J Neurol (1994) 241:470-474 © Springer-Verlag 1994 ORIGINAL Hideo Tohgi Katsumi Watanabe Hiroaki Takahashi Hisashi Yonezawa Kentaro Hatano Toshiaki Sasaki Prosopagnosia without topographagnosia and object agnosia associated with a lesion confined to the right occipitotemporal region Received: 30 June 1993 Received in revised form: 15 November 1993 Accepted: 14 December 1993 H. Tohgi ([~) • K. Watanabe H. Takahashi - H. Yonezawa Department of Neurology, Iwate Medical University, 19-1 Uchimaru, Morioka, 020 Japan K. Hatano • T. Sasaki Nishina Memorial Cyclotron Center (Japan Radioistope Association) and Cyclotron Research Center, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan COMMUNICATION Abstract A patient is presented who developed prosopagnosia with a recent occipitotemporal infarct in the distribution of the right posterior cerebral artery. He did not have topographical agnosia or object agnosia. He regained the ability to recognize faces of familiar persons, whereas he remained unable to identify faces of persons w h o m he met after the disease onset. This case demonstrates that prosopagnosia may occur as a deficit of matching a perceived face Introduction The inability to recognize familiar faces is a specific agnosia (prosopagnosia; Bodamer in 1947 [7]; Hdcaen and Angelergues in 1962 [18]). At least two major questions remain unsettled concerning the pathogenetic mechanisms of prosopagnosia. First, it is uncertain whether prosopagnosia is (1) a partial symptom of a general impairment of visuospatial perception, (2) a defect of a presumed specific perceptual process for faces, or (3) a deficit of matching a correctly perceived face to a memory store of the face. This is largely bcause the previously reported patients almost always presented with other visuospatial disturbances such as topographical agnosia or object agnosia, in addition to both retrograde and anterograde prosopagnosia. Second, there is a discrepancy between autopsy and clinical studies which have not determined whether bilateral lesions or a right occipitotemporal lesion alone are required for prosopagnosia to occur. The pathology reports available have suggested that symmetrical lesions in the medial occipital region are generally necessary for prosopagnosia to occur [1, 3, 11, 16, 18, 19, 25, 32, 33, 45], because all the autopsy cases except to a memory store of the face, and that the failure to recognize unfamiliar faces may be due to the inability to form memory stores of new faces. These deficits can occur in association with a lesion confined to the right occipitotemporal region. Key words Prosopagnosia Visual memory • Right occipitotemporal lesion - Magnetic resonance imaging • Positron emission tomography three [18, 23, 44] displayed bilateral occipitotemporal lesions [12]. In most of these reports, autopsy studies were performed long after the onset of prosopagnosia. However, there have also been reports of patients with prosopagnosia having a right occipitotemporal lesion alone. These have been on the basis of autopsy findings shortly after the development of the symptoms [23], or of clinical and radiological evidence [10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 28, 30, 40, 44]. We report the case of a patient with an acute onset of prosopagnosia who did not develop topographagnosia or object agnosia. Three months after onset, his ability to recognize faces of familiar persons recovered, but he remained unable to recognize those whom he first met after the onset. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) displayed anatomical and functional abnormalities confined to the right occipitotemporal region. Case report A 62-year-old, right-handed man was admitted for evaluation of his inability to recognize faces. He was educated for 6 years in a 471 Fig. 1 T2-weighted MRI (TPUTE 3,000/100 ms, 1.5 T, 5 m m thickness) of (a) axial, (b) coronal (3 cm anterior to the occipital pole), and (c) sagittal (1.5 cm lateral to the midline) sections, demonstrating a hyperintensity area in the cortical and subcortical areas in the distribution of the right posterior cerebral artery. In a and b, the right side of the head is on the right primary school, worked as a local government employee until aged 48 years, and as a chief executive of a real estate business thereafter. He had been well except for hypertension and a history of acute myocardial infarction. One morning a month before admission, he was watching television when he suddenly noticed that faces on the TV screen appeared blurred and he could not recognize them. The faces appeared reddish. Subsequently, he could no longer recognize the faces of family members, relatives, and photographs of faces of famous people. However, he could find his way to familiar places. As his complaint, which caused him great concern, persisted, he visited our department. On admission, he was alert, and well oriented for both time and space. He had a Mini-Mental-State examination score of 30 (full score). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Score (WAIS) was 83 for the verbal tests, and 70 for the performance tests. The low score for the verbal tests may be due to his short education (6 years); in addition, the low performance test score was mainly due to his impaired ability in the picture arrangement tests. However, his score for block design tests was excellent, suggesting unaltered synthesizing and abstract ability in visuospatial functions. He had a left upper quadranopsia in the right eye, but did not neglect the left half of his visual space. Visual acuity was 0.5 (1.5 with glasses) in the right eye, 0.6 (1.5 with glasses) in the left. His colour perception was normal: he named and matched colours correctly, and had no problem with Ishihara's test for colour blindness. However, he could no longer recognize relatives or other familiar persons by their faces, but could recognize them immediately by voice. He remembered the hospital staff only by voice, but not by face. He could identify a face as a face in real life or on photographs, and describe characteristics of faces. However, he saw faces as partly distorted (metamorphopsia), stating that the right eye of persons was twinkling, and that the right palpebra appeared "long and narrow as a fox's eye". This metamorphopsia was restricted to h u m a n faces, and was not seen for faces of animals. He could identify faces of animals (cats, dogs, horses, etc.). W h e n he was presented with a single front-view photograph of an unfamiliar face, he could identify it in several front-view photographs from other unfamiliar faces; his responses were correct in three such tests. However, he always failed to identify it in several oblique-view photographs from other unknown faces. He did not suffer from topographical agnosia: he could go to clinics of other departments for examinations, find the way back to his room on the ward, and draw a plan of the ward accurately; he could draw a map of Japan, and place the names of cities correctly. He did not have object agnosia: he could identify and name more than 50 objects or pictures of objects (bed, chair, glasses, cars. etc) presented in both canonical (conventional) and non-canonical (unconventional) views, and state the size and shape of presented pictures. He responded correctly to 45 out of 60 pictures of the Boston Naming Test (40-55 for the average Japanese). His language ability was normal as regards speaking, auditory comprehension, reading and writing. He neither displayed apraxias nor agnosias for the auditory and somatosensory modalities. Fig.2 PET images of cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMR02) at the horizontal planes 2 0 - 4 0 m m above and parallel to the orbitomeatal line (Headtome IV, Shimadzu, Japan, with the full width at half-maximum of 4.5 mm). The CBF and CMRO: were determined using C1502 and 1502, respectively. The CBF and C M R O , are decreased in the right occipitotemporal areas (arrowheads). The right side of the head is on the left When he was discharged 2 months after admission, his symptoms had partially recovered, and he could recognize faces of familiar persons whom he met before his illness. He could also recognize all photographs of families, relatives and old friends, and 90% of the photographs presented of famous people such as politicians, actors and professional wrestlers. He could discriminate genders and races by face. He could label emotional expressions on people and photographs as laughing, crying, or prim and proper. However, he remained unable to recognize faces of persons whom he met after the onset of illness. He identified these people only by their voice, height and hair. He still had difficulty in evaluating age by face. The cranial nerves, muscular strength, motor coordination, deep tendon reflexes and sensation were all normal throughout the course. T2-weighted MRI (Fig. 1) demonstrated an area of hyperintensity in the cortical and subcortical areas in the right occipitotemporal areas, indicating an infarction in the territory of the posterior cerebral artery. The high-intensity area included the fusiform gyms, lingual gyrus, tapetum, inferior longitudinal fascicle and a part of the optic radiation. In other areas, only a few lacunes were demonstrated. PET studies, using C15COa and 1502 inhalation methods, demonstrated a reduction in regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen in the infarct areas indicated 472 on MRI (Fig. 2). There were no other areas of the brain with impaired blood flow or metabolism. disturbed perception of colours [28, 35]. The frequent association of prosopagnosia in patients with achromatopsias (12 out of 14 patients reviewed by Meadows in 1974 [29]) may suggest a close proximity of their pathogenetic loci. His low scores for picture arrangement in the WA1S Discussion tests suggest an impaired ability to discrimate essential The main points to be addressed concerning the prosopag- parts from non-essential details. However, this cannot acnosia of our patient are: (1) that it was relatively isolated; count for his prosopagnosia, because he could describe (2) that recognition of faces known to him before the ill- the characteristics of faces presented to him. Experimental studies in monkeys indicated that visual ness recovered, whereas recognition of faces encountered after the illness remained impaired; and (3) that neu- information is relayed successively from the striate to the roimaging studies ifidicated morphological and functional prestriate cortex, OB and OA (according to the terminolchanges in the occipitotemporal areas on the right side ogy of Bonin and Bailey), and the posterior temporal areas, TEO and TE, and finally to the medial temporal lobe only. The difficulty of our patient in recognizing faces could memory system, hippocampus, and the adjacent related not be attributable to a less specific neuropsychiatric dis- cortex [31, 39]. This system has widespread reciprocal turbance, because he had neither topographical agnosia connections with the association cortex, where memories nor object agnosia. Most patients with object agnosia are are recognized, consolidated and stored; as time passes, without prosopagnosia, and in some patients like ours, the memories stored in association cortex become indeprosopagnosia is not associated with object agnosia [6, pendent of the medial temporal lobe [31, 39]. The visual 12, 20], suggesting that the process of face recognition is field is re-represented in the striate and prestriate cortex distinct from that of object recognition. In addition to the and the posterior temporal areas, which in turn perform preserved object recognition, our patient was able to iden- submodality processing. For face recognition, the facetify familiar faces after his illness had partially recovered, sensitive cells have been demonstrated in the monkey and to interpret facial expressions from the beginning of [46]. Provided that facial information in the human is his illness. The dissociations between deficits of familiar processed in a similar way, the isolated face recognition and unfamiliar face recognition [4, 9, 26], and between difficulty in our patient may be attributable to selective impairments in face identification and expression analysis damage to one of the modalities in the prestriate area. The [9, 37] have been described in previous reports. Unlike retrograde face memories may be executed independently our patient, some patients with prosopagnosia were able from the medial temporal lobe memory system, if the strito recognize unfamiliar faces [2, 5, 35, 42]. Such dissoci- ate and prestriate cortex and their connections are intact; ations may be well explained by the functional model put the anterograde face memories may be selectively imforward by Bruce and Young [8], which assumes that paired if connections from the prestriate cortex to the merecognition of familiar and unfamiliar faces uses different dial temporal lobe are damaged. Thus, the dissociation beroutes, and that face identification and expression analysis tween anterograde and retrograde face memories in our are processed independently. The inability of our patient patient can be explained by the subcortical white matter to recognize familiar faces in the early phase of the illness lesion in the occipitotemporal areas, which may be lomay have occurred as a deficit of matching a perceived cated more anteriorly than in patients with both anteroface to a memory store of the face that had been con- grade and retrograde prosopagnosia [41 ]. While most of the previous autopsy cases with structed; the residual deficit for unfamiliar faces appeared to be due to his inability to form memory stores of new prosopagnosia had bilateral cerebral lesions, some cases faces. His failure to match unfamiliar faces photographed did not have left occipitotemporal lesions [18, 23, 33], at different angles suggests that his inability to integrate suggesting that bilateral involvement of the visual system abstract and structural visual codes from view-centred may not be a prerequisite for prosopagnosia [23]. This (pictorial) information of unfamiliar faces prevented fur- contention was further supported by many other reports based upon clinical and radiological findings [10, 13, 17, ther processing in the visual cognitive system. Although his metamorphopsia for the eye region may 21, 24, 28, 30, 40, 44]. In our patient, we could clearly have played some role in his prosopagnosia in the early rule out lesions and functional impairments in the left ocperiod [5], it does not seem to have contributed to the cipitotemporal areas, and in areas other than the right ocprosopagnosia in the later period. This is because after cipitotemporal areas. Although the mechanisms for propartial recovery he could identify familiar faces, when he sopagnosia with a right occipitotemporal lesion remain to still complained of distortion of eye regions, although it be clarified, previous researchers suggested a frequent cowas less remarkable than in the earlier period. Our patient occurrence of prosopagnosia and other agnosias for space also complained that the faces appeared red-tinted, and which are associated with right posterior hemisphere lethat the right eye appeared excessively bright. Similar sions [22, 28]. The left-hemisphere template could be dyschromatopsias have been described in patients with based on separate elements of the face, and have a 473 favoured position for verbal evocation, whereas the righthemisphere template might be more global [12]. It has b e e n suggested that while association or semantic categorization were impaired with left hemisphere damage, the visual identification and discrimination of c o m p l e x patterns [14] and perceptual categorization [43] were deficient with right hemisphere lesions. Studies on n o r m a l subjects [15, 27] and split-brain patients [38] have demonstrated different strategies of facial recognition between the left and right brain. Thus, there m a y be various pathogenetic m e c h a n i s m s of prosopagnosia, d e p e n d i n g u p o n the location and size of the occipitotemporal lesions. In addition, there m a y be i n d i v i d u a l variation in the dep e n d e n c y of facial recognition on the right and left occip- itotemporal areas complicated by different cognitive strategies. It is, therefore, possible that a small proportion of individuals whose left occipitotemporal area cannot assume the function of the corresponding areas on the right side m a y suffer from prosopagnosia. The findings in our patient indicate that relatively pure prosopagnosia and anterograde prosopagnosia with preserved retrograde facial recognition can occur with a lesion confined to the right occipitotemporal area. Acknowledgements We thank Prof. Toru Yanagisawa and members of the Nishina Memorial Cyclotron Center for their cooperation, Dr. Paul Langman for reviewing the manuscript, and Miss Kikuko Ymazaki for secretarial assistance. References 1. Arseni C, Botez MI (1958) Consideraciones sobre un caso de agnosia de las fisonomias. Rev Neuropsiquiatr Lima 21 : 583-593 2. 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