British Journal of Neurosurgery (1989) 3 , 225-228 SHORT REPORT Acute Spontaneous Subdural Haematoma of Arterial Origin GEORGE STEPHENSON 8i R. MYLES GIBSON Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by University of Newcastle on 12/27/14 For personal use only. Department of Neurosurgery, The General Infirmary, Leeds, United Kingdom Abstract Spontaneous arterial subdural haematoma is arguably a rare condition. We report on three patients who presented with progressive neurological deficit or coma and who had been initially diagnosed as strokes. Explanations for the development of this condition are reviewed and it is suggested that it is not as rare as previously thought. Key words: Arterial origin, subdural haematoma, Sylvian jissure. Introduction Sudden alteration of consciousness or development of neurological deficit in a previously healthy patient is commonly associated with a cerebrovascular event. Acute subdural haematoma is well known in head injured patients in association with traumatic laceration or contusion of the brain and tearing of bridging veins in the subdural space. Less frequent but well recognised is the acute subdural haematoma in the presence of cerebral aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation or coagulopathy. Less appreciated is the spontaneous variety associated with arterial rupture. Here we add three further cases of spontaneous arterial subdural haematoma to the 20 cases so far reported in the literature. Case 1 A previously well, 64-year-old male patient developed sudden severe headache while waiting to be served at his local bank. He sat down and subsequently collapsed on the floor. Witnesses thought he had a convulsion. He was taken to the casualty department of his local hospital where he was found to be cyanosed and unresponsive to deep pain. His reflexes were brisk and his plantars upgoing. There was no external evidence of trauma to the head and his BP was recorded as 145/100 mmHg. He had no papilloedema or retinal haemorhages on fundoscopy. He was admitted to the medical unit with a diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage. Routine blood investigations, coagulation screen, chest radiograph and ECG were all reported as normal. Three hours following admission he developed spontaneous extensor posturing and his pupils became pin point and unreactive. A computerised tomographic (CT) scan was obtained which revealed a right sided subdural haematoma with considerable midline shift (Fig. 1). There were no associated brain contusions or subarachnoid blood. The patient was intubated and ventilated without any paralysing agents being required and transferred to the regional neurosurgical unit. At emergency craniotomy the dura was found to be very adherent to bone. An extensive subdural clot was evacuated to reveal 225 Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by University of Newcastle on 12/27/14 For personal use only. 226 George Stephenson & R. Myles Gibson His condition deteriorated over the course of the next 6 hours and he became unrousable. A C T scan of the brain was obtained at this point which showed a right sided subdural haematoma with midline shift but no other brain injury. He was transferred to the regional neurosurgical unit where an emergency craniotomy was performed. The dura was very adherent to the bone and the two were separated with the utmost difficulty. A subdural clot was evacuated to reveal a small spurting artery in the vicinity of the Sylvian fissure. Postoperatively his hemiplegia rapidly resolved. Case 3 A 66-year-old man, previously in good health, was observed standing reading his paper in the city railway station when he was seen to collapse on the floor. He was taken to the local FIG. 1. Case 1: CT scan showing R sided subdural Accident and Emergency department where he haematoma with brain shift. was found to be comatose with no response to external stimuli and to have small fixed pupils. a small bleeding cortical artery in the region of No evidence of head injury could be elicited the Sylvian fissure. The rest of the brain and a skull radiograph revealed no fractures. appeared normal and no contusions or vascular He was subsequently admitted to a general malformations were noted. medical ward with the diagnosis of a cerebroThe postoperative recovery was uneventful. vascular event. Three hours after admission his The patient had a transient contralateral hemi- right pupil became fixed and dilated and a CT paresis which resolved within days. Prior to scan was obtained. This showed an extensive discharge 3 weeks later the patient underwent left parietal subdural haematoma with signififour vessel angiography which did not reveal cant midline shift. Despite the evacuation of any abnormality. this as well as postoperative ventilation on the intensive care unit he succumbed 2 weeks later. A necropsy was performed which showed Case 2 the cause of his death to be a subdural A 67-year-old male hospital inpatient awaiting haematoma which was arterial in origin. It was myelography and suffering from polyarteritis assumed that this occured as a spontaneous nodosa was found on the floor by his bed at 3 event as there was no associated brain laceraa.m. He was conscious and orientated but had tion or contusion suggestive of trauma and no developed a left hemiparesis. He was not evidence of vascular malformation was found. hypertensive and was taking prednisolone 10 mg per day. There was no sign of injury to his Discussion head and a skull radiograph did not show any abnormality. It was thought that he had Most subdural haematomas are thought to be suffered a stroke and neurological observations venous in origin, secondary to torn bridging veins or venous sinuses. This view has been were commenced. Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by University of Newcastle on 12/27/14 For personal use only. Spontaneous Subdural Haematoma 227 challenged by a number of authors who atheromatous plaque as a cause. There was no propose that many acute and subacute trauma- history of trauma in any of our cases. Vance" coined the phrase 'firehose rupture' tic subdural haematomas are arterial in oriShenkid found 61.5% were of arterial after a series of post mortem examinations in origin in his series of 39 traumatic subdural which he identified a cortical artery as the haematomas. source of bleeding. He postulated that these Non-traumatic or spontaneous arterial sub- rents were found in surface cortical arteries dural haematoma may result from aneurysmal where a twig came off at right angles which or arteriovenous malformation rupture6,', may represented an area of potential weakness. be secondary to turnours of the dura matere*gor O'Brien2 presented further histopathological to Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation and evidence in support of the above hypothesis showing microscopic deficiency in the wall of other coagulopathies. Spontaneous arterial subdural haematoma in the affected artery corresponding to the origin the absence of the above conditions is a rarely in a small branch. Moreover he found no reported event. Tokero et a l l o in a recent evidence of previous adhesions between the paper have proposed certain criteria that dura and a cortical artery or of an arterial should be fulfilled before this diagnosis can be knuckle of a surface artery protruding through made. These are: the arachnoid and adherent to the dura as (a) there should be no history of head suggested by Drake. Finally although hypertension was present trauma; in some of the reported cases it is thought not (b) no damage to the underlying cortex; (c) no aneurysm or arteriovenous malforma- to be an important predisposing factor12. None of our cases was a known hypertensive tion around the affected artery; and (d) identification of a bleeding artery at but in Case 3 the post mortem examination revealed changes in the heart consistent with operation. Thus, reviewing the reported cases in the chronic hypertension. In Cases 1 and 2 the literature they concluded that only 20 could be dura was extremely adherent to the bone at identified which satisfied these criteria. They craniotomy but no adhesions were noted bealso noted that there was a male preponderance tween the dura and cortical vessels. The mortality from this condition as judged (80%) and the average age was 56 years (range 37-80). Only eight of the 20 were known by the hitherto reported cases is around 50%. hypertensives. Here we suggest a further three This closely approximates that of its traumatic counterpart where the associated bruising and cases for inclusion in the list. All our patients were over 60 years old and laceration of the brain combined with the all were male which is in keeping with resultant brain oedema soon lead to irreverpreviously published reports. In two cases an sible coma and tentorial herniation, whereas in arterial source in the region of the Sylvian the spontaneous variety the absence of brain fissure was found at operation and in our third oedema at the time of operation is a notable case evidence of arterial bleeding was provided feature. One would expect the surgical treatby post mortem studies. ment of spontaneous subdural haematoma Several hypotheses have been put forward to from simple arterial rupture without associated explain the development of these spontaneous brain injury to be more rewarding. The unexsubdural haematomas. Drake' in one of the pectedly high mortality must be in part attribuearlier reports argued that spontaneous arterial table to delay in recognition and prompt rupture is impossible without some degree of surgical treatment, and in part to the well trauma and suggests minor trauma that has recognised fact that the greatest surgical morgone unnoticed by the patient is responsible for tality in subdural haemorrhage occurs when the haemorrhage. He also considered but the interval to coma is brief. dismissed local arterial disease due to an Talala & McKissock13 noted an ipsilateral Br J Neurosurg Downloaded from by University of Newcastle on 12/27/14 For personal use only. 228 George Stephenson Q R. Myles Gibson hemiparesis in all eight patients in their series. They attributed this to a supratentorial extraaxial mass causing compression of the contralateral pyramidal tracts against the tentorial edge (Kernohan’s notch) in the absence of any intra-axial mass effect. They concluded that this constituted a clinical syndrome distinguishing the spontaneous subdural haematoma. This has not been our experience with two of our patients who had a hemiparesis. The true incidence of non-traumatic subdural haematoma is not known at present. We believe it is not as rare as the reports so far have implied. We propose that this condition be considered in the differential diagnosis of the patient presenting with neurological deficit of sudden onset in whom no signs of a vascular aetiology such as previous hypertension, transient ischaemic attacks or myocardial infarction could be elicited. Features such as male sex, age over 55 and neurological deterioration should further alert one to the possibility of this diagnosis and lead to early investigation by computerised tomography scanning. Address for correspondence: R. M. Gibson, M.D., F.R.C.S., Consultant Neurosurgeon, The General Infirmary at Leeds, Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3EX, U.K. References 1 Drake CG. Subdural haematoma from arterial rupture. J Neurosurg 1961; 18:597-601. 2 O’Brien PK, Norris JW, Tator CH. Acute subdural haematoma of arterial origin. J Neurosurg 1974; 41~435-9. 3 Rengachary SS, Szymanski DC. Subdural haematoma of arterial origin. Neurosurgery 1981; 8:166-72. 4 Williams B. Subdural haekaioma of arterial origin. 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