0148-396 X/86/1803-0283$02.00/0 NEUROSURGERY Copyright © 1986 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Vol. 18, No. 3, 1986 Printed in U.S.A. Potential Roles for Early Revascularization in Patients with Acute Cerebral Ischemia Hunt Batjer, M.D., Bruce Mickey, M.D., and Duke Samson, M.D. Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas The risk of carotid endarterectomy in acute cerebral ischemic situations is well documented. By using the superficial temporal or occipital artery, it is possible to provide relatively low flow revascularization conduits, potentially avoiding the risk of postoperative hemorrhage. Eighteen patients at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, Texas, have been treated recently with extracranial to intracranial bypass in the setting of acute neurological deficit, stroke in evolution, or recent completed infarction. Angiographic causes of these deficits included cervical carotid occlusion in 5 patients, carotid siphon disease in 2 patients, middle cerebral stenosis or occlusion in 3 patients, and delayed cerebral ischemia following subarachnoid hemorrhage in 8 patients. Neurological improvement was demon- strated within 24 hours following revascularization in 15 cases (83%); 3 patients were unchanged following bypass, and no patient's condition was worsened. The only case of postoperative intracerebral hemorrhage occurred | week following a long saphenous vein graft from the subclavian to the middle cerebral artery. After an average follow-up of 19 months, 7 patients are neurologically normal, 8 patients have mild to moderate deficits, and 3 patients have died. Low flow revascularization procedures appear to be safe in the setting of acute cerebral ischemia and may in selected patients boost regional cerebral blood flow from levels of symptomatic ischemia into a range compatible with normal neuronal function. (Neurosurgery 18:283-291, 1986) Key words: Cerebral ischemia, Cerebral revascularization, Subarachnoid hemorrhage The role of cerebral revascularization in the treatment of acute cerebral ischemia has been incompletely investigated. The major thrust in cerebral vascular reconstructive surgery has been toward the prevention of future neurological events ina variety of clinical settings. There is considerable literature regarding carotid bifurcation endarterectomy suggesting that this type of revascularization be avoided in patients with acute neurological deficits and progressing stroke (stroke in evolu- tion) due to the high risk of increasing the deficit and intra- cranial hemorrhage (5. 20, 53, 57). Following the work of Yasargil (58) and Donaghy (17) in 1967, it has become possible through extracranial to intracranial (EC-IC) arterial anastomoses to augment collateral flow to a variety of vascular distributions. Many of the potential indications for this pro- cedure remain controversial. Despite the fact that routine superficial temporal to middle cerebral anastomosis provides only approximately 35 cc/minute of flow in the acute phase (2, 3. 44). it is probable that a successful anastomosis can augment middle cerebral artery distribution flow by 15 to 20% (43). It is well known that these relatively modest early increases in flow can be followed by dramatic augmentations several weeks or months later (12, 25, 59). The technical feasibility of this procedure. together with more sophisticated knowledge of cerebral vascular hemodynamics, provides a provocative foundation for its investigation in the setting of acute cerebral ischemia. The use of low flow conduits, such as the superficial temporal artery, should not subject patients to the hemorrhagic complications accompanying such high flow revascularization procedures as carotid endarterectomy. middle cerebral embolectomy. or long saphenous vein bypass grafts. Eighteen patients have been treated recently at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas with EC- IC anastomoses in the setting of acute cerebral ischemia or stroke in evolution due to a variety of anatomical lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the purposes of this discussion the term “completed stroke” refers to a fixed neurological deficit present for more than 24 hours. “Acute deficit” is defined as a fixed neuro- logical deficit observed less than 24 hours following its onset. “Stroke in evolution” is defined as a focal hemispheral neurological deficit that fluctuates or progresses over an inter- val of more than 6 hours. Clinical data from this series are presented in Table 1. Twelve patients demonstrated a clinical pattern of stroke in evolution, 5 patients were seen after the development of an acute neurological deficit, and | patient was referred to our institution several days after the onset of acompleted stroke. She was found to have bilateral enhancing infarcts on her initial computed tomography (CT) scan. Pre- operative CT scans were performed without enhancement in most cases and demonstrated low density lesions in 7 patients, enhancement in | patient, and normal findings in 10 cases. In | patient, preoperative CT scanning was not done due to the need for urgent operation for cervical carotid erosion. Five patients were found to have cervical internal carotid artery occlusion; two of these were iatrogenic. Internal carotid artery siphon disease was present in 2 patients. Middle cere- bral‘artery stenosis or occlusion was symptomatic in an additional 3 patients. The final diagnostic group was com- prised of 8 patients symptomatic from delayed cerebral ische- mia due to vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Six of these cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage presented with a clinical picture of stroke in evolution, and 2 patients had an acute severe neurological deficit, producing coma in | case. The common angiographic appearance of narrowing in the proximal conducting vessels with poststenotic dilatation of M-2 and M-3 branches, sluggish middle cerebral circulation, and the consistently observed reversal of neurological deficits with therapeutic hypervolemia and hypertension led us to consider EC-IC bypass in an attempt to augment collateral flow in this condition. Revascularization was reserved for patients who failed medical therapy or had unsecured contra- lateral aneurysms, in which case we were reluctant to induce hypertension. Most patients in this series were treated preoperatively with volume expansion and induced hypertension, but none were 284 BATJER et al. Neurosurgery, Vol. 18, No. 3 TABLE | Clinical Data* Preop CT ; Al TT - Neuro/Response (24 Final outcome inical:Presenta , Clinical Presentation Cause ischemic hr postop) ral Case rape a “ery Si Interval - a cee Acute SYK Compl jg) Low Enhance. Cr Siphon MCA SAH/ “(a)” Hypervolemia/ pace Normal Mild/ severe Dead UP “™ deficit stroke O"™" dens ment sten/ sten/ symp hypertension PASS: NOTMAL mod PEvEre ea evol occl ocel occl vasosp 1 et + + 7 ty + + 14 2 oe = Eo 0.5 « + + I 3 te oH +63 fe 9 is 2 + I 4 + + + 0.42 No No + int 5 + + + 1 7 + + 63 6 + + ot 1.5 No + + Died 7 + oa LS No + + Died 8 + + + 1 + + + 8 9 + Not done aH 0.17 a + + Died 10 + + + 0.25 a + 75 ia Bd * id 0.5 i + + 11 12 + + + 2 ? + + 63 13 ty aS + 0.35 + + Sf 4 14 + + + 1.0 @ +: aa 3 15 oe + + 0.75 4 + + 3 16 + + + 1.0 + = + 2 17 + + + 0.33 ? + + 2 18 + + + 5 + + + 2 — * Abbreviations: cerv, cervical: compl, completed; CT, computed tomography; dens, density; evol, evolutiot ; ICA, internal carotid artery; mod, moderate; neurol, neurological: occl, occlusion: postop, postoperative: preop, preoperative; sten, stenosis; symp, symptomatic; vasosp, vasospasm. anticoagulated. Fourteen patients underwent a total of sev- enteen superficial temporal to middle cerebral artery bypass procedures. Three patients were treated with short saphenous interposition grafts from the occipital artery or proximal superficial temporal artery to a cortical middle cerebral artery branch due to inadequate extracranial donor vessels. One patient underwent a long saphenous interposition graft from her subclavian artery to a branch of her middle cerebral artery. RESULTS In order to evaluate the results of medical as well as surgical therapy in this series, patients have been graded according to the severity of their neurological deficits. Mild to moderate hemispheral deficit has been defined as the presence of at least antigravity strength in the involved extremities or a speech deficit that does not result in either total loss of speech output or comprehension. Severe hemispheral deficit is defined as less than antigravity strength, hemiplegia, or, in the case of dominant hemisphere involvement, either absent speech out- put or complete lack of comprehension. Altered level of consciousness refers to lethargy or obtundation. After the institution of medical therapy (hypervolemia and hyperten- sion), patients were regarded as neurologically improved if there was either resolution of their prior deficit or improve- ment in a fixed deficit. Surgical patients were evaluated 24 hours following the reversal of their anesthetic and were considered neurologically improved if their deficit had re- solved, they showed improvement in their prior fixed deficit, or their neurological status could be maintained despite low- ering their mean arterial blood flow pressure to previously nontolerated levels while weaning pressor agents (Table 2). For the series as a whole, neurological improvement was demonstrated within 24 hours after bypass in 15 patients (83%). Three patients were unchanged after their bypass procedure, and no patient’s condition was worsened by op- eration. Five patients at least transiently showed neurological improvement following the preoperative institution of thera- peutic hypertension and volume expansion. Four of the 5 patients who showed some response to medical therapy also responded to bypass. Two interesting patients (Cases 6 and 7) clearly did not respond to aggressive medical therapy, but did respond quickly to their bypass procedure. Case 6 was a patient who became symptomatic following subarachnoid hemorrhage before his aneurysm had been secured; we were reluctant to elevate his systolic pressure higher than 170 mm Hg. Case 7 also had suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage and at Day 7 very rapidly became decorticate due to severe bilateral vasospasm. The mean duration of neurological defi- cit prior to bypass procedure in these 18 patients was 44 hours; the range was from 4 hours to 9 days. Eleven of the 18 patients underwent microanastomosis within 24 hours follow- ing the onset of symptoms. As shown in Table 1, with an average follow-up of 19 months, 7 patients are neurologically normal, 8 patients have mild to moderate neurological defi- cits, and 3 patients have died. The clinical presentation of stroke in evolution was associ- ated with the highest rate of favorable response to the bypass procedure, as well as favorable final outcome. Eleven of the 12 patients with this presentation were judged neurologically improved within 24 hours following bypass (Table 3). Seven of these 12 ultimately made a normal recovery. Four of the 5 patients with acute neurological deficits responded to the bypass procedure, but at final follow-up 3 of the patients were left with mild to moderate neurological deficits, and 2 had died. Table 4 illustrates the relationship between angiographic diagnosis, response to bypass, and eventual outcome. All 5 patients with cervical internal carotid artery occlusion dem- onstrated neurological response to their bypass procedure, and 2 eventually made a normal recovery. Similarly, 7 of the 8 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage responded at 24 hours to bypass. As is shown in Table 5, in this operative series by far the most favorable outcomes after bypass proce- dure are those of patients with a preoperatively normal CT scan. All 10 of these patients were neurologically improved within 24 hours following bypass. Six of these patients re- covered normally, 2 were left with mild to moderate neuro- logical deficits, and 2 ultimately died. Of the 7 patients who preoperatively had low density lesions on their CT scan, only 4 responded to the bypass procedure initially, and 6 of these 7 were left with mild to moderate neurological deficits. The patient who was treated following a completed stroke who March 1986 TABLE 2 Neurological Improvement No. Patients Improved Maintenance of Therapy Resolution Improvement __ neurological Achat of fixed deficit status on lower MABP Medical (hypervo- 2 3 lemia, hyperten- sion) Surgical (bypass)? 7 7 L “Result at 24 hours. TABLE 3 Clinical Presentation No. Patients Response to Presentation Bypass Outcome at 24 hr + — Normal Mild/moderate Dead Acute deficit 41 0 3 2 Stroke in evolution 11 1 7 4 1 Completed stroke | 0 i] 0 TABLE 4 Relationship between Angiographic Diagnosis, Response to Bypass, and Outcome No. Patients Response Angiographic Poe aphic to Outcome Diagnosis . bypass + — Normal Mild/moderate Dead Cervical ICA occlusion 5 0 2 2 1 ICA siphon stenosis/oc- 1 1 1 1 0 clusion MCA stenosis/occlusion 2 1 2 1 0 SAH 71 2 4 2 had bilaterally enhancing CT lesions did not respond to bypass and was left with a mild to moderate deficit. The interval between the onset of neurological symptoms and the estab- lishment of a bypass conduit did not appear to be related to ultimate outcome. For the 7 patients who ultimately re- covered normally, the mean ischemic interval was 39.8 hours. For the 8 patients who recovered with mild to moderate neurological deficits, the mean ischemic interval was 55 hours. For those 3 patients who died. the mean period of ischemia was 25.4 hours. The severity of the preoperative neurological deficit was tightly linked to ultimate outcome (Table 6). Of the 10 patients with preoperative mild to moderate deficits, 7 ultimately made a normal recovery. All five patients who preoperatively demonstrated severe hemispheric deficits were left with mild to moderate disabilities. Two of the 3 patients who preoperatively were found to have altered levels of con- sciousness died. The majority of patients in this series demonstrated a clinical pattern of stroke in evolution. Due to the fact that EARLY REVASCULARIZATION 285 this group of 12 patients was weighted strongly in favor of subarachnoid hemorrhage with vasospasm as the etiology of deficit, we are reluctant to draw any general conclusions regarding their management outcome. However, 8 of these patients were found preoperatively to have normal CT scans. All 8 responded initially to their bypass procedure, and 6 made normal recoveries. Four patients with clinical pictures of stroke in evolution were left with mild to moderate neu- rological deficit. Of the eight patients who underwent bypass procedures after the development of delayed cerebral ischemia due to vasospasm related to subarachnoid hemorrhage, three are normal, two are mildly aphasic, one has a fixed hemiparesis, and two have died. Neither of these deaths appeared to be related to the bypass procedure. Bypass was offered in this interesting group of patients due to the occurrence of contra- lateral unsecured aneurysms in five patients, failure of medical management in two patients, and inability to elevate blood pressure despite toxic doses of pressors in one patient. For patients at high risk for delayed cerebral ischemia, we now routinely plan the opening of their original craniotomy so that the anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery is preserved. This requires that the scalp incision be carried slightly posterior and slightly more medial than in a classically described pterional craniotomy. For the aneurysm procedure, we reflect the scalp in a single layer. If the patient returns to the operating room for bypass, the original scalp incision is opened and reflected in the subgaleal plane. Following this, the anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery is dis- sected out to a length that is measured to reach the Sylvian fissure. A small amount of the temporal squama is then removed, enlarging the original bony exposure. The distal Sylvian fissure is dissected until an acceptable recipient middle cerebral branch is isolated. The amount of brain fullness TABLE 5 Relationship between Preoperative CT, Response to Bypass, and Outcome No. Patients Response Preoperative “a CT bypass Outcome at 24 hr + — Normal Mild/moderate Dead Normal 10 0 6 2 2 Low density 4 3 1 6 0 Enhancing oO ol 0 1 0 TABLE 6 Severity of Preoperative Deficit Related to Outcome No. Patients Severity of —= — — — Preoperative Deficit Normal Mild/moderate Dead outcome deficit Mild/moderate hemispheral 7 2 1 deficit Severe hemispheral deficit 0 5 0 Altered level of conscious- 0 1 2 ness 286 BATJER et al. encountered has not posed much of a technical disadvantage, and postoperative intracerebral hemorrhage has not occurred. Grafts were demonstrated to be patent by postoperative angiography in 15 cases and by Doppler ultrasound in 2 cases. Postoperative angiography was almost always performed within the Ist week to 10 days postoperatively, before full graft maturity: this prevents significant observations regarding quality and quantity of flow. A superficial temporal graft in Case 16 that was performed following subarachnoid hemor- rhage with diffuse distal middle cerebral territory spasm was demonstrated to be nonpatent on follow-up angiography, The only instance of postoperative hemorrhage occurred following the use of a long saphenous vein graft. Three patients in this series died. The first patient (Case 6) had undergone a right subtemporal approach to a very low lying ruptured basilar bifurcation aneurysm (middle one-third of clivus) at another institution. His aneurysm was not secured because of difficulty in visualizing the contralateral P-1. On the day of his arrival in our institution, he developed a dense right hemiparesis. Due to severe internal carotid and middle cerebral spasm on the left and the presence of an unsecured aneurysm, he underwent emergency left superficial temporal to middle cerebral artery bypass. His neurological deficit improved, and 2 days later he underwent reoperation through a right subtemporal approach. An aperture Sugita clip was applied without good demonstration of the contralateral P-1. Angiography under the same anesthetic revealed a very small amount of residual neck remaining patent. It was decided to operate again and apply a second distal clip for definitive aneurysm closure. The patient awakened well, but 12 hours later suddenly deteriorated. Reexploration revealed a swollen and necrotic temporal lobe. Despite lobectomy, the patient was left with a dense left hemiparesis. He died 3 months later from a pulmonary embolus. The second mortality (Case 7) also presented in Hunt-Hess Grade III condition after sub- arachnoid hemorrhage. His anterior communicating artery aneurysm was clipped on Day | postsubarachnoid hemor- rhage. On Day 7, the patient suddenly became bilaterally decorticate. Angiography demonstrated severe bilateral vaso- subclavian to the middle cerebral artery. 1. Case 9, A 50-year-old-woman with erosion of left carotid bifurcation after a radical neck operation and radiation therapy. osterior (1) and lateral (B) angiograms disclose severe stenosis at the anastomotic site after long saphenous vein grafting from the Neurosurgery, Vol. 18, No. 3 spasm with extremely sluggish filling of his carotid circulation bilaterally, After failure to respond to volume expansion or hypertension, he underwent bilateral EC-IC bypass. Within 24 hours, he responded purposefully bilaterally, but he never improved beyond that point and later died of pulmonary complications. The final case (Case 9) suffered erosion of her left common carotid artery following radical neck surgery and radiation therapy. She presented to the emergency room with a mild right hemiparesis. She underwent emergency subcla- vian to middle cerebral artery long saphenous interposition grafting and awakened from the procedure neurologically normal. Angiography on the 7th postoperative day revealed excellent filling of her entire middle cerebral distribution through the graft but severe stenosis at the anastomotic site (Fig. 1). Regrettably, exploration was done in an attempt to prevent graft closure. She was found to harbor an intrapar- enchymal temporal hematoma, and graft sacrifice was re- quired in order to obtain hemostasis. She developed a dense hemiplegia and later died of gram-negative meningitis. ILLUSTRATIVE CASES Case 11 This patient is a 76-year-old, right-handed man who pre- sented with a several-week history of multiple left hemispheric TIAs. He initially was treated in an outlying hospital where bilateral carotid arteriograms were obtained. The patient had mild cervical carotid disease bilaterally, right greater than left, and left middle cerebral artery stenosis (Fig. 2). He underwent a right carotid endarterectomy from which he made an un- eventful recovery. Over the ensuing 2 days, the patient expe- rienced episodic hypotension that produced in each case the onset of aphasia and a right hemiparesis. These findings resolved with reinstitution of normotension. On the day of his ultimate transfer to our hospital, he had a similar episode that did not resolve with normotension. Immediately after his transfer, an unenhanced CT scan that was negative was ob- March 1986 tained. He was taken to the operating room emergently; left superficial temporal to middle cerebral artery bypass was completed within 12 hours of the onset of this fresh neurolog- ical deficit. Within 24 hours postoperatively, the patient’s FiG. 2. Case 11. A 76-year-old, right-handed man with left hem- ispheral stroke in evolution due to middle cerebral artery stenosis. EARLY REVASCULARIZATION 287 hemiparesis had resolved; his subtle speech deficit resolved over the next several days. He is neurologically normal at this time and having no neurological symptoms. Case 13 This 36-year-old, right-handed woman presented on Day | after subarachnoid hemorrhage with a Hunt-Hess Grade II neurological status. CT scan demonstrated diffuse and thick subarachnoid blood. Angiographically, she was found to have a right posterior carotid wall aneurysm (Fig. 34). She was taken to the operating room on Day 2 postsubarachnoid hemorrhage, and her aneurysm was uneventfully clipped. She remained neurologically normal and underwent a routine postoperative arteriogram on Day 5 that disclosed moderately severe vasospasm in her right internal carotid and M-! distri- bution (Fig. 3B). On Day 6, the patient suddenly developed a dense left hemiparesis. The patient was immediately vol- ume-expanded, and hypertension was induced with pressors. At a blood pressure of 180 systolic her fixed neurological deficit persisted, but it was partially reversible at a systolic pressure of 200. She was taken to the operating room at that time and underwent anastomosis between the anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery, which had been preserved at her original craniotomy, and her middle cerebral artery. The anastomosis was completed about 8'2 hours following the onset of her deficit. Within 12 hours postoperatively, it was apparent that the patient’s arm drift had disappeared, and her leg weakness steadily improved over the next 48 hours. She was quickly weaned from the pressors that had been used postoperatively to maintain her blood pressure at about 150 to 160 systolic. She was discharged 7 days following her bypass procedure neurologically intact and has remained so. Fic. 3, Case 13. A 36-year-old. right-handed woman with subarachnoid hemorrhage. .4, lateral right carotid angiogram demonstrates a posterior carotid wall aneury middle cerebral artery spasm. which became symptomatic on Day 6. sm on Day | after subarachnoid hemorrhage. B. Day 5 postsubarachnoid hemorrhage. Patient now has significant 288 BATJER et al. DISCUSSION Evaluation of the efficacy of acute surgical intervention in the treatment of syptomatic cerebral ischemia is rendered difficult by the inherent variability of the natural history of transient ischemic episodes and stroke in evolution, Despite Fisher’s belief that TIA’s resolve within 10 minutes in 70% of cases (21), the definition of TIA in clinical usage currently includes resolution of neurological deficit within 24 hours of onset (37). Stroke in evolution is the preferred clinical defi- nition if progressive worsening in neurological status occurs over 6 to 72 hours following the onset of neurological dys- function (54, 55). Therefore, if evaluation and therapy begin within the first 24 hours following the onset of ischemic neurological deficit, it becomes impossible to determine if treatment has altered the natural history of the ischemic process. This issue becomes even more complicated when patients are placed under anesthesia acutely for surgical pro- cedures, preventing evaluation of the evolution of the clinical course over the next several hours. For this reason our diag- nostic groupings are obviously suspect, because we have not permitted the ischemic process in this group of patients to remain untreated for time periods sufficient to allocate pa- tients to the temporally defined categories of transient is- chemic episodes, stroke in evolution, or completed stroke. Millikan in 1973 detailed the natural history of stroke in evolution in a series of 204 cases (36). Of these, 74% of the patients developed permanent neurological deficits, 14% died, and only 12% returned to normal at 2 weeks follow-up. Millikan, as a result, recommended aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in an effort to counter this unfavorable outlook. Carter (10) and Baker et al. (4) have both reported randomized trials of anticoagulation in patients with stroke in evolution, documenting that the long term mortality in this condition was not altered by anticoagulant therapy, but that residual neurological deficits appeared to be somewhat less in the treated groups of patients. In all of these studies only a small number of patients were submitted to angiogra- phy, reflecting a reluctance to undertake angiographic evalu- ation of the cerebral circulation in neurologically unstable patients for fear of exacerbating preexisting deficits. Careful examination of the literature, however, suggests that this concern is exaggerated. Both the Joint Study of Extracranial Arterial Occlusion (28) and a more recent Mayo Clinic series (18) report permanent neurological morbidity rates of 1% and 0.63%, respectively, in patients studied with symptomatic cerebral vascular disease. It is only after appropriate radiolog- ical studies, including angiography and often CT scanning, that rational decisions about therapeutic options are possible. The plethora of potentially causative vascular lesions, as well as the frequent occurrence of multiple or incidental vascular anomalies, mandates early angiographic diagnosis to deter- mine the natural history of and the therapeutic alternatives available in ischemic cerebral vascular disease. Traditionally, surgical revascularization procedures have been thought to be contraindicated in the presence of acute cerebral ischemia. Data from the Joint Study of Extracranial Arterial Occlusive Disease documented an operative mortality rate of slightly less than 50% in patients with acute severe neurological dysfunction who underwent carotid endarterec- tomy (5), and several subsequent reports have suggested that operative mortality and morbidity figures are four to five times greater in neurologically unstable patients than in pa- tients without neurological deficit (7, 8, 27, 46, 47, 52, 57). Most authors have attributed these increased mortality and morbidity figures associated with endarterectomy in the face of acute neurological deficit to a high incidence of postoper- ative intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Although recently sev- Neurosurgery, Vol. 18, No. 3 eral investigators have advocated a more aggressive approach to the acute unstable patient with neurological deficit (exclud- ing patients with severe neurological deficit or altered level of consciousness) (22-24), current recommendations suggest that emergency endarterectomy is indicated only in patients with progressive but nondebilitating ischemia or in patients with evidence of an acute thrombosis who can be operated upon within several hours following the onset of deficit (35). The etiology of intracerebral hemorrhage following endarter- ectomy remains controversial. Established risk factors include previous cerebral infarction, postoperative hypertension (6, 7, 34, 40, 51), frequent transient ischemic episodes prior to surgery (6, 7), and postoperative anticoagulation (45). Caplan et al. described two cases of delayed intracerebral hemorrhage at 4 and 5 weeks following endarterectomy that were attrib- uted to the long standing hypertension of the patients (9). Normal cervical internal carotid artery flow is in the range of 330 cc/minute (30), of which some 150 to 170 cc/minute routinely enters the middle cerebral distribution (38, 39). This arterial inflow is responsible for a normal regional cerebral blood flow that approximates 50 cc/100 gm of brain tissue/ minute. However, studies have demonstrated repeatedly that symptomatic neuronal dysfunction does not occur until re- gional cerebral blood flow falls below 20 cc/100 gm/minute, and neuronal death does not occur until flow is reduced to levels of 10 to 11 cc/100 gm/minute (49, 50). Theoretically, it should be possible through relatively modest augmentations of middle cerebral distribution flow acutely to boost regional perfusion from levels of symptomatic ischemia into the range of asymptomatic oligemia, potentially salvaging marginally perfused tissue. By performance of a superficial temporal- middle cerebral cortical branch anastomosis, between 25 and 70 cc of blood/minute may be delivered into the middle cerebral distribution (44). Using a thermal diffusion flow probe, intraoperative measurements of cortical blood flow have been obtained immediately prior to and following EC- IC bypass and demonstrate focal increases in regional cerebral flow of 50 to 75% (11). By contrast, long saphenous vein grafts have been found to carry a volume as high as 120 cc/ minute (42). It would appear that the relatively small volume of blood from routine superficial temporal anastomoses can assume major significance in the setting of acute cerebral ischemia without subjecting the chronically vasodilated mi- crocirculation to the massive increase in perfusion pressure associated with acute carotid endarterectomy. In addition to the finding of Hayashi et al. that induced hypertension improved outcome in a monkey experimental stroke model (29), a number of investigators have reported the use of EC-IC bypass in animal models of acute cerebral ischemia. Using a transcranial approach in the canine and macaque monkey, Crowell occluded the middle cerebral ar- tery proximally and performed an EC-IC bypass 2 hours after middle cerebral ligation (13). He achieved a 50% patency rate in this model and found that some animals improved follow- ing microanastomosis. In a similar animal model, Fein and Molinari achieved a patency rate of 71% (19). Of 10 animals with patent anastomoses, 5 recovered with no neurological deficits. They concluded that in selected cases microanasto- mosis might be beneficial. Diaz and coworkers in a canine model of middle cerebral artery infarction performed revas- cularization at 4 and 24 hours following middle cerebral occlusion. Although as a group the animals with anastomoses did worse than the controls, 3 of the revascularized animals were significantly better than the control animals (14, 15). These authors implied that acute revascularization appeared to be harmful in cases of large infarction but were of potential benefit in animals with smaller infarcts. Numerous electrophysiological and imaging modalities March 1986 have been employed in the clinical setting of human cerebral ischemia to aid in selection of patients who might benefit from acute revascularization. Yonekawa and Yasargil in 1976 ascribed little importance to electroencephalograph (EEG) monitoring for localization of focal ischemia or for prediction of reversibility (60). Holbach et al. suggested that improve- ment in EEG patterns under the influence of hyperbaric oxygenation might reflect some evidence of reversibility (31). Ito et al. have suggested the use of evoked potentials following median nerve stimulation in hemiparetic limbs for the detec- tion of functional reversibility following complete stroke (32). In his monograph Kletter discusses the use of cerebral scintig- raphy with Tc to determine blood-brain barrier integrity as a measure of safety of revascularization (33). Perhaps the most provocative modality to suggest reversible ischemia is the measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with xenon-133 inhalation and single photon emission tomogra- phy. Vorstrup investigated a patient who had suffered a minor infarction who subsequently developed orthostatic TIAs (56). Angiographically, this patient had a critical stenosis of his symptomatic internal carotid artery. Two weeks following his clinical infarction, his CT scan and brain scintigraphy were both normal. Resting cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement demonstrated an area of hypoperfusion corresponding to the involved middle cerebral territory. This area of low perfusion was felt to represent either irreversible ischemic tissue damage or potentially reversible hemodynamic insufficiency and pharmacologial manipulations were employed to distinguish between these two possibilities. Following the administration of acetazolamide, known to increase CBF in a fashion similar to hypercapnia, rCBF increased in the asymptomatic hemi- sphere coincident with a relative decrease in the symptomatic hemisphere, suggesting a steal phenomenon. By contrast, theophylline, a cerebral vasoconstrictor, caused a reduction in CBF in the unaffected hemisphere and a relative increase in flow in the previously hypoperfused area, consistent with an inverse steal. These paradoxical responses were interpreted as indicating failure of cerebral vasoreactivity and maximal vasodilation in a region subjected to chronic marginal perfu- sion. Following carotid endarterectomy, the paradoxical flow responses to these pharmacological agents normalized and the patient’s symptoms disappeared. Although considerable investigation needs to be done, this powerful imaging tool offers great potential to demonstrate areas of reversible cere- bral ischemia noninvasively. The reported results of EC-IC arterial bypass in the clinical setting of stroke in evolution have been mixed; the procedure, although effective in reversal of ischemic neurological deficit in 50 to 60% of cases, has in some series been associated with progression of stroke and significant operative mortality (12, 25, 41, 43, 48, 59). Kletter described two subpopulations of patients with clinical patterns of stroke in evolution (33). He defined a group with rapid progressive stroke in whom a severe deficit reached its maximal density within 6 to 24 hours. Retarded progressive stroke reached maximal density over a period longer than 24 hours. He concluded as a result of his experience and review of the literature that revascular- ization was contraindicated in patients with rapid progressive stroke but that indications for the procedure might exist in those patients with deficits evolving over more than 24 hours. Our current study, coupled with a recent similar small series (1), suggests that a population of patients with acute sympto- matic cerebral ischemia that can benefit from early augmen- tation of middle cerebral artery collateral flow can be identi- fied and that such therapeutic intervention is not fraught with significant perioperative mortality and morbidity. The safety of routine superficial temporal to middle cerebral grafts in this setting is demonstrated in our study by the fact that, of a EARLY REVASCULARIZATION 289 total of 20 bypass procedures in 17 patients, none developed an intracerebral hemorrhage. The sole hemorrhagic compli- cation in this series involved the use of a long saphenous vein interposition graft carrying significantly higher minute flows. Such hemorrhagic complications with these high volume con- duits have been reported to occur in some 10 to 15% of cases in our series (42) and in the experience of Diaz et al. (16). SUMMARY Based on the results of our experience and other available data, we think that patients with stroke in evolution and mild to moderate neurological impairment due to atherosclerotic disease producing internal carotid occlusion or internal ca- rotid siphon stenosis in whom CT scan demonstrates no areas of low density should be offered a revascularization procedure regardless of the duration of symptoms. Because of concern about provoking a disabling occlusion in patients with stroke in evolution due to middle cerebral artery stenosis, we usually recommend anticoagulation as the initial therapeutic modal- ity (26). If the neurological deficit remains unstable or pro- gresses despite anticoagulation, revascularization is per- formed. In patients with symptomatic delayed cerebral ische- mia following subarachnoid hemorrhage, we continue to in- vestigate the potential role of EC-IC bypass. Based on this preliminary experience, we feel optimistic that management morbidity may be improved by performing bypass in the setting of severe proximal spasm of the internal carotid or middle cerebral artery with poststenotic dilatation of the distal middle cerebral tree. Patients whose medical management has failed or in whom aggressive induced hypervolemia and hy- pertension are contraindicated due to the presence of unse- cured aneurysms or underlying cardiovascular disease appear to be the best candidates. The actual efficacy of this procedure in altering the natural history of these admittedly diverse disease processes is impos- sible to verify. However, its relative safety will, we hope, prompt increasing willingness on the part of neurologists and neurosurgeons to evaluate the patient with potentially revers- ible cerebral ischemia and to consider the use of the bypass procedure in those with the appropriate angiographic and clinical profiles. We hope that rCBF measurements with pharmacological manipulations using '*Xe inhalation and single photon emission tomography may significantly im- prove our ability to select those patients most likely to harbor regions of potentially salvageable ischemic cerebral tissue. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors extend special thanks to Mrs. Vicki Rankin for assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Received for publication, March 25, 1985; accepted, November 2, 1985. Presented in part at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Heart Association, Miami Beach, Florida, November | 1-15, 1984. Reprint requests: Hunt Batjer, M.D.. Department of Surgery. Division of Neurosurgery, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235. REFERENCES 1. 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The neurons in the ischemic penumbra, which receive enough blood flow to prevent ischemic death but not enough to support electrical activity, have been shown to have a survival time that is related to the depth and duration of ischemia. As Batjer et al. have shown, small increases in cerebral blood flow can have a significant impact on these neurons. As bypass grafts mature and deliver more blood flow, these neurons can move from the oligemic susceptible range to the ischemic nonfunctional range to the nonischemic range. Additionally, a slow progression may be more advan- tageous from a theoretical standpoint. Abrupt reperfusion has been associated not only with increased hemorrhagic infarc- tion and hemorrhage, but with increased cerebral edema as well. In acute cerebral ischemia. to get the most blood flow to the ischemic hemisphere may not be the optimal goal. To increase the blood flow about a critical level to prevent cell death may be the best treatment. The authors report promising results with the use of early revascularization in the face of acute cerebral ischemia by using the EC-IC anastomosis in several interesing clinical EARLY REVASCULARIZATION 291 situations. Although it is true that the authors cannot be certain of the diagnostic categories into which their patients fall because they intervened early in the acute phase of the ischemia, their results for treatment of stroke in evolution are impressive in comparison to the natural history of this con- dition or the results of carotid endarterectomy in such pa- tients. The use of this procedure in treating vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage is a more novel application, and the benefits are not as well established. This technique may be another option for treating symptomatic spasm when volume expansion, hemodilution, and induced hypertension have failed. We agree with the authors that it is essential to evaluate patients with ischemic neurological deficits as early as possible with angiography. Dangerous lesions such as carotid thrombi can be treated by endarterectomy and, based upon the results of the present study, patients without correctable lesions can be considered for EC-IC anastomosis. Our own clinical experience in revascularization for acute stroke some years ago was poor, and we abandoned it. It paralleled the experience by others who noted increased edema and elevated intracranial pressure. Caution is manda- tory in this group of patients; experiments with early reper- fusion in animals also raise questions about its benefit. Timing is essential. The authors’ results suggest that another look at revascularization is warranted; nonetheless, clear-cut results in an appropriate animal model are desirable before wide- spread clinical adoption of revascularization for acute stroke can be recommended. Daniel G. Nehls, M.D. Robert F. Spetzler, M.D. Phoenix, Arizona At first blush, the reader may question the publication of another paper extolling the virtues of microsurgical revascu- larization for ischemic intra-cranial vascular disease in light of recently reported evidence that the procedure is apparently no better than the best medical management for patients with transient cerebral ischemia. It is important to remember that the latter group of patients constitute only one segment of the population of patients with ischemic cerebral vascular disease, and the reported study, although large and significant, is only one study. It is unlikely that there will ever be a final answer regarding the role of surgery in the management of intra- cranial ischemic cerebral vascular disease, because our under- standing of the problems continues to change. Additionally, statistics providing tests of significance, are useful in analyzing populations, not individuals. Here is where the experience of the surgeon and his understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease addressed is most valuable. Thus, surgeons must continue to attack the multi-faceted problem of ischemic cerebral vascular disease with their skills and continue to report their experiences. Clark Watts, M.D. Columbia, Missouri