How the Brain Integrates Affective and Propositional Language Into a Unified Behavioral Function Hypothesis Based on Clinicoanatomic Evidence Elliott D. Ross, MD; John H. Harney, MD; Christine deLacoste-Utamsing, MPhil; Phillip D. Purdy, MD \s=b\ Recent publications suggest that the right hemisphere dominates in modulating the affective components of language. Disorders of language from right-sided focal brain lesions have been called "aprosodias" and can be classified in a manner similar to the aphasias. We describe a patient with motor aprosodia who subsequently died and underwent neuropathologic examination. From the neuropathologic findings and recent observations concerning the neurology of depression, we hypothesize that the motor integration of propositional and affective language takes place in the brainstem, whereas their higher-order integration takes place via the callosal connections between Wernicke's area on the left and its homologue on the right. Direct application of these functional and anatomic relations can help clinicians to properly interpret the often incongruous and disparate behavioral and language responses encountered in brain-damaged patients. (Arch Neurol 1981;38:745-748) Accepted for publication April 6, 1981. From the Departments of Neurology (Drs Ross, Harney, and Purdy, and Ms deLacoste\x=req-\ Utamsing) and Psychiatry (Dr Ross), University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas; and the Department of Anthropology (Ms deLacoste\x=req-\ Utamsing), Columbia University, New York. Reprint requests to Department of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235 (Dr Ross). IX/Totor aprosodia is a disorder of affective language consequent to right frontoparietal opercular dam¬ age.' It is characterized by monotone speech, poor ability to repeat sen¬ tences with prosodie-affective varia¬ tion, and excellent comprehension of the affective components of speech and gesturing; propositional lan¬ guage, a dominant function of the left hemisphere,- is intact. The syndrome is one of six recently described disor¬ ders of language called the "aproso¬ dias,"1 secondary to focal lesions of the right hemisphere, which provides further evidence to support the hypo¬ thesis that the right hemisphere is dominant for modulating the affec¬ tive components of language.ln This dominant language contribution by the right hemisphere seems to be ana¬ tomically and functionally organized along the lines of propositional lan¬ guage in the left hemisphere.1 De¬ pending on the specific combination of affective language disturbances, the disorders of affective language appear to be classifiable in a manner similar to the aphasias. Six varieties of aprosodia, motor, sensory, global, transcortical motor, transcortical sen¬ sory, and mixed, have been described and correlated to lesions observed on computed tomography (CT).' In this report, we describe a patient with motor aprosodia who subse- quently died and underwent neuropa¬ thologic examination. Although his lesion proved to be in an unusual location when compared with those of previously described patients with motor aprosodia,' the functional-ana¬ tomic correlations in this patient, in conjunction with recent observations concerning the neurology of depres¬ sion," provide insights into how the brain anatomically integrates the propositional and affective components of language into a unified behavioral function. REPORT OF A CASE Clinical Examination A 47-year-old, right-handed man was transferred to the neurology service at the Dallas Veterans Administration Hospital on Aug 30, 1980, after suffering a sudden left hemiplegia with dysarthria ten days prior to transfer. His medical history was significant only for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertension, con¬ trolled by appropriate medication. There was no history consistent with a previous stroke, transient ischemie attack, or focal neurologic deficit. Examination on admission disclosed a moderately obese man who was alert, attentive, and fully cooperative. Results of his physical examination were normal. Immediate recall, recent and remote mem¬ ory, similarities, proverb interpretation, and judgment were intact. He had a flat¬ tened affect but denied depression. There Downloaded From: by a DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY-DAL-11762 User on 06/20/2015 Fig 1 .—Computed tomographic scan sections of patient. Arrows point to infarctions. was implicit denial of his left hemiplegia in that he was aware of his deficit but thought unrealistically that he would have full recovery in a few days. He was mildly dysarthric but not aphasie. Propositional speech, comprehension, repetition, object naming, writing, and reading were com¬ pletely normal. He had no difficulty with finger recognition, right-left orientation, or calculations. Constructions were good with no evidence of neglect. Cranial nerve examination demon¬ strated full visual fields and normal fundi. Bilateral simultaneous visual or auditory stimuli were perceived normally. There was moderate left-sided facial weakness but no other deficits in cranial nerve func¬ tions. Specifically, there was no evidence for pseudobulbar palsy or dysphagia on examination; he could protrude and wiggle his tongue and elevate his palate on request without difficulty. He had a dense left hemiplegia with hyperreflexia and a left-sided Babinski's sign. Results of somatosensory examination were entirely nor¬ mal, including graphesthesia, two-point discrimination, stereognosis, and bilateral simultaneous stimulation. Evaluation of Affective Components of Language Spontaneous Prosody and Gesturing.—His voice was flat and monotone, lacking the alterations in intonation, pitch, and rhythm that normally color speech with emotions. There was no discernible differ¬ ence in his voice when discussing his sad¬ ness over his illness, his prolonged absence from his family, or his excitement and anticipation about his upcoming weekend pass. There was a marked paucity of spon¬ taneous gesturing and facial animation, which caused the patient to have a flat affect. Repetition.—This was markedly impaired. For instance, when Prosodie-Affective asked to mimic a statement void of emo¬ tional words in an angry, tearful, indiffer¬ ent, or happy voice, the patient was totally unable to repeat the sentence with affec¬ tive intonation. The only prosodie variation he displayed was minimal lowering or rais¬ ing of the loudness of his voice at the end of a sentence. Prosodie-Affective Comprehension.—His Fig 2—Drawings of coronal brain slices involved by infarctions. Black areas indicate complete necrosis; hatched areas, demyelination without necrosis. Rostral-caudal sequence is indicated by numbers under each drawing. prosodie comprehension, however, was completely normal. He was easily able to identify various affective tones, including surprise, anger, disinterest, sadness, or ela¬ tion, when incorporated into declarative statements that were void of emotional words. Comprehension of Emotional Gesturing.— This was also intact. The patient could identify all the aforementioned emotional tones by name when they were expressed as a pantomime involving face and limbs. Results of routine laboratory studies, including a lumbar puncture and EEG, were normal. Computed tomography done on Sept 10, 1980, showed an area of low absorption in the deep portion of the coro¬ na radiata and rostral internal capsule on the right and a small round lucency in the left mid-internal capsule that were consis¬ tent with vascular infarctions (Fig 1). During hospitalization, repeated testing of affective language revealed a persistent motor aprosodia with no notable change from the initial examination. On Sept 23, 1980, the patient sustained a massive pulmonary embolism that precipitated a cardiopulmonary arrest; he could not be resucita ted. METHODS The brain was removed at autopsy and placed in a 4% formaldehyde solution. Four weeks later the leptomeninges were removed and the brain embedded in a gelatin mixture under negative followed by positive pressure (deLacoste-Utamsing Downloaded From: by a DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY-DAL-11762 User on 06/20/2015 "silent" since there were no rightsided or pseudobulbar findings by examination or symptoms consistent with a previous stroke by history. Therefore, for discussion purposes the left-sided lesion will be ignored although it is conceivable that it could have contributed to the patient's syn¬ drome even though the patient's fami¬ ly agreed that his change in voice ("no life in it") was a direct consequence of the left hemiplegia. COMMENT Fig 3.—Horizontal reconstruction display¬ ing the extent of involvement in right and left internal capsules by infarctions. et al, unpublished technique). After the gelatin was hardened in a 4% formalde¬ hyde solution for two days, the brain was coronally sectioned at 5-mm intervals on a rotary sheer. The gelatin surrounding each slice was gently removed. The slices were then stained with a trichrome staining procedure (deLacoste-Utamsing et al, un¬ published technique). Appropriate sections were also taken for routine histopathologic examination, using hemotoxylin-eosin and Loyez (myelin) stains, which confirmed that the lesions were ischemie infarctions and that their distributions were accurate¬ ly reflected by the trichrome staining pro¬ cedure. The stained brain slices were then photographed and the slides back projected onto a glass table. Each brain slice involved by the infarctions was outlined on polyes¬ ter film tracing paper (Fig 2) so that the extent of the lesions could be accurately reconstructed (Fig 3). RESULTS The right-sided infarction involved the posterior two thirds of the anteri¬ or limb, the entire genu, and the ante¬ rior third of the posterior limb of the rostral internal capsule (Fig 3). The left-sided lesion was much smaller, partially cystic, and at least two months older than the right-sided lesion by pathologic examination. It involved only the midcentral portion of the rostral genu of the internal capsule (Fig 3). Both lesions were con¬ fined to the white matter and located within the internal capsule below the corticocortical transcallosal connec¬ tions. In terms of clinicopathologic correlations, the right-sided lesion effectively destroyed almost the en¬ tire motor output of the right hemi¬ sphere with sparing of the sensory radiations,7 which correlated well with the patient's severe and persistent pure motor (left) hemiplegia. The leftsided lesion was small and clinically If we accept the hypothesis that the left hemisphere is dominant for modu¬ lating the propositional components of language and the right hemisphere is dominant for modulating the affec¬ tive components of language,1 ·* then an important issue to resolve is how the brain anatomically integrates these two parallel and distinct lan¬ guage functions. Our case would indicate that the actual motor integration of the lan¬ guage outputs from each hemisphere takes place in a subcortical site, below the level of the deep telencephalic nuclei. Were the motor integration of affective and propositional language transcallosal, our patient should not have manifested a motor aprosodia as his right-sided lesion was entirely con¬ fined to the internal capsule and did not involve the transcallosal connec¬ tions. In keeping with current knowl¬ edge concerning the organization and termination of the pyramidal and nonpyramidal motor systems,8" the patient's right-sided lesion essentially prevented the entire upper motor neu¬ ron output of the right hemisphere from innervating the right and left medial and lateral reticular formation and the right and left motor nuclear groups in the brainstem. Thus, the motor integration of the propositional and affective components of language appears to take place in the brainstem, in the aforementioned areas. There is evidence, however, that a "higher" order integration takes place between the hemispheres, via the cor¬ pus callosum, so that the propositional and affective components are correct¬ ly matched prior to their motor inte¬ gration in the brainstem. Gazzaniga and Sperry'" published a study con¬ cerning language capacities in pa¬ tients undergoing transection of the cerebral commissures. No significant changes in personality or language behavior were observed. However, they did report that one patient would occasionally display mismatching of emotional behavior to the proposition¬ al content of her conversations during the first two postoperative weeks, thus suggesting that commissural mechanisms do, in fact, exist for uni¬ fying propositional and affective lan¬ guage at cortical levels. For instance, when conversing in a normal manner, the patient would suddenly become sad and be on the verge of tears for "no apparent reason." This dissocia¬ tive type of behavior, where the pros¬ odie-affective components of lan¬ guage are mismatched to proposition¬ al content, has also been observed in patients with right-sided brain dam¬ age who have sensory and transcortical sensory forms of aprosodia.1 In a publication dealing with the neurology of depression, Ross and Rush6 provide evidence that the syn¬ thesis of an appropriate verbal-cogni¬ tive set—which depends on the propo¬ sitional language areas in the left hemisphere to accurately reflect a patient's inner affective state (mood), which in turn is apparently generated by the right hemisphere—requires the posterior-superior temporoposteriorinferior parietal lobes on the right, Wernicke's area on the left, and the callosal connections between both ar¬ eas to be intact. (The previously men¬ tioned area in the right hemisphere seems to have homologous functions to Wernicke's area as lesions involv¬ ing this region produce comprehen¬ sion deficits for the affective compo¬ nents of language.') Thus, whereas proper matching of the affective and propositional components of language appears to be the result of transcallo¬ sal interactions between the "senso¬ ry" language areas in each hemi¬ sphere, the actual motor integration of these components of language appears to be accomplished subcortically, in the brainstem. Knowledge of the different levels and proposed anatomic pathways for the integration of affective and propositional language is useful to both neurologists and psychiatrists so that when they deal with brain-damaged patients they can properly interpret the patient's affective and proposi¬ tional language responses since brain lesions may dissociate these functions, causing disparate, confusing, and of¬ ten incongruous behaviors.1 A direct clinical application of the issues dis¬ cussed here can be found in an article by Ross and Rush" in which the vexing problems of diagnosing depression in brain-damaged patients are ad¬ dressed. For instance, a patient with motor aprosodia may be improperly diagnosed as being depressed because of the flat character of his speech and behavior; conversely, if he becomes Downloaded From: by a DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY-DAL-11762 User on 06/20/2015 depressed, the clinician may overlook his propositional language statements concerning dysphoria and suicide since they will be delivered without affective intonation. Some patients with large right-hemisphere lesions may verbally deny all signs and symp¬ toms of depression, including vegeta¬ tive symptoms, and yet be severely depressed as evidenced by the pre¬ sence of vegetative signs, irritability, psychomotor retardation, and a posi¬ tive dexamethasone suppression test, all of which respond to treatment with tricyclic antidepressants. The recent book by Gazzaniga and LeDoux" should also be consulted for further elucidation of these particular issues in split-brain patients. A final note concerns the anatomic localization of motor aprosodia. As indicated in the introduction, pre¬ viously described patients with motor aprosodia have had right frontoparietal opercular damage,' whereas our patient's infarction was confined to the internal capsule, destroying al¬ most the entire motor output of the right hemisphere. Although the in¬ farction was subcortical, the cell bod¬ ies of the destroyed motor axons resided in cortex; thus, functionally, the lesion can be considered as having "cortical" component. Whether a there are differences between motor aprosodias resulting from frontoparietal opercular damage, which also entails disruption of callosal and intrahemispheric connections, and motor aprosodias resulting from deep subcortical lesions that spare callosal and intrahemispheric connections cannot be answered at this time. Recent evidence in patients who have aphasia with preserved comprehen¬ sion from left capsular-putaminal damage, however, has shown that their speech output is grammatically correct although produced with a severe and painfully slow dysarthria.1This is in contrast to patients with Broca's aphasia secondary to left frontoparietal opercular damage, whose speech output is nonfluent and agrammatical. Whether similar differences will hold true for motor aprosodias from opercular vs diencephalic lesions remains to be determined. Loralu Raburn, MD, helped to obtain autopsy permission; Howard Feit, MD, PhD, and Ste¬ phanie Ross, MS, provided valuable criticisms of the manuscript; and Denise Wernet provided secretarial assistance. References 1. Ross ED: The aprosodias: Functional-ana\x=req-\ tomic organization of the affective components of language in the right hemisphere. Arch Neu- rol, 1981;38:561-569. 2. Benson DF: Aphasia, Alexia, and Agraphia. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1979. 3. Heilman KM, Scholes R, Watson RT: Auditory affective agnosia: Disturbed comprehension of affective speech. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychia- try 1975;38:69-72. 4. Tucker DM, Watson RT, Heilman KM: Discrimination and evocation of affectively intoned speech in patients with right parietal disease. Neurology 1977;27:947-950. 5. Ross ED, Mesulam M-M: Dominant Ian- guage functions of the right hemisphere? Proso- dy and emotional gesturing. Arch Neurol 1979;36:144-148. 6. Ross ED, Rush AJ: Diagnostic issues and neuroanatomical correlates of depression in brain-damaged patients: Implications for a neurology of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, to be published. 7. Carpenter MD: Human Neuroanatomy. New York, Williams & Wilkins Co, 1976, pp 462-465. 8. Kuypers HGJM: Corticobulbar connections to the pons and lower brainstem in man. Brain 1958;81:364-388. 9. Kuypers HGJM: The anatomical organiza- tion of the descending pathways and their contributions to motor control especially in primates, in Desmedt JE (ed): New Developments in EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology. New York, S Karger AG, 1973, vol 3, pp 38-68. 10. Gazzaniga MS, Sperry RW: Language after section of the cerebral commissures. Brain 1967;90:131-148. 11. Gazzaniga MS, LeDoux JE: The Integrated Mind. New York, Plenum Press, 1978. 12. Naeser MA, Alexander MP, Helm-Esta\x=req-\ brooks N, et al: Aphasia with predominantly subcortical lesion sites: Description of three capsular/ putaminal aphasia syndromes. Arch Neurol, to be published. Increase in Price for Color Reproduction and Printing.—After 18 years of asking the author to contribute $275 per page toward the cost of color reproduction and printing, the AMA finds it necessary to increase this sum to $400. This covers the author's share of the cost for up to six square-finished illustrations that can be arranged on a one-page layout. Any additional illustrations or special effects will be billed to the author at cost. This increase in the author's share for color reproduction and printing will be effective on manuscripts accepted after Dec 1,1981. Previous commitments based on the old rate will still be honored. Downloaded From: by a DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY-DAL-11762 User on 06/20/2015