Altitudinal Hemianopia Caused by Occipital Infarctions Clinical and Computerized Tomographic Correlations Richard P. Newman, MD; William R. Kinkel, MD; Lawrence Jacobs, MD patients with altitudinal homonhemianopia caused by bilateral occipital infarctions were studied. Their clinical-computerized tomographic correlations showed the anatomic representation of the superior and inferior visual \s=b\ Two ymous fields in the lower and upper banks of the calcarine fissure, respectively. The patient with the superior-field defect was unusual because he retained normal color vision and facial recognition abilities, despite having bilateral lesions that have classically produced central achromatopsia and prosopagnosia. (Arch Neurol 1984;41:413-418) Altitudinal hemianopia caused by occipital infarctions is extremely rare. Only two cases have been re¬ ported with necropsy, both of which had inferior altitudinal visual field defects that appeared to have been caused by infarctions of the upper striate cortex; however, both cases had involvement of infracalcarine parenchyma as well.1·2 We report two additional cases of altitudinal hemia¬ nopia, one involving the inferior field Accepted for publication June 16, 1983. From the Dent Neurologic Institute (Drs Newman, Kinkel, and Jacobs) and Departments of Anatomy (Dr Kinkel) and Physiology (Dr Jacobs), Division of Neurobiology, State University of New York School of Medicine, Buffalo. Presented in part at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, May 1, 1982. Reprint requests to Dent Neurologic Institute, Millard Fillmore Hospital, 3 Gates Circle, Buffalo, NY 14209 (Dr Newman). and one involving the superior field, caused by occipital infarctions. The clinical-computerized tomographic (CT) correlations showed the anatom¬ ic separation of the altitudinal fields in the occipital lobes. The patient with the superior-field defect also showed that, contrary to current concepts of central achromatopsia and prosopag¬ nosia,3·4 color vision and facial recog¬ nition ability may sometimes remain intact, despite bilateral ventromesial occipitotemporal damage. REPORT OF CASES Case 1.—A 66-year-old woman with Guillian-Barré syndrome suffered a hyp¬ oxic episode that resulted in cortical blind¬ (left eye, no light perception; right light perception only and normal pupillary reactions to light). There was gradual improvement during the next sev¬ en days, during which vision returned in the superior field, where she could perceive light, color, and objects. Visual field testing showed a complete macula-splitting, inferior altitudinal hom¬ onymous hemianopia (Fig 1, top). In the superior field, color was perceived normal¬ ly, but perception of form was defective. The patient was able to identify and count fingers and recognize faces and a variety of other objects in the superior field, but they seemed blurred, displaced downward, and smaller than normal (approximately one half of normal size). On other occasions, objects in view seemed larger than they really were. She had difficulty reading because of "blurriness losing place" and also had difficulty judging distances (ob¬ jects seemed farther away than they actu¬ ally were). The patient made frequent ness eye, errors in judging which of the examiner's two index fingers was farther away when they were held at different distances in front of her. She made similar errors in estimating her distance from various objects when looking around her room or down the hall. She bumped into walls and furniture as she walked down the hall. The patient stated that she saw the objects but did not realize they were in her way, ie, she misjudged their positions. Perception of sizes and shapes was also inaccurate. When shown a square block and instructed to outline its shape, the patient indicated a rectangle with horizon¬ tal components approximately twice as long as they really were. A comb, 12.7 cm in length and held 25.4 cm in front of her, appeared to be 38.1 cm long and approxi¬ mately 50.8 cm away from her. No optokinetic responses could be elici¬ ted. The flight of colors5 was absent in the right eye, and only green was seen in the left eye. Eye movements (studied by serial bedside observation and electro-oculography) were normal in the horizontal plane and the upward direction; downward pur¬ suits were interrupted by saccades and often did not follow the target through its full range of downward motion. Flashes of light alternately presented in the superior and inferior fields induced normal upward but not downward saccades. Usually, the eyes were directed upward to the position where the flash in the superior field had been presented after it had been extin¬ guished and a new flash had been pre¬ sented in the inferior field. Auditory cues that the light had flashed in the inferior field resulted in irregular downward searching movements. Still, the patient could move her eyes upward and downward normally on command when no targets were presented. Visual evoked response Downloaded From: by a University of California - San Diego User on 04/18/2017 Fig 1.—Case 1. Top, Visual fields showing superior-field altitudinal defect for form (color perception preserved) and macula-splitting inferior-field altitudinal hemiano¬ pia, in which patient was blind. Test objects were 6-, 12-, and 15-mm red and white targets. OS indicates left eye, and OD, right eye (tangent field). Bottom left, Horizontal computerized tomogram (CT) showing bilateral cuneus (Cu) infarct that spared lingual gyri (LG). Inferior calcarine (Ca) lips were also spared, but superior Ca lips may have been involved. (Cu and superior Ca lips were not separable by CT.) In most dorsal sections (7 and 8), precuneus re¬ gions were involved bilaterally. Levels scanned: 1-8, ventral to dorsal. Bot¬ tom right, Sagittal reconstruction of same CT. Infarct (arrowheads) involved Cu but not LG. Sections scanned: 1-2, medial to lateral of right hemisphere. Sagit¬ tal reconstruction of left hemisphere showed essentially identical regions of infarcted and spared parenchyma. V indicates right lateral ventricle. Downloaded From: by a University of California - San Diego User on 04/18/2017 Fig 2.—Case 2. Top, Visual fields showing superior altitudinal macula-sparing monochromatism. Form perception was absent but motion was perceived normally. Test objects were 1-, 6-, and 15-mm red and white targets (tangent field). Identical field defects were shown by automated perimetry using 4-, 16-, and 64-sq mm targets at 1,000 apostilbs intensity. OS indicates left eye, and OD, right eye. Bottom left, Horizontal computerized tomogram (CT) showing infarcts of lingual (LG), occipitotemporal (OT), and parahippocampal (PH) gyri bilaterally, with some involvement of inferior lip of calcarine cortex (Ca) on right. Upper lips of Ca (arrowheads) appeared to be spared bilaterally. Levels scanned: 1-6, ventral to dorsal. Bottom right, Coronal reconstruction of same CT. Infarcts (arrows) were located inferolaterally to occipital horns and extended posteromedially to involve occipital poles (1 and 2). Left-sided lesion extended farther anteriorly into PH gyrus than that on right. Glomeruli of choroid plexus within occipital horns of ven¬ tricles is visible (4), as is third ventricle in midiine (3 and 4). Sections scanned: 1-4, posterior to anterior. Downloaded From: by a University of California - San Diego User on 04/18/2017 (VER) testing (black and white checker¬ board; full-field and separate altitudinal superior- and inferior-field stimulations) showed that cortex-dependent responses were present but so poorly developed that further interpretation was not possible. The patient had amblyopia in the right eye, first identified in early childhood, and had worn corrective lenses ever since. Visual acuity at the time of this examina¬ tion was 20/800 OD and 20/30 OS (un¬ changed from measurements taken during the previous 15 years). There were mild cataract formations bilaterally. Mental status was normal. The CT showed bilateral, nearly sym¬ metric infarctions of the occipital lobes in the territories of the parieto-occipital branches of the posterior cerebral arteries (Fig 1, bottom left). The narrow bands of the infarct involved parenchyma posterior and superior to the calcarine fissures but not inferior to them. Their most medial extent was to the midiine; laterally, they extended to the area of the parieto-occipi¬ tal sulci. The lesions were directly confined to the cunei from the level of the quadrig¬ eminal cistern ventrally to the supraventricular level dorsally. Near the convexi¬ ties, the lesions extended into the precuneate gyri bilaterally. The inferior calcarine lips appeared to be spared, but the upper calcarine cortices may have been involved, as it was impossible to identify them sepa¬ rately from the infarcted cunei. Sagittal reconstruction showed sparing of lingual gyri and the dorsal extent of the lesions into the precuneate regions bilaterally (Fig 1, bottom right). Case 2.—A 57-year-old man had episodes (lasting seconds to minutes) during which time he saw "white lights" moving from left to right without obscuring vision. These episodes had recurred numerous times for four years. Seven months prior to our examination, the frequency and inten¬ sity of the episodes increased, and the position of the lights changed so that they occupied the superior altitudinal portion of his visual field, where they took on "geo¬ metric" designs, such as "prisms" and "diamonds," still moving from left to right. The patient suddenly began to miss traffic signals while driving and could not see his hair or forehead when looking in a mirror. At this time, the geometric designs disap¬ peared. He complained that visual objects viewed in the superior portions of the visual field appeared "whitish" and "spon¬ gy-" A variety of objects (eg, pictures, bills, coins, books, and clothing) presented in the patient's superior visual field could not be seen because they were obscured by a "washed-out, spongy" appearance. When the objects were moved, he could perceive the motion but was unable to identify the moving object, ie, its size, shape, texture, or color, until it was moved into the inferi¬ field. Vision in the inferior field (including color perception) was completely normal. The patient had no difficulty recognizing faces as long as he could use the inferior field, at least partially. When he looked at or the examiner's face (or his own in a mir¬ ror) and fixated the nose without moving his head to use the inferior field, the forehead appeared "spongy" and "washed out"; the hair could not be seen. The patient adjusted for this by slight exten¬ sion of his neck, facilitating vision with the inferior field. Flashes of light and other stationary targets presented to his superi¬ or field induced searching movements and failure to arrive on target. However, mov¬ ing targets (eg, wiggling fingers) presented in the superior field induced normal upward saccades that were on target. Upward pursuits were normal as long as the targets were initially fixated in the inferior field. Otherwise, eye movements were normal. Visual field testing revealed complete, congruous, macula-sparing (2° to 3°) supe¬ rior altitudinal homonymous hemianopia, where motion was perceived but form and color were not (Fig 2, top). Color perception (shown by a variety of objects tested in bright and dim illumination) was normal in the inferior field, as were Ishihara's design charts and pseudoisochromatic plate interpretations. Hue discrimination (similarity ordering of 12 variations of the four primary colors)6 was normal in the inferior field. The patient could name from recollection the colors of a variety of com¬ mon objects (eg, lemon and fire engine). Reading was normal in the inferior field; so was writing. There was no dysnomia or other evidence of dysphasia. Mental status was normal. Visual acuity was 20/25 in the right eye, and 20/30 in the left eye, with corrective lenses. For five years following ictus, the patient reported being able to see some objects in the peripheral temporal portions of the superior fields, especially in bright light. However, serial visual field tests failed to show any change from the original tests. The CT showed bilateral areas of infarc¬ tion involving the lingual, occipitotemporal, and parahippocampal gyri (Fig 2, bot¬ tom left) in the territories of the posterior temporal branches of the posterior cere¬ bral arteries. The infarctions appeared to destroy totally the lingual gyri bilaterally. The medial aspects of the occipitotemporal (fusiform) gyri were also involved symmet¬ rically. The parahippocampal gyri were involved bilaterally, but asymmetrically, the left-sided infarction extended further anteriorly than that on the right. There was a wedge-shaped infarct of the striate cortex on the right side only. The hippo¬ campal, cunéate, and lateral occipital gyri were spared. Preserved parenchyma of the medial and lateral occipital pole regions (Fig 2, bottom left, section 3) appeared to be composed of lateral occipital gyri and posterior caudal extents of cunei bilateral¬ ly. The only tissues that appeared to be preserved at the anteromedial aspects of the lingual infarct were those of the tento¬ rium. Coronal reconstruction showed the ventrodorsal and anteroposterior extents of the lesions, from ventrolateral to occipi¬ tal horns of the lateral ventricles to the occipital pole bilaterally (Fig 2, bottom right). COMMENT Although some authors have sug¬ gested that altitudinal hemianopia is usually a manifestation of a chias¬ matic or prechiasmatic lesion,7"' Bend¬ er10 found that this visual field defect is most commonly caused by bilateral occipital lesions, as seen in our patients. Still, the rarity with which occipital lesions produce such field defects is attested to by the fact that there were only five patients with altitudinal hemianopia in the com¬ bined series of Holmes and Lister,11 Holmes,12 Teuber et al,13 and Money and Nelson.14 All of these authors noted inferior altitudinal defects pre¬ sumably caused by bilateral lesions above the calcarine fissure, though the location of the responsible lesions (upper posterior optic radiations) was confirmed by necropsy in only one case.12 No superior-field altitudinal defects were encountered in patients with trauma, probably because the occipital parenchyma that would have had to be involved to produce that field defect (inferior to the calcarine fissure) lie adjacent to large venous structures (eg, the straight sinus) and penetrating wounds in that region would have been likely to cause fatal hemorrhage. While the vascular supply of the occipital lobes has been described in detail15 and a variety of visual defects resulting from discrete occlusions have been reported, there have been, to our knowledge, only two patients with altitudinal hemianopia due to vascular lesions of the occipital lobes who have undergone autopsy.1·2 Both patients had complete altitudinal hemianopia of the inferior visual field, combined with some impair¬ ment of the superior field. Their defects were attributed to bilateral infarcts of the occipital parenchyma above the calcarine fissure, but nei¬ ther case was pathologically "clean," as both had some involvement of the infracalcarine parenchyma as well. The method of CT provides an excel¬ lent opportunity to correlate visual defects with occipital vascular lesions. The CT patterns of abnormalities that correspond to different branch occlu¬ sions of the posterior cerebral arteries are known.16 In addition, the scans are performed during life, when immedi¬ ate correlations with visual defects can be performed and serial scans can be compared with changes in visual defects. However, to the best of our knowledge, there have only been two CT reports (of four cases of vascular lesions) correlating altitudinal hom- Downloaded From: by a University of California - San Diego User on 04/18/2017 hemianopia with occipital lesions.17·18 The CT information pro¬ vided in both reports was insufficient to make more than a general correla¬ tion between the occipital anatomy involved and the visual field defects produced. A patient with incongruous onymous superior altitudinal hemianopia, cen¬ tral achromatopsia, and prosopagno¬ sia had bilateral lesions of the "inferoposterior aspects of the cerebral cortex extending anteriorly into the temporal lobe and posteriorly to the occipital pole."17 Only one CT section (showing the ventral aspect of a left-sided lesion) was published; other sections were reported to show an infarct in similar inferior regions on the right. Judging from this limited information, the infarcts may have involved the lin¬ gual, occipitotemporal, parahippo¬ campal, and, possibly, inferior tempo¬ ral gyri, but this could not be deter¬ mined with certainty. The anatomic correlations of three other patients with altitudinal homonymous hemia¬ nopia (one in the superior field, two in the inferior field) were limited to the levels of CT sections (relative to the pineal body) where the occipital lesions were best visualized. No other anatomic information on these pa¬ tients was provided.18 Our patients' clinical-CT correla¬ tions clearly showed the representa¬ tion of altitudinal visual fields in the occipital lobes above and below the calcarine fissures. In patient 1, the infarcts in the distribution of parieto¬ occipital branches of the posterior cerebral arteries produced discrete involvement of the cunei bilaterally. This finding confirmed results of pre¬ vious necropsy studies that correlated inferior altitudinal hemianopia with bilateral lesions above the calcarine fissures. The macular-splitting nature of this patient's hemianopia sug¬ gested that the upper striate cortex (calcarine branches) was also involved bilaterally. However, this could not be shown with certainty because the upper parts of striate cortices could not be distinguished from the inferior aspects of infarcted cunei with cur¬ rently available CT techniques. Vision was normal in patient l's preserved homonymous superior field (return of premorbid acuity; light and color per¬ ception), except for defective form perception, which we attributed to the dorsal extension of her lesion into the parietal lobes. There was no CT evi¬ dence for involvement in the region of the inferior calcarine cortex or infra¬ calcarine parenchyma. Patient 2's infarcts in the distribu- tion of the calcarine branch on the right and of posterior temporal branches of the posterior cerebral arteries bilaterally clearly showed that bilateral lesions inferior to cal¬ carine fissures caused superior altitu¬ dinal hemianopia. The lesions ap¬ peared to destroy completely the lin¬ gual gyri bilaterally and involved large portions of the occipitotemporal and parahippocampal gyri bilaterally (on the left more than on the right). The congruous macular-sparing na¬ ture of the patient's hemianopia led us to postulate that the involvement of the right inferior striate cortex was incomplete, but confirmation of this postulate was beyond the resolution of CT. The visuopsychic phenomena asso¬ ciated with the field defects of these patients deserve comment. Patient 1 experienced cortical blindness that persisted for seven days before resolv¬ ing into a permanent altitudinal infe¬ rior-field defect. This defect has been accompanied by a behavioral abnor¬ mality best classified as visual disori¬ entation,19 which also appeared to be permanent (present for four years since ictus). The errors in absolute and relative localization of objects in space; difficulty avoiding objects when walking and finding her way about; defective stereopsis (including teleopsia), sometimes with micropsia, other times with macropsia; and trou¬ ble reading are components of visual disorientation with metamorphopsia that might be expected, in view of the dorsal extension of her lesions into the precuneus regions. The phenome¬ non of visual disorientation has clas¬ sically been associated with such bilateral parietal lesions.19 Patient 2 is noteworthy because of the absence of permanent visuopsyc¬ hic abnormalities, despite lesions that should have produced two such defi¬ cits. He experienced occipital irrita¬ tive phenomena in the form of moving photisms, which ceased when his superior-field defect appeared. No other visuopsychic disorder has devel¬ oped during five years of follow-up since ictus. The patient has retained normal color vision in the inferior visual field, and his ability to recog¬ nize faces has been unaffected, despite the presence of bilateral lesions that characteristically produce central achromatopsia and prosopagnosia. There is a body of evidence, includ¬ ing four autopsy cases,2023 and CT analysis of two cases of central achro¬ matopsia,3 that indicates that the total cortical representation of color perception from one homonymous visual field is contained in the contralateral lingual and occipitotemporal gyri (analagous to area V4 of the macaque).24·25 A review of available literature indicated that when lingual and occipitotemporal lesions are bilateral, prosopagnosia can result (usually accompanied by achromatop¬ sia).4 The ten autopsies and three CTexamined patients with prosopagno¬ sia had bilateral lesions of these mesi¬ al occipitotemporal regions (some¬ times extending into the parahippo¬ campal and inferior temporal gyri).4 Why our patient 2 retained normal color vision and facial recognition abilities is unknown. The lingual gyri appeared to be completely destroyed bilaterally. Both occipitotemporal and parahippocampal gyri were also extensively involved, but the lesions were asymmetric, with that on the left extending farther anteriorly than that on the right. Possibly, the pre¬ served anterior portion of the right parahippocampal gyrus was critical for retention of color vision, despite the presence of bilateral lesions. The relative superiority of the right over the left hemisphere in the process of facial recognition has recently been stressed in a study of patients with a surgically split corpus callosum.26 Most of the preserved parenchyma at the occipital poles appeared to be those of lateral occipital gyri. Con¬ ceivably, those gyri, combined with the preserved right parahippocampal gyrus, were sufficient for retention of color vision and facial recognition abilities. However, the lateral occipi¬ tal gyri have not been implicated pre¬ viously as important structures for these abilities. Previous reports of normal VERs in blind persons attributed the pre¬ served potentials to intact striate cor¬ tices when association areas were destroyed,27 or to preserved associa¬ tion areas when striate cortices were destroyed.28 It is possible that both the striate cortex and association areas must be involved before occipital lesions will cause a loss of VER. Thus, the VER findings in our patients (case 1, nearly absent; case 2, normal) might be explained by involvement of the striate cortex and visual associa¬ tion areas in patient 1, but only visual association areas in patient 2. The nearly absent VER of patient 1 might also have been related to her limited ability to recognize and be attentive to the checkerboard pattern on the screen, because of visual disorienta¬ tion. The nearly absent flight of colors in case 1 may have been due to bilateral Downloaded From: by a University of California - San Diego User on 04/18/2017 supracalcarine and infracalcarine in¬ volvement caused by the patient's ini¬ tial hypoxic episode, although only the supracalcarine lesions were visible by CT. The normal flight of colors in case 2 showed the intactness of cere¬ bral structures that generate colorful afterimages.5 Their absence was expected in this patient's hemianopic superior field, where all perception except that of motion had been lost. This research was supported by grants from the Dent Family Foundation and Delaware North Companies, Buffalo. Antonio R. Damasio, MD, gave helpful advice in the preparation of this article. References 1. Heller-Bettinger I, Kepes JJ, Preskorn SH, et al: Bilateral altitudinal anopia caused by infarction of the calcarine cortex. Neurology 1976;26:1176-1179. 2. Symonds C, Mackinzie I: Loss of vision from cerebral infarction. 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