Surg Neurol 1987 ;27 :495-9 495 Multiple Intracerebral Arteriovenous Malformations A Case Report and Literature Review Kesava Reddy, M .D., Michael West, M.D., Ph.D ., F.R.C.S.(C), and Blake McClarty, M .D., F.R.C.P.(C) Section of Neurosurgery and Department of Radiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Reddy K, West M, McClarty B . Multiple intracerebral arteriovenous malformations . A case report and literature review . Surg Neural 1987 ;2 -, :495-9 . The presence of multiple intracerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in a single patient has only been very rarely reported . We present a patient with three separate angiographically demonstrable intracerebral AVMs, all of which were radiologically demonstrated and surgically removed without residual neurological deficit . A literature survey was conducted and all the previously described cases of multiple intracerebral AVMs are discussed, along with the potential diagnostic and therapeutic implications . Woaus Cerebral ; Multiple ; Arteriovenous malformations ; Angiography ; Surgery KEY Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) have been best defined simply as "congenital arteriovenous fistulous malformations" [39) . Numerous publications have highlighted the clinical presentation [12,30,39,53], natural history [13,14,17,33,42,50], and various treatment modalities [8,10,12,13,29,30,46,49,53] . Multiple intracerebral AVMs in a single patient are extremely uncommon, apart from those occurring in the setting of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia . We present a single case of a young girl with three separate intracranial AVMs successfully operated on after radiographic demonstration . The relevant literature regarding multiple intracerebral AVMs is reviewed . Case Report A previously healthy 16-year-old girl was admitted to the Neurosurgical Service at St . Boniface General Hospital on May 31, 1982 after being found unconscious at Address reprint requettc to : Dr. K. Reddy, S t Medical Services Building .'50 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E OW2, Canada . 10 198' by ilsevier Science Publishing Co-, Inc home . She had bitten her tongue and had been incontinent of urine, and was presumed to have suffered a grand mal seizure . In the hospital she had an episode of loss of contact with surroundings with tonic eye deviation to the left, unaccompanied by clonic movements . The history obtained at the time of admission revealed nonspecific bifrontal headaches in an intelligent high school student with a good scholastic background . Relevant family history included a possible pulmonary AVM (unconfirmed) in one of the patient's maternal aunts . On admission her blood pressure was 110170 and pulse was regular at 64 per minute . A general physical examination showed no abnormalities, specifically no angiomatous malformations . The neurological examination, including fundi and visual fields, was normal and there was no neck stiffness . No cranial bruits were found on auscultation . A contrast infused computed tomography (CT) scan of the head showed two areas of irregular enhancement in the right frontal and the right parietal regions (Figure 1) . Transfemoral pan-cerebral angiography was performed and three separate AVMs were demonstrated, one each in the right frontal, right temporal, and left posterior parieto-occipital regions (Figures 2 and 3) . The right frontal lesion was filled with branches from the right middle cerebral and right anterior cerebral arteries . It drained predominantly to the superior sagittal sinus via two venous channels . The right temporal lesion was supplied predominantly by the right middle cerebral artery, and drained into the superior sagittal sinus by a large vein . A smaller venous varix was also found to be draining the lesion, heading towards the right orbit . The left parieto-occipital AVM was filled with the parietal branches of the left middle cerebral artery and drained predominantly by a single vein into the straight sinus . The largest of the lesions, the right frontal AVM, was totally excised on the 10th day after presentation . The right temporal and left parietal lesions were also totally excised at I week intervals consequently . Postoperative angiography after the second craniotomy showed no residual right-sided malformations (Figures 4 and 5) . The only complication was an episode oono-10'91 ~~31 50 496 Surg Neurol 1987 ;27 :195-9 Reddy et al [33] . The pathogenesis of AVMs is somewhat unclear Figure 1 . CT roan of patient on admirrion, shooing right frontal and parietal enhvueneent. of transient dysphasia which followed the left-sided craniotomy . When contacted recently (2 .5 years following surgery), the patient was without deficit and in excellent health . Discussion Cranial AVMs have been estimated to be present in 0 .14% of the population and the incidence has been said to he one-seventh that of intracranial aneurysms but they have been thought to represent persistent embryonic arteriovenous connections [2 , ,38,54j . The cumulative rebleed rate for intracranial AVMs has been reported to be approximately 2%-3% per year [17], though Fults and Kelly [14] quote a higher figure of 17 .9% for the first 5 years . The incidence of seizures as the presenting feature has varied from 10% to 28% in various adult series {1 .2,14,] 7,42], whereas in pediatric series the incidence has varied from 15% to 40% [2,15, 3 5,481 . There has been no uniformity in the classification of these lesions [5] . Pathologically angiomatous malformations of the brain have been classified as follows : telangiecrasia, venous and capillary angiomata, and AVMs [5,44] . Clinicians tend to name all the angiographically demonstrable vascular anomalies as "AVMs," and they have been subdivided on the basis of size, the "small' lesions being less than 2 cm in diameter [ 18] . Many large series of AVMs have not made any mention of multiplicity among intracranial AVMs [ 12,13,18, 31,37, 39, 5 3] . Many large pediatric series have also not reported on multiplicity among intracranial AVMs [2,15,35,48] . The association of AVMs with single and multiple intracranial aneurysms is well known [4,37,41] . Nine percent of all AVMs have been said to be associated with aneurysms . Aneurysms have been found on the feeding vessels to an AVM as well as on other vessels [9,21,42] and have been postulated to be due to hcmodynamic stress [ 12,21 1 . Association of an aneurysm with multiple AVMs has also been reported [47] . The as- Figure 2. Anteroposterior (left- and lateral (right) angiogrants jo//ore ing a selective right carotid artery injection shot, ing the right frontal and right parietal AVMs . Surg Neurol 198 -' :2 - : 4 9 5 -9 Multiple AVMs Figure 3 . Anteropo .cterior deft) and lateral (right) angiogram, following a seln-tire left carotid artery enn filled by the left anterior cerebral artery . The smaller left parietal AVn7 it also rhouotu sociation of spinal AVMs with cerebral AVMs has been reported in adults [11,20,40] and in a child [24] . Multiple intracranial AVMs associated with similar lesions elsewhere in the body have been described in the setting of hereditary telangiectasia, especially Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome [1,6,22,23,32,36,43,52], though the more common intracranial lesion in this syndrome is a capillary telangiectasia [22] . A case with multiple intracranial ducal AVMs with spontaneous resolution has recently been reported [28] . Figure 4 . Anecroposterior left carotid artery angiogram .chou ing the postoperative ahs en,e of filling s/ the right frontal AVM (Figure 2) . 497 J""'/'g thr right /rontal AVM being Multiple intracerebral AVMs have been mentioned, without further qualification, in some of the larger series [34,41,42,50] and postmortem cases of multiple capillary telangiectasia and cavernous angiomata are not uncommon [5,7,25,26] . Tamaki {51] reported a case of multiple AVMs treated by radiotherapy . A possible case of multiple intracranial AVMs in an infant has been reported [3] . Hanieh et al [19] reported a case with two separate cerebral AVMs chat presented as intracerebral hematomas but were not angiographically demonstrable . Schlacter cc al [45] reported a series of four cases with possible multiple AVMs . Of their cases, case 2 could Figures . Lateral right carotid arteryangiogramthouin,gthepooloperatite absence offilling of right frontal and parietal AVMs . 498 Sing Neurol 1987 ;27 :495-9 well have been a single lesion [16] . In a recent publication Zellem and Buchest [55] demonstrated three discrete, small AVMs in a patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia . The present case represents one of the few with multiple, discrete, angiographically demonstrated AVMs, with no definitive family history or clinical features of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiecrasia. In the management of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, as clearly documented in the case of ruptured aneurysms, the territories of all four intracranial vessels must be satisfactorily demonstrated so that multiple vascular anomalies are not missed, even in the absence of stigmata of hereditary telangiectasia . In this case all the cerebral lesions were well demonstrated and completely excised, with no permanent neurological disability . Conclusions Multiple intracerebral AVMs are extremely uncommon, especially in the absence of family history or stigmata of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Four vessel angiography is absolutely essential to rule out multiple lesions in the evaluation of a patient for possible aneurysms or AVMs. In the absence of radiologic pointers, the decision regarding which lesion to operate on first is difficult to resolve . Currently, the best way to manage surgically accessible lesions is by surgical excision, with a possible adjunctive role for interventional neuroradiology . Note added in proof After this paper was accepted, the patient's brother sought medical attention for headaches, and was noted to have stigmata of Rendu-OslerWeber syndrome, which was confirmed by genetic investigation of the whole family . The authors wish to thank Ms . D . Breckon, Ms . P. Frank, and Ms . D. Henry for their help in the preparation of this manuscript . References l . Adams HP, Subbiah B, Bosch E . 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