Right Parietal Stroke With Gerstmann's Syndrome Appearance on Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Matthew R. Moore, MD; Jeffrey L. Saver, MD; Keith A. Johnson, MD; Jorge A. Romero, MD \s=b\ We examined a patient who exhibited Gerstmann's syndrome (left-right disorientation, finger agnosia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia) in association with a perioperative stroke in the right parietal lobe. This is the first description of the Gerstmann tetrad occurring in the setting of discrete right hemisphere pathologic findings. A well-localized vascular lesion was demonstrated by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and single-photon emission computed tomographic studies. The patient had clinical evidence of reversed functional cerebral dominance and radiologic evidence of reversed anatomic cerebral asymmetries. (Arch Neurol. 1991 ;48:432-435) '"Phe localization of focal cerebral lesions causing the tetrad of symp¬ toms—finger agnosia, left-right disori¬ entation, agraphia, and acalculia—has been debated since Gerstmann's name was first attached to the syndrome.u In almost all cases with focal pathologic appearance, the lesion has been local¬ ized to the left parietal cortex (angular and second occipital gyri,13 supramar¬ ginal gyrus, and superior parietal lob¬ ule1; superior angular, supramarginal, and inferior parietal gyri'; and posterior perisylvian region11). Strub and GeschAccepted for publication October 3, 1990. From the Departments of Neurosurgery (Dr Moore) and Neurology (Drs Saver and Romero), Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the Department of Neurology (Dr Johnson), Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Reprint requests to Department of Neurosurgery, Children's Hospital Medical Center, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (Dr Moore). wind,' reviewing all reported cases in the world literature through 1983, found only four instances in which dis¬ crete right hemisphere lesions were suspected. All of these cases, however, were reported prior to the computed tomographic (CT) era, and precise neuroanatomic localization based on their reported clinical features is difficult. We present anatomic and metabolic studies demonstrating a right hemi¬ sphere lesion in a sinistrai woman who exhibited Gerstmann's syndrome in as¬ sociation with a well-localized vascular lesion confirmed by CT, magnetic reso¬ nance imaging (MRI), and single-pho¬ ton emission computed tomography (SPECT), indicating regional cerebral perfusion and metabolism. This case is unique to the literature in its extensive imaging of an underlying right parietal stroke. REPORT OF A CASE A 57-year-old left-handed white woman days after the operative place¬ ment of a single coronary artery bypass graft and primary closure of an atrial septal defect. During the first day postoperatively, her re¬ covery seemed uneventful, although she did not speak very much. On the second postop¬ erative morning, the staff noted that she seemed to be having some difficulty express¬ ing herself, particularly with word finding, and a neurological consultation was re¬ was seen 2 quested. Her medical history was notable for an inferior wall myocardial infarction 1 year pri¬ or to admission and mild hypertension. She had had no history of cerebrovascular acci¬ dents, transient ischemie attacks, or seizures and was neurologically intact on admission. The patient had a college education. The fam¬ ily history was notable for left-handedness in the patient's daughter. Downloaded From: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/ by a University of Calgary User on 05/27/2015 The general medical examination was nota¬ ble for a midline sternotomy incision. No ca¬ rotid bruits or cardiac murmurs were observed. On neurologic examination, the patient was alert, oriented, and cooperative. Atten¬ tion was relatively intact (digit span, six for¬ ward and four backward, and preserved abil¬ ity to name months backward). Language testing revealed occasional hesitancies in spontaneous speech, with mild word-finding difficulties and occasional literal and verbal paraphasic error. Prosody was preserved. Repetition was also mildly impaired, with some hesitation and occasional paraphasic substitutions. Confrontation naming of ob¬ jects in the room and elements ofthe examin¬ er's clothing and body parts was performed with better than 90% accuracy. Comprehen¬ sion was unimpaired, as demonstrated by appropriate verbal responses to questions and correct execution of simple and multiplestep directives. Striking right-left confusion was noted. Any task that required right-left discrimina¬ tion led to hesitation, frustration, and re¬ peated errors in execution. She was unable to identify digits on either hand: she could not reliably name the digits and made frequent errors in trying to follow commands instruct¬ ing her to identify or utilize a specific digit on her own hand or on the hand ofthe examiner. She was aware of her difficulty and was frus¬ trated by it. This finger-naming difficulty was in sharp contrast with her only mildly im¬ paired ability to name objects and colors on confrontation, including low-frequency items. She was unable to perform any calcu¬ lations, exclaiming "I can't visualize the math." Even very simple calculations, such as adding 12 +13 or determining the number of nickels in 75 cents, could not be carried out. She appeared to understand the task and began calculating mentally; she then became confused, lost track of her work, and needed to start over. Her performance did not im¬ prove with the use of pencil and paper. Reading was significantly impaired. The patient read sentences out loud slowly, ef- Fig 1. —Computed tomographic scans without intravenous contrast (axial, four adjacent 8-mm spaced images) taken on postoperative day 3 showing the right parieto-occipital low density in the angular gyrus (top left) extending superiorly just into inferior parietal gyrus and medially to the optic radiations. fortfully, and monotonously, as if reading an unrelated list of words. Her comprehension of written passages was negligible. She was able to write only slowly and effortfully, with very poor penmanship, spelling errors, and omissions with drifting of the written line down and to the right on the page. When writing, she held her left hand in a "noninverted" posture. She evidenced no difficulty with constructions, drawing a clockface, and copying a cube with internal details accurate¬ ly. Memory was unimpaired. She visually explored both sides of space, and there was no extinction to tactile simultaneous stimulation. Results from the cranial nerve examina¬ tion were notable for a left homonymous hemianopic visual field defect, denser in the inferior quadrant, and mild weakness ofthe lower face on the left side. Examination of the extremities showed mild pronator drift of the left upper extrem- ity but good strength on individual musclegroup testing and normal tone. Fine-motor control was unimpaired. Sensory testing to pin, touch, vibration, position, graphesthe¬ sia, and stereognosis was normal. Finger-tonose, heel-to-shin testing was normal. Gait was normal. Reflexes were 1 and symmetri¬ cal. Plantar responses were flexor. The patient scored -1.0 on the modified Oldfield handedness battery. A perioperative cerebrovascular accident in the right middle cerebral distribution was suspected. A CT scan without contrast (Fig 1 ) on postoperative day 3 revealed a discrete right parieto-occipital wedge-shaped hypodensity (5 x 2.5 cm) in the angular gyrus. The area of lucency began at the level ofthe ven¬ tricular atrium and extended superiorly through three adj acent 8-mm axial CT images to the inferior parietal lobule and medially to the optic radiations. On postoperative day 4, the patient's Downloaded From: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/ by a University of Calgary User on 05/27/2015 speech was fluent without paraphasic errors, and she had only minimal difficulty in repeat¬ ing long gramatically complex sentences. Her facial asymmetry had resolved, and the field defect had_ improved to a moderate left inferior quadrant anopsia. The patient underwent SPECT neuro¬ imaging studies on postoperative day 7 with hexamethyl propylenamine oxime (technetium Tc 99m-HMPAO). The isotope uptake at 20 minutes after the injection shows a defect on axial view (Fig 2) of equivalent size to the hypodensity on CT scan. The three-dimen¬ sional surface reconstruction (Fig 3) places the hypoperfused region in the superior right parieto-occipital cortex (posterior angular gyrus) and underlying white matter. On postoperative day 9, the patient under¬ went a cranial MRI scan in multiple planes for further evaluation of the vascular lesion. Figure 4 shows the coronal and axial images. The cerebral gyri are identified and show an Fig 2. —Single-photon emission computed tomographic/hexamethylpropyleneamine (HM-PAO) axial image 20 minutes after injection on postoperative day 7. Note the similar perfusion defect in the right parietooccipital region (patient's right on left of image). Color scale is such that yellow indicates regions with greatest HM-PAO concentration and dark blue indicates lowest HM-PAO activity. Fig 3.—Three-dimensional surface reconstruction of the single-photon emission computed tomographic/hexamethylpropyleneamine images shown in Fig 2, viewed from the right posterior oblique angle. Note the shape and extensive defect inferior and posterior to the angular gyrus. Fig 4. —Left, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), modified coronal plane (TR, 2000 milliseconds; TE, 35 milliseconds), anterior extent of increased signal of lesion. Inferior parietal gyrus (I), angular gyrus (A), and sylvian fissure (S) are indicated. Right, MRI, modified axial plane (TR, 2000 milliseconds; TE, 70 milliseconds), imaging through temporo-occipital lobes shows an area of heterogeneous cortical signal (arrow) in posterior inferior angular gyrus with extension of increased signal intensity (edema[e]) to adjacent occipital gyrus. The temporal operculum (T) and sylvian fissure (S) are shown. area of heterogeneous cortical signal in the posterior inferior angular gyrus with exten¬ sion of increased signal intensity (edema) to adjacent occipital gyri. Both MRI and CT images were analyzed for anatomic asymmetries that have been proposed to correlate with functional cere- bral were asymmetry. Standardized methods employed to analyze sylvian fissure '"fronto-occipital petalias,""'! and size of planum temporale (modified). Each of these techniques demonstrated a reversal of the most common pattern of asymmetry found in right-handed subjects: (1) the postecourse, Downloaded From: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/ by a University of Calgary User on 05/27/2015 rior sylvian fissure on the right extended more horizontally and posteriorly than it did on the left (demonstrated in Fig 4, left); (2) on both MRI and CT studies, left frontal and right occipital lobes exhibited greater width and length (petalia) than did their counter¬ parts; and (3) asymmetry of the posterior opercular demarcation, consistent with a larger planum temporale in the right hemi¬ sphere than in the left, was noted. COMMENT It is recognized that the four compo¬ nents of Gerstmann's syndrome in an individual patient may manifest to a variable degree.' In our patient, fin¬ ger agnosia and left-right disorienta¬ tion were prominently affected. Her agraphia, characterized by paragraphia with mispellings and syntax errors and spatial dysgraphia (poor word align¬ ment across a page), was mild. Her acal- culia was also severe, and of the type, anarithmetria,2'1 that is most common¬ ly associated with Gerstmann's syn¬ drome. Additionally, our patient exhib¬ ited alexia and a mild posterior aphasia—deficits that have been noted to not infrequently accompany Gerst¬ mann's tetrad (the angular gyrus syn¬ drome). The major impairment in finger ' identification, left-right discrimination, and calculations was disproportionate to the mild deficit in oral language func¬ tion. Evidence of constructional apraxia or hemispatial neglect was absent. We believe that ours is the first pa¬ tient to be described with Gerstmann's syndrome resulting from a focal right hemisphere lesion that has been fully documented by CT, MRI, and SPECT studies. Strub and Geschwind's' review of all reported cases through 1983 noted only four patients suggested to have dis¬ crete right hemisphere lesions, with 68 patients with left hemisphere lesions, 20 with bilateral lesions, and four with either left hemisphere or bilateral le¬ sions. Our review ofthe literature since has yielded no additional right hemi¬ sphere cases. All four right hemisphere cases preceded the advent of modern neuroimaging. The two patients de¬ scribed by Heimberger et al1" are listed in a table but are not clearly identified in the accompanying individual case de¬ scriptions. It appears likely that one of the cases they listed as right hemi¬ sphere was a patient described as hav¬ ing a large right hemisphere glioblas¬ toma with midline shift and an elec¬ troencephalogram displaying slowing on the left side; thus, this patient almost certainly had undergone a pathologic event bilaterally. Heimberger et al'6 provided no detailed description of a second patient with clinical evidence of a discrete right hemisphere lesion. In Kinsbourne and Warrington's1' case, lo¬ calization was based on accompanying clinical signs and electroencephalo¬ graphic findings—no confirmatory ana¬ tomic studies were provided. Hermann and Potzl'sls 1926 case had a right occipi¬ tal tumor discovered at surgery, with- out exploration or postmortem exami¬ nation of the left hemisphere to exclude a bilateral process. Gerstmann suggested that the symp¬ tom cluster of finger agnosia, right-left disorientation, agraphia, and acalculia indicated lesions in the dominant pari¬ etal lobe, situated in the great propor¬ tion of right-handers and most left¬ handers in the left hemisphere. We hypothesize that our patient had strongly reversed functional cerebral lateralization so that a right parietal le¬ sion could produce the constellation of signs of Gerstmann's syndrome. Our pa¬ tient was strongly left-handed (modi¬ fied Oldfield handedness score, -1). A family history of left-handedness in a first-degree relative was known. (Evi¬ dence of a genetic component to deter¬ mination of handedness has been re¬ viewed by Levy.111) The patient wrote with a noninverted hand posture, which has been suggested to indicate likely contralateral hemispheric (here, right hemispheric) dominance for speech.2" The patient also experienced alexia and mild posterior aphasia following her iso¬ lated right hemisphere insult, further suggesting that she had had major rep¬ resentation of language function in the right hemisphere. Moreover, a number of investigators have identified anatomic asymmetries that may correlate with functional cere¬ bral asymmetry.814 Our patient exhib¬ ited reversed asymmetry for several of these anatomic findings. The posterior sylvian fissure on the right extended more horizontally and posteriorly than did its counterpart, suggesting that the temporal and parietal opercula were larger on the right than on the left. The planum temporale, a major component of the temporal speech region of Wernicke, was larger in the right hemi¬ sphere than in the left. Thus, our pa¬ tient exhibited both a pattern of anomalous functional motorie and lin¬ guistic dominance and a reversal of ana¬ tomic brain asymmetries that may com¬ prise the biologic substrate of functional lateralization. In addition to the variable defi¬ cit severity of each component in Gerstmann's syndrome,' some have remarked that deficit improvement oc¬ curs at different rates longitudinally.21 Similarly, we noted improvement in this patient's writing ability and rightleft orientation at 1 week postoperative¬ ly (postvascular event). In this well-documented instance of a focal right hemisphere lesion producing Gerstmann's syndrome, the pathologic event was situated primarily in the pos¬ terior parietal lobe. Thus, this case pro¬ vides further evidence to supplement Downloaded From: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/ by a University of Calgary User on 05/27/2015 the findings drawn from numerous pre¬ viously reported left hemisphere cases that the lesion most likely to produce Gerstmann's syndrome is placed in the dominant posterior parietal region. The authors thank Mathias-Victor Schromm for bibliographic assistance. References 1. Gerstmann J. Fingeragnosie und isolierte Agraphie, ein neues Syndrom. Z Gesamte Neurol Psychiatrie. 1927;108:381-402. 2. Gerstmann J. Syndrome of finger agnosia, disorientation for right and left, agraphia and acalculia. Arch Neurol Psychiatry. 1940;44:398-408. 3. Levine DN, Mani RB, Calvanio R. 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