NOTE RESIDUAL VISUAL CAPACITIES IN A CASE OF CORTICAL BLINDNESS M. T. Perenin, J. Ruel and H. Hecaen (Laboratoire de Neuropsychologie Experimentale, et 'Unite de Recherches Neuropsychologiques et Neurolingllistiqlles, INSERM) In recent years, the use of a new methodology which comes mainly from primate behavioral studies has contributed to the demonstration of the persistance of some "residual vision" or "blindsight" within perimetricaIIy blind fields that result from unilateral geniculostriate lesions in man (Poppel, Held and Frost, 1973; Weiskrantz, Warrington, Sanders and Marshall, 1974; Perenin and Jeannerod, 1975, 1978). Such visual capacities were demonstrated, not by asking the subject whether or not he had "seen" visual stimuli (such as in the perimetric technic) but rather by requiring him to make responses (mostly behavioral), even in the absence of any perceptual awareness, using a forced-choice procedure. Hence subjects with homonymous scotomatas or hemianopia were shown to be able to localize visual targets which they could not see, either by shifting their eyes or pointing with their hands. In a few cases, patients were even able to discriminate line orientation or simple patterns. These findings have been considered as an important argument for ascribing a functional role to the extrageniculostriate visual pathways in humans. Such a conclusion would logically predict similar residual vision in cases of bilateral occipital lesions. In fact, most previous studies of apparently complete "cortical blindness" have failed to find consistent visual capacities other than the pupillary reaction to light. In accordance with some cases reported before, the two patients of Brindley, Gautier-Smith and Lewin (1969) could only perceive sudden changes of the surround illumination, whereas Ter Braak, Schenk and Van Vliet (1971) reported the only case that exists in the literature of the reappearance of optokinetic nystagmus in a patient who did not recover any conscious visual perception. In this latter case, the striate cortex appeared to be completely destroyed and there was nearly total retrograde degeneration of both lateral geniculate bodies. Apart from the possibility of these lesions extending as far as the secondary visual cortical areas, a possibility which itself has not been given much consideration, these rather negative results might be explained by the method which was used to test the patient's residual vision. Except for Ter Braak et a1. 's study, previous investigations relied only on the "conscious" visual mode and the majority of these studies were not performed systematically. If a methodology similar to that which led to demonstrate "blind~ight" in hemianopic subjects were to be used, one could expect that a greater visual capacity would be demonstrated to remain in the case of cortical blindness. Cortex (1980) 16, 605-612. 606 M. T . Perenin, f. Ruel and H. Hecaen This hypothesis was at least partially verified in the case reported below. Indeed such an approach allowed the demonstration that some visual capacity reappeared in a patient with apparently complete cortical blindness following a dense lesion in both occipital lobes but which was largely restricted to their medial side. CASE REPORT A 74 year-old left handed man, having suffered a left transitory hemiplegia on 1975, woke up completely blind on February 28, 1978. Immediately, however, he totally denied any visual defect: he was only surprised that "there was no light in the room" and asked repeatedly for the shutters to be opened and for the light to be switched on. In addition, he was disoriented in time and space and tended to forgot recent events. There was a good pupillar constriction response to light. Ocular fundus was normal. The EEG showed intermittent slow waves in the left temporal region. When examined by us on March 14, 1978, the patient was still disoriented and still denied that he was blind. He maintained that he was in the dark and, at each concrete demonstration of his blindness, he failed to comprehend his defect. For example, although he did not see his fingers waving before his face, he persisted in saying "I am not blind". He was able to give a poor, but correct, verbal description of his apartment and of the arrangement of the rooms in it. There were no signs of speech disturbance, except for some impaired naming of haptic and auditory stimuli. There were some difficulties in verbal elicitation of the colors of specific objects. The tasks of writting his name, or isolated words, or digits and numbers were all performed well. Neurological examination showed only a bilateral Babinski sign. On April 27, 1978, the temporospatial disorientation and denial of the blindness were nearly unchanged. The patient claimed to be able to watch television programs. However, he no longer felt as if he was in total darkness as before, and during examination he mentionned that there was some light in front of him (he was indeed just sitting in front of a window), but that he could not see anything else. He now had been experiencing for several days complex visual and auditory hallucinations (mostly, people and vehicles), especially in the evening. He did not remember having dreamed recently (nor ever in fact!). He was no longer able to describe his apartment, as he could not visualize it mentally at that time. Denomination of haptic and auditory stimuli had improved. Colors names were now elicited well. In a latter examination, on September 28, 1978, the patient was still disoriented and his attention disorder was even more marked. Although he now admitted a sight defect, he seemed to forget it sometimes, walking without caution and colliding into furniture. At that time, memory was more impaired for past events. He could talk about recent news he had heard on the radio, but he did not remember the day's menu. Visualization of most of his relatives was lacking and the patient could not give a verbal description of either of them. Further examination was not possible, as the patient became confused and tired rapidly. Visual capacities in cortical blindness 607 Computerized axial tomography A CAT scan was performed on March 23, and once again on July 28, 1978 (Dr. Cabanis). As shown on Figure 1, a large ischemic lesion which had evolved to a porencephaly of both occipital lobes was observed. The topography of A 8 Fig. 1 - Pictures of CAT Scans performed respectively one month (A) and five months (B) after the illness onset. In A, extensive lesion, undergoing reabsorption of both medial occipital regions. In B, marked hypodensity in the same territory. the lesion remained nearly unchanged from March until September. The lesion lay the length of the medial side of both occipital lobes, including both occipital poles. It was a little larger on the left side where it extended close to the occipital horn. In addition, a trace of the first stroke was seen as a slight hypodensity in the right temporo-occipital region. There was also diffuse cortical atrophy. Visual evoked potentials Visual evoked potentials were checked on three occasions (M. Leblanc). On March 22, no specific response could be recorded, but only a late wave (200 ms latency) in response to flashes. On May 3 and July 5, responses of abnormally low amplitude and long latency were sometimes observed mainly in the left occipital region when checkerboards with 1 20 elements were shown. Flashing patterns with smaller elements did not evoke responses. 0 Residual visual capacities Sparing and recovery of visual capacities were examinated on several occasions until the seventh month of the illness, even though the patient still behaved completely blind in everyday life, and the QAT aspect of the calcarine lesion remained as extensive as it was first seen. Various types of visual stimulations were performed, most of them were in total darkness. These will 608 M. T. Perenin, J. Ruel and H. Hecaen be described at a later point, along with their results. Both informal and formal investigations were done, depending on the state of attention or fatigue of the subject. But a forced choice procedure was used as soon as possible, which required the subject to make a behavioral response, mostly pointing to one of the stimuli, or choosing verbally between two items. This procedure was used irrespective of the patient's conscious visual experience, i.e. even if he did not really see anything. Of course, he often took some time to be persuaded to do so. The first experimental session was carried out on March 16, 1978, i.e. 17 days after the illness onset. It included three main types of visual investigations: Stationary lights Bright flashed patterns (70 joules, 1,5 ms), which induces a long-lasting afterimage in normal subjects (8° of visual angle cross), could be switched on at six different positions (from 15 to 165° with a 30° interval) at 57 cm in front of the subject. The click produced by the flash bulb was masked with white noise. At the beginning of each trial the subject was required to direct the eyes straight ahead and, after the stimulus was presented, to point with his arm fully extended (right or left, depending on the side of the response) in the direction where he guessed the flash had come from, irrespective of whether he "saw" something or even had any conscious idea of where the light source was. Responses were recorded (with about a 5 ° precision) on a radial scale which was drawn on the table at which the subject was seated. Thus, two sessions of 30 trials each were performed at that time . It was striking that the patient could not "see" any of the 60 flashes switched on in complete darkness during these two sessions. Blink reflex to flashes was absent. In addition, pointing responses were not correlated with the flashes location : in most trials, the patient pointed to about the same region, in front of him. But, he could perceive and localize the "clicks" of the flashes quite well in one of the two sessions where no masking noise was used. Flickering lights A spot of maximum size and luminance (116', 318 cd/m2) of the Tubingen perimeter was used with a flicker frequency of 5 to 8 Hz, with a background luminance set at 3,18 cd/m2 • Thus, the contrast was much weaker than in the previous test. In this condition, when examined clinically the patient did not orient his eyes in the direction of the flickering spot nor did he follow it when it was displaced on the screen. Moving visual stimuli When placed inside a rotating optokinetic drum (57 cm radius, 0.04 cycler) the patient had the feeling on several occasions, that something was moving around him and at those times he indicated correctly the direction and stopping place of the movement. No optokinetic nystagmus could be seen, but there was a frequent deviation of the eyes toward the direction of the drum rotation. Return of some visual capacities could be stated on further examinations Visual capacities in cortical blindness 609 performed two (April 27), four (June 22) and seven (Septemb~r 28) months after the onset of the illness. Stationary lights At first, the patient could again detect some of the flashes (11 of 30 on the second month) and then from the 4th month on, he could perceive all the flashes that were presented in the 30 trial sessions. In the 2nd month, four exact and three approximate responses were obtained following stimulation on the right side, but the patient refused to point when he did not "see" anything. Afterwards, he did point at each trial, but there was no relationship between the pointing and the position of the flashes: the responses tended to be localized around the center (Figure 2A). A ......... .... 8 .•... ........ , //1/ 1 . .-t .................. IO' f t f t.. . . . . .. ...... ........ ....... ...... ........ f ....••• '0' T"RGET' TARGET' '" Fig. 2 - Average hand paintings to targets presented in front of the subject, at different positions, from the extreme left (J 5°) to the extreme right (J 65°). In A, where targets are bright flashed patterns, there is no relationship between hand pointing and target position. In B instead, where targets are flickering spots, there is a significant correlation between pointing responses and target positions. Both sessions were performed (In the fourth month after the illness onset. In the seventh month, stationary spots of light (116', 318 cd/m2) of the perimeter were still infrequently detected when presented in total darkness and they could not be localized even if the choice was only between two positions: right or left (at 20° from the center). Thus the scores remained at chance level (23/40). When asked whether he was in a dark or in an illuminated room, the patient still made numerous errors (and sometimes answered "light" instead of "dark") although some improvement was noticed after the second month. Finally, only large and sudden changes of surround luminance such as flashes could be discriminated without error. 610 M. T. Perenin, f. Ruel and H. Hecaen Flickering lights Unlike the case of stationary spots, the ability to locate flickering spots (not tested at the second month) became very clear on the fourth month: there was a rather good correlation indeed (R = 0.558, P < 0.01) between the pointing responses of the patient and the six possible positions of the target (5°, 46 cd/m2 , 2 Hz spot provided by a projectoscope, same procedure, as for flashes), even though he did not "see" any light on every trial nor did he have any conscious idea of where was its source (fig. 2B). On the seventh month however, the value of R failed to reach significance on the same test, although the patient was still able to make choices above chance level (scores: 25 and 27/40) between two different positions (top or bottom and right or left) of the flickering spot of the perimeter, presented in complete darkness. Moving visual stimuli Movement perception inside the optokinetic drum became the most constant finding from the second month on: the patient indicated the correct direction of the movement in 100% of cases on the three occasions where this ability was checked. On the seventh month the same precision was obtained during a session of 40 trials with random alternation of clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. Each time, the patient also indicated with quite good precision the onset and offset of the rotation. Although he claimed he could "see" something moving, he could either not tell at all what it was that was moving or he gave curious responses such as "people", "pictures". These responses correspond most likely to hallucinations. When black and white stripes were projected to only part of the visual field, or when the patient was placed in front of a vertical wheel with rotating random .black and white patterns, the subject could only perceive the movement from time to time and then he was mostly wrong in his indication of the direction. In none of these situations did he report a sensation of self-motion. Oculomotor behavior remained the same as on the first examination, i.e. no optokinetic nystagmus could be observed. Colors In the second month, when he was asked to name the colors of spots of the perimeter (green, red, orange or blue, 11°, 318 cd/m2), the patient gave 6 correct (for the red and blue spots) and 4 approximate responses on 16 different presentations. On the seventh month, these spots were, for the most part, not even perceived as light and when a forced-choice task was imposed between red and green, the score was at chance level (21/40). DISCUSSION Thus, in a patient with a very extensive (if not complete) ischemic necrosis of both calcarine cortices, we were able to demonstrate that some visual functions reappeared. At first, moving stimuli could be detected, and then bright lights, especially when they had sudden onsets such as flashes. Responses improved with time to 100% detection of moving stimuli and flashes. At last, Visual capacities in cortical blindness 611 the patient could estimate, by pointing with his hand, the position of flickering spots, but he could not do so when the lights were stationary. In the two partial examinations for color discrimination, he did not surpass chance level. It may be noted that this recovery was first clearly observed at the time when the patient began to have visual hallucinations, i.e. in the second month of the illness, even though he still denied that he was blind. Wether this is only a coincidence or whether some relationship indeed exists between these two facts is debatable. Perhaps this kind of visual experience, even though it is abnormal, might have rendered the subject more able to attend to visual stimuli. Of course, hallucinations and confabulations (e.g. when he responded "light" even though it was dark) make it difficult sometimes to rely on the subjective responses for the evaluation of the patient's perceptual awareness, in the different conditions of visual stimulation. However, according to most of these responses on numerous trials, he seemed to be able to detect moving stimuli and flashes by "seeing": he probably could "see" weakly something moving or some amount of light. Instead only rarely did he report to have seen the flickering spots, yet he could localize them approximately, in a forced-choice situation. In this respect, at least some of the residual capacities of our patient were quite similar to "blindsight" (in the sense of this term was used by Weiskrantz et aI., 1974, for describing unconscious visual capacities observed in their patient with a unilateral occipital lesion). If we reconsider the types of visual stimuli that the patient could perceive (whatever the nature of this perception), his visual capacities can be compared to those of destriated monkeys: bright flashes, moving objects, flickering lights are all stimuli for which such animals reestablish an ability to detect or to localize, whereas, at least during the first months of postoperative training, they remain quite insensitive to stationary stimuli (Humphrey and Weiskrantz, 1967). However, according to these experimental results, we might have expected that our patient would also recover optokinetic nystagmus, as did in fact occur in the case of Ter Brack et al.'s (1971) patient. Although we frequently observed a deviation of the gaze in the direction of the movement on the part of our patient, no nystagmus could be seen. In spite of the fact that we have no anatomical proof that the whole striate cortex has been affected by the lesion, the analogy with animal results together with the previous data in subjects with unilateral occipital lesions serve to support the view that such residual vision would be subsumed by extra-geniculostriate visual pathways. The superior colliculus and/or its ascending projections via the pulvinar on the secondary visual cortical areas (presumably left intact by the lesion) could thus be the structures responsible for this crude residual vision, as was argued in cases of unilateral occipital lesions. Transient functional changes such as those known the occur at the midbrain level following striate cortex ablation (Sprague, 1966) might well be one of the factors responsible for the delayed recovery. ABSTRACT A case of cortical blindness resulting from a dense ischemic lesion of both calcarine cortices (as seen on CAT Scan) was studied up till the seventh month after the initial stroke. By using mainly forced-choice procedures, similar to those previously used for testing hemianopic subjects, we were able to M. T. Perenin, f. Ruel and H. Hecaen 612 demonstrate the reappearance of some visual capacities, even though the patient still behaved as if completely blind in everyday life and the lesion remained as it was first seen. First, an ability to detect moving stimuli reappeared then bright flashes could be detected. At last, the patient could localize flickering spots approximately, by pointing with his hand, despite the fact that he did not really see them. As was hypothezised in cases of unilateral occipital lesions, such residual vision would likely to be sub served by extrageniculostriate pathways. REFERENCES BRINDLEY, G. S., GAUTIER-SMITH, P. c., and LEWIN, W. (1969) Cortical blindness and the functions of the non-geniculate fibres of the optic tracts, J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 32, 259-264. HUMPHREY, N. K., and WEISKRANTZ, L. (1967) Visioll in monkeys after removal of the striate cortex, Nature, 215, 595-597. PERENIN, M. T., and JEANNEROD, M. (1975) Residual vision in cortically blind hemifields, Neuropsychologia, 13, 1-7. -, - (1978) Visual function within the hemianopic field following early cerebral hemidecortication in man. I. Spatial localization, Neuropsychologia, 16, 1-13. POPPEL, E., HELD, R., and FROST, D. (1973) Residual visual fUllction after brain wounds involving the central visual pathways in man, Nature, 243, 295-296. SPRAGUE, J. M. (1966) Interaction of cortex and superior colliculus in mediation of visually guided behavior in the cat, Science, 153, 1544-1547. TER BRAAK, J. W. G., SCHENK, V. W. D., and VAN VLIET, A. G. M. (1971) Visual reactions in a case of long-lasting cortical blindness, J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 34, 140-147. WEISKRANTZ, L., WARRINGTON, E. K., SANDERS, M. D., and MARSHALL, J. (1974) Visual capacity in the hemianopicfieldfollowing a restricted occipital ablation, Brain, 97,709-728. M. T. Perenin, Laboratoire de Neuropsychologie Experimentale, INSERM U 94, 16 Avenue du Doyen Lepine 69500 Bron, France. r. Ruel, H. Hecaen, Unite de Recherches Neuropsychologiques et Neurolinguistiques INSERM, Unite 111, 21e , rue d'Alesia 75014 Paris, France.