-MI-YOR-LAR (meaning they are not staying) are typical derivations by adding tense and person suffixes. Thus Turkish orthography is also predictable at the morpheme level with clearly defined syllable boundaries. We report the oral reading of a biscriptal (Turkish-English) patient (BRB) who has previously been diagnosed with deep dysphasia in Turkish (Raman & Weekes, 2003). Our motivation for testing BRB's oral reading was twofold. First, we wished to know if BRB's reading in English was surface dyslexic. We expected it was, given the evidence from other deep dysphasic patients showing that poor repetition is associated with surface dyslexia (Majerus et al., 2001; Valdois et al., 1995). Second, we wanted to know whether damage to lexical reading would have any impact on oral reading in a transparent script. This was motivated by our assumption that biscriptal reading relies on components in figure 1 that are shared for the two languages (see also Dijkstra & Van Heuven, 1998; Jared & Kroll, 2001). There have been no reports to date of acquired dyslexia in Turkish 86 RAMAN AND WEEKES speakers although according to figure 1, damage to a lexical reading system could result in acquired dyslexia in Turkish. CASE DESCRIPTION BRB is a right-handed male who was 67 years of age at the time of testing. Although he is a native speaker of Turkish, BRB's secondary and tertiary education was in English (conducted between the ages of 11 and 21). He is a retired senior civil servant from Cyprus where Turkish is a co-official language. BRB used both languages daily in his working life. Cyprus was a British colony until 1960 and civil servants were highly proficient bilinguals (Turkish-English or Greek-English) in speaking, reading, and writing prior to employment. BRB's premorbid IQ was estimated in the average range based on previous education and work history. BRB was hospitalized in 1999 following an acute CVA to the left parietal-occipital region. BRB's speech was severely reduced after the stroke and he presented with deep dysphasia (i.e., profound repetition impairment in both languages) (Raman & Weekes, 2003). BRB's repetition was severely impaired for words and nonwords, and he had marked shortterm auditory-verbal memory problems; for example, he displayed very poor performance on the Digit Span (repeating digits) in Turkish = 1 forward and 1 backward, and English = 1 forward and 1 backward. He produced circumlocutory errors on tests of confrontation naming. BRB's close relatives reported no premorbid difficulties with vision, hearing, or language. TESTS OF LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT IN ENGLISH AND TURKISH We first assessed BRB's language problems in English using the Psycholinguistic Assessment of L a n g u a g e Processing and Aphasia (PALPA) battery (Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992). Test results are summarized in table I. BRB completed the written-word picture matching task and the spoken word picture matching test from PALPA with only two errors (no worse than controls), demonstrating that he could recognize objects and that he understood the meaning of printed and spoken words. BRB's auditory lexical decision with high frequency words was also perfect. His knowledge of written synonyms for high imageability words (e.g., start--beginning) was excellent but there was impairment with knowledge of some low imageability words (e.g., detection--discovery). ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISH SPEAKER 87 Table I. N u m b e r and percentage correct on PALPA tests for BRB. Task Number % correct Spoken word-picture matching Written word-picture matching Auditory lexical decision Written synonym judgement High imageability Low imageability Repetition English Turkish Speaking picture names English Turkish Writing picture names English Turkish 38/40 38/40 40/40 95 95 100 30/30 23/30 100 76 26/40 33/40 65 82 29/40 32/40 72 80 31/40 33/40 77 82 BRB's performance on the PALPA homophone definition task revealed that he could comprehend the meaning of print although he often produced the correct definition in Turkish. This is a feature of biscriptal reading reported in other case studies (e.g., Eng & Obler, 2002; Masterson, Coltheart, & Meara, 1985). Subsequent tests were conducted in English and Turkish (on separate occasions). Word and nonword repetition was poor in both languages suggesting damage to the phonological output lexicon. BRB's performance on the PALPA test of picture naming was poor in both English and Turkish (control subjects made no more than I error on this task) and he tended to make semantic intrusion errors (e.g., t h u m b ba~parmak as finger parmak) although phonological errors were also observed (e.g., rabbit--raffit). His writing of picture names was impaired in both languages. BRB's performance can be summarized with reference to figure 1. There is evidence that BRB is able to understand spoken words, suggesting the phonological input lexicon is intact; he can define printed homophones, suggesting the orthographic input lexicon is intact; and he knows word meanings, so the semantic system is intact. However, BRB is unable to repeat words and name pictures, suggesting damage to the phonological output lexicon or connections to this system (route C). Thus, 88 RAMAN AND WEEKES according to our reasoning above about deep dysphasic patients, BRB might show surface dyslexia in English. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS Our first hypothesis was that impaired access to the phonological output lexicon (route C) would result in surface dyslexia. If BRB's lexical reading system is impaired, then effects of predictability on reading should be observed but nonword reading should be intact (via route D). It is not possible to test for effects of predictability on reading in a transparent script (Coltheart, 1984). However, in order to test lexical reading in Turkish, we devised tests that we assumed involved at least some lexical knowledge. Our second hypothesis was that BRB's impairments might lead to an effect of imageability on reading in Turkish. We tested for effects of imageability on reading since it is universally assumed that imageability effects reflect reading via the lexical-semantic system (route B-C). We also tested for effects of word class (nouns versus verbs and verbal nouns) on reading since patients who produce semantic errors--and hence rely on lexical-semantic reading--show effects of word class on reading (Coltheart, 1980a, 1980b). Finally, we predicted that impaired lexical reading in Turkish would cause BRB to have difficulty translating Turkish print into English spoken words, a task we assumed is performed via lexical knowledge (cf., Jared & Kroll, 2001; Kroll & Stewart, 1994). TESTS OF READING We tested the first hypothesis by examining BRB's reading of 40 consistent and 40 inconsistent English words using items from Monaghan and Ellis (2002) matched for word frequency, length, neighborhood size, and age of acquisition (AoA), and reading of irregular words and nonwords taken from the PALPA battery. Results are summarized in table II. There was an effect of consistency on BRB's reading with consistent words read better than inconsistent words (note some items are abstract words such as death) t(39) = 9.2, p <.01]. Irregular words from the PALPA were read poorly and nonwords read perfectly. We tested the second hypothesis by examining BRB's reading of words rated high and low in imageability. We used four sets of experimental trials, 20 in each condition, matched on initial letter, number of syllables, and number of letters. Statistics for each set are reported in Appendix A. Note that low values ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISH SPEAKER 89 Table II. Number and percentage correct on tests of reading in English for BRB. Task Consistent words (written words with consistent OP mappings [e.g., drill]) Inconsistent words (written words with inconsistent OP mappings [e.g., dough]) Irregular words taken from PALPA Nonwords taken from PALPA Number % correct 31/40 77 19/40 47 17/40 40/40 42 100 indicate low frequency but are rated high imageability. Word imageability and word frequency norms were from Raman and Baluch (2001). The following are examples of four types of stimuli: high i m a g e a b i l i t y - h i g h f r e q u e n c y (YATAK bed); high imageability-low frequency (YOKU~ uphill); low imageability -high frequency (YEMIN vow); and low imageability-low frequency (YORUM interpretation). BRB was asked to read each word from the experimental list printed in Arial typeface, size 14. Stimuli and data are presented in table III. There was a reliable effect of Imageability X2 (1) = 3.8, p < 0.05. Errors were phoneme substitutions (e.g., in balkon balcony - 1 was substituted with r leading to barkon). BRB shows the classic dissociation of poor reading of unpredictable words with intact nonword reading that is the hallmark of surface dyslexia in English, and there is evidence that he is reading via the lexical-semantic reading pathway (route B-C) in Turkish. Thus, although the lexical reading pathway is used for reading in Turkish, he is surface dyslexic. TESTS OF W O R D C L A S S O N R E A D I N G Test results are summarized in table IV. We presented 34 nouns, 34 verbs, and 34 verbal (derived) nouns for oral reading in Turkish. Given the results from Experiment 2, stimuli were matched for rated word imageabili~. There was no significant effect of word class on performance (FP mappings in Turkish may.. enhance the acquisition of literacy compared to English (e.g., Oney & Durguno~u, 1997). However, this does not preclude difficulties learning to read and write. Developmental dyslexia in Turkish deserves further investigation given the data obtained from BRB. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank three anonymous reviewers and the editor, Professor Che Kan Leong, for their useful commentary on an earier version of this paper. ACQUIRED DYSLEXIA IN A TURKISH-ENGLISH SPEAKER 99 Address correspondence to: Brendan S. Weekes, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9QN, UK. E-mail: References Angelelli, P., Judica, A., Spinelli, D., Zoccolotti, P., & Luzzatti, C. (2004). Characteristics of writing disorders in Italian dyslexic children. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 17, 18-31. Baluch, B., & Besner, D. (1991). Visual word recognition: Evidence for strategic control of lexical and nonlexical routines in oral reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 17, 644-652. Beauvois, M. F., & Derouesne, J. (1979). Phonological alexia: Three dissociations. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 42, 1115-1124. Beland, R., & M i m o u n i , Z. (2001). 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Final version accepted January 31, 2005. 1.51 Mean = 1.77 SD = .51 SD = .38 1.96 3.04 2.20 1.32 1.32 1.62 1.52 2.58 1.54 1.28 1.32 1.64 1.54 1.72 1.26 2.26 1.76 1.92 2.04 1.92 1.42 2.25 1.35 1.54 2.60 Mean = 1.67 bed yatak 2.49 cigarette sigara frying pan hair sa~ comb money para tava blue mavi tarak 1.68 book kitap 2.35 1.44 1.56 1.33 1.38 1.50 lock giine~ brother sun g6z 1.29 kilit eye diinya 1.44 karde~ earth ~i~ek 1.70 human flower bah~e 1.88 blood garden bardak 1.12 1.48 kan glass ate~ insan mother fire anne yoku~ tiirbe tepe sevin~ saz pete maske k6p kumar kukla kaygan incir gitar gaz dLi~ne ~ilek baston balkon arpa ayran uphill monument hill joy musical inst. veil mask water butt gamble puppet slippery fig guitar gas button strawberry walking stick balcony barley yoghurt drink SD = .39 Mean = 2.04 1.80 2.44 2.38 1.78 2.22 2.46 1.50 1.47 2.14 2.34 2.56 2.00 1.24 1.98 2.35 2.40 1.60 2.00 1.70 2.46 SD = .68 Mean = 4.09 3.80 4.76 3.04 2.60 4.30 5.44 4.22 4.06 3.64 4.38 3.53 4.22 3.76 3.99 3.84 3.90 4.56 3.74 5.28 4.84 Imageability and frequency norms of the Turkish words used in Experiment 1, and their corresponding translations in English. Translation Translation HFHI in English Imageability Frequency LFHI in English Imageability Frequency APPENDIX A pr~ pr~ pr~ ¢3 Vr~ ¢3 K3 5.77 selfish shape solution emotion secret power/difficult 4.98 5.14 shame stubborn register polite language logic honor prevention art history anxiety lie vow ayip bencil bi~im ~6ziim duygu gizli giiq inat kayit kibar lisan mantik onur 6nlem sanat tarih tasa yalan yemin 2.20 Mean = 2.23 SD = .40 5.21 SD = .48 2.04 1.90 2.14 2.22 1.76 2.53 1.88 2.79 2.22 2.88 1.96 2.02 2.12 1.60 2.14 3.16 2.60 1.89 2.56 Frequency Mean = 5.09 5.20 5.94 4.58 5.88 5.13 4.93 5.06 4.19 5.24 5.40 5.71 5.00 4.37 4.60 4.90 4.74 leftover artik Imageability Translation in English HFLI yorum yazgi t6re tekel sfirgfin 61qek oru~ menzil lasan klsir kavram ilim g6nfil g6~ doyum ~t~ir buhran bellek ayar LFLI ablak interpretation destiny custom monopoly exile scale fasting firing range seedling infertile concept science heart/mind migration content era depression memory timing dull person Translation in English SD = .64 Mean = 4.53 4.78 6.42 4.31 5.09 4.52 4.32 4.84 4.72 3.90 4.95 3.98 4.16 4.35 4.92 4.44 3.20 3.70 4.59 4.73 4.78 3.87 4.65 3.94 4.10 4.49 3.92 3.64 5.04 6.23 4.30 4.32 3.63 3.50 2.03 3.90 5.00 5.51 4.29 3.50 6.29 Frequency SD = .98 Mean = 4.31 Imageability