CASE REPORT Subdural Hemorrhage in a Military Aviator Gordon G. Cable BACKGROUND: The occurrence of any intracranial bleeding is highly significant from an aeromedical risk perspective and potentially career-ending for a military aviator. Where it arises from head trauma, there is always concern regarding ongoing risk of post-traumatic epilepsy. CASE REPORT: A 26-yr-old male military aviator with persistent headache was found to have small right frontal and parietal subacute subdural hematomas, most likely precipitated by minor head trauma and possibly exacerbated by other concurrent physiological stressors. The hematomas resolved with conservative management and the aviator made a full recovery. DISCUSSION: The association between traumatic subdural hematomas and the occurrence of post-traumatic epilepsy is well documented, and this, together with the possibility of recurrent bleeding, must be considered the significant aeromedical risks. However, this case presents an unusual situation of small subdural hematomas in isolation with no other features suggestive of significant traumatic brain injury. Relevant medical literature was found to be substantially lacking, and no other similar case reports of aviators could be found. An aeromedical decision-making process is discussed in relation to returning the aviator to flying duties in a restricted capacity. KEYWORDS: head injury, post-traumatic epilepsy, aeromedical decision-making, intracranial hematoma. Cable GG. Subdural hemorrhage in a military aviator. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2016; 87(6):575–579. A subdural hematoma (SDH) is a collection of blood riding rollercoasters.4,22 In some cases they are considered between the dura and the arachnoid layers around hypothesized causes such as increased IP: On:the Sun, spontaneous 09 Sep 2018with 07:35:21 Copyright: Aerospace Association brain and is the most common type of traumatic intra- Medical intravenous pressure (forced exhalation against a closed glottis, Delivered Ingenta cranial mass lesion.14 Acute subdural hematomas (ASDH) are by lifting heavy weights) and intracranial hypotension (as seen in 14 those less than 72 h old. They are seen commonly in cases of acute dehydration).20 Natural and iatrogenic volume deplesevere traumatic brain injury (TBI) where there have been tion has been found to be prevalent in elderly subjects prehigh-energy acceleration forces.10 A subdural hematoma that senting spontaneous CSDH;24 however, no association has is not associated with an underlying brain injury is sometimes been found with heat-related hypohydration and changes in termed a simple or pure subdural hematoma. Subacute sub- brain volume which might lead to intracranial hypotension.21 dural hematomas (SSDH) present from 3 to 20 d after acute In younger patients, alcoholism is a more likely association.14 injury,1,18 and should also be suspected with a history of head SDH associated with TBI carries with it a risk of posttrauma. These are a rarer entity and much less is known about traumatic epilepsy (PTE). PTE is a recurrent seizure disorder due them, but they seem to be associated with lower rates of mortal- to brain injury following trauma, and in 90% of cases this presity and morbidity.10 Chronic subdural hematomas (CSDH) ents within 2 yr of the initial injury.2 Unfortunately, EEG is not tend to be a disease of the very young and the very old, but useful for predicting the likelihood of PTE developing in any are relatively rare in young adults.12 CSDH develop over the given patient.11 The seminal paper by Annegers et al.3 in 1998 course of weeks.14 In younger patients they are likely to be a the RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine, RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia, much smaller size due to normal brain volume and thinner From Australia. subdural space, with head trauma and a defect of hemostasis This manuscript was received for review in February 2016. It was accepted for publication the most common causes in this group.15 Both SSDH and in March 2016. Address correspondence to: Gordon G. Cable, P.G.Dip.Av.Med., FACAsM, Royal CSDH have been linked to seemingly trivial or noncontact Australian Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, RAAF Base Edinburgh, South forms of head trauma where the mechanism underlying the Australia 5070, Australia; subdural hemorrhage may be unclear. Examples include nonReprint & Copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association, Alexandria, VA. contact martial arts and vigorous dance,8 bungee rides,6 and DOI: 10.3357/AMHP.4570.2016 Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87, No. 6 June 2016   575 SUBDURAL HEMORRHAGE IN AN AVIATOR—Cable defined severe traumatic brain injury as being characterized by nonexistent or unhelpful, and no other similar case reports of brain contusion, intracranial hematoma, or loss of consciousness aviators could be found. A first-principles discussion of the (LOC) or post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) more than 24 h; moderaeromedical decision-making process and analysis, as far as ate brain injury was characterized by LOC or PTA of 30 min to possible, of the aeromedical risks based on available literature 24 h or skull fracture; and mild traumatic brain injury was charis presented. acterized by absence of fracture and LOC or PTA less than 30 min. The difference in PTE risk between the mild and severe categoCASE REPORT ries of TBI is substantial. In the first 12 mo after injury, Annegers reports a standardized incidence ratio for PTE of 3.1 (1.0–7.2) The patient was a 26-yr-old Air Force Airborne Electronics for mild and 95.0 (58.4–151.2) for severe traumatic brain injuAnalyst and crewmember of the P3-C Orion maritime patrol ries. For the severe group an increased risk was found to persist beyond 10 yr post-injury. The univariate ratio of PTE arising aircraft. This is a large multicrew, multi-engine turboprop aircraft with low levels of 6Gz exposure. He had been previously from SDH only was calculated to be 9.8 (3.6–27.1), with brain fit and well, on no prescribed or self-medication, in particular contusion alone and SDH alone being the strongest risk factors. anticoagulants. He had no family history of epilepsy, intracraA more recent retrospective population-based study by Yeh et al. nial aneurysm, or bleeding. found that the risk of PTE after TBI was significantly higher than In mid-June 2015, the patient embarked on a European holia control population of non-TBI patients, even in those with mild day, including a 7-d cruise on a small passenger vessel. The head injury, and persisted in both mild and severe TBI groups for weather during the trip was considered unusually hot for the 25 4 yr. The adjusted hazard ratio calculated for subdural hemortime of year, above 30°C. The patient was physically very active rhage was 4.1 (CI 2.2–7.4) compared to brain contusion. during the holiday, but endeavored to maintain fluid intake in the Studies that categorize subdural hematomas by requirement warm conditions. His consumption of alcohol was moderate and for surgical intervention have found that those requiring neuroconsistent with that of young man on vacation with friends. A surgical evacuation carry the greatest risk of late seizure (cumulathorough review of the history revealed no significant head tive 27.8–44% by 2 yr) compared to no surgery (15.3–19% by trauma or fall; however, the patient recalled that at the beginning 5,19 2 yr), but it is clear that that the nonoperated groups still show of the sailing cruise on 27 June, he was involved in a drinking a significant cumulative incidence. Studies assessing the risk of game in a pub that involved wearing an old military-style metal developing PTE commonly cite the presence of blood in brain helmet while being struck with considerable force on the top of tissue as the underpinning pathophysiology. For example, in the the head by the bartender with the full shot glass. case of cerebral contusion, extravasated blood is hemolyzed, The cruise progressed uneventfully, except for bumping his resulting in the deposition of hemoglobin in the neuropil. Liberhead against an upper bunk. He considered it to be a mild ated iron from hemoglobin and transferrin is sequestered as bump, with no bruising or swelling or headache, and thought hemosiderin, which has been found to be a prominent histopathnothing more of it. He could recall no other episodes of either 23 ological feature of PTE. Iron in the tissues is toxic due to the contact or noncontact head trauma, such as vigorous shaking. formation of oxygen free radicals andIP: lipid peroxidation. Pres5.188.216.223 On: Sun, 09 Sep 2018 07:35:21 Copyright: Aerospace Medical Association ence or absence of hemosiderin on brain MRI may, therefore, be Delivered by Ingenta used to guide prognosis and assessment of risk. Recurrence of bleeding in the future must also be considered. The reported incidence in the literature of 9–33% relates mostly to surgically treated SDH, ignoring the fact that many SDH patients are treated conservatively. Schmidt et al. conducted a retrospective cohort study of 10,158 patients with SDH and found that the vast majority of recurrences occurred within the first 12 mo, after which the risk was very modest.17 The 1-yr cumulative risks were 17.7% and 10.4% for surgically and conservatively treated patients, respectively. The overall risk of recurrence increased from 14% at 1 yr to only 15% at 5 yr. Predictors for recurrence included male gender, older age, alcohol addiction, surgical treatment, trauma, and diabetes. The occurrence of any intracranial bleeding is highly significant from an aeromedical risk perspective and potentially careerending for a military aviator. Where it arises from head trauma, there is always concern regarding the ongoing risk of posttraumatic epilepsy. This paper reports an unusual case of multiple small subdural hemorrhages arising from seemingly minor head trauma in a young and otherwise fit aviator. The medical literature directly relevant to this case was found to be either Fig. 1. MRI showing right frontal subdural hematomas. 576  Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87, No. 6 June 2016 SUBDURAL HEMORRHAGE IN AN AVIATOR—Cable significant enough to result in a hemorrhage other than bumping his head on the bunk bed. By 4 August the headache had resolved and MRI/MRA showed no vascular abnormalities or other underlying lesion, with almost complete resolution of the subdural blood. The patient was assessed by a neurologist on 18 August, who found no focal neurological signs and felt the mechanism of injury could be related to a combination of dehydration, alcohol intake, and minor head trauma tearing a small intracerebral vein. On the basis of a normal EEG, he felt the risk of seizure activity was negligible, as was the risk of a recurrent subdural. The neurosurgeon expressed a similar opinion. Medical investigations excluded coagulopathic disorders and alcohol-related issues. INR, APTT, and platelets were normal. LFTs and CDT were normal with an AUDIT score of 5 (low risk). The aviator’s case was presented to the RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine for a waiver at 6 mo following the initial injury. DISCUSSION There are two problems in determining the aeromedical risk in this case with any precision. Firstly, there is a definitional problem in categorizing the injury as mild, moderate, or In the days following disembarkation, he continued to consevere. It is an unusual presentation of a small SDH in isolasume a moderate amount of alcohol daily and, while traveling tion with no other features typical of closed head injury of by train for 7 h in hot conditions, felt he became quite dehysufficient severity to cause subdural bleeding, such as LOC, drated with limited access to water. During the day of 6 July, 9 d after the drinking game, he PTA, skull fracture, or, most importantly, intracerebral connoticed the onset of a mild dull right parietal headache, which tusion. Nonetheless, the presence of intracranial hematoma became persistent although never severe, rated generally at places him into the severe category according to Annegers’ oft quoted reference, noting that SDH is generally considered to 2 out of 10 on a visual analog pain scale. It was not associated be a significant independent risk factor for late seizures folwith photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, or vomiting, although it was exacerbated by bending down and head-shaking. At the lowing head injury.3,7 Consistent with that, the U.S. Air Force classify degree of head injury as severe based on conclusion of the vacation he returned to Australia on On: 9 July IP: Sun, would 09 Sep 2018 this 07:35:21 Copyright: Association the presence of SDH and would disqualify for between 2 and and finally sought medical advice about the persistentAerospace headache Medical Delivered yr depending on role. Airborne Mission Systems crew are on 12 July. A CT head scan ordered on 14 July was initially by 5Ingenta eligible for early waiver at 2 yr post severe TBI.13 The U.S. reported as normal; however, retrospective review much later by a neurologist reported the presence of a “small acute subdu- Navy would permanently disqualify any aviator with any hisral hematoma.” The headache was still present a week later so a tory of intracranial bleeding.16 Secondly, available literature pertinent to this patient was further MRI brain scan was arranged on 21 July which revealed found to be imperfect or nonexistent. The majority of the literahyperintense foci overlying the right frontal and parietal lobes ture relevant to ASDH and SSDH involves moderate to severe to a maximal radial depth of 3.5 mm, consistent with small subhead trauma and, in the majority of cases, the SDH requires acute subdural hemorrhages, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. On 23 July, 17 d after symptom onset, he was reviewed by surgical evacuation, which is understood to increase the risk of PTE substantially.5 The energy of impact is enough to cause a neurosurgeon, who found him to be neurologically intact cerebral contusion in 83% of patients with ASDH, axonal injury despite the presence of the SDH. Conservative management was advised. He felt the bleed had occurred as a result of dehy- in many, and, therefore, damage to underlying brain parendration and/or minor trauma, although at that time the patient chyma.10 So the risk of PTE estimated in many studies is not did not report the drinking game and did not report any trauma really relevant to this case, where the energy of impact was relatively low and no surgical interTable I. Risk of PTE Less Than 12 mo and 1–4 yr Post-Injury (Based on Annegers et al.3). vention was required. ,12 MO 1-4 YR Applying the strict definitions of TBI to this case, the SIR* (CI) SEIZURE RISK % SIR (CI) SEIZURE RISK % presence of SDH categorizes the Mild TBI 3.1 (1.0–7.2) 0.19 (0.06–0.44) 2.1 (1.1–3.8) 0.55 (0.07–0.23) Severe TBI 95.0 (58.4–151.2) 5.8 (3.6–9.2) 16.7 (8.4–32.0) 1.02 (0.51–2.01) injury as “severe” and aeromedical risk can then be calculated * Standardized incidence ratio. Fig. 2. MRI showing right parietal subdural hematoma. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87, No. 6 June 2016   577 SUBDURAL HEMORRHAGE IN AN AVIATOR—Cable drop to within aeromedically acceptable thresholds, as does the risk of recurrent bleeding. HR† (CI) SEIZURE RISK % HR (CI) SEIZURE RISK % Even within the initial 12-mo Mild TBI 9.01(5.99–13.5) 0.55 (0.36–0.82) 5.20 (3.02–8.94) 0.32 (0.12–0.54) window, given his normal role Severe TBI 23.9 (18.9–30.2) 1.46 (1.15–1.84) 7.08 (4.73–10.6) 0.43 (0.29–0.65) † in a multicrew aircraft with minHazard ratio. imal exposure to acceleration from the available population data. However, mitigating factors forces and his isolated SDH with no other features consistent include that the acceleration force was relatively small and with significant TBI, his absolute risk while flying was still insufficient to cause cerebral contusion, there were no hemosidconsidered to be low. Therefore, it was recommended that this erin deposits reported in the brain substance, and the SDH aviator be restricted to his normal multicrew operations and resolved fully without surgical treatment. Using Annegers’ data also restricted geographically to flights of short duration within and using a population risk of single unprovoked seizure of 61 Australia until 12 mo post-injury to mitigate the risk of recurper 100,000 person-years (0.061% per year),9 Table I examines rence and of PTE, and to expedite his access to acute medical the risk of PTE for both mild and severe TBI at less than 12 mo care in the unlikely event it is required. Thereafter consideration post-injury and from 1–4 yr post-injury. It can be seen that for could be given to a return to unrestricted flying after a progress severe head injury, within 12 mo of injury the risk of seizure is MRI. While the annualized risk of seizure may be higher than approximately 5.8% (3.6 to 9.2%). This drops to 1.02% (0.51– the background population risk, the risks associated with this 2.10%) 1 to 4 yr after injury. SDH alone carries a rate ratio of 9.8 injury are thought to be small and mitigated by the patient’s (3.6–27.1) after TBI, giving a overall risk of seizure of 0.6% multicrew role. (0.22–1.65%) per year.3 Using the data from Yeh et al.,25 even mild head injuries carry a risk of PTE out to 4 yr post-injury. Table II uses this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS data to examine annualized risk. Here the risk of PTE after severe TBI is approximately 1.46% (1.15–1.84%) in the first Author and affiliation: Gordon G. Cable, P.G.Dip.Av.Med., FACAsM, Royal Australian Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, RAAF Base Edinburgh, year, but drops to 0.43% (0.29–0.65%) after 1–2 yr. The hazard ratio of PTE associated specifically with SDH they found to be South Australia, Australia. 4.98, giving an annual risk of 0.3% per year. 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IP: On: Sun, 09 Sep 2018 07:35:21 Copyright: Aerospace Medical Association Delivered by Ingenta Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87, No. 6 June 2016   579