© 1987 S. Karger AG, Basel 0014-3022/87/0272-0065$2,75/0 Eur. Neurol. 27: 65-71 (1987) Alexia without Agraphia or Hemianopia Paolo Caffarra Department of Neurology, Fidenza/Parma, Italy KeyWords. Pure alexia • Reading • Nuclear magnetic resonance correlate • Cerebral haematoma Abstract. The case of a right-handed man with pure alexia without hemianopia due to intraparenchymal haematoma is reported. Ct scan and nuclear magnetic resonance showed a lesion in the lateral temporo-occipital area confirming the assumption that the anatomic pathways responsible for reading run close to the lateral temporo-occipital or inferior tem­ poral gyrus. Alexia without agraphia or pure word blindness was first described by D6jerine [8] in 1892 as a result of lesions disconnecting the pathways between the occipital lobes and the temporoparietal association areas. Sev­ eral other cases were reported later but it was Geschwind [10] who stressed the importance of disconnection to explain this syndrome. Based on this assumption, any lesions preventing bilateral visual stimuli from reaching the left angular gyrus might pro­ duce alexia without agraphia. The clinical features of the syndrome generally include right-sided hemianopia but in principle no visual defects should be expected as a conse­ quence of lesions sparing the optic tracts and radiations, the primary visual cortex, and part of the visual association areas. Several cases of pure alexia without hem­ ianopia have been reported [1,2, 12-14, 16, 18, 20, 21]. However, Luhdorf and Paulson [19] have questioned whether hemianopia was actually absent in some of these cases. This study reports the case of a patient with pure alexia without hemianopia or co­ lour-naming defects due to a small intrapar­ enchymal haematoma verified by CT scan and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Case Report M.R., a 48-year-old right-handed man, was hospi­ talized in August 1984 because of progressive frontal headache lasting 3 days and sudden reading difficul­ ties. The physical and neurological examinations upon admission were normal. In particular, no visual field defects were observed (fig. 1). The patient re­ ported only great difficulties in reading (‘I can see, 1 can write, but I can’t read whole words’) and in pass­ ing from one line to the next. His abilities in conver­ sational speech, language comprehension, sponta­ neous and dictation writing were intact (fig. 2). In addition, the patient was able to read numbers and letters accurately and use a letter-by-letter decoding strategy to understand short words. Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM Introduction Three weeks after the stroke the patient was mod­ erately dyslexic and with some effort was able to read long words and non-words. His reading disability sub­ sided gradually leaving him with only a mild deficit 10 months later. (The patient complained o f ‘slower reading’ than before the stroke.) In order to investigate possible differences in reading between the two visual fields, a tachistoscopic examination was taken 3 weeks after the stroke. The results arc reported in table II. Stimuli were presented at different exposure times on different days and appeared at random 3.5-4° to the left and right of the fixation point. As shown in table II, the patient exhib­ ited great difficulties in reading trisyllables and bisyl­ lables in both visual fields and no significant differ­ ences were found between them. Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM A standard neuropsychological testing battery (ta­ ble I) taken 3 days after the stroke showed no evi­ dence of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, visual extinction or neglect. Score was 103 on verbal WAIS and 104 on performance WAIS. Total IQ was 104. The Wechsler Memory Quotient (WMQ) was 86, i.e. below his gen­ eral intelligence level, and a slight impairment was apparent on verbal memory subtests. His delayed ver­ bal retrieval (after 30 min) was 60% as against 100% for non-verbal memorandum. Furthermore, the pa­ tient showed no difficulties in colour identification and discrimination (panel D-15 test) [9]. He could name colours or recognize colours when given their name. In the tachistoscopic colour-matching task he perceived the colours in the right hemifield slightly paler than in the opposite half. Fig. 2. Spontaneous handwriting sample. Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM Pure Alexia 67 68 CaiTarra Fig. 3. CT scan taken 3 days after onset of symptoms, showing a left occipital haematoma with mild perifocal oedema. Fig. 4. CT scan taken 17 days after onset of symptoms, showing a reduction in size of the haematoma located in the left paraventricular portion of the white matter with sparing of the corpus callosum and angular gyrus. WA1S verbal WAIS performance WAIS total WMQ Logic memory (delayed recall) Non-verbal memory (delayed recall) Token test Verbal fluency Graphaesthesia (for single letters on the back and palm of both hand) Graphaesthesia (for bisyllabic abstract and concrete words) On the back On the left hand On the right hand Object naming 1 Wechsler Memory Scale. 103 104 104 86' 60%' 100%' 34/36 24/36 100% correct 10/10 10/10 9/10 20/20 Table il. Tachistoscopic tests Presen­ tation time, ms Letter naming Colour naming Colour matching Matching of non-verbal pictures Reading of numbers Reading of trisyllables Reading of bisyllables Left 30 25/25 100 12/12 100 12/12 50 same 8/10 different 10/10 12/12 50 50 6/10 1/14 200 Right 25/25 12/12 12/12 10/10 8/10 12/12 4/10 0/14 The results of the tachistoscopic tests are ex­ pressed as correct responses. For each test several attempts with different target stimuli at different ex­ posure times were made in order to obtain the best approximate performance with the lowest presenta­ tion time. Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM Table I. Standard neuropsychological examina­ tion Laboratory Findings and Anatomic Localization Complete blood count, serum electrolytes and blood chemistry were all in the normal range. The ECG and EEG revealed no abnormalities. Skull Xrays were also normal. A CT scan (fig. 3) taken 3 days after the stroke showed a left occipital intraparenchymal haematoma. Left carotid and vertebral angiography revealed a small avascular mass in the left paricio-occipital area and no vascular malformations. A repeat CT scan taken 14 days after the first one (fig. 4) confirmed the previous findings and showed a reduction of the hae- Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM Fig. 5. MRI. Transverse section at three different levels: orbital plane (a); upper thalamus (b); bodies of the lateral ventricles (c). Cortical-subcortical lesion in the left lateral temporo-occipital junction without involve­ ment of the corpus callosum, forceps major, angular gyrus and calcarine cortex, also evidenced in the left parasagittal view (d). (e, f) Coronal view (anteroposterior sequence): lacunar area involving the left lateral temporo-occipital gyrus. 70 Caffarra taken in some other cases reported in the lit­ erature and have questioned whether hemia­ nopsia was truly absent in those cases. In our patient visual perimetry performed 5 days after the stroke was normal and serial bed­ side visual field examinations taken during the acute stage showed no abnormalities. Though infrequently, normal colour percep­ tion or naming may actually be present in about 30% of the cases [11] with pure word blindness. As suggested by Damasio and Da­ masio [7], colour anomia probably appears under the 3 following conditions: (a) in­ volvement of the left lingual gyrus; (b) dam­ age to the left hippocampal region, and, (c) Discussion right-sided hemianopia. Neurological exami­ According to the anatomical classifica­ nation demonstrated that our patient had no tion proposed by Greenblatt [15], alexia lesions in those areas. Furthermore, it has without agraphia can be (a) splenio-occipital been postulated that the absence of colour with or without hemianopia; (b) lateral or anomia may be due to the fact that the left medial occipital, and (c) subangular with or dorsal fibres of the calcarine regions [2, 13] without hemianopia. Based on the CT scan or even the dorsal fibres of the splenium are and MRI findings, our case resembles more intact, which might actually be the case in closely the lateral occipital form with sparing our patient. In addition, the preserved abil­ of the splenium fibres. This hypothesis ity to name letters or bisyllabic words by graseems to be confirmed by the absence of phaesthesic stimulation in both hands and in the back indicates that the anterior part of ‘neighbourhood’ parietal signs. Following the classification introduced the corpus callosum is also intact. Based on some clinical observations and by Damasio and Damsio [7], this case could be a variety of type III, found in patients a review of the literature, Geschwind [10] with intact visual field, without colour suggested that some anatomic pathways anomia, and with or without hemiachroma- from the non-dominant hemisphere might topsia. In this particular type, the lesion is be involved in reading processes. A possible located in the temporo-occipital area and mechanism would be for the information to includes the paraventricular portion of the proceed from the right Brodmann area 17 to white matter. The integrity of the visual field the ipsilateral visual association cortex and is uncommon in pure word blindness and to from there to the right angular gyrus and date only 7 cases have been reported in then across the corpus callosum to the left which anatomical classification is possible angular gyrus. A second mechanism would [2, 3, 5, 13, 14, 17, 21], However, Luhdorf include fibres running from areas 18 and 19 and Paulson [19] have pointed out that a on the right to areas 18 and 19 on the left and complete visual field examination was not from there to the left angular gyrus. Finally, Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM matoma, which now appeared to be located in the left paraventricular portion of the white matter, sparing the splenium of the corpus callosum and the left angu­ lar gyrus. Ten months later, during a routine neurological follow-up examination, the patient was found to read normally and was submitted to magnetic resonance imaging (MR1) in order to better determine the size of the lesion and its relationship with the surrounding structures. The MR1 (fig. 5) revealed a cortical and subcortical posthaemorrhagic lacuna in the posterior part of the lateral temporo-occipital gyrus. The splcnium of the corpus callosum, forceps major, calcarine cortex, angular and parahippocampal gyri, thalamus and right hemisphere were intact. 71 Pure Alexia Acknowledgments Our special thanks are due to Prof. P. Bassi and Prof. A. Mazzucchi for their precious suggestions and valuable technical assistance. References 1 Adler, A.: Disintegration and restoration of optic recognition in visual agnosia. Archs Neurol. Psychiat. 57: 243-259 (1944). 2 Ajax, E.: Dyslexia without agraphia. Archs Neu­ rol. 77: 645-652 (1967). 3 Assal, G.; Hadj-Djilani, M.: Une nouvelle obser­ vation d’alexie pure sans hémianopsic. Cortex 12: 169-174 (1976). 4 Benson, D.F.: Alexia; in Handbook of clinical neurology, vol. 45/1 (Elsevier, 1985). 5 Castro-Caldas, A.; Salgado, V.: Right hemifield alexia without hemianopia. Archs Neurol. 41: 8487 (1984). 6 Cohen, D.; Salanga, V.; Hully, W.; Steinberg. M.; Hardy, R.:Alcxia without agraphia. Neurology 26: 455-459 (1976). 7 Damasio, A.R.; Damasio. 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MD, Department of Neurology, 1-43036 Fidenza/Parma (Italy) Downloaded by: Kings's College London - 10/24/2017 11:03:02 PM Geschwind did not mention the non-homo­ topic interhemispheric connections which would transfer visual information from area 18 on the right to the right-sided association cortex and then to the left angular gyrus. This last mechanism is indeed possible but has not yet been demonstrated anatomically [4], Pure alexia resulting from lesions of the left occipital lobe is usually transient in na­ ture and Geschwind therefore concluded that the first two mechanisms were probably present and functionally independent of each other. As regards functional anatomy, our case and that reported by Henderson et al. [17] seem to confirm this assumption and suggest that the visual connections responsible for reading run close to the lateral temporo-occipital gyrus or the inferior temporal gyrus.