HEMlPLEGlC ATROPHY: ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICALAND MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES Roberto P. Segura, MD, and Vinod Sahgal, MD Abstract: A patient with hemiplegic atrophy following stroke is described. Electrophysiological studies confirmed the absence of root or peripheral nerve involvement. Findings of severe muscle membrane dysfunction and the morphological evidence of lower motor neuron pathology point to a central nervous system process as the origin of the observed changes. MUSCLE 8 NERVE 4:24&248 lS8l The pathogenesis of hemiplegic muscle atrophy has been widely speculated. Electrophysiological data suggest muscle membrane dysfunction. We report here a detailed electrophysiological study of hemiparetic limbs following stroke, along with morphological substantiation of lower motor neuron involvement. CASE REPORT The patient, a 30-year-old right-handed woman, had a 13-year history of intermittent nausea, vom- From the Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago. IL. Acknowledgments: Or. Marshall Sparberg kindly allowed us to perform sequential electrodiagnostic testing on his patient. Address reprint requests to Dr. Segura at the Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Medical School, 320 East Superior, Chicago, IL 6061 1. Received for publication January 24, 1980; revised manuscript accepted for publication July 16, 1980 0148639X/0403/0246 $01.25/0 1981 John Wiley B Sons. Inc. 246 Hemiplegic Atrophy iting, diarrhea, and anorexia. A diagnosis t)f Crohn's disease was entertained but never confirmed by either repeated x-ray examinations or exploratory laparotomy. During a recent episode of nausea and vomiting, she entered the hospital to undergo a course of hyperalimentation via the right subclavian vein. Following the insertion of the subclavian line and during the subsequent days, she experienced occasional discomfort in the substernal area related to activity and lasting for periods ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. On her fifth day of hospitalization, she noted greater substernal distress along with severe pain, lightheadedness, perspiration, and dyspnea. Shortly thereafter, she developed severe pain in her left arm followed by transient confusion and tonic clonic movements of the left arm and leg. Neurological examination immediately after this episode disclosed a left spastic hemiparesis, in which the arm was affected more than the leg, mild left facial weakness of upper motoneuron type, left anosagnosia with neglect of the entire left side of her body, and a left visual field cut. Deep tendon reflexes were increased in that side, and a left extensor plantar response was present. Diagnostic studies revealed bilateral temporal slowing on electroencephalogram; a technetium brain scan showed a right frontoparietal uptake. The results of C T scan, 4-vessel cerebral angiography, blood analyses, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were unremarkable. A diagnosis was made of embolic infarction in the distribution of the right middle cerebral artery. Tests for collagen vascular disease, lupus, or porphyria, among other possible underlying causes, were negative. ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC STUDIES AND MUSCLE BIOPSY Electrophysiological studies were performed at 1, 2, 5, and 24 months following onset of the ictal episode. MUSCLE & NERVE May/Jun 1981 Figure 1 . Biopsy of the left vastus lateralis muscle (myosin ATfase) showing small angular fibers, fiber-type grouping, and grouped atrophy (pH 9.4). Magnification x250. Bar = 40 ~ y n . Motor conduction velocities of the left median and ulnar nerves (including conductions of distal segments and across the axilla, as well as F-wave latencies) and the peroneal and posterior tibia1 nerves, and sensory conduction velocities of the left sural, median, and ulnar nerves were normal on repeated testing. Distal and proximal muscles in the right arm and leg, as well as cervical and lumbar paraspinal muscles, revealed no electromyographic alterations. Electromyography revealed the following alterations in several representative muscles. (I) At 1 month, there was mild to moderate spontaneous activity at rest (positive sharp waves and fibrillations) and a slight increase of small polyphasic voluntary motor unit potentials (MUPs) in the left extensor digitorum brevis muscle; moderate to marked spontaneous activity and no voluntary MUPs in the left first dorsal interosseous muscle; and mild spontaneous activity with an increase in small polyphasic voluntary MUPs in the left biceps and vastus medialis muscles. (2) At 2 months, there was marked spontaneous activity at rest and no voluntary MUPs in the extensor digitorum brevis muscle; marked spontaneous activity and no voluntary MUPs in the first dorsal interosseous muscle; and moderate spontaneous activity with an increase in small polyphasic voluntary MUPs along with a reduction in Hemiplegic Atrophy number of motor units in the biceps and vastus medialis muscles. ( 3 ) At 5 months, there was no spontaneous activity at rest in any muscle sampled. There was an increase in large and polyphasic voluntary MUPs, with reduced number in the extensor digitorum brevis and first dorsal interosseous muscles, and a slight increase in large polyphasic voluntary MUPs, with slight reduction in number in the biceps and vastus medialis muscles. (4) At 24 months, there was no spontaneous activity at rest and an increase in large or slightly large voluntary MUPs, greater in distal muscles. Recruitment was normal or borderline. At this time, strength was back to normal in all muscles, except for mild weakness in the extensor muscles of the left hand and foot. Although no measurements of the limbs were carried out, there was visual evidence of atrophy in distal muscles, more noticeable by the 5th month. A return of bulk was noted at the time of our last examination. Deep tendon reflexes remained slightly increased in the left arm and leg. A biopsy of the left vastus lateralis muscle was obtained 4% months following onset of the illness (Fig. 1). Care was taken not to biopsy a previously needled area. N o injections had been given previously in that muscle. The specimen revealed extreme variation in fiber size. There were MUSCLE B NERVE May/Jun 1981 247 groups of very small atrophic fibers (less than 20pm in diameter), a moderate increase in internal nuclei, as well as some fiber splitting. Histochemical stains showed scattered angular fibers, fibertype grouping, grouped atrophy, and target fibers. These changes were compatible with a significant degree of neurogenic atrophy. DISCUSSION The patient described here showed unique electrophysiological alterations detected through serial studies performed after a stroke. These were more prominent during the first 2 months and slowly disappeared by the 24th month. The muscle biopsy at 4% months showed grouped atrophy, angular fibers, and target fibers, all considered to be pathognomonic of denervation. Fiber-type grouping suggested ongoing reinnervation. Clinical observations of atrophy in hemiplegic limbs in association with cerebral lesions have been reported .RJ6Morphological changes in the muscle have also been described following ~ e r e b r a l and ~.~ spinal cordlSlesions. Electrodiagnostic studies have revealed the presence of positive sharp waves and fibrillations in hemiplegic limbs 1 to 3 weeks following ~ t r o k e , ~ * ~although J ~ J ~ J ~no serial testing has been performed. These reports provided no data on motor unit alterations. Other observers have failed to detect such spontaneous discharges' or, if they did find such discharges, they considered them to be secondary to subclinical neuropathy or brachial plexopathy in the involved limbs.3 The absence of nerve conduction alterations in our patient speaks against brachial plexus or peripheral nerve dysfunction. Furthermore, the reduction in the neuropathic pattern and return to near normalcy in 24 months with normal nerve conduction velocities and F-wave latencies is unusual for a neuropathy. The muscle biopsy findings of grouped atrophy, angular fibers, and fiber-type groupings are again suggestive of a neurogenic process. In disuse atrophy, fiber-type grouping is not a feature, even though nonspecific variable degrees of atrophy have been reported e~perimentally.~ Hemiplegic patients who use neither their paretic nor their uninvolved limbs have been noted to have significantly more profound atrophy on the paretic side.13 Our electromyographic and pathologic findings suggest a neurogenic process. The question 248 Herniplegic Atrophy of the source of this neurogenic influence now arises. Normal nerve conduction velocities and F-wave latencies negate the role of anterior root and peripheral nerve. On the other hand, the alterations noted in the involved limbs suggest a neurotrophic influence being exerted directly from cerebral structures, thought to be precentra16 or ~arieta1.I~ More recent studies have suggested a transneuronal degeneration of spinal motoneurons following destructive lesions of descending motor pathways.12 REFERENCES 1. Alpert S , ldarraga S. 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