Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 161, Suppl., Occipital Lobe Emission Tomography 139-153 Infarction and Positron KOICHI TAGAWA,Ken NAGATAand FUMIO SHISHIDO* Division of Neurology and* Radiology Research institute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita 010 TAGAWA, K., NAGATA,K. and SHISHIDO,F. Occipital Lobe Infarction and Positron Emission Tomography. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 161, Suppl., 139-153 Even though the PET study revealed a total infarct in the territory of the left PCA in our 3 cases of pure alesia, it is still obscure which part of the left occipital lobe is most closely associated with the occurence of the pure alexia. In order to elucidate the intralobar localization of the pure alexia, it is needed to have an ideal case who shows an pure alexia due to the localized lesion within the left occipital lobe. Furthermore, high-resolution PET scanner will circumvent the problem in detecting the metabolism and blood flow in the corpus callosum which plays an important role in the pathogenesis. We have shown that the occlusion of the right PCA also produced a left unilateral agnosia which is one of the common neurological signs in the right MCA infarction. To tell whether the responsible lesion for the unilateral spatial agnosia differs between the PCA occlusion and the MCA occlusion, the correlation study should be carried out in a greater number of the subjects. Two distinctive neuropsychological manifestations, cerebral color blidness and prosopagnosia, have been considered to be produced by the bilateral occipital lesion. The PET studies disclosed reduction of blood flow and oxygen metabolism in both occipital lobes in our particular patient who exibited cerebral color blindness and posopagnosia. posterior cerebral artery occlusion; positron emission CT; pure alexia; visual and visuo-spatial agnosia Lesions in the occipital lobe are known to cause the particular neuropsychological features in addition to the visual field defects. The dominant hemisphere lesion causes a pure alexia and color agnosia, whereas the bilateral involvement causes prosopagnosia, cerebral color blindness and/or object agnosia. The lesion in the non-dominant occipital lobe often causes a unilateral spatial agnosia. The occipital lobe is supplied by the posterior cerebral artery. By means of quantitative measurements of cerebral blood flow and metabolism utilizing the positron emission tomography (PET), the present study was endeavored to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the neuropsychological features due to the occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery. Preseit address and reprint requests to: Koichi Fukuoka-higashi Hospital, 1612 Kubo, Koga-machi, 139 Tagawa, The Stroke Center, National Kasuya-gun, Fukuoka 811-31, Japan. 140 K. Tagawa SUBJECTS The study included ages ranged between 57 occluded in 4 patients, the right Three out of 4 patients with the right PCA occlusion One of was PCAs were occluded PCA showed a pure neglect both PCAs The bral blood ing as PET method. to the (CBF), oxygen alexia. In a pure alexia (alexic in spite Five patients of with artery (MCA) region. Their mean analyze group) were as a control group included studies in Fig. 1, 3 slices at 42.5, 50.0 and 57.5mm respectively. We may call respectively. The regional the mean value and mean spatial the was cerebral regions in the were regional exhibited a left was established for the unilateral with those occlusion of obtained the Prosopagnosia and demonstrated by color blindness. the the pixels the left occlusion of 1978). oxygen-15 this steady system: cerebral cere- blood volume for the plane data upper by (rCBF) by 1985). the the left middle occipital measured for left occipital lobe. The of the the of the pixel onset). in print-out the regional al. were established parts averaging in were averaging and of 1 month on a pure et values the than exhibit- exhibit arteries PET in (later and not group)(Tagawa (18•~30mm) calculated 3 patients did perforating orbitomeatal middle alexia, regional stage regional PET spatial agnosia right posterior agnosia" on from middle ), the PET left As each occipital data at lobe, each ROI CMRO2,(rCMRO2). the 3 regional of images, The values; mean (mCMRO2). unilateral at the the who (ROIs) calculated The spatial 135 CBF was CMRO2, interest the a lower, lobe with by pure (non-alexic of chronic above as PCA the Quantitative of agnosia. ROI compared the slices; (mCBF) who years. values Unilateral lesion to PET 57.6 consisting occipital patient for ROIs the CBF The performed 3 different 2 patients of shown the for with territory placing of both a unlilateral (Tagawa (CMRO2 data the PET were PET compared in and occlusion to The and displayed provided artery years. (OEF). the infarct was the according oxygen left were by of 66.6 1 patient, patients were the age two cerebral was in blindness III of CBF on CMRO2 rate posterior age occluded the color the mean was occlusion an cerebral to PCA parameters metabolic of the HEADTOME fraction order an the occlusion years; cerebral circulatory extraction Pure alexia with cerebral 73 field. and different an and with visual out with patient right carried Four and A a prosopagnosia was flow 2 patients. alexia. showed state (CBV) in 7 patients METHODS Their PCA spatial and present (PCA). left et al. the cerebral artery cerebral color blindness. PET studies in were due parietal the patients data to analyzed the lobe quantitatively occlusion which print-out PET exhibiting a unilateral of is right called images. The spatial in the "a PCA. classical results were agnosia due (MCA). a The patients distribution who exhibited of the a ischemic lesions prosopagnosia and Fig. 1. Location of the regions of interest (ROIs) on the print-out PET data. The mean of the ROI values from the 3 slices served the occipital regional values. a Occipital Lobe Infarction and PET 141 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pure alexia Table izes 1 shows the PET occipital The the data mCBF left mCMRO2 mCBF mCBF mCBF and alexic group was ml/min) and than were were significance in of in 40.8•}3.6 and was for found among the the left alexic group 3.17•}0.58 3.00•}0.15 the rCBF In and were <0.01). in the the control groups. the control group, left Both lower occipital in the mCBF alexic group, control group, respectively. or mCMRO2 between in the part of mCBF was the respectively. right left mCMRO2 significantly The the occipital the 2 summer- between and and 3.10•}0.18, lobe in Table nonalexic group. (p group. relationship ml/min) 43.0•}3.5 and right alexic the alexic, occipital the the (ml/100 control 36.0•}9.0 in 2 illustrates were, the the rCMRO2 Fig. 18.4•}2.2 mCMRO2 mCMRO2 mCMRO2 they and (ml/100 occipital and 3 groups. occipital 1.68•}0.11 rCBF in and respectively, while No the two of the left the middle group. In the occipital lobe part were 41.6•} 6.2 for the or group, the 16.6•}3.4 38.1•}4.4 42.6•}2.7 and lobe. rCBF 1.77•}0.51, and the rCMRO2 1.49•}0.25, and respectively. Relationship Both CBF without occlusion The and pure was no the regional were alexia. •œ, without pure left alexia; •¡, predirection for the the control of the the middle part were the upper rCMRO2 of the CMRO2 in CBF and in those occlusion control with with left basal group. left of In the the alexic occipital lobe were part 18.8•}1.6 were, 19.7•}7.0 and of right part the left occpital lobe. alexia than those a lexia; •›, ganglia were obtained lower pure pure part were distribution of of upper data part lower PCA the lower and between of regional in those CMRO2 those similar Those rCBF Those lobe respectively. respectively, 2. in and The occipital lower respectively. respectively There within rCMRO2 2.82•}0.26, respectively. occipital rCMRO2 1.79•}0.21, and and 3.08•}0.34, 3.10•}0.38, and Fig. group, were and right rCBF and control infarction. left the PCA 142 K. Tagawa et al. Occipital occipital lobe part were were 35.5•}9.8 36.9•}8.1 and One the of left group the rCBF or rCMRO2 two patients who those their of the a visual the field x-ray left CT temporal as showed that the with mCMRO2 of the left alexia, occipital there They 51.1% and 53.0% of of the group, lobe and 54.2% tendency was extracted or rCMRO2 within the One either of the occlusion those as of high to the left the two patients showed his the control as The within those pure mCBF and group. The which the ability the by the left occlusion of the left cause the pure with occlusion of lesion and the ischemic an important role results of the aspects of blood were markedly with those group that a in generally thought of Therefore, The alexia. left PCA the development genesis of study with and metabolism, reduced in the left normal reading in including those with complete occlusion has with the of may produce a been accepted that is the the spite is the As mCBF and mCMRO2 the alexic PCA group and mCMRO2 disturbed relative the lesions in areas seen present or upon the et al. with the not in 1978). play In which blood flow and oxygen metabolism the alexic group as the in PCA ganglionic left PCA severe form of pure the lesion of the occlusion small at provided its or with the quantitative with infarcts. origin the extension may studies lobe the were does not circulation (Tagawa group. the however, depend or and frequently is rCBF of which alexia alexia the control spite by PCA, to of side. distribution mCBF left collateral occpital of caused of PET and other and in severely considered pure the mCBF the of callosum, the the part in of the be pure both basal the the both of with alexia of lower studies mCBF those to the decrease alexia was pure Whether the the the in intra-lobar pure corpus occlusion this respectively. showed the did In distribution ability splenium PCA. present reading flow circulation It PCA. patient right group. respectively. compared a a lobe, occipital as alexic control the between other in and or exhibit mCMRO2 alexia irrigated of not the the only of severe group, occlusion of who those group; intra-lobar group, did a study. the patient PET occipital control from group. lobe alexic alexic control writing was the the the intact patient of alexic who there in in occipital always those right the other the those control rCMRO2 by with occipital specific derived were for territory. reduction left rCBF data middle part this of localized PCA compared the No was left significant the the area the the a with of in as of of those within in spite those the was mCMRO2 42.8% as upper exhibited in the tendency between lobe compared were in of the lobe alexia patient infarct was of specific occipital mCMRO2 high quantitative patients were pure which those an This and Those no mCMRO2 group. mCBF were the the display and defect lobe Summarizing not mCBF The and was within control hemianopsia. have the showed respectively. There did 143 and PET respectively, of and patient, of 3.21•}0.61, the PCA Infarction 3.12•}0.72, respectively. homonyous not and and 3.17•}0.51, distribution of 35.8•}10.0 Lobe compared the control This indicates a poor collateral in addition alexia. callosal splenium to the K. Tagawa 144 et al. lesion of the inferior medial aspect of the left occipital lobe causes a pure alexia. Based on the pathological findings of 17 cases who exhibited this syndrome, Benson and Geschwind (1969) reported that, in addition to the callosal lesions, the occipital lesions located at the left lingual gyrus and/or the left fusiform gyrus with an expansion to the left cuneus and the left calcarine cortex by a various degree. Although they did not asserted that the callosal lesion was indespensable for the ocurrence of the pure alexia, they concluded that there had been so far no other reported lesion than the left occipital lobe lesion and the callosal splenium that could cause a pure alexia. Greenblatt (1983) confirmed the same lesions responsible for the pure alexia in 10 autopsied cases. Recently, on the other hand, Greenblatt (1976) reported that subcortical lesions adjacent to the left angular gyrus caused a pure alexia. There is still a controversy about the responsible lesion for the pure alexia. It should be clarified with new diagnostic devices whether a even localized lesion can produce a severe form of pure alexia or extensive lesion can only cause a severe form of this syndrome. However, the results of the PET studies could not bring a conclusion to this question because the detection of the blood flow or metabolism in the corpus callosum was still beyond of the resolution of PET studies. Until now it is difficult to detect the regional values of CBF or CMRO2,in the lingual gyrus or in the fusiform gyrus by the present precedure. It is needed to elucidate the intra-lobar localization with the PET studies in respect to the severity of pure alexia by accumulating of the Fig. 3. CT findings is shown of a patient in the territory with pure alexia. of the left PCA. An extensive low density area Occipital Lobe Infarction and PET Fig. 4. PET findings of a patient with pure alexia. CBF images (a); CMRO2 images (b). Corresponding to the CT lesion, both CBF and CMRO2 were reduced markedly in the territory of the left PCA. 145 146 K. Tagawa et al cases and improving of in ROI setting. Illustrative case report. A 67-year-old right-handed man noticed a numbness in his right hand on March 3, 1982. There had been a progression in his neurological deficits and he became right hemiparetic with a right hemihypesthesia in a week. Then he complained of difficulty in seeing thing on his right side. He was hospitalized on March 18. On admission, he exhibited a right homonymous hemianopsia and a mild right hemiparesis with a right hemihypesthesia accompanied by a paresthesia. He also showed a severe impairment in reading, a mild sensory aphasia and color naming difficulty. Vertebral angiography revealed an occlusion of the left PCA at the crural segment. The x-ray CT showed a extensive low density area in the territory of the left PCA. After admission, he showed a rapid improvement in the aphasia and the motor and sensory disturbance. The neuropsychological evaluation performed after the recovery from the aphasia disclosed a severe form of pure alexia and a color agnosia. The reading was severely impaired for both Kanji and Kana at the level of letter, word and sentence and he was unable to carry out practical reading. Although his spontaneous writing or dictation were normal, the copying was Fig. 5. PET findings of a patient exhibiting a left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the infarct in the territoy of the right MCA. CBF images (top), CMRO2 (middle) and OEF images (bottom). Both CBF and CMRO2,were reduced at the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes on the right hemisphere. Occipital Lobe Infarction and PET 147 severely impaired. There was no significant effects from the motor facilitation in reading (kinesthetic reading). The color naming difficulty disappeared within 3 months of onset. There was no change in the right homonymous hemianopsia throughout. His neuropsychological features has been followed for 4 years but the practical reading had not improved yet and he still exhibited a severe pure alexia. The PET studies performed 21 months after the onset disclosed a reduction of CBF and CMRO2 in the territory of the left PCA, which corresponded to the lesion on the x-ray CT (Figs. 3, 4). Left unilateral spatial agnosia Fig. 5 shows the PET findings in a patient with left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the infarct in the right MCA territoy. There was a reduction of CBF and CMRO2at the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes on the right hemisphere, which is known to be the classical lesion responsible for the left unilateral spatial agnosia. Fig. 6 shows a distribution of rCBF and rCMRO2 measured at the posterior part of the right parietal lobe in 16 occasions in 11 patients with left unilateral spatial agnosia (Tagawa et al. 1986). When they were compared with those without left unilateral agnosia, the distribution of the two groups overlapped between 25 and 35 ml/100 ml/min for rCBF, and between 1.8 and 2.2 ml/100 ml/min for rCMRO2. The values around these levels were considered to be the threshold for the ocurrence of the left unilateral spatial Fig. 6. Relationship the right unilateral two between regional parietal lobe. Both spatial agnosia than patient groups between 1.8 spatial agnosia. and coexisted 2.2 ml/100 CBF and CBF and in the CMRO2 CMRO2 in were control group. between 25 and 35 ml/min for CMRO2. •›, ml/100 The the posteior lower in part those distribution ml/min control: •œ, for of with of CBF, unilateral the and K. Tagawa 148 et al. agnosia. Since the CBF values may vary according to the stage of cerebral infarction because of the luxury perfusion phenomenon, the CMRO2 that is stable in the course of cerebral infarction can be the reliable indicator for brain function. The CMRO2, below 2.0 ml/100 ml/min is considered to cause a left unilateral spatial agnosia. These results were compared with the PET findings in a patient who exhibited a left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the occlusion of the right PCA in respect to the pathogenetic mechanism of the left unilateral spatial agnosia. Illustrative case report. A 61 year-old rigth-handed man became unable to return to his bedroom when he went to the restroom on October 4, 1983. He was hospitalized on Octchober 7. On admission, the neurological examination revealed a left homonymous hemianopsia, a topographical disorientation and a left unilateral spatial agnosia The vertebral angiography disclosed an occlusion of the right PCA at the ambient segment. Extensive infarct was seen at the right occipital lobe on x-ray CT (Fig. 7). The PET studies performed 13 days after onset showed a marked reduction of both CBF and CMRO2,is the territory of the right PCA (Fig. 8). At the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes on the right hemisphere, the rCBF was 31.3 ml/100ml/min, which was included in the threshold range for the occurrence of the unilateral spatial agnosia, whereas the rCMRO2 was 2.61 ml/100 ml/min, which was above the Fig. 7. CT findings occlusion of the occipital lobe. of a patient right PCA. with a left unilateral An extensive spatial infarct was agnosia seen due to the in the right Occipital Lobe Infarction and PET Fig. 8. PET findings in a patient with a left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the occlusion of the right PCA. CBF images (a); CMRO2 imges (b). Both CBF and CMRO2 were markedly reduced in the territory of the right PCA . 149 150 threshold K. Tagawa et al. level. The responsible lesion for left unilateral spatial agnosia has been believed to be located at the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes or the area between the parietal and occipital lobes on the right hemisphere (Brain and Domasio 1941; Paterson and Zangwill 1944). Since these areas are included in the right MCA territory, those patients who has an infarct is the territory of the right MCA frequently develope a left unilateral agnosia. In addition, a subcortical hemorrhage at the junctional area also may causative of the left unilateral spatial agnosia and even a right putaminal hemorrhage which has an effects on the junctional area also causes a left unilateral spatial agnosia. Furthermore, a right frontal lobe lesion, an occlusion of the rigth PCA, a right thalamic hemorrhage and an occlusion of the right anterior choroidal artery were reportedly causative for the left unilateral spatial agnosia. We previously reported a patient who displayed a left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the occlusion of the right PCA (Tagawa et al. 1978). The single photon emission CT (SPECT) was carried out on another patient with reference to the pathogenetic mechanism of the left unilateral spatial agnosia in the right PCA occlusion (Tagawa et al. 1982). Although the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobe is in general considered to belong to the territory of the posterior branch of the MCA, this area can be also regarded as a border zone between the MCA territory and the PCA territory. Even if the MCA was occluded, the junctional area can be preserved and the left unilateral spatial agnosia does not occur when the collateral blood flow is sufficient from the PCA. In those with left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the occlusion of the right MCA, an occlusion of the MCA is the crucial factor in causing the left unilateral spatial agnosia but the poor collateral circulation from the PCA can be also the important factor from the hemodynamic point of view. In case with an occlusion of the PCA, the area supplyed by the cortical branch can be preserved when the collateral blood flow is sufficient from the MCA. There is a possibility that the junctional area between the MCA and PCA became ischemic in a case with an occlusion of the PCA when the collateral blood flow is poor from the MCA. The SPECT study revealed an ischemic lesion at the border zone area between the right MCA and the right PCA territory in the patient who showed a left unilateral patial agnosia with an occlusion of the right PCA. If it can be substantiated that an infarct occurrs at the junctional area among the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes when the collateral blood flow is poor from the MCA in a case with an occlusion of the PCA, the classical lesion may account for the left unilateral spatial agnosia in a patient with an occlusion of the right PCA. In the prenent results with PET studies, however, the rCBF decreased as the threshold level whereas the rCMRO2 was still preserved above the threshold level at the junctional area among the right temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. The left unilateral spatial agnosia due to the occlusion of the right PCA may differ from Occipital Lobe Infarction and PET 151 that due to the right MCA occlusion in the deeper lesion involving the connecting fibers. The reduction of CBF at the classical region might participate at least in the genesis of the left unilateral spatial agnosia in our patient. Further systematic study is needed with a larger number of the subjects to elucidate the pathophysiological differences of the left unilateral spatial agnosia between the right PCA and the right MCA. Cerebral color blindness and prosopagnosia Illustrative case report. A 67-year-old ambidextrous man complained of difficulty in recognizing the faces of the familiar person and he often lost his way to his home when he went out in April, 1983. He complained of a visual disturbance and he was hospitalized on July 4, 1983. On admission , close examination disclosed a concentric restriction of the whole visual field and his visual acuity was mildly decreased in both fields. He exhibited a severe memory disturbance, prosopagnosia, color blindness and topographical disorientation . Color naming, color sorting and color matching were severely impaired. He also showed difficulties in coloring of outline drawings. lshihara screening test and hue discrimination were severely abnormal. The cerebral angiography revealed a complete occlusion of the right PCF and the left PCA territory was poorly visualized. There were low density areas in both occipital lobes on CT (Fig . 9). Fig. 9. CT findings of a patients with cerebral color blindness and prosopagnosia due to the infarction of both PCA territories. Low density areas were demonstrated in both occipital lobes. 152 Fig. 10. PET findings of a K. Tagawa et al. patients with cerebral color blindness and prosopagnosia. CBF images (top), CMRO2 images (middle) and OEF images (bottom). Reduction of CBF and CMRO2 was marked in both PCA territories. The PET was performed 9 day after onset. Both CBF ane CMRO2 were marked- ly reduced in both PCA territories corresponding to the CT lesions (Fig. 10). It has been speculated based on the clinicopathological investigations that the bilateral occipital lesion is responsible for the prosopagnosia and cerebral blindness (Damasio and Damasio 1983). In this case, color blindness prosopagnosia are considered PCA territories. to be related to the severe ischemic damage color and in both References 1) Benson, D.F. & Geschwind, N. (1969) The alexias. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, edited by P.J. Vinken & G.W. Bruyn, Vol. 4, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 112-140. 2) Brain, A.R. & Damasio, A. (1941) Visual disorientation with special reference to lesion of the right cerebral hemisphare. Brain, 64, 244-272. 3) Damasio, A.R. & Damasio, A. 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