Nrur,,pcycholog,u. Vol 21, Prmted in Great Bnta~n. No 6. pp. 799-809, 19R9. ii CNX-3932/89 S3.00+0.00 1989 Pergamon Press plc HEMISPHERIC ASYMMETRY OF PROCESSING TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF REPETITIVE MOVEMENT IN TWO PATIENTS WITH INFARCTION INVOLVING THE CORPUS CALLOSUM* ASAKO KASHIWAGI,~~ TOSHIHIRO KASHIWAGI,~ TAKASHI NISHIKAWA $ and JUN-ICHIRO OKUDA 1) +Department of Rehabilitation, Kyoritsu Rehabilitation Hospital, Japan; IDepartment Kyowakai Hospital, Japan; $Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hoshigaoka Kosei-Nenkin llFaculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Osaka University, Japan (Receitled 21 June 1988; accepted 29 November of Rehabilitation, Hospital, Japan; and 1988) Abstract-Two right-handed patients with infarction involving the forebrain commissural fibres produced irregular but rapid repetitive movements with their left hands while producing normal movements with their right hands as well as having normal oral expression. The abnormality was more conspicuous when producing slow tapping patterns. When required to reproduce rapid tapping patterns of around 5 beats/set, one of the patients produced a comparatively regular tapping pattern. Thus, we believe that both hemispheres are equipped with the faculty to produce rapid repetitive patterns and that only the left hemisphere is responsible for the temporal processes involved in producing required repetitive patterns. INTRODUCTION PROCESSINGTEMPORALaspects of movement is one of the fundamental faculties underlying human behaviours such as language performance. This faculty is often designated as rhythm formation and has been discussed in terms of the rate and regularity of repetitive movements in experimental studies. WYKE [18, 191 found that left-brain damage reduced the rate at which repetitive movements were performed in both the ipsilateral and contralateral hands, whereas right-brain damage resulted in a slowing of movements only for the contralateral hand. CARMON [l] studied sequenced motor performance in patients with unilateral cerebral lesions, and found that left-sided lesions caused more noticeable deficiency at a fast pace than right-sided lesions and a reverse trend occurred at a slow pace. KIMURA and ARCHIBALD [S] found that lesions of the left hemisphere impaired the performance of complex motor sequences in either hand. Recently, MCMANUS et al. [9] inferred from the data of normal subjects that the right-hand superiority in inter-tap intervals was a consequence of cerebral dominance in control mechanisms. The literature seems to imply left-hemisphere dominance in the performance of repetitive movements. If this implication is correct, patients with corpus callosum lesions would have dissociation between hands. In this paper we describe the performances of repetitive movement in two patients with callosal disconnection syndrome due to cerebral infarction. *This paper was read at the 10th meeting of the Neuropsychology VCorrespondence should be addressed to: Asako Kashiwagi. Shioyama 281, Kawanishi 66641, Japan. Association of Japan, Kyoritsu Rehabilitation Himeji, 1986. Hospital, Hirano- 800 A. KASHIWAGI rt ~1 CASE REPORTS Cusr 1 Y.Y. wasa 56-yr-old right-handed public official with 16 yrofeducation. Hedevelopcd sudden paresisofthe right lower limb in December 1983 and was admitted to a local hospital. He was diagnosed as having cerebral thrombosis. but no pathological lesion was recognized with a CT scan. He began work again in September 1984 hut needed assistance in both commutation and office work. On 14 July 1985, he was found unconscious in bed by a family member and brought to another local hospital. His CT scan disclosed a large low density area extending from the temporal to occipital lobes in the left hemisphere. He was transferred to Kyoritsu Rehabilitation Hospital for further investigation and rehabilitation on 31 October 1985. Y.Y. was alert and cooperative for examinations. He was disoriented in time and space due to amnesia but his general intelligence was not grossly impaired. Right homonymous hemianopia was disclosed in the confrontation method. The other cranial nerves were normal. Tendon reflexes of both lower limbs were moderately exaggerated but there was no right--left difference. Pathological reflexes and ankle clonus were negative. Muscle tone was normal. He was not ataxic. Although having neither gross paresis nor definite sensory loss, he demonstrated a small step arterosclerotic gait (dPmar& ti petit pus) with freezing phenomena in the right leg and desynchronization in manual pronationsupination diadochokinesis where the right limb produced steady movements while the left limb produced rapid and unsteady movements. His grasping reflex was negative. His CT and MRI scans (Fig. I) showed lesions situated in the posterior half of the genu and the whole truncus of the corpus callosum as well as in the posterosuperior portion of the left medial frontal lobe. and in the left medial temporo-occipital lobes. Spots of low density were also found in the bilateral basal ganglia. Neuropsychologically, Y.Y. showed ideomotor apraxia. agraphia and tactile anomia only with the left hand. Diagonistic apraxia was also observed. He exhibited neither tactile extinction nor auditory extinction to nonverbal or verbal stimuli in the sense of TANALE er a/. 1161 when manual responses were asked. However. when verbal responses were required, auditory or tactile stimuli to the left ear or hand were almost completely extinguished in bilateral simultaneous stimulation tests. The details of these phenomena, designated as apparent extinction, have been reported by NISHIKAWA et al. 1141. Visuo-motor ataxia (atauie nprique) was positive with the right hand in the left visual hemifield. The right hand demonstrated marked left unilateral spatial neglect’in such tasks as line cancellation, copying line drawings. line bisection and matching identical figures while the left hand did not demonstrate any abnormality 131. These findings led us to believe that he had callosal disconnection syndrome. Hc was not aphasic. According to the WAIS, his verbal IQ was 63 and performance IQ was off the scale with either hand. K.A. was a 68-yr-old right-handed retired local official who had had I6 yr ofeducation. He suddenly developed left hemiparesis in Decemer 1975 and he was diagnosed as having cerebral embolism at a local hospital. He resumed the ability to walk 6 months following the onset. In October 1981, he developed paresisin his right lower limb for IO min. Two weeks later he developed a weakness in both lower limbs which lasted for several minutes. On 2 November 1981, he developed left hemiparesis and was unable to walk. His CT scan at this time revealed an infarct in the right occipital lobe. One month later he could walk again with assistance. On 17 December 1985, he was admitted to Kyoritsu Rehabilitation Hospital to receive rehabilitation treatment. K.A. was fully alert, well oriented in time and space, and cooperative for examinations. Left homonymous hemianopia was demonstrated in the confrontation method. His ocular movement was normal. however he had some difficulty in fixing his gaze upon a target in the right visual field and poor optokinetic nystagmus in pursuing a target moving from the right to the left. K.A. had slight sensation loss and slight weakness on the left side of his face. There was no gross weakness in the four limbs although Barre’s sign was positive in the left upper limb. His diadochokinetic performance was good with the right hand but was poor with the left hand. His grasp rellex was prominent in the left hand. An instinctive grasping response was also present in the same hand. There were no tremors in either hand. Tendon reflexes were decreased in both upper limbs. There were right unilateral Babinski and Chaddock reflexes. His gait was slow and slightly unsteady. Both tactile senses and proprioception were slightly defective on the left side. His performance in a two-point discrimination test was almost normal. The CT scan (Fig. 2) showed two major low density areas. One was in the posteromedial portion of the right hemisphere, extending from the temporal lobe to the occipital lobe. This lesion included a posterior portion of the thalamus, the pulvinar and the commisural fibres running through the splenium of the corpus callosum. These areas roughly correspond to the territory of the right posterior cerebral artery. The other was located in the medial portion of the right hemisphere, covering the fibres through the genu and the truncus of the corpus callosum, and a medial portion of the superior frontal gyrus. These areas roughly correspond to the territories of the pericallosal and frontpolar arteries branching from the right anterior cerebral artery. Ncuropsychologically, K.A. showed various disconnection symptoms such as ideomotor apraxia, agraphia and tactile anomia confined to his left hand. In addition, his left hand showed “crossed avoiding reaction” in the sense of LECHEVALIEKrr ul. 161. a stereotyped inhibitory response of the limbs in reaching movements and precision grip posture when guided by a sensory stimulus in the hemifield contralateral to the limbs. K.A. could not reach for and PKCK’ESSING FIG. I. Y.Y.‘s CT scans TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF REPETITIVE MOVEMENT (3 Dec. 1985) and his median sagittal MRI (20 Feb. 1986): IR method (TR = 2100 msec, TI = 600 msec). 802 A. KASHIWAGI et al. FIG. 2. K.A:s CT scans (13 June 1986). PROCESSING TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF REPETITIVE MOVEMENT 803 grasp a target object located in the right visual hemifield with his left hand while he could perform the same task with little effort with his right hand [4]. K.A. would not try to use the left hand in daily life although he occasionally used it automatically, e.g. the left hand reached for the desk without effort for supporting his body when standing up. With his right hand K.A. exhibited left unilateral neglect. His left hand could not be tested. Performance on constructional tasks was also impaired with the right hand. The left hand could neither draw any recognizable figure nor manipulate cubes. According to the WAIS, his verbal IQ was 118 and performance IQ was 60. OBSERVATIONS IN REPETITIVE MOVEMENT The following tests were carried out from January to August in 1986 for Y.Y. and from March to June for K.A. Almost the same results were obtained from the re-tests carried out for Y.Y. in April 1987 which we will not describe here. 1. Up-and-down movement and pronation-supination with upper limbs For both tasks, Y.Y. was seated on a chair with both upper limbs extended forward: he was asked to move them up and down reciprocally or pronate and supinate them simultaneously. The speed of motion was his choice. K.A. refused to perform these tasks. Y.Y. performed the up-and-down movement 6 times with his right limb and 12 times with his left in 5 sec. In pronation-supination he performed the motion 4 times and 11 times, respectively. The right limb produced steady movements while the left limb produced rapid and unsteady movements where durations of both action and pauses were irregularly floating. Thus, both limbs did not synchronize. 2. Rhythm production in time to singing The subjects were required to produce rhythm with a unilateral upper limb in time to singing familiar songs. In the case of Y .Y., tapping was carried out by means of beating on the surface of a desk with his palm. The whole upper limb was extended slightly and held forward above the desk as a home position. The order of hand use was random. The responses were recorded with a VTR and then the sound signals were processed with a pen recorder (Nihon Kouden ECG 5303, filter band-pass: 0.05-75 Hz, paper speed: 2.5 cmjsec). The waveforms of the beats and voice were identified by the authors while watching the VTR monitor. Conversely in the case of K.A., the sound produced by tapping on the desk with his left upper limb was too low to be processed using the same procedure as Y.Y.‘s, he was therefore asked to click a pair of castanets with his first three fingers. The order of the hands used was random. His responses were also recorded with a VTR. Since voice and clicks ofcastanets are different in frequency spectra, the following two electronic circuits were employed to process the audio signals from the two sound sources. One was for the clicks of the castanets, consisting of a 2.G5.0 kHz band pass filter, a rectifier and a 40 Hz low pass filter. The other circuit was for voice, comprising a 0.5 kHz low pass filter, a rectifier and a 30 Hz low pass filter. Each of the output signals, representing envelope waveforms, was fed into the dualchannel pen recorder. As for manual tapping and electronic signal processing, exactly the same procedures as above were repeatedly employed in the tests hereafter. Samples of the responses in this test are illustrated in Fig. 3. While both Y.Y. and K.A. could sing songs and produce rhythm with the right limb in time to the singing in normal manners, the left limb beat an unsteady rhythm which was totally out of time to singing. The tempo of the left limb was by and large faster than that of the right. Furthermore, it was not rare that their left limbs stopped and began beating erratically or even remained motionless no4 A. KASHIWAGI c’f ul. while singing. On several occasions, the two patients could not stop beating their hands after singing or began beating abruptly some time after singing. It seemed that they lost voluntary control. Y.Y. said, “I cannot sing well if I tried to tap in time to singing.” In case of bimanual, simultaneous rhythm production, the left limb showed similar abnormalities and consequently both limbs did not synchronize. I 1 b I ( ui hs. Lt. Hand i 1 A 117~1(J311J2J711 y IJ?J m11- JJ ~ : ~ ,, 1-/J--7 -II. ‘I I FIG. 3. Production of rhythm by an upper limb in time to singing Kuroduhu.shi (Y.Y.) and SW~.tru (K.A.), Japanese familiar songs. Each patient sang in appropriate rhythm as indicated by the musical notes imposed. 3. Reproduction of slow repetitive patterns (1) Reproduction in response to auditory stimulation. While being blind-folded, the subjects were asked to reproduce several repetitive patterns in the same manner as in Section 2, tapping with an upper limb on the desk (Y.Y.) or clicking the castanets (K.A.), immediately after listening to an 8 set model pattern demonstrated by an examiner. They were instructed to keep responding until the examiner gave a sign to stop: the duration of a response was approximately 8 sec. The patterns that were presented were as follows: Pattern (a) OXXX, (b) OXOX, (c) -.__ OOXX and (d) 000X (“0” and “X” represent a beat and a pause, respectively, and the length of the underline represents 1 set). These patterns were successively presented one by one in random order for the following five reproduction modes, i.e. oral expression, right unimanual. left unimanual, simultaneous bimanual and reciprocal bimanual actions. These modes were also presented in random order. Pattern (d) was excluded in reciprocal bimanual actions. This mode was only conducted for Y.Y. In the figures, small black circles are inserted along the graphs of the simultaneous bimanual and bimanual reciprocal tasks, indicating beats of the right or left limb (Figs 4, 5 and 6). As a whole the right-hand performance was good in these tasks. As illustrated in Figs 4 and 5, each patient exhibited no deficit in right unimanual actions. The right-hand movement occasionally became uncontrolled in the case of simultaneous and reciprocal bimanual actions. Much attention to their left limb might disturb the movement of their right. For the one-beat-per-second pattern reproduction, intervoice intervals were prolonged in Y.Y. and varied in K.A. (Fig. 4). However, for more rapid patterns such as three beats per second, the PROCESSING TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF REPETITIVE 805 MOVEMENT Lt. Pami Rt.. Eiund. Sim,tm_ Lt. Biumul. Simdtamur r .r i. l:I I .I ‘. . r. . t / ; .r 8. . r . I .#r . 1’1,; .r. 0; . . 1. . .I t,. Fit. j i . ~ : h . /.’ * . 6. h FIG. 4. Reproduction of repetitive patterns: one beat per second. Note that the equipment used for processing the recorded sound of beats into graphic displays were different for Y.Y. and K.A. See the text. intervoice intervals were less irregular. In contrast, the left limb showed the following abnormalities. The reproduced patterns were rapid and unsteady and the most rapid and most often components were 4-5 Hz. These phenomena were observed in all the modes of the left limb movement, i.e. unimanual actions, simultaneous bimanual and reciprocal bimanual actions, regardless of the repetitive patterns. Abnormalities of the left hand inevitably led to desynchronization with the right. Each of the patients grew some impatience and occasionally said that the left hand moved regardless of their intention. (2) Reproduction in response to tactile stimulation. With his eyes closed and sitting face to face to the examiner, Y.Y. was required to reproduce the repetitive patterns as in Section (l), immediately after the examiner had demonstrated the model patterns by means of tapping on the dorsal surface of Y.Y.‘s hand somewhere between the second and third metacarpi with her index finger. The remainder of the procedures were the same as in Section (1). K.A. was not tested. The same results as in Section (1) were obtained: the left hand showed irregular and rapid movements, while the right hand showed normal movements. (3) Reproduction in response to visual stimulation. The examiner confronting Y.Y. demonstrated model patterns by moving the extended upper limb in Y.Y.‘s left hemispace. The remainder of the procedures such as repetitive patterns and manner of reproduction were the same as in Section (1). K.A. was not tested. The same tendencies as in Sections (1) and (2) were again observed in the rapidity and regularity of the movement for both hands. A. KASHIWAGI rt ul. 806 PA. nmd ; Lt. tlmd xi nt. Biunul. -Siultrmws Lt. . , ljl, . . FIG. 5. Reproduction i); . . i L h~~ -”~/ Uh . . . . . . ~.. .hl 1 h : I A_~_J. hf!-L.._ . . * . of repetitive patterns: three beats plus one pause per second 1 SLmnd m u&t Prcsmtcd -At. nmd Lt. Hmd FIG. 6. Reproduction 4. Reproduction ofrepetitive of rupid rrpetitiw patterns: five beats per second. K.A. was not examined in this task. putterns While blind-folded, Y.Y. was required to reproduce a 4-, 5- and 6-beat-per-second pattern by means of tapping on the desk. A model was auditorily presented by the examiner for 8 sec. Each pattern was performed once in this order. K.A. did not perform this task because of his discharge from the hospital. Samples of his responses to the 5-beats-per-second pattern are illustrated in Fig. 6. His left hand tapped for 445 beats and was still irregular if compared with the right hand. It was not synchronous with the right hand in bimanual tapping. It seemed, however, that the irregularity was the least conspicuous of all the reproduction tasks. The left hand would tend PROCESSING TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF REPETITIVE to beat faster than the right. As for the other patterns the same. 5. The auditory discrimination test of repetitive MOVEMENT in this task, the overall tendencies 807 were patterns The subjects were asked to discriminate 20 pairs of the following four patterns presented monoaurally. The patterns were: (a) OXXXOXXX, (b) OXOXOXOX, (c) OXOXXXXX and (d) OXOXOXXX (here the length of the underline represents 2 set). Each pattern consisted of an intermittent pure tone (1000 Hz, duration of the tone burst: 250 msec, duration of the pause: 250 msec). Half of the pairs were “the same” and the other half “different”. They were pseudorandomized. The subjects' judgement as to whether the pairs were the same or different was expressed by either raising an ipsilateral hand or not raising it. The right and left ears were tested monoaurally at 60 dB HL. The contralateral ear was masked with 40 dB HL white noise. The same test was repeated for each patient 2 days later and the correct scores of the two sessions were individually totalized. The results were as follows. Y.Y. scored 100% for the first session and 90% for the second session in right-side stimulation and response, 95% and 100% in left-side stimulation and response. K.A. scored 90% and 90% in the right-side tasks and 95% and 90% in the left-side tasks. We concluded that both Y.Y. and K.A. did not show apparent deficiencies in auditory discrimination of repetitive patterns in our experimental conditions. DISCUSSION Both Y.Y. and K.A. had difficulties in forming repetitive patterns if they used the left upper limb. They tended to respond with rapid, unsteady and awkward repetitive movements for any pattern, irrespective of stimulus modalities. They showed a departure from the models in timing and numbers of beats. The left hand was seemingly out of voluntary control in processing temporal aspects of required repetitive movements. This tendency became conspicuous when the patients were asked to perform slow repetitive movements. In contrast, it was confirmed that Y.Y. was consistently able to perform a repetitive movement at about 5 Hz. Since our patients easily performed such manual actions as tapping on a desk or clicking castanets with the left upper limb, we considered this phenomenon to be a disorder of processing temporal aspects of repetitive movement, i.e. a disorder of rhythm formation in a more general sense. Clinically, Y.Y. did not have paresis, ataxia or sensory loss in the left upper limb. K.A. did not manifest any gross muscular weakness in the left limb, although he showed Barre’s sign, slight defects of tactile senses and proprioception and grasp reflex. Since these patients showed similar behaviours as far as temporal aspects of repetitive movement were concerned, this abnormality cannot be attributed to elementary motor or sensory disturbances. Furthermore, neither Y.Y. nor K.A. was left-handed, although each of them could perform rapid repetitive movements with the non-preferred left hand. TANAKA et al. [ 171 have referred to rapid and awkward reproduction of tapping with the right hand which was observed transiently in a right-handed patient with a lesion of the corpus callosum. Incidentally, their patient’s severe agraphia, his solitary unilateral disconnection sign, was confined to the “right” hand. Accordingly, these authors inferred that their patient’s right hemisphere was linguistically dominant. This fact makes it unlikely that the abnormality of repetitive movement resulted from the poor dexterity of the non-preferred hand. 808 A. KASHIWAGICTul. Furthermore, also irrelevant our data confirmed that auditory discrimination of rhythm patterns was to the cause of the abnormalities. NAKAMURA, R. et ~11.[12] had patients with Parkinson’s disease tap synchronously to periodic sound stimuli. The patients could tap synchronously if the sound stimuli were at the frequency of l-2 Hz, but when the stimuli exceeded the frequency of 2.5 Hz, they abruptly failed to respond synchronously to the stimuli and showed a hastened tapping of 4-7 Hr (average of 5 Hz), irrespective of the input stimuli frequencies. They called this phenomenon the “Hastening Phenomenon” (referred to as HP hereafter) and interpreted it as a release ol the intrinsic oscillation system in the central nervous system. Following this study, NAGASAKI et ul. [lo] reported that the same phenomenon was observed with CVA patients and pointed out its relationship with the lateralized dysfunction of the striatum on the basis of CT scan analysis. These authors did not necessarily explain the left&right difference in the occurrence of the abnormality, but they appeared to have observed a bilateral abnormality. From the MRI and CT scan findings, lesions in the striatum could not be denied in Y.Y. and K.A. In addition, our patients produced rapid beats around 4-5 Hz. However, in comparing Nakamura’s and Nagasaki’s series with ours, we see an apparent difference: our patients’ rapid repetitive movements appeared at such slow frequencies as 1 or 2 Hz where the 146 patients with Parkinson’s disease and the 191 CVA patients did not demonstrate any HP. One of the present authors observed another callosal patient without a lesion in the basal ganglia, the site of the lesion being confirmed by medical records and MRI scans, who transiently produced rapid repetitive movements with his left hand 1131. Furthermore, the patient of TANAKA et (11. [17], cited above, showed no evidence of damage to the basal ganglias. We believe that the phenomenon observed in Y.Y. and K.A. is most likely different from the HP. In keeping with this discussion, we presumed that our patients’ abnormality in temporal aspects of repetitive movement was most likely caused by pathologies of the corpus callosum. This inference is partly supported by NAKAMURA, H. et ul. [l l] who pointed out the functional significance of the corpus callosum for rhythmic capabilities. Thus, we summarized the pathological mechanisms of what we observed, as the following: both hemispheres are equipped with a faculty to produce rapid repetitive patterns on the basis of the organic intrinsic oscillation system [2, lo], whereas only the left hemisphere commits deeply in temporal processes to attain required repetitive patterns. Our view is compatible with the studies on biaural audition of normal subjects [7, 151 and the intrahemispheric lesion study on a right-handed professional musician with a left posterior parietal lesion exhibiting disturbances in rhythm recognition and formation [S], as well as with the studies cited in the Introduction. The abnormality of the left limb should arise in temporal aspects of repetitive movement when the right hemisphere is released from the control of the dominant left hemisphere due to lesions of the corpus callosum. On the other hand, it becomes obscure when a rapid repetitive movement of around 5 Hz is required. We speculate that the right hemisphere is most likely resonant with rapid patterns neighbouring this tempo. However, the abnormality is salient when a relatively slow repetitive movement is required, because the non-dominant right hemisphere is not qualified to voluntarily control tempi of repetitive movements. AcknowledUemmts-We wsould like to express OUTthanks to Drs Kenzo Kiso (Kyowakai Hospital), Osarnu Kunitomi (Yuaikai Hospital), Tsuyoshi Nishimura, Junzo Shiraishi, Hirotaka Tanabe (Osaka University). Atsushl Yamadori (Hyogo Brain and Heart Centre at Himeji), Morio Kono (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) for their support and invaluable suggestions and to Ms Hisako Sakaegi for her cooperation In the experiments. PROCESSINGTEMFORALASPECTSOF REPETITIVEMOVEMENT 809 REFERENCES 1. CAKMON, A. Disturbances of tactile sensitivity in patients with unilateral cerebral lesions. Cortex 7,83%97,1971. 2. ITOH, M. Noh no Sekkeizu (in Japanese). Chuoh Kouron-sha, Tokyo, 1980. 3. KASHIWAGI, A., KASHIWAGI, T., NISHIKAWA, T., TANABE, H. and OKUDA, J. Left unilateral neglect confined to the right hand in a patient with the callosal disconnection syndrome. Paper read at the 1 Ith meeting of the Neuropsychology Association of Japan, Tokyo, 1987. 4. KASHIWAGI, T., KASHIWAGI, A., SAKAEGI, H., KOBAYASHI, M., NISHIKAWA, T., OKUDA, J., SHIRAISHI, J. and NISHIMURA, T. A patient with a crossed avoiding reaction (in Japanese). Shitsugosho Kenkyu 7, 78, 1987. 5. KIMURA, D. and ARCHIBALD, Y. 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