The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A ISSN: 0272-4987 (Print) 1464-0740 (Online) Journal homepage: Letter-by-letter reading: Psychological descriptions of a neurologial syndrome Karalyn Patterson & Janice Kay To cite this article: Karalyn Patterson & Janice Kay (1982) Letter-by-letter reading: Psychological descriptions of a neurologial syndrome, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 34:3, 411-441, DOI: 10.1080/14640748208400852 To link to this article: Published online: 29 May 2007. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 159 View related articles Citing articles: 75 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [Central Michigan University] Date: 22 October 2015, At: 06:21 fhuxrterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (1982)3@, 411-44’ LETTER-BY-LETTER READING : PSYCHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF A NEUROLOGIAL SYNDROME Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 KARALYN PATTERSON AND JANICE KAY MRC Applied Psychology Unit, I 5 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 2EF, England Following a general description of the characteristics of letter-by-letter reading and a summary of previous explanations of this reading deficit in both neurological and psychological models, four single-case studies of patients with this syndrome are presented. One central topic, addressed by experimental investigation, concerns comprehension of written words. Despite the use of multiple techniques, no evidence was obtained for the hypothesis that comprehension of a word could occur prior to or in the absence of the letter-by-letter analysis required for oral reading. It appears that these patients must do sequential letter identification of a word in order both to understand it and to report it. A second central topic, addressed through analysis of reading errors, concerns procedures for word recognition. Two of the four patients showed a “pure” letter-by-letter syndrome, with no difficulty in word recognition once the component letters had been identified. For the other two patients, an additional lexical deficit often prevented a correctly identified sequence of letters from achieving recognition as the correct word. Alternative interpretations of these patterns are discussed in terms of a process model. Introduction Acquired dyslexias (adult reading disorders resulting from neurological damage) present a variety of specific syndromes which have been differentially salient within different research traditions. Given a reference to acquired dyslexia (or alexia) with no further identifying label, a research neurologist would probably assume that one meant “Dkjerine’s syndrome”, that is, alexia without agraphia (or letterby-letter reading, as it will be called here*). A research psychologist, on the other hand, might be more likely to think of deep dyslexia or surface dyslexia. Apart from historical precedent, there may be coherent reasons for this difference in emphasis. Of all the known reading disorders, letter-by-letter reading probably has (a) the most consistent set of lesion sites and (b) the most ready account in *This syndrome (at least we think it is all the same basic syndrome, though it is difficult to be certain) has had a rather bewildering variety of different designations, including alexia without agraphia, pure alexia, word-form dyslexia and letter-by-letter reading. We prefer the latter because it seems both the most descriptive and the most neutral. + 0272-4987/82/03041 I 31 $03.00/0 @ 1982The Experimental Psychology Society Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 4’2 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY terms of simple disconnection between anatomically separate “centres” of brain function. Such factors would obviously enhance compatibility between this syndrome and a neurologically based approach. None the less it is slightly puzzling that cognitive psychologists have largely ignored this syndrome, at least until very recently (for exceptions, see Gardner and Zurif, 1975; Staller et al., 1978; Warrington and Shallice, 1980). After all, the existence of a plausible neurological account does not preclude accounts at other levels of description. Indeed it has been argued (Mehler and Morton, 1981) that neurological data such as lesion site place no constraints whatsoever on psychological or functional descriptions. One reason contributing to the relative neglect of this syndrome within cognitive psychology may be this: letter-by-letter reading is not, in the terminology of Shallice and Warrington (1980), a form of central dyslexia, but is rather one of the peripheral dyslexias. T h e functional locus of the deficit in letter-by-letter reading is probably relatively “early” in an information-processing sense. Questions about reading likely to be of interest to many cognitive psychologists, such as the organisation of the internal lexicon or the semantic system, may be addressed more clearly by syndromes of central dyslexia (deep dyslexia, phonological dyslexia and surface dyslexia) than by the peripheral dyslexias (attentional dyslexia, dyslexia involving neglect, and letter-by-letter reading). Furthermore, regarding peripheral dyslexias, there might even he some doubt concerning a critical assumption in the rapprochement between neuropsychological research and cognitive psychology. Patients with an acquired dyslexia clearly read in a way that is different from normal reading. It is generally assumed that this difference stems from the loss or impairment of one or more functional components of the normal reading system, rather than from reliance on wholly different procedures (Shallice, 1979, 1981; Coltheart, 1981; Patterson, 1981). Suppose, however, that there is disruption of a relatively early stage of processing; might this mean that the patient no longer has access to the rest of the normal system? Peripheral dyslexias, in other words, might not only be of less compelling interest to cognitive psychologists; in principle, they might even fail to warrant status as legitimately relevant to many issues of normal reading. Were this the case, of course, it would not eliminate interest in the nature of such syndromes; but the interest might be found primarily amongst neurologists, speech therapists, even neuropsychologists-but not amongst cognitive psychologists. This, then, might explain in part why most studies of letter-by-letter reading derive from a neurological tradition rather than a psychological one. Whether this analysis is valid, or whether psychologists know little of letter-byletter reading simply because it has not been brought to their attention, we believe that the syndrome deserves attention and that it does legitimately address questions of interest to those who study normal reading. T h e organisation of this paper will be as follows. Firstly, we shall present a brief, qualitative description of the syndrome, a description assembled from previously published accounts. Secondly we will summarise the way in which the syndrome has been interpreted, in a neurological framework and in a psychological framework. T h e third and major section will present data from four LETTER-BY-LETTER READING 473 individual case studies of letter-by-letter readers. I n particular we will focus on (a) an evaluation of word comprehension by these patients, and (b) an analysis of their reading errors which suggests that there are two distinct varieties of letterby-letter reader. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Qualitative description of letter-by-letter reading A patient with this syndrome appears to read a word in the following way:* he identifies each letter of the word in succession, often but not invariably naming the letter aloud as it is identified; when he has reached the end (or nearly the end) of the sequence of letters, he produces the word. Not surprisingly, the time required to read a word is abnormally long, and it is also a monotonic function of word length (Staller et aE., 1978; Warrington and Shallice, 1980). Although cases have been described where accuracy of letter identification is perfect (e.g. one of Warrington and Shallice’s patients), the majority of letter-by-letter readers have a letter-identification deficit. This response from one of our patients (who will be described shortly) would be typical of many letter-by-letter readers : given the word men, he responded “h,e,n, hen”. There is some indication that the impairment in dealing with symbols is exclusive to alphabetic symbols: a frequently reported feature of the syndrome is preserved reading of Arabic numerals (e.g. HCcaen and Kremin, I 976). Letter-by-letter readers do not show significant word-class effects like those found in the central dyslexias (see Shallice and Warrington, 1980; Coltheart, 1981; and Patterson, 1981 for summaries). For example, oral reading by phonological dyslexic patients shows a severe deficit for regularly spelled non-words as contrasted with real words : deep dyslexic patients are severely impaired on reading abstract words relative to concrete words; and surface dyslexic patients read irregularly spelled words significantly less well than regular words. None of these major contrasts is found in letter-by-letter reading. The above paragraph gives a rough impression of reading performance. As for other characteristics, the most common neurological sign found in letter-byletter readers is a right homonymous hemianopia (RHH), that is, blindness in the right half of the visual field due to a lesion in the occipital cortex of the left hemisphere. There are, however, cases of the syndrome without RHH, that is, with intact visual fields (e.g. Greenblatt, 1976; Vincent et al., 1977). As for general language skills, typically it is only reading which shows any significant deficit (thus the designation “pure alexia”). Speech is often completely normal, though sometimes one finds fluent speech with anomia. Object naming and, even more commonly, colour naming can be impaired. *It is apparently the case that the same deficit can occur in so severe a form as to render the patient completely alexic (e.g. Caplan and Hedley-White, 1974). When this occurs, of course, the description given here of how these patients read words is inapplicable, because totally alexic patients do not read. As we will note again later, there is a problem here: if a patient does not read words at all, then even if other features of his performance match the syndrome of letter-by-letter reading, it is difficult to describe the patient’s reading in this way. One is saying that the patient would read words letter-by-letter if he did read. This problem does not arise with respect to our patients, all of whom read words; but it seems necessary to mention the issue since some of the “classical” cases were totally alexic. 414 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY Writing is often completely normal (thus the term “alexia without agraphia”) though it is not uncommon to find some writing difficulties at least in the early stages. The contrast between reading and writing performance is probably the most striking feature of this syndrome. Asked to write a sentence to dictation, a patient may do so easily and without error. Given this written sentence to read a few minutes later, however, the patient will have to decode it in a painfully slow and error-prone fashion and indeed may be incapable of reading it correctly. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Neurological interpretation The standard interpretation of letter-by-letter reading, formulated originally by Dkjerine (1892)and more fully Geschwind (1965),attributes the deficit to a disconnection between the angular gyrus in the left hemisphere and visual input from both hemispheres. The angular gyrus is considered an essential structure for both reading and writing. Since this structure is itself intact in these cases, the patient is able to produce written output; but because of the disconnecting lesion(s), written input cannot reach the angular gyrus and therefore reading is grossly abnormal. The most common anatomy of the disconnection involves damage in two separate locations. A lesion in the left occipital lobe (producing RHH) prevents any visual information from reaching the left hemisphere directly. The right hemisphere is intact and therefore the right occipital cortex receives normal visual input; but a lesion in the splenium of the corpus callosum prevents transfer of the necessary information from the right hemisphere to the left angular gyrus. Although many of the cases verified by post-mortem examination have shown this precise pattern of pathology, the syndrome also occurs with other loci, such as a unilateral left-hemisphere lesion in the occipito-parietal (Greenblatt, 1976), temporal (Vincent et al., 1977)or temporo-parietal (Staller et al., 1978)region. It is hypothesized that damage in these areas can also have the effect of blocking access to the left angular gyrus from both hemispheres. Greenblatt (1976)in fact summarises four possible patterns of neuro-pathology resulting in alexia without agraphia, but interprets them all in terms of the basic disconnection already described. Psychological interpretation As noted by Kurachi et al. (1979), “several features of this syndrome were explained by the callosal disconnection theory. . ., but underlying impairment of the neuropsychological processing is not yet clearly defined” (p. 297). From the point of view of cognitive information-processing models of reading (see e.g. Marcel, 1980;Morton and Patterson, 1980;Shallice, 1981))we would want to ask at least two questions. Firstly, what is the functional locus of the impairment which causes reading to be so grossly abnormal? Secondly, what functional processes or components are operating when the patients read? The majority of letter-by-letter readers are dys-lexic rather than a-lexic. Grossly abnormal their reading might be, in speed if not in accuracy; but most patients have some reading ability, and for many the retained ability is considerable. Such retention is some- Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING 4’5 times acknowledged in the neurological literature : “However, since some measure of reading ability is retained in most alexic patients, one must assume that unaffected splenium or anterior callosal fibres are of some, albeit limited, importance in the transmittal and perception of written language” (Ajax et al., 1977, p. 688). Psychologists need not reject or ignore such neurological descriptions, but we will still want to identify the cognitive procedures allowed via these unaffected splenial or anterior fibres. T o our knowledge, the only major attempt to interpret this syndrome in an information-processing framework is by Warrington and Shallice (1980). These authors offer the following answers to the two questions posed in the preceding paragraph. As to functional locus, they argue that letter-by-letter readers have a deficit of the visual word-form system; indeed Warrington and Shallice re-name the syndrome “word-form dyslexia”. The function of the word-form system is to segment letter strings into recognisable units ranging in size from individual graphemes up to whole morphemes or words. Any letter string can result in many different segmentations; however, a real word can and generally will achieve an orthographic representation at the level of the whole word or morpheme, whereas most nonsense words could only be represented in units smaller than the whole letter string. In terms of the sequence of information processing stages, the word-form system follows early visual processing and precedes both phonological and semantic processing (see Shallice, 1981, for further description). As to the nature of the processes actually operating in letter-by-letter reading (where, they claim, the word-form system cannot be used), Warrington and Shallice are somewhat less explicit. Their general interpretation seems to be that once the written letter string has been converted into a sequence of auditory letter names, such a representation is compatible with the system used for spelling. One can go from a word (either internally generated or auditorily presented) to its spelling, e.g. book+b,o,o,k; the notion is that this procedure can also operate in reverse. Thus, using procedures which form part of the spelling system rather than the reading system, the patient moves from the letter names “b,o,o,k” to the word book. The question of whether we agree with Warrington and Shallice’s position will be postponed until we have presented some data. Case reports ( I ) M.W., a right-handed postmistress, suffered a cerebro-vascular accident (CVA) in October 1980 at the age of 58. Damage in the medial half of the left occipital lobe was confirmed by CT brain scan. Her only major neurological sign was a dense right homonymous hemianopia which persists unchanged. We first saw M.W. six weeks post-CVA, when she was in the Rehabilitation Unit of Addenbrooke’s Hospital for treatment of the reading difficulty which was her primary complaint (reading had always been a major and favourite activity as well as being essential to her job). M.W.’s speech was normal. Her nominal functions were also reasonably intact: she scored 14/15 correct in naming objects both to visual presentation and from spoken description (tests from Coughlan and Warrington, 1978). However, Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 4’6 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY she appeared to have a mild degree of visual agnosia: in naming line drawings of objects (materials from Patterson et al., in press), she scored 79/92=86%. Her errors seemed largely to be of an agnosic rather than an anomic character: she might say that she had no idea what an object was (e.g. a picture of a telescope) or she might give a somewhat bizarre response (picture of a torch-+“a pen or a top? a kid’s top?”). She showed no evidence of either agnosia or anomia for colours. M.W.’s spelling to dictation, both oral and written, was good; in fact her occasional errors were much like those of “normal” spellers. For example, her oral spelling of “susceptible” ended “a,b,l,e”, and her written spelling of “siege” was sezge. Her spontaneous writing was adequate but rather untidy, and she sometimes ignored the right side of the page, filling only the left half of a line. Her performance on identifying words spelled aloud to her was excellent. Her reading of words or sentences was almost entirely letter-by-letter and painfully slow. She usually produced the correct word eventually, though often after one or more incorrect attempts. Her ability to identify single letters was impaired but not severely so. When the alphabet was presented one letter at a time in random order, she correctly named 25/26 upper-case letters and 22/26 lower-case letters. She was given 40 trials of matching upper and lower-case letters; half of the trials required a positive response (e.g. D and d, presented one above the other) and half required a negative response (e.g. D and g). She was correct on 35/40, and her five errors were all rejections of a matching pair (Ss, gG, pP, kK and Dd). (2) C.H., a right-handed man who had worked mainly as a chauffeur prior to retirement, suffered a CVA in 1975 at the age of 81. H e saw his general practitioner at the time of the stroke but was never admitted to hospital. A neurological examination was carried out in November 1979 at the Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre in Birmingham. A C T brain scan revealed damage in the left occipital and temporal lobes. The only major neurological sign was a complete right homonymous hemianopia. C.H. was 85 or 86 when we tested him but extremely youthful and lively for this age, and he participated willingly in our studies. His speech comprehension was quite normal, as was his speech production (except for the high rate of jokes it contained). His nominal abilities were good : on Coughlan and Warrington’s tests (1978), he named 14/15 objects with visual presentation and 15/15 from description. His naming of colour patches was mildly abnormal (blue+“purple”, purple+“blue” and red+“pink”) ; but he showed no evidence of colour agnosia, being able to point correctly to colours for named objects like banana, tomato, coal, etc. C.H.’s spelling to dictation, both oral and written, was fairly good but not perfect. Most of the errors were either phonologically acceptable (“definite”-+ definate, in written spelling) or nearly so “yacht”-+“y,a,u,g,h,t”, in oral spelling); but occasionally his spellings were phonologically as well as orthographically incorrect (“capacity”+compasity). It is difficult to know whether this pattern represents an impairment relative to his pre-morbid spelling. His handwriting was adequate though rather shaky. He was excellent at identifying words from Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING 417 their oral spelling; indeed this was probably his favourite test, and usually even difficult words like rescind caused no problems. His reading was almost entirely letter-by-letter, enormously slow, and full of errors. He showed a severe deficit in identifying individual letters: 16/26 correct naming on upper-case and 10126 correct on lower-case letters. For an evaluation of letter identification apart from naming, C.H. was given an upper-lower case matching test (from Warrington and Shallice, 1979) in which he had to choose the “odd-man out” in IOO triplets like f F e. Working very slowly, he managed to score 75% correct on this task, which is significantly better than chance (33%) but quite impaired. (3) T.P., a right-handed female chief radiographer, suffered a left-cerebral haemorrhage in March 1979 at the age of 50. A left temporo-parietal haematoma was removed four days after her initial collapse; two weeks later, a further operation was performed to remove an angioma from the left occipito-temporal region and to evacuate the residual intracerebral haematoma. In the very early stages she had both a dense right hemiplegia and a complete right homonymous hemianopia. The former cleared quickly, leaving no residual motor impairment ; the hemianopia remains unchanged. T.P.’s speech was fluent but with a severe nominal dysphasia; the absence of specific content words was striking. Given the word “grape” to define, for example, she said: “It’s one of these little ones with lots of things which come down, and they’re very nice to eat. They’re not much in England but they’re trying to make them more, aren’t they?” (“Why?” we asked). “Because I suppose they want to make the drink.” A multi-modal anomia was confirmed by tests of naming objects (a) presented visually (2115 correct), (b) from description (2115 correct) and (c) presented tactually (3/15 correct). There did not appear to be any agnosia for the objects themselves, as she could generally make appropriate gestures or comments (shown a clothes peg, for example, she said “when I have to do the wash. . . ’ I ) . Likewise, in attempting to name objects from description, she appeared to have no difficulty in understanding the description (asked “What is the name of the net or canvas bed that we hang up in order to lie on it?”, she correctly demonstrated its shape with her hands). With colours, T.P. showed not only anomia but agnosia, performing very poorly when asked to point to the colour of a banana or a strawberry. Although T.P.’s writing was better than her reading, a definite and reasonably severe deficit was apparent in both written and oral spelling. Her spelling problem, which has been reported elsewhere (Patterson and Hatfield, 1980), might be called “surface” dysgraphia. That is, her spelling of a word was usually phonologically acceptable, but was very often wrong, especially on irregular words (e.g. “answer”+amer). Samples of her pre-morbid writing (professional lecture notes) show normal spelling and thus establish that her spelling deficit resulted from the neurological impairment. The relevance of this dysgraphia to the pattern of reading deficit will be discussed later. In the earliest phase of her illness, T.P. was almost totally alexic in terms of both oral reading and reading comprehension, Gradually she began to use a letter-by-letter reading strategy, though she named the letters of the word aloud Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 418 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY rather less often than many letter-by-letter readers. At the level of individual letters, her identification performance was good. She correctly named 25/26 lower-case letters, though occasionally a correct identification followed one or more incorrect attempts. I n 28 trials of upper-lower case matching (Ddvs. Dg), she made no errors. (4) K.C., a right-handed woman who, together with her husband, owned and ran a shop, suffered a CVA in December 1980 at the age of 65. The problem was diagnosed as a left occipital haematoma, and a low-density area in the left temporooccipital region was confirmed by C T scan. The only major neurological sign was a right homonymous hemianopia. K.C.’s speech comprehension and production both appeared reasonably normal. She correctly named 14/15 objects presented visually and 15/15 from description (tests from Coughlan and Warrington, 1978). Her performance with colours was like that described for C.H.: a mild abnormality in colour naming (e.g. blue+ maroon”, red+“brown”, others correct) but normal ability to select appropriate colours for named objects like “tomato” and “grass”. K.C.’s spelling performance showed the same pattern as T.P.’s (case report 3), that is, a “surface” dysgraphia. This deficit was perhaps less severe for K.C., but the predominant type of error was the same (e.g. “sign”+“s,i,y,n,e” in oral spelling and scyne in written spelling). K.C.’s reading, employing a letter-by-letter strategy, was not only slow but also error-prone. She showed some impairment in identifying single letters : 25/26 correct (though requiring some corrections of initially wrong responses) for uppercase and 18/26 correct with lower-case letters. On 40 trials of matching upper and lower-case letters, she made five errors, all acceptances of non-matching pairs (rC, tB, Qd, bK and Li). (1 Experimental investigations We have claimed that these four patients were letter-by-letter readers. The major evidence underlying this claim, the existence of a monotonic function between a word’s length and the time required to read it, is presented in the top half of Table I. The 234 words contributing to these measurements came from three sources: (I) the IOO words of the Schonell(1942) graded reading test; (2) the word list published by Coltheart et al. (1979) composed of 39 words with regular spelling (e.g. grill) and 39 words with irregular spelling (e.g. gauge) matched for length, frequency and part of speech; and (3) an unpublished list (Coltheart, personal communication) composed of 28 nouns of high imageability (e.g. blister) and 28 nouns of low imageability (e.g. essence) matched for frequency, number of letters and number of syllables. The numbers of observations vary from cell to cell (the smallest being about 10 and the largest about IOO), for three reasons. Firstly, there are unequal numbers of words of these various lengths in the lists. Secondly, we did not collect data on all three entire lists for all four patients. Thirdly, only correct reading responses are included in the time measurements and, as can be seen in the lower half of Table I, the proportion correct also varies from cell to cell. The varying N no doubt means that some of these values are 419 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING TABLE I Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Reading latency (top half of table) and reading accuracy (lower half) as a function of word length, for four letter-by-letter readers Mean time (s) to read words of letter-length: 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Proportion correct in reading words of letter-length: 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 M.W. C.H. T.P. K.C. 12.8 18.4 24'3 42.1 16.9 32'4 47'5 97'3 7'6 11.7 '5'5 10.5 0.89 0.78 0.67 0.77 0.62 0.82 0.62 0'33 19'5 0.84 18.6 26.0 34'2 0.85 0.89 0.89 0.83 0.74 0.56 0.55 better estimates than others of "true" reading time; however, Table I is merely intended to establish the basic fact that all four patients show a monotonic increase in reading latency as a function of word length. Word length also affects the probability of a correct response, but the function is not nearly so continuous for accuracy as it is for latency. Two aspects of these data are noteworthy. First is simply the extraordinary length of the latencies: although the patients manage to read many words correctly, the time required to do so is abnormal by several orders of magnitude. Even the quickest patient (T.P.) needed over 7 s on average to identify a three- to four-letter word. The second feature of the latency data is the dramatic effect of word length, even more dramatic for these four patients than for previous patients in whom it has been demonstrated (Staller et al., 1978; Warrington and Shallice, 1980). This word-length effect alone would be sufficient to characterise the patients' performance as abnormal: normal readers may show either a small effect of word length on latency of report (Frederiksen and Kroll, 1976) or indeed no effect at all (Schiepers, 1980). Having demonstrated the basic phenomenon of letter-by-letter reading, we turn now to the specific questions around which our presentation of data will be organised. We note apologetically that the four patients were available at different times and for differing periods of time; thus we do not have equal amounts of data for all of them. Furthermore, our ideas about what to test and how to test it varied considerably over the approximately 18 months of data collection with these patients; therefore often we do not even have comparable data for all patients. I. Visual perception The first issue we address is whether the impairment in letter-by-letter reading can be confidently identified as specific to reading, as opposed to some more Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 420 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY general deficit of visual perception. This question was considered and answered affirmatively by Warrington and Shallice (1980), and we accept their conclusion. T h e issue is, however, of paramount importance if one wants to draw implications from the syndrome to issues in the study of reading. It therefore seems useful to adduce further evidence against alternative interpretations. (A) It seems clear that letter-by-letter reading is not due to the presence of a hemianopia. All of our patients had a complete RHH, but some patients with this syndrome do not (e.g. Greenblatt, 1976; Vincent et al., 1977). Furthermore, many neurological patients with an RHH do not show this particular (or indeed any) syndrome of acquired dyslexia. Some deep dyslexic patients, for example, have an RHH; and reading in deep dyslexia, which shows no effects of word length or exposure duration on reading accuracy (Patterson, 1981), is utterly unlike letter-by-letter reading. (B) We concur with Warrington and Shallice (1980) that letter-by-letter reading cannot be due to a general simultanagnosia, that is, a failure in either perceptual processing (Kinsbourne and Warrington, I 962) or comprehension (Wolpert, 1924) of the whole visual display as an entity. Three of our four patients were given Bishop’s (1980) sentence-picture matching test, in which one of four pictures must be selected to match a sentence (e.g. “the girl is pushed by the cow”). This test was designed to evaluate aspects of syntactic comprehension, but it should also be sensitive to visual simultanagnosia since the subject must choose from amongst four different pictures. Also, the pictures are reasonably complex scenes whose appreciation depends upon recognition not only of the individual components but also of their relationship. In the picture alternatives for the sentence example above, in addition to the correct picture of a cow pushing a girl, there are pictures of a girl pushing a cow and of a cow looking at a girl. C.H., T.P. and K.C. were given this 40-item test with (of course) auditory presentation of the sentences. They scored 93, 90 and 95%, respectively. Response times were not measured but none of the patients was slow to respond. Their behaviour when interpreting a scene is simply nothing like their behaviour when faced with a word. (C) Letter-by-letter reading cannot even be considered a failure of parallel processing which is specific to abstract symbols like letters or numbers. Warrington and Shallice (1980) devised several relevant tests. I n one, the tachistoscopically presented stimulus consisted of two digits placed one at either end of a word (e.g. 6STOPq) and, across the set of stimulus materials, the length of the word was varied from four to eight letters; the patient was simply to report the numbers. Warrington and Shallice argued that if the patients were unable to process a sufficiently large “chunk” of visual space in parallel, their performance on this task would decline as a function of lengthening word, They showed that there was no such decrement for one of their patients. As Warrington and Shallice’s other patient was not tested on this task, we thought it would be worthwhile to present a replication of their result for one of our cases. T.P. was given this test, using a two-field tachistoscope with an exposure duration of 150ms and with a fixation point at the right-hand edge of the area in which the stimulus would appear.* The results in Table I1 show reasonably good *See first footnote on following page. 42’ LETTER-BY-LETTER READING TABLE I1 6STOP4 task (from Warrington and Shallice, 1980):Patient T.P.’s performance with exposure duration= 150 ms Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Length of word separating numbers Numbers correctly reported 4 7/10 5 8/10 6 7 8 ~ojro rojro 7/10 performance. The important finding is that for T.P., as for Warrington and Shallice’s case R.A.V., performance did not decline with increasing separation between the two numbers to be reported. It is thus unlikely that the reading symptoms in letter-by-letter reading generally occur because the patient cannot “see” or “attend to” a whole word. (D) Even if a patient, given a brief presentation of 6STOP4, can report “6,4”, one could query whether there might be a deficit of visual acuity for fine spatial frequencies affecting the middle of a word or stimulus more than its beginning and end.? Although we did not investigate this issue in detail, we can report some results of visual testing for one of our patients, M.W. Her acuity as measured by Snellen chart was normal in both eyes though (not surprisingly) she misidentified a few letters. More importantly, her acuity as measured by contrast sensitivity gratings was also normal, even for the finest spatial frequencies. It seems unlikely that any explanation at the level of a visual-processing deficit will account for letter-by-letter reading. I I. Comprehension The evidence presented by Warrington and Shallice (1980),and in the previous section, argues that the deficit belongs within the domain of reading rather than in the early stages of visual analysis which must precede reading. The domain of reading itself, however, has various stages or components. All of the data considered thus far have involved oral reading or report: letter naming and word naming. Indeed, as Coltheart (1980) has noted, most studies of this syndrome only report performance on oral reading. An issue which must be addressed is whether the patients might be reading letter-by-letter merely in order to “name” words. That is, might there be some specific difficulty of access from orthographic information to a phonological output system? If this were the case, then the patients might comprehend printed words with relatively normal speed even if they can only read them aloud very slowly or indeed not at all. This question takes on added saliency due to recent interest in lateralisation of language functions. By classical views (e.g. Benson and Geschwind, 1969), *In all of our tachistoscopic tests we used a fixation point just to the right of where the stimulus would appear, to try to ensure that the stimulus would be entirely within the patient’s intact visual field. The wisdom of this procedure is debatable, as hemianopic patients may, to a variable extent, adapt their fixation to accommodate to the hemianopia. Our use of a fixation point seemed to be satisfactory; but we acknowledge that alternative procedures (such as providing two points or vertical bars and instructing the patient that the stimulus will appear between them) may be equally good or better. ?We are grateful to Dr Arnold Wilkins for raising this possibility, and to Dr Ronald Zimmern for testing M.W.’s contrast sensitivity. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 422 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY language functions in a right-handed individual are represented only in the left hemisphere. Most letter-by-letter readers have a right homonymous hemianopia, which means in principle that visual information is received only by the right hemisphere. According to the classical view, then, any reading skill achieved by such a patient will require and reflect processing by the left hemisphere of information transferred from the right hemisphere. Recently, however, it has been suggested that, even in the typical right-handed person, certain aspects of language function may be more bilaterally represented. In particular, the notion is that while phonology for a written word is the exclusive province of the left hemisphere, comprehension of a written word (at least if the word has a concrete, imageable referent) may be subserved by processes represented in both hemispheres (see Coltheart, 1980, for a review). Much of the evidence for this claim comes from studies of split-field presentation either with normal readers (e.g. Day, 1977; Marcel and Patterson, 1978) or with commissurotomised patients (e.g. Gazzaniga and Hillyard, 197 I ; Levy and Trevarthen, 1977; Zaidel, 1978). Yet neither of these populations represents an ideal basis for such a conclusion. Normal readers, of course, have intact brains, and it is difficult to be certain that the relevant processing is limited to the right hemisphere. The arguments depend crucially on assumptions regarding visual fixation by the subjects, the time required for interhemispheric transfer, etc. The commissurotomy data on this question seem almost entirely inapplicable to conclusions about the “typical” right hemisphere : most of the split-brain patients had neurological problems in early life which might well have resulted in abnormal lateralisation of function. As Coltheart (1980) has observed, it is more legitimate to draw implications from the disabilities in right-hemisphere processing by splitbrain patients than from their abilities. Perhaps the most appropriate population with which to assess the issue of comprehension in the right hemisphere is patients who were neurologically normal until, as adults, they suffered a CVA affecting left-hemisphere language areas. In analysing one such category of patients, namely deep dyslexic readers, both Coltheart (1980) and Saffran et al. (1980) have argued for a “right-hemisphere explanation”. These authors claim that the characteristics of deep dyslexia are compatible with the notion that much of the patients’ reading performance-and in particular their substantial comprehension of written words-is occurring in the right hemisphere. It seems to us that such an argument entails the strong prediction that letter-by-letter readers, with intact right hemispheres, should also comprehend written words. It is obvious that the patients do understand a written word once they can read it aloud, having worked it out letter-by-letter. The prediction from the right-hemisphere hypothesis of deep dyslexia, however, is much stronger. I n temporal characteristics, the letter-by-letter reader’s comprehension should significantly precede his slow oral reading response ; in terms of accuracy, he perhaps ought to understand a written word even if he never manages to read it correctly. This prediction may be restricted to concrete, imageable words. Although there are a number of anecdotal comments regarding this question, we know of only three papers with relevant experimental observations. Two of Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING 423 these (Warrington and Shallice, 1980;Landis et al., 1980)involved patients similar to the ones presented here; however, these two publications provide only a small amount of data and reach differing conclusions. T h e third paper (Albert et al., 1973) involved a patient with a somewhat different pattern of deficit. We present first our own observations, following which we will relate them to the results of these previous studies. The first of four techniques which we used to address this question was lexical decision performance with exposure durations at or below I s. These durations will generally not permit oral report of words and non-words by the patients in this study; but, by the hypothesis under consideration, such durations might well support the ability to discriminate between words and non-words. Two of the patients, C.H. and M.W., performed with fair accuracy (though very slowly and never without some errors) in uizpaced lexical decision tests given short letter-strings. As soon as the items in a lexical decision test exceeded about five letters in length, both patients began to show high error rates. Thus for the tachistoscopically presented version with these two patients, we used only threeletter strings. The words were 20 high-frequency concrete nouns like dog, arm, etc. ; the non-words were 20 CVC nonsense syllables like nad and hin. T h e letter strings were presented in a two-field tachistoscope with a fixation point just to the right of the right-hand edge of the stimulus. The exposure duration for M.W. was 250 ms. For C.H., having tried 250, 500 and 750 ms (at all of which he complained that he could not even see a stimulus), we used an exposure duration of I s (where he said that he was at least aware of an unidentifiable something). Performance for both patients, shown in Table 111, was essentially at the level of chance. ‘rABLE 111 Lexical decision performance on three-letter words and nonsense syllables by patients C.H. and M . W. C.H. (I s) M.W. ( 2 5 0 ms) Hit rate FP rate d’ 0.60 0.70 0.50 0.26 0‘5.5 0.40 A more extensive investigation of lexical decision performance was undertaken with ‘r.P., whose performance on unpaced tests was rather better than that of C.H. or M.W. First, T.P. was given a 60-item lexical decision list (strings of three to nine letters in length) over-the-desk. T h e words were nouns of high concreteness but medium-low frequency, for example author, throat, enamel, gentleman. T h e non-words were constructed by changing one letter in other words of the same general type, e.g. Jlankel (from jannel), elgineer (from engineer), thunder (from thunder), etc. In this unpaced version of the test, T.P. was correct on 25/30 words and 25/30 non-words. T h e 50 items on which she had made correct judgements were then prepared on tachistoscope cards, and presented to her on four different occasions over a 6-week period. The exposure durations K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY 424 TABLE IV Lexical decision for patient T.P. at varying exposure durations ~~~ FP rate Hit rate T.P. Unlimited 0.83 (1.0) 0.13 (0‘00) 2.08 (>4) I S 500 ms 0.72 0.76 0.72 0.60 0.77 0.87 0-4.8 0.63 0.66 200 ms IOO ms D.E. Unlimited zoo ms Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 d‘ 0‘52 0.56 0.68 0.13 0.27 0.43 -0’22 I I -87 ‘74 Data for a deep dyslexic patient (D.E.) for comparison. for these four tests, in the order in which they occurred, were 200 ms, 500 ms, I s and IOO ms. Her performance on all versions of the test is shown in Table 1V. Two different values are given for the case of unlimited exposure because while she was of course perfect on these 50 items with unlimited exposure, a fairer estimate is probably her performance on the original 60-item set from which the 50 were then selected for tachistoscope testing. Her ability to make lexical decisions at I s or 500 ms may have been slightly above chance; by 200 ms, an exposure duration at which normal readers would be perfect, she was essentially at chance. For the sake of comparison, the performance of a deep dyslexic patient, D.E. (see Patterson, 1978, for description), in lexical decision on these same 50 items is also shown in Table IV. With unlimited duration, his performance was roughly comparable to T.P.’s; but reducing the exposure to 200 ms produced only a small decrement for D.E., whereas for T.P. the same manipulation brought performance from adequate to chance. None of the lexical decision tests provides support for a hypothesis of rapid comprehension in letter-by-letter readers. One could argue, however, that lexical decision is not the most appropriate test for the hypothesis. For a patient with a deficit in identifying letters, the concatenation of real words and non-words which are minimally different in orthography might make the test unusually difficult. We proceed, therefore, to tests involving words only. Our second technique is based on one used by Warrington and Shallice (1979) with a different type of patient whose impairment they termed semantic access dyslexia. A word is presented either tachistoscopically for a brief duration or over the desk for a longer exposure, and the patient is asked to report the word. If he does so correctly, the test proceeds to presentation of the next word. If he is unable to report the word, he is asked to make a binary semantic judgement about the word (for example, “was it an animal or a fruit?”). Correct judgements at a level above chance would constitute evidence for comprehension. Three 24-word lists were composed of 12 words in each of two categories. In each list, the words from the two categories were balanced for word length and approximately balanced for probability of occurrence as an instance of that category (Battig and Montague, 1969). One list was animal names (e.g. pony, zebra, monkey) and fruit names (e.g. pear, grape, banana); a second consisted of varieties 425 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 of trees (oak, spruce, cypress, etc.) and fish (cod, plaice, sardine); the third was types of cloth (wool, denim, jlannel) and substances used for seasoning or flavouring food (mint, curry, mustard). Each randomised list was presented to T.P. tachistoscopically with an exposure duration of 2 slword. She was asked first to report what she had seen; if she could not identify the word, she was given the two category names (auditorily) and asked to judge or guess the category of the stimulus. ‘Table V shows the proportion of words reported and performance on semantic classification. Only the list of tree and fish names seems to have resulted in TABLE V T.P.’s correct report on words and her binary classification performance on words not correctly reported; exposure duration= 2 s Correct report Correct classification Animal/fruit Tree/fish Cloth/seasoning 519 =0*56 I 5/24 =0.625 I I /24= 0.46 I I 124 =0.46 I o/I 3 =0.77 6113 =0.46 better-than-chance performance. Even that, however, is probably more apparent than real. When T.P. could not report a word, she almost invariably reported the first one, two or three letters (sycamore+“I only saw an s”; tuna+“t,u, I think”; halibut+“h,a,l”). Several weeks after this test, at which time she seemed to remember little of it, we took the 10 items of the tree/fish list which she had failed to read but correctly classified. We presented her (auditorily) with exactly what she had reported to us (for sycamore, “s”; for tuna, “t,u”; etc.), and asked her to guess if she thought this was the beginning of a tree name or a fish name. She guessed correctly for 9/10. Indeed, given how well she was able to do this sort of guessing, it almost becomes a problem to account for her generally poor performance in the binary classification task! We do not see any compelling evidence here that she was comprehending the words which she could not report. The same three lists of categorised words used in the second technique with T.P. were used in our third technique with both K.C. and M.W. In this procedure,* as each word is presented over the desk, the patient is required first and quickly to make a binary judgement of some kind about the word, and only then is asked to read the word. If he produces his reading response fairly quickly (which does sometimes happen, especially when the patient has relevant category information about the word), the word is discarded from the analysis. We are only interested to know about classificationjudgements made at a time when the patient is unable to name the word, as evidenced by the fact that he or she must then work it out letter-by-letter. For those words which are subsequently read in a letter-by-letter fashion, above-chance classification performance would once again argue that comprehension can occur before or in the absence of oral reading for these patients. The results with this technique for K.C. and M.W. are shown in the first two *This procedure was suggested by Professor Max Coltheart. K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY 426 TABLE VI Performance for patients K.C. and M . W. in binary classiJicationof words subsequent& read letter-by-letter Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Animallfruit Tree/fish Cloth/seasoning K.C. M.W. (speaking) M.W. (pointing) 519 =0*56 511 2 =0’42 7/11=0.64 8117 =0.47 10116=0.625 11/19=0.58 I 1/21~ 0 . 5 2 12/23=0.52 - 8118 =0.44 columns of Table VI. Although each list contained 24 words, the denominators are always less than 24 because of discarding relatively quick reading responses. None of the proportions in the first two columns of Table VI is notably above chance. We also repeated this test with M.W. a month later using a slightly different procedure. If one conjectures that the word might be understood quickly by processes occurring in the patient’s right hemisphere, then perhaps we are failing to observe this comprehension because we ask the patient to make a verbal categorisation judgement, which will presumably require transfer of information from right to left hemisphere.* I n the second version of the task, M.W. had two pictures in front of her. For the first list, she had photographs of a tiger and of an apple; for the second, there were sketches of a tree and of a fish; for the third, she had a photograph of some bolts of cloth (from a colour advert) and an (actual) pair of salt-and-pepper shakers. As each word in a list was given to her, M.W. looked at the word and then had to point to the appropriate picture or object to make her classification judgement. Neither she nor the experimenter said anything until after the judgement was made, and then she attempted to read the word aloud. As shown in column three of Table VI, this procedure produced no greater evidence of comprehension than did the verbal judgements. I n case it is not abundantly clear, it should be emphasised that none of the patients had any difficulty with such semantic classifications once they had read the word aloud. An incorrect pre-reading judgement was invariably corrected after the patient had identified the word in a letter-by-letter fashion. It is still just possible that some information might be quickly available to the patient, of a nature not sufficiently specific to permit these categorisation judgements. Using the third technique, we asked M.W. to make a more general type of binary judgement. The list consisted of 60 words, 30 names of living things (e.g. bird, doctor, wasp, sister) and 30 names of non-living things (e.g. tent, hanzmer, flag, bottle). M.W.’s initial classification performance (living or not) on those words which she subsequently read letter-by-letter was 17/3I =0.55 correct, which is not significantly above chance. Although the procedure is not exactly parallel, for comparison M.W. was also given a set of 73 line drawings of objects, some of which represented living things (e.g. gout, porter) and some non-living things (tank, teapot). She was asked to make a quick binary judgement for each picture (living or not) and then to name it. She made correct judgements on 72/73 pictures. Admittedly rather few (14) pictures were subsequently named either slowly or *We thank Dr Morris Moscovitch for raising this issue. 427 Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING incorrectly; but unlike the pattern with words, all of these 14 pictures were given correct classification judgements. T h e fourth and final technique used in our search for evidence of comprehension was a version of the Stroop test (1938). Although there are varying accounts of the locus of the Stroop effect, it must be partly attributable to comprehension of the printed word, since incongruous colour words retard naming of the ink colour (e.g. the word blue printed in red) but congruous colour-related words facilitate naming of the ink colour (e.g. the word blood printed in red) (Dalrymple-Alford, 1972). M.W. was given four different types of list in all of which her task was simply to name the colour of the ink in which the stimulus was drawn or printed. ( I ) I n the baseline condition, the stimulus was the outline of a small rectangle divided into three vertical compartments ; this is non-alphabetic but in visual complexity is not too different from a short word. (2) I n the congruent condition, the stimulus was the word corresponding to the ink colour. (3) I n the interference condition, the stimulus was the name of a colour different from the ink colour (e.g. the word green printed in red ink). (4)In a condition meant to control for orthographic similarity to the words in condition (3), the stimulus was a word with the same first few letters as the interfering colour name (e.g. greed in red ink or rest in green ink). Four colours were used (red, green, blue and brown); all lists contained 12 items printed in a column, three items in each colour. Two different random orders were prepared for each condition, and the test was given to M.W. on two different occasions (three months apart) ; thus there are four observations per condition. M.W. was asked to go through each list, naming ink colours as quickly as possible. The time required to complete a list of 12 items was measured to the nearest second, and the values in Table VII represent means of the four observations in each condition. TABLE VII M . W.’sperformance in a Stroop task: Time for list of 12items Condition Baseline Congruent word Interfering word Orthographic control Example Time (s) red green greed 13’5 m 15.0 15.0 16.0 *Response should always be ink colour (for example above “red”). We see no indication in these results that M.W. had rapid access to the meaning It is true that she appears to have shown an effect of congruency (condition 2), but this is not especially surprising. These patients can usually get the first letter or two of a word within the time span involved here, and having the information r,e (or even just r ) could plausibly speed the response “red”. There are two contrasts for which a hypothesis of comprehension would surely provide specific predictions: condition (3) should have been both slower than ( I ) and slower than (4). Neither of these results was obtained. of these words. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 428 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY None of our techniques has yielded evidence to support the hypothesis that comprehension can proceed normally when oral reading must proceed letter-byletter. It appears that these four patients must read a word letter-by-letter in order to understand it, as well as to name it. This conclusion is the same as that reached by Warrington and Shallice (1980)on the basis of tests with their case R.A.V. There are, however, two other reports which claim to have found positive evidence for comprehension. Landis et al. (1980)describe a patient who, within the first few days following removal of an occipital lobe tumour, could sometimes point to an object whose name had been presented tachistoscopically at an exposure duration (30 ms) which did not allow him to name even single letters. After these first few days, the patient showed rapid “improvement” : several weeks later he could recognise some letters when words were presented for only 20 ms, but apparently he could no longer appreciate the meaning of the whole word without working it out letter-byletter. Thus at later testing, the patient studied by Landis et al, behaved like our four patients. It is regrettable that we have no observations for our patients in the first few days following their brain injuries. It is also regrettable that Landis et al., while using an adequate technique to assess comprehension, obtained such a small amount of data: seven words were presented which the patient could not read, and he pointed to the correct object for 517. In view of the contrast in extent of testing, we are inclined to claim that our conclusion is the more reliable. Nonetheless, the interpretation suggested by Landis et al. is of interest. Landis et al. argue that “iconic reading” (as they call the processes involved when the patient rapidly comprehended a word which he could not name) can only operate when “visuo-verbal reading’’ is totally impossible; even the limited ability to identify some letters, a component of the visuo-verbal reading strategy, prevents iconic reading. There is one other report which might be consonant with this notion. Albert, Yamadori, Gardner and Howes (1973) described a patient J.H. who, while very severely alexic in terms of oral reading, showed some evidence of comprehending written words when tested a month after his CVA. We hesitate to place too much evidence on these contrasting data because J.H. showed a pattern of deficit rather different from our patients and from most letterby-letter readers. For example, while he had some preservation of oral spelling, he was almost totally agraphic in written spelling. Indeed, although many of the features of his performance evoke the picture of a severely impaired letter-by-letter reader, it is difficult even to apply this label to J.H. with confidence, because (a) he accomplished so little oral reading, and (b) Albert et al. provide so little description of his oral reading performance, mostly saying simply that he failed. Nonetheless, we acknowledge that J.H. may constitute a counter-example to our conclusion. If the availability of a “visuo-verbal” reading strategy can be assessed by letter identification, then J.H. (who could only name 10 to 20% of letters) certainly represents a much closer approximation to the loss of this strategy than do our cases. The implication that one might draw, therefore, from both Landis et al. (1980) and Albert et al. (1973)is as follows: as impaired as our four patients were at oral reading, they would be expected to show better written-word comprehension only 429 Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING if their oral reading were still worse. We find this argument intriguing but somewhat implausible on intuitive grounds. Is it sensible to have an iconic reading process which will operate only when visuo-verbal reading is abolished and not when it is grossly deficient? We also note that, to the extent that iconic reading is to be equated with right-hemisphere comprehension (as suggested by Landis et al.), the notion that this process can occur only in the absence of visuo-verbal reading causes severe difficulty for claims of right-hemisphere word comprehension in normal readers (e.g. Day, 1977; Marcel and Patterson, 1978). I n concluding this section, we do not deny the possibility that letter-by-letter oral reading might, for some cases or at some stages, co-exist with rapid word comprehension. We found no evidence for this in our four patients, however. We therefore challenge theorists who maintain that the normal right hemisphere can support rapid comprehension of written words to explain why many letter-byletter readers fail to demonstrate this ability. 111. From the letters to the word Knowing that the letter-by-letter reader begins his process of word recognition by identifying a sequence of letters does not of course specify how he recognises the word. As we phrased the question previously (Patterson and Kay, 1980), how do word-form dyslexics form words? We had hoped to approach an answer to this question by analysing the kinds of reading errors made by these patients. This error analysis does not, regrettably, provide a definitive answer, but it does establish a new and intriguing dimension to the problem: the procedure from letters to word may take two different forms. For each of our four patients, we analysed a set of reading responses from the same word lists which produced the word length functions in Table I, namely the Schonell graded list (1942),the Coltheart et al. list of regular and exception words (I979), plus some others. We do not consider the exact characteristics of the words very important because, apart from length, the dimensions of words have little effect on the probability of correct reading for these patients. As can be seen in Table VIII, the size of the corpus varies from 170 to almost 900 reading responses across the four patients, and the proportion of correct responses varied from 0.65 to 0.82. (We counted a word as correct if the patient eventually read it correctly after some incorrect attempts ; these proportions would be noticeably TABLE VIII Analysis of reading urors Number of responses Proportion correct Proportions of error types : ( I ) Clear letter misidentification (2) Letters right, word wrong (3) Other M.W. C.H. T.P. 1c.c. 317 229 893 0.82 0.65 0.76 0.69 0'21 170 0.40 0.69 0.36 0.03 0'04 0.42 0'49 0'57 0.27 0'22 0.30 Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 430 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY lower if one accepted first responses only.) The errors can largely be assigned to three categories. Firstly, “clear letter misidentification” usually means that the patient has produced the word or pronunciation exactly corresponding to an incorrect sequence of spoken letter names (e.g. C.H. : men-+“h,e,n; hen”; K.C. : spade+“s,h,a,d,e ; shade”). We have also accepted instances where the patient did not say the letter names audibly but where it seems reasonably clear that a specific letter confusion would yield the response (e.g. C.H. : made-+“wade” ; T.P. : sort-+“soft”). The second category, “letters right, word wrong”, typically means that the patient has named all letters of the word correctly but then has misnamed the word producing either a neologism (e.g. T.P. : slap+“s,l,a,p; slape” /sleIp/) or a different word (T.P.: head-+“h,e,a,d; heed”). Once again, we also accepted instances where it seemed clear to us that this process was occurring even if all of the letter names were not spoken aloud (e.g. T.P. : knowZedge+“kno-ledge” /knouledg/ ; K.C. : castle+iicast-lee”/kastli/). Finally, we have that famous error category “other”. Most of these reflect instances where the patient seems to have got near rather than to the end of the letter sequence and then produced a word which matched the target on some number of initial letters (e.g. M.W. :$owing-+ “f,l,o,w . . . flower”; crowd+“crow”). The “other” category also includes any responses where we did not feel certain about the underlying process. M.W.’s response such+“suede”, for example, may have involved one or more letter misidentifications, but it does not seem sufficiently obvious. Differences amongst the patients can be found in all of the rows of Table VIII; but we think that only one of these differences is important. The error category “letters right, word wrong” divides the patients into two groups of two, and indeed we propose that M.W. and C.H. are one kind of letter-by-letter reader and T.P. and K.C. another. M.W. and C.H. produce many incorrect reading responses because they often (C.H. especially) misidentify letters and often (M.W. especially) guess at a word without explicitly having identified its last few letters. If these two patients correctly identify all of the letters in a word, however, they will correctly produce the word. Each of them produced a few instances of “letters right, word wrong”, but we believe that they did this no more frequently than normal readers would do when identifying words from sequences of letter names. Both the Schonell and the Coltheart et al. lists contain many words with difficult, irregular spellings, like yacht and colonel and gnome. It is not the case that M.W. and C.H. read all of the irregular words correctly (though both were correct on approximately equal proportions of regular and irregular words) ; but if they identified a word’s component letters correctly, then moving from letters to word for these two patients was quite straightforward, even for words with difficult spelling. T.P. and K.C. behaved quite differently, making a significant proportion of reading errors in category (2). The majority of the errors are reminiscent of those made by surface dyslexic patients (Marshall and Newcombe, 1973 ; Holmes, 1978; Marcel, 1980); that is, the response represents a pronunciation of the graphemic string which, although lexically incorrect, is either phonologically plausible or nearly so. Examples of these errors appear in Table IX. Both patients (but K.C. more often than T.P.) also have responses in this category which are not so 431 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING TABLE IX Examples of “letters right, word wrong” for patients T.P. and K.C. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 Exact reylarisation Violation of final e rule “Naming” the vowel Silent letters pronounced Hard/soft consonant Voicing problem Vowel digraph problem T.P. K.C. ache-J“aitch”/eItJ/ whiZe+“will” back+“bake” mord+“sword)’/sw3d/ city+“kitty” whose+“ hooce”/hus/ group+“grope” come+“comb” mile+“mill” pin+“pine” tight+“titched”/trtJt/ angel+“angle” this+“thiz”/eIz/ dueZ+“dull” easily described as simple errors in segmenting a letter string or assembling a phonological code for it: T.P. :fact+“f,a,c,t ;fought’’;K.C. : thirsty+“t,h,i,r,s,t,y ; curtsy?”; quite+“q,u,i,t,e; quilled?”/kwIld/“quot?”/kwot/; think-+“t,h,i,n,k; I can’t think what it is”. All four patients in this study often made a series of attempts at a word, trying to find a satisfactory response. The interesting difference between M.W. and C.H., on the one hand, and T.P. and K.C., on the other is that the former patients appeared to be trying out words while the latter were trying out pronunciations. This difference may be illustrated by the following examples. C.H. was given the word gone to read, and he began, as so often, with some letter misidentifications : “b,o,r,e; bore; isn’t that an r?” (We told him it was not.) “Oh, it’s an n! That’s a bone! Wait . . . done, d,o,n,e. Is that supposed to be a c? Cone? G,o,n . . . g,o . . . gone! That’s it, gone.” The correct pronunciation of the vowel of course changes from done to cone to gone, but this simply was not an issue for C.H. His pronunciation of each word was lexically correct ; the problem consisted merely in identifying the letters. T.P. also made many letter misidentifications in reading; but superimposed upon this deficit was a problem in assigning pronunciations to words. We cannot use the example of gone because when T.P. was given this word, she correctly identified all of its letters (and then pronounced it “Joan”/d3oun/). Her sequence of attempts to read bloom, however, reveals a series of letter misidentifications plus this pronunciation problem : bloom-+ “d,r,o,o,m ; drome”/droum/; “no, that’s a b, brome”/broum/; “no, blome”/bloum/. By saying that C.H. and M.W. were trying out words and T.P. and K.C. pronunciations, we may have inadvertently given the impression that the latter produced neologisms but the former did not. This is not the case. If C.H. or M.W. misidentified a letter such as to create a non-word, then they would produce the appropriate non-word (C.H. : $ood+“f,r,o,o,d; frude”/frud/). Our point is simply that while all four patients might well start to readpood by saying “f,r,o,o,d; frude”, once having corrected the Y to an I, C.H. and M.W. would both correctly pronounce “flood” while T.P. and K.C. might well say “flude”/flud/. We should note, by the way, that although we did not do formal investigations of this, we feel confident from their behaviour and their comments that all four patients recognised their neologisms as such. Many of the sequences of responding probably arose because the patient was dissatisfied with a neologistic response. K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY 432 Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 As we see it, there are two possible interpretations of the difference between our two “types” of letter-by-letter reader. Deciding between these interpretations will require (a) a well specified process-model of reading and spelling and (b) a very thorough analysis of the performance of letter-by-letter readers. Since we do not feel that we can adequately fulfil either of these requirements, we shall present both interpretations and shall not attempt here to decide between them. Purely to assist our description, we present Figure I which is based almost entirely on the model in Shallice (1981).* The two accounts are as follows. I Early visual processing Letter identification (explicit) (abstract, parallel) * .@‘ &.4 1 I word-form syrtem I I I I I I t Writing FIGUREI. A representation of some functional components involved in recognising, understanding and pronouncing written words, based on the model in Shallice (1981). T h e dotted line consisting of I(a) plus I(b) corresponds to the first account of letter-by-letter reading, while the dotted line labelled z corresponds to the second account (see text). (I) Letter-by-letter reading arises from impairment of the visual word-form system which (in the normal reader) recognises or categorises written letter strings. A sequence of explicit letter names or identities permits word recognition via processes which belong to the spelling system. The reason that we have two types of letter-by-letter reader is that in fact we have two types of speller. C.H. and M.W. *Since the word-form system has units corresponding to individual letters as well as to letter combinations, morphemes, etc., the reader might question the motivation for a separate, prior system for letter-form analysis (indeed, an astute reviewer did question this). T h e function of letter-form analysis is essentially perceptual, while the purpose of the word-form system is to identify higher-level orthographic units with semantic and/or phonological counterparts. Individual letters are represented in the word-form system only as a default option, in case the system fails to find larger units; this would rarely happen in a normal reader‘s normal experience. Furthermore, the operation of the word-form system is predominantly intra-word, constrained by the presence of a space at either end. “Parallel” as a description of the letter-form system applies not only to analysis within words but also across words (Shallice, 1981). Thus the operation of the letter-form system accounts for the kind of segmentation errors in tachistoscopic report of multiword arrays (e.g. if mst and vent have been presented, the subject might report “vest”) which have been documented by Allport (1977) and Shallice and McGill(1978). Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING 43 3 have reasonably normal lexical knowledge of spelling, and so they can correctly identify and assign lexical pronunciations to words once they have identified the component letters. T.P. and K.C., on the other hand, have a neurologically acquired impairment of lexical spelling. When they try to use this deficient spelling system in reverse for word identification, not surprisingly it produces errors. This, as we understand it, would be Warrington and Shallice’s (1980) account of letter-by-letter reading applied to our patients. (2) Letter-by-letter reading arises because of a disconnection between the letter-form analysis system and the visual word-form system. Although the wordform system is primarily suited to operating on abstract letter identities in parallel, it can also accept a sequence of letter identities. If this disconnection is the only deficit, one will find the pattern shown by “classical” letter-by-letter readers such as C.H. and M.W. However, in some cases there is a further impairment in the recognition system itself; in models like those proposed by Marcel (1980) and Shallice (1981) (and the one presented in Figure I), this impairment would correspond to whole-word or whole-morpheme specifications in the visual word-form system. The patient with this additional deficit would be forced to assign phonology to sub-word-sized graphemic segments and then cobble together a pronunciation. The result would be many reading errors characteristic of surface dyslexic patients (whose reading has been attributed to this kind of impairment ; see Coltheart, 1978; Marcel, 1980; Shallice, Warrington and McCarthy, 1981), and this is of course the pattern shown by T.P. and K.C. This second account is the one which we offered in a preliminary presentation of results for two patients, C.H. and T.P. (Patterson and Kay, 1980). Our reasons for suggesting this alternative to Warrington and Shallice (1980) were somewhat intuitive. ( I ) Watching C.H. and M.W. read, it seemed to us that enormous effort was required for them to identify letters; but, once that had been achieved, moving from letters to word was virtually automatic. It “felt” as if word recognition was being handled by an efficient system designed for the purpose, which would operate normally if only it could get proper input. (2) The distinction between C.H. and M.W. as contrasted with T.P. and K.C. was of course evocative of the popular contrast between two “routes” in reading (e.g. Coltheart, 1978), and this perhaps naturally inclined us towards explanations in terms of components of the reading system. (3) One of us (K.P.) had been doing some work with deep dyslexic patients, asking them to identify words presented visually, one letter at a time. Their ability to report words under these conditions, while slightly poorer than their performance in reading words presented normally, is rather impressive. This might be a surprising result in view of the fact that deep dyslexic patients have a severe deficit (a) in naming letters and (b) of short-term memory (Shallice and Warrington, 1975). What seems certain is that the procedure by which deep dyslexic patients recognise words presented one letter at a time must involve the reading system and visual input logogens or word-form units. The patients cannot be using letter names because they are so poor at naming letters; and they cannot be using a spelling system because most deep dyslexic readers (and cer- Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 434 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY tainly the ones who participated in these experiments) are much more severely impaired in spelling than they are in reading (Patterson, 1978). If the word recognition system in a deep dyslexic patient can accept a sequence of letter identities, might not letter-by-letter reading be achieved in the same fashion? (4) Although the general alignment between patterns of reading and spelling in the four patients is a compelling argument in favour of Warrington and Shallice, there are discrepancies which seem difficult for this interpretation. In a study of T.P.’s writing and spelling (Patterson and Hatfield, 1980), we asked her to read a large number of words which she herself had earlier written to dictation. She “correctly” read many words which she had misspelled (e.g. “most”+moast+ “most”), but sometimes she was unable to make any sense of her own spelling. Given “world” in dictation, she wrote wirlde; given wirlde to read, she said “I cannot believe that is anything”. If reading, for a letter-by-letter reader, involves the spelling process in reverse direction, how does this kind of event occur? ( 5 ) Finally, we felt mildly dissatisfied with the account offered by Warrington and Shallice (1980) simply because it was not well specified. They were clear enough about what they argued to be deficient in letter-by-letter reading (the wordform system), but they provided no description of the actual process of reading via spelling. At least some of points ( I ) to ( 5 ) above may require attention. We must, however, admit that there are persuasive reasons for accepting, at least in broad outline, the position taken by Warrington and Shallice. ( I ) The parallels between reading and spelling in these patients cannot be ignored. All four patients read letter-by-letter; but T.P. and K.C. who make “lexical” spelling errors also make “lexical” reading errors, while M.W. and C.H. do not make these errors in either spelling or reading. Patterns of reading and spelling can, in other patients, show major dissociations (e.g. Beauvois and DPlrouesnC, 1979, 1981); therefore when these processes reveal strikingly similar patterns, the notion that one is parasitic on the other must be entertained. (2) The Warrington and Shallice account is more parsimonious than ours, not for the classical cases (like M.W. and C.H.) but for the more complicated cases of T.P. and K.C. The interpretation by Warrington and Shallice requires only two deficits for T.P. and K.C. :impairments in the word-form system and in the lexical spelling system will account for both reading and writing problems. Our interpretation requires three deficits : impairments in the transmission from letter-form analysis to word-form system and in the word-form system itself will explain the reading problem, but we then need an additional impairment to account for the spelling problem. (3) Our account is, in some respects, no better specified than theirs. I n particular, we have not explained why the disconnection between graphemic analysis and word-form system forces a serial, sequential use of letters. Warrington and Shallice have not explained this feature either; but proceeding through a set of letters in a discrete sequential manner does seem more characteristic of spelling and writing than of reading. Choice of one of these two accounts, or of yet a third, awaits better evidence and better modelling. LETTER-BY -LETTER READING 435 Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 IV. Impaired letter identiJication Neither of the attempts (in section 111) to explain why and how these patients read letter-by-letter says anything about why they misidentify letters. Warrington and Shallice (19So)may not have considered this issue because the majority of their observations come from a letter-by-letter reader (R.A.V.) who apparently had no deficit in identifying letters.* A survey of some of the literature on letter-byletter reading suggests, however, that R.A.V. is atypical; most patients of this type do have a deficit in identifying letters (e.g. Stachowiak and Poeck, 1976;Staller et al., 1978). Since there are patients like R.A.V., letter-by-letter reading cannot be a result of difficulty in identifying letters. The nature of this difficulty and its effect on reading does, however, seem to warrant comment. It was our vague impression that all of our patients misidentified letters more often in reading words than in naming individual letters. We therefore did some tests to assure ourselves that these patients were not suffering from attentional dyslexia (Shallice and Warrington, 1977),a syndrome where symbols like letters are harder to identify when other similar elements are present in the visual field. we were able to rule out attentional dyslexia Like Warrington and Shallice (I~SO), as an important component of letter-by-letter reading, by showing that the patients’ naming of random letters in an array was comparable in accuracy to their naming of letters in isolation. I n any case, however, it was not so easy to validate our initial impression about higher rates of letter misidentifications in words. Firstly, while something like 85% correct in naming individual letters may seem not too serious an impairment, even that rate of errors will be very noticeable and disruptive in reading words. Secondly, the tasks are of course different. If one is attempting simply to name letters, whether in isolation or in an array or in a word, the identification of a letter is an end in itself; identifying letters in order to recognise the word which they compose may be procedurally rather different, involving, for example, a memory load. Finally, the process for these patients of arriving at a word from a letter sequence undoubtedly involves use of knowledge about constraints of English orthography. Initial hypotheses about a letter’s identity may be rejected because the patient knows that this creates an impossible letter sequence. Sometimes this happens aloud (e.g. K.C. : both--+“b,o,f,h, no, it can’t be . . .”), but the rejection must often occur before the letter is spoken, making it harder to observe. Thefinal response to a word in fact probably reflects a lower rate of letter misidentifications than occurs in naming random letters. An analysis of the letter misidentifications which occurred in word reading ought to provide information germane to two questions. Firstly, are the misidentifications consistent, such that a predictable subset of letters causes difficulty, or is the process of identification just unstable, resulting in a changing subset which are vulnerable? T h e answer to this, with the usual clarity of research answers, appears to be :some of each. There is a specific subset of misidentifications which recurred, in the sense that all four (or at least three of the four) patients produced the same error and also that each patient produced multiple instances of it. There is also *Warrington and Shallice (1980)do mention that R.A.V. made “very occasional errors” (p. 101) in reading short words and non-words, but there is no further description of these errors. K. PATTERSON A N D J. KAY Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 436 a larger set of confusions where we observed perhaps only one or a few instances. Nonetheless, the number of different types of observed confusions is substantially less than the total possible set. Collapsing the confusion matrix for direction (that is, ignoring whether b-tp or p-tb, for example), 325 different confusion types are possible ((26*-26)/2). Observed instances of clear letter misidentifications included only 44 of these 325 types. Secondly, can one discern any coherent basis for the confusions, in particular visual similarity? As a first approximation to answering this question, we produced an ordering of the lower-case alphabet in rough accordance with degree of visual similarity.* This ordering (which appears in Figure 2) is very close to the one used by Bouma (1971) for confusion matrices in letter recognition by normal subjects. The ordering is primarily meant to reflect clusters within which the s a o c e u v w m n r i l t f k h b d p g q y j + mnriItfkhb- d. *+* 1 P‘ 9qY’ FIGURE 2. A confusion matrix for lower-case letters, with letters sharing visual features placed close together in the ordering. Clear instances of letter misidentifications by the four patients are shown in the matrix, which is folded for direction (thus, confusion between a and o may mean a+o or o+a but often both). Confusion types with a number of tokens are represented by the symbol in a circle; confusion types with only one or a few tokens are represented by . + + similarity is rather clear, such as (I) the ascenders, (2) the descenders, (3) the letters composed of a “loop on a stick” (b,d,p,g,q), (4) the “little roundish letters” (a,o,c,e), etc. We have largely ignored both the problem of transitions between clusters, and the fact that some letters could fit into more than one cluster (e.g. y is a descender but is also somewhat similar to -a and u). We have also eliminated x and x which do not occur very often and neither of which entered into any *Almost all of the words which our patients read in these tests were printed in lower-case (on the rationale that this is what they are most likely to encounter in real life). It is difficult to be more explicit about specific features of the letters, since sometimes the words were typed, sometimes they were printed in Letraset, and sometimes they were printed by hand. 437 LETTER-BY-LETTER READING observed confusion. Figure 2 presents the collapsed 24 x 24 matrix based on this ordering. Each of the 44 types of observed confusion provides an entry in the matrix; types with many tokens (i.e. the small subset, referred to above, which recurred both across and within patients) are indicated by the symbol in a circle; types with few tokens are indicated by a simple The implication from Figure 2 is that visual similarity does play a prominent role in the patients’ letter misidentifications. Although there are exceptions, the majority of the confusions lie near the diagonal, suggesting that visual features of letters may be a major factor in these misidentifications. Also consonant with this suggestion is the fact that the patients’ letter misidentifications (in words and under conditions of adequate visual stimuli) show reasonable overlap with errors of normal subjects asked to identify single letters either at a distance or in eccentric vision (Bouma, 1971). For example, the eight confusions for which we observed many instances with our patients are all represented in the errors of normal subjects. Seven of these eight types occurred in both of Bouma’s conditions (distance and eccentricity), while one type (confusion between b and p ) was shown by normal subjects only with eccentric presentation. It may be of interest that only six of the patients’ ++observed types of letter confusions crossed the consonant/vowel boundary ; all of the others involved substitution of one consonant for another or of one vowel for another. Thus there appears to be some mild degree of category specificity in identifying letters in words. Whether this has anything to do with physical features of letters, or whether it merely arises from the patients’ knowledge of constraints in English orthography, is an open question. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 +. + Concluding comments By no means all of the interesting features of letter-by-letter reading have been addressed here, and some features (like the process of letter identification itself) have only received cursory attention. Our major purpose has been three-fold. Firstly, while the preponderance of reports on letter-by-letter reading have emphasised neuro-anatomical disconnection between brain centres, our interest was in a psychological level of description. A neurological level of description might seem satisfactory as an account of a patient’s failure to read (i.e. this or that brain centre, which is essential for reading, has been damaged) but is considerably less appropriate as an account of how the patient accomplishes what reading he does manage. Procedures of reading, whether normal or impaired, require a procedural description. Secondly, while most of the available data regarding this syndrome reflect oral reading, one of our primary interests concerned reading comprehension. There are at least two motivations for a careful assessment of word comprehension in letter-by-letter reading. (a) Conclusions about impaired and intact functional components in this syndrome require comprehension data. Two potential alternative outcomes-that letter-by-letter analysis must precede both comprehension and oral reading for these patients, or that it precedes oral reading but is not necessary for comprehension-entail different interpretations. The latter outcome, had it Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 06:21 22 October 2015 438 K. PATTERSON AND J. KAY occurred, would have indicated that both graphemic access to the visual word-form system and the word-form system itself were intact. T h e actual outcome, that the patient’s comprehension of a word also requires letter-by-letter reading, indicates that either the word-form system or normal access to it must be disrupted. (b) Comprehension data for letter-by-letter readers also address the more general hypothesis of word comprehension in the right hemisphere of a person with normal (i.e. left-dominant) language lateralisation. While our results cannot invalidate claims for right-hemisphere comprehension in deep dyslexic patients (Coltheart, 1980; Saffran et al., 1980) or in normal readers (Day, 1977; Marcel and Patterson, 1978) or in some letter-by-letter readers (Landis et al., 1980), the results do make such claims more difficult and/or require more tortuous versions of the hypothesis. Finally, while sequential letter identification characterises all letter-by-letter readers (by definition !), this procedure begins but certainly does not complete the process of word recognition by these patients. The most interesting question, we think, concerns how the information in a sequence of letter names or identities is used for word recognition. The process of recognising a printed word for these patients appears to be rather like the process of identifying an orally spelled word for a normal reader ; but this analogy scarcely helps because little is known about the procedures involved in recognising orally spelled words. T h e main contribution of our data has been the demonstration that, depending on other characteristics of the patient, a sequence of correctly identified letters may or may not be sufficient for correct lexical recognition of the word. I n “classical” or “pure” letter-by-letter readers like our patients M.W. and C.H., word recognition only requires a correct sequence of letters. Patients like T.P. and K.C., however, have a further lexical deficit such that even a correct sequence of letters may fail to provide access to the target word. Different interpretations place this lexical deficit in (a) the system which deals with words in reading or (b) the system which deals with words in spelling. 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