Sensory Aprosodia With Left Hemiparesis From Subcortical Infarction Right Hemisphere Analogue of Sensory-Type Aphasia With Right Hemiparesis? Gil I. Wolfe, Elliott D. Ross, MD \s=b\ We report a case of sensory aprosodia with left hemiparesis following an ischemic infarction of the right thalamus and posterior limb of the internal capsule. Bedside evaluation, confirmed by special quantitative tests, demonstrated normal spontaneous affective prosody and gesturing with marked impairment of affective repetition and comprehension of affective prosody and gestures. A left hemiparesis with sensory loss was also present. This combination of deficits appears to represent the right-side analog to the unusual syndrome of Wernicketype aphasia with right hemiparesis occasionally observed following left subcortical injury, thus providing further support for the hypothesis that the functionalanatomic organization of affective language in the right hemisphere mirrors that of propositional language in the left. (Arch Neurol 1987;44:668-671) U ecent and compelling evidence has demonstrated that lesions involv¬ ing the right hemisphere may com¬ promise the affective components of language, while leaving the propositional intact.14 Thus, the concept of "language" being a dominant function of the left hemisphere is no longer tenable. Rather, the propositional ele¬ ments of language are a dominant function of the left hemisphere, while Accepted for publication Jan 26, 1987. From the Departments of Neurology (Mr Wolfe and Dr Ross) and Psychiatry (Dr Ross), University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas. Reprint requests to Department of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235 (Dr Ross). the affective elements of language are probably a dominant function of the right hemisphere. Evaluation of clini¬ cal material and cerebral blood flow maps also suggests that the function¬ al-anatomic organization of the affec¬ tive components of language in the right hemisphere—encompassing af¬ fective prosody and emotional gestur¬ ing—is homologous to the organiza¬ tion of propositional language in the left hemisphere.1·2·58 Therefore, disor¬ ders of affective language, called aprosodias,' can be classified by the same specific modifiers used in apha¬ sia terminology, eg, motor, global, and transcortical sensory. Furthermore, recovery patterns from affective defi¬ cits following right hemisphere injury also appear to mimic recovery pat¬ terns from propositional deficits fol¬ lowing left hemisphere injury.6 The right hemisphere analogy also extends to the role of subcortical structures in language. Numerous investigators have documented apha¬ sialike syndromes in patients with lesions involving the left thalamus920 or left internal capsule and stri¬ atum2125; likewise, there have been scattered reports of aprosodia follow¬ ing subcortical injury.1·8·26 Although subcortical aphasias share many fea¬ tures with the traditional cortical syndromes, atypical combinations of deficits can be observed. For instance, a right hemiparesis associated with a sensory-type aphasia may be encoun¬ tered from a lesion involving the left thalamus or striatum and posterior limb of the internal capsule1417·21·22·25 but, to our knowledge, has not been described from a predominantly corti¬ cal lesion. By sensory-type aphasias, Downloaded From: by a University of Michigan User on 10/22/2017 we refer to disorders characterized by impaired comprehension with fluent but paraphasic speech. Since repeti¬ tion of propositional language is pre¬ served in most reported cases of sub¬ cortical sensory-type aphasia,14'15·18·27 the overall clinical presentation sug¬ gests a transcortical syndrome. How¬ occasional reports have docu¬ mented subcortical sensory-type aphasias that are more Wernickelike,15·21·22 ie, with impaired repetition. Unlike the cortical aphasie syn¬ dromes, comprehension and repeti¬ tion deficits in the subcortical cases tend to be moderate and usually show good recovery. In this article, we report the first case of the right hemi¬ sphere analogue of sensory-type aphasia with hemiparesis—sensory aprosodia with left hemiparesis. ever, REPORT OF A CASE A 49-year-old, left-handed woman was admitted to Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, after sudden onset of a flaccid left hemiplegia with dysarthria. Her medical history was remarkable for obesity, hyper¬ tension, and adult-onset diabetes. The patient was alert, oriented to time, person, and place, and had no aphasie deficits except for mild anomia. Within ten days, the patient showed a predilection upper motor-neuron pattern of weakness with spasticity in the left lower extremity. There was little motor recovery in the left arm. Facial movements bilaterally. Marked hemianesthesia was present over the entire left side, including face and torso, to pin and tem¬ perature. Graphesthesia and position sense were severely compromised in the left hand. Hemianopsia was not present, even on double simultaneous stimulation of the visual fields. The patient's speech was normally fluent were full without paraphasias. There was a mild anomia for parts of objects, which resolved rapidly during hospitalization. Compre¬ hension and repetition of propositional language were completely intact. Sponta¬ neous affective prosody and gesturing involving the face and right limbs were normal, but affective-prosodie repetition was extremely poor; the patient's voice was flat and monotonie in stark contrast to her spontaneous affective prosody. Likewise, auditory comprehension of affective proso¬ dy was severely impaired. The patient was unable to identify sadness, happiness, boredom, anger, surprise, or neutral on formal testing and could not visually dis¬ cern various facial emotions when "panto¬ mimed" by the examiner. These findings were consistent with the syndrome of sen¬ sory aprosodia.1 The patient was discharged on the 17th hospital day and reexamined four weeks later. A predilection pattern of weakness was still present in the left lower extremi¬ ty. Limited movement was possible in the proximal left upper extremity, but the forearm and hand remained paralyzed. In the left leg there was greater motor activi¬ ty distally than proximally. Facial move¬ ments were intact. Pin and temperature sensations were still impaired over the left extremities and torso, but no longer involved the left side of the face. Graphesthesia and position sense were now intact on the left side, and stereognosis was un¬ impaired if the examiner manually assisted the patient in palpating objects that were placed in her left hand. The patient's propositional language was fully normal. Bedside assessment of affective language confirmed the persis¬ tence of a sensory aprosodia. In addition, special tests were conducted to quantify the patient's deficits in processing affec¬ tive language. SPECIAL TESTS Spontaneous Affective Prosody In nontonal languages such as English, varying the fundamental fre¬ quency (Fo) and its harmonics during voicing to produce intonational con¬ tours is probably the most important acoustical parameter for imparting affect into speech.28 The Fo variation of the patient's spontaneous speech was quantitatively measured on a pitch analyzer (PM Pitch Analyzer, Voice Identification Ine, Somerville, NJ) using the procedure described by Ross et al.29 When an utterance is played into the input of the pitch analyzer, a tracing of the Fo in hertz and intensity in decibels over time is displayed on a cathode-ray tube. By using programmable cursors, the means and SDs for the Fo and decibel contours for an utterance can be mea¬ sured. With the aid of a computer (PDP 11/23, Digital Ine, Maynard, Mass), the means and SDs of ten spontaneous utterances recorded dur¬ ing the interview were mathematical- ly combined to give a grand mean and SD. The coefficient of variation (CV) of the grand mean was then calculated and multiplied by 100 to obtain an overall measurement of Fo variability (Fo-CV%). The Fo-CV% score for spontaneous speech was then com¬ pared with a value compiled previous¬ ly from six controls whose Fo-CV% group mean was 17.0 ± 3.1 %.29 The patient's Fo-CV% for spontaneous speech was 16%, yielding a score of —0.32 when compared with controls, thereby substantiating that spontane¬ ous affective prosody, as measured by Fo-CV%, was normal. Affective-Prosodie Repetition The Fo variation for repetition was assessed with the sentence "I am going to the other movies," using a standard stimulus tape with six affec¬ tive tokens: neutral, happy, sad, angry, bored, and surprised. The patient was given two attempts at each token. All 12 utterances were analyzed on the pitch analyzer as out¬ lined above, and a grand mean FoCV% was calculated. The Fo-CV% score for affective-prosodie repetition compiled from six controls was 25.7 ± 4.0% ,29 The patient's Fo-CV% was 12%, yielding a score of -3.43. Fur¬ thermore, the patient's Fo-CV% did not overlap with any control value (range, 20% to 32%), thus substanti¬ ating marked impairment of affec¬ tive-prosodie repetition. Auditory Comprehension of Affective Prosody Auditory comprehension involving emotions was formally assessed with the sentence "I am going to the other movies," using a standard stimulus tape containing the same six affective tokens used in the repetition task. Each token appeared twice in ran¬ domized order during the test. The patient was asked to identify the affect in each of the 12 tokens by selecting the correct response from a written list. Prior to testing, the examiner coached the patient with the list; no primary visual or reading def¬ icits were evident that could have interfered with testing. Auditory comprehension of affective prosody was again found to be severely impaired. The patient gave correct responses on only two of 12 trials. Normal performance based on 12 con¬ trols is 12 of 12 or occasionally 11 of 12 correct. Considering there were six affects to choose from, the patient's performance was at chance. A second test was administered to evaluate deficits in attitudinal com- Downloaded From: by a University of Michigan User on 10/22/2017 prehension. The patient was asked to classify 20 audio-taped stimuli that, depending on their prosodie content, could be interpreted literally or ironi¬ cally. For instance, the sentence "I had a great day today" can be articu¬ lated using enthusiastic prosody, which affirms the literal intent of the statement, or using ironic prosody, which implies an opposite intent. Enthusiastic and ironic versions for ten sentences were randomly pre¬ sented to the patient. After each stim¬ ulus, she was asked to respond "yes" or "no" to a verbal question con¬ structed to discriminate the attitudinal intent of the sentence. For exam¬ ple, the stimulus "The weather is so pleasant" was paired with the ques¬ tion "Is the weather nasty?" Prior to formal testing, the task was explained to the patient by coaching with sam¬ ple sentences and questions. The patient correctly identified only 13 of 20 stimuli. Normal scores on this test based on a control sample of 22 sub¬ jects are 20 of 20 (n 16) or 19 of 20 = (n 6) correct. Thus, the patient's performance was close to chance lev¬ els (10 of 20 correct), substantiating that she had a profound deficit in discriminating the attitudinal, in addition to the emotional, aspects of affective prosody. = Visual Comprehension of Emotional Gesturing Comprehension of gesturing was tested by having the patient examine six line drawings of faces depicting the six emotions outlined above. She was then asked to match, after initial coaching, each of the six drawings with the correct descriptor from a written list that was also read aloud to her. She failed to correctly identify angry, neutral, surprised, and happy but did identify sad and bored. This performance, two of six correct, was highly deviant, since normal subjects (n 120) respond correctly 95 ± 5% of the time and never misidentify happy (Y. W. Walston, MA, unpub¬ lished thesis, University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, = 1982). Computed Tomographie (CT) Scans A CT scan performed on the day of admission showed a subtle hypodensity involving the right thalamus and posterior limb of the internal capsule. A second scan performed 6V2 weeks poststroke delineated an ischemie infarction that involved the right thalamus and extended into the poste¬ rior limb of the internal capsule (Fig¬ ure). In addition, a circumscribed ongoing debate, we accept that sub¬ cortical lesions, in and of themselves, can produce aphasie syndromes that may have features not normally asso¬ ciated with the classic cortical aphasi¬ as. For example, in contrast to Broca's aphasia, speech recovery from a sub¬ cortical motor-type aphasia is not typically associated with telegraphic speech,22 suggesting that primary lin¬ guistic processing may be intact. On the other hand, the comprehension deficits observed following subcorti¬ cal lesions do not appear to differ from those seen in the traditional cortical syndromes. However, only the subcortical variety of sensory-type aphasias are accompanied by hemi¬ paresis.14·17·21·22·25 Although these apha¬ sias are usually characterized as transcortical sensory, there are a few cases in which the deficits are Wernicke-like. The lesions in this instance have involved thalamus15 or basal ganglia.21·22·25 A right hemiparesis has also been a constant associated fea¬ ture due to internal capsule involve¬ ment. Computed tomographic scan 6% weeks poststroke. Right panels are 2:1 zooms of left panels. Arrow heads point to recent ischemie infarction involving right thalamus and posterior limb of internal capsule, present on both cuts, and to possible infarction involving posterior limb of left internal capsule, which is seen on only one cut. Remainder of scan was completely normal. hypodense area, possibly representing a lesion, involving the midportion of the left internal capsule was visual¬ ized on a single CT cut (Figure). If present, the lesion was clinically "si¬ lent," since no right-sided elementary findings or pseudobulbar palsy were evident on neurologic examination, and the patient repeatedly denied any past symptoms consistent with a stroke. COMMENT The results from both the bedside and quantitative examination of affective language confirmed that our patient had a sensory aprosodia. Although the patient is left-handed, most likely she has standard rather than mixed hemispheric dominance for language. While it could be argued that the mild anomia observed during the first examination represented a manifestation of mixed dominance, we believe the source of the anomia was related to her occasional inattentiveness during testing, since difficul¬ ty with naming occurred only during those time periods and was usually a perseverative error. Moreover, her intact comprehension and expression of propositional language, coupled with the constellation of severe affec- tive deficits, strongly imply a normal lateralization pattern. Although study of aprosodias at both the cortical and subcortical lev¬ els is relatively novel, an association between left subcortical injury and propositional language disorders has been suspected for nearly 50 years.20 Only recently, however, has clinical evidence for subcortical aphasias been widely reported and acknowledged. Despite growing evidence for a specif¬ ic language function of the basal gan¬ glia and thalamus, questions persist on basic mechanisms. Early on, skep¬ tics argued that the language deficits resulting from subcortical injury actually represented the impairment of cortical processing by mass effects.15·30·31 While mass effects are certainly a factor in many cases of subcortical hemorrhage and tumor, they cannot account for the language disorders reported in circumscribed, nonedematous hemorrhages and is¬ chemie infarctions involving the thal¬ amus or basal ganglia and internal capsule. Whether the language defi¬ cits following subcortical injury rep¬ resent true aphasias or merely the loss of "support functions" for cortical processing is not known. While we do not offer new evidence to solve this Downloaded From: by a University of Michigan User on 10/22/2017 Since aphasie syndromes occur fol¬ lowing circumscribed, left subcortical lesions, one would predict that homol¬ ogous injuries in the right hemisphere would cause aprosodias. In fact, at least four cases of purely subcortical lesions have been reported in the lit¬ with motor, transcortical motor, or transcortical sensory apros¬ odias.1·8·26 The CT scan in the present erature study showed no indication that the cortex or adjacent white matter was affected by infarction. Thus, our patient's sensory aprosodia and left hemiparesis were the direct conse¬ quence of a purely subcortical lesion involving the right thalamus and pos¬ terior limb of the internal capsule. Our case supplements previous evi¬ dence that the right thalamus and basal ganglia play a role in modu¬ lating the affective components of language.1·8·26 Moreover, the combina¬ tion of sensory aprosodia with left hemiparesis appears to represent the right-side analog to the unusual Wernicke-hemiparesis syndrome occa¬ sionally observed following left sub¬ cortical injury, thus lending support to the hypothesis that the functionalanatomic organization of affective language in the right hemisphere mir¬ rors that of propositional language in the left.1·2·58 This work was supported in part by a Texas State International Research Grant (BSRG 2S07-RR05426-25) to Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Cen¬ ter at Dallas (G.I.W.). try 1975;38:69-72. 4. Tucker DM, Watson RT, Heilman KM: Dis- 10. Bugiani O, Conforto C, Sacco G: Aphasia in thalamic hemorrhage. Lancet 1969;1:1052. 11. Samarel A, Wright TL, Sergay S, et al: Thalamic hemorrhage with speech disorder. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 1976;101:283-285. 12. Reynolds AF, Harris AB, Ojemann GA, et al: Aphasia and left thalamic hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 1978;48:570-574. 13. Reynolds AF, Turner PT, Harris AB, et al: Left thalamic hemorrhage with dysphasia: A report of five cases. Brain Lang 1979;7:62-73. 14. Cappa SF, Vignolo LA: 'Transcortical' features of aphasia following left thalamic hemorrhage. Cortex 1979;15:121-130. 15. Alexander MP, Lo Verme SR: Aphasia after left hemispheric intracerebral hemorrhage. Neu- Neurology 1977;27:947-950. 5. Larsen B, Skinh\l=o/\jE, Lassen NA: Variations in regional cortical blood flow in the right and left hemispheres during automatic speech. Brain 1978;101:193-209. of the left thalamus without cortical lesion. Acta Neurol Belg 1979;79:450-459. 17. Cohen JA, Gelfer CE, Sweet RE: Thalamic infarction producing aphasia. Mt Sinai J Med References 1. Ross ED: The aprosodias: Functional anatomic organization of the affective components of language in the right hemisphere. Arch Neurol 1981;38:561-569. 2. Ross ED, Mesulam M-M: Dominant lan- guage functions of the right hemisphere?: Prosody and emotional gesturing. Arch Neurol 1979; 36:144-148. 3. Heilman KM, Scholes R, Watson RT: Auditory affective agnosia: Disturbed comprehension of affective speech. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiacrimination and evocation of affectively intoned speech in patients with right parietal disease. 6. Ross ED: Modulation of affect and nonverbal communication by the right hemisphere, in Mesulam M-M (ed): Principles of Behavioral Neurology. Philadelphia, FA Davis Co Publishers, 1985, chap 6. 7. Hughes CP, Chan JL, Su MS: Aprosodia in Chinese patients with right cerebral hemisphere lesions. Arch Neurol 1983;40:732-736. 8. Gorelick PB, Ross ED: The aprosodias: Further functional-anatomic evidence for the organization of affective language in the right hemisphere. 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Cappa SF, Cavalotti G, Guidotti M, et al: Subcortical aphasia: Two clinical CT scan correlation studies. Cortex 1983;19:227-241. 24. Wallesch C-W: Two syndromes of aphasia occurring with ischemic lesions involving the left basal ganglia. Brain Lang 1985;25:357-361. 25. Tanridag 0, Kirshner HS: Aphasia and agraphia in lesions of the posterior internal capsule and putamen. Neurology 1985;35:1797\x=req-\ 1801. 26. Ross ED, Harvey JH, deLacoste-Utamsing C, et al: How the brain integrates affective and propositional language into a unified behavioral function. Arch Neurol 1981;38:745-748. 27. Benson DF: Aphasia, Alexia and Agraphia. New York, Churchill Livingstone Inc, 1979. 28. Ross ED, Edmondson JA, Seibert GB, et al: Acoustic analysis of affective prosody during right-sided Wada Test: A within-subjects verification of the right hemisphere's role in language. Brain Lang, in press. 29. Ross ED, Holzapfel D, Freeman F: Assessment of affective behavior in brain-damaged patients using quantitative acoustical-phonetic and gestural measurements. Neurology 1983; 33(suppl 2):219-220. 30. Geschwind N: Discussion of cerebral connectionism and brain function, in Millikan CH, Darly FL (eds): Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1967, pp 71-72. 31. McKissock W, Paine KWE: Primary tumors of the thalamus. Brain 1958;81:41-63. 1982;39:15-20. 22. Naeser MA, Alexander MP, Helm-Esta- Behavioral Manifestations of Central Pontine Myelinolysis Bruce H. Price, MD, M.-Marsel Mesulam, MD \s=b\ A young woman with a clinical history and magnetic resonance imaging scan consistent with central pontine myelinolysis came to medical attention because of prominent behavioral symptoms. Marked clinical recovery occurred despite persistent radiologic abnormalities. Rapid correction of hyponatremia was probably related to the development of the central pontine myelinolysis. A normal computed tomographic scan and the absence of brain-stem signs delayed accurate diagnosis. (Arch Neurol 1987;44:671-673) pontine myelinolysis (CPM) (""'entraifirst described by Adams et was al1 in 1959. Early descriptions emphaAccepted for publication Dec 15, 1987. From the Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Neurology, Charles A. Dana Research Institute, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston. sized its grave prognosis.2 More recent reports have documented survival and recovery.3 Ventral pontine involve¬ ment with subacute onset of cerebel¬ lar, cranial nerve, and pyramidal tract dysfunction is the typical presenta¬ tion.4 We describe a patient in whom reversible behavioral abnormalities constituted the major manifestation of CPM. One purpose of this article is to alert physicians to the possible behavioral presentation of CPM. Another is to reemphasize the rela¬ tionship between rapid correction of hyponatremia and CPM. We also for¬ ward some thoughts on the patho¬ physiology of these behavioral changes. Reprint requests to Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Neurology, Charles A. Dana Research Institute, Beth Israel Hospital, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 (Dr Price). Downloaded From: by a University of Michigan User on 10/22/2017 REPORT OF A CASE A 29-year-old right-handed professional in excellent health until her return from Mexico. She developed intract¬ able nausea, anorexia, and diarrhea for one woman was week, leading to a 2.2-kg (5-lb) weight loss. Results of a clinical examination at that time were normal, except for orthostatic hypotension. Laboratory test results dis¬ closed the following values: serum sodium, 114 mEq/L (114 mmol/L); potassium, 1.9 mEq/L (1.9 mmol/L); arterial blood gases demonstrated respiratory alkalosis; her alanine aminotransferase level was ele¬ vated to 128 U/L; and aspartate amino¬ transferase, to 115 IU/L. Campylobacter was grown from her stools. There was no history of major psychiatric disease in the patient or her family. She received 2 L of normal saline with potassium supplementation. Seventeen hours later, her sodium level was 133 mEq/ L (133 mmol/L), and her potassium level was 4.2 mEq/L (4.2 mmol/L). She recov-