Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Successful Treatment Using Functional Endonasal Sinus Surgery Ramzi T. Younis, MD, Rande H. Lazar, MD Objective: Infections of the paranasal sinuses can be complicated by septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinuses. After standard antibiotic treatment, fewer than 50% of the patients recover completely, and the mortality rate is approximately 30%. We chose to treat this potentially catastrophic complication with functional endonasal sinus surgery in addition to standard antibiotic therapy. venous Intervention: The patient was started on a regimen of cefuroxime and nafcillin sodium and was scheduled for emergency functional endonasal sinus surgery to drain the primary sites of infection. After surgery, the patient was placed on a 3-week regimen of cefotaxime sodium, metronidazole hydrochloride, vancomycin hydrochloride, and heparin sodium. Results: During surgery, the frontal recess and ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses were found to be filled with polypoid tissue and purulent material. Functional Design: Case study. Patient: A 15-year-old boy presented to the emergency room of LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, Memphis, Tenn, with right proptosis, chemosis, ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, cranial nerve palsies, and paresthesia. The physical examination and computed tomographic scans of the sinuses and orbits revealed edema of the right orbit and pansinusitis, with secondary right cavernous sinus thrombosis and right superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis. The endonasal sinus surgery restored the sinuses to their normal physiologic state. The sinuses demonstrated the progress observed clinically. Conclusions: The improvement in outcome effected by standard antibiotic therapy can be significantly augmented by using functional endonasal sinus surgery in the treatment of cavernous sinus thrombosis. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1993;119:1368-1372) postmortem changes of septic cavernous sinus thrombosis were first de¬ scribed by Duncan1 in 1821. All of the initial at¬ tempts to treat the condition with sur¬ gery failed.2·3 In 1936, Grove4 reviewed 400 cases and reported a mortality rate of 100%. One year later, MacNeal and Cavallo5 described the first survivor after using sulfonamides and antistreptococcus serum. From the Otolaryngology Consultants of Memphis (Tenn), LeBonheur Children's Medical Center. Since the advent of antibiotics, the incidence and mortality rate for cavern¬ ous sinus thrombosis have decreased. New diagnostic and therapeutic modali¬ ties have markedly improved outcome, but this infectious complication still car¬ ries a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. The customary treatment in- Downloaded From: by a Western University User on 06/09/2015 eludes drainage of the primary focus of infection, high doses of intravenous an¬ tibiotics, and subclinical doses of hep¬ arin sodium. With standard treatment, fewer than 50% of the patients recover completely, and approximately 30% of them die, emphasizing the need for im¬ proved treatment. We report the case of a child with pansinusitis in whom right cavernous si¬ thrombosis developed. He was suc¬ cessfully treated with intravenous antibi¬ otics, a subclinical dose of heparin, and nus functional endonasal sinus surgery (FESS). The pathogenesis, diagnosis, roentgenographic findings, and treat¬ ment of this potentially lethal comp¬ lication are discussed, highlighting the role of FESS as a new therapeutic mo¬ dality. 0.92 neutrophils. The leukocyte count dropped progressively during treat¬ ment and was normal at the time of hospital discharge. From the time of hospital admission to hospital discharge, results of all serum chemistry studies were normal. His partial thromboplastin time was maintained between 25.0 and 35.0 seconds. Group C Strepto¬ coccus grew from one of three blood cultures. Group C Streptococcus and coagulase-negative Staphyloccus grew from intraoperative cultures of his si¬ nuses. Analysis also revealed anaero¬ bic organisms, including Streptococ¬ cus viridans and Bacteroides melaninoFigure 1. Left, Axial computed tomographic scan of the brain (April 3, 1989) shows right-sided facial and orbital swelling and proptosis and thrombosed right superior ophthalmic vein (arrow). Right, Computed tomographic scan shows enhancement of the right internal carotid artery (arrow) within a thrombosed cavernous sinus (no uptake of contrast) and the left cavernous sinus (enhanced with contrast). REPORT OF A CASE diagnosis of right cavernous sinus thrombosis, neurosurgical, neu¬ rologic, and ophthalmologic consul¬ tations were requested. Informed con¬ erate edema. After the acute sinusitis with A 15-year-old boy presented to our emergency room at LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, Memphis, Tenn, on April 3,1989. One day be¬ fore hospital admission, the patient had swelling of the right eye with pain and diplopia. For 3 weeks, he had had an upper respiratory tract infection and right-sided headache, but his medi¬ cal history was essentially unrevealing. Physical examination disclosed that he had a temperature of 39.5°C, heart rate of 102 beats per minute, respi¬ rations of 24/min, and blood pressure of 120/64 mm Hg. He had right prop¬ tosis, chemosis, ptosis, and ophthalmoplegia. The boy had third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerve palsies and paresthesia over the maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve, but he was oth¬ erwise neurologically intact with no meningeal signs. The physical examination also revealed congested erythematous na¬ sal mucosa with bilateral purulent na¬ sal discharge. The right side of his face was swollen and tender. Com¬ puted tomographic (CT) scans of the sinuses and orbits revealed pansi¬ nusitis, with secondary right cavern¬ ous sinus thrombosis and right su¬ perior ophthalmic vein thrombosis (Figure I ). The right orbit had mod- sent for treatment was obtained after the procedures were explained. The patient was started on a regi¬ men of 1.5 mg of cefuroxime given intravenously every 8 hours and 2 g of nafcillin sodium given intrave¬ nously every 4 hours. He was also scheduled for emergency FESS. Dur¬ ing surgery, the ethmoid and sphe¬ noid sinuses were found to be filled with polypoid tissue and purulent ma¬ terial. The frontal recess and maxil¬ lary sinuses were also filled with poly¬ poid disease. Results of the pathologic examination of these specimens were compatible with chronic sinusitis. After surgery, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit, where he was started on a regimen of 3 g of cefotaxime sodium, 500 mg of metronidazole hydrochloride, given intravenously. The heparin dose was altered according to the results of the daily partial thromboplastin time. The patient's laboratory profile was carefully monitored during hospitalization. At the time of hospital ad¬ mission, he had a hemoglobin value of 122 g/L, hematocrit of 0.36, and leukocyte count of 24.7 X109/L, with Downloaded From: by a Western University User on 06/09/2015 genicus. The patient was extubated on the second postoperative day and closely observed. A repeated CT scan of the sinuses and orbits on April 6 showed further progression of the thrombosis of the facial veins and increased soft-tissue swelling (Figure 2). However, because the patient's clinical condition was im¬ proving, the same therapeutic regi¬ men was maintained. On April 10, the facial edema and right eye proptosis were regressing. Another CT scan of the sinuses and orbits (Figure 3) on the same day demonstrated clini¬ cal improvement. The patient was transferred to a regular nursing floor, where he was treated with 7500 IU of heparin so¬ dium administered subcutaneously ev¬ ery 6 hours. Treatment with beclo¬ methasone dipropionate spray and sa- Figure 2. Axial computed tomographic scan of the brain (April 5, 1989) shows increased right-sided facial and orbital swelling and proptosis (small arrows) and thrombosed right superior ophthalmic vein (solid white arrow). Figure 3. Left, Axial computed tomographic scan of the brain (April 10, 1989) shows regression of the right-sided facial and orbital swelling. Right, Axial computed tomographic scan of the brain (April 10, 1989) shows recanalization (enhancement) of the cavernous sinus (arrow). Figure 4. Axial computed tomographic scan of the brain (April 20, 1989) shows recanalization of the right superior ophthalmic vein (arrow). line nasal washes was also started. The antibiotic and heparin therapy was continued for a total of 21 days. Another CT scan of the sinuses less venous channels within the leaves of the dura. The right and left cav¬ this sinus may affect all of these ana¬ ernous sinuses communicate The cavernous sinuses drain the anterior portion of the face, oral cavity, tonsils, pharynx, nasal cavity, orbit, eye, paranasal si¬ nuses, middle ear, mastoid region, cerebral cortex, and the pituitary. The cavernous sinuses empty into the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses and ultimately drain into the internal jugular vein. Because of these associations, focal infec¬ tion of the head or neck region may produce septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinuses. Infections of the medial third of the face, including the nose, orbit, tonsils, and soft palate, were the most common causes of cavernous sinus thrombosis in the past.6"8 Bacteria can enter the facial or pterygoid plexus and reach the cavernous sinus by the superior or inferior ophthalmic veins. After antibiotics were introduced, si¬ nusitis involving the sphenoid and ethmoid air sinuses became a more frequent antecedent condition. Of the eight patients reviewed by Southwick and colleagues,8 all had sphe¬ noid or ethmoid sinusitis before cav¬ (Figure 4) performed on April 20 demonstrated the progress observed clinically. On April 24, the patient was in good condition and was dis¬ charged from the hospital to his home. COMMENT The cavernous sinuses, located at the base of the skull superolateral to the sphenoid sinus (Figure 5), are valve- through the intercavemous sinuses, which pass anteriorly and posteriorly to the sella turcica and pituitary gland. The ocu¬ lomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV), and the ophthalmic and max¬ illary branches of the trigeminal nerve (V) course along the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. The internal ca¬ rotid artery, sympathetic plexus, and the abducens nerve (VI) traverse the center of the cavernous sinus near its medial wall. Thrombophlebitis of tomic structures. sinus thrombophlebitis developed. The predisposing infec¬ tion may spread from the air sinuses by small emissary veins, the sphe¬ noid vein, or directly from the sphe¬ noid sinus. Infrequently, infections of the ear spread by way of emissary veins to the sigmoid sinuses and reach ernous Figure 5. Anteroposterior vertical cross-section of the cavernous sinus anatomy. CS indicates cavernous sinus; IC, internal carotid artery; III, oculomotor nerve; IV, trochlear nerve; V, and V2, ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve; VI, abducens nerve; H, hypophysis; and S, sphenoid sinus. Downloaded From: by a Western University User on 06/09/2015 Table 1. Clinical Manifestations of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Manifestations Headache Retro-orbital pain Fever Periorbital edema Ptosis Proptosis Chemosis Ocular muscle palsies (lll-VI) Reduced visual acuity Papilledema Nuchal rigidity Lethargy tus.9 Meningismus occurs in a few patients. As the thrombophlebitis ex¬ Coma the cavernous sinus through the in¬ ferior petrosal sinuses.8 The many clinical manifesta¬ tions of cavernous sinus thrombosis are given in Table 1. Most patients have spiking fever and chills. Other signs of toxemia include profuse per¬ spiration, rapid thready pulse, nau¬ sea, vomiting, confusion, delirium, and coma. Headache may occur in as many as 50% of the patients who eventually have development of cav¬ ernous sinus paresthesia of the upper two thirds of the face, which can exacerbate headache and oblit¬ erate the corneal reflex. The pupils in patients with cavernous sinus thrombosis become fixed and di¬ lated after the loss of parasympa¬ thetic control. However, if the inter¬ nal carotid artery sympathetic plexus is affected, the pupil may be small and fixed.10,11 More than half of the patients exhibit changes in neural sta¬ nerve can lead to thrombosis.9 The first signs of venous ob¬ struction are eyelid edema and chemo¬ sis, followed by proptosis, ptosis, and edema of the bridge of the nose. Periorbital edema occurs in approxi¬ mately 75% of these patients.9 It is initially confined to one side, but it often progresses to involve the con¬ tralateral eye within 2 days.810 Diplopia and photophobia are early complaints. Ophthalmoplegia secondary to orbital con¬ gestion, dilatation, and possibly uncommon thrombosis of the facial vein may de¬ velop.9 Limitation of the extraocular muscles can be demonstrated at some point in most patients.8"10 Lateral gaze palsy may be an isolated early neu¬ rologic finding because the ab¬ ducens nerve is the only cranial nerve that traverses the cavernous sinus.9 Involvement of the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal tends through the intercavernous si¬ nuses, the signs and symptoms be¬ come bilateral, and the toxic manifestations increase.10 The diagnosis of cavernous si¬ nus thrombosis is usually based on clinical findings. According to Price et al,12 five criteria are required to make the diagnosis of cavernous si¬ nus thrombosis (Table 2). The di¬ agnosis is further confirmed by roentgenographic and laboratory studies.13 Computed tomography with en¬ hancement is the best available ra¬ diologie tool. Coronal CT scans of the sinuses can demonstrate any sinus disease, and a contrastenhanced CT scan of the brain may help in diagnosing cavernous sinus thrombosis.1413 Although a CT scan may fail to demonstrate occlusion of the cavernous sinus, it may reveal pro¬ vocative findings, such as throm¬ bosed superior ophthalmic vein, cor¬ tical venous infarcts, or an orbital abscess.9 The diagnostic yield can be improved by infusion of higher doses of contrast material followed by rapid sequential views of the cavernous si¬ nus and by employing thin sections with multiple relationships and di¬ rect coronal scanning.9 Radionuclide brain scans usu¬ ally impart nonspecific findings, but magnetic resonance imaging can aid the diagnosis.9 Carotid audiography or orbital venography can be used, but these are highly invasive and do not provide more information than enhanced CT. Leukocytosis, elevated protein level in cerebrospinal fluid, pleocy- Downloaded From: by a Western University User on 06/09/2015 tosis, and normal glucose level are usually detected among the labora¬ tory findings. Blood cultures are usu¬ ally positive. The mainstay of therapy in cav¬ high doses of intravenous antibiotics. A combi¬ nation of antibiotics effective against gram-positive, gram-negative, and anaerobic organisms should be in¬ stituted before the results of cul¬ tures and sensitivity studies are avail¬ able. Staphylococcus aureus is documented in more than 67% of these patients.9 Pneumococci and other streptococcal species account for most of the remaining cases.8"10 Gram-negative bacilli and anaer¬ obes are occasionally isolated. ernous sinus thrombosis is A penicillinase-resistant peni¬ cillin, such as nafcillin, and a third-generation cephalosporin, such as ceftazidime or cefotaxime sodium, provide good initial com¬ bination therapy. Chloramphenicol can also be used with nafcillin to combat anaerobes.8"10·16 Medical treatment should be continued for 2 to 4 weeks after local and gen¬ eral signs of infection have sub¬ sided.10 Our patient was treated with cefotaxime, a wide-spectrum antibiotic that covers gramnegative bacilli. Metronidazole was given to cover anaerobes and van¬ comycin was administered to opti¬ mize coverage for S aureus. The use of heparin is contro¬ versial, but it can benefit patients with early unilateral manifestations of cav- Table 2. Diagnostic Criteria for Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis* Criteria Bilateral involvement or sequential progression to the contralateral eye Proptosis, chemosis of conjunctiva, eyelid edema Limitation of extraocular motion Meningismus, may include cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosls Residual cranial nerve palsy of cranial nerves III, IV, or V after arrest of process "From Price et al.'2 ernous sinus thrombosis. Southwick and associates8 showed that mor¬ tality was decreased with heparin use. Anticoagulation may prevent fur¬ ther spread of thrombosis and may prevent septic emboli to the other venous sinus. It may also contribute to recanalization and dissolution of the clot, allowing the antibiotic to reach the infected thrombosis more readily.10·17 Alternatives to heparin include warfarin sodium (Couma- din), dextran, streptokinase, or streptodornase.10 Anticoagulation should be considered only if there is no clinical or CT evidence of of sinusitis as the principal source of infection in cavernous sinus throm¬ bosis, FESS may eventually prove to be an essential step in the treatment of these patients. Rapid improve¬ ment occurred in all three patients who underwent débridement of the sphenoid sinuses in the series of Southwick et al.8 We believe that our strategy of employing antibiotics, hep¬ arin and, FESS provided optimal treat¬ ment because our patient's condi¬ tion began to improve within 2 days and he recovered without adverse sequelae. cortical venous infarction.9·10 Intravenous corticosteroids may sometimes serve adjunctive therapy, es¬ pecially if there is a lack of response to high-dose an¬ as tibiotics.10·11 Corticosteroids are oc¬ casionally used to decrease orbital congestion, and they may prevent addisonian crisis if the septic throm¬ bosis has spread to the pituitary.8·18 Therapeutic hypothermia is some¬ times employed to control fever and decrease cerebral edema.19 In cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis, surgery is indicated to drain the primary site of infection. Surgical intrusion into the cavern¬ ous sinus is difficult and not rec¬ ommended. If sphenoid or eth¬ moid sinusitis is documented by CT scans, surgical drainage of these infected pockets should be performed promptly. Functional endonasal sinus surgery is a quick and effective procedure for these patients.20 The procedure restores the sinuses to their normal physi¬ ologic state by providing adequate CONCLUSION Antibiotics revolutionized the out¬ come of treatment for cavernous si¬ nus thrombosis. In 1961, Yarrington22 reported a mortality rate of 80%, with a morbidity rate of 75% among the survivors. With standard treatment, the mortality rate dropped to ap¬ proximately 30%, and full recovery was observed for fewer than half of the patients. We believe the dra¬ matic improvement in outcome ef¬ fected by antibiotics can be signifi¬ cantly augmented by employing FESS in the treatment of cavernous sinus thrombosis. Sinusitis has increas¬ ingly become the primary source of infection leading to cavernous sinus thrombosis, and skillfully executed FESS provides drainage of the in¬ fected sinuses. The introduction of potent an¬ tibiotics, adjunctive therapies, and ad¬ vanced surgical techniques has mark¬ edly improved the outcome of septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, but it remains a potentially catastrophic disorder. Prevention, prompt diagno¬ sis, and optimal treatment exploiting all existent therapeutic modalities of¬ fer the best hope for recovery. aeration and restoring normal mucociliary flow through patent sinus ostia.21 Functional endonasal sinus surgery adequately drains the in¬ fected sinuses with little morbid¬ Accepted for publication December 11, ity. If the patient cannot withstand general anesthesia, FESS can be ogy Consultants of Memphis, LeBon¬ heur Children's Medical Center, 777 performed under local anesthesia. With the increasing incidence 1992. Reprint requests to Otolaryngol¬ Washington Ave, P240, Memphis, TN 39105 (DrYounis). Downloaded From: by a Western University User on 06/09/2015 REFERENCES 1. Duncan A. Contributions to morbid anatomy. Edinburgh Med Surg J. 1821;17:321-336. 2. Chilsolm J, Watkins SS. Twelve cases of thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. Arch Surg. 1920; 1:483-512. 3. Smith D. Cavernous sinus thrombosis with notes of five cases. Arch Ophthalmol. 1981;47:482\x=req-\ 496. 4. Grove WE. Septic and aseptic types of thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. Arch Otolaryngol. 1936;24:29-50. 5. MacNeal WJ, Cavallo ME. Streptococcic bacteremia and apparent thrombosis of cavernous sinus and recovery. JAMA. 1937;109: 2139-2141. 6. Eaglelon WP. Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co Inc; 1926. 7. Thomson SC. The causes and symptoms of cavernous sinus thrombosis. Ophthalmol Rev. 1908; 27:293-302. 8. Southwick FS, Richardson EP, Swartz MN. Septic thrombosis of the dural venous sinuses. 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