J Neurol (2007) 254:442–447 DOI 10.1007/s00415-006-0385-7 Yasuo Terao Yoshikazu Ugawa Tomotaka Yamamoto Yasuhisa Sakurai Tomohiko Masumoto Osamu Abe Yoshitaka Masutani Shigeki Aoki Shoji Tsuji Received: 14 February 2006 Received in revised form: 31 May 2006 Accepted: 6 June 2006 Published online: 22 March 2007 Y. Terao, MD, PhD (&) Y. Ugawa, MD, PhD T. Yamamoto, MD, PhD S. Tsuji, MD, PhD Dept. of Neurology, Division of Neuroscience Graduate School of Medicine University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku113-8655 Tokyo, Japan Tel.: +81-3-3815-5411 ext. 33784 Fax.: +81-3-5800-6548 E-Mail: yterao-tky@umin.ac.jp Y. Sakurai, MD, PhD Dept. of Neurology Mitsui Memorial Hospital Tokyo, Japan T. Masumoto, MD, PhD O. Abe, MD, PhD Y. Masutani, MD, PhD Æ S. Aoki, MD, PhD Dept. of Radiology and Bioengineering Graduate School of Medicine University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan ORIGINAL COMMUNICATION Primary face motor area as the motor representation of articulation j Abstract No clinical data have yet been presented to show that a lesion localized to the primary motor area (M1) can cause severe transient impairment of articulation, although a motor representation for articulation has been suggested to exist within M1. Here we describe three cases of patients who developed severe dysarthria, temporarily mimicking speech arrest or aphemia, due to a localized brain lesion near the left face representation of the human primary motor cortex (face-M1). Speech was slow, effortful, lacking normal prosody, and more affected than expected from the degree of facial or tongue palsy. There was a mild deficit in tongue movements in the sagittal plane that impaired palatolingual contact and rapid tongue movements. The speech disturbance was limited to verbal output, without aphasia or orofacial apraxia. Overlay of magnetic Introduction Human speech requires intricate planning and coordination of mouth and tongue muscles. The assumption of a left-hemisphere speech motor module [1] comes from a multitude of observations that lesions in the lower motor cortex of the dominant hemisphere give rise to aphemia or severe impairment of articulation [2–7]. This module may well lie near the lower motor area because pure dysarthria, a rare manifesta- resonance images revealed a localized cortical region near face-M1, which displayed high intensity on diffusion weighted images, while the main portion of the corticobulbar fibers arising from the lower third of the motor cortex was preserved. The cases suggest the existence of a localized brain region specialized for articulation near face-M1. Cortico-cortical fibers connecting face-M1 with the lower premotor areas including Broca’s area may also be important for articulatory control. j Key words face motor area Æ articulation Æ speech arrest Æ diffusion weighted image tion of cortical stroke, is often accompanied by facial palsy [8–10], involving the part of primary motor cortex lying just laterally to the precentral knob (face-M1). Most of the lesions reported so far, however, are relatively large, with varying extensions into the premotor cortex, frontal operculum, anterior insula and/or the underlying white matter, precluding conclusions as to the precise location of cortical region responsible for such disorder [2–12]. Recent functional imaging studies [13–15] point to the existence of a speech module 443 within M1 that is specialized for articulation. On the other hand, transcranial magnetic stimulation over the face-M1 has also been shown to interrupt overt production of prepositional speech [16] and to delay the onset of vocalization [17]. Speech arrest can be induced by direct electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex around the face motor area [18]. However, no clinical data have yet been presented to show that a small lesion near face-M1 can cause a severe transient impairment of articulation, mimicking speech arrest or aphemia. In this report, we show that a region specialized for articulation exists within M1. Damage to this region should temporarily present with an arrest of speech, since the entire speech system would be deprived of its output stage. Combining the findings of three cases, we were able to delineate this region to a cortical area near face-M1. Case reports j Case 1 A hypertensive right-handed woman had conducted a normal life until the age of 65, when after noting a hot choking sensation around the neck and tingling dysesthesia on the right side of the body, she suddenly developed weakness of the right upper and lower limbs and became unable to talk. The paresis resolved quickly as she became ambulatory within a few hours, but the speech disturbance persisted. When she was admitted to our hospital, her utterances had become confined to grunts like ‘‘uuh’’ or ‘‘aah’’. Meanwhile, higher functions including comprehension of verbal and written language and handwriting remained completely normal, without any signs of aphasia. A slight facial droop with a shallow nasolabial groove was noted on the right side, but there was no orofacial apraxia. Sensory function of the oral cavity was normal. No deviation was noted on tongue protrusion, and she could wiggle or elevate the tongue to order. The palatal and pharyngeal movements were unimpaired, and there was no apparent dysphagia. A mild right hemiparesis was noted, but there was no objective sensory disturbance in the limbs. One week later, she began to form words, although these were limited mostly to single word utterances. By two weeks, she was able to speak short sentences, but speech was remarkably slow and slurred with distorted phonemes and altered prosody, assuming a foreign accent. There was no semantic or literal paraphasia. After one month of onset, weakness of the limb had disappeared and speech had improved to a near normal level without any inconvenience in daily conversation. However, after six months of follow up, she sometimes feels the tongue ‘‘thick’’ and has been aware of omitting lingual consonants when she speaks quickly. Otolaryngologic studies disclosed normal motility of the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain taken on the day of onset showed a discrete lesion at the depth of the central sulcus, partly extending into the precentral gyrus (left figure in Fig. 1). The same area exhibited high intensity in the diffusionweighted image (DWI), pointing to the recent emergence of the lesion (right figure in Fig. 1). MR angiography was normal. j Case 2 A right-handed 80-year-old man with diabetes mellitus and esophageal varices, suddenly developed right facial paresis without Fig. 1 T2 weighted and DW images of Case 1. Transverse scans for the T2 weighted (left figure) and DWI image (right figure) are shown. The lesion was noted at the depth of central sulcus, partly extending to the precentral gyrus. The same region displayed high intensity in the DWI involvement of the limbs, and was admitted to our hospital. He also exhibited a marked reduction in the amount of speech. On the next day, he began to form words very slowly, mostly utterance of single words with a breathy and slightly hoarse voice. Facial palsy became confined to the right mouth angle within 3 days. Even one week after onset, however, his speech still demanded enormous effort and remained extremely slow with a distorted prosody and imprecise articulation. Neurological examination showed a mild facial palsy of upper motor neuron type. No deviation was noted on tongue protrusion, and wiggling and elevation of the tongue could be performed normally. Sensory function of the oral cavity was normal. Palatal and pharyngeal movements were normal without dysphagia as was also demonstrated by larygoscopy. There was no indication of orofacial apraxia, nor were there any signs suggestive of other cranial nerve involvement. Motor or sensory functions of all four limbs were normal. Speech was characterized by a prolongation of sounds, distorted phonemes, and monotonous pitch, but without paraphasia. The changes were so dramatic that it was difficult for his friends and family members to recognize the man by his voice alone. Handwriting and verbal comprehension was perfect. MRI taken on the next day after admission disclosed a small subcortical infarction confined to the depth of the central sulcus, extending partially to the precentral and postcentral gyri (Fig. 2). DWI showed a high intensity area at the same region, indicating that this lesion emerged recently and was responsible for the dysarthria and facial palsy. By one month, speech was still slow but had largely recovered. Iteration of syllables (/pa/, /ta/, /ka/) was difficult and irregular, especially when production of these sounds in rapid sequence was required (such as articulating /tatata..../, or /pataka/, /pataka/, ....). The patient could repeat /pa/ at a rate of 4 Hz, while repetition of / ta/ and /ka/ could be achieved at a maximal rate of 2–3 Hz with some hesitation. This was due to impairment in lifting the root of tongue against the posterior part of upper palate and, to a lesser extent, in thrusting the tip of tongue against the back of the upper teeth, resulting in defective palatolingual closure not only at the soft palate but also at the hard palate. j Case 3 A 27-year-old left-handed man was referred to our hospital on 29 November, 1984, because of repeated attacks of weakness involving the right upper and lower limbs, difficulty in handwriting for small letters, and a severe dysarthria mimicking speech arrest, which all cleared within several minutes. 444 Fig 3 T2 weighted images of Case 3. Transverse (upper two figures), coronal (lower left) and sagittal (lower right) scans are shown. Arrows indicate the location of the lesion Fig 2 T2 weighted and DW images of Case 2. Transverse (upper left figure), coronal (lower left) and sagittal (lower right) scans for T2 weighted images and transverse scan (upper right) for the DWI image. Arrows indicate the location of the lesion There was no apparent facial palsy or tongue deviation on protrusion, and the palatal and pharyngeal movements were normal without dysphagia. Gross muscular power of the limbs was normal, but diadochokinesis and finger tapping was slower for the right upper limb than for the left. He also perceived slight difficulty in handwriting. One month later, he suddenly developed speech arrest after ingesting alcohol, which lasted for only 4–5 minutes. Handwriting was normal. On 2 May 1986 (age 29), he noted a tingling sensation at the tip of right thumb and index finger as well as at the right mouth angle. Two weeks later, he perceived tremendous difficulty in handwriting, which now apparently deteriorated. He was admitted to our department for detailed clinical examination and possible treatment. On admission, there was no overt palsy of the facial, palatal, pharyngeal or tongue muscles. Sensation in the face and the oral cavity was normal, and there was no sign of other cranial nerve involvement. Swallowing was normal without dysphagia. Gross muscular power was preserved proximally in the upper and lower limbs, but a slight weakness was noted for thumb adduction and abduction. Dysesthesia was noted around the right mouth angle and also at the tips of all five fingers of the right hand. Despite normal motility of the facial, palatal, pharyngeal and tongue muscles, he found it difficulty to produce sounds like /pa/, / ta/ and /ka/. Articulation of these sounds in repetitive sequence was dysrhythmic with hesitation. Comprehension of spoken and written language was normal, and the deficit was confined to that of verbal output, especially that of articulation. Brain MRI disclosed atrophy of the left lateral convexity most pronounced around the central sulcus. Small T2 weighted high intensity spots were scattered throughout the white matter, the most prominent of which was situated at the depth of the lower central sulcus near the face area of the motor cortex (Fig. 3). Carotid angiography demonstrated complete occlusion of the left internal carotid artery at a site where the anterior choroidal artery branches from its supraclinoid portion. Retrograde filling was noted from the left anterior and posterior cerebral arteries into branches of the middle cerebral artery. Since then, he has experienced several episodes of central facial weakness combined with dysarthria till the age of 43, either with or without impairment in handwriting. All episodes have cleared within several minutes. Methods The study including the imaging procedure as described below was approved by the ethical committee of Tokyo University and all patients gave their written informed consent prior to enrollment. MRI was acquired with echoplanar imaging (EPI) using the 1.5T Signa Horizon Lx (General Electric Company, Milwaukee, USA). Conventional T1 and T2 weighted images of MRI were also obtained in contiguous transverse, coronal and sagittal sections. In cases 1 and 2, DWIs were also taken within 48 hours of the onset to disclose any lesion that emerged recently. DWIs were acquired using a spin-echo sequence, with an echo planar imaging acquisition window. Each slice was interleaved gapless with a slice thickness of 5 mm. The DWI parameters were set at SE-EPI, TR 5000 ms, TE 78 ms, Matrix 128x128, FOV 24 cm, NEX 4, b = 1000 s/mm2 [19]. The extent of lesions in each case was overlaid onto a schematically drawn coronal, transverse, and sagittal slices of the brain at the corresponding anterior-to-posterior coordinate of the brain (Fig. 4A). Results The lesions in all three cases involved a region at the depth of the central sulcus and lateral to the precentral ‘‘knob’’ where the hand motor area is localized 445 Fig 4 A. The extent of lesions in the three cases was overlaid onto a schematically drawn coronal (upper figure), transverse (middle figure) and sagittal (lower figure) slices of the brain, gray-scaled according to the degree of overlap, with darker tints representing more overlap. The region common to all three cases (shown in black) is located at the depth of the central sulcus, which is near the face representation of the primary sensorimotor cortex. B. The same region coincides with the mouth region of human primary sensorimotor cortex [7] (blue circle) as well as with the activated region during the articulatory/ phonetic production of polysyllables as the produced sequence becomes complex [15] (yellow zone). This region also lies near the generator of the magnetic field and cortical activation related to tongue protrusion [22, 29] (red circle). The activated area in Riecker et al (yellow zone) was not shown on the sagittal scan because it was not given in the original paper [20]. This region is near the area generally considered as the face-M1 [21] and immediately medial to the tongue motor area [22]. Superimposition of the defined regions again indicated that a region near faceM1 was responsible for dysarthria (Fig. 4A). In all cases, the extent of lesion spared the main part of the corticobulbar tract arising from the lower third of M1; involvement, if anything, was limited to its upper portion. Discussion The three cases showed that even a localized unilateral cortical damage to an area near to the face-M1 can cause severe disturbance of articulation tempo- rarily mimicking aphemia or speech arrest, although a generalized perfusion defect in the left hemisphere could have contributed to the speech problem in case 3. This suggests that a brain region exists near faceM1 for coordinating speech. The discrete lesions in our cases were remarkably consistent across cases and located more deep into the central sulcus than those described by Kim et al. [23]. Thus, the locations rather than the sizes of the lesions were more important in producing the severe dysarthria in our cases, and probably represent a ‘‘bottle-neck’’ region for controlling articulation. In case 3, the progression of symptoms from impaired handwriting to facial palsy is compatible with cortical ischemia initially affecting the hand motor area but subsequently extending into the adjacent face motor area. The preponderance of left hemispheric lesions in Kim’s and our cases suggest predominant involvement of the left hemisphere in articulation, although Kim’s cases included some with right hemispheric lesions. The importance of the face motor area in articulation may have escaped recognition because cases with face-M1 lesions show relatively good recovery from dysarthria within a short period, possibly because nearby or contralateral brain regions can take over the impaired function. Indeed, resection of a relatively large area of the lower motor cortex seldom leads to persistent dysarthria [24]. The impairment was clearly limited to the motor aspect of speech output, while verbal comprehension and handwriting remained normal, without any signs of aphasia or pseudobulbar palsy. The clinical features were distinct from those caused by lesions in Broca’s area, anterior insula [12], or the anterior operculum [25], or from apraxia of speech associated with agraphia resulting from a lesion slightly more anteriorly in the precentral gyrus [5, 26, 27]. Foreign accent syndrome without aphasia has been reported to occur in a patient with a lesion localized to the convexity of the left posterolateral M1 [28], who showed abnormal prosody but did not present with a severe loss of speech. Japanese is quite different from English with segmentation into morae and pitch accent as important features, and it is important that in case 1 the subject also presented with foreign accent. The lesion in case 1 therefore may have disrupted this segmented structure, a feature specific to Japanese articulation. Why should such severe dysarthria occur due to a lesion near the face-M1? Facial palsy does not provide a sufficient explanation because dysarthria was significantly worse than expected, outlasting the facial palsy, and articulation of lingual consonants was affected more than that of labial consonants. On the other hand, overt tongue palsy as well as palsy of the laryngeal or pharyngeal muscles was excluded by 446 neurological and otolaryngologic studies. However, impairment of tongue movements in the sagittal plane, not apparent on routine neurological examinations, may play an important role in cortical dysarthria [29]. Defective palatolingual contact due to impairment of tongue movements was observed in patients of aphemia [4] and one of our patients (case 2). Together with recent functional imaging studies [7, 15, 22, 30], it is plausible to consider that articulation is heavily represented in the upper tongue motor area at a site contiguous to face-M1, especially on the left side. Interestingly, tongue protrusion and production of the lingual sound /ta/ activates wide regions over the bilateral bulbar motor cortices, including both the tongue and lip (face) motor areas. Articulating /ka/ produces a largely asymmetrical activation centered around the lip area of the motor cortex in the left hemisphere and the entire tongue motor representation in the right hemisphere [13, 31]. During the production of polysyllables, the activation gets more focused to a region near the left face-M1 as the sequence becomes more complex [15], which coincides strikingly with the overlaid extent of lesions in our patients (Fig. 4B). Both in humans and primates, regions within M1 where intracortical microstimulation evokes movements at the mouth angle adjoin those eliciting movements at the root or tip of tongue [32] and those active during the masticatory sequence, i.e. jaw movements [33] and swallowing [34, 35, 36] that require muscle activation in common with that for articulation. Severe dysarthria may also result from functional isolation of inferior frontal cortex from more peripheral motor structures in the left and right M1 [2]. In macaque monkeys, face-M1 receives corticocortical inputs from the ventral division of the premotor cortex, whose counterpart cortical regions in humans are implicated in speech [37]. In patients with persistent developmental stuttering, the white matter of speech-relevant brain regions in the left motor and premotor regions display abnormal fractional anisotropy values, indicating functional disconnection between speech-relevant brain areas [38]. 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