Acta Neuropathol (1994) 88:106-111 9 Springer-Verlag 1994 E Gray 9 E Chrrtien 9 E Cesaro 9 J. Chatelain R B e a u d r y 9 J.L. Laplanche 9 J. Mikol 9 J. Bell E Gambetti 9 J.D. Degos Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy Received: 23 December 1993 / Revised, accepted: 11 February 1994 Abstract A n 83-year-old female with no personal or familial neurological history developed progressive gait and speech disturbance and left m o t o r deficit. She suffered intractable seizures and died 3 months after the onset of neurological signs. Neuropathology showed severe spongiosis and gliosis in the cortex and basal ganglia, and diffuse cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Immunostaining for prion protein (PrP) showed intense PrP positivity in areas of confluent spongiosis and some granular staining in astrocytes. T h e cortical vessel walls stained positively for ~/A4 amyloid but not for PrP amyloid. B o t h types of amyloid were only observed in pericapillary parenchyma, in areas with severe spongio- Supported by a Concerted Action of the European community This case was the subject of a preliminary presentation at the eighty-seventh meeting of the British Neuropathological Society [17] E Gray (P:~I) DEpartement de Pathologie (Neuropathologie), H6pital Henri Mondor, F-94010 Crrteil cedex, France E Gray 9E Chrrtien Laboratoire d'Anatomie Pathologique (Neuropathologie), H6pital Raymond Poincarr, Garches, Facult6 de Mrdecine Paris-Ouest, France E Gray 9P. Cesaro 9J.D. Degos D6partement de Neurosciences Mrdicales, Facult6 de Mrdecine de Crrteil, Universit6 Paris-Val de Marne, France J. Chatelain 9P. Beaudry 9J.L. Laplanche Service de Biochimie et de Neurobiologie, Hrpital Saint Louis, Paris, France J. Mikol Service Central d'Anatomie et de Cytologie Pathologiques, Hrpital Lariboisibre, Facult6 de M6decine Paris VII, France J. Bell Neuropathology Laboratory, Western General Hospital, The University of Edinburgh, UK P. Gambetti Division of Neuropathology, Institute of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA sis. T h e r e were only a few tangles and neuritic plaques in the temporal cortex; amyloid plaques were not present either by silver stains or immunostains. T h e r e was neither arteriopathic leukoencephalopathy nor cerebral hemorrhage. I m m u n o b l o t analysis of brain extracts revealed an abnormal proteinase K-resistant isoform of PrP. Association of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the absence of Alzheimer changes is unusual. T h e association of PrP and [3/ A4 amyloid deposits could have been fortuitous in an 83-year-old patient. A n etiopathogenic relationship between [3/A4 amyloid deposition and PrP accumulation may also be considered. Key words Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Cerebral amyloid angiopathy 9 Prion protein ~/A4 amyloid Introduction Prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal protease-resistant isoform of a cell protein, the prion protein (PrP). H u m a n prion diseases include three familial conditions: GerstmannStr~ussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and fatal familial insomnia (FFI) [31]; a sporadic form: sporadic CJD, and two transmitted forms: Kuru [37] and iatrogenic conditions. PrP accumulation is usually demonstrated by immunoblotting [31, 37]. A t neuropathological examination, PrP accumulation may be obvious, forming extraceUular amyloid deposits such as "Kuru plaques" or "multicentric plaques" in GSS [43]. This particular type of amyloid may be specifically recognized by immunocytochemistry which may also demonstrate small deposits not evident with classical amyloid staining [19, 26]. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy ( C A A ) is characterized by the deposition of amyloid within the walls of small to medium-sized arteries, in the cerebral cortex and leptomeninges [41]. In most cases, C A A is due to a 107 deposition of the A l z h e i m e r [~/A4 amyloid [41]; it is frequently associated with cortical changes characteristic of Alzheimer-type d e m e n t i a ( A D ) , i. e. senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles ( N F F ) , but is not necessarily related to these lesions [15, 43]. Severe C A A m a y also be responsible for spontaneous non-traumatic petechial and/or larger lobar cortical and subcortical h e m o r r h ages [23], or be associated with l e u k o e n c e p h a l o p a t h y [15] or cerebral granulomatous angiitis [16]. Association of PrP amyloid and [3/A4 amyloid deposition in the same brain has occasionally b e e n described in elderly patients with GSS [6, 21, 32] or C J D [38]. We report a new case with the association of PrP amyloid and [3/A4 amyloid in an 83-year-old patient with C J D and C A A in the absence of neuropathological evidence of Alzheimer's disease, cerebral h e m o r r h a g e s or leukoencephalopathy, raising the possibility of a relationship b e t w e e n the mechanisms of deposition of these two types of amyloid. Case repod A n 83-year-old female with no family history of neurological disorder or relevant past medical history, was admitted to H e n r i M o n d o r hospital with a 3-week history of progressive weakness of her left arm, gait ataxia with frequent falls, slurred speech, sleep and m e m o r y disturbance. O n admission, she was alert and conscious with m o d e r a t e intellectual slowing, mild disorientation in time and place and intermittent dysarthria. Neurological examination showed a left m o t o r deficit predominantly involving the u p p e r limb; deep tendon reflexes were brisk but symmetrical; plantar responses were equivocal. A grasp reflex was present in the left hand and intermittent myoclonus in the proximal muscles of the left arm. T h e r e was no obvious sensory deficit, no signs of cerebellar involvement; cranial nerves were normal. CSF was u n r e m a r k a b l e . C T scan, with and without contrast infusion, was normal. E E G revealed a slow wave epileptic focus in the right frontal lobe but no pseudo-periodic activity. During hospitalization, her condition worsened rapidly, she b e c a m e confused and drowsy, unable to walk, with severe dysarthria. Myoclonic jerks b e c a m e p e r m a nent bilaterally, she d e v e l o p e d generalized intractable epileptic seizures and died f r o m aspiration bronchop n e u m o n i a , sepsis, and acute renal failure, 3 months after the onset of neurological signs. Blocks from many regions of the cerebral hemispheres, brain stem and cerebellum were embedded in paraffin and in celloidin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Loyez stain for myelin, Bodian silver impregnation combined with Luxol fast blue, periodic acid-Schiff, Congo red, and Masson Trichrome. Immunocytochemistry was performed on selected paraffin sections by an avidin biotin peroxidase technique, utilizing formic acid pretreatment of tissue to enhance amyloid immunoreactivity, using polyclonal antibodies raised against [5/A4 amyloid protein (Dako) and Tan protein (courtesy of Andr6 Delacourte). PrP was looked for using a polyclonal antibody (1A8, Dr. Hope, Edinburgh Neuropathogenesis Unit) after pretreatment by formic acid and guanidine thiocyanate as previously described [19]. All sections were counterstained with hematoxylin. Double immunostaining was carried out after pretreatment with formic acid and microwave oven exposure [18] using the monoclonal antibody to PrP 3F4 [23] and a polyclonal anti-[3/A4 amyloid (Dako). The monoclonal antibody was shown as a brown color by a peroxidase-antiperoxidase method with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) as chromogen. For the polyclonal antibody the product was colored blue using an avidin-biotin system, and naphtol-AS-MX-phosphate/Fast blue BB as chromogen. Immunoblot analysis was performed on frozen cortical brain tissue homogenized in a 0.32 M sucrose buffer. After incubation with proteinase K at a concentration of 85 Ixg/ml, at 37 ~ for 3 h and precipitation by methanol, the pellet was exposed to 1% sarcosyl, then in a second step to guanidine thiocyanate 3 M. The final pellet was dissolved in 10 ~tl of Laemmli sample buffer before electrophoresis in 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel according to Laemmli [28] and a 2-h protein transfer to immobilon membrane (Millipore). The membrane was then incubated overnight at 4 ~ with a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against the hamster PrP 27-30 (RO73, kindly provided by D. Serban and S.B. Prnsiner [39]). Immunostaining was obtained using an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG (Immunoresearch laboratories) shown by nitroblue tetrazolium and 5-bromo4-chloro-3-indolylphosphate (Amresco). A known neuropathologically verified and PrP-positive CJD brain sample was prepared in the same manner and analyzed on the same gel. For molecular genetic study, genomic DNA was purified from frozen cortical brain. The prion protein gene (PrNP)-coding region was screened for sequence variations using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Oligonucleotide primers and conditions were as previouly described in detail [36]. Results Neuropathological study Gross examination Gross examination of the brain did not reveal any macroscopic abnormality. In particular, the brain was not atrophic (1280 g) and did not show any vascular changes. Large intracranial and cervical arteries were unremarkable. Methods Microscopic examination Postmortem was performed 18 h after death and was restricted to the brain. Samples from the left frontal lobe were immediatly frozen for molecular biology. Gross examination of the brain was performed after 1 month fixation in 10 % buffered formalin, on coronal sections of the cerebral hemispheres and sections of the brain stem and cerebellum perpendicular to their axes. Microscopy showed changes characteristic of C J D including severe spongiosis and hypertrophic astrocytic gliosis of the gray m a t t e r ( T h e s e changes involved the cerebral cortex predominantly, most marked in the occipital, frontal and parietal areas bilater- 108 Fig. l a - g Microscopical changes in the cerebral neocortex, a Spongiosis and gliosis characteristic of CJD, there is also neuronal loss. H&E. b Cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated with gliosis and spongiosis in the neocortex H&E. c Immunocytochemistry for 13/A4 amyloid strongly stains the arterioles and capillaries in the neocortex, d, e Immunostaining of the PrP is strongly positive in areas of confluent spongiosis (d) and reveals parenchymal deposits forming "plaques" which were not demonstrated by routine techniques (e). f, g Double immunostaining for ~/A4 amyloid (blue) and PrP (brown). Arterioles (f) and capillaries (g) only express ~/A4 amyloid while PrP is only present in the parenchyma, mostly in areas with spongiosis, a - g x 100 (CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, PrP prion protein) 109 ally. Ammon's horn was spared and the remaining temporal cortex only mildly affected. Spongiosis and gliosis involved all the cortical layers except the molecular layer and were associated with significant neuronal loss. Similar, although milder changes were also found in the striatum, thalamus and substantia nigra. The cerebellum was less affected; there was mild spongiosis of the molecular layer and occasional loss of Purkinje cells with proliferation of Bergmann glia and axonal "torpedoes". In addition, there was diffuse amyloid angiopathy involving the cortical and leptomeningeal arterioles the walls of which were thickened with an acellular, hyaline, eosinophilic material ( This material was positively stained with Congo red and showed characteristic birefringence in polarized light. No inflammatory reaction was observed in and around leptomeningeal and cortical vessels. Amyloid infiltration also involved intracortical capillaries, leaking into the adjacent parenchyma "dyshoric angiopathy". The vessels of the hemispheric white matter, brain stem and cerebellum were unremarkable. Only a few NFT and exceptional neuritic plaques were found in the temporal cortex. There were no amyloid plaques. There were neither senile plaques nor NFF in the neocortex. There was no cerebral hemorrhage either small petechial bleeding or large lobar hematoma. The white matter was unremarkable; in particular there was no obvious myelin pallor. the neocortex and only exceptional changes in Ammon's horns. PrP immunostaining showed intense PrP positivity in areas of confluent spongiosis (Fig.ld) and some granular staining in astrocytes. It revealed a few parenchymal deposits forming "plaques" which were not demonstrated by routine techniques (Fig.le).The blood vessels were not stained. Double immunostaining confirmed that the blood vessels only expressed ~/A4 amyloid, while parenchymal areas with severe spongiosis only showed PrP immunoreactivity (Fig. If, g). Both proteins were expressed in pericapillary parenchyma, in areas with severe spongiosis; however, even in these places it was obvious that one was vascular while the other was parenchymal. Immunocytochemistry D N A analysis using PCR and D G G E revealed a methionine-methionine homozygotism at codon 129 of the PrNP gene. Immunocytochemistry showed that the amyloid deposits in arterioles and capillaries were strongly stained with the ~/A4 antibody. The latter did not reveal any amyloid senile plaques ( Immunostaining for Tau protein showed neither senile plaques nor NFT in Fig. 2 Western immunoblot of proteinase K-treated brain extracts from a neuropathologically confirmed CJD case (lane 1) and our patient (lane 2) revealed with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against scrapie-infected hamster PrP 27-30 (RO 73) Immunoblot analysis Immunoblot analysis revealed the presence of the abnormal proteinase K-resistant isoform of PrP, the biochemical hallmark of the spongiform encephalopathies. The pattern of bands (from 27 to 30 kDa) was identical to that obtained from a PrP-positive sporadic CJD brain (Fig. 2). D N A analysis Discussion In an 83-year-old woman with progressive ataxia, dementia and myoclonic jerks, leading to death within 3 months, immunoblotting and neuropathology confirmed the diagnosis of CJD. Homozigotism at codon 129 of the PrNP gene is also often associated with sporadic CJD [34]. Immunostaining for PrP was positive in areas with marked spongiform changes. In addition there was marked CAA, diffuse to the entire hemispheric cortex, expressing ~/A4 amyloid and not PrP, without significant changes of AD. Association of changes characteristic of spongiform encephalopathies, either CJD or GSS, and senile degenerative cortical lesions including senile plaques, NFT and/or CAA, has been reported in various instances. The possibility of senile and neuritic plaques in addition to Kuru plaques and multicentric plaques in GSS was mentioned in the initial descriptions of the disease, but NFT were classically absent [4, 42]. However, NFT were found in young patients with a family history and neuropathological changes characteristic of GSS [27, 33] and particularly in the "Indiana kindred" [2, 13, 40]. 110 Immunostaining of the amyloid was p e r f o r m e d in the that one single disease may produce variable neuropaIndiana kindred [12] and in the family of Nochlin [33]; thological changes [9]. It is noteworthy that cerebrovasit was strongly immunoreactive with the PrP antibody cular amyloidosis was observed in 11 of 20 sheep with and negative for the ~/A4 amyloid antibody, suggesting scrapie [14] and evidence for the experimental transthat these cases represented just a neuropathological mission of cerebral ~-amyloidosis to primates has been variant of GSS. On the other hand the presence of PrP recently reported [3]. Deposition of ~/A4 amyloid may only represent an and [3/A4 amyloid was recently demonstrated in elderly patients with GSS [7, 10, 21, 32]. C A A was described in age-related p h e n o m e n o n superimposed on PrP accutwo cases with clinical and neuropathological features mulation. This is particularly likely for patients with consistent with GSS [1, 7]. Both patients were 62 years C A A who all were over 63 years of age and in whom the old and presented with NFT. Immunostaining of the two types of amyloid deposits involved different strucamyloid was p e r f o r m e d later in one case [1]; it showed tures and never really colocalized. However, the two that the vessel wall expressed [5/A4 amyloid only, while conditions may interact in some way. A disturbance in cortical plaques expressed either PrP or [5/A4 amyloid. the metabolism of [3PP or [5/A4 due to the accumulation It is not known whether these were different plaques or of PrP might have increased the age-related deposition whether some could be stained by both antibodies [43]. of ~/A4 in the blood vessel walls in the 83-year-old Two other possible cases were also described by Worster woman. It is noteworthy that C A A was only found in areas with changes of CJD and that the severity of both Drought et al. [44] in siblings. The coexistence of clinical and neuropathological types of change more or less paralleled in the different features characteristic of sporadic CJD and Alzheimer's neocortical areas. On the other hand, C A A may have disease has b e e n reported in a few cases [5, 11, 29, 35]. accelerated the course of CJD. The duration of the neuIn two cases, amyloid plaques in the cerebral cortex rological disease was indeed very short (less than 6 expressed [5/A4 amyloid and not PrP; however, abund- months) in eight of nine cases with C A A and CJD ant PrP was identified by Western blot analysis of brain (L.W. Duchen, personal communication). The short extracts [5, 35] and one case was transmitted to prima- duration of the disease may also account for the tes [5]. It is possible that the lack of PrP reaction in absence of any complication of C A A such as hemorrhthose cases only reflected the weaker sensitivity of the ages, leukoencephalopathy, infarcts or angiitis. m e t h o d compared to our more recent technique which Acknowledgments We are very grateful to Dr. J. Hope for the is able to stain parenchymal PrP in the absence of obvi- 1A8 antibody, Dr. R.J. Kascsak for providing the 3F4 antibody, to ous amyloid deposit [19]. D. Serban and S.B. Prusiner for their generous gift of the RO73 Association of C A A and CJD has been reported in a antibody and also to D. Borchelt and D. Westaway for their advice few cases ([11] case 1; [20, 25, 30]; and [43] cases 18, 20, about the immunodetection of PrP. We wish to thank Prof. Jean Marie Briicher and Dr. Henry Baron for their useful comments on 21) of which only two [11, 25] are well documented; the this case, Dr. Catherine Keohanc for kindly reviewing the others are just mentioned in tables within wider studies. English, Ms. Diane Kofskey for her technical expertise in carrying All these cases were over 63 years old. Most of them out double immunostaining, Ms. Linda McArdle for PrP immuhad cortical changes of A D . 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