References Rack, E., Voiculescu, I., Rrunger. bl., Wolff, G . (1989) ‘Familial ring (20) chromosomal mosaicism.’ Hiitnoti Generics, 83, 148-154. Rorgaonkar. D. S., I.acassie, Y. E.. Stoll, C . (1976) ‘Usefulness of chromosome catalog in delineating new cyndromes.‘ Birih Defects, 12, 87-95. Callen. D. F., Eyre. H. J.. Ringenbergs, M. l.., Freemantle, C. J., Woodroffe. P., Haan, E. A. (1991) ‘Chromosomal origin of small ring chromosorncs in man: characterization by molecular genetics.’ .4tnericatz Joitrnal o/IIutnan Generics. 18, 769-782. Fueta. Y., Mita. T., 5latsuoka. S. (1987) ‘Susceptibility of chimera mice to epileptic convulsion.’ Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zusshi, 9, 1-7. Gardiiier, R . 51. (1990) ‘Genes and epilepsy.’ Journal 01Medical Generics, 37. 537-534. Gilman, S. (1992) ‘Advances in neurology.‘ New England Joiirnol o/ illedicrne, 326, I67 I - 1676. Kosttolanyi, G . . Mehes, K., Hook. E. B. (1991) Ac qu i red ,Stutter i ng after a Second Stroke in a Two-year-oId Ruth Nass Bea Sclireler Linda Heier Stuttering is a disorder which affects the rhythms of speech, so that the speaker is unable to articulate what he or she wants to because of -an involuntary and repetitive prolongation or cessation of a sound (according to the International Classification of Diseases, World Health Organization 1977). Some degree of dysfluency is common as language skills evolve during the preschool years, particularly as mean length of utterance reaches six to eight words between the ages of three and four years. Unlike developmental dysfluencies, however, stuttering may be a rule-governed psycholinguistic disorder (Wall and Meyers 1985, Aram et al. 1990). Stuttering occurs at linguistically significant points in an utterance (Goldman-Eisler 1968, Silverman 1972, Gordon el al. 1986). It is seen more m ‘Inherited ring chromosomes: a n analysis of published cases.’ tlutnan Genetics. 87, 320-324. Lehesjoki, A.-E.. Koskiniemi. 51.. Sistonen, P., hliao. J . , Hastbacka, J . . Norio. R.. de la Chapelle, A. (1991) ‘1.ocalization of a gene for progressive rnyoclonus epilcpsy to chromosome 2lq22.‘ Proceedings o/ the Narional Acadetny o/ Sciences. U S A . 88, 3696-3699. lxppert, M., Anderson, V. E.. Quattlebaum. T . , Stauffer, D., O’Connell. P.. Nakamura. Y., 1 alouel, J.-M., Whire, R. (1989) ‘Benign familial neonatal conwltions linked to genetic markers on chromosome 20.’ Nariire. 337, 647-648. Schiniel, A . (1984) Catalogire o/ Unbolanced C/trotnoso/ne A bzrrarion i n M a n . Herlin/New YorC: de Gruyter. p. 675. ii’ilson. M.G., Towner, J . W., Coffin. G. S. (19H1) ‘Genetic and clinical studies i n 13 patients with the \\'elf-Hirschhorn syndrome.’ Human Generics. 59, 297-307. z P frequently in children with developmental disorders of speech and language (Bloodstein 1974, Hall 1977, Blood and Seider 1981, Merits-Patterson and Reed 1981, Nippold 1990). There is a genetic predisposition (Kidd ef al. 1981) which, as in dyslexia for example (Galaburda el al. 19851, could reflect subtle underlying neuropathology. The cause of developmental stuttering is unknown. Anomalous dominance and/or abnormalities of interhemispheric connections are among the main theories. As with the aphasias, extrapolation about the ncuro-anatomical basis of developmental childhood stuttering may be possible from the acquired disorder. Acquired stuttering from brain injury is relatively uncommon in adults and has rarely been reported in children (Aram et al. 1990, Meyers e f al. 1990), possibly because the distinction between developmental stuttering and normal developmental dysfluencies can be a difficult one. We report a 27-month-old girl with a transient acquired stutter occurring in association with a presumed second central nervous system insult. Case report At one year of age this previously healihy child, with a vocabulary of a few words, developed a dense right heniiparesis without apparent aphasia in association with an infarction involving the left basal ganglia and extending t o the cortex. Despite a thorough 73 0 v) J investigation, including angiography, no etiology was found. A mild hemiparesis persisted, and handedness shifted to the left (although there was no family history of sinistrality). At 21 months, when evaluated in a special nursery school by a speech pathologist using the Preschool 1.anguage Scale (Zimmerman er 01. 1979), speech and language were reported to be normal. By 27 months she had a meail length of utterance of four brords, but then she, developed a marked stutter which affected mainly (but not solely) the initial phoneme of words throughout the sentence, and which lasted for seven weeks. The number of repetitions was much greater than would be seen with a typical development dysnuency. No secondary mannerisms were noted. Speech was hypophonic. No aphasia was apparent, and the Preschool Language Scale was again ageappropriate. The stutter was noted by her nurseryschool teachers and considered serious enough for her to be referred for speech therapy. The speech pathologist at the nursery school noted that blocking was excessively long for a typical developmental dysfluency. According to her mother, the stutter started and stopped rather abruptly. One week after the stutter ceased, her Rayley Scale score was 1 1 3 . Her EEG during the period of stuttering was normal. As can be seen in Figures I to 3. M R I scans obtained about five weeks into her course revealed the previous infarction and also areas o f high signal on the T2-weighted image in the periwntricular white matter bilaterally. consistent with multiinfarction. (The putatively new white matter lesions could conceivably have been missed by the earlier CT scan. tlowever, the clear change in this child’s clinical status supports our contention that the white matter pathology was new. A delayed effect of an earlier white matter insult is’also possible.) Further investigations. with special emphasis on cardiac (echocardiogram) and hematological (protein S. protein C. antithrombin I l l ) status again revealed no etiology for stroke. Discussion 74 This child’s susceptibility to stuttering after a second central nervous system insult may be due to anomalous dominance. Rasmussen and Milner’s (1 977) carotid amytal data suggest that this child-because of her age, the location of her lesion and current handedness-is highly likely to have become righthemisphere language-dominant due to the original left-hemisphere stroke. Her new subcortical disease may have interfered with already tenuous interhemispheric connections. Further reorganization could have occurred over several weeks and resulted in the resolution of her stutter. The supposed abruptness of onset and cessation are based entirely on maternal report; her course may actually have been more gradual and physiological, particularly for cessation. h a m et of. (1990) assessed the speech of children with unilateral acquired brain injury for discontinuity (e.g. stuttered and non-fluent speech hesitations) and rate (e.g. the number of syllables spoken per second of conversational speech). Children with both acquired left- and ’ right-brain injury produced more stuttering-like non-fl uencies than controls. Of the five patients with greater than 4 per cent dysfluent speech, three had Ieft- and ‘two had right-sided lesions: but neither the site nor the size of lesion predicted dysfluent speech. However, children with left-sided lesions had a slower speech rate (syllables per second) than controls. Neither lesion group produced a greater number of normal non-fluencies than controls. Only one of the 30 braindamaged children had a sufficient number of non-fluencies to be classified as having a stutter of mild to moderate severity. This contrasts with the finding of linguistic problems (albeit subtle) in virtually all children with acquired lefthemisphere damage (Aram 1991). Meyers el a/. (1990) reported the development of stuttering during the course of language recovery eight months after a lefthemisphere, predominantly subcortical, stroke in a child aged seven years. Aram et ol. (1990), reporting on the rarity of dyslluency after early-acquired unilateral brain injury, said that it was inconsistent with the view that the neurological basis of developmental stuttering is the lack of dominanthemisphere control for synchronizing the bilaterally innervated speech mechanisms (Travis 1931, Orton 1937). The rarity of stuttering in the child with acquired injury could, however, be a reflection of aphasia type and/or location of injury. Transient stutter may be masked by the period of overall aphasia-related non-fluency . As with the age versus type of aphasia argument, differen: types and different locations of pathology in younger versus older patients may have more to do with the kind of aphasia seen (fluent versus non-fluent) than the putative degree of intrahemispheric specialization as related to age (Eslinger and Damasio 1981). Acquired stuttering in the adult is reported after left, righ.! or bilateral cortical injury (Helm ei a/. 1978, m m I P a- m 9 c P Fig. 1. Axial iniages ihrough level of basal ganglia (left) Spin echo (SE) shori TR/shori TE. (middle) S& long TKlshorf TE (right) SE long TR/long TE A small linear hypo-infenstiy IS defected on shori TR inia,ze in region o/ Ieji bosal ganglia (arrows) Corresponding hyperiniensiiy is seen on long TR images. as well ac hyperin fensrfy int olviny: leff caudafe Appearance IT conrisfenr ictth an old stroke. . c 6 $ 9 E u Q Fig. 2. Axial images at level of b0d.v o/ corpits callosunt. deft) SE long TK/shori TE. (right) S& long TR/Jong TE'. The Jong TR images show hyperiniensiiy extending inio coriex of lejf parietal lobe lar r ow s) . Fig. 3. (left): Spin echo long TR/shorr TE axial rrnoge, demonsiraiing hyperiniensiiy in white maiier of cenirum semiovale bilaierally. (right) Corresponding spin echo long TR/long TE image. dernonsiraiing same lesions. They ore consisieni with ischaemic change in whiie moiler. 75 UI d I . . 0 a 2 5 V Rosenbek ef al. 1978, Horner and Massey * 1983, Fleet and Heilman 1985, Ardila and Lopez 1986, Helm-Estabrook ef al. 1986. Ludlow ef al. 1987). Acquired lesions in adulthood have cured stuttering (Jones 1966, Helm-Estabrook ef a/. 1986), as well as rekindled childhood stuttering (Rosenbek ef al. 1978, Helm-Estabrook ef al. 1986). Reorganization of language lateralizat ion could underlie acquired stuttering in these instances. The finding oi an increased frequency of left-handedness among people who stutter (Dcllatolas et al. 1990) also supports the theory that anomalous dominance is a cause of stuttering, because left-handed individuals may have atypical language organization (see Herron 1980 for review). Dichotic listening patterns may be atypical in people who stutter (Andrews ef 01. 1972. Brady and Berson 1972, Rosenfield and Goodglass 1980, Strub ef al. ‘1987). Strub ef al. (1987) reported atypical planum’ temporale asymmetries in the siblings of such individuals. Atypical planurn asymmetries may be more common in left-handed people (LeMay 1981, Witelson 1990, Steinmetz ef al. 1991). Callosal morphology also differs in left- vs. righthanded people (Witelson 1989) and in those with left- w. right-hemsiphere language dominance (O’Kuscy ef al. 1988). potentially resulting in additive effects of anomalous dominance and atypical interhemimheric connections . Subcortkal pathology both unilateral and bilateral is also reported in acquired stuttering in adults (Helm ef al. 1978. R(XXnbek al* Homer and Massey 1983, Fleet and Heilman 1985, Ardila and Lopez 1986, Helm-Estabrook et a/. 1986, Bhatnagar and Andy 1989)’Ludlow (1987) found that the internal and external capsules, the frontal white matter 19789 and the striatum were more frequently damaged in the group with acquired stuttering than in the other patients with penetrating head injury. In this cohort with penetrating head injury, stuttering did not correlate with cortical pathology of either hemisphere, but with unilateral lesions of the pyramidal or extrapyramidal systems (Ludlow ef al. 1987). Documentation of subcortical pathology supports the view that damage to callosal pathways co-ordinating the activity of both hemispheres during speech may underlie stuttering (Soroker el a/. f990). Several experimental psychological studies show that people who stutter perform tasks requiring synchronous movements of the two hands anomalously more often than controls (Vaughn and Websrer 1989, Webster 1990); this is consistent with the position that faulty interhemispheric, communication underlies stuttering. Our patient’s original left-hemisphere insult may have set the stage for transient stuttering associated with the dcvelopmen1 of new white matter disease. As such, her course provides a clue to the underlying pathophysiology of the individuaI with a developmental stutter. Accepted /or publication 11th May 199.1. A cknowledgertrenr The authors thank an anonqnlous rcviewr for his/hcr useful cornrncnts. ! < ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~York p Unlrersl,y ~ n ~ ‘Medical ~ e ~ ~ s Center, N e w York Hea Shrerer, ’kl A C C’ C , lnda tteler, I ) , N e w York Ilospital. Cornell Unncrsit) hlcdisal ~, Center. New Yorh ‘Correspondence to first author at Department of Pediatric Neurology, New York University Medlcal center. JOO ~ a s 34th t Street. s e w York. N Y 10016. USA. SUMMA R Y An almost two-year-old left-handed girl with a history of a left-hemisphere stroke at the age of one year developed a transient stutter with newly acquired white matter infarctions. Her course suggests that developmental stuttering may reflect anomalous dominance and/or atypical interhemispheric connectivity. RGSUMC Begaiernenr acquis a p r b line seconde atraque chez une fillette de deux ans 76 Une fillette gauchere de p r h de deux ans. avec une anamnese dune attaque herniplegique gauche a 1’8ge d’un an, presenfa un begaiement transitoire a I’occasion d’infarcissements nouveaux de la substance blanche. Son evolution suggtre qu’un begaiernent de developpernent peut traduire une dominance anormale et/ou une connectivite interhernispherique typique. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Erworbenes Slottern nach eineni zweiten Schlagan/oll hei einer Zweijahrigen Ein fast zweijahriges linkshandiges Madchen, das im Alter von einern Jahr einen linksseitigen Schlaganfall hatte, entwickelte durch weitere lnfarkte im Bereich der weiRen Substanz ein vorubergehendes Stottern. Dieser Verlauf zeigt, daO das Stottern in der Entwicklung Ausdruck einer nicht normalen Dorninanz undloder einer atypischen interhemispharischen Verknupfung sein kann. RESU,MEN Tartamudeo adquirido despues de un segundo ictus en una niaa de dos ailos de edad Una nitla de casi dos aaos de edad. zurda. con una historia de un ictus en el hernisferio izquierdo al aAo de edad, sufrio una tartamudez transitoria despues de un nuevo infarto d e substancia blanco. El curso que siguio sugiere que el tartamudeo de desarrollo puede reflejar una dominancia anomala y/o una conexion atipica interhemisferica References Ardila, A., Lopez, M. (1986) ‘Severe stuttering associated with right hemisphere disease.’ Brain and Language, 18, 17-85. Andrew, G . . Quinn. P., Sorby, W. (1972) ‘Stuttering: an investigation into cerebral dominance for speech.’ Journal of Neurology. h’eurosurgery and PsychiaIry, 35, 4 14-4 1 5 . Aram. D. (1991) ‘Acquired aphasia in children.’ I n Sarno. hl. (Ed.) Acquired Aphasia. Second Edirion. New York: Academic Press. - Meyers, S . , Ekelman, B. (1990) ‘Fluency of conversational speech in children with unilateral brain lesions.’ Brain and Language, 38, 105-122. Blood, G., Seider. R. (1981) ‘The concomitant problems of young stutterers.’ Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 46, 31-33. Bloodstein. 0. (1974) ‘The rules of early stuttering.’ Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 39, 379-394. Bhatnagar, S., Andy, 0. (1989) ‘Alleviation of acquired stuttering \v,ith human centromedian thalamic stimulation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiafry, 52, I 182- 1 184. Brady, J., Berson, J. (1972) ‘Stuttering, dichotic listening, and cerebral dominance.’ Archives of General Psychiotry. 32, 1449-1452. Dellatolas, G.. Annesi, I., Jallon, P., Chavance, M., Lellouch. J . (1990) ‘An epidemiological reconsideration of the Geschwind-Galaburda hypothesis of cerebral lateralization.’ Archives of Neurology, 47, 718-782. Eslinger. P.. Damasio, A. (1981) ‘Age and type of aphasia in patients with stroke.’ Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiarrj. 44, 377-381. Fleet, W., Heilman, K. (1985) ‘Acquired stuttering from a right hemisphere lesion in a right hander. Neurology, 35, 1343- 1346. Galaburda. A., Sherman, G.. Rosen. G. (1985) ‘Developmental dyslexia: four consecutive patients with cortical anomalies.’ Annals of Neurology, 18.222-233. Goldman-Eider, F. (1968) Psycholinguistics: Experiments in Sponraneous Speech. New York: Academic Press. Gordon, P., Luper. H., Peterson, H. (1986) ‘The effects of syntactic complexity on the occurrence of dysfluencies in 5 year old non-stutterer.’ Journal of Fluency Disorders, 11, 1 5 I - 155. Hall. P. (1977) ‘The occurrence of dysfluencies in language disordered school age children.’ Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 42, 364-369. Helm, N.. Butler. R.. Benson. D. F. (1978) ‘Acquired stuttering.’ Neuro/ogy, 28, 1159-1 165. .Helm-Estabrook, N., Teo. R., Geschwind, N., Freeman, M., Weinstein. C. (1986) ‘Stuttering: disappearance and reappearance with acquired brain lesion.’ Neurology, 36, 1109-1 112. Herron. J. (1980) Neuropsychology of Left Handers. New York: Academic Press. Horner, J., Massey. E. (1983) ‘Progressive dysfluency associated with right hemisphere lesion.’ Brain and Language. 18, 71-85. Jones, R. (1966) ‘Observations on stammering after localized cerebral injury.’ Journal o j Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 29, 142- 145. Kidd. K., Heimbuch. R., Records, M. (1981) ‘Vertical transmission of susceptibility to stuttering with sex modified expression.’ Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences. 78, 606-610. LeMay, M. (1981) ‘Are there radiological changes in the brains of individuals with dyslexia?’ Annals of Dyslexia. 31. 135-141. Ludjow. C., Rosenberg, J., Salazar. A.. Grafman, I . , Smutok. M. (1987) ‘Site of penetraring brain lesions causing chronic acquired stuttering.’ Annals of Neurology, 22, 60-66. Merits-Patterson, R.. Reed, J. (1981) ‘Dysfluencies in the speech of language delayed children.’ Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 24, z m I-- $ i m 0‘ 5 9 2 3 2 8 20 al .-C z5 -E- \ FI sB ? B 55-58. Meyers. S . E., Hall, N. E., Aram. D. M. (1990) ‘Fluency and language recovery in a child with a left hemisphere lesion.’ Journol of Fluency Disorders, 15. 159- 174. Nippold. M. (1990) ‘Concomitant speech and language disorders in stuttering children.’ /ourno/ of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 5 1-60. O’Kusky. J. (1988) ‘The corpus callosum is larger with right hemisphere cerebral speech dominance.’ Annals of Neurology. 24, 379-383. Orton. S. (1937) Reading. Writing and Speech Problems in Children. London: Chapman & Hall. Rasmussen, T., Milner, A. (1977) ‘The role of early left brain injury in determining lateralization of cerebral speech functions.’ In Dimond, S., Blizard. D. (Eds.) Evolution and Laferalization of the Brain. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. Rosenbek, J., Messert. B.. Collins, M., Wertz, R. (1978) ‘Stuttering following brain damage.’ Brain and Language, 6,82-96. Rosenfield, D., Goodglass. H. (1980) ‘Dichotic testing of cerebral dominance in stutterers.’ Brain and Language. 11, 170-180. Silverman, E. (1972) ‘Preschoolers’ speech dys fluency.’ Perceptual and Moror Skills, 35, 1002- 1005. Soroker, N.. Bar-Israel, Y., Schechter, I.. Solzi, P. (1990) ‘Stuttering as a manifestation of right subcortical stroke.’ European Neurology, 30, 268-270. Steinmetz. H.. Volkman. J., Jancke, L.. Freund, H. (1991) ‘Anatomic left-right asymmetry of language-relate! cortex is different in left and right handers. Annals of Neurology, 29, 3 15-320. Strub, R., Black, F., Naeser, M. (1987) ‘Anomalous dominance in sibling stutterers: evidence from CT scan asymmetries, dichotic listening. neuro- 77 -VI 0 -2 aJ In 4 testing and handedness.’ Brain and .osvcholoaical . LanguagP, 30, 338-350. Travis. L. (1931) Speech Pathology. New York: -. Appleton. Vaughn, C . , Webster. W. (1989) ‘Bimanual handedness in adults who stutter.’ P2rce~iualand Moior Skills, 68. 375-382 Wall, M., Meyers, I.. (1985) Clinical~~unag~ttietito/ Childhood Stuttering. Baltimore, >ID:University Park Press. Webster, W. (1990) ‘Evidence in bimanual finger tapping of an attentional component to stuttering.’ Behaviorul and Brain Ressearch, 37, 93-100. The Spasmodic Upper-body Squeeze:a Chalacter ist i c Behavior in Smith-Magenis Syndrome Brenda M . Finucane Deborah Konar Barbara Haas- Givler Michael B. Kurtt Charles I . Scott, Jr. 78 The advent of high-resolution cytogenetic analysis has allowed the delineation of small interstitial chromosome deletions which formerly went unrecognized. Since the first report of an interstitial deletion of 17pl I .2 in 1982, a specific‘behavioral and physical phenotype has emerged as the Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) (Smith et al. 1986, Greenberg er al. 1991). Characteristic physical features include brachycephaly (83 per cent), midface hypoplasia (94 per cent), ear malformations (68 per cent) and brachydactyly (81 per cent). Mental impairment is generally moderate. Behaviorally, these patients often pose severe management problems due to aggressive and self-mutilatory symptoms (70 per cent). Greenberg Witelson, S. (1989) ‘Hand and sex differences in the isthmus and genu of the corpus callosum.’ Brain. 112, 799-835. - (1990) ‘Neuroanatomic asymmetries: a review.’ I n F. Boller, F . (Ed.) Handbook o/ Neuropsychology. New York: Raven Press. World Ilealth Organiration (1977) Manual o/ the International Statistical Classi/icatioti of Diseases. Itiiuries orid Causes of Death. Geneva: WHO, p. 202. Zimmerman. I . . Steiner. V.. Pond. R . (1979) Preschool. Language Scale. San Antonio; TX: Psychological Corp. e1 al. (1991) described onychotillomania (pulling out of fingernails and toenails) and polyembolokoilamania (insertion of foreign objects into various bodily orifices). Head-banging and hand-biting, along with severe sleep disturbance (51 per cent); are other common findings (Colley et al. 1990, Greenberg et al. 1991). Over a two-year period, we have identified 11 patients with deletion 1 7 ~ 1 1 . 2 through the genetics service at an educational and vocational center for people with mental retardation. Ascertainment of people with SMs was based on a survey at our facility of current and former clients with severe selfinjurious and aggressive behaviors, and/or characteristic physical findings. On diagnosis, it became evident that several patients with SMS manifested an unusual hand- or arm-clasping behavior, particularly as an expression of happiness or excitement. Years before their diagnosis, teachers at our center had referred four of these patients for genetic evaluation based on their behavioral similarities, particularly with regard to ‘self-hugging’. No specific diagnosis had been reached at that time. When one of the self-hugging children was subsequently diagnosed with SMS, the other three were re-evaluated and also found to have deletion 1 7 ~ 1 1 . 2 . Patients Of 11 patients with SMS, seven were female and four were male; they were aged between seven and 51 (mean 24). All patients had deletion 1 7 ~ 1 1 . 2 documented in peripheral blood and/or skin fibroblasts. No patient had a seizure