SEVERE, DISABLING NEUROLOGIC TOXICITY FOLLOWING CISPLATIN RETREATMENT Gerald M. Riga, Tamara C. Wise, and Edward B. Crowell OBJECTIVE: To describe a severe neurotoxic reaction following the second cycle of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. CASE SUMMARY: A patient with unresectable non-small-cell lung cancer was treated with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Thirty-six hours after the second course of chemotherapy, the patient developed severe mental status changes consisting of aphasia, confusion, and agitation. Complete neurologic workup was most consistent with an acute vascular event. DISCUSSION: Reports of acute cisplatin-induced neurologic toxicity involving the central nervous system are rare. Potential risk factors are described. Mechanisms of chemotherapy-induced vascular damage are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Total dosage and administration schedule of cisplatin are associated with an increased incidence of neuropathy. However, factors predicting the development of early, acute neurotoxicity are limited by the rarity of these events. It is probable that acute neurotoxic reactions in cancer patients are caused by an unknown complex of interactions involving drugs, tumor, and host factors. Ann Pharmacother 1995;29:134-7. THE SUCCESS OF A NUMBER of chemotherapy regimens for genu-cell tumors, ovarian cancer, small-cell lung carcinoma, and osteosarcoma can be attributed, in part, to cisplatin. Hence, the drug's broad spectrum of antitumor activity is now better used. Precautions and improved supportive therapy with vigorous intravenous hydration and antiemetics can ameliorate cisplatin's potentially severe, doselimiting renal and gastrointestinal toxicity.'> Presently, polyneuropathy is another treatment-limiting adverse effect of cisplatin.r" Sensory neuropathy has developed in more than half of the patients treated with this agent, depending on the dose and method of administration.s" Cisplatin neuropathy is a cumulative, dose-related phenomenon, with patients usually becoming symptomatic after receiving more than 300 mg/m'.' However, there is a broad range of doses (100-600 mg/m') in which neurotoxic effects have occurred." Rare instances of encephalopathy, cranial neuropathy, seizures, and cerebrovascular accidents have been described following intravenous or intracarotid cisplatin.P" These reported cases lacked other significant risk factors Gerald M. Hlga, PharmD,Assistant Professor,Clinical Pharmacyand Oncology, Schoolof Pharmacyand the Mary Babb Randolph CancerCenter, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV Tamara C. Wise, PA-C,Physician's Assistant, Sectionof Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine Edward B.Crowell,MD,Associate Professor of Medicine. Section of HematologyOncology,Department of Medicine Reprints: Gerald M. Higa, PharmD, School of Pharmacy. P.O. Box 9520, West Virginia University, Morgantown. WV26506,FAX 304/293·5483 for neurologic toxicity, with the exception of a few patients with brain tumors. We describe a patient who developed a severe, debilitating central nervous system toxicity following a second course of cisplatin therapy. CASE REPORT An unresectableadenocarcinomaof the lung was diagnosed in a 40-year-old woman in January 1994. Except for left hilar and mediastinal adenopathy, there were no other focal areas of metastaticdisease. Plain film X-rays revealedfindings consistentwith her history of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Computed tomography (CT) of the head was normal. Her neurologicexamination also was completely normal before she began combined modality therapy in early February with cisplatin(80 m~m2 iv over 2 h x 1 dose, withoutmannitol),etoposide(80 mg/m /d iv over 2 h x 3 doses), and concomitant radiation to the chest. Approximately 10 days later, her husband reported that the patient began experiencing intermittentepisodes of confusion and partial loss of motor coordination involvingher hands and legs. The patient was admitted to the hospital on February 28 for a second cycle of chemotherapy. cr scan of the head on the day of admission showed several small lesions bilaterally in the parietal-occipital Iobes; these were assessed by the radiologistsand neurosurgeons to be atypical of metastases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MR1) of the head performed on March 2 showed focal areas of increased signal intensity; this was suggestive of either an embolicvascularaccidentor vasculitis,althoughmetastasesor infectioncould not be excluded (Figure IA). Chemotherapywas completed on March 2 without complications. A lumbar puncture was ordered prior to discharge, but could not be performed. The patient was clinically stable on discharge and had a return visit scheduledin I week. Approximately 36 hoursafterthe cisplatin infusion, the patient's husband found her to be verballyunresponsive, confused,and agitated.The patient was broughtto the emergencydepartmentand admitted. Initial examination revealed a disorganized and combativemiddle-aged woman.HerT was 37.5'C, HR 120beats/min, RR 20 breaths/min, and BP 140/80 mm Hg. Physical examination revealedocular movement that did not progress past midline to the left; there was no nystagmus. The left eye was negativefor papilledema; fundoscopy could not be performed on the right eye. Cardiac examination was normal. The lungs were clear to auscultation except for decreasedbreath sounds at the left base. On neurologic examination, the patient was disoriented to time, place, and person, althoughexpressiveaphasia was present. Her lack of cooperationmade assessment of motor functiondifficult. Sensory examinationfor pain remained intact. Deep tendon reflexes were 3+ and symmetric. Ankle and patellar clonus was present.Plantar response was upgoingbilaterally. The white blood cell count was 11.4 x 109fL with polymorphonuclear cells 0.95 fraction of 1.00. The platelet count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were 73 x lO"fL, 120 gIL, and 0.36 fraction of 1.00, respectively. Except for a creatinine of 14/ umol/L, electrolyte concentrations were normal. Laboratory evaluation also revealed negative findings for both antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor, an erythrocyte sedimentation 134 • The Annals of Pharmacotherapy • 1995 February, Volume 29 Case Reports rate of 23 mm/h, fibrinogen of 2.2 gIL (normal 2.0-4.0), which decreased to 1.2gILa week later,and a prothrombin timeof 14s, whichpeakedat 16.5s 5 days later. A transesophageal echocardiogramshowed no vegetation on the aortic or mitral valves. A repeat MRI scan on March 4 indicated development of bilateral cortical areas with increased signals involving predominantly gray matter(Figure IB). A cerebral arteriogram demonstrated changes in the right midcerebral artery consistentwith arteritis,althoughembolic phenomenacould not be excluded. Electroencephalogram was normal.A lumbarpuncture revealed normal opening and closing pressure. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed glucose of 4.7 rnmol/L, proteincontentof 0.39 gIL,many red blood cells (consistent with a traumatic tap), and 2 whiteblood cells.Cultureof the CSF was negativefor bacteriaand fungi. A microporemembraneanalysis was negativefor malignantcells. Empiricantibiotic therapy was startedto treata possible meningeal infection. A loading dose of phenytoin, with daily doses to maintain a therapeutic concentration, and dexamethasone 16mg/d were also initiated. After reviewing the results of the patient's studies, neurology consultants believed the patient's condition was the result of an embolic process, although vasculitis could not be completely ruled out. The patient's condition improved slowly but steadily. By hospitalday 7 she had become more orientedand less agitated. However, the patient was still unableto verbalize simplesentences. By hospitalday 10 the patient was ambulating under the guidanceof a physical therapist. Phenytoin was discontinued on day 12. Repeat MRI scan on March 14 showed changes commonly observed in patients with evolvingischemic lesions(Figure IC). The patient was hospitalized for 14 days. Although she became oriented, her verbal communication was characterized by perseveration and receptive aphasia. Laboratory results of electrolyte concentration analysesremainednormal. Dexamethasone was taperedand discontinued, and the patientwas transferred to a rehabilitation hospital for continuing supportive and restorative care. Six months after the development of multiple cerebral infarcts,the patientdied, neverfully recovering her abilityto speak, eat, or walk. Discussion The patient described in this report developed a sudden, profound, and progressively debilitating neurotoxic reaction that was temporally related to her second course of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. In view of a negative head CT preceding the patient's initial course of chemotherapy and the atypical cerebral processes found just prior to the second cycle of therapy, it is unlikely that the early signs of labile confusion and mild motor disturbances in the patient can be attributed to brain metastases. In addition, the aggregate findings of the MRI scans, angiogram, and echocardiogram support a vascular rather than metastatic etiology. Radiographic findings suggestive of embolic infarcts and laboratory parameters indicating disseminated intravascular coagulopathy cannot rule out the possibility that this complication resulted from a thromboembolic process. However, bleeding was not evident either peripherally or centrally. Figure I. Magnetic resonance images of the head. (A) Focal abnormal areas of signal alteration involving both parietal-occipital lobes, (B) MUltiplenew large areas of signal alteration along the sulci involving the posterior left temporoparietal lobe and right posterior frontoparietal lobe. (C) The gyriform distribution of small amounts of blood on the brain surface or in the surface cortex strongly suggest an evolving ischemic lesion. TheAnnals of Pharmacotherapy • 1995 February. Volume 29 • 135 Although vasculitis, nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis, and consumptive coagulopathy contribute to cerebrovascular complications in patients with cancer, anticancer agents also have been implicated.t-" A number of possible mechanisms may contribute to the vascular toxicity of cisplatin. Vascular damage from antineoplastic agents has been shown to cause endothelial retraction and increased platelet adhesion.l-" Elevated von Willebrand factor antigen (which was not measured in our patient) also has been found in patients developing acute vascular events. 18 Others have suggested that tumor cell lysis results in a release of proteins that may disrupt the clotting system. t9 Acute cerebrovascular accidents occurring after cisplatin therapy are uncommon. However, it is likely that the development of such events in patients with cancer is the result of a complex interaction of drug, tumor, and host factors. Neurotoxic reactions associated with etoposide are rare and difficult to assess because many studies use etoposide in combination with other agents, including cisplatin.20,21 It is therefore postulated that cisplatin was the responsible factor because of the temporal relationship between its administration and the neurotoxic complication and the absence of other deftnitive causes. Dose-dependent peripheral neuropathy, generally seen after 300 mg/rn-, is one treatment-limiting toxicity of cisplatin." However, acute central neuropathy, presumably vascular in origin, also has occurred at much lower doses even in the absence of hyperosmolar mannitol which can modify the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. l o-13 In contrast to the patient described herein, it is unclear from previous reports whether the patients had signs or symptoms of mild neurotoxicity prior to cisplatin administration. In these earlier reported cases, central neurotoxic reactions also could have been attributed to fluid overload, electrolyte disturbances, or intracarotid administration of cisplatin, none of which were associated with our patient. J().13 Cisplatin-based chemotherapy has had a dramatic impact on the prognosis of patients with germ-cell and ovarian carcinomas. Nevertheless, rare and often severe central neurotoxic reactions can limit further administration of cisplatin. Summary Radiologic tests are invaluable diagnostic tools; however, even the most sophisticated procedures contain flaws. It is important to note that clinically overt cisplatin neurotoxicity could masquerade initially as mild central nervous system abnormalities. Clinical signs of difficulty with ftne motor coordination, diminished (or loss of) vibratory sensation, or confusion may be indicators of impending, severe central neurotoxic reactions. 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EXTRACfO OBJETIVO: Describir un caso clinico de un paciente con cancer que desarrollo una reacci6n neurot6xica severa luego de haber recibir un segundo ciclo de quimioterapia con cisplatino. Se revisa la literatura medica y se examinan aquellos factores que pueden predisponer a un paciente a desarrollar este tipo de toxicidad temprano en el tratamiento. RESUMEN DEL CASO: Un paciente con un rumor de pulm6n no resectable fue tratado con una combinaci6n de quimioterapia y radioterapia. Treinta y seis horas luego de haber recibido un segundo curso de quimioterapia, el paciente experiment6 cambios mentales severos tales como afasia, confusi6n mental, y agitaci6n. Un examen neurologfco extenso determino que el paciente habia experimontado un evento vascular agudo. The Annals cfPharmacotherapy • 1995 February, Volume 29 Case Reports DISCUSION: La cantidadde reportesque describenla toxicidad neurologica causada por cisplatinoson escasos. Los factoresque predisponena un pacientea desarrollaresta toxicidadson discutidosen este articulo. EI mecanismopor el que ocurre el dariovascularinducido por quimioterapia tambienson discutidos. CONCLUSIONES: La dosis total y el horariode administracion del cisplatinoestan asociadoscon una incidenciaaumento de neurotoxicida. Sin embargo aquellosfactoresque predicenel desarrollotempranode esta neurotoxicidad agunda no estan claramentedeterminados debido a la baja incidenciade esta reacci6n. Se posibleque estas reacciones neurot6xicas agundasen pacientescon canceresten causadas por unas interacciones complejasdesconocidas que envuelvenel tumor, los farmacos, y los factoresde defansadel inmunologica del paciente. MAGALY RODRiGUEZ DE Bl1TNER OB.JECTIF: Decrire une reactionde neurotoxicite severe chez un patient ayant recu un second cycle de chirniotherapie incluantIe cisplatine. Reviser la litterature et identifierles facteurspredisposantun patient a cette toxiciteprecoce. REsuME: Un patient atteintd'un cancer du poumon inoperable recoit un traitementcombine de chimio et de radiotherapie, Trente-six heures apres Ie deuxieme cycle de chimiotherapie, Iepatient presenteune modification severe de son etat mental incluantde l'aphasie, de la confusion,et de l'agitation. Un examen neurologique completest compatibleavec un problemevasculaire aigu. DISCUSSION: Les cas rapportesde toxiciteneurologique induite par Ie cisplatine, impliquantIe systeme nerveuxcentral,sont rares. Des facteursde risquespotentiels sont decrits. Les rnecanismes impliques dans I'inductionde dommagesvasculaires par les agents chimiotherapeutiques sont discutes, CONCLUSIONS: La dose totaleet l'horaire d'administrationsont des facteursassociesaux phenomenes de neuropathie. Toutefoisla rarete des cas de neurotoxicite aigue rapportesdans la litterature permet difficilement d' identifierles facteurspredisposants, II est probableque les reactionsneurotoxiques aigues chez les patientscancereuxsont dus a des interactions inconnuescomplexesimpliquantles medicaments, la tumeur,et Ie patient. CLAUDE MAILHOT TheAnnals ofPharmacotherapy • 1995 February, Volume 29 • 137