Secondary Epileptogenesis in Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Hwa-shain Yeh, MD, Michael D. Privitera, MD \s=b\There is debate as to whether secondary epileptogenesis occurs in humans. As part of a series of patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations and epilepsy, we identified two patients with probable secondary epileptogenesis in the mesiotemporal regions, ipsilateral but anatomically distant from an arteriovenous malformation causing seizures. Both patients had arteriovenous malformations outside the mesiotemporal region and resection of the arteriovenous malformation and epileptogenic areas identified by electrocorticography produced initial freedom from seizures. Three to 6 months later both patients developed a different seizure pattern that proved to be mesiotemporal in origin by video/electroencephalogram (one with depth electrodes) and both patients are seizure free after a second resection of anterotemporal and mesiotemporal regions. Findings indicating a secondary epileptogenic focus include (1) different seizure type by patient history, (2) second seizure type by ictal video/electroencephalographic recordings, and (3) lack of pathologic abnormalities in the resected mesiotemporal specimens. (Arch Neurol. 1991 ;48:1122-1124) T^ he incidence of patients with arterio¬ venous malformations (AVMs) pre¬ senting with epilepsy and with no clini¬ cal evidence of intracranial hemorrhage varies between 17% and 40% in pub¬ lished series.1"3 The result of surgical treatment for seizure control in patients who have cerebral AVMs are not satisAccepted for publication May 17,1991. From the Departments of Neurosurgery (Dr Yeh) and Neurology (Dr Privitera), University of Cincinnati (Ohio) College of Medicine; and Mayfield Neurological Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio (Dr Yeh). Reprint requests to the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medi- cine, 231 Bethesda Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0515 (Dr Yeh). factory4' Since 1982 we have per¬ formed a prospective study in 36 pa¬ tients who had supratentorial AVMs who presented with epilepsy and with¬ out a history of intracranial hemor¬ rhage. All of the patients had been treated medically before surgery. They considered disabled because of side effects or failure of anticonvulsant therapy or the effect on their profes¬ sional lives of even infrequent seizures. They underwent preoperative electro¬ encephalographic (EEG) evaluation in addition to computed tomography scan¬ ning or magnetic resonance imaging and cerebral angiography. Most of these op¬ erations were performed with the pa¬ tients under local anesthesia for an accu¬ rate intraoperative electrocorticographic recording. Cortical excision in addition to removal of AVMs was per¬ formed in 19 patients if epileptic dis¬ charges were demonstrated adjacent to or at a distance from the AVMs. Two patients, one with a large AVM in the right frontal region and the other one with a thrombosed AVM in the right were posterior temporal region, presented with complex partial seizures due to a remote epileptic focus in the ipsilateral mesial temporal region after the initial procedure of excision of AVMs. Both patients had a second surgery to remove the remote seizure focus. REPORT OF CASES CASE 1.—A 30-year-old man presented with a 9-year history of medically intractable seizures. The seizures were not preceded by an aura, but consisted of sudden onset of unconsciousness, followed by generalized tonic-clonic convulsions that lasted for 1 to 2 minutes. Frequency of seizures was about one to two per week despite adequate anti¬ convulsant therapy. Computed tomography Downloaded From: by a University of Pennsylvania User on 06/18/2015 showed a 2-cm calcified lesion located in the right posterior temporal region (Fig 1). Ictal EEG recordings showed seizure onset from the right posterotemporal region. He underwent a right frontotemporoparietal craniotomy under local anesthesia foiexcision of the thrombosed AVM from the posterior portion ofthe right superior tempo¬ ral gyrus at University Hospital in Cincin¬ nati (Ohio) on February 13, 1986, and the intraoperative electrocorticography re¬ vealed epileptiform activity from the inferior portion of the right parietal lobe that was resected. The patient has not experienced generalized seizures since surgery. Three months after surgery the patient developed complex partial seizures, charac¬ terized by eye blinking, staring, and loss of consciousness. There were no generalized tonic-clonic seizures. He became disabled be¬ cause of increasing frequency of the attacks despite trials of various antiepileptic drugs at serum concentrations producing clinical toxicity. Sixteen months following the first proce¬ dure, video/EEG monitoring was performed and showed five clinical complex partial sei¬ zures with an initial blank stare, automa¬ tisms, and postictal confusion. Each seizure rhythmic sharpdischarge from the right sphenoidal electrode, starting simultaneously with the clinical alteration in behavior. Intraopera¬ tive acute surface and depth electrode elec¬ trocorticography showed active epileptiform discharges and polymorphic delta activity from both the amygdala and hippocampus, as well as from the anterior portions ofthe mid¬ dle and inferior temporal gyri. There was no evidence of epileptiform activity or abnormal slowing in the 3 to 4 cm of temporal lobe lying between the previously resected AVM and the electrophysiologically abnormal anterior temporal lobe. Six centimeters of the right anterotemporal lobe, including the amygdala and the anterior 1.5 cm of pes hippocampus, were resected en bloc. Neuropathologic anal¬ ysis of the antero/mesiotemporal lobe was unremarkable. The patient has remained sei- was associated with a clear wave zure free for 3 years following the second procedure. CASE 2.—A 39-year-old right-handed man presented with a 20-year history of general¬ ized seizures. He had denied warning symp¬ toms and had 4 to 6 generalized tonic-clonic seizures per week despite treatment with phenytoin and carbamazepine at serum con¬ centrations producing clinical toxicity. Cere¬ bral angiogram showed a large AVM in the right anterofrontal region (Fig 2, left). An electroencephalogram showed rhythmic sharp and slow activity in the right antero¬ frontal region. A right frontotemporal craniotomy was performed at University Hospital in Cincin¬ nati on June 27, 1986. Intraoperative electro¬ corticography showed active spike and sharp wave activity in the right frontal cortex pos¬ terior to the AVM. The AVM and the cere¬ bral cortex showing epileptiform activity were both resected. Pathologic study re¬ vealed an AVM and gliosis of the removed parenchyma. Postoperative angiogram showed complete excision ofthe AVM (Fig 2, right). The patient has not experienced sei¬ Fig 1.—Computed tomography without (left) and with (right) contrast showed a 2-cm calcified thrombosed arteriovenous malformation in the right posterotemporal region. zures after surgery. During a follow-up visit 6 months after surgery, he mentioned that he had experi¬ enced intermittent episodes of unpleasant and strange smells. Despite serum concen¬ trations of phenytoin and carbamazepine causing clinical toxicity, he continued to have episodes of unpleasant smells followed by complex partial seizures characterized by al¬ tered consciousness and automatisms. He developed two episodes of generalized tonicclonic seizures preceded by lightheadedness and a bad smell. Retrospectively, he admit¬ ted that he has occasionally experienced transient episodes of a "rusty smell" before surgery, but he did not think that was a symptom of epilepsy. Neither a magnetic resonance scan nor an¬ giography revealed abnormalities in the tem¬ poral lobe. Two years later the patient was readmitted for video/EEG monitoring. Four complex partial seizures were recorded showing an initial aura of an unpleasant smell followed by staring, alteration in conscious¬ ness, lip smacking, then secondary general¬ ization. Ictal EEG recording with scalp and sphenoidal electrodes did not adequately lo¬ calize seizure onset, so the patient was read¬ mitted for chronic depth electrode record¬ ings that showed seizure onset from the right hippocampus and amygdala. The patient un¬ derwent a right anterotemporal lobectomy with resection of the amygdala and hippo¬ campus. He has been seizure free for 24 months. Pathologic evaluation of the right temporal lobe was unremarkable. COMMENT Secondary epileptogenesis and kin¬ dling have been observed in experimen¬ tal animal studies, but are not well docu¬ mented in humans.M Kindling was first observed in rats by Goddard1" as the progressive enhancement of electrical and behavioral response to a low-inten¬ sity initially ineffective electrical brain stimulation. The limbic system struc¬ tures, especially the amygdala, are the Fig 2.—Cerebral arteriogram (lateral view) disclosed a large arteriovenous malformation in the right anterofrontal region (left). The postoperative study showed a complete excision of the arteriove¬ nous malformation (right). most sensitive to electrical kindling." The duration of stimulation required for seizures varies in different species; an average of 14 days is needed in rats, 25 days in cats, and 248 days in rhesus monkeys.12 The interictal electrical dis¬ charges propagate and appear indepen¬ dently at distant sites for an indefinite period of time in the animals with kin¬ dling in the amygdala. As in kindled animals, a similar distant independent epileptic discharge is believed to occur in humans with partial seizures.13 Mech¬ anisms similar to those in animal kin¬ dling may cause some poorly controlled seizures in humans. The mirror focus is described as an independent secondary epileptogenic lesion in the brain contralateral and homotopic to the primary focus.14 The question of secondary epi¬ leptogenesis in humans, especially in patients who had epilepsy caused by tu¬ mor ofthe brain, has been addressed.15'16 Twenty-one percent to 36% of patients with epilepsy caused by tumors in var¬ ied locations of the human brain had evidence of secondary epileptogenesis. After surgical removal of the primary lesion, in approximately one third ofthe Downloaded From: by a University of Pennsylvania User on 06/18/2015 patients secondary foci persisted and continued to give rise to clinical sei¬ zures. The clinical course and EEG findings in these two patients provide evidence of a remote, independent epileptic focus after removal of the primary lesion. In both cases, an abnormality outside the mesiotemporal region gave rise to sei¬ zures that were initially controlled by resection of the AVM; however, an in¬ dependent seizure focus developed in the mesiotemporal region and seizures stopped by a second surgical re¬ section of anterior and mesiotemporal structures. The change in the manifes¬ tations of the seizures by history, clini¬ cal observation on video, and ictal EEG all support a region of epileptogenicity anatomically distinct from the region of the AVM capable of producing clinical seizures. Both regions were capable of producing clinically distinct seizures, not merely interictal spikes. Further¬ more, pathologic analysis did not dem¬ onstrate any AVM or residual hemosiderin in the resected mesiotemporal regions, indicating the epileptogenicity was not due to a preexisting structural were abnormality of mesiotemporal struc¬ tures. Secondary epileptogenesis presum¬ ably occurred prior to the surgical exci¬ sion of AVMs. The symptoms from the secondary seizure focus may have exist¬ ed earlier, but were not recognized ini¬ tially in case 2. The first patient denied complex partial seizures before the first surgery. Perhaps the second seizure pattern was clinically enhanced after excision ofthe primary focus, which was associated with more prominent and disabling seizures. Morrell1' postulated that "the density ofthe excitatory synaptic connections of the cells of the primary focus and the excitability of the target cells appear to exert a major influence on the likelihood of development of secondary foci." In the kindling model, the amygdala is the most sensitive site for development of seizures, and in humans, the mesiotem¬ site for poral region is the most common '" complex partial seizures. In case 1, the epileptic discharges may have reached the mesiotemporal region via the fibers of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, which extend from the occipital lobe, pass through the length of the temporal lobe, terminate in the temporal pole, and reach the amygdala by the arcuate fibers. In case 2, discharges may have spread from the orbitofrontal region to the rostral part ofthe ipsilateral tempo¬ ral lobe by the uncinate fasciculus. Several investigators have reported cases where ipsilateral secondary epi¬ leptogenesis was inferred but not prov¬ en. In the cases of Falconer et al19 removal of a lesion outside the mesio¬ temporal lobe produced gradual resolu¬ tion of presumed mesiotemporal onset seizures. Falconer and coworkers' pa¬ tients may have had what Morrell" re¬ fers to as "reversible" secondary epilep¬ togenesis where removal ofthe primary region produces freedom from seizures. Our two cases may have reached the irreversible stage where the secondary focus continues to produce clinical sei¬ zures after removal of the primary focus. Sperling et al3' and Olivier et al21 pre¬ sented cases with predominantly mesio¬ temporal seizures and presumed prima¬ ry epileptogenic regions outside the mesiotemporal region. In Sperling and coworkers' case, a tumor involved lan¬ guage areas of the posterotemporal re¬ gion, but the patient became seizure free after anterotemporal and mesio¬ temporal resection. Olivier and cowork¬ ers' patient had an initial seizure pat¬ tern indicating occipital lobe onset, but after some years also developed inde¬ pendent temporal lobe complex partial seizures. Depth electrode recording demonstrated independent epilepto¬ genic regions in the occipital and in the mesiotemporal areas, and the patient was almost completely seizure free af¬ ter only anterotemporal and mesiotem¬ poral resection. In these two cases, the primary abnormality was not resected, yet removal of a presumed secondary epileptogenic lesion produced a good outcome. It has been postulated that the follow¬ ing mechanisms are active in the patho¬ physiology of epilepsy associated with cerebral AVMs: (1) ischemia ofthe adja¬ cent cerebral cortex due to arteriove¬ nous shunting in the large AVMs; (2) gliosis of the brain surrounding the AVM because of previously subclinical hemorrhage or hemosiderin deposits; and (3) secondary epileptogenesis, es¬ pecially AVMs in the temporal lobe in association with remote epileptogenic foci.22 Therefore, thorough preoper¬ ative and intraoperative EEG studies should be carried out, especially in pa¬ tients who have cerebral AVMs and present with chronic epilepsy. Video/EEG monitoring of seizures is impor¬ tant to demonstrate whether indepen¬ dent regions of seizure onset exist. Ac¬ cording to our previous experience with a favorable result of seizure control of surgically treated patients associated with cerebral AVMs, excision of the AVM along with adjacent or remote epi¬ leptogenic cortex should be considered to optimize seizure control after sur¬ gery23 As in Sperling and coworkers'2" case, if a lesion is in eloquent cortex that cannot be resected but seizures origi¬ nate in an accessible area, resection of only the region producing seizures may produce good seizure control. Continu¬ ous long-term follow-up and réévalua¬ tion of patients who still have seizures after initial resection of cerebral AVM, either the same type or a new type, are important. As we have shown, some pa¬ tients may benefit from a second sur¬ gery to excise the secondary epilepto¬ genic focus to achieve good seizure control. 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