Neurocrit Care NEURO-IMAGES Another Pitfall in Brain Death Diagnosis: Return of Cerebral Function After Determination of Brain Death by Both Clinical and Radionuclide Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Julius Gene S. Latorre1* , Elena B. Schmidt1 and David M. Greer2 © 2020 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and Neurocritical Care Society Introduction Brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a noninvasive ancillary test used in selected patients in the determination of brain death (BD) with reported 100% specificity [1]. We report a case of falsepositive brain SPECT imaging in a patient who fulfilled clinical criteria (minus apnea testing) for BD but who subsequently regained some cerebral function. Case Report A 59-year-old man suffered catastrophic brain injury due to a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage likely secondary to uncontrolled hypertension (See Fig. 1). CT angiography revealed no aneurysm or vascular malformation. Repeat head CT the next day (See Fig. 2) showed worsening cerebral edema, herniation and mass effect. The patient remained unresponsive off all sedation except for right lower extremity withdrawal to stimulation. The next day, this movement was no longer observed. Clinical Neurological Examination Clinical BD testing was performed based on our institutional protocol (See Appendix 1), adapted from the 2010 American Academy of Neurology guidelines [2]. *Correspondence: 1 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (UH‑7134), SUNY Upstate Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article A board certified neurointensivist performed the neurologic examination. Otoscopic examination showed normal tympanic membranes bilaterally. Cranial nerve examination showed fixed dilated pupils at 6 mm bilaterally using bright LED light, absent corneal reflexes using a sterile cotton swab, absent oculocephalic and oculovestibular reflexes, absent cough and gag reflexes, absent spontaneous respirations, absent grimace to supraorbital pressure, absent motor response to central and peripheral noxious stimulation. Apnea testing was deemed unsafe due to hemodynamic instability requiring multiple vasopressors (norepinephrine and vasopressin). Therefore, a brain SPECT was obtained within 1 h of completing the clinical examination, with no alterations in his management in that intervening time. Nuclear Medicine Procedure Radiopharmaceutical preparation The Tc-99mBicisate (Neurolite, Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical Company, Billerica, MA, USA) was prepared and stabilized according to manufacturer specification, and 1.1038 Gbq (27.4 mCi) of Tc-99m Bicisate was used. Study acquisition Scintigraphy was performed according to the Practice Parameters and Technical Stand- Fig. 1 CT scan on admission (2 h after event) A noncontrast CT brain obtained 2 h from last known well showing a large intraparenchymal hematoma measuring 6.4 × 4.5 cm centered in the right basal ganglia extending into the right temporal lobe into the middle cranial fossa. There was a separate focus of intraparenchymal hemorrhage just medial to this large hematoma measuring 9.3 × 1.1 cm. There were bilateral subdural hematomas, right greater than left, with the right measuring 5 mm in greatest thickness and the left measuring 2 mm in greatest thickness. Scat‑ tered areas of subarachnoid hemorrhage were identified overlying the right cerebral hemisphere. There was significant mass effect on the adjacent brain parenchyma in the right lateral ventricle, which was partially effaced. There was approximately 1.1 cm midline shift to the left of the level of the lateral ventricles. Right uncal herniation was noted ards for the performance of SPECT imaging as recommended by the American College of Radiology (ACR) [3], 51 h from symptom onset with the patient supine, including the head and neck in the gamma camera’s field of view. For additional details of the study acquisition, please refer to “Appendix 2”. Fig. 2 Follow-up CT scan (17 h after event) A noncontrast CT brain obtained 17 h from last known well showing the large intraparenchymal hema‑ toma along the right temporal and insular region, with compression of the lateral ventricle, midline shift causing leftward subfalcine herniation. Both transtentorial and tonsillar herniations were present Fig. 3 Cerebral perfusion scintigraphy performed 51 h after event (A-coronal, B-axial, C-sagittal view). The absence of Tc-99m Bicisate uptake in the cerebral hemispheres and posterior fossa on static images was interpreted as consistent with BD. A nuclear medicine attending physician evalu‑ ated and interpreted the study. The images were reviewed independently and in a blinded fashion in a separate academic institution by attending nuclear medicine physicians BD Determination and Hospital Course The patient was declared dead after the brain SPECT result was finalized documenting the absence of radionuclide uptake intracranially (See Fig. 3), and the family subsequently consented to organ donation. The following morning, the nurse reported a cough response. Repeat assessment confirmed the presence of cough, intermittent spontaneous respirations and extensor posturing of the right arm and leg to noxious stimulation. The family was informed of the new findings, but before any further decisions could be made, the patient developed a generalized seizure followed by ventricular tachycardia and cardiac arrest. No autopsy was performed. Discussion This is the first report of a false-positive brain SPECT in a BD patient who subsequently exhibited indisputable brainstem function (cough reflex, spontaneous respirations, extensor motor response). Although the reported generalized seizure could have represented cortical activity, convulsive-like movement due to brainstem irritation was another possibility. Until now, there have been no reports of false-positive brain SPECT using diffusible radiopharmaceutical tracers [4] in a patient who did meet the clinical criteria for BD when strict procedural parameters for radionuclide scanning as recommended by ACR were performed. Appropriate quality measures in the preparation of the radiopharmaceutical agent were an issue with Tc99m-HMPAO [5], but not with the more stable Tc99m Bicisate. Five cases of false positive radionuclide blood flow studies using nondiffusable radiopharmaceutical tracers were reported [6], and another was retracted due to inappropriate interpretation [7]. Several erroneous reports of false-positive brain SPECT using diffusible radiopharmaceutical tracers were likely due to the absence of a lateral view to examine the posterior fossa and brainstem [4, 8], or due to misinterpretation of a spinal reflex [9]. It is unclear what mechanism was in our patient to explain the return of brainstem function. The patient was examined for BD approximately 10 h after the last remaining brainstem reflex disappeared. Arrest of cerebral blood flow occurs when the intracranial pressure rises to or above the mean arterial pressure. This process likely follows a continuum with progressive rostrocaudal brain herniation. Although unlikely, the intracranial pressure in our patient may have decreased with continued management for organ donation purposes, allowing return of intracranial flow and regaining of brainstem function. Alternatively, the cerebral perfusion scan may not have detected residual brainstem viability. We performed our radionuclide scan following the ACR recommendations using diffusible tracers and obtained both planar and SPECT images to better view the brainstem. Another potential confounder was the possibility of nonconvulsive status epilepticus masking clinically observable brain function. Our patient did not have any electroencephalogram. However, ictal foci would generally appear hypervascular on brain SPECT imaging [10]. The possibility of residual sedative effect seems unlikely as well since the patient had small doses of sedating drugs during the initial management on the field (2 mg lorazepam, 2 mg IV midazolam, 30 mg etomidate, 100 mcg fentanyl, and 200 mg succinylcholine for intubation, and infusion of propofol at rate of 25 mcg/kg/min for 60 min), with no additional doses from admission to the time of BD testing, an interval of 50 h. Unfortunately, the BD testing done on this patient was limited by the absence of apnea testing due to the persistent hemodynamic instability and requirement for multiple vasopressors. In conclusion, we reaffirm that BD should remain a clinical diagnosis performed by experienced providers. We also reaffirm the importance of performing the apnea test if the patient can be hemodynamically stabilized using vasopressors and/or fluids. However, when the clinical assessment for BD cannot be completed due to inability to perform an apnea test or other key aspects of the clinical examination, an additional waiting period from the time of loss of brainstem function to the initiation of BD testing may be warranted prior to doing ancillary testing, unless demonstration of intracranial pressure greater than or equal to mean arterial pressure for an extended period of time can be done. Moreover, if using nuclear imaging, SPECT imaging in addition to planar imaging is recommended. Author details 1 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (UH‑7134), SUNY Upstate Medi‑ cal University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA. 2 Department of Neurology, BU School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA. Author Contributions JGSL, EBS, and DMG were involved in conception and design of the study. JGSL and EBS were involved in acquisition and analysis of data. JGSL, EBS, and DMG were involved in drafting a significant portion of the manuscript and figures. JGSL, EBS, and DMG were involved in revising the manuscript for important intellectual content. Source of Support No financial support was obtained for this manuscript. Compliance with Ethical Standards Conflict of interest The authors do not have any conflict of interest to disclose. Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human participants performed by any of the authors. Appendix 1: SUNY Upstate Brain Death Checklist Appendix 2: SPECT Technical Detail The data were acquired using a triple head gamma camera (Trionix, Triad XLT) equipped with low-energy high-resolution parallel beam collimators in a 128 × 128 detector element matrix over 360 degree orbits, with 120 views obtained at 3-degree intervals for 30 s per view following a circular orbit with a radius of 218 mm. The photopeak energy setting was at 140 keV with an 18% window. Transaxial images were reconstructed in a 128 × 128 matrix with attenuation correction and collimator modeling and 3.2-mm cubic voxels using the OSEM algorithm in ten iterations, OS = 30, a Butterworth post-filter (order = 5, cutoff = 1.0 cycle/cm). The reconstructed system resolution was approximately 12 mm full width at half maximum (FWHM). The images were viewed in the usual three orthogonal planes (coronal, sagittal, and transaxial) and as maximum intensity projection objects. 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