Accepted Manuscript Dislocated pacemaker electrode simulating focal epileptic state in a patient with subdural hematoma – Case report and review of the literature Sae-Yeon Won, MD, Markus G. Bruder, MD, Jan Mersmann, MD PhD, Volker Seifert, MD PhD, Christian Senft, MD PhD PII: S1878-8750(16)00102-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.12.099 Reference: WNEU 3620 To appear in: World Neurosurgery Received Date: 11 December 2015 Accepted Date: 31 December 2015 Please cite this article as: Won S-Y, Bruder MG, Mersmann J, Seifert V, Senft C, Dislocated pacemaker electrode simulating focal epileptic state in a patient with subdural hematoma – Case report and review of the literature, World Neurosurgery (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.12.099. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Dislocated pacemaker electrode simulating focal epileptic state in a patient with subdural hematoma – Case report and review of the 1 RI PT literature. Sae-Yeon Won, MD; 1Markus G. Bruder, MD; 1,2Jan Mersmann, MD PhD; 1Volker Seifert, MD SC PhD; 1Christian Senft, MD PhD 1 M AN U Department of Neurosurgery, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2 Clinic of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, and Pain Therapy, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Corresponding author: Sae-Yeon Won TE D Germany Goethe-University EP Department of Neurosurgery AC C Schleusenweg 2-16 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: ++49 696301 5479 Fax: ++49 696301 6279 Email: Keywords: Anticoagulation, Subdural hematoma, Seizure, Focal Epilepsy, Pacemaker, Electrode dislocation, Electrode dislodgment 1 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Introduction Seizures are a common complication after traumatic brain injury (TBI). About 20% of patients with traumatic intracranial hemorrhage develop seizures as a neurological symptom [1]. The risk for RI PT epilepsy is highest within the first 24 hours but seizures can occur up to 10 years after TBI [2]. Additionally, it depends on the severity of the TBI and especially the type of TBI. Higher incidences of seizures are reported in literature in case of acute subdural hematoma (aSDH) and brain contusion SC [1, 2, 3]. Acute SDH appears in one third of TBI and mortality rates are ranging from 22% up to 60% [9, 10, 11]. M AN U Since mostly elderly patients are affected [6], the incidence of SDH is increasing due to demographic changes to an aging generation [11]. The prognosis after aSDH depends on multiple factors like age, preoperative Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), midline-shift or even signs for cerebral herniation, size of hemorrhage, type of treatment and time from TBI until operation when necessary [4, 5, 6, 7]. Besides TE D many factors, the appearance of seizure is an independent factor for poor functional outcome in patients after aSDH [4]. Thus, it is important to detect and treat seizures as soon as possible. Focal epilepsy can manifest with a variety of neurological symptoms depending on the site of origin. EP Uncontrolled muscle contraction could be one of the symptoms. However, there are many etiologies AC C of myoclonic disorders [8]. We present a case of suspected focal epileptic state after aSDH leading to surgical evacuation of the hemorrhage and administration of antiepileptic medication without any effect. However, rhythmic muscle contraction stopped after detection and deactivation of a dislocated pacemaker electrode. 2 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Case Description We present a case of an 86-years-old female with a head trauma due to syncope. The patient was treated with phenprocoumon due to a permanent atrial fibrillation. Cranial CT scan revealed an aSDH RI PT (max. width 15mm) on the right side, causing a 9 mm midline shift to the left (Figure 1A). The patient was somnolent, but had no neurological deficit. Anticoagulation was paused and reversed with prothrombin complex concentrate after admission. 2nd CT scan 6 hours after trauma showed constant hematoma without progression. Considering her age and her overall health condition, the SC patient was treated conservatively. After confirming a slightly reduced hematoma in CT-scan 3 days M AN U later, we reestablished anticoagulation therapy with low molecular weighted heparin. Then the patient was transferred to a neurorehabilitation clinic in a stable clinical condition. 2 weeks later the patient was sent back to our hospital with a tonic muscle contraction in the left arm, suggested to be a focal epileptic state not responding to antiepileptic therapy (Levetiracetam, TE D Topiramate, Lancosamid). Particularly the inflection of the fingers was clearly visible. CT scan revealed the SDH on the right side with regular, time-dependent resorption and only slight mass effect (Figure 1B). An electroencephalography (EEG) did not show any epileptic potential. However, EP since the sensitivity of surface-EEG is low and the tonic muscle contraction continued under antiepileptic therapy, surgical evacuation of the SDH through a bore hole was performed (Figure 1C). AC C Intraoperatively, there was no obvious pressure on the hematoma. However, the muscle contraction in the left arm persisted. After further examination, the muscle contraction seemed to be depending on patient’s arm position. With the arm lifted, the tonic muscle contraction was pronounced in the fingers. Reviewing her medical record, previously the patient had an implantation of an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) via the right subclavian vein because of cardiac arrhythmia due to dilatative cardiomyopathy. As more often bradycard phases occurred, the AICD had been explanted and a cardiac resynchronization therapy device (CRTD) had been implanted on 3 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT the left side. In the meantime, her left ventricular pump function was decreasing due to a dysfunction of the LV-lead and a new LV-lead had to be implanted 4 weeks before the trauma, which was leading to the initial admission to our hospital. Reviewing the X-ray scans of her chest from the first and second hospital stay, we retrospectively discovered spontaneous stepwise retraction of the RI PT recently implanted LV-lead into the left subclavian vein next to the plexus brachialis (Figure 2). After deactivation of the LV-lead by a consulting cardiologist, the tonic muscle contraction in the left arm stopped immediately. After few days, we were able to transfer the patient back to the rehabilitation AC C EP TE D M AN U SC clinic without any neurological deficit. 4 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Discussion Posttraumatic seizures are common after aSDH and occur mostly within 7 days after the initial insult [1, 18]. About 25% of the patients after necessary surgical treatment of aSDH or subacute SDH RI PT developed seizures, which is associated with poor functional outcome [1, 2, 3, 4, 18]. For this reason, even the administration of prophylactic antiepileptic medication like phenytoin or levetiracetam has been suggested in literature [18]. A retrospective study revealed that prophylactic antiepileptic therapy resulted in a significant reduction of seizures (32% in groups without prophylactic SC antiepileptic drugs vs. 2.6% in groups with prophylactic antiepileptic drugs) and mortality [19]. M AN U Especially due to the aging population, the incidence of aSDH and the use of oral anticoagulation (OAC) are increasing [11]. Pancyzkowski et al. showed that 50% of TBI patients had one or more OACs [11]. Especially OAC associated aSDH, like in the present case, are susceptible for recurrence, with or without bridging of the OAC [13, 15, 17]. This may contribute to prolonged seizures and affect the TE D functional outcome. Nevertheless, some studies showed controversially that premorbid OAC administration does not increase recurrence rates of aSDH and does not influence mortality. This may dependent on the rapid reversal of OAC and the point of OAC readmission [11, 12, 14]. EP Epileptic complications can manifest in multiple ways. In the presented case, the tonic muscle contraction in the left arm (especially inflection of the fingers D I – D V) was assumed as a focal status AC C epilepticus and was futilely treated with antiepileptic medication. However, after observing series of X-ray scans during the clinical course and through measurement of pacemaker by cardiologists, the assumed “focal epilepsy” was identified to be rhythmic muscle contractions due to the dislocated LVlead, which was stimulating the medial and lateral fascicle of the brachial plexus. Complication rates after implantation of cardiac rhythm management device varies from 2.6% to 12.2% per year [16, 19]. Common complications are lead dislodgement, lead failure, device infection, non-septic pocket decubitus and pocket hematoma [16]. Above all, the lead dislodgement with approximately about 30% of the complications is the most frequent early complication [16, 19]. To 5 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT our knowledge, there is no data existing about the rate of lead dislodgment in patients with implanted pacemaker due to trauma. However, the trauma (for example aSDH) could be one of the provoking factors for dislocation of pacemaker electrodes. Muscle contraction due to dislocated pacemaker electrodes has been reported previously. Most RI PT often, the dislocated electrode was the obvious reason due to the effected muscles (intercostal muscles, diaphragm or phrenical nerves) [20, 21]. It was more difficult to differ between seizures and a dislocated electrode in a case report from 1979, in which muscle contractions of the legs appeared SC after implantation of a pacemaker [19]. The unique and misleading feature in the presented case was AC C EP TE D M AN U the aSDH on the contralateral side of the effected muscles strongly suggesting an epileptic origin. 6 Won ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Conclusion In case of refractory treatment of epilepsy, dislocation of pacemaker electrodes is a, most certainly, rare but possible differential diagnosis. 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CT scan after surgical SC evacuation of the SDH. M AN U Figure 2. Chest-X-rays: A. Right Chest: electrode remaining after explantation of an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD); Left Chest: implanted CRTD with right atrium (RA)/ventricle (RV) electrode and left ventricular (LV) electrode, situated in the middle of coronary sinus (arrow) (2015.08.07); B. LV-electrode retracted into the RA (arrow) TE D (2015.08.12); C. Further dislocation of the LV-electrode into the subclavian vein (arrow). At AC C EP this point, the patient developed the tonic muscle contraction in her left arm (2015.09.07). 11 AC C EP TE D M AN U SC RI PT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT AC C EP TE D M AN U SC RI PT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Won Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator AICD Cardiac resynchronization therapy device CRTD Electroencephalography EEG Glasgow coma scale GCS Left ventricular LV Oral anticoagulation OAC SC aSDH M AN U Acute subdural hematoma RI PT Abbreviations list Right atrium RA Right ventricular RV TBI AC C EP TE D Traumatic brain injury ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Won Highlights RI PT 1. Epilepsy is a common complication of subdural hematoma (SDH) and lead dislocation is a common early complication after implantation of cardiac resynchronization therapy device (CRTD). SC 2. Dislocation of pacemaker electrode may simulate a focal epileptic state leading to an antiepileptic treatment. AC C EP TE D M AN U 3. In case of refractory treatment of epilepsy, dislocation of pacemaker electrodes is a possible differential diagnosis.