ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 9 by Springer-Verlag 1981 Acta Neurochimrgica 58, 121--126 (1981) 1 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute of Clinical Neurology and Department of Neurology, Lainz-Hospital, Vienna, and ~ Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Rudolfstiftung, Vienna, Austria Giant-Cell Glioblastoma of the Thoracic Cord By W. Grisold 1, G. Pernetzky 2, and K. Jellinger 1 With 3 Figures Summary A case of giant-cell glioblastoma occurring in the upper thoracic cord of a male aged 76 without evidence of intracranial lesion is reported. Partial tumour resection with decompression and radiotherapy did not improve the patient's neurological deficit. Keywords: Intramedullary tumour; giant-cell glioblastoma. M a l i g n a n t a s t r o c y t o m a s (grades I I I and IV)10, ~ arising in the spinal cord are rare 9, ~7-19. I n 1971 F o r t u n a and G i u f f r e 6 collected 22 cases f r o m the literature and a d d e d four personal observations. A m o n g the available case reports, o n l y t w o 16, 17 were classified as monstro-cellular glioblastoma. A f u r t h e r example o f p r i m a r y anaplastic glioma o f the thoracic cord w i t h the features o f giant-cell glioblastoma is described in the present report. Case Report Case History. This 76-year-old white male had been well until 9 months prior to hospital admission, when he noted slowly progressive weakness of the legs with hypaesthesia below the sternum. Neurological examination showed paraparesis of the legs and a sensory level at T 8. A myelogram revealed an incomplete block at T3 (Fig. 1), and subsequent laminectomy from T2 to 4 showed the spinal cord segments T 2-T 4 swollen by a bluish, ill-delimited intramedullary tumour, which was partly resected by microsurgery. 0001-6268/81/0058/0121/$ 01.20 122 W. Grisold et al.: Pathological Examination (N 275-80). All tumour specimens, altogether approximately 3ram in diameter, were embedded in paraffin, and stained by routine methods. Histologically, the highly cellular and pleomorphic turnout was mainly composed of large protoplasmic astrocytes with large numbers of giant and multinucleated cells (Fig. 2). Their eosinophilic cytoplasm showed coarse thick processes. The nuclei were huge with variable chromatin distribution, and there were occasional cytoplasmic invaginations or "intranuclear inclusions" Fig. I. Myelography showing incomplete block at T 3 (Fig. 3), while the number of mitotic figures was small. There were some small areas of necrosis and obvious vascular proliferation. No intact spinal cord tissue was seen. The diagnosis of giant-cell or monstrocellular glioblastoma grade IV was made and confirmed by the Brain Turnout Reference Centre of the German Association of Neuropathology. Clinical Course. Postoperatively the condition of the patient was not changed. He received irradiation by betatron (4950 cGy) over four weeks directed locally at the tumour site. Despite the decompression and radiotherapy the patient's symptoms progressed over the subsequent two months to the point where there was almost complete motor and sensory deficit below the T 8 spinal cord level. No control myelogram was performed, and spinal CT scan was not rewarding. No systemic chemotherapy was given. At the time of writing there is slight improvement in the patient's motor and sensory deficit, and there is no evidence of intracerebral lesion. Giant-Cell Glioblastoma of the Thoracic Cord 123 Discussion While glioblastoma multiforme accounts for more than 50 per cent of all primary intracranial gliomas 9, is, 10, it accounts for only 0.1 to 5.80/0 of all spinal cord tumours 9.11, 11, 18, 20, with an average of 1 to 2 per cent. In 1971 Fortuna and Giuffr6 6 estimated the total number of intramedullary glioblastomas at about 60, but the subject Fig. 2. Histology of intramedullary biopsy specimen showing monstrocellular glioblastoma with multinucleated giant cells and occasional mitoses. C. V. • 140 Fig. 3. Detail of tumour showing bizarre multinucleated giant celI with cytoplasmic invaginations. H. and E. • 540 is difficult to demarcate precisely because of the diversity of the nomenclature used for high grade gliomas. Some additional instances of intramedullary glioblastoma have been reported 13, 16. In a recent autopsy series of 288 glioblastomas among 1,491 CNS tumours there were 8 spinal medullary instances 19. Intramedullary glioblastoma occurs at any age and not rarely affects younger subjects 6; however, among 900 spinal tumours in infancy and childhood there were only 4 glioblastomas, or 0.50/0 11. They may affect all levels of the 124 W. Grisold et al.: cord with slight preference for the cervical and thoracic segments 6, 18 Their common clinical features are: a short history with occurrence of pronounced neurological symptoms frequently progressing to complete motor and sensory deficit, often markedly increased CSF protein, negative plain X-rays of the spine but positive myelography, and a poor prognosis, irrespective of the extent of surgical removal and attempts at radiation and chemotherapy ~, 16 The histological appearance of intramedullary glioblastoma corresponds to that of the glioblastoma described in the cerebral hemispheres, but the monstrocellular variant appears to be rare in the spinal cord. Recent ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies have supported the astrocytic origin of this type of tumour a, 7, which should be called a giant-cell glioblastoma. The irregular and most grotesque multinucleated giant cells, which were shown to have a slow rate of proliferation 8, may occur spontaneously or as a result of some degeneration showing less GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) than well differentiated glial cells, suggesting an inverse relationship between GFAP content and the degree of malignancy a The morphogenesis of intramedullary glioblastoma is unknown. While dissemination from primary intracranial glioblastoma 23 can be excluded in most reported cases of intramedullary glioblastoma, it has also been argued that it may represent a spinal manifestation of multifocal gliomas ~. The overall incidence of multifocal glioblastoma ranges from 2.5 to 6 per cent 9, 18, and their occurrence in both the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres is well established 9, is, 21. Multiple gliomas have been observed in neurofibromatosis 12. Some intramedullary glioblastomas, mainly in children, were associated with other intraspinal tumours 6 or with intramedullary cavities, syringomyelia, and other malformations of the spine and cord 2, ~, 22. While invasion of the meninges and dissemination into the cerebral CSF pathways is rarely seen in isomorphic gliomas of the spinal cord ~, 14, 15, 20, 24, intramedullary glioblastoma, like its cerebral counterpart, often spreads into the CSF pathways with occasional intracranial seeding 1, 4, 6, is, 20 In our patient, there was no evidence of intracranial lesion at the time of writing. While recent results of multimodality treatment of malignant cerebral gliomas give some encouraging results, the prognosis of intramedullary glioblastoma is extremely poor, and apparently very little experience of the effects of irradiation and chemotherapy of these neoplasms is available. Acknowledgement Revision of the histological slides by the Brain Turnout Reference Center of the German Association of Neuropathology (Prof. Dr. P. Kleihues, Freiburg/B., Federal Republic of Germany) is acknowledged. Giant-Cell Glioblastoma of the Thoracic Cord 125 References 1. Andrews, A. A., Enriques, L., Renaudin, J., Tomiyasu, U., Spinal intramedullary glioblastoma with intracranial seeding. Neurology (Minneap.) 35 (1978), 244--245. 2. Bergonzi, M., Angio-reticulo-glioma esteso a tutto il midollo con siringomielia. Arch. Ital. Istol. Pat. 1 (1930), 759. 3. Duffy, P. E., Huang, Y.-Y., Rapport, M. M., Graf, L., Glial fibrillary acidic protein in giant cell tumors of brain and other gliomas. Acta neuropath. (Berl.) 52 (1980), 51--57. 4. Eden, K. C., Dissemination of a glioma of the spinal cord in the leptomeninges. Brain 61 (1938), 298--310. 5. Fisher, O., Uber ein selten m~ichtig entwickeltes Glioma sarcomatodes des Riickenmarks. Z. Hlk. Abt. path. Anat. 22 (1901), 344--352. 6. 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Authors' address: Prof. Dr. K. Jellinger, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut fiir Klinische Neurobiologie, Lainz Hospital, Wolkersbergenstrasse 1, A-1130 Wien, Austria.