Just Accepted by International Journal of Neuroscience Singing can improve speech function in aphasics associated with intact right basal ganglia and preserved right temporal glucose metabolism: Implications for singing therapy indication Kyoko Akanuma, PhD, Kenichi Meguro, MD, PhD, Masayuki Satoh, MD, PhD, Manabu Tashiro, MD, PhD, Masatoshi Itoh, MD, PhD doi:10.3109/00207454.2014.992068 Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Abstract Clinically, we know that some aphasic patients can sing well despite their speech disturbances. Herein, we report 10 patients with non-fluent aphasia, of which half of the patients improved their speech function after singing training. We studied ten patients with non-fluent aphasia complaining of difficulty finding words. All had lesions in the left basal ganglia or temporal lobe. They selected the melodies they knew well, but which they could not sing. We made a new lyric with a familiar melody using words they could not name. The singing training using these new lyrics was performed for 30 minutes once a week for 10 weeks. Before and after the training, their speech functions were assessed by language tests. At baseline, 6 of them received positron emission tomography to evaluate glucose metabolism. Five patients exhibited improvements after intervention; all but one exhibited intact right basal ganglia and left temporal lobes, but all exhibited left basal ganglia lesions. Among them, three subjects exhibited preserved glucose metabolism in the right temporal lobe. We considered that patients who exhibit intact right basal ganglia and left temporal lobes, together with preserved right hemispheric glucose metabolism, might be an indication of the effectiveness of singing therapy. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. This provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. 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Just Accepted have undergone full scientific review but none of the additional editorial preparation, such as copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading, as have articles published in the traditional manner. There may, therefore, be errors in Just Accepted articles that will be corrected in the final print and final online version of the article. Any use of the Just Accepted articles is subject to the express understanding that the papers have not yet gone through the full quality control process prior to publication. TE D Singing can improve speech function in aphasics associated with intact right basal ganglia and preserved right temporal glucose metabolism: Implications for singing therapy indication EP 1) Division of Geriatric Behavioral Neurology, CYRIC, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 2) Division of Nuclear Medicine, CYRIC, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 3) Sendai Medical Imaging Center, Sendai, Japan C Address correspondence to: Kenichi Meguro, MD, PhD Division of Geriatric Behavioral Neurology, CYRIC, Tohoku University, 4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, IDAC, 980-8575 Sendai, Japan Email: k-meg@umin.ac.jp Abstract AC Running head: singing training for aphasics ST Clinically, we know that some aphasic patients can sing well despite their speech disturbances. Herein, we report 10 patients with non-fluent aphasia, of which half of the patients improved their speech function after singing training. We studied ten patients with non-fluent aphasia complaining of difficulty finding words. All had lesions in the left basal ganglia or temporal lobe. They selected the melodies they knew well, but which they could not sing. We made a new lyric with a familiar melody using words they could not name. The singing training using these new lyrics was performed for 30 minutes once a week for 10 weeks. Before and after the training, their speech functions were assessed by language tests. At baseline, 6 of them received positron emission tomography to evaluate glucose metabolism. Five patients exhibited improvements after intervention; all but one exhibited intact right basal ganglia and left temporal lobes, but all exhibited left basal ganglia lesions. Among them, three subjects exhibited preserved glucose metabolism in the right temporal lobe. We considered that patients who exhibit intact right basal ganglia and left temporal lobes, together with preserved right hemispheric glucose metabolism, might be an indication of the effectiveness of singing therapy. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Kyoko Akanuma, PhD1) , Kenichi Meguro, MD, PhD1), Masayuki Satoh, MD, PhD1), Manabu Tashiro, MD, PhD2), Masatoshi Itoh, MD, PhD3) Key words: aphasia, singing therapy, music therapy, PET 1 ST AC C EP TE D Aphasia is a condition that is characterized by a disability to verbally communicate with others, and is divided into fluent and nonfluent categories. Nonfluent aphasia generally results from a lesion in the frontal lobe, including the Broca’s area. At present, there is no ‘gold standard’ for the treatment of aphasia. Nevertheless, most speech therapists would probably agree that a treatment should be considered effective if a patient exhibits improvement in speech output that can be generalized to untrained language structures and/or contexts [1]. The neurological basis for language recovery remains unknown. To date, functional neuroimaging studies have focused primarily on spontaneous recovery [2]. Some studies have emphasized the role of preserved language function in the left hemisphere [3], whereas others have proposed that language function is restored when the right hemisphere compensates [4,5]. Roles for both hemispheres in language processing [6-8] have also been reported. Only a few studies have examined the neurological basis for the effectiveness of treatment [7,9]. Two recovery routes have been considered: for patients with small lesions, there tends to be more activation of the left hemisphere peri-lesional cortex and variable right hemisphere activation, and for patients with large left hemisphere lesions that involve the language regions, there tends to be more activation of the homologous language-capable regions in the right hemisphere. Language recovery may be facilitated by undamaged portions of the left hemisphere language areas or language-capable regions in the right hemisphere. Clinically, it is known that patients with nonfluent aphasia can sing despite the fact that they cannot speak [10]. Historically, this dissociation has been considered to be based on the differences in neurological function between speech and music. However, the view on the neurological basis of language function has moved from the classical Broca or Wernicke’s areas to a network, and the contribution from several brain regions have been emphasized in various aspects of language [11]. Different musical features have also shown that it may be processed in widely distributed neural networks [12]. Singing is considered to be an effective means for patients to produce words that they cannot pronounce otherwise [13]. Singing may facilitate speech at different stages of processing: at the motor stage, by reducing the speech rate in patients with dysarthria [14], at the level of word retrieval, by providing structural constraints, such as the number of syllables per beat [15], and at a motivational level, by engaging recreational skills. It is important to determine the factors that make singing an effective treatment for speech disorders in order to identify patients that can be helped by musical interventions and to establish the rationale for the efficacy of this therapy. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Introduction 2 TE D EP C AC ST Participants The participants with chronic aphasia were recruited from the Miyagi Association of Aphasia. The number of the association was 16 in the recruiting period April 2010 to March 2011. They all met the entry criteria as follows: 1) right-handed; 2) they had suffered from aphasia after stroke attack for more than 3 years; 3) their symptoms were stable in the chronic phase, mainly complaining of word finding difficulty in daily living. After asking all members to participate in the study, 13 of them agreed. Finally, we were able to examine 10 patients, since 2 patients were not able to sing at all, and 1 patient dropped out after the study. They consisted of 8 mild, 1 moderate, and 1 severe degree of aphasia. Eight of them were non-fluent type as assessed by a trained speech pathologist (K.A). They all received MRI for assessing the lesions by a board-certified neurologist (K.M). The demographics and clinical characteristics of the cases are shown in Table 1. Informed consent was obtained from each patient and/or the family members of each patient. The ethical committee of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Cyclotron Radioisotope Center approved the study. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Tomanio summarized findings to illustrate the strength of different techniques emphasizing rhythm, pitch, memory, and vocal/oral motor components dealing with different symptoms. The efficacy of each component is enhanced or diminished by the choice of music and the way it is interactively delivered [16]. However, there have been no systematic reviews of the effectiveness of music or singing therapy for aphasia. Thus, the accumulation of new case reports will provide vital information for future systematic investigations. We have previously reported a case with severe nonfluent aphasia [17], who initially attained the ability to spontaneously sing and repeat lyrics, followed by attaining the ability to sing with the therapist, and spontaneously sing and repeat lyrics. Ultimately, she was able to memorize words with meaning, say the words in context, and use them. These observations suggest that rehabilitation therapy can still be used in patients with severe cognitive impairment. Herein, we report ten patients with non-fluent aphasia with different severities of symptoms, who improved their speech function, especially word finding, after singing training. We analyzed the cerebral glucose metabolism in the Broca’s and Wernicke areas, and the right hemisphere, to investigate the neurological foundation of singing therapy. Interventions Naming test to find target words Naming ability was assessed using the Picture Naming of 400 words. For severe 3 TE D EP Singing training The patients selected the melodies they knew well, but could not sing. We made a new lyric with a familiar melody, using words they could not name. For example, if a patient could not name the shaved ice in Japanese called KAKI-GORI, we selected a familiar melody that the patient could not sing and use the word that the patient could not name. The singing training using melodies with these new lyrics was performed for 30 minutes once a week. The total training session time was ten weeks. After the song training, naming ability was assessed using the Picture Naming of 400 words (only Case #10 used 200 words) and the Picture Description. AC C Naming training After the 10-week singing training and the subsequent assessment, naming of drawings, which is widely used in word finding training, was performed for 30 minutes per week for 10 weeks. Thereafter, language assessments were performed in the same manner. ST Language assessments as outcomes We measured speech function by using the following tests at baseline and after the training sessions. Naming test Naming ability was again re-assessed using the Picture Naming of 400 words as described above. The number of correct answers was used as the outcome. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. patients (Cases), 200 words were used. For each participant, the 400 words were classified into their corrected words and false words. The false words were then randomly divided into exercise words and non-exercise words for each participant. The exercise words were used as the target words. We made new lyrics with familiar melodies using the singing exercise words. Word fluency Patients were asked to produce as many words of “animals” as possible. The number of correct words expressed was used as the outcome. Picture (Manga) Description Test (Standard Language Test of Aphasia: SLTA) The picture (manga) description was used, which is one of the items of the SLTA. Patients were asked to describe a four-frame cartoon and the response was graded from 0 to 5. The grade was 5 when they correctly described the content of the cartoon using several sentences, while the grade was 0 when they could 4 not explain it at all. In accordance with the definition that the goal was improved by 5% or more, the picture (manga) description of SLTA was applied with the grading reference data. TE D ST AC C EP FDG-PET We measured cerebral glucose metabolism (CMRglc) at baseline, since CMRglc is considered to be associated with brain function. We used a PT-931 scanner (CTI Inc., USA; axial/transaxial resolutions: 8 mm) and the method of [18F]-fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG). Forty minutes after the injection of 5 mCi of FDG, the emission scan was performed and data were collected simultaneously from each of seven contiguous axial sections. The detailed methodology has been described previously [18]. Basic image processing and voxel-based data analysis were performed using SPM 2 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) on a Windows XP computer. PET data were subjected to an affine and non-linear spatial normalization into the standard MNI PET template of SPM 2, and to a re-slicing of 2×2×2mm. The PET images were smoothed using an isotropic Gaussian filter, 12 mm in diameter, to compensate for intersubject gyral variability and to reduce high-frequency noise. The anatomically standardized images were then normalized by ANCOVA to a mean value of 50 mg/100 g/min for relative comparison, as described previously [19]. Due to the limited schedule available at the center, six of the 10 participants were able to receive PET examinations. A board-certified radiologist (T.K) assessed the PET images. The 3D-SSP images analysis was performed with reference to the normal database. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Calculating Intervention Scores For each of the three above tests, the changes of scores were assessed as three categories, i.e., 1: improved more than 5%, 0: changes between -5% and 5%, and -1: worsened more than 5%. The three test scores (1, 0, -1) were then summarized as the total scores (possible scores: -3 through 3). The total study procedure was illustrated in Figure 1. Results Figure 2 illustrates the changes of speech function after singing training for each patient. Table 2 presents the intervention scores on singing, naming, and the total, the presence of bilateral basal ganglia and left temporal lobe lesions, and PET findings of the bilateral temporal lobes. The subjects were listed in the order 5 EP TE D subjects who exhibited no remarkable improvements. For the five subjects who exhibited improvements after intervention (#4, 7, 1, 3, 8), all but one (#4, 7, 1, 3) exhibited intact left basal ganglia and left temporal lobe, although all exhibited the left basal ganglia lesions. Among them, three subjects (#7, 1, 3) demonstrated preserved glucose metabolism in the right temporal lobe. Regarding the remaining five subjects with no remarkable improvements, all exhibited lesions in the left basal ganglia or temporal lobe. The PET examinations revealed no increase in the right temporal lobe in the improved subjects. In particular, those with bilateral basal ganglia lesions (#5, 8) or with severe left temporal lesion (#7) demonstrated no improvement, and even worsened. C Case report One case report will be presented for better understanding of the results. ST AC Case #10 The patient was a 63-year old right-handed man who developed aphasia secondary to intracranial hemorrhage over the course of 41 months. The right basal ganglia and the Broca’s area were damaged (Figure 3), which caused severe aphasia. Significant word finding difficulty and semantic paraphasia were observed, and he could only handle basic greetings and yes and no. He mostly understood at the word level. He had difficulty in speech but sang songs quite well with a steady rhythm and pitch. Furthermore, he could sing a test-piece (a parody of a song) after he repeated the training three times. Table 3 shows the result of the speech test before and after the singing training. Post-intervention The word finding difficulty was still observed but he responded with “Fishing” to the question “What is your hobby?” According to his wife, it seemed that the number of words had increased compared with those before the onset and that he was more calm and patient than before. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. of those who improved after singing (#4, 7, 1), followed by two subjects who improved after total intervention (singing and naming, #3, 8), followed by five Discussion Limitation of the study We should note some methodological limitations. First, the number of patients undergoing PET examination was small. Thus the effect of preserved glucose metabolism in the right hemisphere was not conclusive. Second, the effect of a series of activities, in which patients experienced a conversation and sang a 6 song with the therapist weekly, remains unknown. Thus, it is difficult to completely identify the effect of singing training. TE D EP Intact right basal ganglia Acoustic stimulation from both melody and rhythm likely plays an important role in singing training. Rhythm is related to the basal ganglia [20,21]. This finding demonstrated that the singing training was indicated in patients whose right basal ganglia was not damaged, which suggested that the right basal ganglia is important for the rhythm stimulation during the singing training. AC C Intact left temporal lobe The left temporal lobe, i.e., the language area, plays an important role in speech ability. This finding demonstrated that the singing training was indicated in patients with an intact left temporal lobe. It suggested that the left temporal lobe played an important role in the improvement of speech and word finding with respect to the outcome of singing training. ST Preserved right temporal glucose metabolism There have been reports that preserved right temporal glucose metabolism might improve aphasia through compensatory stimulation of the right hemisphere activity following deficit in the language cortex in the left hemisphere. This finding suggested that preserved metabolism of the right hemisphere is also important among the criteria of the singing training. Effect of music training Singing has a positive effect on patients with aphasia [22]. Music semantic memory is associated with the left upper temporal area [23] and music intonation therapy is effective for activating the left hemisphere [24,25]. In our patients, singing training had effects on the remaining function in the left upper temporal area involved in music semantic memory, and allowed the patients to speak words using the music lexicon. The above results suggest that music therapy can access and activate remaining function in a patient with chronic severe aphasia who cannot be treated with normal speech therapy. This suggests that rehabilitation therapy can still be used in patients with severe cognitive impairment [26,27]. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. 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Acta Neurol Scand. 2011;123:147-59. 9 TE D Years of Months from Stroke education onset type Rt 12 141 CH Lt BG, Broca mild non fluent M Rt 12 68 CI Lt BG, Broca mild non fluent 70 60 M M Rt Rt 16 16 136 160 CI CH Lt BG, Broca Lt BG, Broca mild mild non fluent non fluent #5 #6 52 59 M M Rt Rt 12 14 146 58 CH CH Blt BG, Broca Lt BG, T mild mild non fluent fluent #7 #8 67 82 M F Rt Rt 12 8 79 118 CI SAH Lt T Blt BG mild mild fluent non fluent #9 #10 61 63 M M Rt Rt 12 12 CH CH Lt BG, Broca Lt BG, Broca, T moderate severe non fluent non fluent #1 61 M #2 62 #3 #4 Stroke lesion EP Handedness C Sex AC Case Age 168 41 Aphasia severity Aphasia type ST M = male, F = female, Rt = right, CI = cerebral infarction, CH = cerebral hemorrhage, SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage, Lt = left, Blt = bilateral, BG = basal ganglia, T = temporal JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Table 1. Demographics and clinical characteristics of the cases 10 TE D Lt Temporal Rt Temporal CMRglc CMRglc N ND ND N N Decreased No change No change No change N lesion Decreased Decreased No change No change lesion lesion lesion N Decreased ND No change ND lesion N lesion lesion ND ND ND ND lesion N Decreased No change Naming Total Rt BG Lt BG #4 2 1 3 N lesion #7 #1 2 2 -1 -1 1 0 N N lesion lesion #3 #8 1 1 1 1 3 3 N N lesion lesion #6 #9 1 1 2 -1 2 1 N N #10 #5 0 -1 1 1 1 1 N N #2 -2 0 -1 lesion Lt Temporal EP Singing ST AC C Case Rt = right, Lt = left, BG = basal ganglia, CMRglc = cerebral metabolic rate for glucose, N = no lesion, ND = no data JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Table 2. Intervention scores on singing, naming, and the total, the presence of bilateral basal ganglia and left temporal lobe lesions, and PET findings of the bilateral temporal lobes 11 Naming Test (200 words) 9 19 Word fluency 1 3 Picture (MANGA) Description Test 0 0 TE D after ST AC C EP before JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. Table 3. Speech test scores in Case #10 12 1st assessment at baseline Naming test, Word fluency, Picture (Manga) Description Test (SLTA) TE D FDG-PET EP 2nd assessment Naming test, Word fluency, Picture (Manga) Description Test (SLTA) AC C 2nd Intervention Naming training or Singing training for 10 weeks 3rd assessment Naming test, Word fluency, Picture (Manga) Description Test (SLTA) ST Figure 1: PET=positron emission tomography, SLTA = Standard Language Test for Aphasia. JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. 1st Intervention Singing training or Naming training for 10 weeks 13 TE D 7 Pre Post Naming test ST AC C EP 1 Pre Post Word fluency 3 8 6 9 10 5 2 Pre Post Picture (Manga) Description Test JU Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. 4 Figure 2: The numbers are the ID of cases. Colored lines were of ID 4, 7, 1, 3, and 8, corresponding to the improved participants noted in Table 2. 14 ST JU Decreased glucose metabolism (3D-SSP) Figure 3: MRI=magnetic resonance imaging, PET=positron emission TE D tomography EP C AC Int J Neurosci Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Nyu Medical Center on 02/04/15 For personal use only. MRI 15