Brain (1991), 114, 1977-1996 PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA SUPERIMPOSITION OF ACQUIRED LEXICAL AGRAPHIA ON DEVELOPMENTAL PHONOLOGICAL DYSGRAPHIA by ANDREW KIRK,1 LEE X. BLONDER,1 ELIAHU WERTMAN2 and KENNETH M. HEILMAN1 (From the 'University of Florida College of Medicine, Department of Neurology, and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville, FL, USA, and 2Ezrath Nashim Hospital, Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem 91001, Israel) Study of neuropsychological sequelae of a focal acquired brain lesion may bring out and help delineate the features of a compensated developmental language disorder and its anatomical substrate. A left-handed man with a history of phonological developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia learned in early adulthood to read and write using a lexical system. Following a small posterior right parietal infarct when aged 56 yrs he developed a severe agraphia displaying features of phonological dysgraphia with impaired segmentation and features of lexical agraphia. Writing was severely impaired for all classes of word and nonword stimuli but his errors did not resemble those attributable to a deficit in the system responsible for the short-term storage of the graphemic representation of a word (graphemic output buffer). These observations imply that an acquired lexical agraphia has been superimposed on his developmental phonological dysgraphia, resulting in a combined or 'phonolexical' agraphia. INTRODUCTION Acquired agraphias can be broadly classified as either linguistic or motor agraphias (Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984). Linguistic agraphias have been further subdivided, on the basis of patterns of impairment, into at least two major types. Patients with phonological agraphia have difficulty spelling nonwords but have a relatively preserved ability to write phonetically irregular words. Errors tend not to be phonologically correct (Shallice, 1981). Part of speech and imageability of the target word are important determinants of spelling accuracy in this disorder. In particular, functors are written less accurately than are content words and performance is better for high than for low imagery nouns (Assal et al., 1981; Bub and Kertesz, 1982; Roeltgen et al., 1983ft). Writing includes semantic or derivational errors, neologisms, mistakes with visual similarity to the intended word, and incorrect real words unrelated to the stimulus (Shallice, 1981; Bub and Kertesz, 1982; Roeltgen et al., 1983ft; Bolla-Wilson et al., 1985). High frequency words are written more accurately than less frequent words (Shallice, 1981), and short words are more accurately written than long words (Shallice, 1981; Roeltgen et al., 1983ft; Temple, 1988). Correspondence to: Dr K. M. Heilman, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, Box J-236, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA. Present address: Dr Andrew Kirk, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X0; Dr Lee Blonder, Center on Aging, 101 Sanders-Brown Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40536-0230, USA. © Oxford University Press 1991 Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 SUMMARY 1978 A. KIRK AND OTHERS Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 In contrast to phonologically agraphic patients, those with lexical agraphia spell irregular words poorly but have a relatively spared ability to write regular words and pronounceable nonwords. Errors tend to be phonologically correct (e.g., NEPHEW — NEFFUE; Patterson, 1982). Imageability and grammatical class do no necessarily affect writing accuracy, and functors may thus be written as well as content words (Beauvois and DeYouesne", 1981; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984; Gonzalez Rothi etai, 1987; Rapcsak et al., 1988). These patients may also be impaired at spelling the correct homophone, producing, for example, PALE instead of PAIL (Hatfield and Patterson, 1983; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984; Goodman and Caramazza, 1986). These patterns of agraphia have contributed to the development of models of writing that include at least two routes that can be used to spell (e.g., Beauvois and DeYouesne", 1981; Nolan and Caramazza, 1983; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984). Spellings of familiar words may be retrieved from a lexicon, whereas spellings for unfamiliar words or nonwords must be arrived at via a phonological route as no lexical entries exist for them. Irregular words could thus only be spelled using the lexical route and nonwords only phonologically or perhaps, in some cases, by analogy with real words (Shallice, 1981). Ellis (1982) has suggested that phonological transcoding entails two functions: segmentation of words into phonemes and then conversion of phonemes into graphemes. Roeltgen et al. (1983ft) found support for this model in their analysis of errors made by subjects with phonological agraphia. Models of writing often include a graphemic output buffer responsible for short-term storage of a graphemic representation of a word. This abstract representation, which may have been generated via phonological or lexical means, can then be used to produce letter names or shapes for oral or written spelling (Morton, 1980; Newcombe and Marshall, 1980; Ellis, 1982). Several cases have been documented in which agraphia has been ascribed to damage to this graphemic buffer (Miceli et al., 1985; Caramazza et al., 1987; Posteraro et al., 1988; Hillis and Caramazza, 1989). Graphemic buffer deficits should affect spelling in specific ways (Caramazza et al., 1987; Hillis and Caramazza, 1989). Word and nonword spelling should be impaired essentially equally. Impairment should be independent of modality of input or output. Long words should be spelt more poorly than short words. Part of speech, word frequency, and imageability should not affect spelling accuracy. Although some of these criteria can apply individually to phonological or lexical agraphia, a different type of error is expected of a graphemic buffer deficit. Errors should not resemble the intended word semantically, phonologically, or morphologically. Instead, errors should consist of graphemic substitutions, transpositions, insertions and deletions. These erroneous responses often violate orthographic rules of the language and are thus unpronounceable. Lesions causing phonological agraphia have been localized to the left supramarginal gyrus or underlying insula (Roeltgen et al., 1983ft) whereas lexical agraphia has been attributed to lesions of the left posterior angular gyrus and parieto-occipital lobule (Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984). A single case of lexical agraphia with a left precentral gyrus lesion (Rapcsak et al., 1988) has also been reported. The two reports describing linguistic agraphia resulting from right hemisphere damage have documented lesions in the corresponding retrorolandic sites on the right. Thus Bolla-Wilson et al. (1985) reported a case of phonological agraphia in a left-handed patient with a right supramarginal PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1979 CASE REPORT O.C., a left-handed man, aged 56 yrs, was examined in March, 1989, 3 mos after a stroke impaired his reading and writing. As a child he had had great difficulty learning to read and write although his speech development had been normal. His older brother was also left handed but learned to read and write without difficulty. His 3 sisters and his parents were right handed and had no literacy problems. O.C. reported that he never could 'see the sense' in sounding out words and never understood how it could be possible to 'break up words'. O.C. left school at age 13 yrs with an eighth grade education. He recalled that at that time he could read and write only the letters of the alphabet and his name. At 18 he joined the Navy (he recalled that the 'written' entrance examination was read to him by a recruiter) where his captain discovered his illiteracy and assigned 3 chaplains to teach him to read and write. A trial of teaching him to sound out words was unsuccessful. The clergymen subsequently gave him lists of words each day to copy and memorize by rote. By the time he left the service 3 yrs later he was literate enough to work as a machinist and rose to become a state union president by his early thirties. In this capacity he wrote reports and read speeches regularly. He later worked with computers in an airplane engine factory monitoring the flow of parts and finished engines into and out of the factory. As an adult, O.C. described himself as an avid and rapid reader. He particularly enjoyed books on American labour and politics. His medical history was unremarkable until December 1988, when he underwent cardiac catheterization for investigation of recent chest pain. Coronary angiography was normal but shortly after the procedure he experienced the sudden onset of left hand numbness and slight weakness. When asked to sign a form he found that he was unable to write intelligibly with either hand. He had begun reading a lengthy political tome just before his catheterization but was never able thereafter to progress beyond the first chapter despite repeated attempts. Although his hand numbness and weakness disappeared completely over the next few weeks, he was disabled by his inability to read or write and was unable to return to his former employment. CT scan on the day of the stroke was normal but on the following day showed a small right parietal lucency. MRI scan performed 4 mos later confirmed a small right posterior parietal lobe lesion but was otherwise normal (see fig. 1). When first seen at the University of Florida Teaching Hospital 3 mos after his stroke, cranial nerve, motor, sensory, and reflex examinations were normal except for minor awkwardness of fine finger Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 gyrus lesion, and Gonzalez Rothi etal. (1987) found a right posterior parieto-occipital lesion in a right hander with lexical agraphia. Children with developmental dysgraphia have also been classified on the basis of the phonological accuracy of their misspellings. Boder (1973) used the terms dyseidetic and dysphonetic to describe children making phonologically correct and incorrect errors, respectively. Frith (1980) described two groups of poor spellers who varied in their ability to write nonwords. Temple (1986) has described children with deficits akin to phonological and lexical agraphia. Roeltgen and Tucker (1988) have divided adults with developmental dysgraphia into phonological and lexical groups with profiles of spelling ability virtually indistinguishable from those of patients with acquired agraphias. Case reports have also documented the persistence of phonological dysgraphia into adulthood (Temple, 1988; Funnell and Davison, 1989). Campbell and Butterworth (1985) have described a patient with developmental phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia who overcame her disability and became highly literate using lexical strategies. We describe a unique subject with developmental dysgraphia and dyslexia, seemingly due to phonological impairment, who learned to read and write well in adulthood using a lexical strategy and then, after a right parietal infarct, developed a superimposed acquired agraphia. His new deficit does not resemble phonological agraphia and we argue that the best explanation for his current deficit is an acquired lexical agraphia combined with his pre-existing phonological impairment. 1980 A. KIRK AND O T H E R S movements on the left. He was oriented for time, place, and person. He remembered 3 of the past 5 presidents and 2 of 3 words after 3 min distraction. Digit span was five forward. He stated that an apple and a banana were both to eat and that a chair and a table were both wooden and had legs. He performed calculations well (24/24 on the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) (Kertesz, 1982) calculation subtest). There was no right-left confusion. He was not apraxic with either hand (59/60 on the WAB praxis subtest). There was no neglect on cancellation or line bisection tasks. Drawing was unimpaired. O.C. was not aphasic, scoring a WAB aphasia quotient of 97.7, well within the normal range. In contrast to his normal verbal communication, he was severely agraphic, unable to write even his own name without a model from which to copy. WAB reading and writing scores were 88/100 and 52.5/100, respectively. An investigation of his reading and writing was thus undertaken. RESULTS Writing O.C. made no errors in copying 50 written stimuli comprising letters, nonwords, and regular and irregular words. He could transcribe upper to lower case flawlessly, print to script, and vice versa. Letters were always well-formed. He preferred to print in block capitals but could produce script upon request. Samples of his handwriting revealed that he had usually written in block letters even before his stroke. O.C. always began at the left of a word and wrote it in the normal sequence, using his left hand. When asked to use his right, spelling was similarly affected but letters were not so neatly formed. O.C. made no errors when asked to repeat aloud orally presented letters, phonemes, words, or nonwords. He could correctly write 26/26 single dictated letters and could write letters for 23/24 dictated single phonemes. O.C. was asked to write to dictation 30 nonwords, 30 regular, and 30 irregular words (see Appendix) taken from the Battery of Adult Reading Functions (BARF) (L. J. G. Rothi, H. B. Coslett and K. M. Heilman, unpublished manuscript; Gonzalez Rothi et al., 1987). Nonwords were constructed so as to be phonologically plausible and probable (Venezky, 1979; Kay and Marcel, 1981). The three groups of stimuli were balanced for length (mean 5.3 letters in each case) and the two groups of real words were balanced Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 FIG. 1. MRI scan 4 mos after O.C.'s stroke, showing small posterior right parietal lesion also seen on second, but not first, CT scan. Centre and right are T 2 weighted axial cuts taken at 3.79 and 2.88 cm above horizontal with centimetre markings seen in T, weighted sagittal scout film at left. PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1981 TABLE I. O.C.'S PERFORMANCE AT WRITING AND SPELLING ALOUD TO DICTATION Stimulus category Writing to dictation Letters Phonemes Nonwords Regular words Irregular words Functors Contentives Spelling aloud to dictation Nonwords Regular words Irregular words No. of stimuli % correct % omission % erroi 26 24 30 30 30 30 30 100.0 95.8 10.0 3.3 0 0 23.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 90.0 96.7 100.0 100.0 76.7 30 30 30 3.3 10.0 3.3 0 3.3 13.3 96.7 86.7 83.4 Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 for frequency of usage (43.3/million for regular words, 43.6/million for irregular) (Kucera and Francis, 1967). Nouns, verbs, and adjectives were equally represented on the two lists. To examine the effect of grammatical class of stimuli on spelling accuracy, O.C. was also asked to write to dictation 30 functors (mainly prepositions and adverbs) and 30 contentives (nouns, adjectives, and verbs) matched for length (mean 5.3 letters for each list) and frequency of usage (403.3/million for functors, 402.8/million for contentives). Note that, since functors tend to be very frequent words, these two lists are of higher frequency than the regular and irregular words. To ensure that any impairment was not due to a simple memory disturbance causing him to forget the stimuli, O.C. was required to repeat each stimulus both before and after attempting to write it. This he was able to do without fail. He could define the words presented. When asked immediately, he was always able to tell whether he had written a word correctly or not but was never able to make any attempt at correcting his mistakes. As shown in Table 1, O.C. 's performance on writing to dictation was severely impaired in writing nonwords and regular and irregular words, although he was better at writing contentives than functors. To determine whether modality of output influenced his spelling accuracy, he was asked to spell aloud 30 nonwords and 30 regular and 30 irregular words taken from the Battery of Linguistic Analysis for Writing and Reading (BLAWR) (Roeltgen et al., 1983a; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984). These stimuli were comparable with those used for writing to dictation and are also listed in the Appendix. Mean stimulus length was 5.3 letters for all three lists. Mean frequency of usage was 43.8/million for regular and 43.7/miIlion for irregular words. O.C.'s performance on spelling dictated words aloud is shown in Table 1. It is apparent that spelling aloud and writing to dictation are similarly affected. He is severely impaired at writing nonwords and regular and irregular words. O.C. was also asked to spell aloud 10 high and 10 low imagery nouns (mean imageability ratings 6.46 and 2.98; Paivio et al., 1968) balanced for regularity, word length (mean 4.4 letters for each list), and frequency (mean 151.4 and 151.5/million, respectively). He correctly spelled six high and six low imagery nouns. Thus target word imageability does not appear to play a major role in spelling accuracy. An attempt was also made to test O.C. 's ability to assemble a dictated word using its letters printed 1982 A. KIRK AND OTHERS Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 on cardboard squares and randomly mixed. This was abandoned after five stimuli as O.C. found it extremely frustrating and was unable to produce any response. To assess whether modality of stimulus input affected O.C.'s writing, he was asked to name, in writing, 15 common objects shown to him. Seven were written correctly. Later, when the same words were dictated, he performed similarly, writing six correctly. Before examining O.C.'s error types in detail, it is important to establish, as far as possible, the nature and extent of the developmental dysgraphia from which he suffered before his stroke. Given his history, there is little doubt that his writing was severely impaired by his stroke. Support for this is found in a song he composed in 1986. The original manuscript contained one misspelling (SOON — SOONE) and one mispunctuation (LETTERS - LETTER'S). By contrast, when he was asked, after his stroke, to write his song from memory he made 18 errors in 50 words. Direct comparison of this error rate with that for the stimuli discussed above would be misleading as the song contained many short high frequency words. When provided with a correctly written copy of his song, O.C. was able to flawlessly copy it, apart from leaving out one word. O.C.'s history suggested that he had suffered from a developmental phonological dysgraphia. He had in his possession several postcards that he had written to his family during his stint in the Navy while he was learning to read and write. These contained 147 words, of which 82% were correctly written. All letters were well-formed. All words spelled wrongly were always written in the same wrong way—there were no examples of words being written correctly in one place and incorrectly in another or of a word being misspelled in two different ways. Errors were often phonologically incorrect. He correctly spelled 88% of regular words and 76% of irregular words. Writing samples from recent years before his stroke showed considerably fewer errors. Perusing notebooks of several hundred words, originally intended only for his own reference, we uncovered five words spelled incorrectly (ABSENTEE — ABESENTEE; THIRTY - THIRITY; THIRTY - THEREE; SEARS - SEAR; ONE - OME: HUNDRED — HUNDER). ABSENTEE appeared only once and was spelled incorrectly as shown. THIRTY was never spelled correctly on the four occasions it appeared. The other 3 words appeared more than once and were spelled both correctly and incorrectly. Given the likelihood that O.C.'s developmental dysgraphia was phonological, we decided to examine his phonological abilities. Ellis (1982) proposed that writing a word via a phonological route includes two separable processes, segmentation of the word into phonemes and then conversion of those phonemes into graphemes. As O.C.'s conversion of single letters to phonemes and vice versa was well-preserved even after his stroke, we tested his ability to segment sounds using the Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization (LAC) Test (Lindamood and Lindamood, 1971) in which coloured tokens chosen by the subject are made to stand for single phonemes. In LAC Category I-A, the subject is asked to use a token of a given colour to represent each different phoneme uniquely in a string of separately enunciated sounds dictated to him. For example, the examiner dictates, 'Show me s/s' or 'Show me g/b/v' where the appropriate phoneme is pronounced rather than the letter name. Correct responses to these 2 examples would be 2 tokens of the same colour for the former and 3 tokens of different colours for the latter. O.C. represented 8/10 strings correctly with tokens. He quickly corrected his 2 incorrect responses after the stimuli were repeated. On the similar but more demanding LAC Category I-B, O.C. correctly formed 4/6 token strings. Again, when PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1983 Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 the stimuli were repeated, he immediately corrected his 2 incorrect constructions saying, 'I didn't quite catch that the first time.' In contrast to his relatively spared performance on Category I, essentially a test of phoneme-symbol conversion, O.C. performed poorly on Category II where the subject is asked to represent nonwords with strings of coloured tokens, a task requiring segmentation ability. For example, when shown a string of 4 tokens of different colours and told, 'If that says "vops", show me "vaps" ', he is expected to replace the second token with one of a new colour. In this category, O.C. correctly assembled only 1/13 responses. He was clearly mystified by the requests and aimlessly moved tokens about. He commented, 'I'm not getting the breakdown of the word. I understand in theory what it is you want me to do but I know that's something I've never been able to do.' We next attempted to determine what acquired deficit had been superimposed on O.C. 's pre-existing phonological impairment. His well-formed letters, his normal repetition and copying, and the presence of a severe deficit for all types of input or output suggested that the impairment could be no more peripheral than the graphemic output buffer. That his new difficulty was not merely a worsening of his phonological dysgraphia was apparent from his uniformly high error rates in writing nonwords and regular and irregular words. Dysfunction of the graphemic output buffer would impair all three categories of stimuli, but impairment of the lexical writing route in the presence of his developmental phonological impairment might also be expected to impair his writing in this fashion. Analysis of error types may help in distinguishing between these and other alternatives, as specific error types reflect specific patterns of impairment. Unlike other cases of agraphia in the literature, O.C. is not now impaired by damaged function in a single component of the spelling system, and we must consider what errors are likely to result from impairment of phonological segmentation plus another central deficit. In recent years before his stroke, O.C.'s writing was marked by only very infrequent errors. He compensated well for his phonological deficit, presumably through use of the lexical route. If his stroke were to result in a defect localized to the graphemic output buffer, then the previous good performance of his lexical route should continue to supply the graphemic buffer with accurate spellings in almost every instance and his errors should predominantly be those reported as the typical result of graphemic buffer damage. In this instance, his errors should consist of graphemic deletions, substitutions, insertions, and transpositions and should often be unpronounceable combinations violating rules of English orthography. Error rates should be influenced by stimulus length but not by lexical characteristics such as word frequency or part of speech. However, if O.C.'s new deficit was related to an impairment of his lexical writing route, the resulting errors would be less predictable because he would now spell by using whatever function remains in his defective lexical and phonological systems. Although we might expect some combination of the characteristics of lexical and phonological agraphia, it is impossible to predict with certainty the precise constellation of error types that would be expected or the influence of word frequency, part of speech, or imageability. He does not appear to have complete disruption of both routes. If this were the case, he would presumably be completely unable to spell any words. Table 2 classifies O.C.'s 224 errors made in writing and spelling aloud 240 words dictated to him. It is apparent that the great majority of his erorrs (78.6%) are phonologically incorrect neologisms and that the frequencies of different types of errors 1984 A. KIRK AND OTHERS T A B L E 2. C L A S S I F I C A T I O N OF O . C . ' S ERRORS ON WRITING AND SPELLING A L O U D TO DICTATION Writing to dictation (%) Pttooologtcalry correct noawonj Phonologially correct real word PhonologksJIy incorrect. icmawically uflrelucd real word PtionoJogtcally irjcorrect norrword Denvalioulry rctucd real word Semantjcally reUttd raU word Spelling aloud (%) Non words Regular Irregular Functors Conlerttrva Nonnvrds Regular Irregular Total _ - 13.8 0 20.0 10.0 13.3 0 4.3 0 - 37 0 10.3 7.1 3.6 3.7 96.3 - 13 8 724 0 13 3 56.7 0 0 10 0 76.7 0 8.7 870 0 0 3.4 86.6 9.9 - 14 8 74 1 0 13 8 75 9 0 0 9.4 78.6 1.3 0 0 0 74 0 TABLE 3. GRAPHEMIC CLASSIFICATION OF 224 ERRORS IN WRITING AND SPELLING ALOUD TO DICTATION Single deletion Single substitution Single transposition Single insertion Multiple deletions Deletion+substitution Deletion+transposition Deletion + insertion Unclassifiable % writing % spelling % total 5.0 9.3 1.4 4.3 2.9 4.3 0 4.3 68.4 10.6 9.4 0 7.1 7.1 1.2 0 2.3 62.4 7.1 9.4 0.9 5.4 4.5 3.1 0 3.6 66.1 to classify O.C.'s errors as graphemic errors as done by Miceli et al. (1985), Caramazza etal. (1987), Posteraro et al. (1988), and Hillis and Caramazza (1989). Clearly, given orthographic similarities between stimulus and response, some of the errors made by subjects with lexical or phonological agraphia will also be classifiable under this system. Any word or letter combination can be converted into any other word through the application of multiple deletions, substitutions, insertions, or transpositions (as in Lewis Carroll's word game, 'Doublets', Carroll, 1879). Therefore, one must beware of carrying this technique to extremes. Graphemic buffer deficits, such as those reported by Hillis and Caramazza (1989), frequently produce single errors of this type in a word. To keep the results meaningful, we adopted the system used by Posteraro et al. (1988), classifying errors as single graphemic errors, multiple errors of the same type, or double errors of different types. Complex concatenations of 'errors' of different types were thus considered unclassifiable. Very few of the errors in the reported cases of graphemic buffer impairment are unclassifiable under this system. It is important to bear in mind, however, Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 are similar for the different stimulus characteristics and output modalities. Errors semantically related to the stimuli are decidedly rare (1.3%). Of O.C.'s 224 errors, only 7.6% were unpronounceable non words violating orthographic rules, a phenomenon frequent in subjects with graphemic buffer impairment, and may constitute as many as 74% of their errors (Posteraro et al., 1988). These errors can also occur in phonological or lexical agraphia (Hatfield and Patterson, 1983; Roeltgen et al., 19836). To examine the possibility of a graphemic buffer deficit, an attempt is made in Table 3 PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1985 Reading O.C. read aloud 26/26 upper-case printed letters correctly. He correctly pronounced the corresponding phoneme for 24/24 printed letters. He was asked to read aloud phonologically plausible nonwords, regular, and irregular words from the BLAWR. Each word was individually printed on a card in upper-case letters. Word length and Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 that these errors are not at all specific for cases with graphemic buffer deficit. For example, fully 79% of the errors made by Beauvois and D6rouesne''s (1981) oft-cited case of lexical agraphia are readily classifiable as 'graphemic' errors (most often single deletions) using this system. From Table 3, it is apparent that very few of O.C.'s errors are classifiable as graphemic errors attributable to impairment of the graphemic buffer. The position of errors within a word may also be related to the type of agraphia. Hillis and Caramazza (1989) described 2 patients with graphemic buffer impairment, 1 with a left hemisphere lesion who was more accurate at writing the beginning of a word and 1 with a right hemisphere lesion who was more accurate at the end of a word. They attributed this phenomenon to hemispatial neglect of a spatially coded representation in the graphemic output buffer. To assess O.C.'s spelling accuracy as a function of letter position within a word, we used Wing and Baddeley's (1980) formula for equating letter positions in words of varying lengths. This formula was used by Caramazza et al. (1987) and Hillis and Caramazza (1989) to examine the spatial distribution of errors; we instead examined O.C.'s accuracy, rather than his errors, at each of the five standardized relative letter positions in response to stimuli of five letters or more (168 of the 240 words and nonwords in Table 1 were at least five letters long). Fig. 2 shows the frequency with which O.C., in writing and spelling aloud, placed the correct letters in each of these five positions. Fig. 3 shows the frequency with which the correct letters for each of these five relative positions appeared anywhere in his response, namely, in either the correct or incorrect position. The figures show that O.C. is most successful at writing the initial letter of a word and becomes progressively less accurate at later letter positions. The effects of stimulus characteristics may also be important in distinguishing between different types of agraphia, although in O.C.'s case these are complicated by the interaction of two deficits. For the 350 words in Table 1 and in the homophone lists (see next paragraph), the mean length of the words correctly written or spelled aloud was 4.3 letters, significantly shorter than the mean length of the words spelled incorrectly, 5.1 letters (P < 0.05). For the 290 real words in Table 1 and in the homophone lists (see below), the mean frequency of usage of words correctly spelled was 265.5/million, significantly higher than that of words spelled incorrectly, 136.5/million (P < 0.05). An important characteristic of disturbances of the lexical route in writing is a tendency to produce incorrect homophones (Hatfield and Patterson, 1983; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984; Goodman and Caramazza, 1986; Rapcsak et al., 1988). Roeltgen and Heilman's patients with lexical agraphia each produced incorrect homophones in response to about a quarter of the homophonic words dictated to them. O.C. was asked to write 36 homophonic words and to spell aloud 74. Each word was dictated to him, used in a sentence, and then repeated. He correctly spelled 22 (20.0%) of these words, 5 (13.9%) in writing and 17 (23.0%) aloud. He produced 17 (15.5%) homophone substitutions, 5 (13.9%) in writing and 12 (16.2%) aloud. 1986 A. KIRK AND O T H E R S cor rect letters in the Tect posiitions 100 80 60 40 00 0 20 1 2 3 4 5 Relative letter position in stimulus 100 an c u 80 as 60 11 FIG. 3. Distribution, as a function of stimulus letter 'position', of letters present in O.C.'s responses, whether placed in correct or incorrect positions. This figure is based on responses to 168 word and nonword stimuli. The letters from each position in the stimulus are here scored 'correct' if they appear anywhere in O.C.'s response to that stimulus. n 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 Relative letter position in stimulus frequency of usage were similar for the regular (means 6.4 letters and 68.7/million) and irregular (means 6.4 letters and 70.2/million) words. Even though the nonwords were shorter (mean 5.1 letters), it can be seen from Table 4 that O.C. read nonwords much more poorly than he did either class of real word. O.C. was also asked to read functors and contentive words from the BLAWR. These stimuli were matched for word length (mean 4.3 letters for each list). Although the functors were more frequently used (mean 4343.7 vs 262.6 per million) than the contentives, Table 4 shows that O.C. read the functors much more poorly than he did the contentives. We also had O.C. read lists of high and low imagery nouns balanced for regularity, length (mean 4.4 letters Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 FIG. 2. Distribution of letters correctly written or spelled aloud in their correct positions by O.C. as a function of letter 'position'. This figure is based on 168 word and nonword stimuli. The formula used to normalize letter positions in words of different lengths is taken from Wing and Baddeley (1980). PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1987 TABLE 4. O.C.'S READING PERFORMANCE Stimulus category Letters Nonwords Regular words Irregular words Functors Contentives High imagery words Low imagery words No. of stimuli 26 37 31 33 40 19 10 10 % correct 100.0 13.5 77.4 69.7 62.5 100.0 90.0 80.0 % omissions 0 5.4 12.9 21.2 22.5 0 10.0 10.0 % errors 0 81.1 9.7 9.1 15.0 0 0 10.0 DISCUSSION This left-handed subject presented after a right parietal infarct with linguistic agraphia and alexia, but not aphasia. His agraphia was not due to a memory disturbance as he could repeat a dictated word both before and after incorrectly writing it. His early history was compatible with developmental dysgraphia and dyslexia. He vividly recalled an inability to read or write phonetically and was illiterate until, as an adult, he was taught via a regimen of rote word memorization—as lexically oriented a system as one can imagine. Writing samples from this acquisition period support the hypothesis that he had a development phonological dysgraphia and learned to write lexically. Many of his errors then were phonetically incorrect, implying an impaired phonological system, and there was a remarkable tendency to repeat his errors, spelling a word in the same Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 each) and frequency (mean 151.4 and 151.5/million, respectively). As seen in Table 4, he performed similarly on the two groups of words. When reading words and nonwords, errors tended to bear some orthographic similarity to the targets, that is, the two usually had several phonemes in common. Of 30 errors in reading nonwords, three were orthographically similar real words (e.g., DOP -— DOPE; NUD — NUN) and 27 were neologistic nonwords with some similarity to the targets (e.g., JOFTIB - JOBBITY; ZEMNUL - ZAGLUE). In all instances but one, the correct initial phoneme was preserved in his erroneous verbal response. In reading real words, all errors were real words with some orthographic similarity to the target (e.g., EVENT - EVEN; SOVEREIGN - SOUVENIR). No semantic errors were seen (unless one accepts FABRIC — FIBRE). The only error that could be construed as derivational was ADVANTAGE — VANTAGE. Omissions were characterized by the statements, 'I don't know' or 'That's not a real word'. O.C. was never willing to hazard a guess at a real word he did not recognize although he admitted that when reading the nonwords, realizing that they were nonwords, he almost always guessed. When able to read a word correctly, O.C. could always provide a reasonable definition. When unable to read a word aloud he could not define it. If a word was incorrectly read as another word, he gave a definition corresponding to his response rather than to the stimulus. O.C.'s difficulty reading nonwords with relative sparing of real words, both regular and irregular, his errors which orthographically resembled the stimuli, and his difficulty with functors led us to conclude that he had phonological alexia. 1988 A. KIRK AND OTHERS Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 incorrect way every time it appeared. In fact, in extant writing samples from this period, he never spelled a word in more than one way, suggesting a developing, but as yet imperfect lexical system with some incorrect but stable representations in the lexicon. Writing samples from recent years reflect a much greater command of written language. Rare errors that are phonologically incorrect likely reflect the lack of an effective phonological system. Campbell and Butterworth (1985) reported a subject, R.E., whose history was in many ways similar to O.C.'s before his stroke. R.E. also had developmental phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia and learned to read and write using a lexically oriented system of whole word memorization. She also achieved a high level of literacy but, like O.C., still made occasional errors which were not phonetically correct. Following his stroke, O.C.'s writing was severely impaired. With the exception of single letters, he performed extremely poorly at writing and spelling aloud all classes of stimuli. He showed neither the relative sparing of regular words and nonwords seen with lexical agraphia nor the sparing of real words typical of phonological agraphia. His letters were always well-formed, ruling out a peripheral motor disturbance as an explanation for his writing impairment. Severe impairment was seen for all output modalities tested (writing, spelling aloud, and anagram letters). Written naming was as impaired as writing to dictation. Copying was normal even when O.C. was asked to copy print as script, and upper as lower case. These characteristics effectively rule out a deficit any more peripheral in the writing system than the graphemic output buffer. O.C.'s ability to accurately transcribe single phonemes illustrates preservation of phoneme-grapheme conversion but his extreme difficulty on LAC category II reflects a pronounced segmentation deficit, which presumably was responsible for his inability to learn to write phonetically. Following his stroke, O.C.'s writing deteriorated but did not display the typical features of phonological graphia. Thus, an acquired deficit has been superimposed on his developmental phonological dysgraphia with segmentation deficit. O.C. infrequently produced unpronounceable nonwords violating orthographic rules, a feature which is, by contrast, common in the writing of subjects with a deficit of the graphemic output buffer. Word length, frequency of usage, and part of speech all influenced O.C. 's spelling accuracy. The majority of his errors were not the graphemic deletions, substitutions, insertions, or transpositions characteristic of patients with graphemic buffer impairment. Instead, most of O.C.'s erroneous responses in writing and spelling aloud all classes of stimuli were phonologically incorrect neologisms which nevertheless often had letters in common with the stimulus. As shown in figs 2 and 3, O.C. was better at spelling the beginning of a word and became progressively less accurate as he continued towards its end. Although Hillis and Caramazza (1989) have ascribed a similar pattern (with a different error type) to graphemic buffer impairment in a subject with a left hemisphere lesion, this has been attributed to right hemineglect of a spatially coded representation within the buffer. If O.C.'s agraphia were due to a similar attentional mechanism, his right hemisphere lesion would be expected to produce, if anything, the opposite profile, with greater accuracy at the end of a word. For several reasons, it thus does not seem reasonable to attribute O.C.'s agraphia to graphemic output buffer impairment. If O.C. 's infarct were to result in a lexical agraphia superimposed on his pre-existing phonological dysgraphia with segmentation deficit, one would also expect to see severe disruption in writing all classes of stimuli except single letters. No longer able to accurately PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1989 Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 write using a lexical route and with no effective phonological route on which to fall back, he would be forced to rely on remaining function in these two imperfect writing routes. In arriving at spellings for words in this way, word frequency, length, and part of speech might all influence accuracy, as they do in O.C. His difficulty in writing homophones and frequent substitution of incorrect homophones has been reported as a characteristic of lexical agraphia (Hatfield and Patterson, 1983; Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984; Goodman and Caramazza, 1986). Roeltgen et al. (19836) and Bolla-Wilson et al. (1985) have shown that subjects with phonological agraphia with disruption of the segmentation component of the phonological writing route make characteristic errors. Like O.C.'s, their written productions share many letters with the targets but initial letters are much more often correct than are letters later in the word. Horowitz et al. (1968) suggested that the initial grapheme/phoneme of a word is its most salient, containing the most relevant discriminative information. O.C. thus made errors typical of phonological agraphia with impaired phonemic segmentation but was severely impaired at writing all classes of words, not just nonwords as in phonological agraphia. This is a pattern one would expect in a subject with phonological agraphia with segmentation deficit who has also sustained functional damage to the lexical writing route. We thus postulate that O.C. suffered from a developmental phonological dysgraphia with segmentation deficit, which he overcame by using lexical strategies localizable to his right parietal lobe. When his small right parietal infarct impaired his lexical writing route, he was forced to rely more on his ineffective phonological route, resulting in a combined phonological and lexical or 'phonolexical agraphia'. Less can be said about the evolution of O.C.'s reading impairment as we have no prestroke examples of his reading and must rely on self-report. By history it seems most likely that he had a developmental phonological dyslexia and learned to read lexically. Testing after his stroke reveals typical characteristics of phonological alexia (Patterson, 1982). Like Campbell and Butterworth's (1985) subject, R.E., O.C. usually produces neologistic responses to nonwords and does not tend to 'lexicalize' or read nonwords as visually similar real words as is common in acquired phonological alexia (Patterson, 1982; Funnell, 1983). Patients with acquired phonological alexia may read nonwords as visually similar words because these nonwords are able to 'activate' lexical entries for similar real words, unchecked by phonological confirmation. O.C. and R.E., on the other hand, who have achieved literacy in the absence of an effective phonological route, have perhaps had to develop a more discriminating lexical reading system which does not as readily accept a word as another visually similar word, which recognizes a nonword as a nonword but, due to poor phonological functioning, can only offer an approximate nonword rendering. Although O.C. sometimes failed to recognize a real word and said that it was not a word, he always refused to guess at it while he confessed to usually guessing at nonwords. We might surmise that his alexia worsened following his stroke but, without prestroke testing, we can conclude little else. The right posterior parietal localization of O.C.'s stroke is consistent with the location of lesions responsible for lexical agraphia in the left (Roeltgen and Heilman, 1984) and in the right hemispheres (Gonzalez Rothi et al., 1987), lending support to the contention that one or the other posterior parietal lobe is essential to the lexical route in writing. No lesion is visible to explain O.C.'s developmental literacy problems. Galaburda et al. 1990 A. KIRK AND OTHERS (1985) have documented microscopic abnormalities predominantly affecting the left perisylvian regions of patients with developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia. O.C.'s lack of aphasia after his right parietal stroke may reflect left hemisphere dominance for speech, or may relate instead to the small lesion size as aphasia is usual but not invariable in dextrals with agraphia or alexia after left hemisphere lesions (Dubois et al., 1969; Damasio and Damasio, 1983). This case, like that of Campbell and Butterworth (1985), illustrates that written language deficits can be overcome in at least a subtest of cases by using an alternate educational strategy, in this case lexical rather than phonetic. In O.C.'s instance, a right parietal anatomical substrate can be inferred for this acquisition. To what extent this localizing information and the characteristics of the agraphia can be generalized remains to be seen. Further cases with acquired deficits superimposed on developmental language disorders are likely to be rare but instructive. We thank Dr Melvin Greer for referring O.C. and Dr Kytja Voeller for introducing us to the LAC test. 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C . , FOLLOWED BY HIS RESPONSES Writing to dictation (I) Noawords TRAD PABLE TERRIAGE MANVER JISP BIROUGH ZILLER QUIM VATTER BUME SOUD C1MY SCOMB nXEND + + SIMAD CONSE ELAN THRUG CRAG FLEGT THOOU SELAM CEGFJ TRUCH STICH BARCH + ILET VRLER ANGON INTHER THAWA NAIC (d) Functors ALTHOUGH HOWEVER WHOSE SHALL THUS EVER SHOULD UPON THOUGH ALREADY ALMOST MAYBE WHOM NONE NEARLY ELSE ALWAYS AMONG WHETHER WHERE NOBODY QUITE STTU. EACH BOTH ONCE EVERY THINGS WTTHIN ITSELF ALTHUR HOWEAER HOSER CLERL THART EVERN SHOUD UPROUN THPOW ALREAD AMOST MAYBEE HOME NUMER NALER EALSE AWAY ARMOUN WHER WHARE NOBOUY QU STRAL EATECH BOATH OUNCE EVARE THERTIN WHHN tTSALE (b) Rr(iiu wards TRANSFER NEGLECT MASK PITIFUL MOTOR SINK FORGET HOLDER ADMIT HOLY INJURY MAKER FACTOR HUNGER DAMP PINCH SUBMIT CORN DIVINE HOTEL GRAND HALTER OPEN INFORM VETERAN VENT STAR DARN STAND MATCH TRAFAD + MAX P1FTFAL MONTAR CENK FORCUT HLOUD ADMAT HOLLAT INGJRE MAKRE FACTER HUNTER DIAE FINER SBMIAT CAN DV1AN HOLTEEL GRATIN HOTLTER OPTAN INFROM VACTION VEAT STARE DA MR SAN MATICH (c) Coraenuvc* GENERAL MONEY HELP COLLEGE BEST INTEREST PART PEOPLE TAKEN NUMBER UNITED METHOD DEEP LEADER CLUB TRIAL LIVE POINT PUBLIC YEARS MAJOR HISTORY STATE WORK LONG HIGH SMALL LOOKED CHURCH MATTER OENA MONDAY HAEP CALGET BESTER INTREST PERT POPUTY TAKING NUMTER UNIGHT MADFOED + + + TRYRALL + PONT PUBLEAR YEAR MARGER HISTORE + + LOND + SMALE LOOK CHERE MATLAR (c) Irregular words MISCHIEF TOMB HONOR DENY CIRCUIT HEIR ENGINE BOUQUET SHOES WEAPON CHORD YACHT PALACE FRIEND BUSY ISLE CORPS ANSWER BUOYS HYMN BREAST EARTH MENACE BOMB SURE GLACIER MORGUE SUBTLE AISLE YOLK MIHCER TOO AM ONHAR DIERE CE HIRE ENGRON BOUKEY SHOUE WIPIN CORD EYOUT PALTIST FOREN B1SEZ IL CORE ANCENT BOUT H1MM BRESET EARS MEASET BOND SCHURE GIASHR MOBGER SETRAL IRALE YOKE (0 Homorjhones SEA NIGHT HAIR SLAY YOKE HOES CORD CLOTHES FLEE BAWLED CAUGHT SELL FIR RING ROSE PANE PAIR SON SEE CLOSE KNIGHT HARE SLEIGH YOKE HOSE CHORD FLEA BALD COT CELL FUR WRING ROWS PAIN PEAR SUN SEIE MIGAT HERIE SL (Omen km) HOLDS SORED CLAST FLED BALD (Omission) SEALD FUR RIND + PAINE PARY SUN SEAE + NIGHT HERE SLAID YOUE HOUSE CORE FLEED BOULD COUD SEALD FURD RING ROW + + + Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 TROOCE CRANO PHEKE THUSE SLEM SUO TRALF SHUCK BARCLE MOFER 1SLECK VYTE ANDON INTRET THEAWAY NACE TAIRD PALJE THI NAMIFD GIGF1 BARORD ZEAUD QUMEN FTTED PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA 1993 (g) Written naming Stimulus Written naming Writing to dictation BAND RING CARD SPOON BRACELET PENCIL ASHTRAY PURSE PAPER WALLET DOLLAR KEY BOOK PEN SHIRT + + + SPO BRACLET PENNCEL + + CORD SPOOLEN BRACLET PINCEIL + PURESH PAPPER WAILLOTE + QUUE BOOOK + + + POT PAPPER + DOLLER QUTLER + + TSH Spelling aloud to dictation (a) Nonwords NEID BAT RENG THUOGH RITCOME BUOGH RIDRON GOODING SISBRY BUMPKEN GIBSAW FUSHBR CROWER TRIAG LUCO CATMUOT HIMFEN TTAL BIFLOC RABSULD IOBIFLE KLBON + NIBBIC OLBJOR JUISE FROUGH BLUD COLLLAP FURLJNE (c) Irregular words KNOT MENACE PLUMB MISCHIEF WRAP WEAPON SCENE SIGHED PRESTIGE BOROUGH TROUBLE EYE SHOES KNOWS HEIR PRAIRIE SCENT PALACE ISLE EARTH CHORD SKY (Omission) MINNES PLUM MISSCH WIP WHEPIN SLEN SIDE PRESTAGER BROW TRUBELEF (Omission) SHOUSE KNO ARIE PRE CENTER PAUCE ILEREY EARGH CORD SKI (b) Regular words SELL PATIENTS ARTIST INSECT ABDOMEN NEWSPAPER PROSPERITY UBRARY HOLE ARMY GENTLEMAN FRUIT GRASS ARC ANGER EAR ANIMAL BARE BUY CHAIR MEET BALE THRONE LENDS BAIL BUTTER FLESH PAIL BEAST CHIEF SILER PANC ARTTESE INSCENCE ADDMENT NEWPAPPER PROSTTER UBBRE HOLD ARIME GENTMAN FRU GREET ARCH ANGLER EIR AN (Omission) BY CHIR MEAT + THROUGH LENDSEN + BUTER FL + BES CHEF (d) High imagery words CITY BOOK CHAIR BODY DRESS ANIMAL CORN ARM CHILD ARMY + + CHIR + + AN1 + + CHI ARIME (e) Low imagery words + FATE + LAW + EVENT + DUTY (Omission) HONOR ADVICE + IDEA ID FAT FACT HOPE + Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 NID BAP RIN FALXO RITKON BUTCHO RIBBLE GUDIN SIBWAR BLUMPK1N GIBSOG FUSHIB KROGUD TRAG LUTCHO KAFMAL HANFIM TEDDLE BAFLOD RABZIL JOFT1B KELBON VAGGLE NIBER OBJOL JISH FOSH BUB KOLAT FUG A. KIRK AND OTHERS 1994 (c) Irregular wofds (e) Low imagery words GUILT VILLAGE HOUR OCEAN HONOR DOUGH WEAR REIGN GULED VILGET TRUTH CELL RODE MAIL GALE SEAL ROUD TRUE + OCEEN (Onnssion) DO (Omission) RANNER ( 0 Homophoaes + GALER YALE MEAT AIL MEET BAIL WHERE GAIL HEIR + WHIRE (Omission) HIRE IL WHOLE SELL MALE ROAD HOLD SILER MILE ALE + + + ROB MEAT BALE WEAR (Omission) AIR + SIGHED HOLE SIDE HOLD (Omission) BEEAT EYE BEAT DEAR FEET THRONE ONE FLEA PAIL SALE DEW KNOT ARC SEAUNG THYME DOUGH + + THOROUGH + FLEED + + DOW (Omission) ARCH CELN THTHME DO BOW + BENN (Omission) CORER NEED LED LENDSN ACTER ALD AWL BASS BEAU BOW (ship's) BARE CHORD GUILT KNEW HEARD HIGHER HYMN WHOLLY HOUR KNIGHT CACHE CASTE SIGHT CLIMB MIGHT KNIT KNOW NONE TAIL EIGHT PATIENTS PLUMB PREY HARE + BOW (Omission) (Omission) CORD GULED NEW HERD + HIMMER HOLER -t- NIGHT CASH CASH (Omission) CLAME M1NET KJ + NUNN TALE + PANC PLUM PRA HIRE Reading aloud (a) Nlonword. NID BAP BUTCHO BLUMPKIN FLIM NUD JAF HOMFIS JOFTIB LODAR RABZIL KAKMIN TIBBLE VAGTOB TRAG BEP KAFMAL GOF KACN1M RIBBLE SIBWAR JISH + (Omiksion) but{tu + FLIN dim) NUN + dyAsli lab + kinmtn libu vijarin -t- BEEP (Onrasjoa) gvdz Id nn SEf dj^3 DOD JAD dab FIMKO Hpe djxl (h) Regular words ANIMAL GREEN INTEREST FREEDOM FROG ADVICE HISTORY REFLEX CONTRACT MASTER ATTITUDE CORNER SADNESS SPEECH CHIN MAGNITUDE LETTER BOTTLE INDUSTRY GARDEN BLANDNESS HARNESS SUNSET LOYALTY VICTIM + + + + (Omuvwon) + REFLUX + + + + + + (Omission) + + + + + BUNDNESS + + 4. Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 ILL BOWLED RIGHT BEEN COLONEL CORPS KNEAD LEAD(Pb) LENDS ACTS 1995 PHONOLEXICAL AGRAPHIA (l) Nonwords HUD VAGCLE LUMRIN KOLAT PISHNEP KELBON DOP Z1MNUL OBJOL FUBBIK JOSF1D FUSHIB (b) Rcgulir words purjjo vcdpdjidsi lAmbaruu LolEp ptjmir itibon DOPE zjeglu ob=d3^ f<| djasofidi fiibor (c) Irregular words + (Om 155 ion) VANTAGE + + + + + (Omission) (Omission) SOUVENIR + + + + + (Omission) + + + 4- + + (Omission; + FIBRE + (d) Higb imagery words CITY BOOK CHAIR DRESS ANIMAL BODY CORN ARM CHILD ARMY f (Omission) f f f (c) Low imagery words FATE LAW EVENT DUTY HONOR ADVICE IDEA FACT HOPE TRUTH (OmiSHOO) f EVEN 4f f f f f f (Omission) + MORTGAGE + + + + + + (Omisston) (Omission) (0 Functors WHY SHALL THE HAS FROM ABOUT WHO THESE WHILE SHOULD UNTIL WAS ALSO QUITE MUCH WITH THOUGH AND VERY EVER SINCE GET WHEN THAT USUALLY HAD THEN WHATEVER (Omission; (Omission) (Omission) + (Omission) + + + (Omission) (Omission) SHOULDER + + + QUIET (Omission) WIT THOROUGH + + + SIN + + + (Omission) + + + (g) Conlciu VCS ARM RIVER BODY WALL CHAIR BLOOD BOY GOLD FRIEND WORLD MAN BED BOOK WATER FOOT MOTHER CAR WOMAN TOWN + + + + + f- + + i ^ H H H H Hh ^ Hh Hh Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016 CHTEF DEATH ADVANTAGE ENGINE TOMB CIRCUIT VILLAGE HEAVEN JEALOUSY HEALTH SOVEREIGN SWAMP ANSWER THOUGHT BREAST PLEASURE UMB EARTH RITUAL MARRIAGE JUSTICE WALL EDIFICE BEVERAGE MORGUE KERCHIEF COMRADE MEADOW FRIEND HONOR HOSTAGE GLACIER EPISTLE BRAVERY EJTORT NUTMEG FLASK FABRIC BANDIT 1996 A. KIRK AND OTHERS ONCE THOSE WERE HOW NOR OUGHT THUS WHERE AS HOWEVER ELSE THIS + + + + (Omission) OUCH (Omus*on) + + + + + — correct response. Downloaded from by guest on June 7, 2016