Ar Neuropatholog:ca Acta Neuropathol (Berl) (1987)74:287 - 293 9 Springer-Verlag1987 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy* A variant with heart failure and liver steatosis A. Oldfors 1, M. Tulinius 2, E. Holme a, H. Kalimo 1, B. Kristiansson 2, and B.O. Eriksson 2 Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology I, Gothenburg University, Sahlgren Hospital, S-413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden : Departments of Pediatrics I and II, Gothenburg University, East Hospital, S-416 85 Gothenburg, Sweden 3 Department of Clinical Chemistry, Gothenburg University, Sahlgren Hospital, S-413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden Summary. We report the clinical and autopsy findings in a young man o f 18 with a chronic progressive disorder comprised of lactic acidosis, mental deterioration, and epileptic seizures which were sometimes accompanied by stroke-like episodes with transient hemiparesis and cortical blindness. He died of congestive heart failure. The autopsy showed lesions of the gray matter of the brain. Both the putamen and parieto-occipital cortex showed loss o f neurons and proliferation of macrophages, astrocytes and vessels. There was marked loss of neurons in the inferior olives, and slight reduction of the number of Purkinje cells. Skeletal muscle studies revealed ragged-red fibers and structurally abnormal mitochondria. The heart was enlarged: accumulations of mitochondria occurred in the muscle fibers. The liver exhibited marked fatty degeneration. Biochemical analyses showed normal activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase in thrombocytes, pyruvate carboxylase in lymphocytes, biotinidase in serum as well as succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase. The features of this disorder differ in many respects from cases of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy previously reported and cannot be assigned to any specific disease entity. Key words: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy Lactic acidosis - Stroke-like episodes Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies constitute a hererogenous group o f disorders [12, 31, 44]. Elevated levels o f lactic acid in the blood is a c o m m o n sign of disturbed mitochondrial function in these disorders. * Supported by grants from the First of May Flower Annual Campaign for Childrens Health and the Swedish Medical Research Council (proj no 07122) Offprint requests to: A. Oldfors (address see above) Because of difficulties in defining the underlying biochemical defects, attempts have been made to classify these diseases into different groups according to their clinical and morphological expression. These groups include the Kearns-Sayre syndl}ome [23, 34, 41], which usually does not include lactic acidosis, myoclonus epilepsy and ragged red fibers ( M E R R F ) [13], and mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) [35]. In addition several cases which cannot be classified into these groups have been reported (cf. [35]). We report the clinical and autopsy findings of a case with clinical and morphological features consistent with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, which does not fit completely into any of these entities demonstrating the heterogenety of this group of diseases as well as the difficulty in their classification. Case report Clinical data The patient was the second son of healthy non-consanguineous parents: his older brother is healthy. On the mother's side, some antecedents have a hereditary hand tremor, which has not been associated with a shortened life-span. On the father's side, a second cousin had a severe form of epilepsy and 30 years ago, while in a fit, she died at the age of 22. Pregnancy and delivery were both uneventful. The birth weight was 3,400 g. The early psychomotor development was normal: he was able to walk at 12 months, although he was somewhat clumsy and had a tendency of stumble. Aged 6 years, he was admitted to hospital because of transient coordination difficulties following an upper respiratory tract infection. Aged 10 years, he showed learning difficulties and mild ataxia and aged 11 his electrocardiogram (ECG) displayed pre-excitation. At the age of 14, he had an episode of grand real seizures. The electroencephalogram (EEG) showed fronto-temporal paroxysomal abnormalities. X ray of the cranium and echoencephalography were normal. During the following years his learning difficulties increased because of mental deterioration and his ataxia became more prominent. His height at 17 years was 174 cm: his growth throughout puberty was unaffected. 288 A. Oldfors et al. : Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy During the terminal 8 months of life, the disease became more rapidly progressive. He had recurrent periods beginning with headache, photophobia, vomiting and somnolence and ending with generalized grand real seizures. After each attack, he became more disabled with increasing dysarthria, tiredness and clumsiness~ During two of his terminal attacks he had episodes of left-sided hemiparesis and cortical blindness. Three months before death he had severe cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria, bilateral peroneal foot drop, decreased tendon reflexes and hypotonicity. The echo-cardiogram showed a dilated, poorly contracting left ventricle, while there was no dilatation of the left atrium. The wall of the left ventricle was normal in thickness. Ophthalmological examination revealed macular changes with signs of atrophy of the optic nerve but visual acuity was normal. He had no ptosis but signs of discrete ophthalmoplegia with decreased range of horizontal and upward movements of both eyes. Computerized tomography of the brain showed lucencies in the left putamen and right parieto-occipital cortex. No signs of neurosensory hearing loss could be established. During his final months, he developed signs of congestive heart failure. Treatment with large doses of B-vitamins was not effective. Because of increasing lactic acidosis ( 9 - 1 0 mmol/1) dichloroacetate was tried [49]. This reduced the levels of lactic acid to normal but there was only temporary clinical improvement. Aged 18 years he died of untreatable left heart failure with pulmonary oedema. Biochemistry A biochemical investigation was started about 4 months before the patient's death. Serum-transaminase activities were at the upper reference limit, creatine kinase activity was 6.7 gkat/1 (reference interval < 3.3 lakat/1)and lactate dehydrogenase activity was 17 ~tkat/1 (reference interval < 8.0 ~tkat/1). All other routine laboratory tests were normal. Serum-lactate concentrations were constantly elevated (4.2-9.6 mmol/1) with a lactate to pyruvate ratio around 20. Lactate in the cerebrospinaI fluid was also increased (2.9-3.2 mmol/1), as was the excretion of lactate in the urine (50-360 mmot/mol creatinine). Plasmaalanine concentrations were at the upper reference limit or slightly increased. Other plasma-amino acid abnormalities were not found. Except for increased lactate excretion, the urinary organic acids, determined by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, were essentially normal. Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency was excluded by analysis of this enzyme in the thrombocytes according to Blass et al. [4]. Pyruvate carboxylase activity in the lymphocytes analyzed as described by Atkin et al. [2] was normal. Serum biotinidase activity determined by the method of Knappe et al. [24] was also normal. Biochemical analysis of a muscle biopsy obtained 2 months before death showed normal tevels of carnitine by the method described by Cederblad and Lindstedt [9] and normal levels of the mitochondrial enzymes, succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase, which were determined by the methods described by Karlsson [22]. Morphology An autopsy was performed 2 days after death. The heart weighed 440 g: it was dilated. The coronary arteries were normal: focal lesions were not found in the myocardium. Little evidence of atheroma was seen in the large vessels. The lungs were markedly congested and contained an abundance of clear oedematous fluid. The digestive tract did not present naked eye changes. The liver weighed 3,030 g: its cut surface was yellow and greasy. The spleen, lymph nodes, adrenal and thyroid glands appeared normal. The kidneys and urinary tracts were normal. The brain Fig. 1. Vertical section of the brain showing a lesion in the left putamen (arrow) weighed 1,280 g. No abnormalitieswere observed on the external surface. Corona1 sections of the brain disclosed about 10-ramwide softenings in the outer part of the left putamen (Fig. 1) and deep cortical layers of the right parieto-occipital region. The ventricles were not dilated. Focal lesions were not seen in the brain stem, cerebellurn or spinal cord. Specimens from the various organs were fixed in a 4% solution of paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin for light microscopical examination. Additional specimens from the central nervous system (CNS), femoral nerve, heart, liver and skeletal muscle were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer and embedded in Epon 812 for electron microscopy. Specimens from the deltoid and quadriceps muscles were frozen in isopentane in liquid nitrogen for histochemical studies. A muscle biopsy from the quadriceps muscle obtained 2 months before death was examined histochemically and ultrastructurally. Pathological changes were found in the CNS, skeletal muscles, femoral nerve, liver, myocardium and lungs, CNS. The lesions of the left putamen and the right parietooccipital cortex showed almost complete loss of nerve cells, proliferation of macrophages and astrocytes, and also of capillaries (Fig. 2). At the edge of the lesions occasional viable neurons were observed between proliferating capillaries. The lesions were indistinguishable from infarcts but no occluded vessels or atheromatous lesions were observed. Elsewhere in the cerebral cortex no obvious lessions were seen. Sommer's sector and Ammon's horn did not present any histological abnormality. The thalamus, caudate nucleus, mamillary bodies, mid brain, pons and the optic nerves showed no light microscopical A. Oldfors et al.: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy 289 Fig. 3. Section of the inferior olive showing marked loss of nerve cells. Luxol, x 32 Fig. 2. Section through part of the lesion of the right parietooccipital cortex. Note loss of nerve cells, gliosis and capillary proliferation in the lower part of the picture. PAS, x 120 changes. The inferior olives showed marked loss of nerve cells (Fig. 3). The nerve cells of the Purkinje cell layer and the dentate nuclei were slightly reduced in number and the astrocytes were increased in number. Electron microscopy of remainingPurkinje cells revealed an abundance of mitochondria showing autolytic changes but no unequivocal pathological change. The neurons of the spinal cord did not show any degenerative changes, although the number of motorneurons appeared to be reduced. The ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord appeared normal. Skeletal muscle. The muscle biopsy showed some variability of fiber size and numerous "ragged-red" fibers, containing material which stained intensely by the modified Gomori trichrome stain and after incubation for succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) (Fig. 4). Electron microscopy revealed many muscle fibers containing collections of abnormal mitochondria: many of these presented paracrystalline inclusions (Fig. 5). Involvement of lower motor neurons was evidenced by the occurrence of type grouping of the muscle fibers (Fig. 6). Peripheral nerve. Cross sections of the femoral nerve embedded in resin were examined by light and electron microscopy. They showed loss of large myelinated axons but evidence of actual axonal degeneration was not seen. Liver. The macroscopic appearance of severe steatosis of the liver was verified by light microscopy (Fig. 7). Convincing mitochondrial changes were not observed by electron microscopy. Fig. 4. Cross section of the deltoid muscle after incubation for succinic dehydrogenase (SDH). Note fiber size variation and accumulation of positively stained material in several muscle fibers (arrows). • 150 290 A. Oldfors et al.: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy Fig. 7. Paraffin section of the liver showing severe vacuolation of the parenchymal cells due to extraction of lipids. Van Gieson, • 120 Fig. 5. Electron micrograph of abnormal skeletal muscle mitochondria. Some are enlarged with abnormal arrangements of the cristae (large arrow) others contain paracrystalline inclusions (small arrow). • 20,000 Fig. 8. Electron micrograph of the myocardium. The myofibrils are separated by large collections ofmitochondria (M). x 10,000 Fig. 6. Cross section of the quadrieeps muscle incubated for myofibrillar ATPase after pre-incubation at pH 4.3. Note grouping of type 1 (dark) and type 2 (unstained) muscle fibers. • 120 Myocardium. Paraffin sections of the myocardium appeared normal. However, by electron microscopy, it was evident that the muscle fibers presented increased numbers of enlarged mitoehondria, which in addition to autolytic changes exhibited irregularities of the eristae (Fig. 8). A. Oldfors et al.: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy Lungs. The inter-alveolar capillaries were distended with red blood cells and oedematous fluid filled the alveoli: there was no leucocyticreaction in the lungs. Discussion In many patients with encephalomyopathy, a primary defect of the mitochondria has been suspected on the basis of lactic acidosis and morphological abnormalities of the mitochondria, although the biochemical defect has not been established [46]. Since the mitochondrial encephalomyopathies constitute a heterogenous group of disorders with regard to the clinical and pathological findings, attempts have been made to find common factors which would help to make a provisional diagnosis until the metabolic defect is discovered. From case reports of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies three syndromes, which all show ragged red fibers, have emerged: Kearns-Sayre, MELAS and M E R R F syndromes. The Kearns-Sayre syndrome is defined by Rowland et al. [41] as a disorder in which mitochondrial myopathy, ophthalmoplegia, atypical pigmentary degeneration of the retina and onset of illness before the age of 20 are constant findings. In addition to these features, heart block, increased levels of CSF protein, growth failure, cerebellar ataxia and various other signs of CNS involvement are most often found. Most cases are sporadic. Cases examined post mortem have shown spongy degeneration of the gray and white matter of the CNS [7, 8, 10, 50]. Lactic acidosis and liver steatosis do not occur in the Kearns-Sayre syndrome. M E R R F (myoclonus epilepsy and ragged red fibers) is a syndrome whose features are mitochondrial myopathy, myoclonic seizures and cerebellar ataxia [14, 15]. However, other signs of involvement of the nervous system are often encountered and include dementia, optic atrophy, neuronal hearing loss and involvement of the peripheral nerves with sensory loss. Most of the patients are short of stature. They show increased levels of blood lactate. Stroke-like episodes were later added to the picture of M E R R F [14], which brings this syndrome very close to MELAS. Ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinal degeneration and heart block are not encountered in the M E R R F syndrome. Maternal inheritance was reported by Rosing et al. [40]. Few cases have been examined post mortem. They presented diffuse spongy degeneration and neuronal loss of the cerebral cortex, neuronal loss in the dentate, gracile and cuneate nuclei and degeneration of the posterior white columns of the spinal cord I13]. Changes of the liver have not been reported. MELAS (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) is a 291 syndrome which was described by Pavlakis et al. [35] and DiMauro et al. [12]. The cardinal features are mitochondrial myopathy, seizures, stroke-like episodes and short stature. In addition dementia is often seen. Ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, ataxia, myoclonus, and heart block are not features of the MELAS syndrome. Only four reports are available on the CNS changes in patients who have been considered to have the MELAS syndrome. Post mortem examinations have revealed focal zones of cortical neuronal loss, gliosis and vascular proliferation in two siblings [46]. The case of Hart [16] showed diffuse cortical neuronal loss and spongy degeneration and is consistent with progressive cerebral poliodystrophy. Mukoyama et al. [32] reported the autopsy findings of a case of MELAS with myoclonus. The neuropathology revealed multiple both solitary and continous lesions of softenings and spongy alterations in the cerebral cortex. The distribution of the lesions did not correspond to a vascular pattern. In addition localized softenings of the thalamus and basal ganglia were reported. The case presented in this report cannot be included in any of the syndromes which are described above, although the case shows similarities with each of them. Lack of retinal pigmentary degeneration, heart block and short stature excludes the KearnsSayre syndrome. Lack of myoclonic epilepsy excludes the M E R R F syndrome. The presence of ataxia and lack of short stature make it different from the MELAS syndrome, although many other features were common to MELAS and the case we describe. MELAS is, according to the original article by Plaitakis [38], a syndrome based on clinical findings and pathological changes in the muscle. The few reports on the neuropathology of the MELAS syndrome has not supported the view that it is accompanied by consistent structural changes in the brain. The cases of Shapira et al. [46] revealed focal cortical areas with loss of neurons, microcyst formation, gliosis and vascular proliferation, while other areas of the cortex were normal. It thus showed some resemblance to the case we describe. In addition to these syndromes, cases of encephalopathy associated with mitochondrial myopathy have been described in cases of Leigh's disease [30], Alpers' disease [39] and the HacketTarlow syndrome [13]. The latter eponym is used in the literature, to include a heterogenous group of disorders which lack distinctive features. The brain lesions in our case are not compatible Leigh's disease, i.e., relative sparing of neurons with necrosis of the neuropil and proliferation of capillaries with fairly characteristic topography [21, 26]. Neither was the local character consistent with Alpers' disease, i.e., poliodystrophy with diffuse spongy degeneration of 292 the cortex [1]. On the other hand, the above mentioned eponymic diseases are not unequivocal entities. F o r example in Leigh's disease at least four different deficient enzymes have been reported [37, 45, 47, 49]. The ataxia in our case, which on the basis of post mortem examination could probably be ascribed to olivo-cerebellar atrophy, indicates the presence of systemic degeneration which together with optic atrophy and ophthalmoplegia bears some resemblance to olivo-ponto-cerebellar atrophy (OPCA) of the sporadic type [38]. Olivo-cerebellar atrophy and multiple focal lesions of the gray matter o f the brain were also described in two brothers with myoclonic epilepsy [27]. However, they had no lactic acidosis nor did their muscle biopsies present ragged-red fibers. The nature o f the cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure in this patient has not been determined. The accumulation ofmitochondria in the myocardium is an unspecific phenomenon seen in functional overload and congestive heart failure [3, 29, 36]. N o mitochondrial abnormalities o f the kind seen in the patient's skeletal muscle were observed in the myocardium. Marked structural changes in mitochondria have been described in the myocardium in cases of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy [18, 33]. Cardiomyopathy has been associated with various forms of myopathic diseases with mitochondrial abnormalities [17, 20, 28, 42, 43]. However, none of these previous descriptions shows much clinical resemblance to the present case. Bogousslavsky et al. [5] described a patient who had lactic acidosis, mitochondrial myopathy, cardiomyopathy and neurodegenerative features including multiple infarcts of the brain, thus exhibiting several features in c o m m o n with the case we report, and was considered to be a variant o f Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Their patient had short stature, no steatosis of the liver and no stroke-like episodes: it differed thus in some respects from our case. Kuriyama et al. [25] described a case ofmitochondrial encephalomyopathy with multiple brain infarctions but without cardiomyopathy and liver disease. Biochemical studies indicated a defect in the respiratory chain. Steatosis of the liver in the present case was not accompanied by structural changes o f the mitochondria of the liver. It is, however, likely that the fatty change of the liver is a result of the same biochemical defect that produced the lesions o f the other organs. Fatty change of the liver has been described in disorders with biochemically defined defects of the mitochondria, such as cytochrome c oxidase deficiency [11, 39]. The case o f Prick et al. [39] had the neuropathological features o f Alpers' disease and mitochondrial myopathy. Hepatic disease has also been described in other cases of Alpers' disease [6, A. Oldfors et al.: Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy 19]. The case we describe did not, however, show the features of Alpers' disease and cytochrome c oxidase deficiency was excluded biochemically. 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