such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging do not lead to the correct diagnosis, strong di¬ agnostic consideration should be given to a vascular dissection, which must be demonstrated by arteriography. We believe that facial numbness and dysesthesia represent previously unemphasized features of internal carotid artery dissection. Spontane¬ ous vascular dissections should be considered in the differential diagno¬ sis of patients presenting with unilat¬ eral head and neck pain, oculosympa- thetic paresis, dysgeusia, and facial numbness. carotid aneurysm: Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome (group 2) case report. J Neurosurg References Spontaneous dissection of the cervical internal 1. Fisher CM: The headache and pain of spontaneous carotid dissection. Headache 1982;22:60\x=req-\ 65. 2. Mokri B, Sundt TM, Houser OW: Spontaneous internal carotid dissection, hemicrania, and Horner's syndrome. Arch Neurol 1979;36:677\x=req-\ 680. 3. West TET, Davies RJ, Kelly RE: Horner's syndrome and headache due to carotid artery disease. Br Med J 1976;3:818-820. 4. Davis RH, Daroff RB, Hoyt WF: Hemicra- 1968;29:94-96. 5. Mokri B, Sundt TM, Houser OW, et al: carotid artery. Ann Neurol 1986;19:126-138. 6. Thompson HS, Mensher JH: Adrenergic mydriasis in Horner's syndrome: Hydroxyamphetamine test for diagnosis of postganglionic defects. Am J Ophthalmol 1971;72:472-480. 7. Carpenter MB: Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1976. 8. Anderson CA, Collins GJ, Rich NM, et al: Spontaneous dissection of the internal carotid artery associated with fibromuscular dysplasia. Am Surg 1980;46:263-266. nia, oculosympathetic paresis and subcranial Loss of Deep Dyslexic Reading Ability From a Second Left-Hemispheric Lesion David P. Roeltgen, MD \s=b\ It has been hypothesized that the residual reading ability in people with deep dyslexia (an acquired dyslexia in which the subjects make semantic paralexias, eg, child read as boy) utilizes right hemispheric structures. A patient who was deep dyslexic following an initial left hemispheric stroke was studied. Following a new left hemispheric stroke, he lost his residual reading ability. In this patient, deep dyslexic reading abilities were dependent on left hemispheric structures. (Arch Neurol 1987;44:346-348) Qubjects with deep dyslexia produce semantic paralexias when reading aloud. Other characteristics, includ¬ ing visual errors, function word sub¬ stitutions, derivational errors, dem¬ onstration of an inability to derive phonology from print and reading high imagery words better than low imagery words, nouns better than adjectives, adjectives better than verbs, and nouns better than function words, also occur as part of the syn¬ drome.1 Although there is agreement Accepted for publication Oct 13, 1986. From the Department of Neurology, University of Missouri-Columbia and the Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital, Columbia, Mo. Presented at the Eighth European Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Copenhagen, June 1985. Reprint requests to Department of Neurology, M741 Health Science Center, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65212 (Dr Roelt- gen). general clinical presentation of patients with deep dyslexia, there is considerable controversy regarding potential anatomic substrates under¬ lying their residual reading ability. We addressed this issue by assessing the residual reading ability in a patient with deep dyslexia after he on the had a second cerebral lesion. Conse¬ quently, we were able to draw some conclusions regarding the anatomic substrate for his reading abilities fol¬ lowing his first stroke. REPORT OF A CASE A 54-year-old right-handed man had a left cerebral infarction in 1981. He had a transient right-sided paresis and mild sta¬ ble aphasia. He was studied 1lk years following his stroke and except for a mild aphasia, results of an examination were normal. His spontaneous speech was mild¬ ly nonfluent with good articulation. His comprehension for conversation and com¬ mands was good, but deteriorated with increased complexity of syntax. Naming to confrontation was good. Based on history and results of the Western Aphasia Bat¬ tery (WAB)2 (Table 1), he could best be described as a recovered Broca's aphasie. He was considered deep dyslexic because he made semantic errors when reading aloud, especially when reading para¬ graphs. When reading single words (n 420) he made 58 errors: 3% semantic ("clothing" for "fabric"), 14% derivational ("confi¬ dent" for "confidence"), 43% visual ("melt" for "man"), and 4% function word substitutions ("should" for "such"). When reading words in paragraphs (n 387) he made 55 errors: 11% semantic, 9% deriva= = tional, 20% visual, and 35% function word substitutions. Analysis of his ability to read single words is presented in Table 2. The patient had adequate comprehen¬ sion of single words and moderately good comprehension of paragraphs, with a raw score of 65 on the paragraph comprehen¬ sion subtest of the Peabody Individual Achievement Test.3 On phonological read¬ ing tasks, he had difficulty reading nonwords (14 [23%] of 60 correct) but repeated them well (20 of 20) (Battery of Linguistic Analysis of Writing and Reading)4; (Bat¬ tery of Adult Reading Function [L. J. Rothi, H. B. Coslett, K. M. Heilman, unpub¬ lished data, 1983]). He also made errors on a visually presented rhyming task when asked to say whether two words rhymed (16 of 20 correct; chance equals ten of 20) and on a picture-pointing task for nonwords that were homophonic for real words (pseudohomophones) (Battery of Adult Reading Function; 36 of 40 correct; chance equals 13 of 40) (Table 3). In September 1984, the patient sustained a new stroke, with a new right hemiparesis and marked worsening of his language performance. The results of the rest of the examination were unchanged. On exami¬ nation, his fluency and comprehension were more impaired than previously, and his repetition was limited to approximate¬ ly two word phrases. Naming ability declined such that he was able to name only rare objects with phonemic cues. Clin¬ ical evaluation and results from the WAB2 (Table 1) suggested that he could be best classified as having a mixed aphasia. His language performance was studied at two, four, and six weeks following his second stroke, and results from clinical and formal examinations were constant. He had fairly consistent scores on the WAB2 (Table 1). Downloaded From: by a Michigan State University User on 06/10/2015 He had little residual reading ability after the second stroke. Whereas previous¬ ly he had read 100% of a list of highly imageable nouns and 90% of function words, he now read only 5% and 0%, respectively, despite correctly repeating 95% of the nouns and 75% of the function words. He correctly read only rare single letters. Error analysis revealed that there were no semantic paralexias and perhaps one function word substitution. Some errors had slight visual similarity to the stimulus word ("dog" for "egg") but most errors were unrelated real words ("stamp" for "fruit") or neologisms ("staems" for whatever). He could not read any nonsense words, but repeated 50%. He had no pho¬ nological reading ability; he could not per¬ form the previously presented visual rhyming task or the pseudohomophone pointing task. He comprehended some sin¬ gle words, including occasional words that he could not read aloud. Single word com¬ prehension on the Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia5 was slightly greater than chance. Computed tomography (CT) performed within 48 hours after the new stroke dem¬ onstrated well-defined areas of low densi¬ ty, one small one in the right frontal region and one large one in the left posterior temporoparietal region. The right frontal lesion involved part of the inferior frontal gyrus, the lower half of the precentrai gyrus, and part of the mid and anterior insula cortex. The left-sided lesion involved the cortex surrounding the poste¬ rior half of the superior temporal sulcus as well as the angular gyrus, and extended subcortically to the lateral ventricle. In addition, a less well-defined low-density region was present in the left frontoparietal region. Two weeks later, a repeated CT scan demonstrated enhancement of the left frontal lesion. This lesion involved the lower portions of the precentrai and postcentral gyri, the insula cortex, the posteri¬ or half of the superior temporal gyrus, and part of the body of the caudate nucleus, independent neurologists and a radiologist interpreted the clinical and radiologie evi¬ dence as indicating two previous old ische¬ mie infarctions and a recent left frontoparietal ischemie infarction (Figure). COMMENT There is considerable controversy regarding possible anatomic sub¬ strates subserving the residual read¬ ing ability in patients with deep dys¬ lexia, and much of this controversy centers on the production of semantic paralexias.612 Some authors suggest that the com¬ pensatory reading strategies used by deep dyslexic patients, especially those strategies responsible for the production of semantic paralexias, utilize, at least in part, reading mech¬ anisms located in the right hemi¬ sphere (right hemisphere hypothe¬ sis).7·8·11·12 Major support for this con¬ clusion is the qualitative similarity between the reading ability of Table 1.—Results of the Western Aphasia Battery* Fluency _Information Initial Second assessment Second week Sixth week Comprehension Repetition Naming assessment_00_6 _a2_7^_9.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 6.25 5.0 .f 'Adapted from Kertesz.2 . 4.5 1.5 . tSimilar result on one subtest (Auditory Word Comprehension). Table 2.—Analysis of Single-Word Reading Ability: A Battery of Linguistic Analysis for Writing and Reading* HighLow-Imagery Orthographic -, .Imageable Function Imagery ,_Nounsf Wordst Nounst Nounsj Adjectives^ Verbst Regular§ lrregular§ Correct, % 100_90_97_80_83_75_82_71 'Adapted from Roeltgen et al.4 tMatched for length, frequency, and regularity (n 40 nouns and function words). ^Matched for length and frequency (n 30). §Matched for length, frequency, and word class (n 45). = = = patients with deep dyslexia and the responses of some subjects, normal and commisurotomized, to ortho¬ graphic imput presented only to the left visual field.12·13 These groups all have been shown to produce semantic paralexias. Alternatively, other authors sug¬ gest that the right hemisphere has little or no reading ability, and that the oral reading ability of deep dys¬ lexic patients depends on residual left hemispheric mechanisms.914 Following his initial symptomatic stroke (presumably the stroke that caused the left parietal lesion), this patient had a mild stable aphasia. He also had a dyslexia characterized by semantic, derivational, and visual paralexias, as well as function word Table 3.—Phonetic Reading Test Nonword oral reading from Score Correct/ Given 8/20 Battery of Linguistic Analysis of Writing and Reading (one and two syllables)4 Nonword oral reading from Battery of Adult Reading Function (one, two, and three syllables with com¬ plex phonemes, eg, blends)5 Rhyming task (real words) 16/20 (chance, 10/20) Picture-pointing task (three pictures) when stimulus was a nonword homo- 36/40 (chance, 13/40) phonic for a real word substitutions. He also read nouns of high imagery better than matched nouns of low imagery, and read nouns better than matched function words and nouns better than matched adjec¬ tives, which he read better than matched verbs (Table 2). In addition, he showed difficulty in deriving pho¬ nology from print. He read only 14 of 60 nonwords and had difficulty on two phonology recognition tasks, rhyming and pseudohomophone picture-point¬ ing. These findings are consistent with the diagnosis of deep dyslexia. Following his most recent stroke, the patient lost much of his speech ability and almost all of his reading ability, including reading of real words, deriving phonology from print and comprehension. Computed tomography following the last stroke indicated that he had most likely sustained a recent left frontal cerebral infarction. Although no old CT scans were available for comparison, the clinical and radiolog- ic evidence indicate that the left fron¬ tal lesion was recent and the other lesions were old. The size and location of the right frontal lesion, close to or involving the motor area, make it unlikely that an acute ischemie stroke in that location would be undetectable clinically. Similarly, the new right hemiparesis is consistent with a new left hemispheric lesion. The nonchanging, well-defined lesions, poste¬ riorly on the left and on the right, as found on the initial CT scan, are inconsistent with the diagnosis of acute ischemie infarction. In contrast, the left frontal lesion that was initial¬ ly ill-defined and later enhanced is typical for an acute ischemie infarc¬ tion. These clinical and radiologie data are consistent with the conclusion that in this patient, the residual read¬ ing ability following the first stroke was dependent on left frontal mecha¬ nisms. Downloaded From: by a Michigan State University User on 06/10/2015 from the present patient, as well as those from the patient described by Heilman et al suggest that residual mechanisms necessary to analyze reading may be present in the left or right hemisphere, but that in some patients both mechanisms are dis¬ rupted by new left hemispheric lesions. This study was supported by Teacher Investi¬ gator Development award K07 NS00807 to the University of Missouri-Columbia. The author thanks Lisa Carr for helping test the subject, and Evelyn Hampton for manuscript preparation. References 1. Coltheart M: Deep dyslexia: A review of the syndrome, in Coltheart M, Patterson KE, Marshall JC (eds): Deep Dyslexia. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp 22-47. 2. Kertesz A: Western Aphasia Battery. London, University of Western Ontario, Second computed tomographic study after latest stroke. Stippled area is enhancing lesion, consistent with recent ischemie infarction. Shaded areas are well-defined lucencies, consistent with old ischemie infarctions. Brain slices were plotted using technique of Damasio and Damasio." The lateral view was extrapolated from transverse sections and plotted on lateral view of left hemisphere (modified after Gado et al'8). The right hemisphere hypothesis for reading includes at least two com¬ ponents, analysis and response.10 Analysis is thought to include those mechanisms necessary for perception and description of the stimulus word so as to generate a semantic code. This information is then thought to be transferred to the left hemisphere for response. The response may include oral reading and/or lexical decision. Prior to his last stroke, our patient was able to perform analysis (compre¬ hension of written words and slightly better than chance ability to point to pictures when pseudohomophones were presented) and production (oral reading). Following the last stroke, despite retaining some speech ability (comprehension, single-word repeti¬ tion, and one-to-three-word sponta¬ neous utterances), he lost ability to perform both analysis and production for reading. Such findings are most consistent with the conclusion that, in this patient, reading analysis and pro¬ duction, including lexical access for comprehension and production of semantic paralexias, were dependent on left hemispheric mechanisms that were present after his earliest aphasie stroke. There are at least two ways that this patient's residual reading abili¬ ties may have been dependent on left hemispheric mechanisms. First, those mechanisms may have been present in the left hemisphere and subsequently disrupted by the second left hemi¬ spheric stroke. Alternatively, the sec¬ ond left hemispheric stroke may have disrupted access to language mecha¬ nisms that remained intact in the right hemisphere. The second expla¬ nation is unlikely because the occipi¬ tal lobes, the temporo-occipital re¬ gion, and the splenium of the corpus callosum, structures usually thought to be necessary for the perception of and interhemispheric transfer of visu¬ ally perceived written language,15 were intact after the second left hemi¬ spheric stroke. Consequently, percep¬ tion and interhemispheric transfer of visual information, including reading, should have remained intact after the second left hemispheric stroke. Although these data are consistent with the conclusion that this patient's deep dyslexic reading abilities, both analysis and production, depended on intact left hemispheric functions, such a conclusion may not be true for all patients with deep dyslexia. Heilman et al16 described a patient with a global aphasia following a left hemi¬ spheric stroke. Their patient had pre¬ served reading comprehension that was lost after a new right hemispheric stroke. Their results indicate that, unlike the present patient, some patients may have mechanisms present in the right hemisphere capa¬ ble of analysis of reading. The results 1980. 3. Dunn LN, Markwardt FC: Peabody Individual Achievement Test. Circle Pines, Minn, American Guidance Service, 1970. 4. Roeltgen DP, Cordell C, Sevush S: A battery of linguistic analysis for writing and reading. Int Neuropsychol Soc Bull, October 1983, p 31. 5. La Pointe LL, Horner J: Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia. Tigard, Ore, CC Publications, 1979. 6. Saffran EM, Bogyo LD, Schwartz MF, et al: Does deep dyslexia reflect right-hemisphere reading? in Coltheart M, Patterson K, Marshall JC (eds): Deep Dyslexia. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp 381-406. 7. Coltheart M: Deep dyslexia: A right hemisphere hypothesis, in Coltheart M, Patterson KE, Marshall JC (eds): Deep Dyslexia. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, pp 22-47. 8. Landis T, Regard M, Graves R, et al: Semantic paralexia: A release of right hemispheric function from left hemispheric control? Neuro- psychologica 1983;21:359-364. 9. Marshall JC, Patterson KE: Semantic paralexia and the wrong hemisphere: A note on Landis, Regard, Graves, and Goodglass. Neuropsychologia 1983;21:425-427. 10. Patterson K, Besner D: Is the right hemisphere literate? Cog Neuropsychol 1984;1:315\x=req-\ 341. 11. Rabinowicz B, Moscovitch M: Right hemisphere literacy: A critique of some recent approaches. Cog Neuropsychol 1984;1:343-350. 12. Zaidel E, Schweiger A: On wrong hypotheses about the right hemisphere: Commentary on Patterson K, Besner D, "Is the right hemisphere literate?" Cog Neuropsychol 1984;1:351-364. 13. Regard M, Landis T: Experimentally induced semantic paralexias in normals: A property of the right hemisphere. Cortex 1984;20:263\x=req-\ 270. 14. Besner D: Deep dyslexia and the right-$ hemisphere hypothesis: Evidence from the USA and the USSR. Can J Psychol 1983;37:565-571. 15. Friedman RB, Albert ML: Alexia, in Heilman KM, Valnestein E (eds): Clinical Neuropsychology. New York, Oxford University Press Inc, 1985, 49-73. 16. Heilman KM, Rothi L, Campanella D, et al: Wernicke's and global aphasia without alexia. Arch Neurol 1979;36:129-133. 17. Damasio H, Damasio A: 'Paradoxic' ear extinction in dichotic listening: Possible anatomic significance. Neurology 1979;29:644-653. 18. Gado M, Hanaway J, Frank R: Functional anatomy of the cerebral cortex by computed tomography. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1979;3:1\x=req-\ 19. Downloaded From: by a Michigan State University User on 06/10/2015