Herpes Zoster Ophthalrmcus and Delayed Contralateral Hemiparesis Caused by Cerebral Angutis: Diagnosis and Management Approaches Dana C. Hilt, MD, David Buchholz, MD, Allan Krumholz, MD, Howard Weiss, MD, and Jerry S. Wolinsky, MDX Four patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus and delayed contralateral hemiparesis are described, and their findings are compared with those in patients previously reported in the English language literature. The current patients evidenced multifocal ipsilateral cerebral angiitis by angiography and multifocal infarcts in the distribution of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery by computed tomographic scanning. Cerebrospinal fluid showed mononuclear pleocytosis, positive oligoclonal bands, and an elevated immunoglobulin G index. Two patients were treated with corticosteroids and acyclovir, and 1 with corticosteroids alone, all without apparent response. Necrotizing angiitis ipsilateral to the herpes zoster ophthalmicus was demonstrated postmortem in 1 patient with multifocal cerebral infarction and progressive leukoencephalopathy. Neither herpes varicella zoster immunocytochemical reactivity nor viral inclusions were seen. The leukoencephalopathy associated with herpes varicella zoster either may be caused by cerebral angiitis or, as previously reported, may be a temporally remote manifestation of persistent herpes varicella zoster infection. The cerebral angiitis associated with herpes varicella zoster is histologically similar to granulomatous angiitis, and both may be related to herpes varicella zoster infection of the cerebral vasculature. Hilt DC, Buchholz D, Krumholz A, Weiss H, Wolinsky JS: Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and delayed contralateral hemiparesis caused by cerebral angiitis: diagnosis and management approaches. Ann Neurol 14:543-553, 1983 Nervous system syndromes associated with herpes varicella zoster virus (HVZ) infections include varicella myositis [43}, zoster radiculopathy C23, 38, GO), zoster myelitis [23, 25, 36, 381, cranial neuropathy including Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 113, 29,471, zoster rneningoencephalitis [ 3 , 6, 38, 39,44, 52, 591, and a temporally remote leukoencephalitis 1261. A distinctive central nervous system syndrome associated with H V Z is that of herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) followed by ipsilateral cerebral angiitis and consequent contralateral hemiparesis. Only 25 cases have appeared in the English language literature since the original description by Baudouin and Lantuejoult51 after Dumary in 1919 11, 2, 11, 15, 19,22, 24,28, 31-33, 35, 3 7 , 4 4 , 4 6 , 4 9 , 53, 5 5 , 61-63]. Some cases may escape recognition because of the temporal dissociation of the acute vesicular rash and the subsequent hemiparesis. Pathogenetic mechanisms are unknown, but the finding of focal cerebral angiitis within the sensory field of the trigeminal nerve suggests active H V Z infection by direct extension via the trigeminal nerve. An immune-mediated angiitis triggered by the H V Z infection is a possible alternate mechanism. This report describes four patients with HZO with contralateral hemiparesis seen consecutively over one year and compares their clinical features, diagnostic evaluations, and, in 2 cases, neuropathological findings with examples previously reported in the English language literature. From the Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, M D 21205. Received Jan 28, 1983, and in revised form Mar 28, 1083. Accepted for publication Apr 1, 1383. ”Present address: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Department of Neurology, 643 1 Fannin, Rm 7.044, PO Box 20708, Houston, TX 77025. Address reprint requests to D r Wolinsky at his present address. Case Reports Patient 1 An 82-year-old right-handed woman was in excellent health until she developed left HZO, without corneal involvement, which healed completely. Twenty days after onset of the rash, she was noted to be “depressed.”At 30 days she was lethargic but showed no other abnormalities on clinical examination. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contained 136 white blood cells (WBC)per cubic millimeter, of which 37% were mono- 543 nuclear cells. The CSF glucose level was 58 mgidl and CSF protein level was 125 mgidl, of which 39% was immunoglobulin (normal, up to 12%). All cultures were negative. An electroencephalogram (EEGj was diffusely slow, and a computed tomographic (CT) scan showed mild ventriculomegaly compatible with age. The encephalopathy did not change greatly over the next three weeks, and the CSF pleocytosis persisted. O n transfer to The Johns Hopkins Hospital 70 days into the illness, the patient was lethargic and aphasic, with a right spastic hemiparesis and left gaze preference. Repeat CSF analysis showed 34 mononuclear cells, a glucose level of 56 mgidl, and a protein level of 53 mgidl. Viral, bacterial, mycobaiterial, and fungal cultures and CSF VDRL and cryptococcal antigen tests were negative, and cytology showed no abnormalities. The CSF myelin basic protein level was 15 ngiml (normal, up to 6 ngiml). Agarose gel electrophoresis of CSF showed four oligoclonal bands, and the immunoglobulin G index was elevated to 1.3 (normal, up to 0.6). C T scans showed an enhancing left parietal infarction and bifrontal periventricular white matter lucencies (Fig 1). The EEG was diffusely slow with periodic (0.5 to 1.5 Hz) high-voltage sharp wAves, right greater than left. Cerebral angiography showed segmental narrowing of the proximal M I portion sf the left middle cerebral artery and A , portion of the left anterior cerebral artery, as well as distal irregularities including segmental beading with pseudoaneurysm formation, all compatible with cerebral angiitis (Fig 2). Evaluation for systemic vasculitis, endocarditis, cardiac emboli, and malignancy showed no abnormalities. Methyl prednisolone was begun at a d:dy dose of 80 mg administered intravenously, and the dosage was tapered over six weeks, and acyclovir, 750 mg every 8 hours, was given intravenously for 10 days. Progressive obtundation ensued, however. Following acyclovir treatment, the CSF contained 10 mononuclear cells and normal glucose and protein levels; myelin basic protein level and oligoclonal bands were unchanged. The patient died 120 days after onset of HZO. At postmortem examination, areas of focal infarction were Fig 1 . (Patient 1 .) (A) Noncontrast computed tomographic (CT) scan at day 70, demonstrating a lej3 parietal infarct (arrow). (B) Contrast CT scan at day 7 0 , shouring enhancement of the left pacetal infarct (arrow). (Ci Contrust CT scan at day 84. showing bifrontalp e r i v e n t r l u white ~ matter lucencies (arrowsj. Fig 2. (Patient 1 .) Left internal carotid angiogram (anteroposterior view), showing narrowing of the MI portion of the left middle cerebral artey and the A1 portion of the left anterior cerebral artery and distal irregularities iniluding Jegmental beading (arrows). 544 Annals of Neurology Vol 14 No 5 November 1983 F i g 3. (Patient 1 .) Photomicrograph showing necrotizing histiocytic angiitis. A n involved vessel and infarcted tissue are seen on the right; a small area of relatively normal white matter is seen in the lower left. (H5.E; x 160.) widespread in white and gray matter of both cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and brainstem. The histological appearance was compatible with infarcts several months old. Vessels in these regions showed evidence of necrotizing angiitis with infiltration of the vessel wall by histiocytes and occasional giant cells (Fig 3). No inclusion-bearing cells were seen. Viral antigens were sought in deparaffinized tissues using the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure of Sternberger [58].Prebleed or postimmunization sera were obtained from rabbits that received a series of inoculations of purified H V Z virions in complete and incomplete Freund’s adjuvant {by]. The virions were prepared from the clarified supernatant of infected BSC-1 cells disrupted by sonication and then further purified by gradient centrifugation in sucrose [20]. Immunoglobulin fractions of these rabbit sera were used as primary immunocytochemical reagents 1681. Appropriate dilutions of the immunoglobulins were selected, using as targets comparably processed uninfected and HVZ-infected cells. These were prepared from mock- or HVZ-infected BSC-1 monolayers fixed in buffered 4% formalin; then the cells were scraped and collected by filtration on millipore filters and the cell-containing filters were embedded in paraffin. Both infected and uninfected paraffin-embedded cell pellets served as concurrent positive and negative controls for the tissue sections from patient 1. Viral antigens could not be detected in any tissue sections examined by this method. Patient 2 A 60-year-old right-handed man had a one-year history of myasthenia gravis, which was treated by resection of an invasive thymoma, mediastinal irradiation, pyridostigrnine, and oral prednisone, 35 mg every other day. He developed right HZO with corneal involvement, and the prednisone dosage was briefly increased to 30 rng daily. The rash healed well, but at day 28 he became confused and ataxic and developed marked left hemiparesis with hyperreflexia. The CSF contained 96 WBC per cubic millimeter (92% mononuclear cells), with a glucose level of 52 rngidl and a protein level of 96 mgidl. Viral, bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal cultures and CSF VDRL and cryptococcal antigen tests were negative, and there were no cellular abnormalities. The EEG was diffusely slow, especially over the right frontal area. Multiple right pericaudate lucencies that enhanced with contrast were seen on C T scan. Cerebral angiography showed narrowing of the right intracranial carotid artery, marked irregularity of the A l segment of the right anterior cerebral artery, and focal dilatation of a branch of the right middle cerebral artery, all Hilt et al: HZO and Cerebral Angiitis 545 Fig 4. (Patient L?.) Right internal carotid angiogram (oblique view), showing narrowing of the right intrarwanial carotid artevy (filled arrow) and irregular narrowing of the A!portion of the right anterior cerebral arteq (open arrow). F i g 5. (Patient 3.) Noncontrast computed tomographicscan at day 40, showing multiple right basal ganglia and deep white matter infarcts (arrowheads). compatible with cerebral angiitis (Fig 4).The patient was treated with acyclovir, 945 mg intravenously for 6 days, and his oral prednisone dosage was again increased to 30 mg daily. His neurological status initially stabilized, but on day 35 he became more lethargic and the left hemiparesis worsened. Acyclovir was stopped because of mild rcnal insufficiency, and the prednisone was increased to 5 0 mg twice a day. Repeat CSF analysis showed 8 mononuclear cells, normal glucose and protein levels, four oligoclonal bands, and immunoglobulin 25% of total protein. The patient’s mental status and hemiparesis were improving by day 40. Prednisone dosage was tapered, and he was discharged to home with a residual left hemiparesis that subsequently resolved. at day 35 revealed no changes. Left hemiparesis and hemihypoesthesia were first noted on day 40.A C T scan showcd multiple right basal ganglia and deep white matter lucencies (Fig 5 j, which enhanced with contrast, and an old, small, right parieto-occipital infarct. Cerebral angiography demonstrated right intracranial carotid artery narrowing and abnormalities of the distal right anterior and middle cerebral artery branches, all compatible with cerebral angiitis (Fig 6 ) . The right carotid bifurcation was normal. Evaluation for systemic vasculitis, endocarditis, and metastatic malignancy showed no abnormalities. Oral dexamethasone, 2 0 mg daily, was started, and over the next two weeks the patient’s disorientation and left hemiparesis gradually improved. The patient did well following discharge from the hospital, and the dexamethasone dosage was rapered. At day 60, however, she suffered an acute intracranial hemorrhage, and she died several days later. Postmortem findings included riglit uncal herniation syndrome and right caudate hemorrhage with extensive tissue destruction. N o aneurysm or othr:r source of the hemorrhage was found. A limited histological evaluation documented old and new infarctions. No evidence of cerebral angiitis or inclusion-bearing cells was noted. Patzent 3 A 62-year-old right-handed woman with a remote history of bilateral resected breast carcinoma, migraine headaches, and mild angina pectoris developed right HZO with corneal involvement. This was treated with oral prednisont, 60 mg a day. O n day 10 of therapy she was noted to be “depressed.” Disorientation and hallucinations ensued, and she was treated with haloperidol. The neurological findings were otherwise normal. The CSI: contained 100 WBC per cubic millimeter (97% mononuclear cells), with a glucose level of 60 mgidl and a protein level of 62 mddl. The CSF IgG was 1 6 9 of total protein. Bacterial and fungal cultures and CSF VDRL and cryptococcal antigen tests were negative, and no cellular abnormalities were found. The EEG at day 28 was diffusely slow. The encephalopathy deepened, and repeat CSF analysis 546 Annals of Neurology Vol 14 No 5 Patient 4 A 62-year-old right-handed man with severe rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid lung disease developed left HZO with corneal involvement. O n day 1 0 he was febrile and was admitted to the hospital for treatment of possible sepsis. The initial neurological findings were normal. The serum HVZ November 1083 Fzg 6. (Patient 3 . ) Right retrograde brachial cerebral angiograni (lateral view), showing narrowing of the right intracranial carotid artery (filled arrow) and distal iwegularities (open arrows). reciprocal titer was 256. He gradually became afebrile, antibiotics were discontinued, and the HZO was healing. O n day 2 1 he became lethargic, and neurological examination showed mild disorientation, mild right central facial weakness, pronation and drift of the right arm, and subtle right leg weakness. The EEG was diffusely slow. Results o f a radionuclide brain scan were normal, but a C T scan showed a new small left basal ganglia lucency. The CSF contained 56 mononuclear cells, a normal glucose level, and a protein level of 49 mgidl, of which 40% was immunoglobulin. The IgG index was elevated to 1.8. Bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal cultures and CSF VDRL and cryptococcal antigen tests were negative, and cytology showed no abnormalities. The CSF HVZ reciprocal titer rose from 4 to 16. Over rhe next two weeks the hemiparesis and confusion gradually improved without specific treatment. At day 35 the patient again became confused and combative, and the mild right hemiparesis worsened. A repeat C T scan showed no changes. An atraumaric cervical puncture showed bloody, xanthochromic CSF with a disproportionate mononuclear pleocytosis and a protein level of 365 mgidl. The clinical impression was possible cerebral angiitis with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Angiography was refused, and the patient made an uneventful and complete recovery over the next month without specific treatment. Discussion The Table summarizes pertinent clinical and laboratory data in the English language literature on 25 previously reported patients with HZO and contralateral hemiparesis, to which the current cases are added. Including the current 4 patients, the mean age is 57 years, with a range from 7 to 96 years. Nineteen of 29 patients were age 60 or older, a finding consistent with a selective decline in cellular immune response to H V Z and increasing incidence of dermatomal zoster with aging [41).Some patients had systemic malignancies or were otherwise immunocompromised. The latter group had a well-documented increased susceptibility to HVZ infections, manifested by dermatomal or disseminated zoster [14, 53, 64, 651. Fourteen of the patients were Hilt er al: HZO and Cerebral Angiitis 547 Findings iti 25 Patients u:ith Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus and Contralateral Hemiparesir - Reference Age, Sex Interval" C N S Symptoms CSF (per mm') Gordon and Tucker [ 2 2 ) 26, M 4 wk Right HP, aphasia 4 wk' WBC 3, pro N , 6 wk WBC 38 (95% M), pro 7O 4 wk WBC 5 1, RBC 4, pro 34 xanthoc hromia Hughes 1281 70, F 4 wk Left H P Cope and Jones [ 111 Anastasopoulos et a1 121 Laws 1331 Acers [l} 5 wk 5 wk Pandi and Romanes [461 54, F 29, M 65, F 32, M 61, M 55, F 2 wk Left H P h g h t H P , aphasia Right HP, aphasia Right H P Right H P Left H P Kolodny et a1 [ 3 11 96, F 4 wk Left H P Norris et a1 [ 4 4 ] Rosenblum and Hadfield 1531 72, F 64, M 6 nio 6 wk Disorientation, ataxia, righr H P Delirium, left H P Walker e t al L631 7, M 6 mo Right HP, aphasia 2 wk WBC 65 (M > P), pro elevated 6 wk WBC 7, RBC 7 , pro 315, xanrhochromia 6 mo WBC 1, RBC 13 Gilbert [19] 73, M 0 Left HP, right amaurosis fugax 3 wk: N Victor and Green 1621 58, M 5 wk 5 wk: WBC 55 (98% M), RBC 27, pro 52, IgG 15% Pratesi et a1 [401 48, M 10 wk Delirium, left H P and hemianopsia, right Homer's syndrome Delirium, left H P Gursoy et a1 1241 24, F 1 wk Right H P Ruppenthal I551 72, F 2 wk Left HP Kuroiwd and Furukawa I121 G7, M 6 wk Right H P 6 wk WBC 2 1 (86% M), pro 3 2 , elevated IgG MacKcnLie et al 35 1 34, F 70,M 67, F 4.5 rno 7 wk 6 wk Right H P , aphasia Left H P Right H P , aphasia, memory deficit 4 5 nio N 60, M 12 wk Confusion, right HP, aphasia 8 wk WBC 14 (50% MI, pro h i Doyle er al [ 1 5 1 69, F 2 wk Right H P Vecht [611 66, M 3 wk McConias and Gurmann [j71 69, F 8 wk Right H P and hemianopsia, aphasia Stupor, right HP, aphasia 8 wk WBC 59, RBC 72, pro 100 4 mo 3 wk 4 wk 6 wk WBC 4 8 , pro 50 5 wk WBC 4 , pro 4 4 3wk N 4 wk WBC 3 , pro N 2 wk WBC 90 (M > P), RBC 7, pro 200 1 wk WBC 80 (62% M), pro 200 2-4 wk WBC 110 ( 9 8 % M), pro 445 4 wk: no cells, pro 116 12 wk: no cells, pro 79 1 wk: WBC 1200 ( P > M j pro 100, glu 3 0 3 wk- N 10 wk N 12 wk WBC 38, RBC 2091, pro 78 4 wk WBC 87 ('92'< Mj, RBC 6, pro 48, elevated IgG 8 wk WBC 14, pro 5 5 ~~ 'Approximate time from onset of herpes 2osrer ophthalmicus to onset of contralateral hemiparesis. "Estimate based on available information. 'Approximate time since onset of herpes zosrer ophrhalmicus. CNS = ceiirral nervoiis system; CSY = cerebrospinal fluid; CT =- computed tomographic; EEG = elecrroencephalogram; H P = hemiparesis; WRC = white blm~cl cell count; RBC = rcc: blood cell count; pro = protein; N = normal; M = mononuclear cells; P = polymorphonuclear cells; glu = glucose, MCA :middle cerebral drrery; ACA = anterior cerebral artery; PCA = pustenor cerebral artery; R = radionuclide, ICA = internal carotid artery 548 Annals of Neurology Vol 14 No 5 November 1983 Angionraphv Radionuclide or CT Scan EEG Courseiourcome” Moderate disabilitv Severe disability ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rtght slowing Moderate disability Mild disability Anticoagulants; moderate disability Mild disability Severe disability Good recovery ... Diffuse. high-voltage slowing Death at S wk; diffuse angiitis with multiple recent infarcts ... ... Multiple right MCA branch occlusions (R) Increased parietal uptake Diffuse 1-2 Hz Rtght delta Prednisone; good recovery Death at 6 wk; reticulum cell sarcoma; giant cell angiitis with multiple right cerebral infarcts Segmental narrowing of left proximal ACA and MCA branches Segmental narrowing of right carotid siphon (R) Increased left frontoparietal Left delta Some recoverv Right temporal delta 10 wk: right PCA narrowing 16 wk: bilateral proximal MCA narrowing; occlusion of right ACA and PCA 2 wk. elevation of left MCA uptake (CT) N (R) #1, N; #2, increased right occipital uptake ... (R) N Right slowing Anticoagulants and steroids; mild disability Right temporal artery biopsy: mononuclear cell infiltrate; some recovery Prednisone; severe disability (R) Increased left temporal uptake Left anterior sharp waves Ligation of aneurysm; mild disabilitv (CT) 6 wk: N 7 wk: multiple left MCA territory infarcts (CT) Left internal capsule infarct (CT) N (CT) N Left slowing Death at 2 wk; multifocal demyelinarion; ependymitis; mononuclear perivascular infiltrate Mild disability Left delta Anticoagulants; good recovery Anticoagulants; good recovery Prednisone; some recovery (CT) Meningiomas Left temporal delta Prednisone; death ... ... (CT) Left internal capsule infarct (R) N (CT) Bilateral basal ganglia and right frontal infarcts Left temporal and diffuse slowing ... Steroids; death at 10 wk; angiicis, massive left ICA thrombosis and left cerebral infarct; herpes virions in left MCA Unknown 5 wk: left intraperrosal carotid aneurysm ... segmental narrowing of left proximal MCA Stenosis of left M, Narrowing of right M , and A2 Segmental narrowing of left M, and A2 Stenosis of left A? and two MCA segments ... ... Left temporal delta N Left temporal and meningeal biopsies N; severe disability Hilt et al: HZO and Cerebral Angiitis 549 women and 15 were men; 17 had left and 12 right H Z O . The mean delay from onset of HZO to first manifestation of contralateral hemiparesis was seven weeks, with a range from no delay to six months. The typical clinical history is gradual resolution of cutaneous H Z O followed by the acute onset of contralateral hemiparesis, hemisensory symptoms, or aphasia. The temporal dissociation of HZO and neurological symptoms may obscure the diagnosis of HZO-associated cerebral angiitis. The neurological manifestations are usually monophasic, but some patients have recurrent ischemic episodes in the distribution of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery. Prognosis is guarded, and there is a mortality of approximately 25%. Eleven of 29 patients had mild residual disability or made a good recovery, 10 had moderate or severe disability, 7 died, and the outcome of 1 is unknown. Early alteration of mental status was noted in all of the current patients. In 2 patients psychological depression was diagnosed until progressive focal deficits became evident. An acute confusional state or delirium was also noted in several previously reported patients. This encephalopathy probably indicates generalized bihemispheral involvement, an impression supported by diffuse EEG abnormalities in all the present cases. Focal delta slowing over the involved hemisphere is the most common EEG abnormality reported in previous patients, however. The periodic sharp waves seen in patient 1 have not been described previously in any patient with IIZO-associated cerebral angiitis. This type of abnormality is similar to that seen in herpes simplex encephalitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 1421. The CSF was abnormal in 17 of the 24 patients from whom it was obtained. The most common finding was a mononuclear pleocytosis of up to 1,200, but usually less than 100, WBC per cubic millimeter. The finding of normal CSF in 7 patients may reflect the timing of samples. As evidenced in patient 1, during the acute phase there often is a mononuclear pleocytosis that then slowly resolves. Patients with either dermatomal zoster or HZO may have a mononuclear CSF pleocytosis. By itself, the CSF pleocytosis does not distinguish patients with uncomplicated HZO from those who develop a neurological syndrome secondary to cerebral angiitis. Bieger and colleagues [ 6 ] showed elevated CSF H V Z antibody titers in patients with probable H V Z meningoencephalitis. In both their patients the serum titer was much higher than the concurrent CSF titer. Gershon and associates { 181 demonstrated the usefulness of an indirect immunofluorescence assay for H V Z antibody in CSF of patients with HVZ-associated neurological syndromes. Serial CSF and serum titers were obtained only in patient 4 of the current series. During the acute HZO episode the serum titer was 550 Annals of Neurology Vol 14 No 5 256 and the CSF titer was 4. As serum titers subsequently decreased, the CSF titer increased to 16. Serial determinations of paired serum and CSF titers may aid the diagnosis of H V Z involvement of the nervous system. All the current patients had elevated CSF immunoglobulins or IgG indices. These findings presumably reflect increased intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis. Oligoclonal bands were present in the 2 patients in which they were sought. As stated by Hosein arid Johnson in a recent review [27), oligoclonal bands are present in a wide variety of central nervous system infections and inflammatory processes but have not been reported previously in patients with HVZassociated cerebral angiitis. Cerebral angiography was performed in 10 previously reported patients. MacKenzie and colleagues { 3 5 ] emphasized segmental narrowing of the proximal middle and anterior cerebral arteries in the M I , A I , and AZ segments in their patients. Small distal vessels may also be involved. Less frequently noted abnormalitic~s include aneurysm of the intracavernous internal carotid artery [24], intracranial carotid artery stenosis at the level of the siphon [19], and total occlusion of the internal carotid artery from the level of the carotid bifurcation [IS}. Three patients in the present series had cerebral angiography with adequate visualization of the carotid bifurcation, and atherosclerotic lesions were not seen. Changes compatible with cerebral angiitis were found at varied sites. C T scans have been reported in 12 patients and showed abnormalities in 8. Lesions generally appeared in the deep gray matter or internal capsule and were consistent with infarcts in the distribution of the appropriate middle cerebral artery and its branches. One previously reported patient had bilateral basal ganglia infarcts [37). All 4 current patients had infarcts of the basal ganglia, internal capsule, or pericaudate region:; ipsilateral to the HZO. Patient 1 had progressive periventricular white matter lucencies documented by C?’ scan. Three of the patients had initial CT scan finding:; that did not satisfactorily explain their clinical presentations, and abnormalities were documented in the appropriate vascular distriburion only o n follow-up scans This delayed development of CT scan abnormalities is typical of small, deep infarcts { 501. The location of thc infarcts, together with the angiographic findings, suggests deep penetrating branch occlusion secondary to angiitis. This concept is further supported by available pathological findings. CSF myelin basic protein concentration was determined in only patient 1 and was markedly abnormal, indicating active myelin destruction [g, 101. This finding was supported further by the presence of progressive periventricular white matter lucencies on CT scans (see Fig 1C). Leukoencephalopathy has not been November 1983 reported previously in close association with HZO, although a syndrome of progressive leukoencephalitis temporally remote from H V Z infection was recently described by Horten and co-workers [261. They reported 2 immunosuppressed patients with systemic malignancies who had truncal dermatomal zoster nine and ten months, respectively, prior to the onset of a progressive white matter process immunocytochemically directly related to HVZ. Angiitis was not seen in these patients. In both patients C T scans showed progressive white matter degeneration. Ruppenthal 1551 reported a patient with HZO and delayed contralateral hemiparesis who showed multifocal demyelination postmortem with mononuclear perivascular inflammation and ependymitis without viral inclusions. It therefore appears that two pathogenetic mechanisms may be involved in patients with delayed or progressive white matter degeneration after H V Z infection. One process, temporally remote, as reported by Horten and colleagues C261, involves ongoing central nervous system viral infection in an immunocompromised host and must be distinguished from progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The other mechanism is exemplified by our patient 1, in whom leukoencephalopathy appears to be a manifestation of progressive angiitis involving both gray and white matter. Although neither viral inclusions nor H V Z immunoreactivity could be demonstrated in patient 1, there are reports of viral particles within involved vasculature in a patient with HZO and hemiparesis [l5}. Failure to show H V Z antigens in pathological material from the current patient may reflect: (1) prior treatment with acyclovir, (2) inactive angiitis at the time of death, or (3) angiitis triggered by H V Z infection of the cerebral vasculature but possibly not requiring active infection once initiated. At present, herpes simplex virus infection of the central nervous system is the only treatable viral encephalitis [66, 67). Both adenine arabinoside and, more recently, acyclovir have been effective in patients with nonneural H V Z infections 18, 17, 30, 56, 5 7 , 64, 651. Some previously reported patients with HZOassociated hemiparesis have been treated with corticosteroids or warfarin sodium without apparent benefit 115, 19, 33, 35, 44, 491. Because the likely pathogenesis of HZO-associated hemiparesis includes H V Z infection of cerebral vasculature and consequent cerebral angiitis, 2 of the current patients were treated with both high-dose corticosteroids and parenteral acyclovir. One other patient received only corticosteroids. Treatment did not noticeably alter their clinical courses. Optimal therapy, including the utility of antiviral agents, remains to be defined. Since its recognition by Cravioto and Feigin 1123, granulomatous angiitis of the central nervous system has remained a rare entity characterized by cerebral angiitis with few if any systemic manifestations [ 7 , 451. In their review Kolodny and colleagues 13 1) included a patient with H Z O , contralateral hemiparesis, and white matter infarcts. Although the pathogenesis of granulomatous angiitis is unexplained, Rosenblum and Hadfield I531 and Rosenblum and colleagues 1541 suggested that in their 2 patients with systemic malignancy, an association existed between H V Z and the pathologically proven granulomatous angiitis. Reyes and co-workers [Sl} reported a patient with granulomatous angiitis and primarily white matter infarcts in whom viral particles in involved vasculature were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Linnemann and colleagues 1341 reported an additional patient with HZO and a rapidly progressive multifocal encephalopathy who showed fulminant vasculitis postmortem with viral particles in vascular smooth muscle cells demonstrated by electron microscopy. Most recently, Doyle and associates f l 5 1 reported viral particles within giant cells in the inflamed middle cerebral artery of a patient with HZO and contralateral hemiparesis. This mounting body of evidence suggests viral infection of vascular structures in both HZO-associated hemiparesis and some cases of granulomatous angiitis. The ability of H V Z to infect human brain cells and trigeminal ganglion cells in tissue culture, the recovery of virus from affected neurons postmortem, and the immunofluorescent demonstration of H V Z antigen in the CSF of patients with H V Z infection and neurological symptoms are all well documented {4, 6, 16, 21, 48, 551. The trigeminal nerve is known to provide sensory innervation to the proximal middle cerebral artery [40],and it has been proposed that HZO-associated angiitis is the result of spread of virus along the trigeminal nerve. This may not, however, be the sole mechanism of viral spread. Although the infection may be initiated in branches of the trigeminal nerve innervating the middle cerebral artery, in some patients there is widespread bilateral involvement that includes posterior vascular structures not known to be innervated by trigeminal nerve branches. Additionally, some patients with HVZ-associated cerebral angiitis have had truncal rather than trigeminal zoster eruptions. In such patients either hematogenous or contiguous dissemination via CSF pathways must be invoked. Supported in part by Public Health Service Grant NS15721 from the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke). J. S. W. is the recipient of Public Health Service Research Career Development Award NS00443. The authors are grateful to Dr Donald H. Gilden for providing the hyperimmune sera, to Linda Kelly for manuscript preparation, and to Susan Sim for technicai assistance. Hilt et al: HZO and Cerebral Angiitis 551 References 1. Acers TE: Herpes zoster ophthalmicus with contralateral hemiplegia. Arch Ophthalmol 71:37 1-376, 1964 2. Anastasopoulos G, Routsonis K, lerodiakonou CS: Ophthalmic herpes zoster with contralateral hemiplegia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 21:210-212, 1958 3. Appelbaum E, Kreps SI, Sunshine A: Herpes zoster encephalitis. Am J Med 32:25-31, 1962 4. Bastian FO, Rabson AS, Yee CL, Tralka S: Herpesvirus varicellae: isolated from human dorsal root ganglia. Arch Pathol 9’:331-332, 1974 5. Baudouin E , Lantuejoul P: Les troubles dans le zona. Gazzetta Degli Ospedali a Delle Cliniche 92:1293-1295, 1919 6. 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