Neurop~ychobgq Vol. 21, No 6, pp. 699-704 0028 1983 3932/83$3.00+0.00 c 1983 PergamonPressLtd PrInted I"GreatBnta~n. NOTE “LATE” RECOVERY OF THE RIGHT EAR DICHOTIC SCORE FOLLOWING CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT: A CASE REPORT Hennepin NANCY NICCUM* County Medical and ALAN B. RUBENS Center, (Accqtrd Minneapolis, 3 May MN, USA 1983) Abstract-Late recovery of the right car score on a digit dichotic listening test was observed in a 45yr-old female patient. The right ear score was at chance levels of accuracy through the ninth month post-onset of a cerebrovascular accident and then improved dramatically to 67 “/, correct by month 12. Possible bases for this pattern of performance are discussed INTRODUCTION THE EVOLUTION of performance on dichotic listening tests for patients recovering from aphasia has been the focus of a great deal of interest in recent years. Most investigators have been primarily interested in changes that occur during the first 336 months post-onset of symptoms. Reasons for interest in this initial phase of recovery vary depending upon which of two common interpretations of dichotic listening scores is adopted by a particular investigator. One interpretation of the dichotic scores maintains that the direction and magnitude of the asymmetry between ears reflect hemispheric dominance for language processing. When this interpretation is adopted for aphasic subjects, the investigators are often interested in determining whether language recovery is mediated by transfer of dominance to the right hemisphere or by reorganization of function in the left hemisphere [I, 3,581. Johnson et al. [3] pointed out that “the greater portion of language recovery usually takes place in the first six months following aphasia onset” (p. 127) and thus any changes in language dominance that mediate recovery might also be expected to occur during this time. They in fact found that “increases in the magnitude of language improvement accompanied increases in the magnitude of the LEP [left ear preference]” (p. 127) and this finding was interpreted as evidence that the right hemisphere was mediating language recovery. However, the relationship between LEP and the degree of language recovery was only significant for patients who were less than 6 months post-onset. The other interpretation of dichotic listening scores observed for aphasic patients is that the scores reflect “lesion effects”. This interpretation assumes that lesions of the auditory pathways can result in degradation of the signal that may, as SCHULHOFF and GCIODGLASS [9] stated, “interact with and possibly override the premorbid ear asymmetry so that dominance can no longer be inferred” (p. 157). Changes in the dichotic listening scores might also be expected to be most pronounced during the first months post-onset of symptoms under the lesion effect interpretation since the majority of physiological recovery is thought to occur during this time [4]. However, we will describe a case in which dramatic changes in dichotic listening performance were observed more than 9 months after a cerebrovascular accident that resulted in aphasia. METHOD The patient was a 45-yr-old, right-handed, white female with a high-school education and no history of a prior neurological event. Etiology of the present illness was cerebrovascular accident. The patient exhibited right hemiplegia and a non-fluent aphasia soon after admission. She was seen by us at monthly intervals from 1 to 6 months post-onset of symptoms and again at months 9. 12, 15 and 24 (only a limited subset of the tests was *To whom correspondence U.S.A. should be addressed at: 1626 Adams Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413. NOTE 700 completed at months 15 and 24). She exhibited a right superior homonymous quadrantanopsia at month I. but visual fields were normal on subsequent months. The hemiparesis, greater in the arm than the leg, persisted over the 12-month period of evaluation, with some proximal improvement. A moderate-to-mild right-sided hypesthesia was also present on all examinations. Position sensation was intact, but graphesthesia and stereognosis were severely-tomildly impaired in the right hand throughout testing. A schematic representation of the lesion location for this patient is shown together with four cuts from the computerized tomographic (CT) scan in Fig. I. The lesion included almost the entire insula and white matter subjacent to it. It extended medially into portions of the putamen, globus pallidus, internal capsule and the midportion of the callosal/corona radiations. Lateral extension to the cortical surface was noted in three locations: the frontal operculum, the suprasylvian portion of the supramarginal gyrus, and in what appeared to be Heschl’s gyrus on the superior temporal surface. Stimuli and procedures Stimuli included in thedichotic test were the numbers l-6. Tokens, spoken by a male talker, weredigitizedand the onset of energy in the digitized waveforms was used as the reference for aligning stimuli within pairs. Thirty different pairs of stimuli were created by combining each of the six digits with the other five in the two possible stimulus-tochannel orientations. The dichotic digit test and the Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination for Aphasia (NCCEA) were given each month. The Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) was administered at months I, 3,6,9, 12 and 15. Dichotic tests were given in a sound-treated booth (Korfund, Noiseguard) and the stimuli were presented at 80 dB SPL bilaterally. The monotic conditions consisted of the identification of 30 stimuli/ear and the order in which ears were tested was alternated across months. The dichotic conditions consisted of the identification of 60 pairs of stimuli. Channel-to-ear orientations were counterbalanced across months and reversed after the first 30 pairs within months. RESULTS Audiometric tests revealed bilaterally symmetrical thresholds (within IO dB) within the normal range of hearing for pure tones at the octave frequencies 25&4000 Hz and for spondaic words. Language tests revealed a severe impairment at month 1.The patient had almost no spontaneous speech at that time and auditory comprehension was also moderately impaired. The patient was classified as having a mixed anterior aphasia at that time. Table 1 shows percentile scores for the Token Test and the sentence repetition subtest of the NCCEA along with the mean z-scores for auditory comprehension and phrase repetition on the BDAE. Auditory comprehension improved dramatically by month 2 and had returned to near normal levels by month 4. Sentence repetition remained severelyto-moderately impaired throughout testing. Although spontaneous speech was still severely limited at month 3, the patient was fluent. She was rated on the BDAE profile of speech characteristics as having a phrase length of 5. with frequent paraphasias and near-normal sentence intonation and articulation. The pattern of performance on the language tests after month 1 was thus felt to be consistent with the diagnosis of conduction aphasia. Table 1. Performance levels on the Token Test and the sentence repetition in percenttle scores, and performance levels on the auditory comprehension the BDAE are shown as mean z-scores Months NCCEA: percentiles Token Test Sentence repetron BDAE: mean z-scores Auditory comprehension Phrase repetition subtest of the NCCEA and phrase repetition are shown subtests of post-onset 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 2 2 55 6 56 13 70 16 71 16 72 13 78 13 90f 41 YOf 33 t-o.89 -0.91 f0.98 +0.09 -0.09 +0.41 + I .05 + 0.09 PO.65 - I .06 f0.66 -0.57 Monotic scores on the digit test were slightly reduced for both ears at months I and 2 (left edr = 93 and X3 ‘>,, rtght ear= 77 and X7 90 respectively), but were at a ceiling in all subsequent months. The dichotic scores on the digit test are shown in Fig. 2. The left ear (LE) dichotic score approached monotic accuracy levels in all months. The right ear (RE) score was at chance level through month 9. but unlike any other patient we have tested, improved dramatically to 67’s, correct at month 12. This improvement was replicated at 15 and 24 months post-onset. Although the right ear score did not improve above chance levels until month 12, the patient indicated in earlier months that she was able to detect the presence of a different stimulus in the right ear. 701 FIG. I. Two sections from the CT-scan are shown in panels A and B. Low attenuation in the insular region and extension to the cortical convexity on the superior temporal surface can be seen in these sections. Panels C and D are sagittal reconstructions. The low attenuation that extended to the cortical convexity in panel B is inferior to the Sylvian fissure and appears to involve Heschl’s gyrus. The low attenuation at the tip of the Sylvian fissure involves the supramarginal gyrus above the plane of the section shown in panel B. A schematic representation of the lesion locations is shown on the right. Diagonal lines indicate areas with lateral extension to the cortical surface and gray shading indicates involvement of the insula and subjacent deep structures. NOTE 703 OC I Months FIG. 2. Changes in the right (0) Post - Onset and left ( x ) ear scores over time on the digit dichotic test. DISCUSSION The only change in dichotic listening performance observed for this patient during the first 9 months post-onset of aphasia was an increase in the LE score between months 2 and 3. This improvement mirrored the patient’s ability to accurately identify the digits in the monotic conditions, and thus probably was not a dichoticchangeattributable to a shift in cerebral dominance for language. A dramatic change in performance on the dichotic digit test did occur between months 9 and 12. The RE score improved from chance levels of accuracy at month 9 to 67 % correct at month 12, and this improvement was replicated at months 15 and 24. As pointed out in the introduction, both “dominance effect” and “lesion effect” interpretations would seem to predict that the major changes in dichotic listening performance should occur during the first 3-6 months post-onset of symptoms, and thus performance for “chronic” aphasic patients should be relatively constant. Therefore it is of interest to speculate about the basis of the “late” recovery of the RE score observed for this patient. First, however, we should point out that although the RE score did not change appreciably during the first 9 months, gradual recovery of the neurological substrate could still have been taking place. We in fact have evidence in the form of a subjective report by the patient that some recovery had occurred as early as month 3. The patient seemed surprised to hear two stimuli in the dichotic condition in that month and indicated that she thought the examiner had been “lying” on previous months regarding the presence of two different numbers. Thus it seems that the dichotic pairs were initially perceived as a single number. That perception changed to the point where a second number could be detected but could not be identified, and finally improved to the point where the patient could correctly identify the second number on two-thirds of the pairs. The dramatic improvement that occurred between months 9 and 12 may have represented a “threshold effect”, that is. the improvement in the integrity of the RE signal may not havecrossed the “threshold ofspeech intelligibility” until after month 9. Thus it is impossible to infer from the data whether the underlying process was continuous or discontinuous. The hypothesis that RE performance reflects the integrity of the RE signal falls within a “lesion effect” interpretation of dichotic listening. Under this interpretation it is surprising that the RE ever did exceed a score of approximately SO’?;,correct. We have indicated in previous reports that chronic patients with CT-scan evidence of involvement of the geniculo-cortical system do not obtain RE scores on our digit dichotic test of greater than SO”, correct [6. 71. However. this patient appeared to have a very unusual lesion such that the temporal lobe component was restricted almost entirely to the region of Heschl’s gyrus. This pattern of performance could be accounted for in a variety of ways within a lesion effect interpretation. First, it is possible that our reading of the CT-scan was incorrect and that the primary auditory cortex was spared. One would then have to speculate that a dysfunction of the geniculo-cortical system, caused by the proximity of the lesion, persisted through month 9. Second, if Heschl‘s gyrus was only partially lesioned or if contralateral connections exist from the RE to “surrounding auditory cortex” 121. then a portion of the auditory fibers could have been spared. Both physiological recovery and considerable recovery of auditory processing abilities may have been necessary before the patient could accurately identify the meager remaining contralateral input. A third possibility is that the patient’s improving linguistic abilities may have enabled her to correctly identify the RE signal that traveled ipsilaterally to the right hemisphere and then may have been transferred to the left hemisphere via callosal connections (as is thought to occur for the LE signal in non-brain-damaged listeners). Finally, it is possible that some functional regeneration occurred in the geniculo-temporal system. This conceivably could have taken 704 NOTE place by virtue of gradual regeneration or collateral sprouting [IO] in partially spared auditory cortex or by remyelination of the geniculo-temporal pathway. The dominance effect interpretation of dichotic listening performance cannot account for the present findings. The evolution of scores for the two ears or for the ear advantage was clearly not related to language performance. If such a relationship had existed, then we should have observed dramatic recovery of language function between months 2 and 3 and/or between months 9 and 12. Inspection of the data presented in Table I, however, indicates that this was clearly not the case. The patient’s auditory comprehension had returned to near-normal levels prior to 6 months post-onset of symptoms. One of the largest changes in auditory comprehension that was observed occurred between months 1 and 2, a period during which dichotic performance did not change appreciably. We do not know whether recovery occurs this late in other modalities. Detailed long-term recovery studies in humans have not been reported for the somatosensory or visual systems, and thus it is possible that such recovery may in fact occur. The documentation of recovery patterns in the auditory system is important because it points to time post-onset as being a critical variable in dichotic listening studies involving brain-damaged populations. and it eventually may help us to understand the nature and time course of physiological recovery from a stroke. Ackno~L,/e~~emrnfs~~This research was supported by NINCDS Contract NOI-NS-237X. The authors would like to thank DAVID S. KNOPMAN and DCWGLAS YOCK for their comments regarding the CT-scan and OLA A. SELNESfor his contributions concerning interpretation of data from the language tests. REFERENCES 1, CASTRO-CALUUS, A. and BOT~LHO, M. A. S. Dichotic listening in the recovery of aphasia after stroke. Brrrirr Lunq. 10, 145-~151, 1980. 2. 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