Neurnradinlogg Neuroradiology(1982)23 : 4547 © Springer-Verlag 1982 Demonstration of Decreased Functional Activity of Visual Cortex by [11C]Methylglucose and Positron Emission Tomography W.-D. Heiss 1, K. Vyska 2, G. Kloster 3, H. Traupe 1, C. Freundlieb 2, A. Hoeck 2, L. E. Feinendegen 2 and G. Stoecklin 3 ~MaxPlanck Institute for Brain Research, Cologne; 2MedicalInstitute and 3Institute of Chemistry I (Nuclear Chemistry), Nuclear ResearchCenter, Jfilich, FR G Summary. A hemorrhagic infarction which caused left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia was demonstrated as a hypodense lesion on the first CT; 2 weeks later it was hyperdense and enhanced after injecting meglumine. Positron emission tomography with [11C]methyl_D_glucose also revealed the ischemic lesion, but also marked decrease of glucose uptake in the visual cortex, which indicated decreased functional activity. Key words: Positron emission tomography [11C]methyl-D-glucose - Functional activity, decreased - Visual pathway, interruption The coupling of functional activity and metabolism in centers of the brain was demonstrated by []4C]deoxyglucose autoradiography in animal experiments [1] and by [iSF]deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) in humans [24]. The lack of activation due to interruption of visual pathways was repeatedly shown in animal experiments [5, 6], but reports on such phenomena in patients with focal brain damage are still scarce [4]. The following case demonstrates an ischemic lesion causing interruption of a sensory pathway leading to inactivation of visual cortex. Case Report A 29-year-old man suddenly developed left hemiparesis at 10 pm on 28 December 1980. On the next morning he was admitted to hospital, alert, with left hemiparesis, deviation of the head to the right, and left homonymous hemianopia. There was no sensory disturbance. Electroencephalogram showed a theta-delta focus over the fight anterior half of the head. Doppler sonography indicated a high grade stenosis of the internal carotid artery at the bifurcation, which was proved by carotid angiography. Computed tomography (CT) (30 December 1980) revealed a large hypodense lesion on the right, which compressed the lateral ventricle and shifted the midline to the left (Fig. 1). CT on 13 January 1981 revealed a hyperdense mass 2-3cm in size in the temporal operculum, but the ventricle was not compressed and the midline not shifted. EnhanCement was visible in the caudate nucleus and parietal lobe after an injection of meglumine (Fig. 2). This CT was interpreted as an infarction with secondary hemorrhage. The patient's condition improved slightly. He was able to walk with help, to raise his left arm at the shoulder and to move his fingers, but the homonymous hemianopia did not change. Positron emission tomography (PET) was performed on 20 January 1981 after injecting 3 mCi 3 [11C]methyl-D-glucose [HCMG] utilizing an ECAT II (EG & G Ortec) with medium resolution shadow shield and high resolution data collection mode. I~CMG has been previously shown to be a suitable agent for scanning the glucose transmembrane transport [7, 8]. From twenty 2-min scans starting 40 s after tracer injection accumulation curves were calculated in selected regions of interest corresponding to the superior longitudinal sinus as an internal blood standard and to various areas in the gray and white matter of infarcted and normal brain. Regional perfusion and glucose transport rates were calculated from these accumulation curves [9]. Distribution of 11CMG was studied in integral images from several single scans taken at a time when the isotope was accumulated in the brain tissue, and a five point smoothing and color coding of accumulated regional ~ C M G activity 0028-3940/82/0023/0045/$01.00 46 Fig. 1. CT at OM + 6 cm 2 days after stroke shows large hypodense lesion on fight Fig.2. CTs at OM + 5.5 and OR + 6.5 cm after contrast injection 15 days after stroke show hyperdense mass in temporal operculum and enhancement within previously hypodense lesion in normal cortex) [9], and the perfusion to 0.68 ml/g min (0.8-0.98 ml/g rain in normal cortex) [9]. Discussion Fig.3. Positron emission tomographic image at OM + 5-6 cm of I~CMG distribution showing large right frontotemporal and occipital (visual cortex) defects. The figure is a black and white reproduction of a color image where highest activity in the cortex is represented as dark red; this red appears as black in the black and white print was used to improve the quality of the image. The image taken 5-6 cm above the orbitomeatal line (Fig. 3) clearly showed, as did CT, the large frontotemporal ischemic area extending from the surface of the brain to the depth. The rate of accumulation in this area was very low (more than 20 min compared to 2-3 min in normal gray matter), indicating necrosis of the tissue. An area with markedly decreased 11CMG uptake was also visible in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe, where CT did not show any abnormality. The glucose transport of this area w a s decreased to 0.35 l.tmol/g min (compared to 0.43-0.6 .umol/g min 1 1 C M G c a n be used for imaging the distribution of glucose in the brain [10], but the formulation of an appropriate model and the quantification of transfer and perfusion values [9] are complicated by back diffusion of the tracer which cannot be further metabolized [11]. However, the distribution of the tracer is dependent on the flow and the metabolism of cerebral tissue; this is well demonstrated by the lack of uptake in the ischemic area. The markedly decreased uptake in an area with intact structure but impaired function, as is the visual cortex in our case, also stresses the usability of this tracer for metabolic studies. The metabolic response of the primary and associative visual cortex to stimulation with simple or complex visual scenes was demonstrated with [18F]deoxyglucose [3] and was also observed with 11CMG [10]. This report stresses the usefulness of 11CMG as a tracer for depressed cortical activity due to deafferentiation; the results are comparable to the data obtained with [18F]deoxyglucose [4]. However, with an appropriate model [9] 11CMG as a single tracer may be suitable to demonstrate perfusion and transfer of glucose in normal and ischemic brain, which, until now, could be achieved only by a double tracer technique as applied by Kuhl et al. [12] for the investigation of stroke patients. References 1. Sokoloff L, Reivich M, Kennedy C, Des Rosiers MH, Patlak CS, Pettigrew KD, Sakurada O, Shinohara M (1977) The [14C] deo×yglucose method for the measurement of local cere- 47 bra! glucose utilization: theory, procedure, and normal values in the conscious and anesthetized albino rat. J Neurochem 28: 897-916 2. 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Heiss WD, Kloster G, Vyska K, Traupe H, Freundlieb C, Feinendegen LE, Stoecklin G (1981) Regional cerebral distribution of [l~C]methyl-D-glucosein man. In: Meyer JS, Lechner H, Reivich M, Ott EO, Aranibar A (eds) Cerebral vascular disease, Vol 3. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam Oxford Princeton, ppl21 125 11. Pardridge WM, Oldendorf WH (1975) Kinetics of blood-brain barrier transport of hexoses. Biochim Biophys Acta 382: 377--392 12. Kuhl DE, Phelps ME, Kowell AP, Metter EJ, Selin C, Winter J (1980) Effects of stroke on local cerebral metabolism and perfusion: mapping by emission computed tomography of 18FDG and 13NH3.Ann Neurol 8:47-60 Received: 4 November 1981 Dr. W.-D. Heiss Max-Planck-Institut ffir Hirnforschung Forschungsstelle ftir Hirnkreislaufforschung Ostmerheimer Strage 200 D-5000 K61n91 Federal Republic of Germany