Birth Injuries Series #1 Subdural and Primary Subarachnoid Hemorrhages: A Case Study Stacie Barker, RN, MSN, NNP I ntracranial h e morrhag e ( I C H )  can b e  lif e the skull are the meninges, which consist of three layers t­ hreatening to an infant and emotionally devastating to (Figure 1): the dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the pia the family. It is important for the neonatal nurse to recognize mater. There are three spaces that lie within the meninges: the infant at risk for ICH to help prevent serious neurologic the epidural space, the subdural space (a potential space), and sequelae. the subarachnoid space.3 There are five major types of The dura mater, the tough, Abstract ICH in the newborn: subdural inf lex ible outer men ingea l Subdural hemorrhage (SDH) and primary subarachnoid (SDH), primary subarachnoid covering, is a double-layered hemorrhage (SAH) are two forms of intracranial bleeding (SAH), intracerebellar, intramembrane: the outer periosteal that can be encountered in infants. These events can be ventricular, and intraparenlayer, which is separated by the life threatening to the infant and devastating to his family. chymal or bleeding in multiple epidural space, and the inner Neonatal nurses need to have an understanding of these sites. This article focuses on meningeal layer (see Figure 1). unfortunate, yet not uncommon, types of intracranial SDH and SAH (Table 1), briefly The main arterial blood supply hemorrhage. This article explains the etiology, the reviews normal cranial anatomy to the dura mater is the middle diagnosis, and the treatment of SDH and SAH, concluding and circulatory physiology, and m e n i ng e a l a r t e r y, w h i c h with a case study. addresses the etiology, pathobranches off from the external physiology, clinical features, carotid artery. 3 Between the diagnosis, treatment, managelayers of the dura mater lie the ment, and prognosis of SDH and SAH in infants. venous sinuses.4 Created by the two dural layers, the venous SDH and SAH, which can be encountered in both term sinuses drain the blood from the brain and empty it into the and preterm infants, often occur after trauma to the head jugular veins.3 The superior sagittal sinus and the inferior during delivery, usually with vacuum or forceps assistance. sagittal sinus are depicted in Figure 1. The cerebral bridging They are also common complications of head injuries in the veins serve as connections between the brain and the venous older infant population.1 SDH is the least common type of sinuses in the dura mater, and ruptures in them can cause ICH in the newborn, and SAH is the most common.2 This subdural bleeding.3 article focuses on a case study of a neonate who had SDH The dura mater extends vertically and inward to form parand SAH. titions within the cranium. The sheet of dura mater that lies vertically into the longitudinal fissure is called the cerebral Normal Cranial Anatomy and falx (see Figure 1), which separates the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Another segment of the dura layer, the tentoCirculatory Physiology The outermost layer covering the bony skull is made up rium, separates the cerebellum from the occipital lobe of the of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and periosteum. Beneath cerebrum.4 Accepted for publication February 2006. Revised March 2006. N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 , m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 143 Table 1 n Major Types of Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage Type of Hemorrhage Maturation of Infant Relative Frequency Usual Clinical Gravity Subdural Full-term>Premature Uncommon Serious Primary subarachnoid Premature>full-term Common Benign Intracerebellar Premature>full-term Uncommon Serious Intraventricular Premature>full-term Common Serious Uncommon Variable Miscellaneous: Full-term>premature Intraparenchymal, multiple sites Figure 2 n Flow Please refer to the print edition of Neonatal Network From: Volpe, J. (2001). Intracranial hemorrhage: Subdural, primary subarachnoid, intracerebellar, intraventricular (term infant), and miscellaneous. In Neurology of the newborn (4th ed., p. 398). Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Reprinted by permission. The arachnoid mater is an avascular, weblike structure below the dura mater. The pia mater is a vascular membrane, supplied by the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, that adheres to the outer surface of the brain and conforms to the gyri and sulci. The subarachnoid space lies between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater (Figure 1) and communicates with the ventricles of the brain.4 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fills the entire subarachnoid space (Figure 2) as well as the ventricles, surrounding the brain and spinal cord and From: Hickey, J. V. (2003). The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing (5th ed., p. 57). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Reprinted by permission. Figure 1 n Layers of the scalp, cranium, and meninges. This figure shows the layers that protect the brain from the outermost to the innermost: skin, dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. Also shown in this figure are the superior sagittal sinus, the cerebral falx, and the cerebral artery in the subarachnoid space. From: Netter, F. H. (2006). Atlas of human anatomy (4th ed., p. 102). Philadelphia: Saunders. Reprinted by permission. N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K 144 m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 , VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 Table 2 n Pathogenesis of Neonatal Subdural Hemorrhage At Risk Predisposing Factors Mother Primiparous Older multiparous Small birth canal Infant Large, full term Premature Labor Prolonged Precipitous Delivery Breech extraction Foot, face, brow presentation Difficult forceps or vacuum extraction Difficult rotation Figure 3 n Mechanism of tentorial hemorrhage after vacuum Please refer to the print edition of Neonatal Network From: Volpe, J. (2001). Intracranial hemorrhage: Subdural, primary subarachnoid, intracerebellar, intraventricular (term infant), and miscellaneous. In Neurology of the newborn (4th ed., p. 401). Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Reprinted by permission. acting as a shielding cushion for the brain tissue. The subarachnoid space is supplied with arterial and venous blood by the main blood supply from the two internal carotid arteries. The cerebral artery (see Figure 1) also supplies the subarachnoid space.4 Etiology and Pathophysiology of SDH and SAH Subdural Hemorrhage SDH is uncommon, usually occurring in full-term infants with serious delivery complications.2,5,6 Table 2 summarizes the predisposing factors for neonatal SDH. These factors can result in conditions that cause trauma to the head of the newborn before or during delivery. This most likely occurs during labor under circumstances when anterior-posterior compression of the head is associated with excessive vertical molding and frontal occipital elongation of the cranium (Figure 3). 2,7 SDH may occur in utero before delivery.8 It may also occur without known trauma.5 Figure 4 depicts an SDH that resulted from tearing of a cerebral vein as it enters the superior sagittal sinus. As this case illustrates, SDH occurs when the blood vessels that bridge the subdural space are stretched. Rupturing can then cause venous blood to escape and spread thinly because of the limitation from the falx and tentorium, which serve as dural barriers. The subdural space is small in infants, and a hemorrhage can increase the intracranial pressure significantly.9 Figure 5 illustrates an SDH causing compression on the brain, displacement of the cerebral falx and ventricles, and tentorial herniation. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Primary SAH is more common in the premature infant (see Table 1) than in the term infant and usually does not result in significant clinical compromise when compared to From: Holland E. (1922). Cranial stress in the foetus during labor and on the effects of extensive stress on the intracranial contents: with an analysis of eighty-one cases of torn tentorium cerebelli and subdural cerebral haemorrhage. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth. 29, 553. Reprinted by permission. other forms of ICH. 2 SAH may occur as an isolated event (primary SAH) or secondary to an ICH that causes blood to leak into the subarachnoid space (secondary SAH), such as in an intraventricular hemorrhage. The etiology of primary SAH is not understood entirely, but it is thought to be caused by trauma or by circulatory events related to prematurity. 2 Traumatic injury to the head occurs during or around delivery by the same mechanisms as described for SDH, resulting in stretching, tearing, and laceration of the blood vessels flowing within the subarachnoid space (Figure 6). When blood enters the subarachnoid space and mixes with the CSF, it circulates over the brain and spinal cord, which can cause irritation of the meninges.10 The primary concern following SAH is hydrocephalus. 2 This is caused by blood in the villi-lined subarachnoid space that can impair CSF production, f low, or reabsorption. 3 However, this occurs rarely. Clinical Features of SDH and SAH Subdural Hemorrhage There is wide variability in the symptoms associated with SDH in the infant, ranging from an absence of symptoms to death. The symptoms depend on the extent of the hemorrhage (Table 3). In an effort to determine the frequency of SDH in asymptomatic infants, Whitby and colleagues prospectively evaluated 111 newborns with magnetic resonance imaging (MR I) scans. Only 9 of the 111 infants (8 percent) had N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 , m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 145 Figure 4 n Subdural hematoma. This figure depicts a subdural hematoma, which usually results from a tearing of the cerebral vein due to trauma in vacuum- or forceps-assisted delivery. SDHs detected with MRI scans that were clinically silent throughout the course of the study. All SDHs were small.11 Chamnanvanakij and coworkers evaluated 26 near term and term non­asphyxiated infants with SDH. Fifty-eight percent presented with respiratory symptoms, such as apnea and dusky episodes, and 39 percent presented with neurologic symptoms, such as seizures, hypotonia, lethargy, and full anterior fontanel.5 When seizure activity occurs, it will usually do so on day of life (DOL) 2 or 3. Signs of focal cerebral disturbance may also occur, including focal seizures, hemiparesis, and eye deviations.2 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage From: Moore, K. L., & Agur, A. (1995). Essential clinical anatomy. (p. 356). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Reprinted by permission. Most often, infants with SAH are asymptomatic with no clinical signs.2,12 When clinical signs and symptoms of SAH do occur, they are nonspecific and depend on the extent of the hemorrhage.3 The infant may develop seizure activities beginning on DOL 2, but will generally look healthy between seizures. Infants with seizures may display posturing in which the head, neck, and spine are arched backward. They may have recurrent apnea; this is usually more common in preterm infants. Rarely, an infant can have a massive SAH with a catastrophic deterioration and a rapid, fatal course.2 An infant may present with an SDH or SAH later as a result of increasing head size, rebleeding into a “chronic SDH,” or blood that is still present several weeks after the acute hemorrhage.13 Hyperthermia often accompanies cerebral dysfunction such as SDH or SAH; the hemorrhage causes irritation to the cerebral area, leading to an increase in temperature. In these cases, it is important to implement measures to reduce the infant’s temperature to help prevent brain damage. Hyperthermia can increase the infant’s metabolic demands, thus resulting in an inadequate oxygen supply.3 Diagnosis of SDH and SAH Figure 5 n Subdural hematoma. Note compression of brain tissue with shifting of ventricles and tentorial herniation. From: Bryant, R. (2005). The child with cerebral dysfuction. In M. J. Hockenberry & W. Winkelstein (Eds.), Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing (7th ed, p. 1027). St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. Reprinted by permission. Any infant born following a traumatic or instrument-assisted delivery should be closely examined and observed for signs and symptoms of SDH and SAH. If there is any suspicion, a lumbar puncture should be obtained to evaluate for blood in the CSF. Imaging studies should be also be completed by cranial ultrasound (CUS), computerized tomography (CT), or MRI. Emphasis should be placed not on a single, isolated abnormality, but on a combination of findings, which could include abnormal CT scan, abnormal CSF, seizure activity, and apnea and/or bradycardia.2 The gold standard for a diagnosis of SDH and SAH is a CT scan.14,15 Small amounts of subdural blood may be undetectable on CUS, and blood can be difficult to differentiate from CSF in the subarachnoid space.15 CT scanning is more complicated than CUS because the infant has to be transported to the site of the scanner. Nonetheless, the scan should be performed promptly if the infant’s condition allows. A CT scan provides more global information than a CUS, particularly at the periphery of the brain. The CT scan is used to diagnose SDH and SAH as well as cerebral edema or infarction. The CT scan should also be used to evaluate for an aneurysm or an arteriovenous malformation. CUS diagnosis of SAH is still in its beginning phases, and increased awareness of the normal appearance of subarachnoid regions may expand the diagnostic capability of CUS in the future to include reliable detection of SAH and its complications.16 CUS is performed to rule out intraventricular hemorrhage and to grade the size of the ventricles. It is simple and accessible and does not require contrast or sedation. However, at the present, CUS should not be relied upon as an exclusive way to identify or rule out N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K 146 m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 , VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 either SDH or SAH.2,15 It does not yet demonstrate the necessary sensitivity and specificity. MR I is a noninvasive technique that is superior to CT scan for imaging the brainstem, spinal cord, and soft tissue. It can help visualize blood in positions that are not well seen on CT scan.15 As a technique for mapping blood flow within the cranial vault, MRI can help accurately diagnosis SDH in infants. However, acute SDH can be difficult to detect by MRI, and it is possible for some SDH to be missed when using MRI alone.11 The advantages of MRI are the absence of ionizing radiation and the ability to visualize vascular anatomy without contrast. The disadvantages are that it may be difficult to do with critically ill infants requiring ventilatory support, it takes longer than a CT scan, and it may require sedation. There are several laboratory tests that the clinician should consider when SDH or SAH is suspected, including an arterial blood gas (ABG), serum electrolytes, complete blood count with differential, blood glucose, and blood culture. The following findings after a nontraumatic lumbar puncture add to the diagnostic picture: elevated red blood cell (RBC) count, decreased CSF glucose level, and elevated protein content in the CSF.2,17 CSF findings are considered positive for SAH if the CSF is xanthochromic and there are as many RBCs found in the last specimen tube of CSF as in the first.17,18 Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet count, and other clotting factor levels may also be indicated to rule out a coagulopathy. A meconium drug screen should also be done to rule out an ICH secondary to maternal use of cocaine, street drugs, or other neurotoxic drugs. Treatment and Management The management of SDH and SAH depends on the etiology of the hemorrhage and the clinical symptoms present. If the hemorrhage is linked to a coagulopathy or inherited bleeding disorder, a hematologist may be consulted for treatment. Treatment should be explained to the parents and arrangements made for genetic counseling if the cause is an inherited disorder. Generally, the treatment requirements for SDH and SAH correlate with the severity of the hemorrhage. Respiratory support in the form of oxygen administration and mechanical ventilation may be necessary. Antiseizure medication, antibiotics, and other medications may be called for. Subdural taps are a common treatment, and a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt or subdural peritoneal shunt can be inserted. Head circumference will be monitored and charted daily because these infants can have rapid head growth immediately after the perinatal period.13 Figure 6 n Subarachnoid hemorrhage. This is a coronal section of the brain illustrating subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to a ruptured artery, with hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space. Subdural Hemorrhage If the infant is showing any signs of SDH, then serial CUS and CT scans can be obtained. 2 If the infant has a hemorrhage of the falx and tentorium, then emergency surgery to relieve the pressure and attempt to stop the bleeding is necessary.12,19 SDH may be ma naged w it h Moore, K. L., & Agur, A. (1995). Essential subdural taps or surgery, From: clinical anatomy. (p. 356). Baltimore: Lippincott depending on the size of Williams & Wilkins. Reprinted by permission. the hematoma. Subdural tapping is performed for chronic SDH that has not been spontaneously reabsorbed. If the infant does not respond after two taps, a shunt is placed to drain the fluid from the subdural space into the peritoneal cavity.19 SDH requires surgical intervention in 30–50 percent of cases.2,8 It can be difficult to predict which SDH will become chronic. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage The medical management of SAH generally involves monitoring for and preventing posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. 2 Whether hydrocephalus will develop after SAH depends directly on the amount of hemorrhaging into the subarachnoid space.2 According to Gomella and associates, resolution of Table 3 n Symptoms of SDH the hydrocephalus usually occurs without Fever treatment.12 There may be a need for a VP Cyanosis shunt to be surgically placed, depending Apnea on the amount of hydrocephalus after Shrill cry the SAH. The shunt will shift blood or Oxygen desaturation CSF from the subarachnoid space to the Hypertonicity peritoneal cavity to relieve pressure. Hypotonia Prognosis Subdural Hemorrhage The prognosis for the infant with SDH is relatively favorable. With early diagnosis and suitable treatment, from Lethargy Full anterior fontanel Seizures Hemiparesis Eye deviations Death N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 , m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 147 50 to 90 percent of affected infants are well on follow-up.19 However, prognosis for SDH also depends on the area of brain hemorrhage, the severity of the hemorrhage, and the underlying cause.8 If a tear or rupture of the tentorium and falx is large or if the condition worsens with delayed or missed diagnosis, severe neurologic morbidity or even death can occur.2,19 Severe neurologic morbidity could include cerebral palsy, severe mental retardation, or even paralysis. Occasionally, an infant with SDH will develop hydrocephalus.2 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage The prognosis for infants with SAH without serious traumatic or hypoxic injury is excellent.2 In a study of term infants, the follow-up on those who presented with seizures as the primary manifestation of hemorrhage was normal in approximately 90 percent of cases. 20 Rarely, infants with massive SAH of unknown origin suffer from serious neurologic morbidity or mortality. 2 After SAH, there may be an eventual need for a VP shunt.16 This sometimes occurs a month after diagnosis. Case Study Baby A was a 3,220 gm, appropriate for gestational age male infant born at 38 weeks gestation by unassisted vertex vaginal delivery after ten hours of labor. The mother was a 26-year-old, gravida 1, para 0, woman with an uncomplicated pregnancy. The maternal Group B streptococcus screen was negative, and the other prenatal laboratory results were unremarkable. The mother’s blood type was A+, and her medication during pregnancy included prenatal vitamins. The labor was complicated by fetal heart rate decelerations. A single nuchal cord was found at delivery. The infant was vigorous at birth, with Apgar scores of 8 and 9 at one and five minutes, respectively, and no resuscitation was required. The infant was transferred to the newborn nursery for routine care and monitoring. In the newborn nursery, Baby A was placed under a radiant warmer and given routine newborn care, which included administration of vitamin K. His vital signs were normal, and the physical assessment was unremarkable, with no observable lesions or injuries to the head. He began ad lib nipple feedings on demand shortly after birth. He tolerated feedings well and was voiding and stooling normally throughout his first day of life. On DOL 1 at approximately 12 hours of age, the infant had two episodes of diffuse cyanosis, approximately 10–15 minutes apart, with possible apnea. Each episode lasted about 2 minutes, and required repositioning and tactile stimulation for resolution. After the second episode, Baby A was placed on a cardiorespiratory monitor and a pulse oximeter (PO) until the pediatrician arrived to examine him. Baby A had a small amount of emesis after each episode, but within 2 minutes, he was no longer dusky and the oxygen (O2) saturation was noted to be 100 percent on room air. An 8 French catheter nasogastric tube was passed through both nares to rule out choanal atresia, and then the stomach was suctioned, with large amounts of air noted. A third dusky episode occurred approximately 35 minutes later. During this episode, the infant’s O2 saturation level fell to 65 percent, and he appeared grayish blue in color. The episode lasted 1 minute, and then the infant returned to a pink color, with O2 saturations at 95–100 percent on room air. Baby A was then placed on blow-by oxygen, with O2 saturations remaining at 100 percent. When the oxygen blow-by was taken away, he had a fourth dusky and apneic episode, with O2 saturations dropping to 50 percent. During this episode, the infant’s heart rate remained within normal limits. The dusky spells were not related to feedings or choking. At this time, no seizure activity was noted. After the fourth episode, the infant was transferred to the intensive care nursery (ICN) without incident. Upon Baby A’s admission to the ICN, his physical exam was normal, including the examination of the head and neurologic status. During the examination, the infant was quiet but alert, had good tone and strength, and moved all extremities well. There was no evidence of seizure activity, and there were no areas of bruising, ecchymosis, or abnormal bleeding from needle punctures. Between 16 and 19 hours of age, Baby A had a total of five more dusky episodes without bradycardia that lasted between 20 and 30 seconds and required blow-by oxygen. One of the episodes was severe, with apnea lasting approximately two minutes, and required tactile stimulation, repositioning, and oxygen with bag and mask ventilation. The only change in Baby A’s neurologic status was a shrill cry after the episodes. Diagnostic tests and exams were done after admission to the ICN to evaluate for sepsis/meningitis, seizures, ICH, apnea of infancy, gastrointestinal ref lux, metabolic diseases, and pneumonia and other respiratory pathology. An ABG, serum electrolytes, complete blood count with differential, blood glucose, and blood culture were obtained, and all values were within normal limits: ABG on room air and crying: pH 7.38; partial pressure of carbon dioxide 37 mmHg; partial pressure of oxygen 49 mmHg; bicarbonate 22 mmol/liter, and base excess –3 mmol/liter; glucose 70 mg/dl (3.9 nmol/liter); sodium 140 mmol/liter; potassium 4.3 mmol/liter; blood ionized calcium 1.17 mmol/liter; hematocrit 51 percent; platelet count 273,000/mm3 ; white blood cell count 13.6/µl; 69 percent segmented neutrophils, 8 percent basophils, 16 percent lymphocytes, 7 percent monocytes, nucleated RBC count 1/100. A meconium drug screen was done because the mother had a history of marijuana use in high school; the results were negative. A chest x-ray demonstrated normal lung fields and cardiac size. An echocardiogram was done to rule out congenital heart disease and to check for persistent pulmonary hypertension; the results were normal. Upon the infant’s admission to the ICN, a peripheral intravenous (IV) line was started with 10 percent dextrose with N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K 148 m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 , VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 0.2 percent saline infusing at 80 ml/kg/day. The mother was allowed to continue breast feeding ad lib amounts every three to four hours. After the blood culture was completed, Baby A was started on ampicillin and cefotaxime to cover for sepsis. A lumbar puncture was performed after the antibiotics were started; bloody fluid was obtained that never cleared or thinned out, and so it was not sent to the lab. The bloody fluid was thought to be a sign of hemorrhage not related to a traumatic procedure. After the bloody CSF was obtained, a CT scan was done to rule out ICH. The CT scan, at 20 hours of age (Figure 7), revealed multiple areas of ICH, including the subarachnoid space (SAH), a small hemorrhage in the subdural space (SDH) along the falx posteriorly on the right, and possibly some extent of hemorrhage into the parenchyma in the right posterior parietal occipital region. The extent of intracranial bleeding was unexpected given that the delivery had been nontraumatic and unassisted. Coagulation studies were obtained to rule out a coagulopathy as the etiology for the extensive ICH detected on CT scan. A normal prothrombin time (15.5 seconds) and partial thromboplastin time (31 seconds) were obtained. A repeat complete blood count revealed that the platelet count was 254,000/mm3. The hematocrit level was stable at 51 percent. Family medical history was checked at this time for the presence of clotting/bleeding disorders, but did not reveal any concerns. The infant was started on prophylactic IV phenobarbital for seizure control, with a loading dose of 20 mg/kg. DOL 3 At approximately 35 hours of age, Baby A experienced a 45-second apneic episode that was associated with O2 desaturation and probable seizure activity: lip smacking, a fixed gaze, and increased tone and pointing of the left foot and leg. He did not respond to tactile stimulation, and an additional 10 mg/kg dose of phenobarbital was given at this time. Throughout DOL 3, Baby A had four additional apneic episodes associated with occasional clonic jerks. An electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed at least one well-established seizure associated with apnea. At this time a CUS was done, revealing stable extra-axial and parenchymal hemorrhage in the right posterior fossa and posterior parietal lobe with intraventricular extension. This result was considered unchanged from the CT scan performed on DOL 2. The total bilirubin was 8.9 mg/dl (152 µmol/liter) in the morning of DOL 3 and had increased to 10 mg/dl (171 µmol/liter) by the afternoon. The phenobarbital level was 19.1 µg/ml. This result indicated adequate blood levels for seizure control, but Baby A was still having seizures. An antithrombin 3 (AT3) level was drawn at this time to evaluate factor VIII and factor IX levels and help rule out hemophilia. The AT3 level was low at 44 µg/ml (normal range is 88–126 µg/ml). A hematologist consulted at this time did not think that this was low enough to cause a coagulopathy. DOL 4 On DOL 4, a second CUS was completed to evaluate the hemorrhages. This study revealed hemorrhage into the posterior fossa, with what appeared to be hemorrhage extending into the occipital horn of the right lateral ventricle and with evidence for extra-axial hemorrhage about the tentorium. This hemorrhage appeared to be increased in prominence compared with the previous day’s CUS. The parenchymal hemorrhage had not changed. Baby A had one dusky episode on DOL 4 accompanied by a shrill cry and increased tone that appeared to be a seizure. Ampicillin and cefotaxime were discontinued after 48 hours of administration because of negative blood and CSF cultures and negative history for sepsis/meningitis. The phenobarbital dosage was changed to oral administration of 12 mg once per day. The total bilirubin level increased to 11.8 mg/dl (202 µmol/liter) and peaked at 12.6 mg/dl (215 µmol/liter) on DOL 5, and Baby A never required phototherapy. The peripheral IV was discontinued, and Baby A continued to nipple feed without difficulty every three to four hours, either breast milk or formula, until discharge. DOL 5–9 Over the next four days, Baby A exhibited intermittent elevations in axillary temperature, with the highest reading Figure 7 n CT scan of Baby A. A CT scan showing the subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage of Baby A at the posterior aspect of his occiput. N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 , m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 149 reaching 102.9°F. The infant was in an open crib, dressed, and wrapped in a blanket. The elevated temperature was thought to be a result of the SAH, which was thought to have caused subarachnoid irritation. All episodes of fever responded to acetaminophen, which was given by mouth every four hours as needed to help decrease temperature. The vital signs otherwise were stable, and Baby A continued to nipple feed well. A repeat CUS done on DOL 5 did not show any change compared to that obtained on DOL 4. Baby A’s hematocrit level was stable at 57 percent on DOL 5. The phenobarbital level on DOL 6 was 34.6 µg/ml, which is in the therapeutic range for seizure control. No more evidence of seizure activity was noted for the remainder of Baby A’s hospital stay. He was noted to continue to have a shrill cry and hypertonicity, his anterior fontanel remained soft and flat. He also continued to have mild lethargy, but was active during caretaking activities. On DOL 8, Baby A was transferred to the pediatric floor to room-in with his mother prior to discharge on DOL 9. The parents were taught cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to properly use a home apnea monitor. They were to continue to check Baby A’s temperature at home and to give acetaminophen as needed by mouth. A CUS on DOL 8 revealed stable bilateral intraventricular and right-sided posterior fossa and parenchymal hemorrhages. A repeat EEG revealed improvement. On DOL 9, a repeat CT scan revealed resolving hemorrhages without extension and no evidence of an arterio­venous malformation or aneurysm. The phenobarbital level on day of discharge was 27.2 µg/ml, which is therapeutic for seizure control. Baby A continued without seizure activity. Baby A was discharged to home on DOL 9 with a home apnea monitor, phenobarbital by mouth to be given once per day, and acetaminophen as needed for axillary temperature greater than 100°F. An oto-acoustic emission hearing screen was passed before discharge. Home nursing visits were ordered for two times per week for one week, then once a week for two weeks. Follow-up appointments included visits to the neurology department in two weeks to follow up the resolving SDH and SAH and re-evaluate the need for surgery, to Baby A’s pediatrician for a well baby check in three to four days, to the pediatric hematology department in three to four months (although the AT3 was not likely a causative issue), and to the developmental clinic in three months. This extensive ICH was thought to have been caused by the vaginal delivery, although there was no use of forceps or vacuum extraction. Summary Earlier diagnosis and more suitable management should improve survival rates and reduce the incidence of brain damage in infants with SDH and SAH. 8 Outcomes after SDH and SAH in infants are dependent on the severity of the bleeding, the presence of associated intraparenchymal lesions, the timing of the diagnosis, and the effectiveness of medical and surgical management. Although in most affected infants the short-term outcome appears positive, long-term outcomes remain uncertain, and this condition warrants careful medical and developmental follow up.5 References 1. Vinchon, M., Noule, N., Soto-Ares, G., Dhellemmes, P. (2001). Subduroperitoneal drainage for subdural hematomas in infants: Results in 244 cases. Journal of Neurosurgery, 95, 249–255. 2. Volpe, J. (2001). Intracranial hemorrhage: Subdural, primary subarachnoid, intracerebellar, intraventricular (term infant), and miscellaneous. In Neurology of the newborn (4th ed., pp. 397–423). Philadelphia: WB Saunders. 3. 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Broadway Columbia, MO 65201 573-815-3721 E-mail: N E O N ATA L N E T WO R K VO L . 2 6 , N O . 3 , m ay / j u n e 2 0 0 7 151