American J o u r n a l of Medical Genetics 36951-257 (1990) Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis With Cerebral White Matter Lesions David H. Gutmann, Kenneth H. Fischbeck, and John Kamholz Department of Neurology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia A family is described with 5 males in a single generation affected with a previously undescribed complicated form of hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP). The disease is characterized by speech difficulties, lower limb spasticity and hyper-reflexia, mental retardation, cerebellar ataxia, and tremor. The disease starts in the first decade of life and progresses for 3 to 6 years before stabilizing. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrates bilateral posterior periventricular white matter lesions. Visual evoked responses are markedly prolonged, but electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity studies are normal. Three of the 4 living affected members of this pedigree exhibit red-green color vision defects. The presentation of a new complicated hereditary spastic paraparesis syndrome in this pedigree extends our understanding of the variability and heterogeneity of this syndrome and suggests an approach for the evaluation of similar families in future genetic studies. KEY WORDS: leukodystrophy, hereditary white matter disease, dysmyelination, X-linked recessive INTRODUCTION Hereditary neurological disorders which result in spastic paraparesis can be separated into 2 subgroups based on whether the phenotype is “pure” or “complicated.’’ Pure hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP), or Strumpell disease, is manifested clinically by lower limb spasticity and hyper-reflexia without other neurological findings [Holmes and Shaywitz, 19771.This form may be a n autosomal dominant (McKusick 182601, recessive (McKusick 27080), or X-linked (McKusick 31292) trait Received for publication August 31, 1989; revision received November 3, 1989. Address reprint requests to Dr. David H. Gutmann, Neurology Department, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. 0 1990 Wiley-Liss, Inc. with variable onset and clinical severity [McKusick, 19881. Pathological analysis suggests corticospinal and posterior column tract degeneration and demyelination without involvement of the brain above the level of the medulla. In one X-linked pure HSP pedigree, linkage was demonstrated to a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker in the q21-22 region of the X-chromosome [Keppen et al., 19871. Complicated HSP pedigrees are clinically variable and genetically heterogeneous. In addition to lower limb spasticity and hyper-reflexia, these kinships may have associated nystagmus, pigmentary abnormalities (McKusick 27075, 270681, mental retardation, sensory neuropathy, optic atrophy (McKusick 18283),cerebellar ataxia (McKusick 270551, movement disorders (McKusick 18280, 31289), motor neuron disease with amyotrophy (McKusick 18270), or sensorineural deafness (McKusick 31291). Complicated HSP can likewise be autosomal dominant (McKusick 18260), autosomal recessive (McKusick 270801, or X-linked (McKusick 31290). In one X-linked complicated HSP kinship (McKusick 31290), linkage was demonstrated to a n RFLP marker in the q28 region of the X chromosome [Kenwrick et al., 19861. Few of these pedigrees have been evaluated biochemically, radiographically, or electrophysiologically to exclude other known metabolic or dysmyelinating diseases. Here, we report a previously undescribed type of complicated HSP with cerebral white matter lesions in 5 boys. This disorder is distinct from PelizaeusMerzbacher disease and other leukodystrophy and HSP syndromes by clinical and biochemical analysis. The relationship of this condition to previously described HSP syndromes is discussed in the context of a suggested approach for the evaluation of similar families for further study. CLINICAL REPORTS Five black brothers manifested a type of HSP (Fig. 1). No other relatives were affected, including 2 normal sisters (ages 26 and 28) and 10 normal sibs of the mother. The parents are from Alabama and are not known to be related to previously described kinships with complicated HSP. All patients were the product of normal gestation and delivery and appeared normal in infancy. The manifestations of the affected males in this pedigree are summarized in Table I. 252 Gutmann et al. I II Fig. 1. The pedigree of the affected patients. Males are represented by squares and females are represented by circles. Open squares and circles represent unaffected individuals while closed squares and circles represent affected members. Patient 1 Case II-1. The father is clinically unaffected at age 65 with normal neurological status. He has been chronically hospitalized for alcoholism and psychiatric problems. MRI of his brain was normal. Patient 2 Case 11-2. The mother has no symptoms at age 53, with normal neurological status, normal chromosomes, and normal red-green color vision. MRI of her brain demonstrated bilateral periventicular white matter lesions (Fig. 2). Visual evoked potentials were normal. Patient 3 Case III-1. This patient walked a t age one year and was normal until age 8, when he developed slurred speech and difficulty climbing stairs, and was noted to be mentally retarded. The speech and walking difficulties progressively worsened until age 11. His examination was remarkable for lower limb spasticity without weakness, generalized hyper-reflexia, and bilateral extensor responses to plantar stimulation. He wore glasses for myopia but had no auditory deficits or cerebellar-type ataxia. He developed rheumatic fever and died in 1976 at age 20 after 2 heart valve replacements. No autopsy was performed. Patient 4 Case III-2. This 31-year-old right-handed man walked at age 9 months and developed normally until age 8, when he developed difficulty climbing stairs and slurred speech, and mild mental retardation became apparent. The speech and walking difficulties worsened progressively until age 12. On examination he had slight scissoring when walking, spastic lower limbs without weakness, a brisk jaw jerk reflex, generalized hyper-reflexia, and bilateral extensor responses to plantar stimulation with nonsustained clonus a t the ankles. Funduscopic examination, red-green color vision, and visual acuity were normal. He developed seizures at age 29 which were managed successfully with phenytoin. An electroencephalogram was normal. Visual evoked Fig. 2. Magnetic resonance imaging of 11-2 demonstrating bilateral periventricular white matter disease (TE= 80, TR = 3,000). Images were generated on a 1.5 Tesla General Electric Signa Unit. potentials were significant for prolongation of PlOO to 115 sec bilaterally. MRI of the brain demonstrated bilateral posterior periventricular white matter lesions (Fig. 3). Patient 5 Case III-4. This 27-year-old right-handed woman walked a t age one year, developed normally, attained average grades in high school, and participated in junior high school track. On examination she was unremarkable, with normal visual acuity, red-green color vision, and fundi. MRI of the brain demonstrated periventricular white matter lesions. Visual evoked potentials were normal. Patient 6 Case III-5. This 25-year-old right-handed man walked at age 2 years and was noted to be slower than the other children. At age 12 he developed difficulty walking and was noted to be mentally retarded. His walking difficulties continued to progress until age 15, when he intermittently required a wheelchair. On examination he had a wide-based ataxic gait, a coarse postural tremor, titubation, ataxic speech, dysmetria, spastic lower limbs without weakness, a brisk jaw jerk reflex, generalized hyper-reflexia, and bilateral extensor responses to plantar stimulation with sustained clonus a t the ankles. Fundi were normal; however, he was noted to have defective red-green color vision on Ishihara color plate testing, with normal visual acuity. Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue color vision testing a t the Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis 253 TABLE I. Characteristics of Complicated HSP Syndrome* Patient Age of onset (years of progression) 111-1 8 (3) 111-2 8 (4) 111-5 12 ( 3 ) 111-6 6 (3) 111-7 6 (6) Clinical manifestations Difficulty walking, slurred speech, learning disability Difficulty walking, slurred speech, learning disability seizures Difficulty walking, tremors, slurred speech, learning disability Difficulty walking, slurred speech, learning disability tremors Difficulty walking, slurred speech, learning disability tremors Clinical exam Color vision Radiology- Nd EMG, NCV VEP, EEG Spasticity, hyperreflexia, dysarthria Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Spasticity, hyperreflexia clonus, jaw jerk N1 Abnl MRI Nd Nd N1 EEG, Abnl VEP Nd Nd Ataxia, spasticity tremor, clonus, jaw jerk, hyperreflexia Tremor, ataxia, spasticity, hyperreflexia Abnl Abnl MRI Nd N1 Abnl VEP Nd N1 Abnl Abnl CT N1 N1 Nd N1 N1 Tremor, ataxia, spasticity, hyperreflexia Abnl Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd KaryoVLCFA ~type Nd Nd - * For details, refer to the case summaries; Nd = not done, NI = normal, Abnl = abnormal. Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia, PA) demonstrated a pattern of color blindness most consistent with a n acquired color vision deficit [Farnsworth, 19431. Plasma very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) were normal on 2 separate occasions, a s were plasma and urine organic acid quantification, aryl-sulfatase A levels, and ceramide P-galactosidase levels. Visual evoked potentials were remarkable for significant prolongation of PlOO to 180 msec bilaterally. Results of electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction testing were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain demonstrated bilateral periventricular white matter lesions (Fig. 4) that failed to enhance with gadolinium (data not shown). Patient 7 Case III-6. This 22-year-old left-handed man walked a t 10 months and developed normally until age 6 when he presented with difficulty walking, mild dysarthria, and tremor. His symptoms progressed, and he required a wheelchair intermittently by age 9. A computerized tomogram ofthe brain a t age 11demonstrated periventricular white matter hypodensities. His performance a t school continued to deteriorate, and his tremor began to interfere with his ability to feed himself. Cerebrospinal fluid was normal. VLCFA and a n ACTH stimulation test for adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) were normal. Hexosaminidase A and B levels were normal. EMG and nerve conduction velocity testing were normal. Chromosomes were normal. Examination showed mild titubation, coarse postural tremor, a scissoring spastic gait, spastic lower limbs without weakness, generalized hyper-reflexia, and bilateral extensor responses to plantar stimulation. Fundi were normal; however, he was noted to have defective red-green color vision on Ishihara color plate testing, with 20120 visual acuity. Patient 8 Case 111-7. This 18-year-old right-handed man walked a t age one year and developed normally until age 6, when he developed a tremor and difficulty walking, and he was noted to be mildly retarded. His tremor and difficulty walking continued to progress until age 12. 254 Gutmann et al. Fig. 3. Magnetic resonance imaging of 111-2 demonstrating peri. ventricular white matter disease (TE= 80, TR = 3,000). Fig. 4.Magnetic resonance imaging of 111-5 demonstrating the posterior periventricular white matter disease (TE= 80, TR = 3,000). His examination is remarkable for mild truncal ataxia, slight dysarthria, clumsy movement of both hands, spastic lower limbs without weakness, generalized hyper-reflexia, and bilateral extensor responses to plantar stimulation. Funduscopic examination was normal; however, he was noted to have defective red-green color vision on Ishihara color plate testing, with 20120 visual acuity. Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue color vision testing performed a t the Wills Eye Hospital demonstrated a pattern of color blindness most consistent with a n acquired color vision deficit. and VLCFA (ALD) were all normal [Kolodny and Raghavan, 1983; Matalon et al., 1988; Moser et al., 1984; O’Neill et al., 1985; Suzuki and Suzuki, 1970; Norman et al., 19601. Complicated HSP syndromes can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked traits, and thus represent a heterogeneous group of disorders. Only a few of these patients have been examined postmortem, and most were investigated before the development of advanced imaging studies or the delineation of biochemical markers for the leukodystrophies. Pathological analysis in 2 kinships with autosomal dominant complicated HSP demonstrated white matter destruction, demyelination, and gliosis in the periventricular areas, centrum semiovale, cerebellum, and spinal cord [Poser et al., 1957; Eldridge et al., 19841. These areas of white matter destruction were similar to the location of the MRI findings in our patients. However, the clinical presentation among the various families with complicated HSP is quite variable (Table 111, and it is likely that complicated HSP represents a number of distinct disease entities. Other hereditary disorders can also present with spastic paraparesis and may overlap clinically with complicated HSP. These include several of the leukodystrophy syndromes, such a s ALD, MLD, Krabbe disease, Canavan disease, and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. The family described here has clinical manifestations similar to those found in these leukodystrophies but lacks the characteristic biochemical and radiographic abnormalities [Penner et al., 1987; Barkovich and Jackson, 19891. Other diseases, such a s hereditary spinocerebellar degeneration, Alexander disease, and hexosaminidase A and B deficiencies can DISCUSSION In this report we describe 5 brothers with a “complicated” form of HSP. In this family hyper-reflexia and spasticity were accompanied by ataxia, tremor, and learning disabilities with the onset in the first decade of life. Radiographic abnormalities were seen in the posterior periventricular white matter on MRI scan in both the affected men and their asymptomatic mother and sister. There is no peripheral nervous system impairment detectable by physical exam, EMG, and nerve conduction studies. Three of the 4 living men exhibit red-green color vision deficits by Ishihara color plate testing, but without optic atrophy. Visual evoked potential latencies were prolonged in the 2 individuals with color vision deficits who were tested. However, 100-Hue testing indicated that the color vision deficits were the result of a n acquired process related to significant visual pathway white matter disease rather than a congenital disorder. Results of assays for aryl-sulfatase A (metachromatic leukodystrophy, MLD), galactosylceramide P-galactosidase (Krabbe disease), urinary N-aspartic glutamate (Canavan disease), hexosaminidase A and B, Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis 255 TABLE 11. Reported Kinships With Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis Age of onset 6 years 0-5 years 1-3 years 50-60 years 5-20 years 5-20 years Clinical manifestations” Pathology Depigmentation, foot drop, sensory neuropathy Sensory polyneuropathy Axonal degeneration on sural nerve biopsy Loss of myelinated fibers in peripheral nerve, nl CNS Inheritanceb ? Abdallat et al. [1980] Reference ? Cavanagh et al. [1979] Ataxia, cerebellar signs, nystagmus, incontinence, foot deformities, vibration and position sensation dimunition Ataxia, pseudobulbar palsy, incontinence, ophthalmoparesis Ataxia, optic atrophy Central retinal degeneration, amyotrophy, mental retardation ( / - ophthalmoplegia) Mental retardation, ichthyosis - AR Bouchard et al. [1978] - ? Ferguson and Critchley [ 19291 - ? ? Henkes et al. [1972] Kjellin [1959] Demyelination in frontal lobes, basal ganglia atroPhY AR Baar and Galindo [1965] + Variable 1-2 years 5 years 14-16 years 1 year 14-18 years 10-20 years 5-10 years 1-5 years Dysarthria, amyotrophy, foot deformities, nystagmus, mental retardation Crural hypopigmentation, peroneal neuropathy, dysarthria Pseudobulbar palsy, amyotrophy, mental retardation, nystagmus, dystonia, incontinence Sensory neuropathy, mental retardation, incontinence Dementia, dysarthria, tremor, athetosis Distal amyotrophy - AR Holmes [1905], Cross and McKusick [1967a] - AD Stewart et al. [1981] Muscle motor unit atrophy ? Gilman and Horenstein [19641 AD Koenig and Spiro [1970] AR Cross and McKusick [1967b] AR,AD Foot deformities, peroneal muscle atrophy, sensory neuropathy Foot deformities, muscle atrophy, cerebellar speech, postural dystonia - ? Silver [1966], Garland and Astley [1950] Dyck and Lambert [1968] Cerebral, cerebellar and spinal cord white matter destruction, basal ganglia atrophy Decreased white matter in periventricular areas and cerebellum AD Poser et al. [1957] AD Eldridge et al. [1984] - ? Dick and Stevenson [1953] Periventricular white matter lesions ? This paper - AR Costeff et al. [1989] - XL - XL Bruyn and Went [1964]; Went [19641 Baar and Gabriel “661 - XL Blumel et al. [1957] - XL Thurman et a1 [1971] 35-45 years Cerebellar tremor, ataxia, incontinence 5-20 years Lead-pipe rigidity, tremor, athetosis Learning disabilities, dysarthria. cerebellar tremor and ataxia Movement disorder, optic atrophy, ataxia Athetosis, tremor, sensory loss, optic atrophy “Cerebral palsy”, nystagmus, athetosis, cerebellar ataxia and tremor “Cerebral palsy”, nystagmus, cerebellar ataxia and tremor Nystagmus, optic atrophy, absent vibratiodposition sensation 6-12 years 1-15 years 5-9 years Birth Birth Childhood (Continued) 256 Gutmann et al. TABLE 11. Reported Kinships With Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis (continued) Age of onset Clinical manifestations” Pathology Childhood Mental retardation, nystagmus, optic atrophy, absent vibratiodposition sensation Diminished vibratiodposition sensation, cerebellar ataxidtremor, deafness, learning disabilities, nystagmus Optic atrophy, mental retardation - XL Johnston and McKusick [1962] - XL Wells and Jankovic [1986] - XL Kenwrick et al. [1986] 10 years Childhood Inheritanceb Reference Clinical manifestations in addition to spasticity and hyper-reflexia. Inheritance pattern (AD = autosomal dominant; AR = autosomal recessive; XL = X-linked). also be excluded on clinical, genetic, or biochemical grounds [Adachi et al., 1973; Barrett and Becker, 1985; Konishi and Kamoshita, 1975; Konigsmark and Weiner, 19701. The clinical presentation in this family is also different from other reports of complicated 3SP in the literature (Table II), suggesting that our patients have a distinct, previously undescribed neurologic disorder. The inheritance pattern in this pedigree is most likely X-linked recessive, since all the affected individuals are males. However, autosomal inheritance cannot be ruled out a t this time. An X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance is also suggested by the abnormalities seen on MRI scans of both the mother and her asymptomatic daughter. Comparable MRI findings are also found in 10-15% of unaffected carriers of ALD, a clinically similar X-linked disorder. In one pedigree with X-linked HSP, optic atrophy, and mental retardation, linkage with the St14 (DXS52) marker a t Xq28 near the ALD locus was demonstrated [Kenwrick et al., 1986; Auborg et al., 19871. However, no MRI or VLCFA analysis was reported for these individuals. Although the genes for “pure” and “complicated” X-linked HSP have been localized to different regions of the X chromosome, the location of the gene in our family still remains open. Preliminary RFLP analysis demonstrated no linkage to St14 (DXS52) in this pedigree. The lack of linkage to St14 suggests that the gene in this complicated HSP syndrome is not closely linked to either Xq28 or the ALD locus [Gutmann et al., 19891. A similar result was previously reported in two other complicated HSP pedigrees [Fischbeck et al., 19871. Linkage studies using PGK, DXS287, and proteolipid protein cDNA and genomic probes generously provided by Dr. Lynn Hudson (NationalInstitutes of Health) were uninformative in the present family. Further molecular analysis will be necessary to define the chromosome location of the disease gene in this syndrome. The report of this pedigree with complicated HSP represents the most comprehensive description in the literature to date with respect to genetic, clinical, radiologic, and biochemical evaluation. Although no pathologic findings are available on our patients to demonstrate unequivocally a leukodystrophy, the clinical, radiographic, and evoked potential studies all suggest white matter disease. It is also clear that these patients are unlike any of the previously reported cases (Table 11). However, the relationship of those kinships to the one reported in this communication cannot be assessed until other pedigrees are characterized more completely to eliminate defined hereditary disorders which clinically overlap with “idiopathic” complicated HSP. We conclude that these patients have a complicated X-linked or autosomal HSP syndrome and recommend that all available HSP kinships be evaluated by MRI, Farnsworth Munsell Hue-100 color vision testing, blood and urine analysis to exclude known white matter diseases, and RFLP linkage studies. Once a homogeneous group of “idiopathic” complicated HSP pedigrees is collected, genetic analysis will become more meaningful. Further characterization of these complicated spastic paraparesis syndromes may improve our understanding of myelin formation and repair in the central nervous system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Hugo Moser (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore) for VLCFA analysis and helpful discussion, Drs. Paige Kaplan, Elaine Zackai, and John Sladky (Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia) for insightful critique of this project, and Dr. Laura Keppen (University of Arkansas, Little Rock) and Dr. Lynn Hudson (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda) for unpublished communications. 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