238 N eurochirurgia 2 9 (198 6) Neurochir urgia 29 (1986) 238- 240 © Georg Th ieme Verlag Srurtga rt . New Yo rk Summary Unusual case of dolichomegavertebrobasilar anomaly. CT and angiographic picture. Case report We recentl y ob served a patient affected by DMVB ano maly, whose d inical a nd neuroracliological find ings are quit e unusua l. Ein ungew öhnlicher Fall einer dolichomegavertebrobasilären Anomali e und deren Darstellung im CT und Angiogramm - Fallberic ht Bericht über einen Patienten mit einer dolichome gaverrebro basilär en Ano malie bei auffa llen d ungewö hnlichen klinischen und radiologischen Befunden. L. Casentini" ", D. Curri". A. Benedetti" ", P. Detto ri", L. Bernardi", A. Alexandre" >I- Key-Words: verteb roba silar anomaly - er - angiograp hy Fig.la Fig.lb Fig.1c Fig.ld Fig.1 e Fig.lI Fig.l a: Axial CT scan without con trast med ium . In the region of the left cerebello- pcntine angle a hypodense area w ith hyperdense borders and calcification is de tectable . b. c: Same scan afte r cantrast me dium . Enhancement ot the borde rs and visualisation of the hype rdense me dian band wi th ty pical vascul ar appearance . d : Note the ectatic carotid siphans. e. f : Caronal views. Downloaded by: National University of Singapore. Copyrighted material. lstit uto cli Ne uradiologie. O spedale Civile di Vicenzaflta ly . .. Divisione di Neuroc hirur gia, Ospe dale Civile Vicenta /Italy Since CT scan is a widely employed diagnostic measure, several cases of dolichomegaverrebro-basilar (DMVB) anomal y have been reported, in which ehe diagnosis was possible with the aid of CT and was then con firmed by angiography (2, 4, 5, 6, 7). The CT picture is genera lly quite peculiar, as described by orher authors (6). Case rep ort A 32-ye ar-old man presented a sudden left hemiparesis, dysphagia and speech diso rders. At the age of [Wo he had been rreared surgically for a congenital cleft of the soft palate; no dysphag ia o r speech disorder s were nored rbereafter. Two years before admis sion to o ur hospital, rhe pa tienr exper ienced sudden paraesthesiae of right Iimbs with slighr right dysmetria . In a few da ys the sympto ms disappeared; cerebral scintigram was negative. On admissio n rhe neurological exa minanon revealed . paresis of the lefr limb s, lefr facial paresi s wirh preservatio n of rhe musdes of the upper pa rt of rhe face, mar ked dysphonia with absence of arehing of the palare on the lefr side and pa resis of the lefr hemilarynx, dysphagia, slighr devianon of rhe tongue toward the left side, impairment of the strengrh Neurochirurgia 29 (1986) 239 of the left srernom asroid and trape aius musdes. Left miosis witho ut ptosis and enophthalmos with preservarion of pupi llary reaction ro light were also noted. He aring loss, nystagm us, disord ers of ocula r movemenrs and papilloe dema were not detectable. Sensat ion was preserved. Compured to mography witho ur ce ntrast medium sho wed a rou nded a rea of low atte nua tion with hyperdense rim and calcificatio n in rhe regio n of rhe left cerebello-po ntine angle (Fig. la). No mass effecr on the fourt h venrricle nor dila rarion of rhe ventricular sysrem was derecta ble. Cavum Vergae was also presenr. CT scan with bolus enha ncemenr and coronal sectio ns revealed a ringlike struct ure in the lefr-cerebello-ponrine angle and a large, hyper dense ban d crossing rhe midline in rhe prepontine cistems (Fig. Ib, c, e, f). An enlargement of rbe caroti d siphons was also present (Fig. I d). Bilateral vertebral and carorid angiography were perfo rmed. Th e calib re of the four vessels was increased. Tbe left and the right verte bral arteries were elongate d and tortuous; both formed a large loop at the level of rhe left cerebello-pontine angle. Th e basilar artery was very ecraric and elon gared; its proximal segment crossed rhe pons rransversely fro m o ne side of the cerebello-po ntine angle cistems ro the orhe r {Fig. 2). The cerebellar an d poste rior cerebral arteries, as weil as int rac ranial branches of rhe caro tid arteries, were dilarated and to rruous. Fig. 2a Fig.2b Fig. 2c Fig.2d Fig.2 a. b: Left verte bral angiography . c. d : Right ver teb ral angiography. Pietores c1ea rly show the loop farmed by the ve rteb ral arte ries in the left ce rebello-pon tine region and the ect atic basilar arterv . Downloaded by: National University of Singapore. Copyrighted material. Unusual case of dolichomegavertebro-basilar anom aly. CT and angiographic pictu re Neu rochirurgia 29 (1986) L. Casent ini, D. Curri, A . Benedett i, P. Dett ori, L. Bernardi, A. Alex andre Discussion In th is case the symptoms ar e quite typica l: in fact involvement of cran ia l nerves is associated wirh la ng tract signs (3, 5). T he a brupt on set of the sympto ms observed in Dur patient is proba bly due to sudden haemodynamic distu rbances caused by the mal forma rion . H owever severa l cases of rhe lireratu re a re cha racrerised by a lan g c1i nical history (l , 2, 5,7). T he young age and th e a bsence o f a rterial hypertension, as weil as the association of orher malfor mation (elefr pala re) or anoma lies (cavum Vergae, bilateral megadolichoca rot id sysrem) ar e qu ite unco mmon and suggest the ex isten ce of a complex dysp lastic co ndition ra ther than an atheromarous aetiology suspected in the other cases previously repo rted (5). From a radiol ogreal poi nr of view, our case emphasises the imp ortan ce of a co rrect CT scan eva luat ion : rhe ent ire po srerio r fossa must be carefully ex a mined (6) and cont rast medium must be given. In fact incomplete scann ing of the po srerio r fossa allow s one to detect only par tially the com plex ma lformation, leading to misd iagnosis, In our case CT scan before co nt ras t medium disp lays a hypodense a rea sur ro unded by hyperdense bo rders w ith calcifica tions: this pictu re mirnies a cystic tu mo ur of the cerebello-pontine region . T he hypodensity is probably ca used by a di lat ed cistern in the cerebe llo-po ntine angle. Ce ntrast medium enha nces the vascular an om aly and sho ws t he thick tr ansversal band prod uced by the ecratic bas ilar arte ry. On ly th e accurate CT st udy of the po sterior fossa and the use of contrast medi um allows one to ob ta in a co rrecr diagno sis with our a ngiogra phi c exa mina tions. We believe tha r in patien ts in whom a DMVB an oma ly is suspected, digita l venou s angiograp hy could be usefully and mo re safely performed to avo id the c1assical vertebral an giography (2) : in facr the possibility o f co mplicanons afrer vertebra l angiography cannot be excluded in patients in whom haemodynam ic altera tions o f cereb ral circula tion ex ist. References (1) Azar -Kia, B., E. Pa lacios, M . Spa k: Tbe megadolichobasilar arte ry ano ma Iy an d expansio n of rhe inte rna l a udirory meatu s. Neu roradiology 11 (1976) 109- 111 (2) Cerkilt. G. , M. Sarwa r, C. Vira - pongse: Evolution ofdolichoecrasia of the verre b robasilar sysrem as evide nced by seria l co mpu ted tomograph y. Surg. Neuro!' 18 (1982) 262-266 (3) Frasso n, F., G. Ferr a ri, C. Fuga zzo la, A. Fiaschi: Megad o licho basilar anornaly ca using bra in srem synd ro me. A case rep ort. Ne uro rad io lo gy 13 (1977) 279- 281 (4) Ma rre1li, A., F. Rognone, G. Bono , L. Gozzo li, A. Cecchini, G. Nappi: Dclic bo megavertebrobasilar anomaly: L. Casentini Divisione di Neu rochirurgia Ospedale Civiledi v icenza Vicenzallta /y d iagnosis by CT. Acta Neurol. (N apo li) 37 (1982) 62-67 (5) Moseley, I. F., I. M . Holla nd : Ecrasia of rhe basilar arrery: rhe breadrh of the chnic al spect rum an d the di agno sric valu e of co mputed tom ography. Neu roradiology 18 (1979) 93-97 (6) Pererson, N. T., P. M. Duchesneau, E. L. Westb roo k, M . A. Weinstein: Basila r artery ectasia demonstrated by computed rom ography. Radio logy 122 (1977 ) 7 13-715 (7) Scom, G ., C. De G ra nd i, A. Co lom bo: Ecrasia of the in rracra nial arteries dia gnosed by co mputed tomograph y. Megadolichobasilar artery: CT diagnosis. Ne uroradiology 15 (1978) 183184 Downloaded by: National University of Singapore. Copyrighted material. 240