Eur J Pediatr (1994) 153:598-603 © Springer-Verlag 1994 Louis Vall6e Monique Fontaine Jean-Pierre Nuyts Guy Ricart Ivan Krivosic Priscille Divry Christine Vianey-Saban Michel Lhermitte Joseph Vamecq Received: 1 July 1993 Accepted: 18 January 1994 L. Va116e • M. Fontaine • J.-P. Nuyts J. Vamecq (W~) North France Center for the Study of Childhood Epilepsy, Service des Maladies Infectieuses et de Neurologie Infantiles, HSpital B, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lille, F-59037 Lille Cedex, France M. Fontaine Laboratoire de Biochimie, HSpital Huriez, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lille, Place de Verdun, F-59037 Lille Cedex, France G. Ricart Laboratoire de Spectrom~trie de Masse, Universit6 des Sciences de Lille I, F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France I. Krivosic Laboratoire de Neuropathologie, H6pital B, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lille, F-59037 Lille Cedex, France P. Dirty • C. Vianey-Saban Service de Biochimie, HSpital Debrousse, 29, rue Soeur-Bouvier, F-69322 Lyon Cedex 05, France M. Lhermitte Laboratoire de Biochimie, H6pital Calmette, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lille, F-59037 Lille Cedex, France ORIGINAL PAPER Stroke, hemiparesis and deficient mitochondrial -oxidation A b s t r a c t We describe on a 3-yearold child referred for evaluation and therapy of a cerebral vascular accident with residual hemiplegia and partial epilepsy. Metabolic investigations initially showed normal urinary organic acids as well as normal blood and urinary amino acids. Blood carnitine fractions had been pathological and a secondary carnitine deficiency was diagnosed and treated by oral L-carnitine supplementation. During carnitine treatment, abnormal urinary acylcarnitine profiles were noticed with excessive amounts of several carnitine esters including propionylcarnitine, butyryl- and/or isobutyryl-carnitine, isovaleryl- and/or 2-methylbutyrylcarnitine, hexanoylcarnitine and octanoylcarnitine. Subsequently, an urinary organic acid profile suggestive of glutaric aciduria type II was recorded during a clinical decompensation crisis. Morphological and biochemical studies on skeletal muscle and skin fibroblasts were performed and confirmed the existence of a defect of the mitochondrial [~-oxidation pathways with lipidic myopathy, Introduction Incidence of brain stroke episode in the young subject is approximated to 2.52/100000 [32]. Its characterization exceeds the classical determination of vessel integrity, extent of cerebral lesions and blood coagulation factors [32] reduced palmitate and octanoate oxidation rates in cultured fibroblasts. Glutaric aciduria type II increases the list of metabolic disorders characterized by hemiplegia and other sequelae of brain ischaemia such as stroke-like episode, seizures, aphasia, ataxia and myoclonia, similar to those seen in MELAS. Key words Mitochondrial myopathy Encephalopathy • Glutaric aciduria A b b r e v i a t i o n s ETF electron transfer flavoprotein • ETF:QO electron transfer flavoprotein: ubiquinone oxidoreductase. MADD multipe acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (glutaric aciduria type II) MELAS mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes because of its occasional association with metabolic disorders [1, 29] including hypoglycaemia [4, 27] and deficient pyruvic acid metabolic pathways [29]. In metabolic disorders, hemiplegia which may be either isolated or related to brain stroke episode is exceptionally present at onset and occurs rather during adolescence or late childhood [1]. 599 Fig. 1 CT scan in the patient showing atrophy of the left hemisphere In a 3-year-old girl previously u n d e r g o i n g cerebral vascular accident and subsequent epilepsy refractory to drug therapy, mild glutaric aciduria type II, a m i t o c h o n drial ~-oxidation deficiency disorder, was found. The present observation originally reports o n cerebral vascular accident or h e m i p l e g i a in t~is pathology, and increases the list of metabolic disorders i n v o l v e d in brain ischaemia accident with stroke-like episode. Case report The patient is the first child of healthy non-consanguineous parents. At 22 months, she had a sudden attack with hemiplegia and 24h apyretic coma diagnosed as stroke with mild cerebral vascular accident. Left hemisphere was atrophic (Fig. 1). Persisting right hemiplegia was complicated by partial seizures treated with sodium valproate (20mg/kg/d), and, later, with hydantoin (6rag/ kg/d) and clonazepam (0.1 mg/kg/d). At 3 years, the patient was referred for resistance to antiepileptic drugs. Right versive and tonic seizures were found besides versive movements of the head with, firstly, hypotonia, and secondly, myoclonia. Body weight was 13 kg (0 SD), height 98 cm (+1.5 SD), and head circumference 50cm (+0.3 SD). Motor and speech status was that of a normal 15to t8-month-old child. Neurological examination revealed right hemiplegia with pyramidal signs, moderate static and kinetic ataxia. Laboratory investigations including blood cell count, hepatic function and haemostasis tests, acid base balance, lactate and pymvate levels, tactate/pyruvate ratio, blood and urinary amino acids, and CSF protein were normal. Electroretinogram was normal. With regard to the above-mentioned concurrence of cerebral vascular accident and metabolic disorders, additional biochemical and morphological investigations were perforlned (see Results section). At 5 years of age, during a clinical decompensation crisis, the child presented with drowsiness associated with increasing ataxia. Routine laboratory data were pathological, including a severe decrease in blood glucose (Dextrostix zero) and abnormal disturbed blood gas (pCO2 = 4.7kPa, p0 a = 9.9kPa, standard bicarbonate = 17.3 mM and base excess = -7.9 mM) and pH (7.30) values. Subsequent treatment combining intravenous 30% glucose solution and 1 mg glucagon resulted in full clinical recovery within a few hours. Until now, mild delay and right hemiplegia persist while epilepsy treated with carbamazepine (20mg/kg/d) and clobazam (0.5rag/ kg/d) in our patient supplemented with oral L-carnitine (t00mg/ kg/d) and riboflavin (20mg/kg/d) is, on the basis of clinical and EEG criteria, adequately controlled. Materials and methods Organic acids were extracted, detected and quantified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry [ 12]. Extraction of acylcarnitines and their derivatization to lactones was performed as essentially described by Lowes and Rose [25]. Underivatized acylcarnitines were directly identified in a positive ion mode by fast-atom bombardment-mass spectrometry using a Kratos Concept II ItH (Kratos analytical 2 Ltd, Urmston, Manchester, UK). Derivatized acylcarnitines were analysed by either gas chromatography (Model 3400A, Varian [Walnut Creek, CA, USA] equipped with a 25 m x 0.25 mm [internal diameter] WCOT fused-silica capillary column CP SIL 8 CB [Chrompack, Middelbourg, The Netherlands]) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a Nermag R 1010 B quadrupole mass spectrometer [Delsi-Nermag, Argenteuil, France] coupled with a Girdel 300 gas chromatograph equipped with a 30 m x 0.32mm [internal diameter] DB1 capillary column [J and W Scientific, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA]. The latter gas chromatography parameters were needle injector temperature: 250°C, initial column temperature: 90°C for 3rain, programm rate: 10°C/min, final temperature: 250°C, direct line interface temperature: 210°C, and reagent gas: ammonia. Total, unesterified and esterified carnitine levels were determined by spectrophotometry [8, 30], using a Cobas Fara II centrifugal analyser [Roche Diagnostic, Basel, Switzerland]. Studies of I4C labelled fatty acid oxidation were carried out on cultured skin fibroblasts according to Vianey-Saban et al. [38]. Electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) activity was measured using a dye reduction assay with dichlorindophenol as m'tificial electron acceptor [3]. 600 60 Table 1 Organic acids excreted in excessive amounts in urine from our patient during a clinical decompensation hypoglycaemic episode (ND not detectable) [ ] CONTROL MEAN VALUES M MEAN VALUES IN PATIENT 50 ::t z _o hi.z uJ o z 0 o IT. LLI U) Metabotites Concentrations (rnmol/mol creatinine) 40 20 10 0 Total carnitlne o;! • Unestedfied ' carnitine 0 Esterifled carnitine ACYUFREE RATIO F i g . 2 Serum carnitine levels and acyVt'ree carnitine ratio in our patient. Results are expressed as mean values from six separate measttrements on serum samples from the patient. Mean values in control patients (n = 42) are given for reference Results Studies in body fluids Urinary excretion of organic acids and amino acids were initially normal as well as blood amino acid levels. Serum carnitine levels, especially unesterified carnitine were lowered ~ig. 2). An increase in the acyl/free carnitine ratio suggested secondary carnitine deficiency treated by supplementing oral L-carnitine. Meanwhile, ethylmalonic acid had moderately increased in the urine, a feature not reversed by oral L-carnitine uptake. On the other hand, a typical glutaric aciduria type II organic acid profile was revealed during a severe hypoglycaemic episode before starting oral L-carnitine (Table 1). Excess sarcosine was detected in blood [79 gM] and urine [3834 gmol/g creatinine]. Urinary acylcarnitine profile was determined after Lcarnitine substitution by fast atom bombm'dment-mass Fig, 3 Fast atom bombardment - mass spectrometry determination of acylcarnitines in urine samples from the patient ( Cn carnifine, Ac-Cn acetylcarnitine, But-Cn butyrylcarnifine, Isob-Cn isobutyrylcarnifine, Isov-Cn isovale12¢lcarnifine, 2-Meb-Cn 2-methylbutyrylcarnitine, He-Cn hexanoylcamitine, Oc-Cn octanoylcarnifine) 2-Ethylmalonic acid 2-Methylsuccinic acid Glutaric acid Adipic acid Suberic acid Sebacic acid Dodecanedioic acid Controls ~ 85 12 590 2895 342 268 148 <10 ND 2-12 2-12 1-6 1-4 <0.5 Control values refer to the data published by Vianey-Liaud et at. (Ref. [37]). Comparable values are usually recorded on our control urine samples spectrometry (Fig.3). This profile was distinguishable from matched control profiles by the excessive amounts of acylcarnitines including propionylcarnitine, butyryland/or isobutyryl- carnitine, isovaleryl- and/or 2-methylbutyryl-carnitine, hexanoylcarnitine and octanoylcamitine. Massive urinary excretion of these metabolites was also confirmed by chemical ionization - mass spectrometry analysis of derivatized acylcarnitines (data not shown). Studies in biopsy material Biochemical determinations performed on cultured skin fibroblasts disclosed reduced palmitate and octanoate 9oxidation rates besides normal succinate oxidation rates (Table 2) whereas ETF was normally active (Table 3). Nevertheless, lipid myopathy associated with mitochondriale proliferation was observed in skeletal muscle (Fig. 4a, b). But-Cn/Isob-Cn 232 100 Cn 162 80 60 Patient Ac-Cn 204 lsov-Cn/2-Meb-Cn 246 =132 143 v< 40 t74 --J LU 0: 20 0 218 &l &l I,Jf,L,L He-Cn 260 ! 200 Oc-Cn 288 323 | 300 m/z 601 Table 2 Oxidation of 14C-labelled fatty acids in fibroblasts. Fatty acid oxidation was determined in intact cultured skin fibroblasts as described previously [38]. [1, 4-14C] Succinate was used as a control substrate. Each experimental value is the mean of three determinations. (PCA perchloric acid) [1-14C] palm±tare 14CO2 + PCA soluble compounds (nmol/h/I06 cells) Patient 2.33 2.18 Simultaneous controls (n = 8) Mean _+SD 3.00 ± 0.33 (range) (2.74-3.68) Table 3 Activity of ETF in fibroblasts. ETF activity was measured using a dye reduction assay with dichlorindophenol as electron acceptor [3] ETF activity nmol reduced/min/mg protein Patient Controls: mean + SD (n = 15) 0.73 0.85 ± 0.08 Discussion Our patient is characterized by the accumulation in body fluids of metabolites of fatty acids and branched-chain amino acids i.e. excess acylcarnitines in intercrisis periods plus excess organic acids in percrisis periods. During a metabolic crisis, excess sarcosine was also observed in Fig.4 Morphological examination of skeletal muscle in the patient: evidence of lipid storage myopathy. (a) Light microscopy (transversal section): very large, up to 2.5 mm diameter, lipid droplets are seen in type I fibers (Sudan black stain). Initial magnification = 400. (b) Electron microscopy (longitudinal section): Numerous, often irregularly shaped intermyofibrillary clusters of lipid microdroptets. (L lipid microdroplets, M mitochondr±a). Initial magnification = 2,500 [1-14C] octanoate 106 cells) [1, 4-14C] succinate (nmo114CO2/h/ 106 cells) 0.20 0.28 2.27 3.11 0.82 _+0.41 (0.40-1.42) 2.46 ± 0.38 (2,05-3.08) (nmo114C02/h] body fluids. All these findings suggest a deficiency of a metabolic step c o m m o n to fatty acid, branched-chain amino acid and sarcosine oxidation. This m a y be caused by a multiple deficiency of fatty acyl-CoA, branchedchain acyl-CoA and sarcosine dehydrogenases i.e. multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency ( M A D D ) [6, 13, 14, 17]). Reduced 13-oxidation found in fibroblasts confirms this diagnosis whereas the normal activity o f E T F suggests that E T F dehydrogenase might be the deficient protein. It is noteworthy that the only positive biological marker in intercrisis periods was occurrence o f excessive esterification o f carnitine leading to secondary deficiency in blood and an abnormal acylcarnitine profile in urine. Different clinical presentations of M A D D have been documented including two neonatal forms with and without congenital abnormalities, and a later onset f o r m with milder clinical s y m p t o m s [14, 21, 42]. The later onset form is characterized by neurological deterioration with 602 Table 4 Stroke, hemiplegia and metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders in which hemiplegia and/or stroke-like episodes have been reported are listed in this table. Hemiplegia/hemiparesis has also been described in heterozygotes for homocystinuria [7] and for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency [16], whereas metabolic stroke was a feature of methytmalonic aciduria [18] and cerebral damages that might have been caused by hypoglycemia have been reported in glutaric acidufia type I [15] Glycoregulation disorders Diabetes mellitus [26] Hypefinsulinism [40] Mimchondrial respiratory chain and pyruvate metabolism defects Leigh syndrome [1] Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency [11, 41] MELAS [291 Mitochondrial ~-oxidation defects Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (glutaricaciduria type II) (the present work) Misce!tanaeous [1,331 Homocystinuria Fabry disease Adrenoleukodystrophy Juvenile metachromafic leukodystrophy Juvenile Niemann-Pick disease Juvenile Krabbe disease profound hypotonia, ataxia and dystonia as well as vomiting, hypoglycaemia, acidosis, lethargy episodes, and lipid storage myopathy with carnitine deficiency [9, 10, 36, 39]. The unusual clinical presentation of our later onset M A D D patient (i.e. at onset: coma, right hemiplegia with secondarily epilepsy and transient aphasia, and later: intermittent attacks with coma and hypoglycaemia) has led us to enquire about the specific mechanisms by which hypoglycaemia may cause hemiplegia as well as relationships which exist between hemiplegia and metabolic disorders in general with a special emphasis on the disorder of mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). It is known that hypoglycaemia may mimick a stroke or transient ischaemic attack [27]. In a series of 125 pa- tients with hypoglycaemia, only 3 presented hemiparesis [27]. Mechanisms for hypoglycaemia-induced hemiparesis/hemiplegia remain controversial and include selective neuronal vulnerability [31, 40], absence of cerebral vasospasm [2], and ATP depletion with failure to maintain cell homeostasis [34], alterations of the Na + pump and enhanced exposure of amino acid receptors at the periphery of cells [5, 34, 35]. Although CT-scan data are usually normal in the period following hypoglycaemia, Meet et al. [28] have reported striatal lesions without vascular topography. Interestingly, hemispheric atrophy was revealed by M R I in our patient, suggesting either vascular or toxic aetiology. Metabolic disorders in which hemiplegia and/or stroke-like episodes may occur are listed in Table 4. Regarding these disorders, a striking finding is the clinical analogy existing between MELAS and our later onset M A D D patient, common features consisting of hemiplegia, brain ischaemia with stroke-like episodes, seizures, aphasia, ataxia and myoclonia. Whereas the underlying biochemical defect in MELAS combines partial deficiencies of complex IV, complex I and complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain [19, 20, 22-24], in our later onset M A D D patient the basic defect most probably involves ETF dehydrogenase, a protein directly branched on to the respiratory chain. The interaction of all these proteins with the mitochondrial inner membrane is rather tight. So, our and MELAS patients might be considered as sharing a common pathology of the mitochondrial inner membrane, a feature whose clinical expression could be signs they develop in common. Although not directly determined, mitochondrial inner membrane surface, as well as other morphological mitochondriat parameters, is likely to be increased as inferred from mitochondrial proliferation occurring in skeletal muscle from our patient. Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Dr G. 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