Frontal Lobe Syndrome in a Patient With Bilateral Globus Pallidus Lesions Richard L. Strub, MD \s=b\ This article describes a patient who experienced the rapid onset of an irreversible behavioral change while vacationing in La Paz, Bolivia (altitude, 4070 m). The only lesions demonstrated on a magnetic resonance imaging scan were bilateral hemorrhages in the globus pallidus. The behavior change was characterized by apathy and lack of motivation, features commonly associated with bilateral frontal lobe disease. This case is a further demonstration of how subcortical lesions can produce behavioral syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from classic cortical syndromes. It is cases such as this that show how a strict localizationist concept of behavioral function is too restrictive and how it is necessary to consider a wide network of neuronal interconnections when explaining the mechanism of a dissolution of complex higher functions. (Arch Neurol. 1989;46:1024-1027) than 100 years ago, a man ]\/Torenamed Phineas Gage developed an abrupt change in character and personality after sustaining a destruc¬ tive lesion in the prefrontal portion of the frontal lobes of his brain. The syn¬ drome of apathy, nonmotivation, in¬ difference, irritability, and lack of so¬ cial restraint has come to be known as the frontal lobe syndrome. With the examination of large numbers of pa¬ tients with frontal damage it has be¬ come obvious that there is no unitary behavioral constellation of symptoms among these patients. Several clinical subtypes, possibly with separate ana¬ tomic localizations, have now been described.1 In addition to this elabora¬ tion and separation of the clinical pre¬ sentations of patients with damage restricted to the frontal lobes, patients Accepted for publication October 27, 1988. From the Ochsner Clinic and Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans, La. Reprint requests to Ochsner Clinic and Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, 1514 Jefferson Highway, New Orleans, LA 70121 (Dr Strub). have been described with the clinical features of a classic frontal lobe syn¬ drome, yet whose lesion or lesions lay elsewhere in the brain. This article describes a man who de¬ veloped a clinical irreversible frontal lobe syndrome secondary to bilateral hemorrhages in the globus pallidus. One unusual feature of this case was that the behavior change began abruptly after disembarking from a commercial airliner in La Paz, Bolivia, at an altitude of 4070 m. REPORT OF A CASE A healthy 60-year-old man from Louisi¬ (altitude, sea level) arrived in La Paz, Bolivia (altitude, 4070 m), after an unevent¬ ful flight from Santiago, Chile (altitude, 550 m). He disembarked, and as he was enter¬ ana ing the terminal his wife noticed that he acting as if he were drunk. He made inappropriate remarks to traveling com¬ panions, scattered coins to children at the airport, and began talking in an expansive was fashion. He claimed that the altitude made him feel "high," and announced that "the trip was a drag and he needed to get out and walk." He was physically active that first day and did not have any physical com¬ plaints. He vomited once that night, but in the morning did not complain of headache or respiratory distress. On the second day, he again felt drunk yet continued to be active. Throughout the course of that day he began to look somewhat dazed and show signs of lethargy. He slept much of that evening and the following day. On the evening of the third day, he was taken to a lower altitude. Over the subsequent few days he became more alert but was quiet and withdrawn. He had no memory of the 3 days spent in Bolivia. Six days after leaving Bolivia he was ex¬ amined at the Ochsner Clinic in New Or¬ leans, La. His wife stated that since the trip the patient had undergone a complete per¬ sonality change. Prior to his arrival in Bo¬ livia the patient had been an outgoing, am¬ bitious "dynamo," who owned and operated several small businesses. He had previously also been outgoing socially. After the trip he was socially withdrawn, had no motiva¬ tion for business, showed no interest in his hobbies, and spent much of the day watch- Downloaded From: by a New York University User on 06/17/2015 mg television. He had no specific physical or neurologic complaints other than the be¬ havior change and the period of amnesia for the time spent in Bolivia. On brief mental status evaluation he was quiet, laconic, and offered no spontaneous conversation. He was oriented, accurate about his recall of recent news events, and could name the last four presidents in proper order, albeit rather slowly. He was, however, able to store and retrieve only one of four specific verbal items after 5 minutes. Neurologically, he showed some mild cog¬ wheel rigidity in the left arm and a ten¬ dency to fall to the left on tandem walking. He had a slightly increased muscle stretch reflex in the left ankle, and there was a pos¬ itive Hoffmann's sign on that side. His medical history was unremarkable; he was normotensive, nondiabetic, with no history of cardiac or cerebral ischemia. He had been a heavy drinker in the past but had not had any alcohol in 2lk years. His wife believed that he had developed some mild recent memory problems in the pre¬ ceding year, but this did not interfere with his work. He had intermittent hip pain for which he took carisoprodol; that was his only medication. He had taken one of these pills the day of his flight into La Paz. Eight weeks after the onset of his frontal lobe syndrome he was only marginally im¬ proved. He tended to talk little and watch television for hours at a time. The family did not notice any significant memory prob¬ lem other than his amnesia for the time spent in Bolivia. He was totally unable to run his business, not because of an inability to understand the details of the business, but because he was completely unmotivated and procrastinated on every detail. Before, he had spent many hours on the phone making business calls; now he sat long hours in the office and rarely made a single call. He napped after lunch and slept 8 to 9 hours every night, an unusual pattern for him. At that time an electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain were performed. The electroen¬ cephalogram was normal, but the magnetic resonance imaging scan demonstrated bi¬ lateral hemorrhages involving the inner surface of the globus pallidus and the white matter tracts of the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Figs 1 and 2). On that visit a full mental status exam¬ ination was performed.2 The patient was alert and attentive, but quiet and laconic. Fig 1. Sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (T,) demonstrating hem¬ orrhage in the right globus pallidus (arrow). Six weeks after hemorrhage. — Language functions were normal. He was fully oriented and had good recall of recent presidents. Again he could retain only one of four unrelated words after 5 minutes and two of four at 10 minutes. Only 11 of 26 bits of information were recalled from a ver¬ bally presented short story and he could find (after 5 minutes) only three of five ob¬ jects that he had seen the examiner hide in the room. Drawing ability was slightly im¬ paired. Proverb interpretation was only fair; however, similarity testing was good. Alternating motor sequencing and repeti¬ tive drawings designed to elicit persevera¬ tion and poor set shifting were normal. On this examination the patient demonstrated behavioral features of the frontal lobe syn¬ drome plus impairment of new learning ability (recent memory) and a mildly de¬ creased verbal abstracting ability. Five months after onset of frontal lobe syndrome a complete neuropsychologic test battery was administered. Full-scale (re¬ vised Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) IQ was 103 with a verbal IQ of 105 and a per¬ formance IQ of 101. The only significantly impaired intellectual functions were visual sequencing (digit symbol) and visual orga¬ nization (object assembly). Memory testing showed marked impairment in the ability to hold verbally presented material over time. The Trailmaking Test (Parts A and B) normal. The tests that showed the maximum impairment were the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Stroop Color Word Test. These tests evaluate the ability to shift sets rapidly and are characteristi¬ cally abnormal in patients with frontal lobe disease.3 Since the second month after onset of his behavioral syndrome the patient has re¬ mained clinically stable. He has shown no response to either methylphenidate (30 mg was Fig 2. Sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (T,) demonstrating hem¬ orrhage in the left globus pallidus (arrow). Six weeks after hemorrhage. — daily) or bromocriptine (80 mg daily). A follow-up magnetic resonance imaging was obtained 12 weeks after onset of frontal lobe syndrome (Figs 3 and 4); this second scan again demonstrated the globus palli¬ dus lesions. These lesions gave the signal characteristics of resolving hemorrhage. In the fifth month a single-photon emission computed tomographic scan was obtained, which showed a slight decrease in blood flow in the anterosuperior portion of the right frontal lobe and an equivocal decrease in blood flow in the posterior frontal lobe on the left side. COMMENT The patient's outstanding clinical signs and symptoms are those that typify the frontal lobe syndrome. He is apathetic, socially withdrawn, and nonmotivated. He has given up his hobbies and fails to make timely deci¬ sions in his work. He knows what actions are required in his business, yet he procrastinates and leaves de¬ tails unattended. Depression is not present. He does not display or admit to any dysphoric mood; he is not sad and has not changed his eating habits; however, he tends to sleep more than he did in the past. Neuropsychologic testing demonstrated a significant im¬ pairment on the sensitive set shifting tasks (Stroop Color Word Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) that are usually associated with frontal lobe dysfunction.3 The frontal lobe syndrome is usually in patients with significant dis¬ ease of the frontal cortex. In cases of seen Downloaded From: by a New York University User on 06/17/2015 the apathetic variety of frontal syn¬ drome, such as this patient displays, it has been proposed that it is the lateral portion of the frontal lobes that is usually involved (Brodmann's areas 9, 10, 11, 46, and 47).1 This dorsolateral localization is by no means universal; bilateral anterior cerebral artery le¬ sions that are sometimes seen after anterior communicating artery aneu¬ rysm rupture will produce an apa¬ thetic frontal lobe syndrome with me¬ sial and orbital frontal infarction. In this case there was no evidence on the magnetic resonance imaging scan of any damage to the frontal cortex, although the single-photon emission computed tomographic scan did show a minimal decrease in blood flow in the superior frontal lobe on the right side. It is proposed, therefore, that the subcortical lesions in the globus pallidus alone are responsible for this patient's clinical findings. The behavior changes of the frontal lobe syndrome can occur, however, from noncortical as well as nonfrontal lesions. Deep white matter lesions in the frontal lobe that interrupt the re¬ ciprocal connections between the fron¬ tal cortex and limbic structures else¬ where in the brain can certainly pro¬ duce the syndrome. The frontal leukotomies performed in the 1940s by Freeman and Watts4 purposely in¬ volved producing such lesions by the rather nonselect cutting of these fiber tracts in the inferior frontal lobe. Such procedures were performed to produce Fig 3.—Coronal magnetic resonance imaging (T,) 10 weeks after onset of frontal lobe syndrome demonstrating area of residual damage in the right globus pallidus (arrow). a state of relative apathy in psychotic patients.4 More recently, selective cingulotomies have been performed to help seriously obsessive-compulsive individuals to be less obsessive. In these cases, fiber tracts connecting the frontal lobe with the cingulate gyrus are interrupted.56 Involvement or disconnection of the deep frontal white matter is also one of the possible mechanisms for the fron¬ tal lobe syndrome that is sometimes demonstrated in patients after rup¬ ture of anterior communicating artery aneurysms.7·8 It is not difficult to imagine how damage to the major afferent and ef¬ ferent systems of an extensive area of association cortex such as the frontal lobes could produce a clinical picture similar to that produced by damage to the cortex itself. But how more remote lesions, such as those seen in this patient, can explain the frontal lobe symptoms is more problematic. One explanation could be that the frontal lobe syndrome is not exclusively a frontal lobe phenomenon but rather is a general behavioral syndrome that can be seen in patients with destruc¬ tive lesions in various areas of the brain. Many of the features of the syn¬ drome, eg, apathy and nonmotivation, are common general behavioral symp¬ toms that are seen in a wide variety of organic and functional behavioral syn¬ dromes (eg, akinetic mute states, de¬ mentia, confusional states, right pari¬ etal lesions, depression). A second ex- Fig 4.—Coronal magnetic resonance imaging (T,) 10 weeks after onset of frontal lobe syndrome demonstrating bilateral residual lesions in the globus pallidus (arrows). planation is that the symptoms of the frontal syndrome are produced not only by damage to the frontal lobes and their major fiber pathways but also by damage to other brain struc¬ tures that have strong interconnec¬ tions with the frontal lobes. The fron¬ tal lobes have rich interconnections with many subcortical structures: cau¬ date nuclei, thalamus (dorsomedial and anterior nuclei), temporal lobe lim¬ bic structures, and the periaqueductal gray and associated mesencephalic lim¬ bic structures.9 Because of this system of dense reciprocal interconnection it is not surprising that patients with subcortical lesions in some of these areas can have symptoms of frontal lobe dysfunction. Several recent clinical re¬ ports support this notion. Richfield et al10 described a 25-yearold patient who developed a pattern of inappropriate, vulgar, impulsive, anti¬ social behavior after bilateral destruc¬ tion of the head of the caudate nuclei; and Bogousslavsky et al11 described a 72-year-old patient with an infarct in the right thalamus who demonstrated a behavioral state that fluctuated be¬ tween manic delirium and apathy. In addition to these cases in which the frontal lobelike behavior change was the principal behavioral feature of the subcortical lesions, Katz et al12 have described six patients with dementia secondary to multiple subcortical strokes in the mesencephalon and di¬ encephalon in whom features of a fron¬ tal lobe syndrome (apathy, lack of mo- Downloaded From: by a New York University User on 06/17/2015 tivation, and impulsiveness) accompa¬ nied the cognitive loss. In the case described here, the exact anatomic extent of the lesions is not known; however, they appear to be largely confined to the globus pallidus and possibly some portion of the pos¬ terior limb of the internal capsule. It may be possible that some of the fibers from dorsomedial thalamus to frontal lobe may be affected by this lesion. Crosby et al13 also describe thalamofrontal fibers that make connections through the putamen and globus palli¬ dus. It is not known whether these pathways are of sufficient influence that their damage could cause this de¬ gree of behavior change,13 but it is possible. Further speculation without pathologic examination is clearly un¬ justified. The functions of personality, drive, and character that are attributed to the frontal lobes are enormously com¬ plex functions that undoubtedly re¬ quire vast integrated cerebral neu¬ ronal networks for their elaboration.14 The frontal cortex is an important part of that network, but, as this and other reported cases show, it is not the ex¬ clusive center for such functions. Dam¬ age anywhere within the entire net¬ work is likely to produce, in some measure, symptoms akin to the classic frontal lobe syndrome. This same network model can be used to explain the findings in cases of subcortical dementia,15 subcortical aphasia,16 subcortical neglect,17 and any number of similar cases that do not fit the strict localizationist model of the 19th century. Other than the anatomic mecha¬ nism in this case, there is a further unexplained issue in this particular patient; ie, the exact relationship among this patient's symptoms, his brain lesions, and the fact that they both occurred at an altitude of more than 4000 m above sea level. The pa¬ tient's initial symptoms of light-headedness, intoxication, and poor judg¬ ment occurred within minutes of en¬ tering the rarefied air of La Paz. These symptoms are certainly consistent in many ways with the symptoms of acute anoxia that have been reported by military recruits exposed to low oxygen tension in experimental de¬ compression chambers and by pilots who have experienced explosive de¬ compression at high altitudes (8000 to 16000 m) when the canopy of their aircraft unexpectedly ejected.1819 In such cases of anoxia, however, patients usually experience paresthesias in var¬ ious parts of the body, which this pa¬ tient did not; and they are usually not amnesic unless the anoxia is severe and their behavior much more disor¬ dered and confusional than that of this patient. Simple hypoxia is probably an insufficient explanation for his initial behavior change. In commercial airplanes the pres¬ sure in the cabin is maintained at an equivalent of between 1830 and 2440 m above sea level. Ambient cabin pres¬ sure is supposed to be gradually de¬ creased during descent into La Paz so as to avoid the explosive decompres¬ sion (by definition, a drop in pressure of 1524 m in 1 minute or less) that would occur if the cabin door was opened in La Paz without the gradual change. Assuming that these precau¬ tions were taken, this patient should not have experienced a rapid change in pressure, but rather, a gradual one. There are other clinical syndromes that can occur when individuals are exposed to a change in ambient baro¬ metric pressure. One is acute moun¬ tain sickness, a syndrome seen in mountaineers who climb at altitudes above 3350 m.2022 This syndrome evolves over hours to days and is char¬ acterized by both pulmonary and cere¬ bral edema. The patient presented here did not describe the headache, blurred vision, and respiratory prob¬ lems associated with that condition, so it is doubtful that diffuse edema played a part in his symptoms. Acute moun¬ tain sickness can be fatal but autopsy reveals cerebral edema, petechial hem¬ orrhages on the pial surface of the brain and anoxie necrosis in basal ganglion and cortex but no parenchymal hemorrhage.2324 Another mecha¬ nism of neurologic symptoms with rapid decompression is the release of nitrogen bubbles into the system. This is usually associated with decompres¬ sion from underwater dives and is rarely, if ever, seen in high-altitude ex¬ posure.25 The relationship between the globus pallidus hemorrhage and the altitude exposure remains, therefore, unclear. It is possible that the hemorrhages are coincidental and that the high altitude played no physiologic role in the pro¬ duction of the hemorrhage. Several factors, however, make it difficult to accept this supposition; basal ganglion hemorrhage is uncommon in normotensive individuals, basal ganglion hemorrhage is usually unilateral, and such hemorrhages are much more common in the striatum and thalamus than in the globus pallidus. It is possi¬ ble that this patient had bilateral cryptic vascular malformations in each globus pallidus and that the com¬ bination of tissue hypoxia and com¬ pensatory vasodilatation produced the hemorrhage, but this seems unlikely. A final possibility is that the hypoxia, to which the globus pallidus is rela¬ tively sensitive, coupled with vasodi¬ latation that occurs at high altitude caused the rupture of some small nor¬ mal vessels in this area thus causing the restricted areas of hemorrhage. If this is what happened, this event most likely occurred in the first hour after disembarking. The patient's excitation the first day would therefore have rep¬ resented the combined effects of the acute hemorrhage and general cere¬ bral hypoxia. By the third day, the in¬ toxication of the hypoxia receded and the apathy and lethargy caused by the focal lesions prevailed. From review of the literature and the general knowledge that people fly in and out of high-altitude airports on a daily basis without developing the problems encountered by this patient, it is clear that this case is, if not unique, decidedly rare. There was nothing in the patient's medical his¬ tory or his evaluation after the inci¬ dent to suggest a medical condition that would render him unusually sus¬ ceptible to the effects of high-altitude exposure. 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