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Prager, MDJ Ellen S. Lathi, MD,” and Dale J. Lange, MD’ A patient developed conjugate horizontal e y e deviation to the side opposite a large frontal-perisylvian h e m o r r h a g e from a ruptured aneurysm. Autopsy examination confirmed the hemispheric locus of the h e m o r r h a g e and failed to disclose a n y lesion of the brainstem or thalamus to explain the “wrong-way” e y e deviation. Pessin MS, Adelman LS, Prager RJ, Lathi ES, Lange DJ: “Wrong-way eyes” in supratentorial hemorrhage. Ann Neurol9:79-81, 1981 A p a t i e n t is described who had the unexpected finding of c o n j u g a t e horizontal e y e deviation t o t h e side opposite a large s u p r a t e n t o r i a l hemorrhage (“wrong-way eyes”). A hypertensive 57-year-old woman was transferred to N e w England Medical Center Hospital in September, 1979, because of left hemiplegia. That morning she had developed a severe occipital headache and stiff neck, immediately followed by weakness, sweating, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. At another hospital a left hemiparesis with eyes deviated to the left was noted. At her admission, blood pressure was l90/110 m m H g with a regular pulse of 98. H e r neck was supple. The general physical examination was normal. The patient was awake with her eyes open and blinking spontaneously, but she did not respond to verbal instructions. H e r eyes deviated fully to the left in the horizontal plane, with no observable nystagmus. Both oculocephalic testing and icewater caloric stimulation of the right external auditory canal produced full horizontal conjugate eye excursion to the right. Her pupils were 3 mm in diameter and reacted normally to light stimulation. Visual threat from either side produced a blink response. T h e optic discs were flat, and retinal hemorrhages were not seen. Weakness of the left lower face was present. T h e gag reflex was intact. T h e right arm and leg moved spontaneously, and painful sternal rub produced a purposeful response by the right hand but decerebrate posturing o n the left. O t h e r sensory modalities could not be reliably tested. A flaccid, areflexic left hemi- From the Departments of *Neurology, ?Pathology (Neuropathologyj, and $Radiology (Neuroradiology), Tufts-New England Medical Center Hospital, 171 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02111. Received Feb 20, 1980, and in revised form Apr 26. Accepted for publication May 3, 1980. Address reprint requests to Dr Pessin. 0364-5 134/81/0l0079-03$01.25 @ 1980 by the American Neurological Association 79 Fig 1. Axial nonenhanred C T scun at the level of the frontal horns. F i g 2. Section of the cerebral hemiJpheres in the plane ofthe C T scan, showing the intvacerebral hemorrhage. plegia was present. Plantar responses were extensor bilaterally. A computed tomographic scan (Fig 1) demonstrated a large area of hemorrhage in the right frontal and perisylvian regions with compression of the right lateral ventricle and a shift of midline structures to the left. Other scan slices showed blood in the right lateral and fourth ventricles. Her eyes remained conjugately deviated to the left, but by afternoon both pupils were 4 mm in diameter and unreactive to light. Decerebrate posturing to minimal stimulation was present bilaterally. Her condition did not improve, and during the night she died. into the frontal white matter from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the right sylvian fissure. It reached the right frontal horn anterior to the basal ganglia and dissected caudal to the thalamus. T h e thalamus was not involved, and, although a small portion of the caudal putamen was destroyed by the hemorrhage, the rest of the basal ganglia were intact (Fig 2). A small secondary midline hemorrhage was seen in the midbrain, but the pons was not involved. Microscopic sections confirmed the gross findings. The thalamus, pons, and basal ganglia (apart from the caudal putamen) were normal histologically. Neuropathological Findings Recent subarachnoid hemorrhage was present over the base of the brain, in the right sylvian fissure, and over the convexity of the right cerebral hemisphere. Three saccular aneurysms were found o n the intracerebral arteries. T h e largest (0.7 cm) was at the bifurcation of the right middle cerebral artery in the sylvian fissure. A ragged tear measuring 0.3 cm in longest dimension was present on the lateral aspect of the sac, and this was presumed to be the source of the hemorrhage. Small unruptured aneurysms were found on both anterior cerebral arteries. The brain was sectioned in the plane of the C T scan. A crescentic hemorrhage was found extending Discussion It is well known that supratentorial hemorrhage may produce contralateral hemiplegia with con jugate horizontal eye deviation away from the paralysis and toward the side of the lesion. By contrast, in a pontine lesion the eyes may conjugately deviate toward the side of the hemiplegia. In 1967, Fisher [l]first called attention to the occurrence of conjugate eye deviation to the “wrong” side in supratentorial, hypertensive hemorrhage. He reported three patients with pathologically proved thalamic hemorrhage and a massive collection of blood within the third ventricle whose eyes had conjugately deviated away from the side of the lesion 80 Annals of Neurology Vol 9 No 1 January 1981 and toward the hemiplegia. No anatomical or physiological explanation for this finding was apparent. Keane [3] later corroborated Fisher’s observation in three patients with pathologically verified supratentorial hemorrhage, all involving the thalamus. More recently [6] the same conjugate gaze abnormality was reported in three of eighteen patients with thalamic hemorrhage documented by CT scan. This uncommon gaze disorder has not been reported in association with hypertensive hemorrhage at other supratentorial sites [41, including the putamen 121. In contrast to the other reported cases El, 3,61, our patient had neither a hypertensive thalamic hemorrhage nor a massive collection of blood in the third ventricle. H e r parenchymatous hemorrhage resulted from rupture of a saccular aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery and was associated with subarachnoid as well as intraventricular blood. However, the parenchymal extension of the hematoma was a destructive mass lesion similar to a primary hypertensive hemorrhage. We considered but dismissed several factors as the cause for this patient’s gaze preference, including the possibility that the hematoma had acted as an epileptic (irritative) focus, forcing the eyes in the opposite direction. Although our patient did not have an electroencephalogram, no focal or generalized seizure activity was observed in the limbs, and nystagmoid jerking of the eyes-an expected feature of a frontal cortex seizure focus [5]-was absent. Furthermore, two of Keane’s patients (Cases 1 and 3 [31) had an electroencephalogram during the period of their conjugate gaze disorder, and only bilateral slowing was observed. The pathological examination ruled out the possibility that the patient’s conjugate leftward eye deviation resulted from an additional destructive lesion either in the left hemisphere or in the pons. Thus, we can only document but cannot explain this observed conjugate gaze preference to the unexpected side in association with a supratentorial hemorrhage that spared the thalamus. References - 1. Fisher CM: Some neuro-oahthalmoLoeica1 observations. T Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry 30:383-392, 1967 2. Hier DB, Davis KR, Richardson EP Jr, Mohr JP: Hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage. Ann Neurol 1:152-159, 1977 3. Keane JR: Contralateral gaze deviation with supratentorial hemorrhage. Three pathologically verified cases. Arch Neurol 32:119-122, 1975 4. Mohr JP, Caplan LR, Melski JW, et al The Harvard Cooperative Stroke Registry: a prospective registry. Neurology 28: 754-762, 1978 5 . Walsh FB, Hoyt WF (eds): Topical diagnosis in the ocular motor system. In Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology. Third edition. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1969, vol 1, pp 208-209 6. Walshe TM, Davis KR, Fisher CM: ’Thalamic hemorrhage: a computed tomographic-clinical correlation. Neurology (Minneap) 27:217-222, 1977 Postictal Pleocytosis James W. Schmidley, MD, and Roger P. Simon, M D Six patients showed a transient and otherwise unexplained cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis following a flurry of generalized convulsions. Each had an obvious cause for repeated seizures. No evidence was found for an infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, or other cause for the pleocytosis. All CSF specimens were clear and colorless, under normal pressure, and bacteriologically sterile. The maximal leukocyte count ranged from 9 to 80 per cubic millimeter and reached a maximum on the day after cessation of convulsions. NO specimen contained more than 650 erythrocytes. Two patients initially had a mildly increased CSF protein; glucose values were unremarkable. We propose that the pleocytosis in these patients was a result of frequently repeated generalized convulsions. The mechanism of postictal pleocytosis is uncertain. It may result from transient breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, which has been demonstrated after seizures in experimental animals. Although infectious causes must first be considered and rigorously searched for, it appears that seizures alone may cause a transient CSF pleocytosis. Schmidley JW, Simon RP: Postictal pleocytosis. Ann Neurol 9231-84, 1981 Among a large number of patients admitted t o a city hospital with repetitive generalized convulsions, we have encountered six in whom the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed an otherwise unexplained mild, transient pleocytosis. While the occurrence of such postictal pleocytosis has occasionally been mentioned in the literature [4, 5, 81, the phenomenon is not well documented; its time course has not been reported in detail [15]. Case Summaries Patients 1, 2, and 3 were young, healthy people without a history of tuberculosis or epilepsy, who took overdoses of isonicotinic acid (INH) and were admitted after repeated grand ma1 convulsions. All exhibited the profound metabolic acidosis characteristic of INH poisoning, and two showed the typical hyperglycemia 111. Physical examinations and laboratory studies revealed no other pertinent abnormalities. When INH poisoning was suspected, pyridoxine was administered. Two patients were given From the Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, 503 Parnassus Ave (794-M), San Francisco, CA 94141. Received Apr 14, 1980, and in revised form June 2. Accepted for publication June 7, 1980. Address reprint requests to Dr Schmidley. 0364-5134/Sl/0100Sl-04$01.25 @ 1980 by the American Neurological Association 81