Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activrator in acute ischem.ic stroke: evalu.ation with rCBF-SPECT HerderscheC D, Limburg M, van Royen EA, Hijdra A, Biiller HR, Koster PA. Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke: evaluation with rCBF-SPECT. Acta Neurol Scand 1991: 83: 317-322. We treated five patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA), within 3-6 h after stroke onset. Regional cerebral blood flow was evaluated with single photon emission computed tomography (rCBF-SPECT)before and after treatment. One patient with aphasia and a moderately severe hemiparesis, who had a small flow deficit, was treated 5 h and 30 min after the onset of his stroke and had a prompt and complete recovery. The post treatment rCBF-SPECT showed normal flow. One patient with a very large flow deficit died of transtentorial herniation. In three other patient clinical condition remained unchanged, in one of them despite restoration of flow, demonstrated by transcranial doppler examination. In all these patients the rCBF-SPECT remained abnormal. rCBF-SPECT is a valuable tool in the explanatory analysis of fibrinolytic treatment in ischemic stroke. The pathogenetic mechanism in most cerebral infarctions is arterial occlusion by an embolus or local thrombus. Recent case series show successfull clot lysis and clinical improvement with shortlasting local intra-arterial administration of urokinase or streptokinase, early after stroke onset (1,2). Intravenously administered recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) has been evaluated in myocardial infarction and might be superior to the conventional fibrinolytic agents with regard to both safety and efficacy (3). The evaluation of such a treatment in stroke patients poses some special problems. Most ischemic strokes occur in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), which may be totally affected when the internal carotid artery or the MCA-stem is occluded. Such large lesions often lead to massive edema, with brain swelling and death. There is a remote possibility that early reperfusion promotes edema formation in such large lesions (4). Furthermore, the extent of the lesion is an important determinant for the risk of hemorrhage, when anticoagulants are used (5). MCA-branch occlusions lead to smaller cortical infarcts, in which both these risks may be reduced. Another common infarct type in the MCA territory is lacunar infarction. Lacunes are generally caused by lipohyalinosis of small lenticulostriate arteries, and thrombosis probably plays only a minor role in their eventual occlusion. D. Herderscheg’, M. Limburg’, E. A. van Royen’, A. Hijdra’, H. R. Biller3, P. A. Koster4 ’ Departments of Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Centre of Hemostasis, Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis, Diagnostic Radiology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Key words: plasminogen activator, tissuetype; tomography, radionuclide computed; cerebral infarction D. Herderschek, Department of Neurology H2214, Academisch Medisch Centrum, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Accepted for publication October 29, 1990 Hence, early reperfusion in large ischemic MCAlesions may be dangerous (edema formation and herniation; induction of hemorrhage) and fibrinolytic treatment may not be effective in patients with lacunar infarction. Consequently, patients with ischemic lesions of an intermediate size would be most suitable for the evaluation of fibrinolytic therapy. Selection of such patients may not be reliable when based on clinical signs only and the site of an angiographically demonstrated occlusion correlates poorly with the extent of the ischemic brain area (6). Perfusion defects can be reliably demonstrated at an early stage, when no structural damage is present, with regional cerebral blood flow studies using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (rCBFSPECT). In a previous study we found that all patients with an initial maximum MCA defect on rCBF-SPECT died from herniation and patients who on a later CT proved to have a lacunar infarct had only minor or no initial SPECT-abnormalities (7). On the basis of these considerations we performed a pilot study of rtPA treatment in MCA-ischemia and used SPECT for selection of patients and documentation of reperfusion. This report describes the results in the first five patients. 317 HerderscheG et al. Material and methods Patients. Consecutive patients, admitted with acute ischemia of the MCA territory underwent immediate CT-scanning and rCBF-SPECT if they met the following inclusion criteria: stable or progressing clinical signs of focal cerebral ischemia, with at least a hemiparesis; age over 18 and under 75 years; and possibhty to administer rtPA within 6 h after onset of symptoms. Patients with disabling previous stroke or chronic disabling disorders, or with one of the classic lacunar syndromes (8), and patients who used anticoagulants were excluded. rCBF-SPECT studies. rCBF-SPECT was performed immediately after admission and always within 6 h after onset of symptoms. Imaging was 10 minutes after the intravenous injection of 550 to 750 MBq Technetium-99 m-labelled hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (TcHMPAO). A rotating gamma camera (Technicare, Omega 500) fitted with a 30" slant hole collimator was used. After attenuation correction, hard copies of the images, with a lower threshold set at 30% of the maximum pixel value, were analyzed. The cerebral flow deficits were measured in a semiquantitative way, by dividing each of the six axial slices of one examination into 12 equal radial sections. Two observers jointly scored decrease of activity in each section compared with that of its opposite counterpart. The score ranged from zero (no right-left difference in activity), to three (complete lack of activity in one section). The sumscore of all axial slices indicates both size and intensity of the lesion. Patients with normal SPECT and those with maximum de- Fig. 1 . CT-scan (above) and rCBF-SPECT (below) of Patient 1, before (left) and after (right) treatment. There is an old infarct in the right insular region. First SPECT was made 1 h and 45 min after onset of symptoms and the second SPECT was 27 h and 45 min later. For the first and second CT-scan these periods were respectively 1 h and 15 min and 24 h. Second CT shows a fresh infarct in the left MCA-territory. Second SPECT is essentially unchanged with flow of parts of the basal ganglia on the left side supplied by vertebro-basilar branches, as on the first examination. 318 Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator fects in the MCA territory (above 48 on our semiquantitative scale, a figure derived from our previous experience) were included for rtPA treatment (7). The rCBF scans were repeated 24-36 h after the fist. CT scans. A Computed Tomography (CT) scan within 6 h after stroke onset excluded other relevant pathology. CT scans were repeated 24 h after the rtPA treatment, five days later, and thereafter when indicated. Therapeutic intervention. Recombinant tPA was administered intravenously. In all patient a total dose of 100 mg was used. In the first 3 patients, after a bolus injection of 10 mg, infusion was continued with 50 mg in the first hour, followed by 20 rng in the second and third hours. In the last two patients it was given as a bolus of 15 mg, followed by 50 mg in the f i s t 30 min, and 35 mg in the next hour. After rtPA acetylsalicylic-acid (ASA) 500 mg was administered orally or intravenously, followed by heparin during five days to prevent re-occlusion. The study was approved by the hospital ethics committee. Before treatment informed consent was obtained from all patients. Coagulation studies. Before and 12 h after treatment blood was drawn for determination of plasrninogen and alpha-2-antiplasmin using methods as described before (9). Results From November 1988 to May 1989 six patients who met the entry criteria for fibrinolytic treatment were screened with rCBF-SPECT. One patient was excluded because a complete MCA flow deficit was found. She died after nine days following trans- Fig. 2. CT-scan (above) and rCBF-SPECT (below) of Patient 2, before (left) and after (right) treatment. First SPECT was made 4 h and 45 min after onset of symptoms and the second SPECT was 33 h and 35 min later. For the first and second CT-scan these periods were respectively 3 h and 15 min and 23 h. A left temporoparietal perfusion defect on the first scan causing significant asymmetry between left and right hemisphere, is not present on the post-treatment scan. 319 HerderscheC et al. tentorial herniation because of ischemic edema. Clinical findings, treatment delay, complications and outcome for all treated patients as well as results of rCBF-SPECT and coagulation studies are summarized in the Table. Case histories Case 1. A 62-year-old woman, who had a small rightsided brain infarct with transient signs six years before and atrial fibrillation since 4 years, and who was treated with ASA and digoxin, suddenly developed a severe left hemisphere deficit. She did not improve with rtPA treatment. For logistic reasons, this was the only patient in whom serial transcranial doppler sonography (TCD) could be performed. Initial TCD sonography yielded no signal from the left middle cerebral artery; 10 hours later a fast flow signal was detectable. On CT-scanning after 24 h the infarct was visible, hemorrhagic transformation was depicted on the fifth day, without clinical deterioration. After 17 days, she developed a large, right-sided MCA-infarct, demonstrated with CT. Death followed an arterial occlusion of the left leg, six weeks after admission. Autopsy was not permitted (Fig. 1). Case 2. A 72-year-old man was admitted with a non-fluent aphasia with comprehension deficit and a paresis mainly of the right hand and arm. One hour after start ofrtPA and six and a halfhours after onset of deficit a rather sudden improvement set in with restoration of normal function within two hours. Half a year later neurologic function is normal (Fig. 2). Case 3. A 65-year-old man suddenly developed a severe non-fluent aphasia, comprehension defect, and a right sided hemiparalysis. Heparin following the rtPA treatment was discontinued when hematuria developed after 2 days. Neurological status was unchanged after treatment. Case 4. A 59-year-old woman became suddenly unresponsive, with a severe left hemisphere deficit. rtPA treatment was uncomplicated but there was no improvement. After two days a gradual deterioration set in with signs of transtentorial herniation. A CTscan demonstrated massive edema. She died five days after stroke onset. At autopsy a large infarction in the MCA territory was found, with signs of transtentorial herniation. There was no hematoma. All large arteries were patent and small cortical petechiae in the ischemic area suggested breakup of an embolus . Case 5. A 73-year-old woman with Takayashu’s disease, atrial fibrillation, and an episode of amaurosis fugax several years before used ASA 1OOOmg daily and a calcium entry blocker. Following a left Table 1. Summary of clinical and laboratory data of 5 patients treated with rtPA Cases 1 Delay stroke onset-treatment 3h 2 5h 30 min 3 4 5 3h 4h 30 min 5h 50 min 30 min Initial deficit Lethargy aphasia hemianopia hemiparalysis Aphasia hemiparesis Aphasia hemianopia hemiparalysis Somnolence aphasia hemianopia hemiparalysis incontinence Neglect hemianopia hemiparesis forced deviation Clinical change None Recovered completely None None None Complications None None Hematuria after 3 days None Rebleeding of wounds; transfusion 1 month outcome Severely disabled; b e dridden Normal function Severely wheelchair; help Dead after 5 days Moderately disabled; walks without help; ADLdependent Plasminogen (% of control) before/ 12 h after 130/67 93/52 115/62 106/61 85/56 Alpha-2-anti-plasmin I% of control) before/ 12 h after 115/31 90132 98/35 93/38 84/34 SPECTdefect (semiquantitative scale; see text) before124 h after 41/35 1110 29/71 45/54 320 disabled: constant - 39/14 Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator sided paresis she fell, and sustained several bruises and bleeding wounds of the feet. After rtPA the bruises became frank hematomas and bleeding of the foot wounds started again. Heparin was stopped and blood was administered. Neurological condition was unchanged. rCBF-SPEC1 results See Table for quantification of the flow deficits. In Case 2 the image normalized (Fig. 2), in Case 5 the deficit decreased, and in Case 3 the deficit increased. Case 4 had a large flow deficit consisting of almost the complete MCA territory, but with a score (45) which was just below the cut-off value of 48. Discussion In a period of 6 months, five of total of 83 patients admitted with ischemic stroke could be treated with rtPA according to our protocol. The extent of ischemia as determined by rCBF-SPECT covered most of the MCA-territory in four patients, suggestive of an occlusion of the internal carotid artery or the MCA-stem. In Case2, rCBF-SPECT demonstrated a smaller lesion, compatible with an MCA-branch occlusion. Only this patient recovered completely after treatment. On the basis of natural history studies (10, 11) it can be estimated that the chances for complete recovery within 24 h in this patient without treatment were approximately 5 %. Furthermore, recovery occurred suddenly during rtPA-infusion, and was complete within a short time. The treatment may therefore well be responsible for his recovery. Why did none of the other patients improve after treatment? There may be two possible explanations. First, arterial clots may not have been dissolved, even with the sufficient fibrinolysis achieved in all patients as revealed by the serial coagulation studies. With the treatment regimen we used arterial patency is not achieved in 30-40% of patients with myocardial ischemia (12, 13). Our four patients presumably had ICA or MCA-stem occlusions, and these vessels may be too large for successful recanalisation with this regimen. This is, of course, an important issue, which is not addressed by our approach, and should be studied with serial arteriography. We have personal experience with two cases with complete basilar artery occlusion, in whom the same treatment regimen did succeed in recanalisation (documented with serial angiography) and complete recovery in one, but not in the other (14). Differences in clot composition with ensuing differential sensitivity to lysis with rtPA have been suggested as a possible explanation (15). In Case 1reperfusion was documented with TCD, but no clinical improi-ement, nor improvement on rCBF-SPECT occurred. This observation may represent another explanation for treatment failure: reperfusion was achieved too late to restore function. The perfusion defect on rCBF-SPECT remained, either because the microcirculation is not restored (a well known early post-ischemic phenomenon), or because metabolism is not restored (intact metabolism is required for uptake of the radio-pharmaceutical). In Case 3 the rCBF deficit even increased, while his clinical condition remained unchanged. The initial SPECT demonstrated an area of intense hyperfixation on the anterior border of the flow disturbance (an abnormality not accounted for in our SPECT-grading system), which was completely devoid of activity 24 h later. Initial hyperfixation is a well known phenomenon in cortical infarcts and may represent viable but non-functioning tissue (16). In our patient rtPA treatment obviously did not reverse this situation to normal. Could the death of Case 4 be attributed to rtPAinduced reperfusion? Reperfusion was achieved, since at necropsy, 5 days after stroke onset, the large arteries were patent. This may or may not have been the result of rtPA treatment, considering the natural course of embolic occlusion. From the initial rCBFdeficit on SPECT we did not expect massive swelling to occur, because it was just below the cut-off value we considered safe (7). This value, however, is derived from a group of patients scanned within 24 h after onset of symptoms, and may not be valid for very early rCBF-SPECT (7). On second SPECT the defect was considerably larger and well above our cut-off value, but the increase can be explained by swelling of the ischemic region. The fact remains that Case4 had the largest initial defect of all, representing a near complete MCA flow deficit. The clinical course, with extensive ischemic edema and death from transtentorial herniation can then be expected, irrespective of any treatment initiated after several hours. We believe that this must be the explanation for the two patients reported with fatal brain edema after rtPA treatment (4). Why was the substantial decrease in flow deficit after treatment of Case 5 not accompanied by clinical recovery? On later CT this patient had a large deep infarct, which spared the cortical surface but included the internal capsule. Reversal of the initial cortical ischemia could therefore not result in clinical recovery. In all patients the same dose of rtPA was used, although the infusion time was 3 h in the first three and 90 min in the last two. Cardiologic experiences with this shorter regimen, suggesting a higher patency rate, became available during our study (13). Coagulation studies of alpha-2-antiplasmin, plasmhogen and fibrinogen after 12 h were compatible with a 321 HerderscheC et al. moderate level of a systemic fibrinolysis. Bleeding and bruising were minor, except in Case5, who needed a transfusion. In the patient who came to autopsy no internal bleeding was observed. In Case 1, second posttreatment CT-scanning showed hemorrhagic transformation of the infarct, but clinical status was unchanged. These early experiences with rtPA in ischemic stroke do not allow firm conclusions about safety and effectiveness. Probably, recanalisation cannot be achieved in all patients, and even when it is achieved, does not always lead to clinical improvement. For selection of patients who may benefit from early thrombolysis, more experience with explanatory methods like SPECT and angiography is needed before the effectiveness of rtPA treatment can be proved in larger controlled trials. Acknowledgements The support and advice of Dr. R van To1 From BoehringerIngelheim is gratefully acknowledged. This study was supported by Boehringer Ingelheim, Alkmaar, The Netherlands References 1. HACKEW, ZEUMERH, FERBERT A, BRUCKMANN H, DEL ZOPPOGJ. Intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy improves outcome in patients with acute vertebrobasilar occlusive disease. 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