s u ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Familiare Dysauionomie bei einem nicht judischen Madchen mit dem histologischen Nachweis eines fortschreitenden Prozesses im N. suralis Es wird uber eine typische familiare Dysautonomie (HSN, Typ 111) bei einem nicht jiidischen Madchen berichtet. Die Anzahl der unmyelinisierten Fasern war vermindert und die Suralisbiopsie ergab den Anhalt fur eine postaxonale Degeneration. AuPerdem fand man eine ausgepragte endoneurale Fibrose und einen Mange1 an groDen myelinisierten Fasern. Der histologische Nachweis eines fortschreitenden Prozesses, der fur den N. suralis bisher noch nicht beschrieben worden ist, und andere klinische und morphologische Merkmale konnten durch unterschiedliche Penetranzgrade der Erkrankung erklart werden. RESUMEN Disauionomfa familiar en una niAa no judfa con evidencia histol6gica de progresidn a nivel del nervio sural Se aporta un caso tipico de disautonomia familiar del tip0 I11 en una nifia no judia. Se ha116 que el nlimero de fibras no mielinizadas estaba reducido y la biopsia del nervio sural mostr6 evidencia de una degeneraci6n postaxonal. Tambitn existfa una marcada fibrosis endoneural y una falta de fibras largas mielinizadas. Los signos de progresi6n histolbgica, todavia no descrita en el nervio sural, asi como otras caracteristicas clinicas y morfologicas podrian explicarse por diversos grados de penetrancia de la enfermedad. References Aguayo, A. J., Nair, C. P. V., Bray, G. M. (1971) ‘Peripheral nerve abnormalities in the Riley-Day syndrome.’ Archives of Neurology, 24, 106-1 16. Axelrod, F. B., Nachtigall, R., Dancis, J. (1974) ‘Familial dysautonomia: diagnosis, pathogenesis and management.’ Advances in Pediatrics, 21, 75-96. - Iyer, K., Fish, I., Pearson, J., Sein, M. E., Spielholz, N. (1981) ‘Progressive sensory loss in familial dysautonomia.’ Pediatrics, 67, 517-522. Dyck, 0.J., Kawamura,Y., Low, P. A., Shimono, N., Solovy, J. S. (1978) ‘The number and sizes of reconstructed peripheral autonomic sensory and motor neurons in a case of dysautonomia.’Journal of Neuropaihology and Experimental Neurology, 31, 741-755. Ferritre, G., Denef, J.-F., Rodriguez, J., Guzzetta, F. (1985) ‘Morphometric studies of normal sural nerve in children.’ Muscle and Nerve, 8, 697-704. Klebanoff, M. A., Neff, J. M. (1980) ‘Familial dysautonomia associated with recurrent osteomyelitis in a non-Jewish girl,’ Jolournal of Pediatrics, 96,75-77. Levine, S. L.. Manniello, R. L., Farrell, P. M. (1977) Features of I ntracrania I Aneurysms in Infants and Report of a Case Edgardo A . Crisostomo Edward Leaton Edwin L. Rosenblum 68 Familial dysautonomia: unusual presentation in an infant of non-Jewish ancestry.’ Journal of Pediatrics, 90, 79-8 1. Metha, K. (1978) ‘Familial dysautonomia in a Hindu boy.’ American Journal of Diseases of Children. 132, 7 19-723. Nordborg, C., Conradi, N., Sourander, P., Westerberg, B. (1981) ‘A new type of nonprogressive sensory neuropathy in children with atypical dysautonomia.‘ Acta Neuropaihologica, 55, 135-141. Pearson, J., Dancis, J., Axelrod, F., Grover, N. (1975) ‘The sural nerve in familial dysautonomia.’ Journal of Neuropathology and Experimenial Neurology, 34, 413-424. - Pytel, B. A., Grover-Johnson, N., Axelrod, F., Dancis, J. (1978) ‘Quantitative studies of dorsal root ganglia and neuropathologic observations on spinal cords in familial dysautonomia.’ Journal of ihe Neurological Sciences, 35, 77-92. Riley, C. M., Moore, R. H. (1966) ‘Familial dysautonomia differentiated from related disorder; case reports and discussion of current concepts. Pediairics, 37, 435-446. Intracranial aneurysms in infancy are rare. A review of the English literature up to 1984 could turn up only 33 cases which apparently were unrelated to trauma and occurred in the first two years of life (Alpers 1945; Matson 1965; Devadiga et al. 1969; Pickering et al. 1970; Arai et al. 1972, 1973; Becker et al. 1978; Grode et al. 1978; Lipper et al. 1978; Orozco et al. 1978; Keren et al. 1980; Ventureyra et al. 1980; Kitano et al. 1981). Some of these reports have been challenged-Stehbens (1982) proposed that a number of the cases could actually have been ‘arteriovenous malformations’ and not true berry aneurysms. We now report a case of a saccular aneurysm in an 1I-month-old infant who was followed for a year after surgery. We highlight certain clinical and diagnostic features which may help to distinguish aneurysms in infants from those in adults. P 24 \o w- hl Case report An 11-month-old girl was admitted to the Albany Medical Center Hospital in June 1982 after developing stiffness in the left arm and leg, followed by a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Additional seizures had been noted in the ambulance and at a local hospital where she was seen initially. A lumbar puncture showed 116,000mm’ red blood-cells and 22,000mm’ white blood-cells, with a protein of 150mg/dl. Several more seizures occurred after transfer to our hospital but were subsequently controlled with anticonvulsants. Her birth and developmental histories were unremarkable, and she was able to walk without support at 10 months of age. She had just begun to utter occasional words. Amoxicillin had been prescribed the day before she entered hospital with possible otitis media. No trauma or any past medical problems were reported. The family history was noncontributory. The vital signs and head circumference were normal. She cried at times but did not spontaneously open her eyes or respond t o verbal stimuli. There were no signs of trauma. The tympanic membranes were normal. The neck was supple and the rest of the general examination was normal, including her peripheral pulses. On neurological examination, the pupils measured 3mm in diameter and reacted sluggishly to light; marked papilledema with multiple retinal hemorrhages were found. Roving conjugate eye-movements were seen occasionally, while oculocephalic and corneal responses were normal. There was a noticeable decrease in spontaneous movements of the left extremities. Bilateral plantar responses were extensor. The initial hemogram showed a white-cell count of 15,600, with 21 bands, but the other routine studies, including coagulation profile and arterial blood gases, were within normal limits. An emergency cranial C T scan showed a large collection of subarachnoid blood and a temporal-region hematoma, producing a shift of the mid-line structures with compression of the right lateral ventricle (Fig. 1). An angiogram performed the following day demonstrated a saccular aneurysm in the right middle cerebral artery, originating about lcm distal to the double bifurcation and measuring approximately 0 ~ 8 x 1 ~ 5 x 0 ~ 7(Fig. c m 2). The patient remained obtunded during the following week. An EEG showed marked amplitude suppression over the right hemisphere. Clipping of the aneurysm was performed on the 16th day after admission. When discharged five weeks after admission she had a mild left hemiparesis. At a follow-up visit one year later she had achieved the normal developmental milestones for a two-year-old and no residual neurological deficit could be detected. Her EEG was normal. A CT scan disclosed cortical hemispherical and focal opercular atrophy of the right cerebrum (Fig. 3). Discussion It is the general consensus that aneurysms result from an interday of structural a Fig. 1. CT scan shows high-density lesion in right temporal region, with gyral staining and compression of right lateral ventricle. Fig. 2. Carotid angiogram shows aneurysm just beyond double bifurcation of right middle cerebral artery, with ‘square’-typeshift of anterior cerebral artery (arrows). 69 Fig. 3. CT scan reveals marked widening of right cortical sulci, signifving appreciable brain atrophy. 70 deficits and the pulsatile influence of hemodynamic stress (Sekhar and Heros 1981). The occasional association of polycystic renal disease and coarctation of the aorta with cerebral aneurysms is believed to be due to hemodynamic stress induced by hypertension (Stehbens 1962). The pathogenesis remains unknown, however, for aneurysms occurring in infants without those associated congenital defects. There are several distinguishing features of this case and other reports in the literature which may lead to early diagnosis of intracranial aneurysm. The ma1e:female ratio of a little less than 2: 1 in patients below 20 years of age (Sahs et al. 1969) does not hold for aneurysms in infants, where 18 out of 34 are male. 23 of the 34 aneurysms occupied the anterior or internal carotid segments. The location of the aneurysm in our case was distal to the major branching of the middle cerebral artery and other authors have noted a similar tendency for intracranial aneurysms in infants to occur in the periphery (Matson 1965, Arai etal. 1972, Grode et al. 1978, Lipper et al. 1978, Amacher and Drake 1979). Further, the aneurysms reported in 19 cases were greater than lcm in diameter, similar to Thompson's study in children (Thompson et al. 1973). Of the 29 infants in the literature with courses long enough to warrant description, 14 had manifestations of seizure episodes. It is tempting to speculate that the relatively high incidence of seizures in ruptured aneurysms of infants is somehow related to their more peripheral location, regardless of whether the events are secondary to rebleeding or to vasospasm. A previous study had shown that late seizures in adults, defined as those occurring at least 12 hours after the initial bleed, are usually due to rebleeding and are associated with a poor prognosis (Hart et al. 1981). The data for infants seem to suggest the same (Pickering et al. 1970, Ferry et al. 1974, Grode et al. 1978, Lee et al. 1978). Since aneurysms in infants are often located distally they may be more accessible to surgical manipulation (Almeida et al. 1977). Consequently, despite their rarity, it is crucial to recognize their distinctive features. Several authors have argued for an aggressive diagnostic approach in dealing with these lesions (Almeida et al. 1977, Lipper et al. 1978, Storrs et al. 1982). Although computerized tomographic (CT) scans have proven helpful in the evaluation of intracranial hemorrhages in this age-group (Krishnamoorthy et al. 1977), Hungerford et al. 1981, Inoue et al. 1981), a high degree of clinical suspicion is indispensable. Based on this report and a review of the literature, we have found that intracranial aneurysms in infants are: (1) usually greater than lcm in diameter, (2) often peripherally located, (3) frequently accompanied by seizures, and (4) relatively amenable to direct surgical attack by virtue of their distal location. Accepted for publication 28th May 1985. Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Venkatesh and Ms. Heath for their assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Authors' Appointments 'Edgardo A. Crisostomo, M.D., Fellow, Department of Medicine (Neurology), Duke University Medical Center, V.A. Hospital Bldg. 16, Durham, NC 27705; Edward Leaton, M.D., Fellow, Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Edwin L. Rosenblum, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Albany Medical College, New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208. *Correspondence to first author. SUMMARY An 11-month-old girl presented with seizures, papilledema and a left hemiparesis. Radiographic examination revealed a saccular right middle cerebral-artery aneurysm. Clipping was performed 16 days after admission. At follow-up a year later there was no residual neurological deficit. Aneurysms occurring in infants are relatively large and more peripheral in location compared with adults, and frequently are accompanied by seizures. Infants’ aneurysms also tend to occupy the anterior circulation distribution, and their peripheral location may make them more amenable to surgical intervention. I. \o d m- hl G m 9 R~SUMB Caractiristiques des anivrysmes intracraniens du nourrisson: rapport dun cas Une fillette de 11 mois pr6sentait des crises, un oedtme papillaire et une htmipartsie gauche. Un examen radiographique rtvtla un antvrysme sacculaire de l’arttre sylvienne droite. Une ligature fut rtaliste 16 jours aprbs l’admission. Au suivi de l’observation, une annte plus tard, il n’y avait pas de dtficit neurologique rtsiduel. Les antvrysmes du nourrisson sont relativement larges et de localisation plus ptriphtrique comparts ii ceux de l’adulte; ils sont frtquemment accompagnts des crises. Les antvrysmes du nourrisson tendent tgalement B occuper la distribution circulatoire anttrieure et leur localisation pkiphbrique peut les rendre plus accessibles B I’intervention chirurgicale. d ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Symptome intracranieller Aneurysmen bei Siiuglingen: ein Fallbericht Der Fall eines 11 Monate alten Madchens mit Anfallen, Papilknodem und einer linksseitigen Hemiparese wird geschildert. Rontgenologisch wurde ein sackformiges Aneurysma der A. cerebri media nachgewiesen. 16 Tage nach Aufnahme des Kindes wurde das Clipping durchgefiihrt. Bei der Kontrolle nach einem Jahr fanden sich keine neurologischen Ausfalle. Aneurysmen bei Kindern sind relativ groR und im Vergleich zu Erwachsenen mehr peripher gelegen und sie sind haufig mit einer Anqallen verbunden. Aneurysmen bei Sauglingen neigen dazu, sich im Berich der vorderen Hirnzirkulation auszubreiten und ihre periphere Lokalisation macht den chirurgischen Eingriff einfacher. RESUMEN Caracteristicas de los aneurismas iniracraneales en lactanies: aportacion‘ de un caso S e trata de una niAa de 1 1 meses de edad con convulsiones, edema de papila y hemiparesia izquierda. El examen radiogrifico revel6 un aneurisma sacular de la arteria cerebral media izquierda. Se colocb un clip a 10s 16 dias de su ingreso. Vista un aAo miis tarde no habia rastro de dtficit neurol6gico. Los aneurismas en el lactante son relativamente grandes y de localizacibn m i s periferica que en el adulto y se acompaiian con frecuencia de convulsiones. Tienden a ocupar la distribucibn de la circulacibn anterior y su localizaci6n periftrica 10s puede hacer mis asequibles a1 tratamiento quinlrgico. References Almeida, G. M., Pindaro, J., Plese, P., Bianco, E., Shibata, M. K. (1977) ‘Intracranial arterial aneurysms in infancy and childhood.’ Child‘s Brain, 3, 193-199. Amacher, A. L., Drake, C. G. (1979) ‘The results of operating upon cerebral aneurysms and angiomas in children and adolescents. I: Cerebral aneurysms. Child’s Brain, 5, 151-165. Arai, H., Sugiyama, Y., Kawakami, S. (1972) ‘Multiple intracranial aneurysms and vascular malformations in an infant.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 31, 357-360. - Ueki, K., Takahara, Y. (1973) ‘Intracranial aneurysm in an infant.’ Surgical Neurology, 1, 94-96. Becker, D. H., Silverberg, G. D., Nelson, D. H., Hanbery, J. W. (1978) ‘Saccular aneurysm of infancy and early childhood.’ Neurosurgery, 2, 1-7. Devadiga, K. V., Mathai, K. V., Chandy, J. (1969) ‘Spontaneous cure of intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery in a 14-month-old child.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 30, 165-168. Ferry, P. G., Kerber, C., Peterson, D., Gallo, A. A. (1974) ‘Arteriectasis, subarachnoid hemorrhage in a 3-month-old infant.’ Neurology, 24,494-500. Forster, F. M., Alpers, B. J. (1945) ‘Anatomical defects and pathological changes in congenital cerebral aneurysms.’ Journal of Neuropaihology and Experimental Neurology, 4, 146-1 54. Grode, M. L., Saunders, M., Carton, C. A. (1978) ‘Subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysms in infants.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 49. 898-902. Hart, R. G., Byer, J . A., Slaughter, J. R., Hewett, J. E., Easton, J. D. (1981) ‘Occurrence and implications of seizures in subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured intracranial aneurysms.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 8, 417-421. Hungerford, G. D., Marzluff, J. M., Kempe, L. G., Powers, J. M. (1981) ‘Cerebral arterial aneurysm in a neonate.’ Neuroradiology, 21, 107-1 10. Inoue, Y., Saiwai, S., Miyamoto, T., Ban, S., Yamamoto, T., Takemoto, K., Taniguchi, S., Sato, S., Namba, K., Ogata, M. (1981) ‘Postcontrast CT in subarachnoid hemorrhage from ruptured aneurysm.’ Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 5, 341-344. Ke,ren, G., Barzilay, Z., Cohen, B. E. (1980) Ruptured intracranial arterial aneurysm in the first year of life.’ Archives of Neurology, 31, 392-393. Kitano, I., Fukui, M., Kinoshita, K. (1981) ‘Infantile cerebral aneurysm.’ Surgical Neurology, 16, 386-390. Krishnamoorthy, K. S., Fernandez, R. A., Momose, K. J., DeLong, G. R., Moylan, F. M. B., Todres, I. D., Shannon, D. C. (1977) ‘Evaluation of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage by CT.’ Pediatrics, 59, 165-172. Lee, Y. J., Kandall, S. R., Ghali, V. S. (1978) ‘Intracranial arterial aneurysm in a newborn.’ Archives of Neurology, 35, 171-172. Lipper, S., Morgan, D., Krigman, M. R., Staab, E. V. (1978) ‘Congenital saccular aneurysm in a 19-day-old neonate: case report and review of the literature.’ Surgical Neurology, 10, 161-165. Matson, D. D. (lq65) ‘Intracranial arterial aneurysms in childhood. Journal of Neurosurgery, 23, 578-583. 71 Orozco, M., Trigueros, F.,. Quintana, F. (1978j ‘Intracranial aneurysm In early childhood. Surgical Neurology, 9, 247-252. Pickering, L. K.,Hogan, G. R.,Gilbert, E. F. (1970) ‘Aneurysm of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery: rupture in a newborn.’ American Journal of Diseases of Children, 119, 155-158. Sahs, A. L., Perret, C. T., Locksley, H. B. (1969) Intracranial Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Sekhar, L. N., Heros, R. C. (1981) ’Origin, growth and rupture of saccular aneurysms: a review.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 8, 248-260. Stehbens, W. E. (1962) ‘Cerebral aneurysms and congenital abnormalities.’ Australasian Annals of CongenitaI Polycyst ic Disease of the Brain: Report of an Unusual Case Naim-ur-Rahman Khalifa A. Rahim Adam 72 Intracerebellar epithelial cysts are rarefewer than 20 cases of supratentorial ependymal cysts have been reported to date (Fried and Yasargil1977). We present a case with multiple congenitalintracerebral cysts which are sufficiently characteristic to distinguish them from the other more common fluid-filled cystic lesions such as intraventricular colloid cysts or extracerebral arachnoid cysts (Moore and Book 1966, Bouch et al. 1973). Our case differs from previously reported cases in the following ways: (1) multiple glial/ ependymal cysts almost totally occupied the white central matter of the frontal and temporoparietal lobes bilaterally, leaving no recognisable ventricular system; and (2) all 17 cases reported in the literature presented in adult life, the average age being 47 years (Bouch et al. 1973, Fried and Yasargil 1977), whereas our patient developed progressive hydrocephalus and neurological deficit in early infancy. Medicine, 11, 102-112. - (1982) ‘Intracranial berry aneurysms in infancy.’ Surgical Neurology, 18, 58-60. Storrs, B. B., Humphreys, R. P., Hendrick, E. B., Hoffman, H. J. (1982) ‘1nt:acranial aneurysms in the pediatric age-group. Child‘s Brain, 9, 358-361. Thompson, J. R., Harwood-Nash, D. C., Fitz, C. R. (1973) ‘Cerebral aneurysms in children.’ American Journal of Roentgetzofogy, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, 118, 163-175. Ventureyra, E. C. G., Choo, S. H., Benoit, B. G. (1980) ‘Super giant globoid intracranial aneurysm in an infant.’ Journal of Neurosurgery, 53,411-416. Case report This two-month-old boy was brought to us in August 1983, his mother having noticed a big head and occasional seizures since birth. Delivery had been normal and there was no history of trauma. Head circumference at two months was 42.5cm and the fontanelles were full. A period of observation confirmed the progressive nature of the hydrocephalus. At the age of five months his head started enlarging more rapidly and he developed clear-cut evidence of raised intracranial pressure, including a bulging fontanelle and vomiting. Slowness in passing normal milestones and spasticity of all four limbs was also noticed at this stage. A CT scan performed on 5th November 1983 revealed multiple cystic cavities of varying sizes almost totally occupying both cerebral hemispheres and leaving no trace of a recognisable ventricular system (Fig. 1). Initial management consisted of serial cyst punctures and aspiration of their contents to relieve the raised intracranial pressure. Different cysts were punctured at different times and revealed three types of contents under pressure: two contained watery clear fluid, one contained milky viscous and mucoid liquid and one contained greenish-brown motor oillike fluid. The protein content of the cyst fluids ranged from lOOmg to 3.5g per 100ml. Air was introduced into different cysts following aspiration of their contents. Figure 2 shows CT-air-cystography carried out after multiple cyst aspirations. Reduction in the size of the cysts as well as air delineating a shrunken cyst can be seen. The regime of repeated cyst drainage through the fontanelle resulted in temporary improvement, with satisfactory control of intracranial pressure, arrest of hydrocephalus and a slack fontanelle. However, this improvement lasted for only two months, when the child was readmitted with rapid progression of hydrocephalus and signs of raised intracranial pressure. CT scan showed an enlargement of all the cysts. An extensive right temporoparieto-occipital craniotomy was carried out at this stage, revealing an area of temporoparietal cerebral cortex which was normal-looking but tense. At a depth of about Icm the brain canula met the resistance of the cyst wall and its puncture revealed a large quantity of clear watery fluid. The cyst cavity was opened, its wall partially resected and partitions between this and adjacent